CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 May 1917, p. 5

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UIETYVRIL LKE OUNTY . ILLOIS. THURSDÀY, MAY 17.,1917. P. le Vour Lawnw Needs Attention Sihdy SpotLawn .GRASS SEED Force Your. Garden Stuff WIt > Our FERTERLIZER Davuby i*e OU Dao-a*. Dieuthere m0 7V Phomw47 L X Bid6op, Mgr. TOUJ would not put on pinewood if you wanted youI' fire to Iast. YOU am e wf aware that hickory would be much hetter. WVHY snot use the mare judgment on coal? ORDER your coal of us sud get the roSiLhot stuf tIs. W. F. Franzen, Jr. Telephone 50. libertyvle HOW ABOUT YO UR GAR.DEN?0 We have a large stock of al kinds of Vegetables. We would advise. you to cali as soon as possible--- at- least corne and sec what we have. We also have a large stock of Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers. MEREDITH FLOWER & VEGETABLE.CMAN Phone 10 (from 7 to 6) Libertyvil, Ililinois. 0 PPORTUNITIES, like ect, are tipp ry and hard ta, boit, unlees firmtyseized. They oido ttirau._h the fingors and are gone ore one in avare. To make the muet 4' opportuiitipâe'bat may be gr.qpê.d by advertiminit, uic The I dependent'. dam- îifi..d pa.ýes. h te a mttdntv etumive.opportuaîîîy that ex.ampem thîtie whoa atverse in The Independeat. Prom ttc thonsandâ of The Indetiéndeet le pretty puet afford the ad vertlter foeth- .opportunî bholaseeting. I I -lu TOU EnW of01.90"o Telq;hon.Nmu,1: The W. C.T. .wiMimeetet the bomne 'et Mie. LIII, =uea atternoon, May 22. W. I.. Atrldg and famill, wbo lmoved tu Park Ridas 1>11 fall, have retarced to Libertyville to recide.d Ber. 'T. Seam vent 10 Rockford Mon- dey eveuing w bers he attended the Miniaterlai District Convention on Tue- day and Weduemday.c Mne. JoS. May of Etitbland Park, and0 ber aliter, Mr@. WS. MeEmery 01 Wanke. -ali vimted their mother, Mn.rM.Id. Mn@. . J. Yong rnturncd the tiret ofe the week trulo Oicwlin, lo-&, Wherset* bu bosa Victidmg bei danghher.àMn. J. J. Wilson, for eme lime.c Huonr7 ngleberry begu" tbe work of! olling Miwaukee avelne la$t SatnrdaY, bedginnbi ob of the electie lise and on Mdonday uorning in the business district.c Id le Carrne cbard aad neph.w. Fredi Buittciald @peut finnday witb friende la l AaUoeh. Mlme Cbard sang w, solo at thee Aatioch M. E. chnrcb at the 'Mothre Day" ervice. Jne Coapretto was arreeted on $un-1 day on a drnnk and diordçrly charge1 and on Monday uaorning wae given at âine of $8 and cote before Juetice Lyel El. Morric Be paid the charge. E Rev. and Mns. Edward 8. White enter- tained the Rev. B. J. Md. Nutter and1 inotber from Irving Park, who were on1 their wBj Io Naubota. Wia., tuât Thnr.E- day. and npon their veturm ou Sat0rday, The Commercial Cinb wlll boldoe lU regular meeting lionday eventng neit. Mnceb businece afIimportance will nome op, one rf the ubjecte tu ho diecnmeed boing the arrangemente for Meaoriai Day.e Mie1da Sage bad ber toneile and adenoide removed Snnday morning in Dr. Stephene office. Dr. Stephene waq acmIeted by Dr. tegier #rom Chicago. ft. le reported ae doiag aiceiy and etaying wth ber aunt, M r. Fiacutter, for a few dale. Senator iB. B. tSwift @peut Snaday at bie farm bers. Senator SwiII expecbt f bring bis family back home froni Spring- field oest Smtnrdky. EBe wili Ibcn malle tripe ta the @&&te empitol every we*k inetead of reiding there w bile the 1Leg- lalature le In sesesion. St. Joeepb'e Alter Society wilt give theJ Bir@&ofa » mrie of cardad dancing p,àrties on Wedueeday evening, May 28 et the Auditorinm. Carde from 8:30 ta 10. Dancing wiîb beet museic from 10 6, 12. tee cream and cake vil behoeerved froni 8 t0 12 o'clock. Tbomas (Grime@, a brother of the ltt J. B. Grime,pameed away Saliurday iternoon a% the ame of 72 jeane Mr. fJnimeu' deatb marke the lest. of tne Grime@ family. The fauerai service wae bell i e heSb. Joeepb'a ebnrcb Monday uorning and tbe rpmaino vers laid aI veut in the Wanbvgan Catholie cemetery. Mr. and re. Henry Doubler returned list week from Citronelle, A., alter baving etopped off a& Springfild for a lew dalm. lMr. Doebier reived word f rom tbe Chief Gaie Warden of Illinois thal he bad been aiven an appointment Io a poition n lathe Sta& Ficband Gaie Departmet.t. Tbie positi on cmînlee a aiary utfil1800 a Jear. The body ai Edvard Dnff.v. the setion ian who wie kilîsti hy a fretghî train in the SI. Paul yaudm bhers on May 8rd, vmm fouvandedt luR'îîi>sr. N as., lait i1ri- day mauulag. fJadertakerJ A Trmptow re4eIved oaisuioge frît. anu uderlaker in tbel city ltFrida7 usquetiug hlm ta send the body, the m, aiea mttiug that the family vai vithout fuands. The commencement exercîme. of the Rigb 'ebtiol twill li e lt an tLe eveniug of June iret In the Auditori. This year the seior lsous-leoapoeti of aine girls: Misese Enma Dryer, lMyrtle Siuale, Marjouy Whesller. Morin Preelon, Runo William. Wiiutfred luth. Edith Su> dam, E-ina Knox anti Ruth Pries. A speaker fuomaout-i-t-tow uvad the GIe CIlubvtill lake part in the pragra.. The tirs de-patîsal vue called tb (ho BI. a. Wilson home lait Priday afssrgoon sbputiy hfors tive a'clock and-aiter a fev minutes vaut put ont a ire lnaa stuow pile vblcb Ibreateneti the bain. As the voter maine do not extead 10 the Wilson home.' the iremea formait a huekîet brieade. getting waier frai a viii nearby. The tire vai eîauted hi @-Park@ frai a vante hamer rsochlag the plil a raw usai the bora. Ou Wednus. -let, morningFins Marshalt Donnie Liai. beru.î receved o letten front Mr. Wilson vieb a ceet for $25 eiielosetiaat an atppsciatiuof aite vark l.îe iremen titi lu enhdulig the bltgosahbis promises Tfi- îonoy lu ta ho diotributed amaag the iremen. Wbere the btter people got 20c1 ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- vt ont. He matis a very etnong moapsal ta aail tif onurpeuple andi urgeti iSi mta coute ta the aisetance of ibome Who have Ibe 'cannage andi conviction by eulieîing la 0the eervice ofthe country, by btcomicg 0lmembers of the. Libirtyville Red CGnos abranch whilhmeili be orgauased at a YmeetIng luth,- Aiodltlriutu tunight. HE seeCh met wiîlî beatty applonie. Mr Mîller dscnled the fot that ;here bai heen soite taik of bavtng hiehall gante b.-tweuîthe. 'fats'" and th* 'lleati"e"at n te fair graunde on Memnrati Day anti iurgeijaU il, t.. lcPart la Ihe mars epmoteeprogrotufor the .layý g D unîn eh. î,teru.ti4min ecellent l oule mete cadswa' siolti by a uner ai young ladis andthelb.organisaItion realîseti quît. a lutie b he Ibml@eof!the 1candy, me every body hongbt iî. - 1 Tbe Pamet-Timbcer uceaciatlen held a ameaitlu Ibe-eebool bouelant ?rda" milernoon, themetlngbeing wellattod- md. Interceedeg addreumere rsmade hy mime £va SOidleî, principal utOfb graumai mbool ln Evancton. leem Sith, prlnlmW of the Highland Park grauar miboot aMd Tohias Cbev, pia. elpal of tbe Libertyville e-boul. Ail of lte smken wvce lmstened 10 vith greal mulre. Au Informai reception vac given %beu OM o f t1" ocl chool, riebmmai bdàg uerved to aIl attend. prlar Bigât le a big nlgbt bhm in the liut of the Naval sitation at Great Lahmm. vben a Company o!fnaval cadete WUIlPalb on a dilllnafront of the Audtoum,,eaiSb@ Javal Station band o! many pm e I play'. Foilowing the drill a bigameg viii hobelWd in Ibm. Auditorium. tbe umeeting ta ho addruemd by Judge Nilea" h. Welcb af Chicago, Lient. WalterH. Brown and otber oficere o! 18eaatàon. JutigeWeicb vii epeat on the varions causs for entenlng Ibis war. Pâtrlotic mnie icvlIho funnicbed hi lb. band. T. Y. Svan amwounci that the roome over lth. B. L Ikr hardware store, vhich vrer. foaumniy occnpied by tbe '20 Club" bave ue reated for the use o! lb. Uàbertyvlf band. Ches. D. Niehoi of Lamant. wumiDlg on the local band baye MouDdaî vît, a view of loeatIng hone and hecoulsg tbm band'@ inetroctor. The matter of eugmglng au Inatruetor for the band vw» nots ettled at the meeting on Viedneday m.1581,but it in holievedl Wrll ho duleimtll-ed as the meeting nuit Mondai moItI. Mr.' Nichais lu expectod ta b prseat at thie meeting. John Ballard. Commander of John G3, Ragou Faut No 84,2, 0. A. R., reoelved a letter froi Cb&Am.A Pratt, a Chicago publimber vbo vlbem 10 corne 10 Liber. ty vilie and duliver a Memorial addreeu. Mr. Pratt bai ben akng atdreces on Mdenorial Day for the baeltben yearm, upeaking autmch tourne I'n Nortben fil- mai. mne Waukefan, Woodetock, Sjco- more. Polo,. Bartavia, St. Charles and othere. The amlter yul Lbe refenned to tbe CaomuercWlm'Ib, whlsh vili takre up the malter of &a Nemarial Day progfrani at it. meeting Monday ulyht. Llhorty. ville sbonld lkmenlia ime lu eecnring a good speaker loy Ibat day. The largeet clamse to graduate tram the elibtb grade vIii take part lu the uxercies vhlcb viii bu beid in the Audi. torlin on May 81*1, the day hofors the R1gb echoei exercice. Then vili ho torty pupisle h1e clame. Ibois ta greduale ors: Clyde Browna, Mary MeCarty, Gail Giffmiltt.MargaretEger, Amanda Vandsruark, Archie Barnett, Otto Hapke, Jobn Darridgte,., Bnnr Deit. haro, LoisLyoi,.Clara Smith, Edltb Gagliardi, Matie and Agus Ugbody, Frank Manson, Floy Rîttior, Hilda Bapte, Ada Beller, Etihel Titue, Corrne Wegner, Gardon Fecdiet, Afice Balsa, Loraine Hubbard, Marguerite Woalildgs, Eîily Mandes. Harold Macon, Dorotby eBayer@,tRaymon.d (ould. Aiban Lindrotb, rMarjorie Meeker, Evetyn Elleon, Minais 1Whitmore, Eldon Kitchun, George and >Dorathy Suydam, PauilKobant, Fred lluttertield, Morvella Fleber, Marion Eoeuntrot, No,'l Young, Cari l isoa, Henry Engeibrecal. ALIA CLUIJBlS MIE PATRIOTICENTOWAIIENT The Alpha Club hedd a v»ry incoouia and patriolie entertalaint ln the Lihontyvlle Auditorium for thoemat of s8e ledCroie. Part ai Ibeprogvam wu@ arranged hi Mn@.Ela Ring Ingrabai, vho hb@ been dinreclg the vork af Lb. chorus. Other naîhn erewfal olon. tenrec] aid altogether le mmd. » of the bout potriotiteaffairm beld boe for nme t dae. The prognozh followe: Amerîca-Leti hy the Choral Club. tmolesonai-Mr. uengraon. Violin and harp-MleeeeGrace Butter- field âd Marlon Taylor. Battis Bymn af the Repbhile-Mir. Augusta Barman, accompanied by the Choral Club. Horp Solos-MiesmMarion Taylor. r Violin and EHorp-Mlss Marlon Taylor andi Lloyd Taylor. liuis-Usrs, Lilah White and Mie Cornie Chord, witb the audience elngivil the word "Illiuoîe " Thte word. tu the esoag ae rendereti Monday nlght ven vritten exprsly for tbie occasion by A. Chard oi Auetin, a nephew of Mise Chaud, e Battis Cry o! Ereedom--Cborol Club. Solo-Mue. tagrabai. - Star.Spangsd Sauner-Choral Clut and the audience. Colaibia, tthe tii0o1ltbe Ocean- Choral Club. Attorney B. Il Miler gave a vuuy ti (ai on the orîgin and spueiti af tht LAI S'IS ERVI-myCE EUi SUIJNY AFIERNOON The l1it of the Vemper eervlcs for thie emmena :» beld st the Libo0îyvileMi. E. cbnrch tast Snnday alternoon &Bdne of tbe beet programe of bthe aeon wue rsndered. Thare wam a large attendance aI ibieerviee. Alotthe volmelclon yen uader the direction of Mir. Ra Ring Ingvaabau and IMnr. Florm E. borand prsclded as 18e orua«. TisI pro- gram waeeaewbatdifierent ta previous pragframe and nme of tbmenubere premtmd vere by a large tborne aco. poulinent. Tbe entirs pragrai vua mo0 beartily enjayed by tbons preeant. Foiiowing areIbmenuboenproesnted: *'No Sbadu wm Tonder" frai the "B0oly Ci$7"- -Tb@ Choral Club. gerpture Reading and Preyer-tlev, T. E. Beau. "Tb. Bird Wltb the Biroken Piion"- mime FranaSe Biebop. Duet-"Love DIIvioe"-Mseee. (Gien Hoskies, G. Carroll Grldiey. Organ (a) "'Prelude bc Lobenkrea" (by "Laut Hope" Flûta E. Duuand. l'he&r IMy Cry 0 Lord"-Nie@ Myrtie Beadhg-'Tbe Lady of Sbalott"'-.iIru. a. Bay. Offrtory-<a) "Be Sîjaîl Feed Hie Foct" froni the ',Ueeia," (b) "Mother of Mdine"-Mre. Durand. Solo-"A New aesven and a New Eartb"frou tbe"BoIy Cty"-Mr. Erovl. Choral Bancîne-The Choral Club. Baedictian. Pontlude-LFnnieral tlam..-àre . Flaa Durand. CARDPARTY AND DAN-CE!O Given by members af St. Jasephs Altar Society Wed. Eve. May 23 at the AUDITORIUM Carda 8:30 ta 10:00 Dancing 10:00 to 12-00 Ice Creamn and Cake Served. TICKETS 25 CENTS EACH tlbtenytatrt, , LmmtvWm, DM30e10 Home of P araiouut Pictures Friday May 18- Pillas Picturts ese',usîeMine Mry- tle Steadman in The Amerfican Beauty SatUrday May 19- mhe Diamnd Runners 5 reet Mutnal Star Production. Home Purchaied IdweI Thinga wo, do for Evoryhody w9th- out Doing Any. body. Plumbing, Stean ad Hot Watcr Hoatine Roofimg and G.alemisd Imma Wou& ,nu Work ana Gema SCHANCK. iu always urroudd by guawd* p' mascots, Who gud' &,puw your interet ne vCery purçh..p The mascots typify thon ad- vantages of harne bradn. Inepectionbelef uo ee Seluctie. hm fan toet. Parsemai eevice, w"Ui chr dui0 d of puéaue. Gcuda.retuiaeualuif Mut m spreuie C»ere.,, ou r iuteeeabp wiM homme concene. HARDWARE CO. Phma.3. Libeetyve. j 'j Paul G.-Ry Liconued Embahner aud FunriDrc. Automobile 1-eam eand At*&Cai riags Furneished When Desfrod Store Phono 9. Residence Phm.Il 2 -Liertyvile, l1imîeol Tiry an Inde pendent Want Ad, IDAY àAnn iVersairy SIe DÀY FRIDAY MAY l8th to SATURDAY 26&h I 6th Anniversary Special Bargains * Long silk gloves. black, wh:te and gray, tipecial ......................... 75C j Blue and pink bordered bath tawels ...................... 13c ec--ar2e Extra white bath tawels .......................................ec20 SFancy flowered ribbans, sashea, girdies and fancy baga, moderately priçed at ............................................... pu yd. 25c At this aie only we offer our taffeta drosses Mud coat stock at 1.3 discount on promeut pricem W. W. CARROLL & SONS C _maapua JL Amqu -ýF&VV v LsBEftT'VVsLL~' iLLIfIOIS hwe vive, re ib le le M Sunday May 20- The Unafraid 4 reel Jee L. Laoky Fenture. Tuesday May 22 - PATRIA-Episode No. 5 entitied The Island That God Forgot Burton Hotse Travel Picture Mt. Vesuviuà in Eruption Bohby Bumpm Cartoon Comedy Wednesday May 23 - JmaL. Lasky premcuts Miee Blanche Sweet la The Dupe

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