CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 7

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"Y MA Y Io. 19 17 JZ/rs akeJo o !Ëi:l rateun CE.Pliçoes Il i eLongabeO*h ad B. N. Katz of «8«0114Vuugutte nt theb. bo f M '.. Uolemb Lo asbaugh, over the week-eud. .J. Wheelock spent Moudsy et IigWon Coulgon of Waukegau, trac- .uiled butoiness boesTneeday.d Mser. Cha.. Venon and Jetée Longs. bafthand famill eq motored ta Wsukeeba1 Ohw. Kuebker,Jir., transeted huilose la Uakeeo Tuedsy. kb. E V. Harvey returued home Tues- id u ornlug etter tourngaesvernsl ambe i hranvh the vent Iloeg vimhing the lBa-MON@ ean obtelu1 au» stthe keusilStore-l)rueebrug Co. Mms. Joeeph Turner aud dsughter .eret OMmego vwstors Mioday. kst Book o1 Chcago, »Pet the wI-àd w1u l@tsparmts,. 98 Doolittie sud vifé molored ta Whàeaau tlunday afternoon and called se *@Ir sou and iwo laughterst 0111tv lo o barm of Catile eosp et ils £czail Store for l7k. Druee Drug »ffl Ford hec jurelit-giaa ew Bulck FUre Murrne, vi,, has theexiet the M6llster hosptal. Waukreitn. vhere h. usrwsnt un operati-aiinh.appendicii,1 resoed home Tussd&yý IL J. Drurestrerea.'ted husineesalu1 Bisegf0 olodey.t Igsl Kapple o! chîrugo, @peut Sou- duf as hi. noms here. .e'lmlne Fenlon la apendinge i.we..k wvb ber grandpaestse t.W kbL U , fot Md famlly sotored ce Wilmot Bm1a,. vlas ngreative tbsre. 1,tse Ibea»ttmoetd bousines t goMonda. iii;; e rvi* e sii Sndey. 1111lâYstuAid Soelty i ii ntouton aftarecnoa&4&y 17bb. vltb filMer. Ibomviii baà ociabe luthe ehmb Fridqr nIbt. thevs viliib sous. *«Y 517 5au5lVe, n o U5ad s"um MSS m Bend. Me.. PLmwetoas .otb- -,14TusedaaIkuooe, Ma lm&. Ukbzvst.h.stose o" Junetion. bsedbu.for bu rlaiou Fvlday. r. Cýei Wodrb d vifs bas vu lu Dkota. vers murdsrsd louapS Hce oward Wesut toMIl- wme Ue.urdal 10 @pend e 1ev deois la bend. IMunris, à G. Murrn[saeilr aoda vllbJ,. (. onaéer sud lllbern. Use. IL J. Maruis aud M e.. R. Patel ell Ws Vdos.doy vlîh Mi. sndtMx'.. AcMurrile. no Pba air Ex*hangs. -Imed.d t. luttIe Ras: toui ,y boe &, Oe@ - 7Thee tIl g~w ouabt la vais f* mm u. e for tbl io mis IMÉM prt ndthéis uudeuly PelaI ~Uf tuhDba msedihr elW #Aimtu e ý Umm to. t im ei - OVOL Mo outelmpa0*t FREE WITH 40iOWa v il Duitr FREE with earh de -?44 for lOc with .v.'Y $aoOf OII-0-Wax. SAtomis.>'FREEwU h cl eilon f 01l.O.Wax-2uc ri.ý Oil-0-WaX ta vonderf al for t éting-Use it for 4î.«lsnfg, Po leh- og &bd ena"iug Youuautos. *reatet kunovi' preservative kue"- n for carpote aud linoleums. Unequci for net. an ciL ntopg. pumaranteed not ta gunt or @-u.ik. *rie iuslantly- Iu noniebes tbe I.ish and pret;rve e i fe sud beauty. You eau buy it only At Mie.. Cesy cfigbhland Pp, speta couple o1 days let week vlt babr $,@tser. Un.. D. a. iMnrp4 s.i behalesfdebotel. Mr. and lMrm.Lon Gesry sud "07 01o L t " Zuric, ves" n co d wa t r lr. sud Me .. .C. Malman "ieut - -- ý -- -- 1, ýj 1 S ndal at Mucuwury. 7.1 E. Krv-in-transeted boslasse lu Chicago Tueedsy. A entuber of oui' younir people attend- ed s Long Grovs Baturday Mn. su ad làir. W. J. liane @pont Sun. day st Pralie Vlev. Miss Ceclla Geany vloted reative@ st Long Grave Baturday. MiesAlle Poole, principal of the Grammar sebool viliihave e ciass of nîesen pupils to graduaes from eigh b trade ou Tburoday, Mae3 fut. A cloe of ileven girl viili gradusti from the Waucouda Tovnship Hgh eebool, Jue lot The Wauconds Atheletie Club played the Aet gaise o!fbmhe ewon st Lbrty- ville ksiifnundoy. The eeore vam 15 10 18 in favor o! the Waueuuda boys. ....,oude IVîIIplsy Grepsîshe Doi Sonday ou the iilgh ichool grounde Bine Heu-I (oroveli ofWaueonda aud Leter Harrieofo!Cbliicothe, N.I, wve United lu merrialce et Streatior, Ill., on Monday. Bey 7thi The bride tih hlgly .îteed 1y ber many f iendo, vho vleh ber a happy 30rney thr,.ugh lie. Mdr. aud bru Berri. viliilvie t Si reetor. 111. The four Waneonds a ons D#retlred froi un hu"ns.laftTtir*dtày nIghi as 12 Weluck and a large dIrgatiou vas lun tovan for the final llovout ltbs.dbeen reported that RWdnesday ighi sas lu be the tiuai ulgtbt eaîd thus; a bg delega- Mion vaa bere' both nights. It seema rather odd tu»"s M aucondasamloonleso eao..r belng set fur ail ite iyeart sud l moi&rins aad so it. ,redit that elthougb Waucondes apported four saloons they vsre cdiiducied in a aiosiarderly mauner and the relrlug proprltorâ vers ro- petled throughout th. ceummonity sud vere uumbered vlth the boostecs fi bovu. Tvo of %hem, Il. D. Màurphy and A. B. Krvin, are refiiDtlngier plats as le eramm and soi t drink parlore snd eboatt" tv veseoa Berthe viiimoi ropsn bie place bat ha@rai! it, 14 1 Clarsae ULhby anti Fred Fernandes, vbo viii @Don.opsu it op ai $rst clame pool moum &ad barber abop. Max Audens viii not apsu bis plats for tise proesa, Ialng parebomet s saloon at Meaup, vbere li. toot possesion meai loI yul make a s»v order of businesslu our villagebut everybody amm 10 have tuesu i s a mailen o!ftact si ud pse t0 sss the village rit sauual, retainlug lb. etnsi gbté sud ail the oaly ditrenta vlli bs uarmbsl hbu vad spusd vltb sud the village preeldeht sud trutes viiietmcias oficere durlug th. pear.- 1 LEVILLA Osca Dogla lebavtng ai.aips. a are tbe bud obldrena"a. Me.. Margcaret BAlîler rstnrnsd fion- dey frmiWaukege n sd le able Io h. *bout @ainl. Mie.. oie Barusiable vlated Wauk.gau friands lest vssk. J. U. Pouson va. lu Durlineon on beuieslant Tbursdas. Mn. suad lira. Steph.v moved fron t b louoes laniaetid for tisesetion foreese bi b rilîroa te t b Me.. ROvîUDg ceu o Mondap sud bas ssrvd his sounsctlon vlîb the ralînoat r. IL Sherwooti apsat sveral days l Ilrsi o! ile vsk lai lb cty ou business sa op th et THE1 REXALL STORE' qwStore Tht Saves You Mae? DRUCE DRUG CO. Grayslake, Ili. -J . 1 licottLeVoy the paît veet. E A. Martin @peot Sunday at chi-ag. L.awn vlth her aiter. Roy flarkues ad friend, tir Nelpon of Chcago spent Sonday with hie nother Id e.. Trux. Mr*. Clarane Crawford ai Waukrgean vislted Mr# John Crawford from Friday until Buuday. Chs. Edwards of Rusosîl w&A a Mill- hum collsr Monday 1. A. -mga blpped s car losd of cet- igs to Chicago Buaday. Me.. a. M. Beord le vlstng Iber deuiglier la Wbsetos, 111. I DIAIIOND LAKE j Mime arl EaW bati ber toueîla remov- id ab tbs MeAlleter boepltal Tussday. Mm..AnualefBoume ha.been qulte alck *0 pesi vesk. Ph. e tbimlesAd vil! muee viii Me. lirliow Tuseday aflernooo Mai 17 PI Tamjrfny r usof bM e. Bariettvii be plssd talIoma that abs e l lghtly tupreved. Mm. F. Lubkentan feu sund spreine ber opine quit. menlouely Frlday. Mr. red Klashmbasumnattact o! pneumonie. Mie. J. Brocksam of Waukegau n et 1h. vesk-end vltb ber mather, Me.. A. Boum. Mir. sud lMre A. Ltivel enterlainei tboir chiide.n 0f Cblcaglo Sunday. MesdamesfB. Osi sud Mary Johnson opent Bond"y viwb ibsr laiber, B. P. garilett. WWMwpHarbor la On. of the Most Prorssve Utile Towns Ilà County. MATO WUI 'Nothing Doing' Shouts Louis R. Benson In Elvira Lind- gren's Ear Monday. IS HELO. FOR TRIAL. Assistant Paymaster Waives Examinatiofi and Is to Be TriId in County Court. waukegan May 9. On ben- u5. haies issEma Lind- grem. a malt tram Gneat La-c-S. heg- ged loyig R. Denson. ali assistant WARSIIPSMUST 1 VAL DESROY îERIÀ ) BIER BsS3S SAYS ROSS Reair Admirai 0of U. S. Navy Givos His Opriffon as to Time WW nPeace WiflCorne. Th. will be protongd il imil th,- Allied shis au de-ilrtuth, Ger- man hases at Htelgoland andl th, Ki~l Canal, in tih,-opinion utfItear Adicli- rai Abert Ross, wbo hlait tbhetrat Lak... statiot:, alding Commîiandant Moffet1i lu mi.1etrainilng <of mîî.-i. o? service on lbhe bîgb sear t'he wvar wil cninuî,. untl the Amprir-an 11et is raIs,-,! bflîghtitig flrabbe Wve. Cicago vioro Tbureay. Mises Ada. lla.bastb. Emima and, saby Kuebler epeut the vweek-end et Ur. and Ur@. Win. Dunu eutertâtned bhe fonmer'aancls aud sant sud a nepbev or in. Dunu'. oser Sundsy. « Ur. sud Me.. Frank Vlcîsery sud chlld- e.. violtsd the lattera péiffus lu ChbIc- go 8uuday. Mr. sud lMe. J. L~. Chamberliu, Mr. and mra. Sert Chamberlln), and Mr. sud Me. L. E. Bitter attended a parti eit Llhsriyvllle Saturday svsulng. me..Stark sud sMâter @peut a ev dae la 'Vaukegau rseutlj. MUr. aud Mr@. 1) il. DolPh vilited the lattera aiter lu Chicago the tinet o! the veet. Mn.. AIma Faruevurli sud Charlese chamberin io! Irviug Park vere guens eit the Chamberluhoume Bunday. Word ham bien reclved bers thet e son bas beeu bornigou Bre. Howerd Beach la Chicago. Born taMUr. sud lMe. Leslie Kemper of Cbicago, s son, Mey fi Mrg Kemopen. (onesVers Werden) vas formerîY o! MiII- Bioru ta MUr. sud OMra. Sert Winmekme (il Belvidere.[Il.,ad formerlY Of Bilîburu, MmraBrdy ai Ciego le visting lier brt r . .Th,.n n ud lter M m. The- case eae be trled lni Cour,- ty Couirt for Uf days or more. and MIss Lludgree la demendiug that Beusolnmar* hOu vithix the next six veau. Obie bas appîqmetu th ie Commani. eut ai tise Gyset 14h55 Naval Train-a luig Statonai& ani sdpMeelo Pa tu Sptii othesecretary of tie uavy.- Db. le esle a àmali lincoie Of tie o sV" 3M .. a n d Beuon las .. member oc. the clerical stafxI the paymater's omice. He ban ceeu a armat di mIof svlce lu thbe Unitedi States navy, and b"0 speut five years iu China aud lu Jofsa. TO #UY OJYIN LIMITEID AOUNT Whoiesae HoùuaWUI Sel OnIy Limited Amo.mtsof Suuar, Beans andS RIce. wautemca pople v . Ue lnud ta board stapie articles of food inluthe Issu tGt pnieus vili ajugue tuaa prohibitive figure, or tisat thon, vill be a real ehortege, vil! b. able te, carry oui their cdeaires oislý vils cou- sidembel.dficnitY,'duse t.pthse faci tisat th. relailigroeese.he ame uc pernutte t.tobuy front th. vholemaee bou«sesuffiilntly large quantities ta make il possible'tor 18M to ssil iected that vîuhin a very few montbs or at that dîne vien the American navy eu asalot li petrol vork In tbhe Englisi Channel wvile the Brit- leh varshlps are storialug the naval ba., of Geronany, Eugland viii car- ry ont bIs suggestian, aud tien pos- sily peace wîlI came. A&dmirai Rosa in leavlng the Great Lakes station todey for <3eîver, Ind. vbere he vili assume charge Of the naval training tiers. It le expected tisai Commandant Moffett will b. on- dered ta sa&a 5ev veeko before thse great naval hettie takee Plce. andi wien bhev.. 4« dmhral Dopa vîll retunu te eGreat Lakes station andi asaume charge of recrultlug and training. FROIMONEMAN$5 F ROM fiAN«IR Waukegau, Mmy 7. Sbovlug e revolver ln the face of a Utiantan nealdeiti otSouthiae- nue, a guman Suxiday ulgit ondereu the Utituaxilan ta "shilI ont" hie ea.aud report ban It tiat lise iolti. up uelied $20 belor tise police spnccd their dragnet. Ai 11:10 tie police venue alled tu lie drag store couductet l'y Ioapi Bruzeics aller two men bcd enter- ed liat place sud tolti veird eories uf baviug bien beld up sud robiset uerlte LithuanIen Hall ou ElKth [la, pu sgeren utupueT I no in large amnunts. Titey ane oblged stresi. ouare Do.0n yu IibfrU a. 7e cEf Wlthép aboviitc pscel oui certain colDh ites lun îîfi evelopsa iit themen held <w Tb.scnssd04cobndqlnsn uM aayo oc lb. villarebocfl smsf quantilie to sie eut tiseir b.d attended a tance lu th(, Llthusan- pcigreno ilii bbelti ab tls M. 19. Pieutai venialm, ][ar 10. Ovln< Iô meager 5aPply. lau Hall ou Elglblh street, sud tisai tiueb n Fida @vnta etwhih D. t@ Uimiast vether Mondai it Tia apples prlncfPmlly tu suaa",about 30 men Ircm Kenesaa d tâsa murcb ~ ~ ~ th ou nldp sealg t vlchDr.i .a.t dat - Bllst.k D1trict upetuteamtwadenthe n-'.li. w oMme, v hob.svoru beaus ad ice. The. violesale housses lien préseut. reide la andi mattera or importance tran». bave asserted that Il là oaly tihe Pan- Tbe - lthnuane of Wukegan ià aud MBe.- iendricta a! Inglesîde, atadi tiat assît attention. le-trcken demanda of people vbo daim liai the bot-up vasamne aof let duuda i vtb Br. 8. liervooti. At tie section helu April 17, Ur. wouîd board food thb a keePing Up the Kenosia daucers, siu tic police Mr@. Mary Dairymple le tilI confind Kalgil v«as efl Cas ieor by 31 ma- the ilgi pnieus. Tbey m«iytaiif may go ta Kexioshe 10 pîci mp a cley nerW ad wI h fr aSs ili, bt o bas H» Id cAca forge IL , baspeaple vouît lookh et tihe Yatter vhlch may termlnate ln tic errent or. hope for ber ultimate reSiersy. aov touta bMil en the village on Lsanely and vould PurCi5s e Oly vlit of the gullty Party. Ba moud iartlett bac a nev t"non-. secouaI cf IDUg McOT" 10M&s- thiey ueed Irom tinte te tinete laIthe oerteplcaeInledo George Mitchefl mutMiméeluieKeraon, Wls. lNe tlochAi ab mily tiere eupply vouid tic ample, Au a resaît Hver.leplcaeluîeto Ipt rundey Inla'lffo. and iei ouoelscld £txodp sud ai- dounthe ctony of tic hold-up, and Bn. sud Mr*..Dizon. Or., e eaneid thougio g bo a mil« nte hy hve edued he 'iseof heuntil tie procure furtier assurance tisie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n dagtradien IUin la uIiU O Nasion the iismes eekly ordures hipped bore sud groc-. ther dghtr ad battnd f U i la ali, f«IU ta Oe SaI ma- coru ena are given but a meger aljov tiaItishe robbeny vas commtted .they Grove ou Sunday- b~etieo mi b otisir ovanta. c. vîlI nat spend c greal dccl of tîme Claytan Dison dlposed of elumi bis r.Mu.Enah la saOffcil et tise netgtgthca. enlle stock o! gracerise. dry gouda sMd ntuaiciW ag inestlng pleut et Win- For Instance, one local gi-ocer aI-l. vetlrtoli)cse hu« est amt vst a apeclal ssllng.OiSt Un" Marlouanti bis lattsnst tu Io- ays bas sold about e ton o! Bugs., Oas Luthuanlan sali he ws ai>- sale, prsp'araiory ta going oui o! bail-seal atsiT. «P hlM for the OMOcaB& aevei. lRc has been lilulteti ta I'ebcd of $15; antien of SU enu tie Bos. Ws bave not yes beeu Informet o1aid« the Mmayor. thfl m aetir.. si-100-pounti bags vcekly# Not anîy third, meullier of lie Party did't VeLe enta Batsu P . Ebchen-o nm dons titis mote It impossible for have eny money linaie lothing. Tva busins. vii probably toti O.ou e Mm9y him to e ai sugar lni large quaontîtiea Policemen versen uui lgt le. Mr. Bocheabeslsrbasmot et e but b. neya he duces net hcve enougi streei district, cnd aliheuga tbt7. f" z~Cm1Bniele r oMSe»0liaIIbi se te s upply bis customersinu«Mmal veeu amplieti viti a complets de WADWW -lu tise coauci lta mot ysl assured. amounts. He tg linitedtoteone beg oi acnipIntlof ettisebold-up, tiey did nei Phe otem esame reste, te Iauset bop- 'dre. .JA Lui sud Mr@a(lias. Drav. lassé, aucis an the eppoiuIsntmmof thénie anti onu bag ef besus veekly. run acroso a cman cnswering tie de- 'Selm vere Chîcago vielcr Fidap. Mashall, t otu oëtor.-etc. Pisla lenot se bad for lise domeuti for serîptian ln i trlavelo. W m GlSesud John Rascb entertalu- Pis strsets oaS lalirop gWbodëthtise articles la ualt so peal edrmoyfront Chicago Sna- a ngo BaeDw Te ae Sm orn lesaje bousses are not E ney employc af tise Nanth Lion. Mr sud Mei.. 0 . »eiimmmsr vers in lien gredt v algradaer dravu by lcreRira a oa ie Wsukegeu Bouday. e a«torpilale ac suad thé jJob wuquotiug pnieus an flour beccuse this lcnrR¶na vstta ie Waùkegn Money. a ces. TuraLg inlits ovum lengiis, ccminodity bas becoane sta carce and chance tu enlit lu tic Red Cror.s A number of frleuda met et the home Iis machine perfors" poche Wonder 90 îîg-pn1ced. servie. Certain mien vereSgiven tie 0! Mre. Miaule Lui on Mouday evenlng fuW tet.sud emte n.haïket noth- Honsewives ut Waukegau crs find- day at off oc eeail- traiximen, pub-sta- snd Furprietber niothen. ru. . B. ing. Manty &a Isier tovu coulti leart ncosltnhwvrinheftlonepos advnscinem Vusburg. ou ber 8th birtbtiay. A very s&lessn t l licléey t ronat tua grov-w gcnoain oee.l i at ineilys u vx eto m pleiauseveualng vas &pent hiail pré-lug tovu. Tise>'bave ma eletrie ligittlhat lhe prîce outheicnew-vegtablers pioyes, aslutug hem to loin. The dues en ansd a lgbî lunch vas served plant cf their ovu sud àa vater @ys- liai are eoming lu are qute reason- are tram $2 lu $100 anti iy geltiu't Mr@ A Clark entertalosti ber @loter a lent that la a god nes. An auto cbIe, bing cheaPer luIn any lu- su many men lteresti la tiheten- redavo v@ weet. trck langeovtng asdly and liedm- tances tItan the canned varletiee.. vice Itmea)« a ilg ieip ln thle na- <tere la_____________andthem._sion sidu movemnent là cars for the Br. aeut Me.. Ail Mead sud lir@. Chan.. lcîpai engineering plant la doiug asc n nue ntewr freutis bers Buuday. Cîaoo idpdml oelaesinualaioe isia lsj ary oi»h.Ya anreWg1500 eronfve j er..T. Carnib wInépndn:sor rno lu&I M vtisl odiariuthuueithlnephdnt Tuse&v. 1couuty vestiles eombine, ytuati.h'adpndn laymnaateilu the DUtte diltatee on,îvy al rengtb.- RaliAdmirai lîa e te marry ber and give thelr i-hi!,! al h: a combinh-d ailaek ciini,--1w w narne, but Benson an;wer. i the (h-rniaii bas"-soitsiie ,of ilhe-ran,,l young gi4l's pîsa lu luit t o <toril uto their ovun gun-i Ceriiiziîîs an ,ti Notblug dolug," repied Piniscin i rushed. To brlmîg i aboutl a. noir Theyoug grl rox- tiLotr-r; ,ign naklug gumi- outîanzing hose The yung Irl rou mn n---;fiîthe Germans." ansd ail but 1.11 lu a faintili, tIi lor. Hpmulit marry me. le uusi -" ah.- Attilral Ross arrived ai Great cried. -Lakes au Saturday snd wa- pu-n-i Beneon as bee art sî ~ I ahen the- î-renbnnainjlrt Benied anden rrfwa d escrter d ibialro hîi- warrant igned t'y .the snrg iiil. .adw' .sotdtruh0. anid bis case vas calied foc,: - r s.aIion. tore Justice Fermer ai et ,clîî k 1ast i Rean Admirai Rois aiper-nniifieI olaht. Ilthe ronii[ru lion outhtîî- (ri-a- iak, 13(nso, wo ws rpr,,ii.,di.,Nasal Statico, and lbut for ]ls agi AttoneyWiliam . Dill, 1heê-is no questiin i.-it ail i- . AttoneY illam A Dn.iî, aas. aiî,d ble neharge i- oileofi thec jI xmnatlon, snd bu va-i heîd to t..- -i t (County Court for trial. The - ti 1nelau 1 --a i f pruh)au;y Itlintic girl doeî fnot propose (o ahandii i , iir iiasittclnlsh1no , harge Ilf Beneon paya tfýlu-i ;,l. [nd Itailan i lets iii their aita(,k on Icted by law, anti today sh.- u- threa lte eoing ta cause hie arrest on a-i>hhar,,T, el n uamntitaa a rnor serons b&Uthe ne o whiimlirai Ross' opinion fi; of greai salue h mr sons ise i, ueon tech athe ,alIed nallour-. and Âtis hex- 2. Sur8 lus Funde............................................... 1,750 3. Undl1vlded Profita......................................... 1,140c42 liecaarntlutereel, supeso sud terse peld si il0 4. D.poults: savînop, suhfrcita onotice ......... .....................î, Demand. OUM tcita cechk......... . ..................... 506202 Demandce.rtienvis....................................... 1:w80 Coeshisi". ceek .......................................... 110 838"08V ToWlLiabilîtis .. ....................... 1, 4. J. Crswford, Casi., of01the sBles Blesof lilnole, Couuty o-ài, âê Bank of Lake Zurichdo smienlY 8uýer and «sud sw *"i w tme seribat thea bove sltteisnt la tii Ibi 6 da, of lier ta thbe bst of MI knovls dg. d llef.e A.J. Crawford, Cebler. &.A 'gs I~q pg i Theodave M. Duvet, Prumldent. W. a. Smith,. VIesP» lsl P. W. Ohuvuhii, Serts', ed Mests'ge SECURITY ITLE & TRUST M-' ABSTRCTS 0F MU TLETILES GUARM4TIM Capital $125,000.00 WAUKEQAN - - ILUNQI$ THE -BUYINGj POWER Of the. readeýrs of týi, LIBERT'YVIL.ILE INDEPENDENT is enormous. Are you placing your advurti- ing before the men and womeri with the BUYING POWER? -. '~ i<---~--. - LAMBERTS RETURN NÂMe SËM9I TO SCINE 0f THO3R CO.RISMOI«(S DAU6iITER'S flI3TII IN D1YPRCÉ BILL. A in thpra wlqh to hé- near tha: Tinle thet ber bushauf, Samt whichsIel Iolda char has. resulted tpl. P',has bsen gulity oS l.disere- uios vh a number of tane rf na Mir.andi M 1,6.-rank lAmlbert l i -contaîued in a divorce blD LIed in lng up thei r houle in Californla. Ther Circuit Court here tdfty hy Mrs. T>p have' rpturnd 10 l.aio- Fores. l al pie. nec Petrte, of Wau1iegao. report has il i-iaik i.t,. h.ree- m ollowlng are the Dame,. 4taIra ployd asliva garýneral rte iii) ud places, wheu, acearding 10 Mr%. îîlyeda. hnd ard-n.r i c.-l\i<iTippleý, her huzhaxid vas Intitoate pe(nheî nlel* -t..te- is, . I -vth varl. ou vnent turn to iii.- hoils, ,-rn . Orpi, Nov. 14, 1914-At Kenosha, vlth courted his acint-i- Marlon. Ad& Aldprman. lit siiakiiig avihh-a triend in Lal À Nov. 30, 1914 At Waukecsxi. vith For-i anî.-r s,,i 'Ye mober gnes Wynne. Porst ,anhýrt ;ad: 'Yfsmùler May 6. 1916-At Zion Cily, ti and 1 ihav,êe citîrnd an w.- donit ni r SarabHelen Poli. expeet to 1.ave - l p ,r.-,i piidu une 24. 1916- At 1Lima, Ob% oil11 o!h' hî. i as niliris i lh Srah lHelen Posl. lde m00îlv duî îng the paost tva tioitihu Mn. Tipple alleges Ihat Ihpre are nil I gi.- a.1i-han--., of clniai,- anud a &numben of other correpondmsta, l'ang ic i unoinln..t.- < i hoseenantes and addregos alto bdopa not ,know. .lr. aionoiltr. a jury' in W' ak- The orator sets forth that asle and Forei son fie a uryi. au 1 ber buabanfi vers marrled ini Chi- gan rrlîîrne-d n verdict fnhiin i7rpei cago. Pcb. 4. 1913. tesasysable Ilis Innoceni t of!homurder <of t O-j d vlth hlm Unlil SePimber 5,11, danglc u f- esk fi, hn heu, site ays hi% ellefied prectie" ut fw f4ýs tt-i'thýYceused ber to leave hlm. One chUtd. toX' op resîde-ure in Calitor:îua u lr aged 3 1-2 years, vas borua as n1 etîpar,>nts gave <p thi-ir homiîn aertult cf the union. L.akn Frrest and they, t00. w< it 10 Mrs. Tîpple chargep that Tîpple la th h.- Vst ccasl. Mr. ani Mn rs.Oîl, a mani of low. vîclos habits. 5h. are etlllin 'alIfcimianur- nesya he used profagne and obscene It their -un si li.z n i languag, in front utftieir ehlld and Ehe maluia.ns bho Is <lut a lit perlqan Ulily to bav-e .tqcustodY. in addition ta Marlon iî nil rt w.î. 'iiried asklng an ahiolute divorce Mrii. Tep Lake. Forest. ar(l ir s sad Nlr- Laulopie vîshes the cttstody of the chli. t,.-rt broîght a hoquet uf tiawcrs andd the permission to reaume ber tran ('aforla t l'u unair en ltnme. The bill vas fled by frot Clifrni toputon er rave. Aitorney C. W. Diver. (O)fficiai Publietion) Report of the condition of State Bank Of £sk *Zoricb Loated at Lake Zurich, tatp of Illnois, before the eomnoemmsmet ofbusSes on the 2ad day of IBey 1917, as made o, tahe Auditor of Publie hesoueta 0f the Stae of 1lIlloole, pursuant to Law. RESOURCÉS Lam oneolattedsoutiq .........................2,0 Otser lomes sd dlscou .............................. 48,181 538 *151,.»Il 8 $fet., cony sud ainulelpal bond»a..............4.u00 Publie servies corporeilon bonds.................... ::: t: 0 GObar bane4" mossusitlss.............................2.MIE 81 tuateteolsrptio . . 13,215e .- in hon ...... . . ......................«..... Poiltum "sitursu.............................. 7,5006 5. Dusse Im nkil: National ........- . ......................................95,02078 26,8M3 Ta 6. Vasbon Rand: Curn,7..............................................1%qO Ooid coin........................................ étier uis ...... ................................U MIo roinr ash....c.........s .............. ..... $ 4 , 68 oigr me .sh ureme.. c o l wt o a n l t r a s i t . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ Totel 8mource.........................................41294, LIABILITIES Mali il ý Il 1 1 1

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