CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 8

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Maxi e Pe Ur is. Iring Pay amr.VeaPatteni dan wlIs reeti ience K04W il tri Joliet visitlug et MmM aod Kimn Thé entertalanes a big uuceee bol Mre"au . I l'h. 'Patriatic1 Martusilnet tUic on 1cWnydai nbt v a very Pluet ant Beverel ait ah.lad am *hg oteke. pR 5Vr L. Trppé Clubi rom bertj aflernooa of whléh *M.ed Mr@. Bd1 Monday evelng fI Ovule LaPortâ, lx Ferdnand Tm. home. Thé m exi o rs edla*@ local hua dm a,.u rged tu ads'eha, Frii fer thé puipous o! lb. geood of Ibe1 am.redmai t rjao ett Mm . oou bu.bbx Wehgmwi b b lmnde HanoVtne a>roomt. lxn Chm.. Rangs sccov.clng [rom thi IL W. Kncler viatore MoOd4y. Om aWelrsohe mo-abeck to t1180 If* à» vcf7 @MOT et Mm. Kraaar di 8h. Is stteaded bi nvQB» moe ,Ibm. seil b.e aI RoM lNefgbo- la mm 814.Everom lUIL. IL &"d cu oe, us Sder à hemo'UàhV.De .bu stuotlmgfor &dom$ .8. S. TaudisDar Pr Satuvday 2:W880 r - The Foi lÀike gehool Dstrict are te strik, Cr. .vwmc cauaed by the remoral of. Peler etrik, Cor. Lmnghlan md bis failly-froi the district. ynf pen Monay n th tion promise uto lie luterctlng. 'Oc upnt lu à party of joang folks were culer ift Suadey for a fcw talncd as the Robet Delield home Tues- oin Kenoia des n*t. May lot. A ter au eveng of an @pudng a fe dais gamet lhsartily enjoyed by ail. the cents sstec bome of Mr. end at down tea efetîve bnard, over wblch gr. e O premldcd Mr. Ualel amietcd by bier ra.daughter. tirs. Daîssel. etnde ventth'n . Mi" enevieve McNeiI sebo returned )tb in renditicn and Saturde 'fur a tayat ber letber'e hompe lien,cntertalnied ber concln, Mise. Elia- Fred atintlnglan lefs both of Chlcago, over the week-end. ksoe~~ tatedt. Meredth Bendricks enrolled in the e Wttendatu tur',itti SeEmeron S nd Acdenyeat Biaer Dam,. spet àudér ishlit* parente. Parti" ilven by tie At the Union chuinrc lu leidc the home o! Mire Shadâle ctlurcli eervice have becu cbangred me to wme viel atteuded and the ti, -tr ofmeeiilng. The Y. P. -soclty ne virsel@peut. witlet 7:15 instcad o! 7 o'clock. ie of Ars arc plan. The p- achlngeservice lias becu changed id Croco work lunUth* trou. 7.930 tae o'clock. lie. Young te o*nrtained flic Alpha Mr. and Mrii. OS . 0'Bo.vle seere Wvleun Wdueuiday Chcago gucouta ovcr the week-end viol- îvthela e mbr ing es the bedslde' aoftMrs. Wm. Uyder îBluhuni'turuud home seho latiliivery alck. Bbc underwect an rom a iit sitb ris operetion soin@ wýeks &go and bas been Iden& Ot of the hoepital a fcw wqpk. cyci @peut Snndey eti.lohn.cun ad Paneel have lsancd invita. t.loue'to li Annuel OPenlng eit Lippin- , ad vicntyinîtcreee- cot'. Beit Satarday, May' 19. Morrilil' nute and public seeî- oreclrm aimebeen cngged. -attend a moetIng lin Tberesewa a large crosed ut merryr Id, nliglt, Ma lBtb dancere et ie Kaping dance Baturde>' csttWg tàgetier for nlght. Thé number preniens made orne town. 'A good signe thlak 01 on openlng. Manrille orchietre tu-""liedthir nuuilgood muniec Amang _______ tho» Pr1 otere numbered many front t:i.nearble>owsn. ࣠VMJW.Aller apendlng several days asthUi J Mc$ed home tir. and Mns. Keune>' re- r Iltiti0 grandeob from tnrubi edtheur Chicago home Ifunda>' r. . nigbt. lier le home for the Mean>' yoaig people are planning 1te attend the home talens play et Grays- and two chldren are lake gturda nlght. * mmalc. Word sec.g reoelvcd early Iie eek frein and Ted seere ety prof. panal îtbwonoeh Supt. Simpuom) *lmngof thse lânerete the ppcaenahp gmad- famil>' have content. HerlTWUS 01,of o!Fol Lake, Ir cottage. ncelved grns place; gmîîy tauton of y te note theslckoe.eGavin, second place-sud PAU di Vlter of Wpnoed se typhold. Fol Laka, tiffdplace. ThIa glve t il a Dueneith the b Fox Lsie achool Bras honore la -ehaepltml. Chicago. Arthinette; Onrt hanorin Writlng;mscond basetuls-cWlb>' tie la Re&dlug; third le Spel"ln; third lu a the Woodmgnan hall Wrtin. Gavin achool necive. tirl lu owodWlyiîvlted. 01 Sgelhln, atlu Hesdlnd; gsecond lu "M -eri"e wIl ho9me Wrt"mseond la Arthmetlc; thîrd la de' *13 et 10 go.11L, kltbme. Brick ochool bas second la ce." The service will Bpielling and Bgg Hollose taitu third la childricune.wellaume BeMdg. g aime.seil amt aI boe-ngt, May 11. "W" &à thI le church hLarp. . * l'Il1.1IXT ENTER -Joba ceiter upent tb. week-end wltUi Mr. &a mM. Atliony Dortier andy lltsied41se swcrecellrvit dmc Wlllow Un. Joe Tekumpe snd UMim Kasbinu Hhvouâm usqt Mondey et Liber~ville. md ian. GugeHerel md Gekorgeé ObemdMa.ooeud to Libert"vlleSon o 0Mr. efi Mm .Leo Meenout AllAYIsla. Iowas, on April 29th e 8%~ poumdmwu. Mm. Moyen s wm formerly Mien com s1»T1tue0fisPlace. W1UD lmeay-. a former réeil dent. o bddu towutp, lake eme- t>. d.d en Ma ftb ot hcrt fael- ar et bis hone in 31 9 North Lotus ave.b.. AuAtln. l'uneral (roi ltae realeaaceMoaday t 9:30 a. l. mon- day JlL S. lThomae Aquluce chureli, A»Usn, intervucuit lu Mt. Carmel Celuntey. 1Mr. OlMab.ony wac in the sixtle and leaves a sefe an« two chui dian.h. lied llveci away f rom lAke couaty about 30 years. HiMitDey COntrOgatonal Olwrch c" S ebool 10280 a&m. Guré uevie.8:00 p.m. Thloiaelie * oUesDar" semrvie. Thé pator 11hé Do>. Soula sel uSaIet the Towen liu,**7M P.i. ea.J. Trlckey, Paetor. noue fokUm who 1k. te gomp aue 111111& Whén a(cheBlie about O.. dm beb Mnretobav e ctria t ti 4, Tale. Warnlng Front Corne. Camru gyenA are warnlng sl<li that M.cO &MUMraiaromr feet, elther by ldoegflg tlgt ahoee whlcb u In me de. ëWà ethse boue. of the foot or by weaa tu 840"seblcb permit the font te ý7tisassbbsltathe ic urface o F'mccle MaNiliof Ithe. llralllunolu Cavelr>' vlaitildbis home toîke Mit seek. ]ae le nous a acruiting éabelon lu Chlo expecilg promotion coan. Thé W. K. Kimbali met Imericet la beoai elarged'hy su eddillon on the back sebleliboldea ewasir-preemere mefg.rting plat. Toi. eil make is eliop e leer lu tiIspart of theé cunnty. A large addton ta the, Wm. Golsin. room hba. been huilt b>' Barry Deli. 8014001. NOTES Thé school yard recelvwed mgood raklng fat rlday. This complelee our I"Arbor DaU" vork sehicli vae hlndered hi th. raie. Tse achoolInlimuîng ennonncemcntaof thé lem social evenlon. tao b d Frida>' uighl, Ma, l8*st t1 h achool homce. Thé chldehovbaseveral tva-part ouga of quit@ digliut malerfii and tien lia' Meay polo dril seh te laalseejreplea.lng. " . (Iaeton, a reader ftram thé North- vcetern Couservaer>' ot Drmatieba. canmeted la lavoir ue vitlt everal remd- luge. Thé poplarttv of Mie sterton se a capable reaer wsa proven let Prlday nlghî st a narb>' dltrict echool sere ah. henm -ad on severel other occmiona. This largetaandard- Schoa building va.flk-d ta tUn capactî seth nesnly twoiundred prfoent. Mn.blrovu ha. pséomsed toAi*1lunthe prograus setb vocal and Instrumentai numberasno the evening*s entertalnment seul bave a good cartl. Tic mothefe are 10 uppl une ,tlth gond home-mede cake sheh islli (mte "mlghly good" seti Ice Thé 111h grade bave iniahed théir miartbietcla luheb.ourîli grade and are mlmtmgeM thcliigrade seork, planning 1durlpg lb. naz t ochool your ta prdpeir for grade seork. Thiaseuil maike this la m of "regular" sanding. SIlIeBorasea.bulnereil aur dcie af hegiacr. Rer mothér l laatlug at tic Aulela Bouse. Thoae perfet le epelliog for a waek mre: -Uflisu 9"8l, Genavicce Waluh 8, Ul1liau Labklu 0, Emlly Staton 6, Mrjoris ïWalals 6. Rai'mond Stauton 8, Vincent Skardi 8. Word recelvei tram tMr. Sinmpson an- 'nouuclng thm dateslor ah. glvinq af final y cxcrnlatlous for the elghlh grade pupilà I- Mans tahé bdet placefothe icpupla L' othe tsen 0f Grant at Round Lake, >O Monda th 28th. Ruis for Sîncemît>', The best va>' tao c ere lenIvM to this anillg about Il. De your- eMf and lt thc met take cm ofai 1- el.No -one even yet Ierd of au Inoincmi trec or mounjalu or annuel. maup re reamnla tilt tiev never aneyzeabeueveoor euto 1 oueldo oit ot tl pablm bv r mS TUE LBURTY IA t 1randmother o h usa S Revolution" la 73 Years OId. Subsoriptions to Government's Two Billion Dollar Lon Be- WOMAN WHO DEFIED A CZAR. ing Mde, Raidly., BANKS AV ERA GE $10,000.1 M. Ker.mno.'1, nvtd'Sbu - 1k.,*" Oh,la sAffootlona.tcly Known, Numerous lnquis Are Beiip ite Reluirast. Perograd. Made by People Seeking ' Ei m. seau ..ouly lnvestments. i lgbteeta whcu. by ber owu confession, $be bega to -thluk." Sbc la now sec- Wauketan, May 6. jentj.tisree, sud e ah. @snbeen -dolnag Waukegan bankeres were uncul- brave and noble tleluklug ttirougbout mous today la thoir declaratlon Ibat lthiterual. they would aeelt Secretary W. G. m1 he frut of ber tbluklng la àmeinc- McAdob of the' Treamury Depsrtme'it sage selcliae bas recelved trau) by recelvlng gubscrlptlans ta the 1 Pctrograd That message elle mwalî two billion dollar,*, 1-2 per cent lib- cd tbrougb fort>' yenrs of exile. b1 erty boan.let fcw yearm lu lbe froaco ci;l. o In pedgig heir upprt, hoyYaktsk. The comlng of demacracy InI predicted tbat lhe bond issue wouîd Rusala bronght ber homO trouL exile. ho grealy overcubscribcd. .*. lier Prison place la n0 near lbe miltte 1 cmle h thIe deyllgbîla only twillght The Puaplea BBank; according to for two-thlrds of the year and tbe OIns- Cashier Fulton. lmmnediately uPon lng bot summer lusa nly tseo monîbe. gettlng the wlre f rom Secretary Mc- There ln noasprlni and no utumnu. The i Adoo (roin Washlngton Friday sir- ed the secretary air follow%: "The Peoples Bansk taies $10000 of theI bonide." "It depends upon how greet the- demand for lbe bondsis ai lu bow many weclte. We have sent ln an Initial order for $5,000 and uîay tae Mor, later." eaid Cambler Fiamer of the Securlty âavings' Bank. "Our bauk will tek.e (roui $10000 ta $15.000 of the bonde. I aru going ta selre tbe aider toila>." ald Presl- dent Jone of!thUi Mrst National. TPhe Weukegan National Bank to.ok format action l ic he eek ta taes $10,000 of the bonds aud the order seas la b placed toda>'. Detai. Ar Awnited. laforsuatlox lu regard tb the dé,- talla of the baud Issue arc yul un- It Sp belleveil liaI lie bande sein b e offercd lit deeomnationsauas 1w) as $50, and pocaîbi>' et $lu and $20. elmlar Le, the Issues aBth(le ime af tbe Spaulmh van. -, A complet4 explauatlou or!t, bond Iesue and e moe specific tle- meut as te viat le expectcd (rom Wakegaa la expectcd sithin a ev d&yp. Sous. Waukcgan bankere leet tht tbe ga-atet part of ticesar bond sell be tàken b>' the banisa of lhe bg cties, sud thet fese boude will b mes-kted In the amaller citie STIELIO SE9RC FOR U-80ATS ON TIE ATLANTJC COAST That Chalse N Siete. Waukegan benhe. 19 sot of Ihat type of umen seho bide behlnd "cash glfUà' ta avoîd service lu van lime bas been moustI Vividi>' deaontralcd.1i 'ira i scleeud (bat tMr. Bele b.d given tie gaverumeutbils cabinj cruiser, lthe "Dlckey" for use lu pa. trol vers. NO4 wev.leern thel Mr. Steele 13 &IBO giving the goverument hie ser- vioe, and lie bas alco made plans la1 enlila boa osen crese. M. Steele bas lolned tle inail reaemvem. sud Il la lkely tliaI l i ll be eppoiuted 10 the omlce 0f unsigu. Thiz yl nake hlm master of hi; osen ehip. - It ai180liecanse kuown t oday thal Maiseil Talcoît, one of tbe bet kuosen youug men o! Waultugan, sel become e member o! Mfr. Sîceles cncv, m&AseUl Chane Vasser. M. Steale bas compietud plans ta' bine su engineer, no tic governnient vHi ibh.put to no greet expenseselill Ihe "'Dckev" esschou the Atlantic for- Germait ubmtnea. The "le lancla h40 (cet lu lengtls, idIt laa s ul! cables orisen. It la 0"e oft (lietancheot leunche. of tlie C~eaMYacht Club tient, sud st thla lIme le in a dry dock et Cil- tago 'bclng eqnlppcd vithla enîs Sterling engin,. It viliihave a »ped ss ...erl -il-ee a- no-. el--n.I eoela ounthl.uround al)îthé .*Mi- di et May,.amailbeavy froot fallu Auguut. Tb thie ba ash. ecs set be caus eh b. d loait 't - &** One et lb. i 1. rebat tixote- bi timr vaî mte.ewUm4Vefter Ibm initial a ace .4e bdvcm i Pc- trogie uad semthe Se -Grand- motiser of tise RuselmaReoh nl- forMilng ber tUit thé gauéfor w sehl eh* bad seork"e$ inoabu se».a young gir b.d trlnmpbei; lia tb. bOpeiai throne baid (tteed ta lis tell and tisaI thé ltumalupeople wsediber te aMc 1Dm te (hemn. Thé tirast lime Shaterina Breuhkov- Écaaa smasent te iborle vms tu 1874. abc bu tisee liouse atmeste thé iliver mine. of Kai--tbe. Brut soman sebo Weu ever sautt héla. The deugli- ter of a nobeman endl su officiai, sbe ha sannthe pick and puhed th bas-rselu a mine for lemx. Rer lent sentence wsmecarried ont leus (ban thre yerg. sebe. @fie. smanu- ferrndaiet seveuty-oue tom noisonse Klrenek a (nil 2M0 verste tamiser sorttsud eael ta frosua Yaianlsk Sanie Mdeof (the n.isry 10 seiicb Mine. Bresbkovukaya bas lieen con- demned for more Ua beif ber long ILietime me>' b. gathes'ed f<nmicerowu gin atetemeut. "Evea>' place lu ib.- rie blis leavispeouller poison."~ Toe afriand sebos. affection sie ied gelned an lier it tteAmerics. lun 90 Milsgrand aid soucu of Runeean Uh- erl>' aud of vorid lierty wrote a ews month-e egoa slelter seh indoaîlebspî I lelmodlacloses tbe pallias of a giet tregedh. Bbc srote Ln (bis leter: "Every minute wben I amn out of doors I amn foloseed b>' arose of po- lcemen. and one of thement uera the bouse and even thc apartmentcs wbero 1 am taîing. *It la not digneiu to eelat. Tièe.are 00ean ioexcellent momensalu m>' lifs. The>' are a part aftm> existensce. "Do net ho orry fgr Myue. The oculats My M m osse Merye me long euougb wbeu carcinilrune&' Long enougis fss-%*a«Luug enwiagl te me e buwcudar for vlh eb e bas been veltngapd oklagpncc ah.e ho- gmn in "tlk Long snongt ta ece! people frce-tbat vMa mi anse hlcb bqd euffcred mieues for me rnany eu- tuiles (bat It W d ulsk Im easeml- elupor. IHeindee., Gri anVBrown to WÀJeNIU j Be In Charge of Census l U!TICACT County Clerk Hunde. Shunt! OGrif- fIn aud County Phymîclan Braonsel lie in charge of takiig tic cenuso f Lake county men lu conuection wlth thc gavcrumunt'e plans. Quotîng (rom lb. goverumnt statemfeut lssued leet week:.« "The. governor of eci staeu el b. the chilef ot Ithe rcglotratlon there- lu. TPhe machlnury pi Uic regletretion lu each county l~ a 6 e in charge of the cleint. the couuty ciurk sud the county physiclan. acting' ex-officia. un- Ieas a differunt board chait be au- nouuccd by lhe goïVei'iioi. In, llès contaIna gpopulation of-maré liais 30,000, the regstration wiul ho under coul roI of the mayor and aelectcd boards ai registration. *** "Thie uherif.- or other dcslguated of- finlals. immedlately upon reccîvInit no- tire fra mtbe governor, sae!!appoint rc-glstrare for eci voting preetnct. -The,. proportion of registrars shall be one for ecd 170 persans ta lac r,-gistered. ltach ac ta ho regletered wil compýisé about one per cent of the populatIon. If,_ for Instance, ail 'I . 0,000 must scure a mupply of blcaskg 1nnd copies af registration reguletipas front thcebhrliff or Iront the mayor. Abeenicea and the. slck sell apply ta sucli clerks 10 bave (heur regists-ation blanka iled out. ln sncb case, sall such porion lie givun regletratlos cen- tîficates, tbcy are ta be Instructeil b> tlie clcrk liaI the burdeis la on them to se. tainlt Iat lhe carda reacli rcg- lstrars of tbuir borne precîncte by reg- Isltration day. "Persans abenst from n udr home counties mny bu reglstered hy mail. If no absent a man sbould go ta, tic clerk. of thlic canty sebere lie melibe staylng, o n tbc slxth day after, the rPresldent'. jproclamation. If be le in a clty of aven 30,000 population, tic cil>' clcrk le the officiai ta sehoni ho ebould apply. Tise abselilee wl lic tld hase ta rugister. but ho muetnmal li card lu time 10 i-ech isIprecinet by registrationt day. "Persans t 111 II 10present (hem- selv,-c for registration must sa'nd a competeut person to the count>' or cîty clerk on the sîxth day citer the Issulng af lb.proclaumation. 'Th. clcrk men belsecen 19 and 26 years oi sgt'.1 wili give instructions for regsaiauo. Inclusive, are ta be regletered, the'- Officiais of educatlonal, charitable reglaîrar vould hav aeraiaotand allier Institutions mbould appl>'for seven per cent of the. precinct pop ula- Instructons ta the count>' or cît>' clerk 1 .. 1. the i4-hday altet.a he date of the lion. Il jr. desînable ta accoPt thc Scrv- le, of competerll volUntéer reglAtrars ta serve wtih compenmatlon. Ail reglstrars must bue seoru *"TPhe votlng Place ln Occipreclunct muaI bu for registration. Pull prinled inztructiong coverlag cvery de- taI, of s-ggtratlan vilii ho lnthe banda of cleint!s and mayors on thc fittb day af the Prealdent'a Proclamation.' "O)n tbe ith day efter tbe Prccl- dent lice lsed hie proclamaetion, tbfy clerko of counnUes and cilles of over, proclanmation as ta a cauvunient meth- ad of reglâtrallon. Flvc dayc after tihe date ai tbm Iproclamnation,. complut. regulatiane t .11ieh. luth. bande of ail mieriffu 1and ai tic officlalm of cItices ver 30,- 1000 population. Tii. Premident le eutlaarlsd ta ccli upon ail public officer. 10 asiet Su 1h. executlon of tic lase. -It le expectcd that petrlOtte dlti- meus Wiul olTer lhieS services f ree au *reglelrar." DIAI">'r. !FDBY EXPE~RT >doW«,S I.(>W IEF-P TO PLANT SEEI) ý-"'. ~ £ C 'SMALL 3-P e 1 s% mý - Ç ?&22E-~ZT - I "DOb~P'DE5 îINCW > ! m7.er4u~1 G~N4LQuL.-'tV qD' ~ i 4TKI4QS T" L&TU RAY BUILDSIMmP IN. WAUKE4iNF'OR Waukegan Asked to Mobilize Ship Carpenters and to Put Them to Work. H. B. V'ehstedt, barbon englacer nt1 Chicago. bas seiten Waukegan ship1 tarpeulers aaklng Ibal they mako plans for tie building of Iwo or mor'e wooden bonte planned as auhuainnes' food. 'Ple letter sean ent uut folloselng a ccli for moilisation of lie groat lakes sais>bouldera f nom Cal. George Ooethals. seho bas beun named by the Preaislent la have charge of lie construction of a leet of a thousandl veaaels. 'Pie vuepelc ta 0e huilt on the great Ia*e wlll bc enîirely of goad cou- struction and lmlled lu over-l meaurumenta ta 257 (ccl long b>'43t fel side. Tisa pecificaltion la mcde necesser>' an accounit of the fact tiat tise phupe muet go thnougi lie Well- and . Canal Iocka lu ordur ta neach lie deep valur. A competent naval archiltect viii b. fsrnlised la eaclî cIl>' wiere lh. phîpe are ho Oc built, and il In uudermtood tisaIticheChami- ber o! Commerce of Waukegan seil be asked ta finance tise punciaseoaf tire. sucli elipc at Wauhcgan. leavcs the dry dock. A seireless tCrausielsSrîpu. I1 aepcc ha i aenci equlment la tobeho nstatled on the If e thlug lagsoti dolng Ktaail let seil conider proposais ta build th(, boat an Itln epeced hat t wllvo-lb dolng.riglit. To cet t «oowlae veesele et coel. lnclndlng tise avenr leave Waukeme for the Atlantic - mrne s rui houo that liywilmSUete head chargea cf ever>' repectable d.'- cuest vithin 30 daim tume. cut edgc of th e aatilà qnit±e even pacrptlau. aisea a largo depreciatlars 'Pie Waukegau members of the sud lu thc case of doubleavldtlimate- eu an>' new euquipusnt. facilittis or crese vill uot be forccd to laeumil- ril îopen ilta olia ton sedtli aud place exteullons ta promeut plant. rf-qtslir'd ltay tainng efre egyngutr o. lot ton lbe table vithout e cloth. b>' the conatruction of tieseves-- tIc, dut>', for ail tirs. youug men anghe uicrt ele >ld 1", ievel a nd a Oxed sum as a profil. 'Pise mm es- gradnu a i ofmIlter>'acadeMîes, atimigbtlins e ronsuUic maternai and , vîli 0e about $16,000, represenlinga t and (ling the>' are Ibat type of men didgonil(ad mAngfrom lit- teprofil of 5bcut, 10 Deri cent anthe- sebciCUncle Sa.n nov finds mot to kecp roda balp and eeu. etlmaed costolf ecivuee]. Pay- useftl. CM irongh the, tel&mmuure the mentp li b. made mautil>'. setdtla of trip roqnJi nd mMark et a Thsga troiwrklwih distance o! a .ew'bubu ith <dalk TsI enalcvrsl bc Find Milk Ooed Lubrlcnt. thon cut sill e pair of aberp siei men fltted for (île clamose o ok con Mlur bas heen founal to be a btW th lima.Tt vil!b. vIseth mark seilido more lu lise veter tisu liceau Cettng lulrIcautt(heailonlun a sCJg *»dIef on a placeofetcardboard anI <do b>' casmlng &guis. 9«ar fRclorY t (li is mnufaclurung j 3MUmre selîliI. bs, tienticstb ta blbnd nunIe out o!fî it Irahinp gaeel 5,1vt- **Me5 ~tbeugtl. T t blieus.u cueted liat the - ChemIserof0<Commerce mak, plans for tbe constructon o! a couple \ýOt chips ai Waukegau. and Itit alana aakgd thel Peler Goodbosil. a sii carpenter cf great ahiitiy and greu' experlent.. he employed t ta le cierge of Ibis vork. Therp' are as' r 20 silp narpeuters lu Waukcgan nase and Il la eaid (bat these 20 men couid hulld ai leamt ant, boat before lh- close ai navigation. 'Plat wonld mcai. (bat tiere would ho lIme ta 'get tlb" liolt onto lb. AlîmnUc coast liefare the vînter ice cavera the grect NOW LOCATED ON ST. JAMES STREET Scott Rioks, Colom'ed Man, Has Openod Hotel for People of Hie Race Exolusively. Waukcgan, Ma>' 8. Tisere vas a mlld sensation tadPy wben Il hecause Icuovu thal a iioMe caerlflg exclusivel>' ta negroos han becu opencil onthe Westh SIde lu rie beart of thse reeldenc district. The- exact location, corer lit. 3aes sud West Water streets. Scott Riche, seho conducted a bar- ber suap an South. Genuaco gseI, ts prapnielor. Hoe sys already tIie de- mand for room and hoar shows nec- esmlly for auci an estaishment. "I have hsoweil for a long lIme tint Waukegen neede a Isaotel sehere co'ar- ed people eau mlay," Rlckmsc'ad. 'auj. have tnled ta gel ea uitable locations. I tniud to get the old BSerman bouse but vas not chie ta. I amt afrald sec coon well outgrow aur quarters an tie West Sîde for thure are anî un- uauclly large number oi calared peu- ple bere ai preseul."1 Rlcke e>'. be bas huardreports tiat reaidents oi lic West Bide miglut raine e prateet but mays i. thinka Usure vil! hon> objection so long as thec place le conunctud or- del>'&Apd he *gashe viiisec tilt ticre le uotisgoiectiquel. The ggerclty -ofhosuad mic the uorth thore ile belng fait at lkeniy lu Waukegan and, there ore Many local seomen seba are oblMd ta 80 their <esn cookiug and hoie- sorkasea reltofta faliurclte-0 cmv temate lip. A glane attLth Want Ad coluam (oUed te reveal even anc ai 'shore a girl la aeektng eeuployment. Tbere are a douce pesllee open te sgy girl Weho selahes te change ber place of employment. On the other baud thora are a number of sAda se e people wch ta hire malda. tlhe condition cnover ban been&a. mcoeufa.I»1noir sud the iccautta Ihat Wciuen sebo bave maldu are è>- lng everything Ilu lier power .1e -gr- Iplcetfor tlb.. tarea. The>' arceltnowod afi uToems M eveninge off and even are &Bie&. lu smre cases, te culertali maie t111 ers th tbe perlor. There are a fese le- cal people who take thoîr malde est &ut& rldlng. The bis demand for neelde ie .1k- er portli &bore cilles and ti he N lalusthat are offerp9d lu maaîIR- qtanceaS p blauled for, drewlag uà of the (cinale bclp msay frong Wm ken. Thon too there are sucre«,s <. girl. seho prefer 10eseork l ic hede tories, claimlng lhey can mae am- er seagea and have their r eeul te tb.mselves. One tamiliy l EvanstoO La agi~ $20 a wecck, board sud. room, petemi» bath sud (rê. lauudry te a mail wic &acm cen cook. There ore no c,»IW&n tions. Appl4etlons for iployet au mais bave (allen ait tous U te 75 par eent lu Evanjston. Wlaeli. Lake. Forest and WUmel te. Umela,- ment airencica deciare la le Impoui- hie te auppi>' the demand. ThiascMarIage, te Sianw. "Our Applcations bave dropped off 60 par cent since lb. declerathmet. secs setb Oerma.' rnid Ma. j% . deruon. sWbo opefes au emUu,êmt bureuueai942 Shermaoet. Sean-vm (on. "] am lcned ta beLlcvc M tise gliemare gtting marrli&-M courge there mare a great M g n«roe ercvaprtng, but tienM mani mors thon us»L I Iblua girls oam merrvlag mmn howseulbu semcpe vars- ervlca." Inieendeut mder?, E N0. AUCT1ON SALE mile smilLe.., ut warrt. .four dIf eoothseeet of Wankeaa on thé Ib Saturday, My12 flenoiog at 1:00 O'lck p., *. .p 30ROsgered AShe<1a.&Po"I TENDS 0F SALL>-cÂsH, Col. Fred Roppori. n1 Deatur, lad"&m, sl havechbarge G. G. Woodin, Prop. Wooax Farms. RAY D CI*&e.k I D. BOYD The Wiwconin Laiid Un. WioUSm Fanms with md Without stoc. Liberal Terns. Ruai Bargains. H. D. Boyd LibetyileaILU Phone S.a The maie admirer of the ingenioms app"ic ton. " e smple mochai primiples involved cm nerta hh.domesic fin., out of he« synpathatie underutaning, aso ime - thing lie doeWnt know- meihing about t h e nerve-delllroying, back- breaking lahor the *Electric W.sin Machine &Il y«1 osbave te de la - la io. eu wmd e mp and U" WMa. h aé fl* bieur àI wlU de a Iwuu&e Wmég fMr a anicfÎLb. 'publie voCo Il

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