As qat si Tie Diii>' Sun can barri the. gorvemment iras littie or nuo en- dence rtci oul brlng s conriction on a bflnpig charge vtir a jury tu a court of record. Tire gavermimeut op- erallye. entened tie loker clubsandu feand be.en rd vwhisky' In large quan- lt"le. 'Pe 'faufll m«n mte ao. tables n tire clubs lrinitIng thre liguer They q*éstîesed tireie mon cUésieeY. Tré miý* aforcol the mie ta go taý tire-r okersanmd taie oitlilqmrr. Tire>' loohkienamp of evety loir e lub totem4er and Ut Usqtiraugt possiUbe, altir9ugb not probable, 'bat tire lok.n ,club membets me-Yie arsteut iefre tire laeuiaautotittea stihtire hoves- tligtlan of aliegel Immoral mden ln 'lu-m iocait>'. 'Iie police patrol wagon. tva motor irnes ad a tg 'vers pressudltato ierice b>'te lseuths ta carry the bern.and wvilsky>' onfiscateu tot the court house. Been vas taken trou, iieani> ena-ny place entereii b>'the de t.-thves. Tire hier and wisky con- flecated b>' tiere adersvas tahea to sire court bouse 'rýhPre It vas placet Iu tire custody of tire sireriff. Jitvair repontemi Ssnnly tiraItthe gvernment raid visa made athtie r,. ouest o (Cl. Nicholson. ln chrarge o rira- offic-rs' training camp at Far -'heridaii. ('apt. Moffett of tie Gmeal Lakha- Naval Station andi Secretan of!irie Nas>' Danla-Is of Wasington 1) (1.but Iis mornnig l irocami Inown uhuri lira-raid vas conducteý ait1wn urgent deinu of John W. Bat via-l and ti ler leaders ofthtie ;oe <Govrnnrant Leagtie. ThIns bagne Il rire on,- whicl denuianmtéd tiereneoe lion of Ritîpl J. Dady as 4tat's al tome>' i tire electiurm of lp.t ta]l Dedy vas as tlcons picuous figur on te streets et Wauhegan Saturda 'aligitasmi Snda>' mornlng anu t Ut salut #e autiled tire raid andt uirecte tire maruntents attire 1ieutii. "1Rttait politici." aimi one ladki aa In oif ha, th, nil Ma II eV fi tic th or e'] ktn n. t 'e la It deveape tiraIt te searci r-, nta ead "Searci ront iloo and bae- Io'cloclthisafternoon. Thi warrants Il wulva.nto ut of Welci.'0fimn in tire place. I E "KT comaiuance la s e. m e- They pmrptheirIr ayJuta thre Statos Attornley Ralpi Daf'aeuB1lociarclub rooits. anrdcion f tie AB N thougir lie dld put lute10hM.for ile ine mn puhed lgnrys vite tao nce sde days.. 1havi ot suit ldiqmUW inWaut of thre roin.S I I T $,O kegan slnce the saloons were vOted 'Coins on boys tirere lainz oro.. ________ # eout. 1iam ti cetri *tréSi1W' fte trouble,' said Henry. i, COn1lie 1rmPaeO. (Contlnued ITram Page On.) the Noth limon ,4tawla ttc I(the Tirer(,ontinuaiaid, rireeloce.r ;irns h rhwarran 9 verA iclub kri naAtitle MëCâOn olrIe~e r~ae i- i'i a: hal a blot blew oper tre door Ilourdor to gain en-. 'rt,, rt aih muib 'ris t iett rancp. At Any rai t ti" ro,'trport ÏM. aonot and lged by Louis F. Moi taia vtged.m tO.hua trfbnah£wrcksd tshw 04United States tommisiloner fer 1no treating n aur lub." sald 'Pioma% After tire flght. the marsiral read a h a* aàwekadi hw ýbeChiagodisric. Nr. aso laa'i)-- warrant to iienry and )le a polo- tIre tirougbsieia viilîrwtih<' the rab- ,Wpdent of Waukcgan. living on Sherl' H. McCaun. one ofthotIotai nthe 1br efro hl os il« rond. ~~~police station by the. governirent att- gizori for hUa. art.,oi lit ics a ra.'cr. lu their raid S ttura nlgît. Wetner. i4McCani, %MeCanue and A Moey Uér lor, t Ple h.j Tefore entering any of tire PIC Mecana tela sUtbe wlagm itory or Brown .vf ne takon to Chicago th.a Talle )gid eotroaaotleb ~ *tb6Mtteibteiid tire bank. werc, tptabiirhment and n ont Instance the via t e pcEom i every slaet t "ey wil ' o . mrahai lsce f und serai ut paper nroney vhlch raienptered tire place revolvers fil "Guardi vie pmu ieeyettr> Ul r ao toc eoeprovel caucluiteli that lu biovins, band. ta tie pace butai. tire manial and Cernnigl~5ofer Louis Matout.ti the l'aUbi micalculated Ai4 but one place ther fodonal sieutir thedpt hMetfd vnte Tedpt 4eifieamt aete a certa-in e*I nd that s great Mret resistance. When they entendl men ta the barber sirop belare anr found whisky iu gingeral ai ithre eloth mi adbnbow place verç ireid prisoners unti tire WallUn place,.rand it developes thiaI1 thWckr onbState sted t, Hrtir 'bU n'alled raid irad ended. Wbon tire Georie Ceerar and niree tien w )1t lcs fn hydi o W'eg, rner le sadtreto v trtCi Unted States officiais entered tire vere fond dr-nktng' beer in biris stop to pick un lthe peces ofr ooney rdt lp !tr iuis îeerci~ oker clubrmari tiere ver. tirree place ipent Saturda>' nigt tehlrid but carried avay sa tairl.%targe ui u itl ope of therloutie. lieuw tU te ,fortourmembers present. bars UtuIr.ecounty 1jail. of vaper muni 'and siier. H~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ae 1r îd enrdtlrsh lnt r"'BSa -do you, have £ia g~ I T hTie detertlves of lime btion d-ismo Just boy mneb mont~ i% .taken It it i Wer. but dl re s p a'rkedtIre Unit d States moirblettrI rrsofaorenp t ethe baflk odie i W l 01 tatî bu* one ufthtie ren. tieon10 t iecu,5 they tire' declare Ut vas a stPiil aîîoiîî . yenmm"-rrîud nclu ir fae. "Yes. I do.! broke it open wilir a 81ledg<- hamnrn"r. They alsu point out ta i faut that tiniougli tire United StateR mar *::Wllw hîcir layeu, Ioder" they iare stili dolng liimic" ti!i irai sas a 'phony' dtective." eald. oI 8' ele hemmer wyfrt- ipl eiInta Werner. -i tiroufflt immone of turne 4. eie iemme. Chicago, May 22. 8:45 p. m-tSpe) srw frtr iîll autt sqpiep win are sent 0ou5toakick up a ."'Lot me seyou open t. ial to The Oiîy tun.-Betveen 12 thei.ýr n'lrce compan> lrotîicto fIa-ni dlirace 0teuedhl . "Tire member vent ta Iis leckor and 14 men were caugUti n the mesh f ront surit s lons. iowr' t.tI. u leave. Wireuire dld net do n i slap- 'n pndU*of the dragnit stretched b>' the gar o rtaotAeai htli-rb pel hlm n thre face." - Open Ioker No. 51,' demanded errement Saturda>' nIatInleWsukegan, gt about $3000 Un their haul. . lIe ioderai offices'. ntered three tire mririID,î., when. 25 alleged bindpigg wore Icene of ?Asny Roirberles. vlaes on UMarkot street, s-yen places "The locker club 'memabr put h a rssd by United States maribals. Tire roebirs are beIieveèd ta have la Noti Chicago and about 15 estair- khlo ith ie lb et locker No. 91 but Comvmisoner Lews F. Maton an- uxed itroglycoe in utire roirber>'. Ilhet uWaukegn. 1ire couldn't opn UtILi nounced hors lite tIi aternoon. foi- altirougir tirea Inotiing tangible Iiuts U 1n au h arrants,» "'Then tire mitraia ri d the Iowing a cosmerence vith the mariai tatoindlcai.e that iuci ta realy tire *& omamrtn pahut g itirn.t. op tbiM leoetu. 'here -wo conducted the raid, that betwemn case. Huaori. illager; explain tirat salI Cthe loner Matai os, ipok u asboitIn i... ai thre locha,. and 12 and 14 flagrant violations ef the t appetrs amci la atact. 'mat rob- o, tr og ui.tieio whisky i t ersr. 1 gare thermn"ruba1w bd bien dlsio.e during the bers pbould vidt tire little village ot vib suemwm vmtib tW C 4ib 101101d bi =Mdfca tih h-treraid. Ares nu se alte ierobbery oft tir ~'~7J~~a<~d Uîte Sttua Man iet r m ii's, bolthe Uhutie oi Four men are under arriit nov; SSte 4siqpu thdlie Trpp Lunm- th lra - iat for tire $.,'re a.tire laut meeting af thre lub. 'flreutbree moe. iii b. arrested tonarrow, ber Comims« ý r offie seeta saur Ua~~bCaue', ieus H ICeu. l5a noi r 1ooked, orlilogi i o0 W simd liv oryssiwarrants wîîthle i.plUe. la tac t i àlaunaccountabî<' Am't#' mrou aI Hm -VUst Se~8maPace. Thsoma H. MeCons, etWauksgsn scoleienlua"cs. mi àl bamiet in ucir lletire, IitÏO-YP-, 144waived eraminatiom whon toan 1-duesa short ti l ilugreceat rab- toamaci"A UnitedC~emslieWMr Maie. un ad e ees. Âp$gSltey n te ke B, oltodamandis r 2mekeloWSU tatue mate balsmu ed ae&erci wu b.Ud under bondst4 of M111fer vlgq , epBeyunguanded the i.m thaî mm buelocivOWarran i it W iSLM SE the phi wVU trals. Nié, buoUgii Mb. béfetre Ped- and tierefSt, tic hope nov Us btia tic sue bytiidOUII5IOUt iis ta go ms tsimslire 1Ubd. Hé irai Judai iOcseeaw MeutinLin- tirey yUl kuoi ce tiir visita be- vive E errent and wevre eurelté i.arcied tire bock ber anrdthie cillai. dia, l cause tire autitos s, ae goag te Io a.r..Tiroî vu)le tàk a gnu e- Te lir fe m u aiSi Jbaskt c Thme vorrane beli gluon k be uI.'~i m w pievit any repi- c~louer unMsa"irf tbeiiiam empty whisky baili. gsima o i retf~ .tto itbBI.Tr Ilg nmU u ire bond yul b. uiacula .. . .an eu ye, aarc r mefer *0i et'th ni. tmi Mm ofthe' 0 i T hillagen I Iit 'l d thaituStheC D-ft tii- of odaa. 'lat d4M 7011do with "Csrryeag on " ibuenmisof ré. OM tUmruMile te think a serles 'ai dliIii Uupebie t lie stSck" hoe ait.tail iquoje s gW #éité ilNieri th>-of roibne~ of M s ort cailutgo ou lie gvtre lie ~mn si»U- -Ildou'î kéop a ilacl of llqp.'i bvn s ~èatti! UUiOrd ý5 ulteaiarerueut ro 'r ue e tybottes0yi 'hlis charmia a a W ne, and @a. IL vas; tva iPerpagM tiratIbi 5i Ut.?~ ~ ~ rounrd 1 plcked %P la the eifoit »t-i «rnmcut offléat Uêbiid t"ya>MMit liuere braIMo- teefBank eofla'. ed toewtmauif'lfo t thé .t thefeila ne quiuon t fim vic in taLeS n a brick buflhtul osaiilcaseUax IffounI uliit T h re marsisl via rery nqulatire men. if feuni paiR>', wf I b.'euot Üt bdîeY erieieod'-ta %rtl Mie miesviii bi e oi t i oi a ibd- av » a i ta . e rude, but I1aswu mth drmimprison at Fort Luir..Heverrtiriega«dMW vii «<mi %=ai cse am th e l tiaid. 'aboV4bcl lbaI vii m'*soid tir- Worth, Kne. à natr tirat 04MI'.it ~oPa.the Ut. ~B ceht UtUsaci. anne Cas ia. vrîî formateandl tire>' neur Uld t abmado arS78.Prom nthre Boeirm place ot business triÇJ aliireJudo* LendietenJ5<p4e ortheir job aid tirt 4'W« SWOy ftoin si gadth" icoudaiteft itire mniai uent tatire place con-Spese ila eers' r tr cS ntciitS1 ivl raM, aa AsisantPolieChet ducted by 'tire Mcbermotts. Fort fInI>'tImriraiveand "i er'Wernr viii theY <tne. A té*'iuB.'-a*&Y tir ri4ei 0 u m v.iti the maràbM i ve minutes tire &amhal rappul onire given a heanng hforeCýommission- car tan out et gaéoliSS mmd tireyhia viripittuw mteed tire MCaie 4%, the doi rontlaug te about ()Pen îr Maio on May legota abanrdon l tmeithe ir scali taibiisiment ait tire corner orilligila up!" rrar.I l e ceî. mtret au Sellriden roid. "Tbi is»a "lalyli aui iad > md I bave juit nflued warrante for oeauomoI bante fe tlunInC bemn plntIng Wsukegan eut asiai la tireomn a telplaced ha n tharreit of tlrea imir. siUged bildnddauomo iey allbe tôriv in Chi brl ale' ta tire vend. and 1 don't eloged far a veck. plu keepers of Wadksgan. The vir. cago te Ares for tire expiresoi purpoe inh tire>' tnoatn.e'*den et nqnfty' 'rien the marsbal vent ta tire."Log rne wili b. ierved by a United of robbing tire hank. Tirey voee'v n mie lacaity" adde Tyrrell. Cai on Euse Wasiington atreét. States mri teamorrOv marnIng. e itrm 'iemarais toil tva tub cfi Tire United States offîcers sarcheu No noms* vîli bu made publie untif rc bee< tram tIm, e MCsney place." ilaid telir Orst an d tire iasemen utItbe varrants are ierved," saîd Cern- Fau year>ý ago tire lecatm TyrriL fudntgte aroue suspicion.t misseer Lauis J. Maton, over thmen mntor building aut. rabiera madl taunut nobtan I *5emt a cet ati tire sas tirere. Tre>' mev off tir sirni por- tien ofthle amie mnd imaiagelto se- vm-*ta Sý m U - -- TUI InevIl 7eo;uabrF qumwm .»,otui Msa.êWeid two voeksu mgoibd ti* poce - III. met. -ii lie 1nr i rn Ut i7 Rla rlv et «*e ripome proiec-ir- tiflor thtie lbker club oleratora I virai tites Atornrey Wekicb iacar t pied~ ~ ~ ~~l ou'aey satrlyUs terest- t ltut Iosey irav re regaLrds tire is-N Y»aIeofitire tovnship b>' 'tie fidertio autborttlesos Sturday. Tmei lm ire as airmt Ot ua gstatement on I t .r er t. Icmlà «Jqgpffl te. sy tat iamn pasemue tle have ti4e i4polin efth$ ee e« thse Usw Cesiata teé e mi à- teulmUtnglilquer Un tht ewiquy U"Ienth .~ leaion tomrtery 15w. ln jaim if M tOxicitinsg llwuo'in Uet ter. nIeor>' nvolveql in ordon ta odcure at conviction. "My office during the past tvo nronIbihie bien aimait ooniMMeYelt engaged la the trial of casesa nvoir. nq liquor vilalt«loe tLake- county in prome inîMgadlttlly tarted b>' my oflice. 1il ewtlnue te prostatite1 vlgorouaiy aIl violatars of the lquan avs spd mil other lasin thia counlt> and hope that i ma>' have the c- operatian of the. b*#t ctizens of Laket coun>' ln tWmé ekdéivot' te 4V) ie I15 Ii b imorc" i fmm'44Oy and vîthcut% tirer. An>' Ieip vich the federai sutharitii or al> ft PIgsSUZtiUOrorse> Thr e Olng plaie«t aie 0ist> voit b*O. ~~i swg ,du Prose"t Inta tire rmy or fSth le"Iibert amse . em -,M*w uGond, C*i-y 1e4 m le quisS mS OUires altet. irh~iý l 5a Ieçl&b tise aou net ee% St ~<sd ttut the agmbi TiCa~lale vaeleu Uegistar il alt *# uibt 961 u# tleM£~mm *i it la t>eUlP& -y w* tel» sat.suteiefor irb vok. afiVh evels 5tBIt4 m tur ia, Itlai. frsIbte tiat tire lulu tOIt 1160115* liE ý 'i WàukÏgaltitiandNos-tir (M liter? < £r h artýtaimce thsi mtiré i ulsgartlnemt.taler tis 4 f g ' ae m *fe e vdr t bd 6reQ"i tO C1 0 ont." Tire vantants diii nt a l i en eievd ii col for 1the arrosrndrviauar mi>' gve me ln arum r-e. W - .M.. i«.-- l;-.-r. ayting about srchilg tire second ofttires of the moe viso conductemicure a a mml su a ofmaoisy but thlieŽ' * àoa-hoa"w s-'- '-5 .ud ad wÏU di éI3mare te 'u1'r vhre erenmisible 10 opeàs itlser portion setvl ubstl'iptUtdad ~ i'i.iau I~~t cri O*AI"Y plac". ChnesCrawfrd clubs roided b>' the United Statesl iîi ir ae msiatetmon wli bu' upiiiimeMétd b>' -y h*b f oit e it4 & ià th "tleQiÛM M t prates a Ioker club, but It ln locat- la rdy ngIt . L'. t e gate aminailstireof15S tmovn-ori-lae Miu. -UX uiyg*a rf-u i upetains, ad tse officers didm't 'm~o i fst iA en t.» loni.i. h"tte - S A misMtW.,oi w ege-me- ~i ~- Oaer ai ' betug toevtrînofte Btazre nkou r&te «IL1 aie muitiorit tote iarcir 105* or f ear of exposnre b>' heir ng -McGure Us belu ielut lau bds of Ocialdechireut . t P M m îe building, se Crawfod cacapout caledas vtneaen agninattirhe b p reel ad XUlE S,000. Wiren rrestel t bUs home la stade for mimIng of a»Y M"s e itieut 80 à"iusi *aruag. lbmmbr e >'tr e esra . B~pahte th ba'luud ia is, 4 Area Tiday ire vii 53Med ujth ai navire la a iitisen.'hure la » 0~eaili Ot top mdeb> tregovernment, nov gnips thre harts iof Aria, Ms>' 21, 3:460 5'elock.-No P tM I1N J A aID , 1. .- - 4' >ctIt 'Tre anirlsv. t ir oh Nisn Ioc-al îecker club memirs. fort Iwse îvia lnscrf t tr ilvi uJa ma mrriel auiiF ite- ý f aài rt-= club n Northr Chicago. nenr ol>'trtvrn W llam a usiI luNe UnUfi u tlevflan10-i" 1r' degbMt itltbeirtp'la itatid M 114*1 "Have you a goverument license?" Mfc('anney. 'Thomas McCannn, oreonefot tlusbrg m eÉ% 1*013luel 1 fohar aiLv' un êked one o h fie esr ery Wrnrand . A. n' '"su A tii à* teES ES seitéace. I *000M lien betveea lie Mé O i N "e1bae"Prosliving #r4 - oyep lretnelhir. vra e t "Wlsene la it?" tusj lsn tr lbmmeatrom tire bark. viro voeearmusait bi y a 1oUhp<9f Oic.Itwo vU ievi lig ,*Tire states attorney bias li,.' e-vili be * > po' luinloast int lie smultn vexplosionoliag plac te ruglaer o. the suipoed dNselsoan.. j posidon. 'ia mian apsndti>' tire Chicago Dies SudenlyinIl ounl toctive Neyerat. 'viilot liemselvea hbue te *IF l e d N e hlso n . o n e l h D u r in g t ie r a i d >' o n d u c te u t S a u t- J b v i e e u 5 m n B t l r sv In - L a k e M e n d a y . t 111 e xsit e t l tr t ié r ir re M - t ca t a d e . '% t o i Tir mrsra clle Jir Wlc nay ngirt tire 17 United States mar- men, 'rie>' watcired, tirenotu ng Golis àa o-weviil M ab«Ie ta- or ti re tra tt bu tissu l rer tire phone and virn Weich n- m;bais took lime te procure tihe name',abuanbeivtrtfrsaseh A jaunt eut ino thie countruy dia- 1111 o ilevouy o ld,~i ~ti oro n htNla' uonetof ail louker club mesubers. Thirafigures ndt lothing. tirree members ef trivt ir a lu»Cen at tire roadolde 0f1t. bail-up #»e & tatrtltii.'ndfoik o th ou iic&e ws lcke up n te vultofvas doue b>' cop>lng toemtram tire tire part>' vere wvemn. vastire afternoispîeassre pianned raids lcbir eu pandfrtl d.Aierh adl rh sat'satorey» ffce te o empt>' and fait boer cases in tire club Four charges of nîtroglycerin wr yHr.My e lugirisof utChi-li rument agets loftItire plac is .Mb>'loisoete, bave entered the SB otionregIrter*# VIi ILIupt Ut. virmi h poes. pace ramae. In soverailuntances tire gor- usea before tira-nmte of tire bank vas csa Suia>'. rbut aire dUiflot iultill ,insUrtd esot at Ama isnNa ak -mretutatiudeoM DUn' Vmt ucn P.o. erriment alentis sarccoeedui n oblain- OP eLeut r wisires, for deRti ronuglit tire b"anéd mbit'ta mskw aa otltae corec.t aai ts thoneq0' wtu bdvolopisi builePac. g tierecmb records. and as tirese nec- yP'eiig tire>'voulut hnav dovn day'm pleastrre tu an end at 4 'cleck 11110, ii*ligi i*11 bob lic lihotdteutd Jedet lp tint tire marabals ddimi s ils acopltstitimitetpo temsdvs helie oste an l th &te on helooer.l oer ishc- ndtiret te w me BCt.ÊOt tI vlmt the pace coaducted h>' An- Outreai cmîcedetett pocirnsevs i fa 0 ir rn-stieitetau benlreairrdtt th# idlsf a _mis_______________ rev Pucîn. memirship, tire government viil ot dit>, tire> did not asUr fronùt heir heU virle latigling and talkîng wl'h theTri»e Lumwbr y*vdmise tl ir tuWara o lh e rrê Tire officens mamie a complote .earcir andt %tattedt ta Ieavre tue place. virere- ihomes te notIf>' tirelavissMarshrall, tire fienda vo ire Iamnvlted ber ta blacit povuer andcia,. Bibboôfauudai, tedtcie b b 0 1@ et ir Mc3urea cmponWasrig-UPen SèVerat Met are Mid ta bave Whoe.acoondîng to anOfficialof tire ride. irlorgirt te Ares' baolE RockIée, tracemibave vieut'd eeAl*5 ai tir 0 ai theta Mcron, mtres's. c-amp on a t sUlare n ui u ton street. Tire fficora. 100k tire approniedmi iro rm a vas on anotier aide ofthtie Mrs. Houghiand died sairttl>' atter tiegireut i$ e a n* latvi.errei- o. u mm l a lm: e rame ut every man ln tire place aý- d rttaciig tireurand taktog away tire-towinst tire timo. 4 coc&î ille mtting on tire grss thentire ofLae [IMa v miles Mtti '.csfse U~T rioni tire olicerns of tire nation asha-mi bottIer, of beer.Foui- charges of nitrofficm'in wrrerc naar Shieridan Ion. ln làke Bluff. But dant, tuhplcog o l gUmelUthocietattemptulrdut', mameced l tisetMi Lemte ri ae.Ie eiem."JH alboran said ire succeedemi in figlit-appied irefore tire rolybens reacira-t a fevi minutee before tire Chilandsspcotr ometeycnt go ratt miznrul riaad t 0.-e W. BARWILL." ing hi-i way outsiclu ,of tire place S ira,0ear ira.Whs ievaioa eudailrhart>id WIen lier husband vas Ieavis gtire lokig ak awth ensut evanît dot viseblovnoOpen: tiran Sin aligited front, tirecar. and msoa-eironte aI Leitirton It charge o e t tire tlo. Heobiris mil uimur McGuire vas not attesta-a. loehlng liasavi o detire e sili ai Tisfnly c-mlihdweeegge nara helnhdetectives. Mns. McGureepressed a îg tirii10iasitae, rte t o eSi Tire officers vent te tire club <>coan- girsfeio teecîv.y .nemner. Tus inaîl!aomlllsrtivt eggand nnngngtr ln prayer bokhlniis hbond. * prison. ducted h Doyle o East tire>' entered frein h autoto obIleffanulon a tairle-clatir victi bsd bern "I cao lte hs vt 1mecant 1?'- Police ('bief O'Hare oet Ke*s to Ietbu hycudntgtayne e-dore ava>'. apreaul on thie grass. One menrier liegged tire prison ~f iris capters. _J1 ton sreetbut e>' euldnt ge an> ne-men.ile thii'batik dinectors ara-neaif thte part>' vas Mms. Houghlsnd*u 'l eanytiring bu vint," nepliem admiats Mctuine's pal was, a rwiýnt sPorm>'e to nepeatod knoc'ta on tire Attorney 'Pnzb)oràki, repret-éntlu tredeetie2. ttat î> nhlrcsl front door. Thon tire> vent ta tire Wnoli nîe ir v eadîrtemptingtt ixt tirUrIonsa,detectiv-t<heami dropI o tlîe aide of lier sbouldrtlis d Mcuies.wUofvii et re ermt-y notitSl i tu eUe, negre camp on Shreridn tond. This 'er>'sternly. lHe questionedtiii ylet, ae ai f0ra-lowth ie tatIn itira- Viran thra- rienti reaciera iarsilu' ted to talk vîtir 1er iruabauml Lt tire alm O'Hare. "lbut tirhe lira1 camp taconductdya-ggmen akln.-irat una-v atire salerin fI et h-uart tuent lhaitoppeti. MrFv présent time. cam U cnut eic b>' I tke 'se tn. particuan rvoutvierer )tili(' Bank of ArpaaParlty Mon+y marningý1 îîughI~îand was ded. Kanosira police with tIre aid s iuî'5pposaitto haIn Kes as b ot th euire olil -erren d ans S tir>' ra wumirai reolversi.,-and t s daclara-d tire crimminnis ili iCroner Johnt L. Taylor was imnii- icu'lves Charlea R. Retuard' mnd be retd el t>js r e o rnTe ai ert a niSeeln idat- is lrunvi n li pe ns,,iý(n emtat t 'Itego' ' ' beeitand'oitid. HoUeirhi,,ttailPý istel>' notfied, amIlunda>' nigrt ir- ('ianes Moyens, comireutKenomîra >,es- tse pteisenit 'Lim Sé u d cpU_, 1terda>' in a fet aanra iem nekisv vrelire ii. i 4a ýt1 we rout 'ir> dtIno uceoi nfoc-ofiist ~myInviîcse ss-i i nng tire présent veel. p1eideutit ti, intrrut.îtheie mad :ngan ntrnc tetbi ol~e tiraL4a -'o i Utire aloon IraiS sirui. Tire compmmry vhicir ielm tire burg - tiehioig omndit vrle alI4ttlte bave been tiése. c- i m t 001111lirs co.iM O t». That Henry Werner, Narthr. cs~- hlm on lihe otte era1 tlmts uilu au' ngtaceirs etulmite t he'Checago wo.arirpiee ie'urtGRsl bn N-dlwBl go 14;ckr club k~pi, ritdtaa' areItle.H L>mgr tr n'u-t ae ire ta0 ie bdeçis at __________________ nt licofce lisb.tdthe Il ilaO. W$eIbul O t llkli or achrg o re1tlg U S atsounire '*".Bot c il a due /f0 ti LaIte Zurich virere tire>'ver. lait sein -Meurv owmi, ubit lna êt i 0re rsI bie ftes',m~i& ~ ~*LL tlact thst hire uea it-scap.. ad litla sdeclareu tire seanch ir f reneveq iotuhp o, titSw~ ~b itir action. Impumet« us pla, 00 tu jihOs,"& ' . - r oxfon ii0ip continuel fur toa yban, if awOeeanr officie eoftihe uniare conident C A the bandits, were in Ares during the rush buoineni5 houre on Saturday and they aise are confident thre yeggmen at tiraIt trne laid plans for thre roir- t'f lP TU I ?î ff bery.1 AN» UIM ER ilhiIiES'avan~ Dett-ctives do nlot believe that Elrner - MeGuire, the yegginan wbo confess- I (C@BIifud Prom PU* eD.) (Continu. e rr . ae ed to blovlrg thre safe in the Tripp Deteottime Mqyeri, wh.n thugs In arn- 219t birtirday and wviabii Lumber Company's office at .Area, had bus> itred several abat. Into a ci. attalned tireir Sul<ttidaY c aIrarxd in the bank robbery but they boo» INI whlieU*y*"u w» ii ng. tori tie day iobnemW are devotlrrg conslderable time today mTbHIRO-He has namsd the men who te register, eacepting 01517 e* uW muder.d in coUd blood. enllsted men of thre rogulu a . te questionlng friend-s outhte local VOU&fTH.-Ke a dmit& ihit white en. iiavy. tire marine coaqI4 thle?. gaged n aà robb.ry At O.hkoeh, WIs, tional guard and naval It a epeced iredetclies îîfive y.ari lago hi shot à baggageman 'the serice of the VnIfi Ttt xetdteUeetvswl n the shoulder. offices lu tire offîcers' rese pick up a clew n worklng among FIFrH-M. names thou. responi- ad onlisted men in th» e eItigl ro. ,MeGur's friendm vhicir vii lend bis for th. robbery of the So. lin. ierve Corps wvitin active service them te thre "banglflg out place" of depot et Fond du Lac, Wl.., à few "la tire territofies fu Alasaka. êvat. theorgnizd yggmn. or he e-weeke afler the shocting t Oehkos. an d Porto Rico a day for regiardlo theorgnlzd yggmn. or Irede- SIXTM-l4. idmits knovwledgue ef ili ire namn.d lu a liter praeimua- teetives believe the bank robbero of the robbery at thme $00 lino iqiot Uin tien. Monday vwu the vorn of men viro Janqaville, Wls, ia<BWw eks &go. H1' w ta ueMail. are net professional cracksmen. Thre 8fVENTH-H. admit* the theftt s "And 1 do charge thooe vira Ibrougi us f the nitroglycerine and the tact a1 pieceOOf bras. trom a frelgîmt car sIcknes shah ire mnable tu iprenant thatit equredtirre cargs o tiet Lethton, LakeB county, B fow weeki themselves for registration that, thatIt rquied trechares f th a&9, -and wUttrn îmvlng taiots"it a i pply on or betore thre day ciy spowerful explosive to open the hole blacemith @hop n Area. t wasIit, tratian te tire tounty clerk ortbtue ottE In thre sae througir wirch tire money itmemtiui t. have keyz made te lecks ty irore tirev may hi for bttMuio#an vire extr.*cted mabusathe rotrbery was 0 fret mt ar in th e Lothten trelgt as te how Uiey msy ho br yards, th. cari belng beavily lood.d agenit- flot tire work of protessional safeblow- wlth colper and Ifais. * the aynaie f omtehoC C - titeaereitof Mctuire te polhe wirth t j Tire burgiars; worked even aftcr theY datim te hold the mani who la regard- hom1et maY register by mail, bob'el Irad Uen dlrrcovered by 1>eoi,îe- living ed as tire most dangeroirs of ail en- maîîeil registration carda funtr acr'osr tire strept and the posse viuich l Wote o tciety at large in thre United tire placi, la vbic th58' ia4r beat the bruvires for the yeggrnan Statemtoda. hoes~.b the duy MGulre sdmltted te Assistant ("bletirerin. Tirey hould 17rlyAi.~ u did net taire up thre trait for fully an of Police Tyrreil viren -sweated" praeticable t0 the cort'clea1kt hour atter the robbery had been re- Frtday that fIve years aun, revolver in aasrnty virerein tbey may ho for le- ported. bond, h:entered trthee0 lire di>Ot stru.ttousiaa te bo *y tira .u at 08kosh Wis, an hel 'leth@ pliah their reosgis N Bankers and other -business men ticket agent. As MOrue I i SOcSb" "la cpi. 'sumbwo in tire omaller cittes of Lake cotlnty li gout. Of the diPat att rlt.rig tb@ e sieça orea are takirrg steps te place guards about agent ofthtie mÔney, a 1baggBUUM Prent tireMtolc tirel tire dupaI. iàmiteIlSb N' libutiion ISsu thir e atabtsbmnente durirsa tir.ho-riadiuteirehoitrots re~ abois, At tJIi et or.30M bot veen auelt.Band sunrie n vlev ira«angemair. Onu m to u Mt he S ppW 'tu il of tire ntmerousra ,bberis af lato. logigoima Intii ihigdeit 'aie hOWmgn ICi ______ma__ fl nneeom linthe8u4"tiut. 1;. Cxl ci d it pe h Re dv ed le Lfe