CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 May 1917, p. 12

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s 1* là the ULbertyville Izidependet'," which indicatot that the. country folk of Lake county red the. Independent 'weely; in fact, it's their me iuediuni Reidents of Ameare auumiûwtheposition 01 "Wby pick on us?" The qulet.Itle aft unin& modest and composed of peacetul citisans, oa çan 6" OM$of bavlag -hadtwtobold rebberles vthin a hat eek; sud, uIdenlal- ly it'. recalled that, durIng lthe pt fow-years1-0 w office bau he looted twicé and the bank ha. beon invaded -and saies cracked but wth no sucouu. Once the robbers nau eut of gasoline and abandoned thefr auto, whlch 1ate wau feund te have been st"en in Clcagp. Why dQ -rob- bers pick ou Ares? Do you suppoue it'saecause t4&ow -XW to be kueva as Eocef4er agd fj=bM- tewu1, i t.inresid ttuDy aid thefer Ihvuld nlt b. mdebudensere te thom. but -ahould b. pussed areund, dlstbted rre equaiy. - j HE IT-YS $6Qý,OOOCWClGK Cash U .2457 Month of May 1917 CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Uighwood, Ill. May 11b' 1917. 0IPR&UF City of Vaukegan, $80,000:00 Sîxty Thousand and 00/100 ......... Dollars Countersigned, *Ohi, ,Ae C. Moore, Auditor Hill ,To Centrai Trust Co, of Illinois Chicago, Illinois. .cago, North Shore & .uaukee R. R. By A. V, Griffini, Treasurer. '(E ndorsement of this voucher by the payee constitutes a recelpt in fuil of the within account) gn the back o the chect-voucher appeaus Iis format receipt wbieix the dlaot*f the check formshlly receiplas: Obeag, Northa Shor Mlvanke. Rallroad To City of Waukegmn mirhvoo&d. Pns Waukegsn, lUlalOla IÇ ffU of csh pminuent provded ta he msade hy section No. 16 of te Osdlnsoe of the City o Waxkean ta, the Chiego, North Shore and Mil- wvubee elalway, passed hy te Councilinl the Cty of Waukegan Fehrusry 141. II? su adptd ly iteeletqsof te City o! Waakegan Marcb i4tb. 154? lu ieusud atisacton a aU pecal asesaent, luiudlg ith5 tiaréo oroter bliatauldueorlu ecoe de romtheChcaglirn Siua. ld MlvakeeRalroador is redcesors incudîi te WukesIt $0, -00). A. C. More, Audtor. Appriea. C. E. Titmpean. Asal, ltalite Pi-esdentL Here Regaring Fish. ARE VERY NECESSARY. li Capt. Sm ith He Thinks Nation May Have tO Oepend on Fish Inside of Year. Vcrillcaflaa o! the statemeal of Cxptain Wlilaip Smih, a Wauikagan comaei-cial isherman. vho assaited a iev day aga thi-augh the columnz of Thc Sun, thal la case the vai- vitit Grmany dragg ouIta oany aex- fant taI the people viii have t10 de- pend iargeiy, upan a isix diet - camai I, an officiai statameal firn V.ash- laglon. Secretary Redfield of the uepart met ai commerce, has submutttod la congres, s message ia whlch hea s- soitê: -PIait may hc thé diel of h American peopie la another year i wai-roua thuaI long vltit Germany.1- lit his speciai message, Mi. Red- lit nformed congres» taI ai-la- vestlgatlan made bby ina, us hovu ltai cutîleflisitasd dogflkit (gi-syfisha- Maas gond eatlng. He vants an emergase> apirapri-illn o! 950,0900la bolm n rai-tsa ater fi it ici 4e. bureau of isherles viilpi-opa- gale. Ha vishes lu pont' out ta thei Apeficn publie tlitI nasu>rnches1 bx ti blaterlo oasaadeed unedibi,. mater foi- local people te gel ple., y of fiph at neari> ail seassons ai the yeai'. Many people vha ititerlo have ul palai mucit attanida ltute splen- did coaqa af food «uDply that lien at aur ver> -door cannaI help but ne linPi5esed aitit the tateniaut fi-ax Washbigtonansd viil reale tlit1he c1fy Oves machltulita commýercti sitermn bers fart lie> xayb' tae maas ai suiplyiag Waukogaa lth fre»h Meat viten other cilles muet go withatat. The. Origin of "Flîlistr.» Whal la tita oligin of tue word 14111-1 busgtar?"'Chanrlevoix sud alters rive Ilt ram tha accupatiou ofa! acrisb. -gi lu s "fthl1bote," or "Vly-botee,'fini useti on the River Vi>, lu Hoilanai. An-, t,.u slterty tella s netIt vas gfel a b. Ilovers of Domiique de Coarguet. Z*h aanlidtrom Uai- tai-ne, or Finthusgter, lunPFrance, Ounltse famous expedîllon sgltlast Fort Caro- line lun11. il vas long cornent lis Ope"ls as "Ilubustoro" before ils adaptation lmoB PugUsit. - Londo. (Chronicle. Natural Deduction. "Pape, 1 iuow wvitlmaies saine people latagi lu teir icetvms" nld Ut- lie Ralpl. "Weil. Mg ionvha;Mties toemrF sakea bth alter. 1 "i lhal'i vitre thei- fung bace se' vas lte reply. 0f -Cours. "lau con fuel al o! the peope nomc et. th litalm." egan thaman wbo Ilkes ta quota lthe syluga of the Vent. "Thar'& enough," sai thé otaer chasp. "Tot a vnîa vacaton uccasliuuaiIy."' internai iluH*Mof PlanaIs. The Ïate Prafeasr Lovels dsci-1 erg taI Satuuadae ual rotats as oam plece. but itas"catacal lagens. totat- kng fauter wIitin," suggpa9s Piat 50U0 o lt.e olten langeplaneta uaag ba. tbe aule uturo. Au polulsai -me by,PC vt Ves lasfrels À u vs. ~ Ua UIIL. 1 Irnsutie of tha ciaurcu Cand BUT - NOTIN 1ILL, 6oUMIttîOn o! the Prashyteriaxa lys, ~churcixLave a reception ta their nov ON M N M aSO.Paul ?Pagne,. and their e einbers - Wodnesdsy evaning. A large Çravd vas ln attendanceanam Team Hitch-wd to Zion Creaml- ail had a most enjoyable tixue. The ery Wagon Runs Away for folîOvlug fine program vas giron: 2nd TiMe n 2 Weeks. VoCal 010-4iey. Paul Paype. Rectalon-VercUe Lltchtield. BROECHER AUTO D)AMAGgD. 11011-M-- Eh.ent. OCtato-aBnrd Deckei-. Sol-',Mr. Pitnert. Team Ran Into Auto, Breaking àta 1tou--Ànna ,,. Off a Fonder and Diimaging Vocal Solo-lit, Joies. Body of tthe Machine., At th* close ar tbe pi-agi-arn a so- cil itou01r *Au spent with games. The Wak'gan. Msy 15. Ladies' Ai7d furnlphed rafrashmenls. .Nl1lk vent dava (the bil), but neot Litle John Galtley and Ruth Declc- lu pripe tla!y, vhen the tesm hltchod i- rhee the lmeuale$. to he ZanCreme~ waon an way The -store, of North Chicago are to th lZo Cremery agonran cis lOIugWeduesday afternoon la di- aud tare down tha Madisan streat hII loy teï cierks lima ta maka gai-- at. a mle a minute clip. ~ >~--~.tI William Nype, driver. wae llghtly supDlid r .eýýwfaay 'nang Ihere lulured wvixn the wagon tlpped aver vii n ir ~a ven an euseefor any' andi whan ha vas huriat under ona stbre to open up. A litte thoughlfvai. budred or more m!l\ sund creain bol- nais On the. part of! atrans yl ltu. tics. r . sure te cerkg a hait holiday. ,Thlsis lIbte second lime thaltVie ~JOhi'guellicitle back an the job 9a-ýteambas an aay wthintwoagala ou thle police farce. Peler Dol- wsam e a rnswYwibn tlokil. aPPalnteaj by Mayor Citristen- veeka lim1.seu settet oniy due nlghl. lMr. Suat. Twa vaaks ago the team man away lilcila a good oMoier. on fixa Madison street bill andi the The chilli-o!f Me andi Mrs. Frank drier aveth exusetht te nckStoloofaiTventy-second street, drIve gav the xcu~ liaIthe e of dlpitîherla late Frlday ulght. yoke lpped over the longue of the The liethoMeut chuaich congregallon Wagon,.le W lanýinga ,racaptIon for th e Ve ?h1 inorulng, ater ha crawled out pstte. ».Sudy and bIsvIt witwo fro ra under the overturned. wagon, bivetoneslllCaMO ta Northh,'Chicaai NI'pe gave tite excuse that tbe king tg1141 hait on the wagon had brasexa, andl A fà'ewell receplion vas gven ou thaI ha vas unable ta hald the horses Tuesday evenlug ta Miss Elizabeth ln check. Jensen, vit la to leava loday la tale Befora the barses cama ta a jt p lte vork of aurslng lnas Chicago they ianjnmb the auto owned by Henry hospital. Te réception vas halai at Broecher wldch vas standing ln front th Metlaadlst cburch wherp a largeý of the Morulng Glory Wrappar tac- numilar of lier friands assembleti' 10 tory on Spring street. Ona of the l e frwl rear tenders vap toi-n f rom lit s-~ The Nath achoal board met la reg- lenlugisud a grant dent vas slave uiar session lant erenlng at ite Coin. lu the rear ai the body ai the car. ane4tpan b "sotadi A commtte. from The driver af tbe creamery vagon the Ùûbrarv Clubvias present and vas taken ta, the police station and preseuteailte' malter af a rislting was elduntl te owersof he nt-nurst sud ssked the. board for a doua. vas huald ntîl themare go r . i te UItion irot thae cause. The board ta- cbeI guianad s mkegodM- Broe-rid te IMet sud xpresseti Itaelf cite's ois. , ~as wlllg ta itelp ik a financlal vay. NYPe eays taI .ç ta aIl thu VTe Ceatrai scitool hall leata dafeated driving tbe sorrel leam, wblch sopears the Northt atitoot tesm at tae Four- onu lhe street- bttcbed ta lhe Zion teontha ehoal grounds Tuesday ail. Creamery wagon. About 200 mlii rn bIbye'score o! 7 la 4 lu a, sund cream batllas vere broken ini veli playoei game. Tiis lte second Mie crash Iis morinng. ta. té Central boys have defeated the NorthLU CVUW&l ths ar *&ie ntLvJ .Noe for Duineas. "lira. Sharp. la s vaman ai vander- fuit> keen Intuition, isn'l site?" ad Unr. Gabby. "Oh, remaa-kably no," re' spaxaded Mrs. Gabell. "Wby, her hubanai sayi aiecenou cent a bar. gain sale Ibrea days balai-e it Io ad- verliseti tu the papor." Offluit hto Translate. A correspondent seuds me another star> of the dtiliculties atteutllng lte traslatlon a! BIiblcai melaphoruu mb te Eskimo taugunge. "A miloôaary talinlg la lalq couerts-to-b' had acca- sien le rater ta the 'eveilsting cràiv of gioi-y.' Thea langunge 41111 ualper- mîit of te precise rendcriug, no lte phrase vas Iui-xed by tha Interpreter Inte tbe 'bouttfl lnid bat vich ix I neyer vear out"-London Observer. 1The. Ideai Ai-my. "eousemn tiink tant, andt liatl alteras esud tui. attervard, If . _@4ait. *nu W lei dliberatire, lte lter lnipnlsve. Tii. simg et ecool.ted alilcers sud bat-headed soliers maies a magnificeut militai-y mahine.- AmaicaMagazine. D4ams of Riches,. One ina's ai-auna of riches liaa it"e yacht. n strilng of titarougla- breilsa d ia 'grage." Anater man'. Vision l abiity ta finance a hbrektast table tapon a hasis ot Il ' the break- fast bacon joln a.Laulsrlie Cour lbn-Journl. are lnu une lu tae.lte cilY ichool citamplonsilp trom their aid rirais wha long havaeiteld the titie. The Ladies' cAid feocety cf the Preshyterlan church viii meet vlth lirs. Puida Tiursday atternoon af this velc Thte 'diastc action of the cty caun- cli ln nferenca ta signe and hliboards vas caused b> te erection ai au enarmous billboaral luit aarthh ailhe Auditorium. it ls an unslghtly abject andibhanonaplace ln the business sec- tion-or laauali ter seslioa. Te clark vas glven ai-drs lu vrite tho ovuers andi have lb. sigu remoreti vîitia 48 haurs. George PhilipIl s recting a nev ga- age ou bis lot back af bis home. LOST-Ladys' black handbag co ntain kng mans goid ,valcit. OvneIl hamin baci. Lent " l ras> h Ivoan wankefflam aniuibur. lds er piese ratura !» Warren Hýok., Wadsvortb or Independent office. Rewai-d. Wkly 2t THE ANNIVERSARY SALE or Aiex Hein Coi.- of Waukegsn bas attractao country-wCe attention because ai iba maY enaatioiaal bai-- gains advertiseai la 1hei- bit double- page ad lu titis paper lait wvekl. hea sale viii continue one more veel. Da't aau ta attend. Whig. it <Si Dà. L W. Som)?. taes, and i vth arau odexer% clou need li"K e ll'ilver nemb ronoing-snd mt lo!ftsne e Ibis once a v e i-take a s l e a bit exércl aoftaie lhaeso! 810e appWe- m o o jap ma& lo a ting am Plltaandi fiscput up flOnY tas-cdondlon1m -9j 0 d an 'bizond« u sdçgb, te longer welv.Wit rsgularbotr, 8to 8 l~I/. ~ ssof aerbesa1muaiseas- fb"," fod= bdm- o aget th oisuons onot hglay dw àUSart ll~ body is a highlgaorgaulseti __un- Ilasstomchlave ant hokidnys ce , o a b latis , oa adok fr lte ommn goti Da ofaGeiâii 0f ncs auli ois0 10 ngan o!theeOranelueraa<s ekag inthrales medli viljnu aslemoàr meh ani. Ifapon, a, iti0104b >wa.0 enfltar %n.. ie alante , lier am at~it r Et,~-Id _ve esaaaaalig ila amIkaa . é>nt kb - ENCY ICOURT' Mail Ogrin Admits avlng SeId Liquor hofGutotives in Em- ploy et the State. IS FIN ED'$225 AM~D COSTS. This la the ÈNrst et the More Recent Case te BeCalIed lin for Trial Hors. Waukpgan, May 15. State .Attorney 3. 0. Welclgs de- tectives scored a victory taday, when Matt Ogrin et Tenth street appeated bel ore County Judge Personsamin pleaded gxity to the illegela saýle of, liquor, throwlng himaelf on th, mercy 0f the court. Ogrinsq case la one of those siated oaly recently as a repult of exiidence secured by detectives tronm the Evans Secret Service Bureaus af Chicago. The state attorney dismlssed sevon af the ten counts ln the Information. Ogrin came ln voluntarlly and pleaded guilty without puttlng the caunty tu týeaxpense of a triai the court in- citaaed conslferable clemeaicy. He did flot Impose a J" s entence, and 11usd the, defendant $76 aud c~aopie t x oi (hée tirea coiftts, a total oet822à and coots. Twa datectivas vent ta, Opin, rep- resenttng thtemselvee to ha salesman for E. X. Cummings & Ca. They smld they anderstood Ogrin badl a lot whlcb they offered ta purchÈse. Then one of them asked If it vould be pas- sibleta get a drink. "I gueas yoa're ail rlght," Ogrin lisI eaid ta have remarked. I bouevard'"d Ad«». Street, Chticago. I ~~~ ~ wh'g l iicit a Chrilet n isavar Society I was organîzed fdurithlt e ar N Addflse viiibe givOn bY lROY. IN qbwfi'fU 8& M eVon Ogden Vogt. pastai- of the Wel- lington"Avenue Congregatlonal hcurch. whe, was generai aeceftai-7 oi the Waukegafl. May 15. Worid'a Cirlailt"Latisor moye- For thet Iiet turne ln hislory ai the m ent for several getrsansd by Rav. Chicago Chrligtan Ifudeavor Union, a gme nsa e ro i.Crs rai y of lte moleties of Cook and peformed £fpiscopél Churcix. Lake counties wiii ha halai ln a Prote- - e 0eswltb lce * seant Upiscopsi church. The rally Nvofine l!ha ictd54 wl! be held 1Th'ursday eveailug l ln tb lus»aileai. -Ha gave on of the me-n a gass ôî selections are large. Boom si»e ruga. lin3 whiskey and the other a glass of beer. ail qualifies up from ................. This haDpened la bis kîtchen. The ________________________________ flongdyha took the twa de. 50Bb Ca ags lRed tactîves ta, the basement whare h 0Bb anafl l ed conductad a locker club and gave a o s$49 lhem a glansa ofvhla'<ey snd a glaass sL s$49 af beer. Trade « Lake Gounty's Largeut, Oldest and Ogrin eaid today that ha canducta Mobt Reliable Store and Save Money a cigar and confectionery store. *Ha admittad that there still? in consider- abi, liquor lu the. varions lockers and Raid ha proposed ta close the club as »oon as the Iokera have been em- Ptiad. He vas warned that ha vauld hiBM£ ha subJact ta arrent again unes h. proceeds ta dismautie hie locker club 21'l1 otiGass i.# auem lmmnedlately. Ha agi-ced to quit th. business. RU0 at exce;edingly. shar.p reduc- t.ions truhentire Une The most magnificent range o! hiih-&grade rua ever shown in Wauke- gan we have to sacrifice beause our manufacturera w9uld nt accept cancoellation when we were forced to give up our own ?ujrpittire Store. These great offerinigs that follow are but a few of the inany inducingI close-out values now here:- &euasAxmisîe Rugs(9x12) at $28.65 Beautîful all-orér,-aud Oriental desîgne la imes1 'Axiinster Rugi liaI salai for 39e orlginally. A rare opportunlly for you. Ta.mtrv Brussels APL $79 Trewan Wlton Rugs (9xl2) at $54-75 Tite blgieit grade Willon Rugeinla anaisoma Oriental combluations. liany alter notable values I une wiltons. $3.50 Axminster Rugs Rugs(9xl2»at$14.32 (27x54 rn.) at $1. 98 à *onderful value an fourteen hantisame An elegant lino ae ovltroIv Rap la cal- Tapestry Pi-usuels Rugs ln ail nov patterai, ors that villmii b toLs anywhere. Choase Viie regular $31 ki, tG ram a selectlan af-about 60. Côngoleum Rugs Crex Grau fRogs (9xl2 fi.) special $8.95& (9x1 2) $15 grde, $9.95 A Rut bulit ta give iastlng seirice. Suit- -W. are cioakng but heae famaus Suminar able for, any i-om. Grangs, tanis, green. Ruti aI lees thau cost." An Vausual> largo liaikeai for sale aI $13 orglualy. selectlon ai colore sud destgis. IWo)nder fui Furniture Barlgains ThrouighoutI Our:Reý aning Stocks-Mu stBe Sold Qk Basement Bse.n e Vüucher -6M0 Il

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