CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 May 1917, p. 5

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TflVNL3>AaOOUTYMÎOOQIS, T eRDYMY2, 1917. gltr Yo u-r Law.n Needs Attenttion Shady Spot lawn GRASS SEE-'D Force Your Garden stuff WIth Our FERTERIZEM DMMb "ou . OPO . L otaus Phone 47 E. A. Diuhpvdp YOiwouM uq pu~t on pfiswood if you wjsnted YOU amreg aware tihat hicory would be much battsr. vWYne use the s»Me judgmemit on coal? OfiDER your cool of us andigeltih. real hol tf ha -. ýW. F. Franzen, Jr. Telephone g0. Uberfle HOW ABOUT YOUR, GAR-DEN We have a "are stock of- ail kinda of Vegetables. We would advise you to cail as soon as possible--- at least corne and iee what we have. We also have- a large stock of Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers. f Lfbertqville Lappeniga Il Ton Kzaow of néofo Tel.Ilpbm Number 1. *l m. *Pmo.trousChicago Wmied o Mm T A0fILokTîUea. vin Beoté%go@"me f thlaud Park -P-1,0 àuYet a i o l borhue. Mm .M. .oler of Derold la apeuil- bag40e k eaithei. H.J. Noyera home. L»Ij Vlo bhm been eoafiud ta hie loie n s ecomt or ilii....for over a Chas. D. Procior, etbettut. cirk la *Wo poétoBs, ha. rseveae"ltris the Me. . H.L. Ouyot and ebildren epent Wudmssdap and Tburoday of lent week la Wiu.tte, 1III M. mmd Mma W. 1. Colline and daugh. IWt Mise Viralea"mmdMI" es orlowiey ofsmt Uuadap lu S.pcaaoue. Mr. and Mma.Frank Biith and two mm nmd C. Tyrrel of Waukegan, vlited the John Cole famliyfiudel. Mus. (lordon Clonne of Evanoville, lad"&n. vWmtid ber inothor tir&. Oeo. Clones, a couple da7. titis week. Mru. Mmdir. Eau. MynJor Ifrving Park, *peut Baturday and Sunday t thebous hoef tr. and Mlra. W. A. Nîrboao.. lira. Carrne (rummitlt bac cloeed ber homne bere andl baa gone ta make ber hunme wltb tire. John Cruker on the Melody farm. The lipotie Wôrker Drill Team i lli nive their poetpoued dance at the Town Hail on Frlday eveulug. Music viii b. furDlobed by Suart's orchestra. The Ladie' kil of the Presbyterlan cherch wili hold abakery ml&tCorlett'a @Sore Salud., iteroon, May 26, commenclag st 2 &"lok. 21C1 Thora va. a large attendanceet aibth card prty mnd damSa glvo by the mein. boeaof S, Josepha Aitear Socety ln ibhe Auditorium Wodumeo oveang. lee créamnamd cake wvosuarved. Mar"bal mberry das ta as aihaobas ,ueceved ammy complaliteabout potins hois walklmg acroes lavu. mmd gardoens and of throvlug clones on thelu. Re vighes tua mlhebattention ot parents ta thipracices. Quito a numbor ai lhe meinhore of tb. LlhortyriWs M. E. cburcbwenît taWanke- gem Snudmp ta attend tbe dedicailanq [novies lu tbo nev M. E. ehurci, tlb. serviee hslug couducted i pBlsbop Thomma Nicholso f Chicago. The poatoffice boura au Memorlal Dai viiib. mo lloce:- Open util 10 oScoch la lhe morig sud iaosod 'rom rixas Mms onOuntil a lu the @venin£. Open IrmOô o 7 p. in. The lobhy af the pooloffle. cii hoopen ail da". Thora viii mma business metng of the B.d Crou.Aiiarp of Uhorîpuille on Maondmp siooon, May 28, et 2:30 a'clock. Ths meeting vii ho eid lu lb. oooM llciambsu of the village bai. A flood altendanca le deaired, as thora le nm iImportant business tu b. doua.* Mir. and Mua. J. H. Jordan oi Dan., fed.. arniveil Frlday for a ten dopa viit; clîb lthe formae'abro&bsr, MI . J ord etth lsclrlc station. Mr. Jordem va. lôrmnerty edtor and puleher of lb. IDana Noes ad cas forceil ta éliehlmpubli.. lion on aceount of au accident 10o u ai hie -Ye. Exceloior Camp . N. A., beid a cpeciai meeting et tbir hall Tueaday evenng 10 fiiI tbe vacancy of Rlecorder, osbîcb vac left open by the reeignation of lire. Carde Graumitlt. lire. Annle Supilai vas elected tu lb. pasitian ater wbieb oe@ reaigueil the office of Oracle Tbat vacançy viliib. illeil ai the neit regulur meeting. William Knebuer, a nephev of Fred Jockeim dil i. b..h«nein Fart WayeIndan, 1aiTburaday, deatb b.lng due t er, die-... "Bi" livt1 boefr .e ero vîtb bic uncle. tMr. ,locîheim and lamwlip sud vachilfor hila lu the bakerp. Durlmig bis etay ber. ho ruade inusfrieudc wcbuaciiiregret ta baer ai bie destb. Mesdames Fred mu d Fort Wayne. M EDTlFLOWE & A ve7 eretinq m esuvr aàat .VEG"ETABLE tCOvÉMPANY -oig h briCu uaoe h Phne 10 (from 7 to 6) Libertyvile, Illimows lra. Ingra amn. Who ica sanO s beauti- ILPhýfui motu lu bey veil khuau cmpliabsil amnusu. The mîdreecoflb.evanitiug cm 'lelvered by lire., a ter of L 1 à m- Mm- ir. F.G. Ceveand, chu bas ishoreil w ith her huband for lselve yoare as a PPORTUNITIES,1k bhP IL ,jMisslanarp osi ibu Cogo Ri ver lunAf ica hall, nicsd' lir. litgor basa vers pleasiug way of [ atam ld uflm f ..È 4.8 sd. prenouîlug ber subjeelandl captîvateil turouuth the fingers sud are gosAIug4cne la ïware. ber bartera clihber slap nu fIl a1 To inake the mocI ad oppottnI. iaI may- ehnmawittuînî. TI.,larxo congrogatiotu grdepeil by advenisiug, use The 1' depaudett' cia. c« ee cli plueansd %bu hope es pne-aed sui idpages. It je a migblv elmiuv,.Oppbitly "t ithal gbs imgigbt rmun sud hbubard Q ica'tose cho adveties 11 P ecno«dt,,»w r. MtagrratumnedtromAfrlca PeMpesTbttdep b« - li Ilt* bahp bnj, w ho. bonilth Irrom île linucandeof airsdélsThI lu Iýs pgy a m *ord lie WumO ui-tuOÈSmaiftuougbta mmathe 'i Une F. 0.CWi~eaan d owbeyhrry Ave. AUILAt «tD IST. PAUL nil rFUIS CPSoU.AilED MIRE DBACK EARLY TRAIN Abtm m"etinglal the LibertYvilli. The C. M. & St. Paul raàlroad on Mou- Auditorium bast Thureday evenlug an day dwoontlnoeil wa traina whlcb Auxilarptu the Chicgo brmnch 01 the fornîerlY made the rmn froin Llbertyvllle Natloai Sod Couevas rganiSd ivth ta Chicago ln the ee.riv morning, aI 6:-05 k; mnInitial mehrobipoaninety-fonr. To andl 6:50) and out train leavlng lor ibis mumber amenOtj.lva ucre enrolied Chicagoata 12:25 p. mi. Thees trains, &li as th. paluloi ly miibeldlIn the sain.left tbe liraI treet station. Beîurning halon Frida> wflung, maklng a total froin Chcago the -trains lilted formerly memhehliip of 194 nP ta, that nlght. arrlued St Llsiripuille at 19:30 a. M., The memhereblp dums are $1. bail af 6:Ù5 sud 7:815 p. in. wblcthe iboAWi" a eta remit ta, 1h. Thia new deparlure vorked ail kinda Chcago brame Mmd thé, atber hall tu 1h. of hardahîpe on the many Llherty viii. Natioa led Croso heaiquartera mi peopWe wbo are engaired In vark sud Waohlglon. 11» caiupalgn ta mure businses la Chcagoansd who bail depeand- mmjbor vii t. kopb on lndellnltely and od on theée traîna for peara to gelhm it le belâmio ual belore very long luto the elty lu lime for vork. Not Llhertpvl l bave a mry strong Red mmm! tof thoas going toClago on elther Cran orimnlehalo doing au vel mcsaujDy f theb Ot tvanamed train@ coul wat otber ê1tp llà théconutuy the cile of for thc train front Janeesat 7:22. e làhrîtileg. Tbe vomen whofiraI bah From MonedaY ta Wedneeday. vheu . uthe won are vouklng nnceaslnglp ta the rmmd pu% on a -combluation coachb bep tbis grand vork. Therbave fonnd tran Llhertyville to Bondant. ieaving # iliat It lakeS verplittheofaIexplalulng bers et 6:05 amd connoctlng with the their vork baJoue a prospective member 6:14 train aI Bondant, tbose farteri peutre dovu b4 or ber dolar aud .aps depended on tb..early inorulngtrn .put M aiymnthsflb.ot.' md been compoleillte go by cay af the 1 an msoskit bMThureda nlgbt va. ,i.trlc te Boudant or Lake Bluff. Tb& 'bddreesedby James R an u coît, people of Llbertpvilie, enpecialip the one vho le coumseW dwltb the Chicago vhom the tirei order efcied, vers very Chapter of the154 Crame. Ho bail ma" mnch dispiesanIand tookthte matter up a fine talk on the work of tbe arganiza- vltb the reliroad wltb tho recit tbat lion and oaitliemcmi vorthy ondeavor ta ou Manday afternoon the local station lncrease b. mberçlilpall over tho landl agent recelved a notice that a single no thaithe Bid Cross vonl be lu post,- coach wauld mie thettip ta Bondant- Mion ta ho 0f botter help ta the Nation daiiy exeept Bandmy. '- »md Ils soldiers and callors wbo wlll The train *bîcb formerly arrived front ffon b. on the Srlug ine. Chicagoata 9:20 in tbe morninsmue The follovlog ocUbea ere elected for uuly as far &@ Deerfielil, lima cuttlng off the neDow rganation: anather train ta LîIberîpuille. Only one Pretdent-Mft. ldînrva T. MacOuMti. train nov ue to tho FireI treet Vi2epredst-Umr M. A. Pratine. station, tbe one nrriring from the mautb Secrolarp sand Treanurer-Mra. Jenule tt 2 p. nO and 1,-avi ig fur Chiîcago St Baud. 3:07) P. M. The falinclug wvesappointed a8s a Even wth tbenew order many patrons reeruitlng commttee to ait at the meet- fi-I tiat the road 1@1 ual giving Lberty- ing Wod the follocing eveuiug: lire, ville a fair de1 nt u cconnt of tb. fat Lui laoo. sira. Id. A. i'rotiue, Mir@. Ibat paàsenlgers ciii be compelled to J. L. Taylor, lMu. J. B Morse, Mire. E. transfer from the single coach ta the E, Elsworthi. u.Robert lScoit, MIss train, an the main lhue Il aiInde of Emnllp Bush, Mra. F. 0. Martin sud lire. woathor. lu case of the main fine train Pautltay. hein« late, chi le l len the cae, thsp Tho mmie lfor iiimeeting Thnredap vauid have ta, cait at Ro ndant sud nlgbt cas furmlshed hp lb. Choral Club, thon ual gel Ia oChcago mnch e«Mler clth lire. BIW B El angrahain direetor. titan if tbep calteil lu LîhorIpsIlle fou -Jrbe motinaisalbooglu uat ueariy ao lhe 7:22 train. iargci.7satla$m 00.outhe nazt ngbtThe&mili fram the local poolffice tacked nou eto ils spIuIt ai etutsaum, cîîch formeri, va. diapatcesilta Chi. especiliy lu lie couh chîcb the Bed cago on the 8-05 train cwn have to go 'Cross bad esImulaitedo. on nothe train asibis tltain don oot run oullaturdaea WILL IangueJEMETS I' EOAdDYf~ -otu bi Atth bo Cnmerelal <unhmellmkMon. dep ulgbt a eommiodvas"appoiti la couler wvlib tbeýsauogaloburci sud tirganizatlons 10 plesin ft e ohesvatice of iMeuarls a mr. The committe oasits of @il membeta, George EBu, chairmn. Paul MmOu#n. Bd Sau, Max Lobuer. W. 1. Colne and Tablas Choc. - Anotber commufte anustatiug oi James H. Swan and MiheriWilson la ta arrange vîtb tbaeChbcago Teisphone Ca. for a largo pale lu the park wvhb iii b. usda a fag pals. 1% le propoel ta botil the Memonil exerml' a la tii. park iter the exercice staitlb.cemaery, pro- vldlng veatuer permît. l. Arrangement@ viii ho made for ane ar more speakers for thmees 1us-c1csumd the stiioaiobilidren aud thelu teachere cill gimIly cooperatecwilbtbooteuogansam- lions lu makîng Il ans of tii. groatesi holidapa L.ibertyvilo basevor vitueeoil Tbe cchooi children have alvay-e doue lber part vell. every crr mlng ont lu "ret nuninhra tabelp decorae othe graue@ vlth Su cors. But b. agitation of lai eaoaa@a beon not to lottibis tmsk b. tmion eciely by the cildrsu. but Ibat lbe aduit population taho a moradecîdeil fiâtoretl ib e Meinuial Bas pragrai and put soide wonldiy caread psaanre for tIs day. IlEIOtIAL ANODACCA. LALIREATE SERVICES SIJNDÂY ýiext Snnday ulcrniug at the Librty- ville I. E. churcti the numi Menarial servie will be bt-Id. the service ta bant- tend-d hy the meml'ets ai John o. Bagan Pool G. A. R. in a body. The liemorlali sermon wili be preacbe4 hy RLv. T. E. easin sd alecial musc i ii lusrendoreil by tho choir. Nexitta iL-mariai Day tbis day là obeerved uerp app. opulaiely by &il tb. Grand Amy mou and ibsîr famallen sud lie generai publile coulil as mauy au pasibl1e ilith oin at thîs ln 1h eveninut 1ev. Reain cii prpaph tbe Barcalaureate srmon 10 the 1917 graduating laaiVo h iba lervy Alle inh1g mOool Ail the tbarbera, tumehr@ u! the sehool huard. nimbera ao t à laciansd ail peopla are inviteil ta Ibis service. The-re ilii be ep-cial music by the choir and tirs. Eus iîîg Ingraham i vii sing a Tho anunal uî.-tiug ai lb. L#âCounty Bunkers Acoiaio attake Forest an Wsdnecday wasalatended ty he fallaw- lng framn Liberttville sud Aresb: At- tornoy B. B. Milller, G. Carrl Oridiov, Barry ticcrp. lRoy F. Wrgnt, Frank J. Wrght, 8 L Tnip,. I. Fousei sud John Bouse tMr. Miler cas eiected prfcident and John Itîuw @crpitar., of tlb .nealu- lion. A report of the umeeting appears lu paritva aIutIbis paper. The LÀberlyvhllOladeoendent cuit- taingltseLiTEW? Outy acs, Home of Paramouat ]Pîctwm Friday May 25- Famous Players precentz Donald Brisa in The Smtagglers Saturday May 26- (Titi. Not Yet Reporteui) Suaday May 27- Ficltiou Pioîures prtýsent Betty Bell- r aira in SThe Spanish Jade Tuesday May 29- PATRIA-Episode No. 6 featnring Mm. Vernon Castie. Burton Holmes Travel Pioture In ClaWsc Greek 0. U. Rooster Cartoon Comedy Wednesdy May 30- Jesse L. Lasky presenlo The Selfish Woman ýeaturiug duo Riîlgley and Wallac:e Rd. Thursday May 3 1- Epioade No. 5, with Helen Holunesi in The Lasa of the Lumberlanis, LiBeRËTYVILLC *'ILLINAOIS Home Purchased Hardwiaioe is always suffimmdeby uama Things we do for uot wio gumrd am pu" Evoeybody wth- your mnterestin eveay puftltass out Doing Any- The' mascots' typify tise ad-- body. vantage of home traclu Hot Water Heailmg Rooflmgma" Gahumze Ire. Wei Iin Weuk and Gemerai ph« SellabnÉom f ui a ot. f nomlesevice, ci* is, d nsawg Geo&do ue if a « Ifmta.sspa HARDWAR-EC0 Paul G.Ry Automobile HoeSe and -Auto Cr- riagrs Furneished WMen Duesd Store Phone 9. R«sience Phone 112 Libertyvile, ilinois Try an Independent Want'Ad Our howng o Mo Lac isunusually good at this time, compri s i tdm many new and hauýdsome patterns in edge embroidering and alLover place.. Several pretty patterns tin narrow edge priced special at per yd. 3c, or 30c per d1ai yds. Others at Sc and Bc per yd. Fine wide ali-over laces in smali neat figures, suitable for yokes, siseves, etr- at - $51.00 and $51.50 per yd. 2In the embroidery edges we have a fine asortment of medium width goocis at 1-toc and 1 5c per.yd. Wide embroidery flouncing in- fine muaterial suitable for dresses. Several styl o x choose frorm at per yd. 40C. DRESS VOILES--The season'a rnost populas fabric. Pretty fIowered'e1ects <1.1k... plain sh4dcs an&, the much wanted stripes at 25c. 40c and 50c per y&. The Ladies Home Journal Patterns. Summer Quarterly Now R.q4 W. W., CARRWOLL & SONS COMP, -0 00 9M -- -- - -- - - S- -L i ------------------------ -------------------- ý. lz ;j

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