CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 May 1917, p. 11

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"PA, 0, JUOTWHAT T4E JOMI WNt Have Cormpets Careo 260 Men and Women and DireotWoek çiii rOum. Dr Prederlck 'A. Besiey, born ail raised lu Wauiegan, the 84 etf lh* laie W. B. Besie,' and therefare grM.daon of William sly, ~6o th orig4nal Bealeî ;"WpIl qWU boas n, t date, iiqO Aclird the. Sui recognition of »Y,'Wankegelil la 'the preuit var. Df. fole,' vas selected b,' Preuldot Wilson as a momber of the S*;tiu Counci l or Defeue and uamed mir ta hesd one «, te unit o Ifl modical staff-, furthermore because of hie absolute wlngaoese t go te Pnî'Frnce ai the bead of te unt lie orputnsed. bis bau been thefrgt unit chbeen Lnthet»countr,' ta set or- dmrste be ready to tari for the Fr0uch battlëeeJ4s. And. bce la liable te »tart au,' day 00w. athoqbof cour. under mliary rmies. il wll net b idâted i wen bo leaves. Eaine tbau site ho gpt ordurs te be readY te entraîne by the 15ti. Dr. Besle,' wsu ii W"uton, uli- der ordera. lt we.k pli was expect- ed back la Chi ao Ioda,'. U.qw did Dr. flaeWy hsppen tebeb camed head oftte ituit?* How docil il -bappeu that hi WIile lthelOral W'aukeganite sa an offcil whe wil go Io Europe Itere', hh* an.4wur: la the Maxieafl criis a fcW liru$ ago, Dr. Murphy. of Chicago. was uazoed b,' the. gverument, ta organ- Ille a h"itai bise on'tne border. HIl wa III n1tiheime and unabie lado Bo se0Ile turned the. mater over ln hie iriend. Dr. beie,'. The' latter pevfeteidthe base l i .ihitpe aAd attracteil attention lu WA54ingzle i efficiency. Az a result, hoe wab one ar the. lirat picloed b,' WrAbing- ton ta iead a uniL, Dir50ted ta or- ganize the unit, lie cauldthave de ellied consintenUta g t trec because there le miaci for men Ilke hh >lmta<la ber. ai baml. BOL, h. wau onsft o! is. who ,ild a once tbt lie wus ready ta serve lhie coula- try viierever lie might be called. whie others stood ba4 and said they prefrred itaring bere. Thats why bis unit wu theii.Ol.ue chOfen- te go ta France. Whet the Unit I. The unit which Dr. Besie,' organ- lied and which lie wili have entîre char. of. cousiate of: 50 physlians. and surgeos, and' nurses: 200o,'oung nmen, wiiose dut,' wil lie cierical and apything else they j may lbe ca.led. upop Le do: De army major 'and captalu lu or- dur te give the unit militar,' stand- ln&. Dr. Beley, commbmianed as mjor -11iiinlucoue»ete çommaudaof tbxy unit . Au interestlflg thifgla i that thii.unit 1le comepetely eq,.tPpidtl h sugcal inftrumaflu t. mdicine, p~ te plan belni g t tltwith 'bîm ever,' pousible tuaS 'tlËey mi,' pend an the batt.eieled. InqViry sI.ows .itbt very n» th. of te U. S. hosptaihase, have been foull, eqtnýPp¶f ang tual SmaterIal. ,hs4ng roqcted b,' the Rled Croce, l clgsenlttte AliUes and net used e oquiiP llsptd Of tho U. S. Ft'a teIat'y thé laittrhv been able te taleclearc of tb.mselv4ee D arnn the absence of Dr. DeBeeIiii Wasahington, Mrs. Besiey 4tas uet been Id 1> e. ln adeltli teta er Wurk 14i *»e Red Crass,.#e. a autd ?S 0; the 4octor* necIWalfiPlrQ Z whcb Dr. »ee)ey i tqMq tiD9W Iffr rince. Mmre. Bellic,' ippes te go aver Iater ta work lu the. rucolving station ln Parifi. ...iother Local man in Unit. icta Blnteresýt q. powtehet Roh ert Edwardiqs@u of W --. t,ilrd of Nrthd' ksu treâffl ase i he medîcat corps, 1 flu ýP Dr,.1eiBeîcys unit. Thuti., there wili bie Iwo Waukegau men ýn lb. Promth unit when Il "reichea bha-, forol&p shore@. Mr. Rwards le now a freh- man at Northwesirn univerltr.( eniited il, the resIervua a we or. Iwo &go. lotI .m..AIf nnot4 p'aq ,~~Iept id~ tAM ra- r mvreary, but eltuis out -f e vue thet Immnortal garland t'us fer, mot hout dest antd l. V da FIRSTr*(PEACP IAA FIÉS T IN WA~ WMamgun lanWl.- )mg Ord" orlt TalcS Unit to Frpqm ati.,reist. Farw~.r~l~~p -a*a OST CROPS ARE NOW IN. The Catholle-DrqctorY Census Shows Figures for Diocese in Whlch ls Waukegan. GROWTM HERE IS LARGE. Wauk egan and Lake County Possess a Verv Larme Catholic Population. Th, () licg Ca hale directnry, JIIKI publVheui b,' P. J. Ke-nne-dy & Sons. New York, giveate fOIlowlng sta tntcg for the pat yc-r regardiug th- Chicago arch dioce-se, of chich Wau kegan lg a part: Nuuibîr oh Archtihaj'e-1. Nualbe- af Titular Arclibishopa--l Number o! Behapa-1. Nuintier oi Prlests -841i. Churciies dihREaident Pri-tb- 331. Missions dihciurcica-i9. Toal nuniffier churcese-86. Numbxer Seminare-i. Niuber o! îtudexta-1116. Collegea and academnles- . Parisbes with sciools-260t. Number af puplis-114,M112. Nunaber orpban aa,'iums . Number o! orpbanra-268. Catholle population-about I1,150, 000. These igures show a good iualthy growth tirougiout te diocese dur tag the ,ear. The growthin thle Catholic churche>e o! Wéxkegan. No. Chicago and olher parti of Lake roua t,' hae dune mîxcb ta lncrease the gen ual grawth ttrouighout lhe diocese Towermnan Takes Botd Course at Crossing en the Northi ShoreRalroad. Kenotcha. Win. Ma,' 1-5.Pter 11W sou deralled an leçtric car todaY un te Chicago &kMlaukee tîterîr- line.litanson ta owerman far the Nortice8teru raiiway enuth o! Prairie avenxue, Kenaciha, wlière tbe eïecîcie crasses e tte arad. Inc toermnan derailteete car ta preveut a' collision bulceen it and a »ý-lp :siaenger t rain. The etuctrînt was jBpeedixg :5 muiles an Ixaxr and 4e, keeeger about 1111. ,$ixtcu 32 pagsengurs and twa nqembere aofte crç cure crowded 011 the Iletrtirtan car, a tragrily was aver<ted. 411 occupants of the derailud car Incurred minor Injuriai ar bruises The train goiug wusl ces the nec Irain 011,tne Norbiceslcrn Whi m akesthie nîornng unta t lielaite distriçts. lb la soimplghlng of a trang-' ti#~ a colIslQn <imminent, set eiotrtc. MotorinpancffleAsr.l4 the danger. hati set hisera a aîmd made a ýýyoic effort *pebaQs The pas$pagers were. UIrcM" t4 cabq The warm weather of Monda,' caued the fariner, tg ait up and take' Boîltce an$ as a wile ttiiy are gel utn ready tg plant their corn. AI* 0y hovball for nov ta two thîng- ~t, that a gond warm rabn will comt ild that the warm weatiaer.wll cou inue. A pramîneut farnier sail Ir ýeakIng af the malter. "The farmere ixk some cases have plantedl theIr prn but the weatiier bai beea no cold S it It tas ualdoue ver,' niecligpou ~e have ail beén waltlns for rea' isarm wealher to coin nud Juat 00w hesoi la ln a conditio n wiiere wt #eed a god warm rain. The cale enwlll do mare hLrm titan god and we are hoping ttrat.tthe change îa weather wili lait so that when tht rain do..sconeit wilb. et a kiac hat will aid material,' lu the nectit thal confraxîl un ait tuelime.- Plautlng generaly bas pragresae( durxug the lait Limpie of weeks lhi aout Lake count,' andl as a whole th,' cr00. are comtiig alan. lu fairl,' goor, Phape . Hoveyer. the dreuglit whlcl !ias been cofiapicutous liis sprint ha cauaed tle Soldâ lu te aur,'back ward aud farmers moV'la man,' cae.. declare hat Ueli, Vatiýrù are tw'r Çor tiree wees bebinti wbat lie,' ex d.narky are athitImue o! year. Tii' Of course make. feudlng rathier ex pensive ase comaed la fariner ,'eaî-2 11 lx, a nolîceable tact that titrotia' aut Lake count,' iarnerma as a whol, have piowed their grotind-.inore ggui erally than ever lafore. In fact il looks as thaugli evurybady ln Laklnr advant.age afithe slogan "plant, plan. plant." and iai Lake county thit ,'ear will bave a bumper crop lnali, kinai of produce. SIX MILL ON Po, SIL",S lm cOUNY Twenty-Thie CrlodfQiSilk From Japa, }adsdJyt St. Paul R. Rl.,Tuesdy. GIJARDS ON Al THE CARS.- But, Ope Stop Was Made in Cou2t- Engine-Hadto"'wo at Rondout'for Water. Tweut,'-thruu carloahli of silk, val. oeil at $6,000,000 pxaseeltirough Lake cauint,' oser tbe Chicago, Mlwauke & St. Paul tracke an Tucada,', on ias wa,' fîom Japan ta New York City'. The s11k waî unIoadod il the orien- tl wharf in Seattle on Thurzda,' el tant wqek, ani la eebeduled ta rach New York Ct'iy an 'uhuraday nlght o! Ibis weâl. The c94llgamaptinlethe largeaI andi the. mont ilaluable ever shippeti aver rails ln Lake caunt,.and ai It pasied tIýr9ugh Uqudout labo Tuesuiay, .ter- noon emmeel guards wure pnecu ..n nil the ca rs. But on@ stop wae madeie l k fouat,'. vojaUWL t~twaà w1uqp lhe englue 1-0 ogt « ws.ipr ltar Rgidory. Wh4n the Itrancame toa astop lu the Irejýt hI jrdsiq Jýenout lte arzmp d uade thock p. their Itpnd at t e cay goariF. on çqçh ieli t . ahorti,' iter Lb. uppr iaur. and lng re e teçMr;O fl. Tit l ii~ 3ecl~dcO~xmDiIof .11k te reaeh 0,1 iehied uti ate front Japan ilit six llmýtI4îim. au WW ho ha d a Co î a~% wêm ~ or ahtAL Um*hm b or pwp"e'-*4 ti eta*4'el de C0i tui B pdward Grady, son ai Posînaster Danilel Orady, weit ta Chicago Ioda,' a talce an ezmltItli ln Ln effort 10 îualify as a MefWber ofr[ie lUnited *tates englneerltg corps. which soon -rave, for Frano. The vaung mnuin -xployed la the local yardls o! the. .E. J. and E. Webter Scot wbo auffered a bro- ken leg ltaast 9jitomobile accident a few wieeka aço.-PJef remuoved 19 bis. home troua th.p .MpAiiter lospial to- day. Tii.ebAttled fragments oi bouel are held ln place With a iliver plate. Waukegantes Didn't Heed the [mnh êdhéyW1I Have 4PayIihePrices. MAKE GLYC ERINE NOW. Samw,,Stutf Used infflanufac- twi mfSoup 1: Usèd in Iking Glycerine. Soap te aelling at seven cents a bar toda,'. The. "the.kind 'bat loats' ai %vot A reLqolutioiifor the, laving of 3Jolh athle kînelthat inka' bai been ad- ,7ount,' striCýt fiOfl ayton itreui ta aued twc cents a bar. Franklin street,- vas pabsed Mouday V,3at op %4n op n te -iit b>'>a » -4 1ý iap, wsl-Lg- oa- a1 o 1e nenus. The Ptvhm& là tatu e otbrick 1kli. vxnu.ý.. 4nprice tls i.orning ,Mad will be 36 Wet' la wldti. Thc wheU iii Di1ce was ofdvanced by t le stiinaled coul 'of1*the iwproieluent la manufacurera to the retaiers mp 21US1.94. Waukeg ansd viinity. Campîxjaffre, uttoated on ixty-sev- n acre. of 1An4 Juil uarth i lite 'aval st*tLonu fr~, bas been re- tam ed Camp .P".Jouei, in imanor of bc fainous naval hero. About 5.000 ,ien are qp.atered lut thie camp. jewelt BuÀr$lW..Went 10 Evanstoa oda,' tea ati,-4b.tuerai cf his -ephew ROwl '.i5tw wiia dii jn an Ilneis of aver a ,'ear. .Itemmu iwae .- Roae aii ceineter,'. C,'clpp DIiU 1"d Jitu .lril a vll muet iun a "~t #p bout ni t e Workr' H31Uý1.14. eguih s4 i. Titi" s thespe aPDi.*e thiese wrcstlers iavu met Jnl iurest ln the Cii! ;Orne. 01 thei$ !ajsver,' -x. Guerdan Green lftI la»t iiglt 09)1 The manufacturers claim tbat the saine 'materiala" are uîed iu th- manufacturer of ioap as i lu i'ccrlne j ad as glYcèrinu lsa a ar cOlmad.- t,' ther. oums a te bca gond reason fur the advance lunlihe prlce Of sinuP S Wlti the price oraap advanced' It#o cents a bar. lhe liai voit of lie.- l umps atead a couple Of stePsi. 51thie resîdeutsa ofWauicegan io Qýater chat te tbclr walk lu life, wili leel Ibis advance lu prîce as the,' thave felt no otier. Tusl advaucc'in prihe hits the wa- 6 mpn wta have ta go out 10 work ta nigke thir living more than any otier clase. for it frcquently happene lImaI timg wasi lad,' lakes aoap wlth hem. ousînava tnp htbipugli t0-a n tis me lcneedu allîîi atcreatso al o kPAC'dton Bras. wraýP- uctihaine he will have to e ut lier »er factau. praflîs te bu,' more eoaP.1 Boes aian$ pnece at06 *5.m,è o r - , 1~ .- '-g A. plkVdn slêtc white, black and eM&~s; beiâutifu1Jy ornament.d; ationlC*wsc èf AiiQ®ur 3m Imnse Groups41395 $2-.,%~Z <:r~.y~ ;*s 1:'. .<1 '-4 y 'g- ~? v Up tos: la thio pthe be«utful tcIUes hene- g ad »$riee ma.isai Suits that Sd up to $32.50,1?l 12A An uxtremlyi' ido seleption of oharua- log new suite, developed t imsaiati songes, potret lwillis, tAg*ota e .1ir, popitit ad ,Jerseys. mod.lsh blted. plmiid and gathereti maodls;a coloras. mchmes ttke fr yt the garmoi4§.. Thèse th ru au. tit cot *is mr ss Ce to.b of ýkiÉh rae sutu"'ar- m*»ts te hf a ~u msùawaording to Our ex?. aMàgjdèmatîa. T&ey aroihe veiy lahost 1Uh.- 10 and e d bd uof mtrieàitroiu ~*(y etn expoet tha umtixost the way.o! sswvio. tlp sI4up - -i Thm . reOUt hgliat Sra0e suite. a"0 are genu oi baWuty la deêd58. ta«, aV4 trigxminIg.- Ail receat s-bWl'« splouuild ;uàlbAU' ot-twillltýWtt emC " -y, -ýr t- ~ ~12i - il When ini Waukegani Nolan'sDairyLumch He)p yourm.ef---Rgv.ythhlag in »"ah 135 N. GENÉSEE gr. ni em n For thenext week Qt4ï,w will, buy 0I the fr-esh brn g us'and pay 3rou le per do±nm t the stlPtdated mit pic. The £uiount, however, Mus4 b. traded out in merchandiÉe. t tel lungs. eked inTao ý re,4, ý, ý eý,. ý ý.

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