»TYTVTMTIB WPENDNT. TTflBDA&YMAY 24, 1917. Iuitaione bar. beau lusmned, an- nounelmg th. oyonlng of1th wcu. 0011 resorttblu aturdoa igbt. lb. pavillon fÀ e aon. th. t aide 01 Minefsl su ad -ll boeuscp'pce n.ema tCl arte.fiD *rdw Jo -__ k Barry Artibes, the. cb.uger for the "gmU ffl '.eno..Appilon. 1club at Antrim cottage brought out a adapasuger a lutintefor lb. dances W*n. 1). WbII. -0f Mlilo nwaS a8.oedaj ag. Amna tl.paty wOfre 9*aml caller h orenday aflarooon. Mir. a"d lijý gflrry srnih, r. &Bd lira A. ,Lbtee of Chicago tran"dThom Lusdb.rg, Kr. sud Kru. F. C. b$MMhmTuedy.ÇWaigad Jobag obertaom. Tii.7 pent Ilr.aMd liru. C. Thompoon of fPt. Dlii mg eola 4motlw o tealu lok lemlatetfhe fornira iother lire. p y p .or wili anteranlti Thoxupeon racontjr. frbbias a 'parcy rlday igbl This la ta. Ed MIcOUIre ,eit.d ber mohiier *a treunia91 tlee onteet lub ecosd. 801101m anof Obiago laut ve.k. lime. ater Lyvch red nmaèsocat~ bnilk anlaaid te b. ey e lk. churcii boraThnftday sjomng nt ton '19r. and liré. rak riel«n of Vald@o, o'<ioch tID oommeuoration of tb. Aqcen- Wl.., Vielted .lotIUv..bute I" week. itou 0f our Lôrd sud Maste. At four l.1ar. ldrMm Walker bave roated tb. O'd[«t* b. m"el w b v arge lasnl ner Oat lu tii.Thorneon bou,, sogli ii. Te »oclam bhop. to b O auo ",@evoe.eoeflrtn.d mil la tbe laIt. unI. 00. .Strmang brught ome The oPmbninf th i . ppluct meor baudayfrc. the LilIsJohn hoopital b, .ohumsuad Pansi lut esaurdel Vlan ab@ bas besn for. the. pgt ew f 01911t vwua grad snoesa. Deapre tb. gutbi. Bbe te v«7SryliAisimplovsd I& alriS aar B". large crovd -&alSd bnitia nîi th.clelig hour.m oli'or hs .-,g S ias iormsusjobnpon of Baupataîrs. l*m foie un ,monte. inviiicb the. HL,.vau a vlstor ber$."laituc.lniy. absaomm f ii okl-dmsvalti w.no*ice Sebool loesd tbf. v.ekTburad"alter abeué"i.etii. d..aud for tbu lattar .6 -Y rysnesufiy.ar undet lia.Prhaclpai. il7100. ThgiNu fr0, ldm ouai hhlp of Prof. îSlseon and ble able eua 81 large vasOUeruzrkoble i mumber blaé.ber. Prof. Sinson ve are pasmed to ci locaitln roprsnnld. Ttebf.sua tii 4 isate viiî rernî*iii us eit jear, asfamneof the. Lppincoîl relort. Il ln I1 Mine- Godfrey aud lieade, !Ilnn .ZPsted the. sme crord yl ho at Golf.e Amand Woodbury bavlnag rslgned. this veel. q% gr&dUtion egertimsa vere vell at- i MISJans Alezander entériaiceid ber bm@& Wednnday evenii. Tii. olîav- j riend., miesaliatcaipin of! Cimcgu, arer ag popis. graduated trom thîrl artue week-end. bWgla ihool: Cei iy Druce, Ka.berius1Attho Uighacbaol graduatingexercigas bdou, Alla Nevile.. ilMian yoyeat GraYsf.ke Wsdnesiday mighî, tbe tevm WooiUlais! aular. of Grant -as repreoted &arnaathe Oir. Hooper, drugglst of Lake Viiia, cale4mlb.he rton o! MdinLillano'Boyle. wuala pleasant cai.r bemr. vbo Ilvea in Inirimlde. dii. dllvered au OWS jour graduation giftaantthl. eza elWl collantl Propher, a»d Will"for the. $toe, W. havi prptly uepo"ensu ad I .la 1o1917. Ber horne Iocalily va. np'opriste gifta. Order tahen for Weil représa.ued at the ezorciem.. tovera. i)iaS Drug 0n. 1 Deflnite arrangements bave heen made Kr. aad lMre. Barry Robersof Chbicago tfurtheb Union "rndations un lune 8. rnasosd out Bonda" and visited ntab@ Tbry viiib. bed on that FridAaWbigt oeas..Tout«. home.. 1lae b tozLake' sehoul building vhs, Ilt. Eàôvl.too f the. BrueLaks co.n!ortable matint«vii beptovia. [lm hOhi laatbà i dbusies u lcahtgo additiou b. the ongs gilen iiià Union PuAO". Chdoir UofédiUi'e voise, lhs munie Win UP--"aMm U Rléle maad lemlly 0aibspoami bh, iba Publi&rrim Qiari- atuIDl ltbebtfge overMO 1 W b a*mn. VTl»e yars of t*9 svfhuaMr $MW$ .Aston". ,je& 0. ~ Wsleb ei 1W On a Ipmhdnb ra ligyse @0 la h. Imm5tg e na y mi ai front a id=ilr muami OMM on l.w 1 t0eup ii or 40 tromepwng maaese, Tb". viibil e m wm oe f ada. TMe sqmffl wul b. !*et 'laanm@emser-au. Tb MWv ae4ugermuig plant àsv a> on pisailaîthe W.L Kîmbalie" mta asurdey. Tbie put. thi ahop tea fr55 dam oiidiio4.1 Tb. Fox Labo ebools are planning MemoroatDay earvflssfor nexs veti. liUmr. RMI limo@s amd . i0. Miatidol cf1h. ouaide" vers Iucky labarom nlaitTbnmday, comlng la vitb 51, a mixture caf buill sade. bia basa a"i O*Okrd& J. èkihrda vvsilin vith relative@ lia Cbicago over 1h week-end. - CHOOL NOTES lm Oeorgs Sebool clos. rday. foodiea. rCountcouIentasaI bertyvilo Sasr. bljrus et dal. 116,0 L« Lu Kgt agrade ezaminsiloun ai RouAi lAho m" MtlIonav Mat Pi.hts Ve irmplsa.ed vishbb arovd PrO- 9 "wf* v.u tbbt U* L haf o im d .,.ver. am vistai pussni Midvvu era éad te a"Il ;uday. soin. aev gants. And 1h. cake .nd tu J pouding a wmm cu Ciid ot have bmaibotter. 1 ait. Mn iOursent MWcl ovealng vas a aucso- tut andisgteucur sris ai eonatmuilr rW«D soetigs. Dospte otbar atéraetionsieai narb b tona lb. building wva. filed tu n Tuuiday. 5h. uitosl and ail vers gglad %bey vere tibere Our prograul vas undoubiedi, the mont entsrlaluing glvez Ibis Yeur.C lira. aurces Brovu .again proved ber -ability ai 1he piano, bath la tolu vomI and accompanylng in the vocal nurniere. W.ears praud ta have lir. Brownlain a ur district Ber elter, Misa Brown, f() n viO.salnyluig bere for a tev dayi, .aug veryadmiral, sTerni veilichomen 9solos. Wu Wmile very tiaubtul tae Mis. Bown fot C h eacissance ou the prograin. Min Sailla uearten of the Northwoea <i.ratary of Drauuatics, vas ti. ,ounna lady vho bepl lthe sutire boute.tu & suf a a 0ale o rrlaneut, rixed vaith the mors solemn Ibengihu, by ber excelent àUOrlpreatatlon of maoy taeayble reedings-. St lohéov.td bora abiliig a a autoiet,' :"J.cb irana," "Tb@Vaant Chair," S 'loo-C.lioo," sud 'toalgbut lus Seri Leve." svere.among bar mScii ppractat-ý md eelectionm. iss Cateninu enjojai mmetag aniàapleasent bouse "th@ch -bui éid "ba ili iu»o cougagain. Ot course v. vill b. oa'ly toca glad ta havé bierý "mne. Tie Jounget cialdren proved i hlmomnle' go eàterlalsers llutheIa* Marelu, tIroastOon services sud Wiudlne utah l a, polo. At hei. ,quset Ofthti ildf.ct.e hpaganni va. rsjaet.d 'a loil. tlerniCe Laue as Queta sud Frai snaud lb. Btabop. rant Stanton, ,Iok bbem parte lu &à pleaeing maituer. The utambere ofthe leader grades did veillain t rtvo.part monoa. The. îndl. lion of th. diffiauit eeectoes hoved a marked lncrsaied duntgtheyear lu their abiftty Maong the musical limes. Thel are tbautul 10 otii. différent &on".Alu lhe diatrli oiabavesbean reeonsîtlisfor bpavlng lbe nue. 0f un omman ad or. 'ndtim %i i ' mphIMWla aoefolon Va -PMar. -M Bholc Lu hm retul effl- sondal a gio v Mi.n lie Lm" Mdfl -Ia và*mffl 4 in. Vmege 01 gliimrna et au"$a the. boue. aUMeanaeofra 0 so relatives bm "Sturda" a81, - v«UiksAi e Or l. L" Usesy Porw cdaiV. Virgini. allia borne o!fbuhie ba h. MiseIrvlng veutt 1 blcagc (lrad'ua t1 GIFI rftn Qualîtu of Sti roalan Pens Cuif1 3M & e S o4eufr Kodaks Do We aie. toke ond n'owers' Cone inaMW use ou r eof Isdafnai a pproute Gits. THmE REXALL STORE, MeStore That Suves You Money DRIJCE DRUO tO- Grayslake, 111. ,= 4 J y J&JJL&. ;U 1 bous vn troublisoorn.during May. 1 The. *u"cband parouigsa* M@ nt Ig tesd a eoal Dipabnt. anfo vs- rnat lumub oDM..C"s Nerani vedig h of .. 1'QjB4I jDIs.imeofUbortyvlilf le ebotmu . I M.ur 0mInBo.bomCaunon hais returmed ta bari boa" Ae UM bt. John & ant Lie. eomad vers home aoier sonday. lira J. 9. Polton vas callsd tu Area aotbrday b, lthe .srousns.sof bearadoter, Ure. E R. c. Mie. Amoa.Wobmtr liai bau vlastng est the hiome ot bar brother, B. Patter. lb. Fozx 1*1.Usmter, maniiet, viii uliesitnrirdal airnoon. lMay 31.1 v.M ira.Artbur Atveil. LighI roirui. menate vwU b.euueid. Ail arever, vol. COus. Listis Bayrnond Hnnsy ta baving a case of Meads".. Tii. LadmneAidatslire. haras vas veli attended. Tii oxtaîsitng viiib. ai Iris, IL F. Sîvura. Mr, Jarnn Kelly vbo hbubts a"dfor tomns mg4 4".1mou tinreé a bcag rouerai wvad una aternioon. Banal in Mill Creel cereerji. J. fi.Kelly ba aoweSaison auo. Dr. amd Mrm. J. L. Reddimg wye Wen. kegan vitsore Sauday. V.ra Baver af mi aukegan ià viiting bar aont flmra E. P. biver. Mir. and lira. i. " .dîver epent lat dunday vith friende lu Uhicago. Mir. &nd it re. F. A. Beeveentertained viitur. dnnday. Mir. and Idis. Kouan of Wbtewater called un tbeir sauther, lire Cornu, do. day. i.*ura Crre e@peut a ew days ai borne recenlly. Mrn. and lire. Cliffard Crittenden called ou tîir njotber tunday. The U L.P. C. viinés altihebains ofiaMarlou i-Mie Fnldaz.vsanug Ma 26.' Meuibeiara rsqnssted ta lie preina.m thora !a tu lbe au elatona of ocers and ubr bâiffls. aisé Mlied Kappie rsturaad la Wan- ligna Buadal ater ai psadlng several de@vltb Mise Pilla Ame deveral fr0, boesattsnded tleb aket social af; lbe Wrigbt @shoot Friday nlght. The. frlendeo f Mli nud lina. Ira Barris fonauerly of thie, place avili bc iniere.ted to bnov tiey have given thair lime sons to th. nation. Ticedesi sou Gordon 9. A.. a muenber of the medi ccrps, ai- pacetutab. called at any firne furr ervie mn France. Witt Scbneck sud fantil> matorsd to Treavor, Wf.., Frlday uîght. lire dobrocb and-.huldreu rsmainlngutil 6und".. Tb.rewviib. preacbing nI the cbareb as umual next Bqndal murulng. Fred 13, Van Zande i1s a uev auto. inipeaniramer c UON&. .11 '!Mer thé jalab.T--.u decoratt oi& o b, th. oUdrenanumd the plants vero mmcii appieclatad. Seveal otie Motiens ahly rolcar« of the .erriliig uf eefr,,sh. moule aud viien 10:30 camne tie guese disporued llaite varions direcîlous ei- pr"neing tiair appreciationouf lie elorts expended by nul unly thecciuidren and thé )onug lady ,.ntertainers, but lIhs parento wbo belped te uaale under. $,aklmg asiloieca. Neit veek vs viil g ile a fiuai .tat.rntoi tic fnancla maltere relationg ta tb.s erisofo!Corn. mu.aty eveinge. Thone prelent Mon-. dar eacii rsciv.d an "L. BpSpe r" coon- Pli.uentary pencil. W. theul lMr. Spencer for tb. faror. Egamlnations Ibis wvnk. LAKEVftLàA Gesorge Mitchell, "ay, Btef la and Helen Lorr, llnbi and Maie Falci, vill aa party of friends trom Chicago enjoyed an auto trip morne distancenorth Baturday rslurqing Snnday. The. Jarvisanad Nadr batef.e enjoyed a good patrona«e orer Bunday. Tb@ Frank Nadr born e f.quarantlned for scaila lever, litile Auneý bavlng a llgbteand dolmn nll,. lr.Nadr f. et4paylntaIred Usulons. Ire. Laiura King la ver, 111 athber borne bers. M ru. Bellof Niraeka, called ou frieuda bers lait veel. Mli Enly Nelson of Waukegau, vliil md trisudç boe.lest Priday. lira. L. Cribb and lire. A. 8. Johnsan of Antiaci, -csiied ulire. Cbarlotte Crf bb last veek. lire. Cribb do.. flot improîs. diierif Green vas iu town on buoinsse@ eariy tue vweek. Ciaytou ion wu@s lu Waukegan on business faut Thureday. P. RlAverv vas In Chicago Iset Thure- dey. tirs. Cay ton Biszon and son Howard retunned Saturday eveing rafrm a monti'.' lait vlth ber parents lu Floride. W. are glad la eay liat tl,.y viiima ke our vilae s Ieir borne for tbheauoiner. ilira. Margart Galiger etanted last vnk for an extsnded vit w itb relative. la Cahi&a lir. and lire. Ben Lmtue rsturued lait vasi aNair nmre rnontba $pent lu lb. North. Preparaton l. e ng ma. for bavhag oour ses. oHud noa. Tb@. dom hbm paré sevei Sheriff GetsRegistration Cards for 8. "' Conscription Wowr , I County. ARE LOCÎOD iN HIS DIESU. H"" or, sunlAble te List AilQustInsWhich WiII Be Ae tEligibles. Ioeed np lu lie office of Sieniff GrIfin. undtr auvernuent saa, are rogislraila car"a and otier docu- menutà la ii bha ed iu maling the arn>' draft aionth le tman of Wau- loge.. under tlIV nelecîlve couecnap- ion iav. The conneptlff aî ian s fot. as 'et, been 6-nali ae.ted upon iy cou- gresu, but lie ai-mYl ofiens arn couanunOUnlieenactuient sud are naklng adynaCê Wparatioue. Tie puppien vilciahe been rcceived by llierifi GriBftauara 1be lieldunder est util rimeed biy a message frm Wahington This message, ht sa expccled, viii corne by vire juitI as aon as lige conlscription law in ligued by the5 prooalident. Letterp, viielbhave accoiupauiad the supplies, enjola lie shetîfft a, aetrecy. He ln forbidden liy the goy- errneat 10 give out auy advuncc ln- fornation regunnilthle draft. lu arder tu guaid -agoluat doing se, thej tient! liae-refrained tram openlug Il'.- packages wvicacontain tic Informa-I tIon, lie la Ignorant of their cou- cults. aitiough. la a general vay, iîi sa keovuliaiant anbg tic supplies are' regisîratton cardavich cligible mZ. mut aigu. Tie date of reglatratiori witllbe fil ed h>' lb. government lb viiilicb flasbed over the-couultyjust as soon asth liav ta effective. sud aillof the etales bave ,'eported tic>' are ead>' for actIon Whou SherlE Ga-Mu, County Cli.k -lendee and Çouny Physician Brovn have beeua not*edhey vill malice arrangeme.nts for tekina tic regitra- tion a" viil Mmrto nGovernor I..c- den te absreai.wmi. iular reports viii coinesfi -alth1e alier tann des th li &0 l ai iti tiesen- ports la 1mai "o. Lovden viii te- toit Uàma iUia* jeIadY. Wbsn a&l lie .eMboebave refovted the rogiratimAsM i. viib. sanouno- ic d m i au u$amilaroostput lbe country vii li .e 0 oc l at Proply. ia î IidfeiIaIliereg- touam. date il ais»t far enouLgi &»« 11 lagÉY4ofl5*~ty for ail unc- sgey puhuli4v, -se *alevenyM eamu lb, litedP*vW bave Mi An ~ ~ adt .11v ô i, lmen bf ý l td 80 y-.ara. Inclusive, muet aigu lie rtearitlou cardaeviien the dater tliiervice la annoed- This mws liat men vii. bave reacbed hUW L iaIbtb- day and vbo ia" e mt attatinOO tueur Sint birtada>'muastsrglnler. Il la undeistoodtli am. Orif- fin, Hlide.su ad Brav a veiste op- tion of! nth le boutartiaregis- tration to tale genteral charge of the. vonk, or tii.>'maylook qftar it-per- sonally. Ilta in lely t lia uboli cause a ri.iatraion boaid, Pioably of dSise cltisene lanaci h usunit> et le i noun elmt>.v o aed&ai- theu th offciaa m 4bohaive not7eerned on ajcd lie.. pointe Tbe registration vii Ompably b. esYttOil on in lie severul vatlag pinces ia "b .Oe*y, rdeir tluh*M è lic"n onfiM Of Jouetu ý tii LhbetyeiMd iAntibéi.r 1 JI -Je mol Itsvn l soir$nremner- &$MW WSu, fese r=pW*t*ttib vI at an dilaseo!fithe i'5brtraion as provided for, sud lbey nia* bc asced 10, sepe wiliont pny. mas apant of Ilisir pgriotic dut>'. Thia delt. ho*evor, v1iib. gone loto vien lic irâit brpiitpltion leiesied. Ttlal ner1aod tal oltuer ragutatona, mol bava nov. v il Icanne 10to Ibl vben lic instructions are opened. Accordlng tb reporte. goverument ilslaksfor tics. reqnfred la regisler vlU bave blaukî for 12 questions. Here liay are: Naine......................... Raone Âddres.................. Daste of flirli. t Mote-Be prepated to give lie du>'. nonli sud y-car. Are y-ou (1) a naluiral bouta citi- zen; (2) a uaturaiaed citizen.; (3) an &lien; (4) or bave y-ai deçlared y-oun intention? (Speci. Wbere vere y-eu boru? Il flot a citizen, of vhat countri #are y-on a citizen or a subject? b W'15 le y-aur pressait Irade, cocu 1 pation or office? By>' hbm cuiployed? Wiere en ployed' HIavé ion a fatiier, Setber, vife sibila ulider 12, or a pister ai ba-olier uinder 12, solely depend 1 fg on y-ou for cauPport? (Speoift h"iiih.) tif a#iMd. or single. <Wbich' Race'? (St)eeif ywvici.) Wbont milta-y service bave y-el liai? Rank, branci, y-eara. us l ion or stiste' a Do you dlaim exemuptionuftoam draft <flpecfy grounds.) Mentwviarutcabsent tromnticie 0home saaîes iii be. rqulred te prc cure a card vberever'tiey tus>ylbc suad mail Ji la lic coaanty clerk s 1.orne. For Meula"D1iges1tIon. "tdlet me 9-11 you a padi..ge c Opebeilombislits," sald lhe grocea wton viii ffud lien nU=rPaacd s bruin nourisier. Iu fact, I can truli ftUJy recoiuiendlie m a food fo NO CALL TO BE MÂDE ON MARRIED MESUS COPLEY Even Those WhoRe'ister WiII Net Qe tLoo Ongress- man Çèpley Says. No msrrled man bctwecu the .s o! 21 sud 3f, inluive-lie draft age-viil lie taken ln the irst se- lective dra ft. Congreisamen <'opicy. vho came borne on a lying visit, said yesterday. Neither willIasmanueligi- île ta lie draft lie tairen If lie lm th- support of depeudents. "And 1 dont be- Ileve tiat tbis ciascs vii lie taiçeai evea ou lie second draft.- Nia Cop. ley sald. 'The geverniment lias statisties siowlug that al of thie men tiat w'. caui use for yeara cou lie furuished troinlie -single mcenlietween 21 aud 31 y-ars wbo lhave no depend- euls. Bsides lu tic uext yesr hu- dreda of lioneaude of youug tu-n w'ill reaci tie draft age." ('ougresarnan t optey is of tie opin- iou tiat lie cutrauce of Amenica ini t le war viii eveutually le s big ielp Io thne German People. "Tic Uuited Sttes, if victorieus, would never agree a peacp set tlemeunt," b suid. liatm would t,'.un fair 10 the Gerruan piople. ut lias no grie vauce agaltîsitich German a',-- il'- snd seeke lie reveuge upon them. Iflm . slply warring te maintain flic riglit that tie pPoofl-and flot iuru.s anid sutecrucy stî.ît ue. That theVUited States wiii he %iltonious, ii' kaiser overiros.n aud the German people liecorne ticir owu masters 1 have flot1'liesîlgtest doulit. "The lUnited States lias more man power than Germâhy sud Antrua comlilncd. il bas far more vealîli. Tt bas lie villIote in aud yl fur- niai, lie men, the fresi men noces- sary- 10 vin lie van. *'No matte rwbat reports yen gel bers y-ou en taie It for a ccrtsllY. aiil of lie uations nov lu tbf. var are reelluz. Tiey- bave lkmi y-na of IL. Tiaey may hoe deîer-lned bat lihs mn pover aud lie reaources Of lie usited State. if pz.uuacriy-marabalimd. caunot belp but tUp lieacsle."~ PURSUIT PROVES THRILLIUG peompleen Grani Avenue W tffi WiId Race of,&utOs Wzt Muoh interot. "-Von dol. My vilsl" las e e tacme - cak of ar. volver, *tie torsgolng varda vers inrled aIlie driver of a large han- ing esr. The spenker vas tie driver ot a Ford. lie scee an Gum-e, lats Tiurgday- sfteruoota. Tisaiuit ie as tory vltioat nu-ne so far as thlie plpala are coeccrnd. Reaidenta of Grand avenue, la WW- <iegan, sud West of lie citY wve.aI- tracleil by the ailt oftwIo sutoino- biles proçeeMS ag vuet a abreak-ucck pace at dusk ThWgdiy. 'h~e rnejoritY- y-ena o! lie oplaon tual an auto race vas lu progmena, but lieY Mmvlled at the dariug speed of lbe drivers. Ail lie vay te, Gui l.th ma"hi- es kept op tliN usde Pace. 'thc drivets diiiMM * M 18alIda apSi vien tiey- daaied acroaa tic rail- road tracksait1 Ournue. At lia tPeint lie oFrd. vhilci ad beena follovlng ail tie vay-. lacreapied lils, peed sud psased lie langer Car. Wien lie Ford driver reacied a suitable'point Ta lie rosI lie turued bie car lu suci avaY- liai Il coin- pletly blocked lie rond. Il iaP- pcncd tIs vas dlrectly lu front of lie borne of Constable W1et Gray, of Goune. Tic aecond car stoppcd. The mun vio badi ca ndniviug lhe Ford leuped out sud approachilg the otier ma- chine, accnueilie driver of iaviug elolen bis vite. He unuouuced lu laud ioneg liaI i. laid lived lu Wau- kegasueleven years sud liaI i. neyer bad liitdsncb an experlcoce before, The. language liaI vas pusscd lb. came more sud more icated. Il ai- tracted people lu tie ueigitaoriood. Constable Gray, -vbo ia aiea a deputY Ilgierif slcpped tram bis home.. and tireahened tu arreat bti men If ticy- did flot deast front hem r. narcw At tltajuncture tie vonuan *ho isd been riding Iu tie langer car, got ont of Il aud valked 10 ber bisbad'a aide. Sic fiually- induced un m t e- culer bis car aud drive back to Wau. r egan. Tie otier sutOlel vas obligea toi couic back alon.e lITtsiisait tienlues cf lie Partie$ are kuovu bo several people. There lm, much epeculalian on lie part of tiose vie do nol kuow asaila vi lite principals lu tia affaIr vere. Wielher tic iueasd wyul fargiv lsi vite or wietier be vITi take re- -course In lie divorce courts a h ame liiifng thaI linie alne WITT rtveai. ,. Tt le satd tie Ford auloiat vwu tin- Capital $125,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS P. tu. taire- nite very ;lt.d THE. BUYING POWIJ3g. of the readers of the LIBERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT is enormous. Are you placing your advertis- ing before the men and women with the BUYING POWER?. MANWIOfIELPI3D ICIEFA.WAI~ BUILD ST. PÀUL R. R. AND ASST. Mi-DY D1135,WÀRRENTN SIDELEAVE JOBS John Merriman, Employed by Chiefs Headlnq Zion 'ityP- RaIroad for 44 Yurs, Dies lice-Fire IForoo8Tq4'S - Thursday ight. don Resigmaton. Jobn Merrîman, agcd 19 years. vito Capt. A.A. Walker. fer seven yeare vas one of lie en a via elped hua chief of police of Zion City for four thc Chicage, Milwaukcee aud St.' Pauni asjs asd n he e i-nllroad, aud wviebat!been lu the. yeasmlpse u is e enipipo f lie rond for 44 years. pas, prier wti a latta. of a year belve n Pd avay atilhs borne lu Warrenton sa4 W. H. Haudysîde. asistnt lchief Tbnnsday night at 6 : 20. Deali le police for several yegrg m ana - altrlbuted te s general brca'<down. ficer lu Zion City evet inco l6 M r. Merrirnan bild been alliug for the vas establlse s ixeen- yesre lutI tire. mentie sudbis condition x bad coiiunued te grov veaker. His bave reslgned tisAi- positions. desti vasneflt unexpected. itealdenta of ZloM viii bear Mir. Merrimnan vas hure ai Warren- nova wti much gurprf.e boeusot, cf ton aud bad h-yod tIre &Il hisIlite. the long onnectia thles.meni have H. secured a position ou lie St. Paul awihplcduesnDoCty lime wben it vas bulil througi Nar- bdvt oiedts uZo ly renton. H.eva" counecled vill, tie Capt. Walker. rcgarded ,as onec et section gang for several y-cars. 'i'irty 'tii. malt fearies, y-etlofir and honeat tire. yearsa go i. vas made foeaPolice beada liaI iad beaded a de- mn of tbe section snd had icld'tic portmeutit ulb- laIe. b.d iandied a poaiion &ver slace. déiflicate factional situation' lu Zion Bésîdes bis vidov be leaves thl ie yfrmn ersl tsc follovlug chilidren: Thomuas Xlerriman Ct o uu casl atue of Warreutou; NMr*. Ida Aud"reon. 0f centful mauner. HIs insistance. ou Liiertyvllle sud !dra. Margaret Ble t- trestiug everybody alike altiongi b.ý-- tci, aiseaoet Ubertyvillée. -t!cavesa îongînt ta tie Voliva cbnrci. bas won the follovlug brotiers sud saster:'r' ieua ou leanti-Voliva Clem sud George, of Highland Park: rede&On h Thomas, of fLeerileld, William, .1fo sas veil as smoug bils ev Evauston. lira. Mary Dutfy. t)eerfle'd. fri-lnds. He lizis more tia made ira. Ernuta ieuer, o. Racine: Mn tqood iu lhe Job and holds te bi.s Elicu Siaft. of Miwaukee sud irs. credit mauy solutions ef robierles. Julia White, af Chicago. There are etc., snd cau ase poInt battheti four grandcilîdren. Funeral Saturdsy moruiug et nine Urne when bce saved Ivo youug men o'clock at tie reeldeuce sud 10 ocbloc lui a boat ut great rIsk of!ie owIl£*-. ut lie churci of tic lmrnacuiate He bas iad an able aLatulOn tMr. Conception lu Waukegan. luterment Hantlyside vie ias vonked witi hlm In et.Marys cemctery ai Waukegasu lu sîsoînte iarmouy sud lhas dem- onstratcd ils abittty as a police of- R. De iILL L AVI3S ficer many- ti.nc. They smade a fine ESTATE VALID AT Ct wsche Plceat amzd ITa~AfIu *u~nî I d.. for 12 yearn sud vas a dépnty M'~AR Y $a~JtmJIJneiff for elgit yeart. He JoIned teVoliva cc ni-isd moved te lion Wealthy Lake ForestResidnt where he was'm'dechie f tthe . Nu Beeu, Praised for lth tva omlces were omabnuedttM que- Mâny Pafflbtlo Aots. Boli Haady.lde and Wolker or. A peflonforthe robae o the aetoctan d evasive #»te Me .rngnpn A~~~~~~~~ ltîonfrt. obe0 fe fr rnigalag. Aakga a&bout It, Cspt vill of Ithe lai tuaaell P. 1liiof wa*er ueroly &Md: '*Oii,- »Mas a Lake Forent vas filed la County,,court rosi. The vork Éoan bien pOing »P liais noruiug. The hea.n rtn iii taie 100 hes-ty ald i 4.111 'ld place lnn.Il. The petitionshsovs bave ta, give il op. 1 bare aerffi *8 liat Mrn. Hill ieft an asIate, the. vali.e ho ta of vblch f.eastlinaed toh0 13,000 oic dts M W1d» of ibis amomt tu.4,00 lala inporsaaiave li0ed1the. trit .iBâhsIon property and 1330,000ilaroani etata. Job on me a hndIre 'Nia 1 ýe»a arm uaed, il le ald. TheHMbt eM y lan lanoi, rn.abnip tit4re. sei et Lake Ybreit l5aet 518 l)Dmp« hal ae I & 1VSfl o*tinu e vnt tai Altoug Mr Hils'stae w am On .11 aides la l»n*hèire lhe ac- Aihotai N. RIIs sIsI ~mZ-lion of lb. tvao fflers va» Made go large sas o cf t bth O a *<. Ielle v'u %WI it5tt. of Fotent. neverlielesb.ovwn notem *Wfouros <* »te ff o p r " ie geueroaity and patiotiana. il veau rs leit nott aonCg &go liat ho ate bs IwSN ike i flou h e i c8 con As a oeum pq i p.at usol- private yacht teta le verament 10 be lio k",", ii, .~ usai as s U-iaatchoer. la addaition ate tiniho vulas a an g i. b cge naqbey la defatigable varier for the but nt ieszs bCp. i q ip s e ilqof eals of the Unitsd lSte sud sis ÏcbH anïea u Oqj î9e«i5 # appli.atàou ta Matters of ta s ata. bm ad <*ec.o aM- atd ta bave nunild la a colapa. Ir1W, 1 v1ileh caimai làla 4eaÜb. a" in ath*iIatp~,p It a. e o- fe il- CA TIteodore H.Durit. PréMmt.WhiPoUtt F. W. ChurthM. BéUerotary and Manager SECURITY TITL & TRUST CUI ABSTACTSOF TIUt ETITLES G MtW* Ill vu