.Q,, ., ('Vï LlIBER LAME COUNTY1 TYVILL.E INDI PENDENT Lk oetyv Big Weekly EPEN-DENT WAUKEGAN WEKY ". VOL. XXV.-NO. 20. TWXLVE PAGEB LIBERTYVILLE, LARE (OUNTY, nlLX*>I, THURSDAY, NIAY 17, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN >&DVAJUM IIRN IS OUtD V1ER ON CIIMES feotdThat Two More Çiris Have laid Even More Re- voinu Stories.t IMDlION&TIQ__EXPRESSEDI. lehrn Is Reelased on Bonds of 52,500-State's Attorney 18 'Investigating. Itartiiel H. Zebru, former pariijo- IemanaIet "ke Forest, vmss given-a prmaamry laanntbei on'Justice 'huedMn Dougisas of La.ke Fbresi1 'i'Wuday, on the. charges psferrot hi' an 11-year-olit girl, and upion aIe- iDU tUMinslon Was houait aver lo ti. ad jurylu bonds of $250W. liei va.t «e Io lasecrr.a bonduaman and wi eu»y hieslierty' utiitheagrad j-7y cenalders <tpe gtaathe C, ase. %@orts fron Lake Porealt tdai' wiwe 1W tic effect that titre are ait dtoaoddeveopiments wv h i vii e Isil bete iataI', attorney. Thai toer. nwe imo more 11111, girls.,0one au" i et. andt one ageit 10, mho aule osv. more revltieg charges AUMRM sinit.won tie slatemei tht asIms tramtLakeFlo'r.et today. If lie Investigaition milch im bicng remhulei by etate's Attarer y Weicii uhevu flame reportseLte o be epetua.e sMale charge agaluel Zehrn mai' te m& e ven more serians. »ijgntlon at Laie PFresi la rua- alfg %Uh adi Ioi sait that humaIs 'mhalo5e anaite luanome roureee. JOUal hal sono f a defeee mli bel bye 'Zebra linflot knvua.On rugul lameiltiat ho wmlii seci n- mqo#y an tb grunai. tbat i. mua ivAIi' nmabalanceit uhen the ez ei etiacks on lb.emiaili girls tool, "ha. 8h11 another report lin111*1 àebra iiimaie e roInpi t enal at aih charges. lie alw4ys has beeri hrldIn labgla asteeln and iriendn flid li bard to credt lie chargeis madl. arazil hlm. Zehrs, Confees? '?We.the. police of La - Forei have Eecureit a complet.. confession f rom Zsitrn no fer as the I i-yes.r-01.l Ogi la eonceraet, làsthe informatloa. thal cote t» Tie Sin on autiority wbiei seeme unqaestloned. Zehrn, I le put. as preseait when thi'e hld tlid the police the revoit ig don'. Ze'rz. mbena kei t bc he ad 10 say *bout Il. in eaid Iotavba-hroka-n doumainsd adnitted il wms ru, Wh'tia.'r lis has mode a imilar con- feaeion n lie case-" of thie'oh'-!lwo lle gris la not inown. The Lake Fo'rest police hîave dore ail in their pomer to supprees tho de- valle aofte case. Their excuse foi this secrecy has heen liai lies' mish tb eondxîct a liarougla Investigationi beforp makiaig eni' ateement8. DETAILS ARE REVOLTING. 1%Tha eustlmore serions Chamg mai' ho preterroit against Bathel I. zebrn, former Lae For-est Par po- liiem-n vho as houait aven lte drai jury on lta, évidence of a wail RED mu oSSEfle TONIIET; i OUT 0f EYR PAIT1ClRÀLLY FRIDAY An pe, eeingba benca[LAfoK10 NECO. MEN tolgt nth Adiolu a wih im WILL BE DRAFTED orgmioixd. An officer from ii theClago_____ tirane of the Amerleaji Natîoiai : ffliiedtmteTatLk moti ra ne A liary ber. County WiII Be-Cailed UP- berm. Everyone enouid tiru out to thim on for 50(y 1Mon. F,ýýg nd henunabor taken ln at riis 1 Ilghoad b-e yi.p bumn20 FROM__&K~A bepe . onfy Vi su fnflDot require se"ual nllatmant or fild work. North Chicago Wiil Give About The. Auiiiary memaboe do moet of the 20 Men, so WiII Highland work la thdir own homes..Pr n Ato Tbe eliting tommitte, e ParkmadeAtîoc rangements to bave a bit rally ln tbe NO WUEAKUÀNGS. Auditorium un Friday uigbt. whOn When Lake eounty's division of Judge Niuas H. WIcb iii spv.sk. The. the "Conscription army' i1;5 sasembi- Naval Station band sud on. or more .4 for Inspection, the 'weakiingi§' ofEes f rom uls tation am expected tuoiib-doade n nyac b. herm ta tata pa rt la the. progratn. mi ednsddadol uba ________________ are physicaiiy andl rorally lit wiii be FLETRIC ROAD PLANS TAPPINIifox LAKE AND VOLO MassMeetng HId n Palatine ainWh:io Detu f Promot- or s hemne Cornes Out. TAPS A VIRGIN TERRITORY., To Date There Is No Cross Coun=ty ipRnn oLake Dy - PUof he Cunty- Tie tirai deluil. neysa .s iii Illc plans of the. mev electtrierailrosit. muni le to rus froni the.' orti share lo Cook and theaice int lAke coun- ty te Vola, Pz UkLaiesd thenc.- ta Lace Geneva. la iven ln the Wau- cou"a Leadeor as fowla: A bifg 'cra"t greeteit thu eiecic rilirft pramaoters ai Sips Andt- torlsu aI Palaine, Tuesday î-venag. A apecl ainsit ve? te P. L.. Z. &1 W. crried representativem tram Wau conda ait Laisé Zurich. %Ir. Perteli. manager of the - ew fine,. toid aboult tic maork tiet haý amenAs' been accoimplahet whichbabi1 taltenmots ta lrtit 0îlepreBeat statlua. ani t tis are nom reaity ta stafl tie construction mark. 1 The proe«i mili niant et Emanstou. takes i Nues Conter. 'illes. Pari idige, Deeplaines. Moant Prospect, Arinaton Heigits anditPalatine, mitere Il taie, over lie P. L. Z. & W. ta Wauconda. Prom this viiagi the nev Une wiil ruai norula ta Voio. Fox Lake. Lake Geneva, Aatioch. theu mesl aud nath ta Eliiorna au lii continue to0 Jefferson. Wie. Tic lien mlii be opeaated b3P elecrlciti' sud iii give hour service f ram ev- ens' stationi en route. Raiph 1-. Peck, receiver for the P. 1. Z. & Wi. gave s ev lacts rbgsrd- lig lie local haie ait me believe thi. anis' vay the. stockioiiters wmlii re- ceive cnythipg frnm the P. L. Z. & W tg thaugh lie sale of Lie rosit ENIÈIE TEACEERS FOR IIEUTYILLE 1111 SCIOO At ameetsing of lhe Township Rgi sent to mar. tate the exact number of men mho viii be drafted from Lake couutY. but 8Mcers of the stale militia cait oth er estimate that 500 m'ai of Lake ceunIs' ii b.'i he tnifornt by Sep- tomber lai. Chicamo has been askedi for 15, Ù00 men. If Chicago tu calied upoîi 10 give that uumber. Ii.Legeafe to gasy liat Lake caunty 'villa a population of 5500, vilI be'caiieit upon la 'iipply 500 mon. Laie connty han a population -i 65,M0. Wauiegan bas e population of 22,000, 50olb. centy Sent wiii b. forced t t suppli' four-leatis o! the. 500 MO G6venament oMilcias estimaI.' hbat «0n OUI OCfeveri' 20 men of LiÀ&e cSatY hgmtmthelb.ages oM 21 cuit 80 VUfl W irtedethliiyear. Thal meain l ouI of every 20 of mlltary1 age of Wakiga yl lote b. luclet- oU l tu t*lemdraft. lfovdler.ILlaim xpetdthat mien the eau oou« et least six out of evsry 20 of miltar, cge iii be drafled t l titisyi. Waukegan. No. Chicago, Higlnnd Par'<. Libertyville and Anioci miii supphi' six tenuhs of tbe mnu lucompoe the e Cnsuril,- tion armi' of hie country'. A reglstraliOn daY la ta he helit Ini Lake county mil thLb. ext 30 deays, ant on taIt as'evers' man Of te couali' must regisater. He muet give hi> full naome, bis naiaeits' ant hum aie- H. viii ho reauirei tol give te dte of itbirti. jAter the ceesuslai compleleit Dr. A. E. Bravwn. Shein Elviai J. Gril- fiai and County Cie'- - Lew A. Hu itee wiliiselect the meni belmeen tie agea cf 21 snd 30 mbowmlii compose lie army fram Laie counts'. Ail personas vi afil ta regiter la person or by mail are- subject ta Impnleonmeait fnr not more lieu ou.' year. Employmenu of eubstitutes is for- biditen under lie conseriptionb il SAY LAXE COUNTY IS LOCKR CUBS NOW LÀ&e y rrst gil, 1s the report ta ouclo asri nf lducatiou uatnroay emantes from LaiseToret as lhe evenlng they valet b engage Mr. Thorg-D«l. ht n oa ok resutoth le shorY said te have biios.t ou of Bioomlngtoai. a teacheriln the o Club Ke e LoHaslReort tt las'another of te linos littis @tuée Norman aprincipal lor lb. nom ginis,. Il of vion maie Cierges Township aigia ahooi br for lb.e-at Fourth Lake. tigalaiet the dfeadant. comlng year. Tlaere mers hirtgen appli- 'niaI Laie canat la ectuaily hanes'- Thataaie of tes lilli. girls le lu cations l in &, one oaihem baing iram conihed thtloeier clubs, anid that -a eiticai condition of beaiti as a PrIncipal Cbem af lie Publieesciaol Mines evérs' resort keeper ofthlitei.régon reit of lie alege trtenteh e ln Leuis. Caten vas clansn as Aeitant le planning ia orgaailze a locien club ýaj tobav reelvd a th bade rinipa an Mie Rth auderg aas soon as lhe summer vacatlonIsa sali lahav reéivit I la. nnis Prncîsi ud ile IttiaSanber, aarrive trom 'hîcago. InatheIc met p of Zebr a th le report vilci butaee.n ithle 1Lcal igi 1ciaOi, As received is' The Suai Iodas'. gaaiit currenos' t Laie 'orest and eaciier of German-Latiai tu the.'nev 15 mas icaraiedtIodas' liaI the Ieepen athough lic report seenis amentnun- chool. There are imo or tire, mare of a locher cilb ln Wauiegaai hu op bf;evale eease f te tnde ag loitrctos t. b enage, te apoit-eaed a ineker cuh aI i Vurth Lake Ùçhe-abe bcaue o li leite cg Iniruinr lo. .igaedtii. appaandcut tntilla nom posile la procure ofthle chlt, il le voucheit for hi' mente to 1b.) mate at a future o'Pting tiflilquor o! ail descriptions aI lis resart .orne wmo aysa' les' have learnei t ot la.board. Aiilie menabere of the hoardt hier.. ais.tivonily lhe 'consldei' reliall. mare present aI the atunulse meting. Tii. lociair clùb keeper li question Vi. chrgeaiv miteagina Zera Ai. Taagnanioe alas' ii b.17 u ma trrested hi' lhe stalé' atctorniey The hare no mae anantZehr Mr Thogmotou' saary illbfI17 r0cently and aI lie present lime la IF. a aost seriolas one, bu t lai not s er, mbiOe Ii. alrs ai Mise I ater lîacig a Jail sentence. narnisgo serions as tie charge liaI viii b. 100&amonta durne, b.' sebOo -The resort ieepers of Lake-caunts' vlfl b mate If 11he invesllgclhoai be- year anad Ibel of MisesRand betg SSII per beUneve lies' vili he acf. ilu goulu Ing made hi' tIe's Allornés'Weicla monthifor letch* 'te iq o eail pensons vha "aigu up"' pro____thereports______correct._ asumehrs. but tie tate's, attorney, provs le reort ta e crrec, vlla lie c-apertian of the gaverai- The gaaements made las'tlias lre. ralslng hie bal of 12M,0,but itl 5a ment agents. id",flanîniraids viti liîti, gils, reveel a condition ailmant -salit lak-ezslg i luei4son as! mliil rlag abou thle airel0of pdaoilly too 'revoting ta crédit,. and ter" muai as possible, disllkIngtho uset50 laclar club lkfee nl the. laite dis- trict. moulA b. doubla lai th ulit of mani' ns' 0?etbis fO"f lOUO <Ie"Oblies' ar e utting aasr«ymilin il Peoplo 7eére lualtfor tleIsefat Ibt '.1t12i fle.mpubOta lein lu Vgioguat, s. vii"eitn't Zohm i làsait te bave canfessed te A-la e ol Ia ae re 0mealata 1001erclub. ?-'1a io dUsnim saniee ftihe charges. ~reasuiug thoteSoe MS iosii0us Ii 5*25 la oujyiag bs lihenfat te -Wdci id. *1"i usll I" I" a ...u timé,. bwtw au offlted itu on Ils aaum< \ot haushll IOTErS 9MY OBSERVED 19 TII LOCAL CIIURCIIES "motber'. D7'M as observeid Sunday by tii he rntf 11e ebaarcbpg, everal b&vlug sp" Wl vicee in in-, f' Uhiff gor eveaaing and t th e ri..1-ith". eruonè mas --iothêr.", At the.X, &E. iebtrelIt "v.rv mother ationding th.e eïiew-- Pr..nted with a beautifui c&a~tig;n iaudi ther.. were quItea numberolmotiwýrmpre.-nt 1ev. Boum ptëos4 very aine e aimuon 'idô?4tber" al4te clîî,r Rsang epecia -Hoter'. bymà1ý. The PresbyloIui cburclîin the evening hmd a speew i srvie" In honor ol the. niotheri, lb. cbýir rendertuin stcry and soaig "Tb$. gOiberg Of t111PBibi,," giinI the soprÎ 0ol Mouhsbood as portrayeit la tbe,be.5 lnO wi ll Ev. and oudjm4 frltb Mdary, the. Motiier of Juan. Tii.a. ecoru".e, quartats and solos. iMteqarued with resdinu. AIr. Croweil of Ciheo. w ho directed the choir duricg 9lb suce li John U. Crndbly. lesd à*, choir and al@o eanor 0F c4PI. CIIURCIIS Annual Jup Meeting of fthe Churuhoi4btsYear la to Be Held i *fAhohurch. LOCAL PRO9U TO SPEAK.~ 'Church a#a Its Attitude to Comm M~ Be Keynote omf Meeting. On Sund"i' gtenaon tht miai- ter& ont iteie0es of thecCouinon- tionai ciurci.p of Lae canal' met lat the Commuuiit'tut IAre& tu itiaus plans lM 4.. annB J ase meetingoff onugregational achues taeh eiit datthe if lias' aCongre- galloual chunci on JUae 19. 11ev. E. 1-. Reiner, of Waveiand Avenue Coaigregational uhurci, <Chi ena. , wt lpreach thée nnual serna Tiae izeynotp ocf lie ta>' miilb. -Tie CIîLrch anitlis AttltuIe la lie Mrm. Harding,.oaI ls'nhos, viii epee'u on "Social NMethods of lteClaurci." Thomag Muairo. cf Wankegan. miii Introduce the subjeel of "The. Musical Minalsri'of the Cbjai'ch" Mrs. C. J. Just, of W&Ukegan, miii atitreesslie meeting on «T'h, Everi' Msember Idea." i. E. Payai., of Area. viii speai oaa "The Citurci Building lu lie Cam- naunils'." E. F. Kaiee. of Wauiegan. mii @Peak on lie subject o? "The Attitudîe af the Outsider toe i.Ciorci." itev. W. P. CoUine, B. J'. Klee.- cuit L. J. Wiimot. aIl of Wauiegan. mere present at the. meeting Sunaidy sud âsseoteitlain maing lte arrange- mentls. il le figuréd thet t 51leaslt tweLs- liv.- NVau'egsnites vili attendithti June meetinig which laays la coan- Rîdereit one of the big avents of the s'eua l te Congregatlonai churca. Vis le liefitrst year liaItua.e Hall Day churca ha@ -heen recognlaed, as a chunci. It -vas iraugti mIathé Chicago association of Conga-cgatianal cherches Iset Vuesitai. Il la feit tint the profflm tliis year viii be one of liehe ptliaI bas been arranged. Large iteiegalions miii atteni thle meeting trou various parts ofthle couails. LIBEUYVJLLE BOYS ENJJST IN THE ARIT AÀ» NAVN Joseph Bayd, lbh. son of Airs. B.J. eYoung, mbô has heen attodtng lhe Uileraiti' of North Dakota 51 Grand Taris. N. Dak. - reoeived an appointmant tue Oficers Reoerve Tnalnlng Camp ai eFort BSusig. Mfinu. ils nsporled for duS' Liay' 2th. Arthur B. Sheit s wooimate of Joe iBoyd's, viltet Air. and Mr.".S J. Young inaLUberli'villk Tuesita'. AMr. Shaitlab laking lhe ex.amnanalau for aseistaiil peymaer ln ltae Navi' st the. Great L"kssNaval "ttion. Mark Nevilie bas enhile tthetb regular taman sd expeete to- go bla atiicg ldi y. "Ltat Mondaer Pasligr f mail b.qoantsr ea MW1.bl inc t*m<.4onittbaliaadtboa Idem LOCAL DEFENSE ONN1E W. CLOUSE 4ND 'SAFELOWEIS LI3AKiE IS FORMqEDfr,' onday moruaug ait 10 .,(uock (eorg: WRECK I JD I W. S. EITft ~AD United lu th. boly bond@ of matrimonv SAfI3 O R1OI _________Th.'y maarried 'La Cbicago. The Varlous Organizations of the aheb Mrdnj.tib:IIf"' ' The Second Robbery at Art&h, County.Send Delegates Io arsdn fti lcadwbo baàI Less Than Week Som VU- MeiMonday Eve. for iii.patwtive yeare beeu thepaârta>er1 lage and OfficilsR çtt f oh Clelnth i ri f ol &Clue 1 ta Use of H ounda MAY HAVE A, TAG DAY. ibhu conducis tebiliar, pol an Varjous Means of Handing Fi.-Brne,. Bop. Tbey came direct. ta NPPLV4E nances Discussed - Ken LIbertyviUle alter ithe ceremnansd bave OFICE SCMERE GF<7F Interest in Move Shown. go tebr. eng Ur uit al.t wt hsh à Meetng of he repesent i youngstere. Everyone gel in on theii. FWy lo Arm h meeig an l ie repre ftliai gre -W." le Passln &round. AUr. Looted Soo -RuaIhum i ditricm comostnlas he Hoe of tii' Cloue@ baha aide circle ai frade.m i bis at aoiGneu district ca bpouiet ti.hoIeftiegnicommeniaty Who e enuitotahb aMdbisgd ê u ~ î L.ane a hi e h Wuegnvle their congratuations and hosi uw@ M MUýIIIlIl Chamber of Commerce auditoriul i.ii..e, h* Ej4 MoRdaoy @eeina, MaY 14. at 8 o'ciock. The*f0lowing wme. tresent. repre-sfj.~*LOHUO *4TIFAL santlarg Ibeir respective oraisaatoas ~Aa,~î,84 .a-Wia. John B-.Ifulton, Lake County Bankt- cAvetr«, Ai-s15, 8:4 tip. sf.t a.t erg Association; H. C. Burnett, Lakte fLj4jc tJJfllfi 1.efom Aroae thf esd twl Coutk Bankere Asacisaon. Clarence t 6O N hae blod thau police umeral to ise W. Diver, University Club; T. E. Mor. JPÂI M ~hove ldthe poli« cerrldnl ta *0 ris, National Enveoe Coa.; P. P £À5R<AER NE thoe jdgt oice h. dge Sha p Honte, University Club; 1. L ,.,Rog-- tiean. tse lof .thse dalle toIr ors, 'Commercial DePartment of High Gomerment Sentis Agent tathem be tihco.~ ie ~~c Uchool; A. B. Mltoia , publie sehols, akgnt an gJ gi.o.,temte t@.Ws«pleqas al. Gardon Club; H. E. Ganster. Rotry )M n Joya rn t ga t allais folo«d n pgr e q Sç Il t Club; Lenis J. Yeoman, William U1,. lhs s»f&amloedu. T M Uo e StrOng. University Club; W. 1. Lyon, VST NZO CT,10 tcameghestt. The am f isa . A. V. emiti. patrol commttee:1 . VIIi.I '<' IT, T .cun* rtsuiciongthe mer U»»U Holdrldge; County Board of Super. ReportosuspicioonBuunding Ce kas**W@ visOs; Chas. H. Kinxg, AmericanIzpa- R ore we fB M lion cOmmittee; 8'. W. Buck, nember ? meHad i nd Pentmis- of the Defense Council; William Il. 1 sin ta FN 0W Gly. Ares a, aif'r.-Wel, tii. jlh OMMsa Cbamberlan, patrol committee; B. R. i.l da ii .ihjgte o lsb. ing .M 0»Sluhdo Gobrecat, Y. M. C. A; UI. O8 Th- eo u f cthed StSe.s itttrtching Ut tl *n cà bs -Wvol nu e . us!. DefenUe League; John F_ Bar- boe' rns 1 n the shoulderm la the iWbdd6,am ret 'President Tarmer'. Instatnte. of more a aneOlO Wauikegantte tn- vya Théee ve tan or tweive lan tiess # " alIs emIe-îof' lua u Preseet, flot reglotstG. but rlrsenti ng o-. #«éwarueit tiat & rgWEl_ bars -mo Mel dodo, tim Ôt - CK <tr*-aesi ««- .tlr 9Il _111,114 4 111Ons thi Waaakogan and North Chlcago Wo. ul sio wXMoU R asotla thiaiho- mante, l mm's Club. the FWedoo0f Wo- ling = forl th le amio!tiei Pot p vi tw mOff mgns-eluh anditthe W'om.Wselief .1flM . .' ¶u eCorps. etc. '. Te.Ublted, State.secw«rdtselt ' éi st 1 Cha"rma:lalliet 4M4 net enter Wsuan v ft iml a Cbra-I h. 0of Lthe>tef"o a brssband at bis e»" o. t ent ~t e b.*dbjs. prést".îeeided andt cslled themeot- rival wvo. kpt p@egnusM, ibu t i t -fha # tshi ?*@mt: Ing la order. each one present stand- hour afLer I» stopped foothi WaIe. - «d Mly f.Rh. si Ing gvin tei nae ndorflivgen i t as an estahlined tact hhat «M 4a.. Mis e lI ing.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i ginthrnaeadogi-h.bad ,conferred - mith noverai rm l ~ ~ lion represenled. pent aui21elt0. ait hai van_ The, secretari' mes cailed upon f0a. them uat tisr every set ad utter- c'.eai tisslM5UdowI MWlfS lI a statement regardlng the organisa-, ance mas helng noled by lhe gaverai- Ions aO, wiuay. tion of the Longue.,iRe autbority, pus, ment.,eand liaItbey wouid ho regard- M.eday, May 14--ftaomenhis pose snd what ied been accompiisbed ed as "alien enrinbsand wouiit e the.Mne inlathe. &.L. Trlsp Lauko. - inutdif they falled to **&but up .5. n o oihh ta date. andt keep their cr-iicisme of Pres: a- d011cadfo th t Kar. King, chairman of speciai com- dent Wilson and ofthe nation ea. thae. -1 mittee f rom the Defonse CouncII, large ta theasivss. Ths econd rohbsu'y mithM iwsthp-u read the ordinance vhich bis comxaît. Waukkegai vspflotthle ofliy- it ban tiroTM eulloisiestu0 -j-mUM. tee b.d drame and pres.ednelia, eetnrti abres vlsTtdlà yla e'lnwiil. upco snsl. u th cet serorvice a gi, it ta rogoctat. -iaî "lin~ti~lé 11011 adoption by the Waukega an ad North ii scrtse*Me iut mmut< Chicago lly councile. recognising t4 Ciy b o dr lhe stars Mdait s bubns b5fl etYIm5S OU - it: Home Defeatee Lague sand lie four.- flouaifrtrm very buldJu sie 4 cate unitht*itme ow lion. A letter frona Mayer Cbrisen- texte t he ti. overnuent. on:"la tlaere a Dr. JOWfli6", Mr. sen of Northa Chia, ofleriug bis. ser- Ror bnuItn heit' nerofBd«Ilig nt4au1I1 vices ad co-operation was aiso read. hait oriteeedthie government esu. Dodos àl ondai' ait r*obers, w.. The foliowing members of thae De- plOFO!n e n l oli' "I Oit GlorI"t mas posemmd e wbmuiomool hq of- fense Council mere reported elected: iearned et 3 o'clocbIliQat lte atarji #cs doort enteed the. Tr)ple *b& and stripes bad been baloe e YeTby caretuli' placei drimSlte or W. B. Kelth, claairoaan. lbe building vithin 30 minutes ailer ntro-tiycorie ixhe tIidet thcf it Paul Wiilis, secretarY. tie arrivai of the, anvermngent. ...fand thon mtepping te 0" mide, John Shermin. The. governmenl tala " hâac.- w. flot of men of Wauroan vi.ne" oit IOii the futse.Te eq (ContInuait on pagseis.) watchini. The governansal la arrang- vrecket, but the eitary, dodo VOI- Iug la place tuants over lii... nen, aat be charge anbdt lb.ywu do- SÀyS M STÀySaMi It W'iii ual b. tsin If "M' fealed ln their effort tlbSot lige. lua . eur days turne imo or titre, meu SAYS lIE STAYSo Waukegan wlo re of German Thu. wiile the saemaunua YOUNi -BY KEEPINW vnl culpyenoliswmnaedema iien lot c argte ob».sse TuE I>CTOR A ÀYPh-. ldentf mudid aaot dores attabchha Home! Hendmoet bugetne91i "&lien «Pioal frtsalbofat oe. f beat HemlHasn'tt Hady a Phhosiclan tention0andON [ W - hait gilsInuits. loto ailt lea rool selsof tiach ; otv~l.pa in Last Fifteen Years. EFICOFL tECff E EEtmygoampsia.imue Thal la. alsys Young, bale a and e loite matec« tle,Arm en hearty hi' îeepîng as far avay t&=om WaOfl lths lw Ub5rtyvrilel ePiipSi tva tiust occama. iiot tir i tie doctors as hoe c au, wu thenIate- churcb, mhleh i ala t ae the place o? lb. pr ponmiubb asi. -##, é ment madte totcy by Romer Hnties building duetroyeit hi' are a Oser mentheti uier p:l iii4a.a or Antioci. mhoitnla91 yenéoit. but ao mestnei as es.ai ieIINfuis bal" YU't :âd vM - wha appears in spry as a mmn 30 -or iaaywr fealgi n n 30 years lis Junior. , ianr'mrta talgi o oaat sactl onr euras tipa' loifr leas Mr. Rendes camne la Waukegsn Tri- diging trenchesior the foundallon belaail day. The queistion of his aie came upi gosaraadvaaced hi' Mondai' morales i atmbl ti..lb e b Someone itoibted hie staltmot hhat hhat lhe pourlng o9 osment. couild ho Tle tomobie tgta spsnabU s edu a he feels met as s'auu as ho dit man! eu.Tb o s uclge0 n a'ni. m cinste resieubcit lis. b-et years ago. eu.Tewrlalchreflpr.thceto owm e»o -bb -1-1 prove it to Yaia." bu sait, sui tendeut of Construction Chas. W. Eéen- en lel s n otirqLà bdid. trot, min ha@ elgbt or ten nson haDdsth ..t M . 1about be danceit a Jlg *Illa ail tb. The building wyul b.o1-shape. the north ,ae Ares ad amutodittl'm raili of a Younig man. or street end mlii b. 34 feet mii., tlb. milci Ibey ist e r"_lietola'5'lig: 'Try that." he adylseit. but there iteptb of the.. uildiqg miii ho 71 fret ad Ebverai tub, et botter was rioonue who feit upry enough te tbe Ise of the. Parleh Houm e.. icbmii a e l oamn Mmm artempt It. adjolu the churcii building Io the. rear . 'ieo or four hagj u"a "Nov do you do Il?" b.ovas aset. miii b. 25160 and wmliientend 10thesic Vari Tf mhlch ho rrplo t hat tsesecret veet aifliae main cburcb building easmto n lfis active nid ase te liaI bo keeps Tii. church building wmlii b.86Ifre thi, M the itota.frs a ar oy n Possible. heigbt 10 tie riitge. sui tht@ Pario teh nhae Ô s rut q iaventhbà acdc oier me for Bousevlili b. Imo atône. Tise eairs Of 'X o 16 y'eu." las salit. 11 came hothe. structure mlii ho ai brick anal cl»anud 0ontS rconclusion lhen lMMI ioctoring vas covered it hred t 1e roof. T» et..nlnrla -vbO"tq 4c4 l isrgerly a nitee cf mutlgusss- viihave birck exposet wals lewtb 'i ."Pm Iag. anc ed Id I.j ogua= os ut pisatorsipaneis and lis celisi miib. -as veil or a s is' Itsr .hy. liedtàs. myset, s l .. o ti ni. eP$"*tu havs a pewaioa r~ teteaus about lie *trotte or tla Sslil to bhla a bIgre Mdjfoc ia esu Prsaso eux Vesuspeut biNp.age. uion viit" e ilb. vuS. ...