CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 31 May 1917, p. 1

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n *,.~.* ""y - MI NOW I - - - Joitle [mal L, LAKE COUNIY 1 TY*VI ý1LL INIE NDT NDJ4DENTPb Ï~kC 's B fg Weekly WAUKEGAQ WEKY U <~uhdnsuiw oekmuhYUmLYmhSUN VOL. XXV.-NO. 22. Tw»ZYU.JPAOG5 LIBERTYVILLE, LAK COUY, ]I.1~TKEURSDAY, MAY 31, 1917. MIE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YE.&R IN ADVÂNCI. â*UNTY CONTESTS IELD AT LIBERTY- VILLESATURDAY Ail of the Contests Were Hard Fought and Winners Had No Easy Time. DECISIONS ARE CLOSE. The iud es Reg atTe Coudo d Prizes to A large crowdilalteuîied te annual rouiy >'coni-tts ai l!jhertyvtlle lamtL Saturday, WiLii but te exception of rive or ix, al l te conlisianîs ligible were prenent wlLh many ufthe Inter- .'aed parents andi trlentis. Everytlngà w-aL off on owbeduled tme, andt tere mam no dîcorder or restieaene8g. Ail -tflihe content» were bard fougbt andi ltp euccesstsî unes have tse satisfac- tien ut knowing Liat tjtey won againiet werlhy opputtenta. When the medae were awarded at itse close of the day, thse wlnnerm were greetas! wiLh mach appatiie. te logmera joluing ln the ap- plans andi congratulations. Ans'one cas be cheerful ln succese. but It re- qirem a vend louer ta juin ln te cbeprlng of a suce essful opponenl. Decause uf the -imali margina b>' vhieb the.contesta vere Von the nanaes of thé%@ wbu Vere In the nemrt tht-ce places are gi ven because they deqerve mach credit for titeir gond vemIt The. penmanablp Vas, jutiges! by C. A. nut of Chicago and B. A. MunàSo of Waukegan. bot of whom were tree vtt tieir prame ofthIe gondi work of mati> of the Young peoPie. and the mut-dais Vere placet! uniy afier a Ver>' careffl atudy of the pm&ers. M r Faust Vas unable taeniake the award for the mnt improvemetit dur- ing mie ypar but will announce hie de-i cision soab. .'LThe eatilng was Judged by Prin- ripai John S. Clark t the Southt stiool, Waukegan: Principal RLoy J.1 Ygl',ffon of Grastlake, and Mims Vers Pitelps o! the Northt schbiol. Wauke- gati. liste apellîne lite Vînner aithtei deebad speliedi ever>' word correct- 1>'. anti there were six lied for sec- aé place wilh une miaspelledi word pack; IVu "$poil ofsa' were rquireti tu decid? tihe winnars for second sndi Ihird places w-it the resuit as given bptow. P. A. Hudson aud MImer Beckwithi had charge ofthLie arlthmetic. and the>' round that te boys andi girls batji made splendid preparation for the eVetit. Durlng te intermloslons the as- .embiy was entertained by Wallac Bruce Amobar>' ut Chicago., eae of rare abiiity. He gave mant> selec- ions of bis own conipoedlots known as *The Ballatis uf the Bourbonnais." ThemA Vere wrtten, ho tserteti. t' pre.erve te dialect ut the Ilinois Frcncit-Canadians. HP certatniy con- Strived lu be amuslng while pursuing thsworthy *abject. The innera Ver.: A rthmetic. 1. Elvie Scbulze, Lake Bluff. 2. Christine Wagner, Ivanhbue. '. James Brook. Wlnthrop Harbor. 4. Warren fiprague. Haf Day. 5. Tbree lIed: Estber Clark, court. iney qchool; Mabel fimail, Area; Myr- te Scitie, Deerfleld. 6. Evelyn Sharvin. Northt chicyo BpeIing. 1. Genevleve Walsh, Inglenide. 2. Josepht McKliln. Central scitool. Northt Chcago. 3. Ethel Miller. Illghwooti. 4. Myrîle Schlle, fleerfleld. 5. Esther HotigP. Plamont IàLke. 6, lames Èroi'k, MWluhrop Harbor.1 1.Ethel' iggins Wt'nthrpHarbor 2, Florence Hîlil..Saollt scool, North Chicago. 3, Caroline Bémisl.verett. -4. Evelyi, Ekdlîîi. %«arrentais. 5. Cara Wn>tç-e. Southtsciioci, Nort Chicagc 6. Samuel Miller. Nliddeschool. Frank Johnson . .1hnson school., 8i . Clara Bubeitskl, liondout. Reading. 1. Wlfllard Goldring, Deerfield; 2. MVlpnMler, Madtien scitool. S. JOli RussellHiler, Sosth 5g498IUtSgh Chi cago. waircue toi -ime à SpringfieldIl. May 28.-A permit waa lasued by Anator of Public Ac- couJ* Andrew Russell today lu Il. L Brooks. R. A. Prior. E. B. Meyer, %Vil- liamt E. Brooks and 011e J. Phillipa ta organize the Waucouda. Blte Bank at Waucanda, Lake cunOt>', with a capi-ý li stoockof 1$25000. The above telegram meoalis thal th. cIiarter bas beau laaued for tihe re- organlzation of the Wauconda Bank which to date bail been a private bank, having been establialhed as euch yedrs agit by te late E. W. Brooks. Thtis lie the It stop of sltnlar ones to be taken b>' other private batiks in the county, il lm saiti. The Batik of Area. almc a prIvate bank, il lis aýd, la ta a private Institution ta a mtte batik. socli make application t0 change fromn Other banksalaie are said ta be plan- ning te change. DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOm U. S. DEANS PRISON SENTENCES, Federai Grand Jury After Sell- ers of Drink in Waukegan and North Chicago. Waakeoan. Maer 28. Tise tederal grasti jury lu Chicago lodsy beqan anuInvesiîgation uf 'blinti pigo" anti "cluîbs" Viticit carry on an Illegal tralfic lnillquar near te Great La-lus traââng station anti Fort Bieri- dan. The government'm grand jury te hearng evidetice tram Waukegazs men Visa were caugit In their drag net a week ego RaLut-day. Failure an ue part or Unîtes! States authittes ta obtalu protectioni furtles~ ailOnanti soldler bu>'. througltý proper leglala- tion at Sprlngfleld resultedAln te de- terminaison 10 take sigurous anti tras- tic action rigiinst dispenser4 of Il- qîsors near te taining station andi tort. Statea sAttorney 'Welcîs of Lake count>' ai offie tle of the varlous cities, towns anti villages tere, as well se uinesses tram Coo, county. were et te federal building lu con- nection vithth liquor criasatie. Prosecutluus wyul be carriet onurt- gartilees o! wtum tltey bit. District Attorney' Clyne andi hie assistante Ep- Et eina nd Fleming have directione lu seck prison terme anti be-ar>'peu-aI- ties for violators of tise la-c whicit requires goverument permits tu sel r qo Enforce Drink bale L&as' Slmultaneouel>' wlth te BtaI-k on the liquor dispensera Vito have nu goverunent lidenses, te governmAst la preparing tu entorce rigidilte nete tederal law by wvitch thet sale of Intoxicante to sailurs anti soldilers lu [uniform les prohbbted. Secret service met are quietly5working lu this anti other cl'ies galherlng s masso o evl- dence. As soon as te plans in Waeh- Ington are ready thUi district attornsey stîll proceeti againet aIl who have violatedth ie lav. "Thte altitude a!flte 'ets' ln Spriug fieldi dlsclasedth iat île tealit antifu- ture o!fte sltilere anti sailare anti tite tutbre o!fte nation now at war mnean nothing wben complared wfth the few dollars Uic>' can geL fur seilling liquor 10 lite sallons andi sol- iers' saiti a tederal official. "This (Contlnued on page hitee) KELLY MUST PAY MILLION AnI) IALF TO CANAIIAN 6<iV. Thomnas Kelly, the Canadien helti lu lte Lake onat>'jail for- man>' montiss lait >ear vhileleiscas" war peniiln uChicago courts, muPt pa>' lte province of Manitoaà million and a halldollars viich hot"Ie oharg- ed vttlavlng olitaineti b>'fi-anti. A telegiam tram Winnipeg. unider daté of May' 35aas "TIssa k.i,=a'a otnaclor, arrested ln C(Ilil a »u115and nov servlag aàtim e ar 'teSw, lu th. pellinta, in fo-ced t 14 CONVICTION$ OUT 0F 19 CAgSE IS WnLi£« RECO1 State's Attorney Has Estab- iished Exceilent Record as à aProsecutor. - FINES. AGGREGATE $5,100. Total Jail Sentences to Liquor Violators Is Cons>derably Over a Year. James Gl. Welcit, states attorney Df Lake eounly bas just colupleleti the prospecullon ofliîquor cases iunlte counLy court of Lake counl>- for te April eint. He 4ar, been engaged lu te tilioftese fo r six wee-cs. Most 0f te cases have been certitied traM the Circuit Court resulltlg fron te Indtctîsenta' by lte Derember grantd jury. Thte following sîmbuary will show taI Mr. Weicb, tiespite Insinuationts Lu te cantrary. bas succeedeti te- nsarkaitly wel In hie pruseculflon of vIlatara of lte liquor iaws. Below lx a flestof the cases triei, te ver. dict. te fine ant ilmprlsonment. If' sny: Peuple vs. Goldberg: verdict guilt>' fine $2,500; Imprisotiment 100 days. Peuple vs. Svete: verdict gulîl>- fine $500; insprsonmenl' 100 days. Peope vs Franklip: verdict guiltL> -ftie 811M.lirIaonnent 40 deys.. People vs Nelson: verdict guliy- fi ne $100; iMPvisonment 30o tiys. -OPea v Bain: verdict gulty-fine $600; imprisoumetl 60 days. People vu OBrien: verdict guit>- bond of $500 forfteti. People vgý Kovick: verdict gullly -4One $100; imprisoument 20 da>'s. People a vsSwetlap4ue rilct guil- ty-fine $100; impnlionment 30tiaya. iPeuple vs Sheldun: verdict guilt>' -flue $300. Peaple vs Kroelng verdict guilty> -fie $75. Peuple vs Ogrin: verdict guilît>- fine $225. People vs Wancoskl: verdict guîlît> -peudiug un motion ton new trial People vs Berger: verdict gutît>' -pentiing un umotiou for new trial. People vs Kraft-, vérdict nal guil %y People va Jorgenson: verdict nta gulil>., Peuple vs Kukar: verdict net gulty. People va Gregowewski. verdict guilty-new tal granteti. Peuple vs Ritne-ventiict nul gull- ty. Peuple 'vs Grytenc: verdict nul guilt>'. It will thugs be seen titat,te totail flt* anti forfeitures aanuunl tu $5,- 100. Tit te imprisanmenl o! of- ofenders aggregatps over ofle yi-tr. Tite abuve ]lot includes 19t cases lu whic t tiere have bt-euverdicts ut gull>' tetltted ln 14 cases anidflet guilt>' lis ive cases. Titis record com- poares moist favarably wit an>' efforts along the samnie ever mateient an>' Lake count>' court. In atiditi" te lte above acLlvit>' un the part of Mr. Welch ln hie prose- cullon ot liquor vlolators. ite bas flilet proceedings agaluat five liquor law violators who have closei lhelr places ot businesant iefltrom thé stale. -Tirte vito have leftIte state are, Domlnlck ButtItta. Ptank î90541l.. George Mclermott et Waukegan; 0&- cai- Bergý Josepht Lulewicz of Nontit Chicagu; and Albtert Ehlrk o! Lake For-est. The board o! revlew itelti a meet- ing on May 25, forte, purpuse ut organizatlun. Robtert Peanabalwast Pelectedtietaacl sasclet'k ot the moard anti Miss Clara Keyes l% lu be as- sistant, clerk. Bath are veli ac- quainteti vils lie work. The board took Up a tew maltera ot business anti titen atijournedtiel June 5 viten Uic>' vilIb. gin lb. ir neguaîr Vork. Oh oewd Obuer. Saute ladie& are wilag le Jeta &W khntiof an Improveumentsodc 'tisI pinys btilcre.LoaiesvillloCounler-.Jew- 1 ea 1 L E F N Influenllal ttlaSs Of La'ie Fardai ltiday sdded-t@lrsignatures to te thousands f< pollUonsiq elng circu- latetil 11in illJnas a P irotest againtr et rang drink ànd lu tas or of a na- tiona a1w Pmuiiting lte sale anti manufacture of iUtoxic.ants colfflan. iug mure than bail per cent of alco- itol. SThe names Wui'i galtepreiliy L. Wesley Any ruletof tite- Lait Forest College Y. Uë C. A., and among tite mcpt prominent are to-e 'f Car- ter H. lt¶ligii, PLph.James. Brasa Thomas, IL L. tIeIter, Hugit W. Fieiter sud WlliamRu P 'tiiillp. "ft belleve that Iflte namée ,f t-e prominent and IýMtentIt r itizens or Chticago and 1dýk* Foret t "t.tintd i te vefition UibrobugiLto l9'le aI- tenlion orth. ppWer authoritiee te> ma>' carry 9see'yei;lu Ibn tis mat- ter," tIr. MUptW #rota. Tite'nanes andth le lttai' $ le aenz 10 Wash- Ington. in À D En MemorilME. Churoti G. A. R, and! otbs.iperled memiters o! lb. Poil eraomMefpropriataly Isedtit lhe Uhertyvâk&Usoej$urislltiundm at tise motulgâ' . The votdrana enteredthelieh lt e "OMan subout grest of %tess ilowa allma "Ame e tandin umtii the v n eals The entive Oeofsemi palq$llc srvice -"d lte large attedanéai lite proves %0 lte mmi Who foü%gitC - r tis Ireedon of tbis country' ltaI aMM nulforgolten anti that îbey stili are i140Wtiupun s etrong men wito endurb& imterhhig for lte ceuse of rlgitt andbisett. Titere vîre about thirty vteraea t ibis ser- vice, a nimber o! tios e oilag froml other "locltes ta be. gvmt. Even tbough sosie are ver>' hgsd liîr umeati> test kepI perfect @tep with theltr atns of mugie as lta>' marceet a %boiront seate. vitere Commander John Baelard removsd hl& hat, Ihe aigu for ail f»tts thelt- out&, - Tbe congregfatioti, tis echois ans!Mii Cearne CMord, Who sang a nolo, di Iheir boit ta senti up such muk %botaI Iloulti giadden lte itearla ci tbsbrave men now In Iheir tieclhlng jans. The peator, Bey. T. E. Reaep, delv*retia most elirring sermon fwld -witis palý- niotiosthbromgiout aQ0 pt-ie. for ltse min bilte uni Who ted snob an im- portant part in thse laidos vàhitIis couitr' enjoi loda7, The. sermon delivereti la'Bey. Boom is, part voas efolluv: "*Not Mnce thecloue ofthe, #Mit civil War, in 105, viten onr N&gim &?ai". wore tiabanditi andthie usa>' logsmds ofth lise"oys in bineetow1it samcis honte ta ome o! pemos adBauiys 0f130> bas our native ]anti hm u 5srM b>' lise Decoration Day noor at bted çé lte Daent >'r anti t-tium a people Vi ahoulti rejoios, beffa ubfrre Mtitan fItp m ire .have Aldt laI de>' secoe lu lis. memur> of out bérole salirs, bolte deat ant i lving, ami upon ILs secreti altars have kindilodaaev Use tiir of palnlotlam, andt Intilato lte issarti of bot yonng antid U ,ling love forOunr country, Or mii' opury'ifa, uer contr>"s lasis, OureonlryIcb «onte ant cisurcises,ounr counSm'YO, bou»eanti altisi uanti our country'& Preedoni, "*0 coutaunisesbioutvlWitt omiesme anti merriemeut tlitIfertlitas dme os.e ofour peuple ted forgoîlenu the true mesning andthb.eep elIMlfence ai titi. M-eonlaDB> ail0 ew vasa à lendene>' ou the part af some tlamolto Il a dmp of sport andi a dep of gainbult we hisenk GCos! Ibisbout- for $bat <nmI numbgr ai patriotlee classof mail unr sieto, vihaas tbe>' Btiered la shouls, chunalses, rks aenti publie telle for Éiscea anti devaut mediatio. upo, the "eoàt of liberty'," marebs ets jeanm vilih l"Orr Uslang DSremis o0tle.t ioNisa l tus bhe s itemel#sl. i icy« ilp"Utaai counl a f o IWg* Oetd Usqpeswot*Wfallercte s Md vua 8b 1,4 ý paiml té pr»Vor. "%Sd *9 09 e iti oMn Page s) w WMJKEEiN TO fi4iI LAND PK. PIANNED Lake Count'y Cities and Towns Wii Be Asked to Pay at L.east Hait of Cost. RUSSELL CO-OPERATING. County Surveor Is Working With State Highway Depart- ment to Secure Road. t A itrick or concrete hiighway tu cust upwarde of $250,000, wililbe con- structeti along ltenourltshure- trot, Waukegan lu Hightlandi Park if plaît. of the State Highway Comtnisttioner, wito bas enlistedth ie aid of Charler, Russell, counI>' survayar andi cQunty superintentient o! roade -in Lak-- counny, malerializes. Tite Plan te enlarge the Grv-,lLakes naval training station go it wili have a capacity ut 25,000 mon andth ie Prononce o! the large training camp for offcers at oPrt Sheridan, mailes l eniperalive to havea mîlitar>' roand extending all.lbe way te Chicago. Thte roadwa>' froni Chicago te Highland Park la In fairl>' gos! shape for itea>'> motne truck servie, vit thlie ex. cePtion of une Xlrlp. Belveen H igh.- land Park andi Waukegan te ruade are nul su gooti. Mr. Russell, ut Waukegau. has been lu conlerence with B. F. Pelpneier, engineer of Maintenance ut Way lhe State Hifbva yConii alo s aiflc. sndlte>' bave worked ouI t ay> uf thte delaile Thoir plans18a i. bave lte pruPOsetimijtar>' rond foliow the. car tracks as neari>' as Possible. The.. ourse vouli be te Imefrove the course froni Wet*egan,. along State str-et In Northt Chicago, thence along thse naval station rosa! ta Lake Poreut, thbune weat to 5he new brick roa UsaI ronste, Sacired Heurt, then te iflgbw0od andi HiahIantiPark, foi- loilng lte tracksaa il the val'. Titis course culs out tiesa&e.turn ln ILke Foreet a&Mlmaie.lit possible ta reach Hlighland Park wltbout rut- nith irutel he Fort Shteridan ram, ervatian. Titere la a slretcb o! dtft rondi between flacred ifeart and i 1gb- wood Vhich tg ver>' bas!. Maloriasa st-l bave te take titis r4ad wmile Contracter Moran ip ' rsurfaci.; the roadth irougitlteeevth fn and il la coneidereti most probable Ihat lte reservatton reati soon will te eiosed te lte general public. Thte plan lg lu take thei proposition up witlte officiaIs of caci of te citlie»titrougit viicitlte pruposei mlUlary ruad wyul paso anti secure btelr co-operation. Arrangementes ili ibe.maetie 0aMgacslte taxpayers *#lothlie course for heIrpr-oportiou- aIe share of te road. Itlai thought Ihat ai teast hall fot ie cent can ite ralsed lu titis maquer. The plan titen lg e b ek tihe state legieolaLure ta nsake a spticial appropriation,. îaklrîg the mune> trait he big bonrd tesue pas3ed lest :ear. At le deelreti i0 bave lte permastet> roatiway put ln ai Uie earliest pos- ible moment for Iti nol known viten Il will be neededte la aie rapiti trans- portation for lte naval station or tarI. For this reason nutlime will be le>t In Imking lte ueceseary plans. RIED cROS OM ME IISE TO fMUSE CANVASS ise lied Croie Aullar>' uf LIbertyvile wiii muai gea btintte work of secnrlng a munit largr memiterahlp oi the organisa- tion ln LlbertYvile andi surrounduitg territory, andtela Iis end boas agreet ai a meeting beld Iu thete illage hal Mon- da>' atternoon te malt', a bouse80 bouse cfnvass. TIse Auxilitsr> la tiesirons of lécr-eeng Uns memt,ër-hip lu the tovu. a.ito avehuntire4. ti t lb sould-nul bea anImpossible tuetiii oaconsplitlai 61m as up te the pr-t.-11thrie total mem. b.rsbp bib te viII,tiz- iof Lbert'ville, alona amonute te -,r1180 asud mai> mors nams cat'. i Ili-te theb.loet heratperbapa 21 r»..b>'a move vbicb la now prop At tbe meetinir M r severai comin milles. were ap)i --t. leke over lte different classes -id , -ilprerumed ' anti adopteti Tirý - for holding ltse regular meeting- r-. 'il 6y attennoon of USERTVILLE IlADPRSNEEH /ENIAIED INSTRUCTOR IL JNS ÇfNC TheLiery ile an Dw a@86FOR TiIOSE FAILN( who elooed a contract wftb lihe band TO RE6IS ER AIE offligiis leL Frlday to corne taLiberty-. ville every Monday and iustruet ltebaud. Sheritfi-i nToda Gave Qut hir. Nichais expeete ta move ta LIberîr-rifi aua ville lu the ur luture T1W band wil WaIfling to Those Wh@ ,Mïy 1Img1I giig publi ert@ onîte ' Try to Evade New Law. O!st' aboaut the middle of June. The i tinisitlend wlll bsi haDdled by a coin- GIVES DUTINSTRUCTIONSI. loalnu an tu oheswili are Says They Should Be Stu*ed williing to asie the band financially. Caret ully by Ail Those WttoL Thte foliowing officer. Vere elpeted at Are Eigible to Draft. te Fridey meeting;_____ Preaiden-F. B. Just. Warnîng t a ny of those eliille Secretary and Trearer-F. S. Kern. who migbt be inclined ta reftain *Board et lManaoge-?'. H. Just, Earl froni registering on .fune 5sae tiet T. Langworthy, S.. P. Kimbali. îbey nia> escape draft, was given lu. Lbrariau-T. F. Swan. a yRei EJ.GM-Whas The regfular relisarsal dy >' iirlf EJ.Grmulisas àdonda>' of each week. The constitution eerted ltat a fallure la register If the. and by.laws bave been adopted. person camnes within'tii. age Iet meanx a sentene tu the PedeaiDei MEETINEi 1ILD TO BOOST LIBRTI MONDSALE Banks.Arva.g.mhI8ubfrS Can 41the A mellne vat sthe leLItiilvIIe lova hall on Monda>' evoultg lu diseus wBjB $ le r 111$*6LiliuseBond prop- ogilios bla "casmbulty. C. F. Wtluhî plMslsd, adînesr con- siderablo discusnelandam «xl 1111o Mos.,R&V Wlglsî Md 0. C. e(l-Mis voers appoit ad a . omnabsu 10MMe vil li bbei lUmmeCawvaesng Cou- mlténm e hi3rai "M is lh assesar Inforzat"otsatiprblmd malienta b. *Msd lu thaïe bouelu o b" s maueOR lie vlugo. An elfcutive commIutte e 8 opp« coneaitna of KMue.. B. H.Mer, RaU Wright, Pl 3H. Foalde, Y. 13. Jil anti A. 0. LsBsil ba ci acConjonction is tisa banie, la handling titis ;.proposition. Al isatlers pertaittiugtlithtie Liberty' Loan Bontim are biindlsd b>' tie batiks fre of Chamg. These boýans r the salamI investments obtainable anywisere, bcbug baokes b>' tbç entrs ltsourc tes fIlUfnitedi Stabes, [drate 3%pet- *ent Inierest antiare ex-. empt iron t xlon. lu tiieboîr vltetsdestlsand ti en- Iis I laouttlu enter Ihousuantofu Ameimn homes ne Il isas ala.dy enter- ethe liesa0utalsoutoery »naluo! Europe anti par"clarly hisoié cfour al- les, Your Nation la calnhg ou Yoi for olii In lt eduee -o0fRumaiti>'anti Amet-IaaRighs.s la lur for the opportunllp ce$bas offreti jou for Ille, lihenl>' mg btsepar- sait1 uf happinei, Ycur Gvisslnov uni uya on and tig-y-uthlb.oppar- taîl>'tuoexproes our gratitudie anti loyalis'. IOur nation lesnoow nvolved ah ie moaI laementions vanlise vorîti bae @ver kuoten. But ou. ting can ehototmnis st-uggaisant hat le Speeti>'VicIai'>. B>' aur prompt anti liberal action vs me>' poiihi save een ounr oten lvi anti enrel>' lb. liuesof relatives or Molnde. To Ibis andtetiti th Ibs ve via ar not flghting cmi do le la provilte fontie for arms. ammuillundas!th. fellesI poisible protection for 1h.eliays via muet go tu lte front. Les us proveo1to te vonidti laIIhere i. a universal paîrlotlem bore inéquals b>' the people of mi>'nation le lie world. -lu thelusne of Honianil> SU>'a Baud. P0PUI4 foUN4 1ADY MUJDIN CEICAfo SAT. Salut-day atternoots aI 4:80 uccurreti the mLrriage of Mie essie Bond bu. Hart-y, Hall. Thes ceaemuis> vusper-. lot-med b> Bey. PreI-an Bt-alle>' oflte Wilson Avenue 5P.ople's Chinois la ce son- at Leavenvurtit. He esoyatioe are man>' ways la delermine lte age a ftbose Whonia>' seam 10 evade the. lav.i ShériffGrimai gave outthe .foilow. lasOeta o s itefto '#ang *nt ever>'onmaietetisen belveen te age of 21 andi 80 Inclusive, rend il ove>' caretullW: The. followllsg ile IotmaUOs r.. celved frein the Adjattnt mm one. Bt Sprlng*eld aMI& * imest lte Reglstratlon Resulias aMd allier informatlin etth*. Pwufe.lMW sisbabmntMWud a eb~ug",Se Use inlaemalu. uede ag6i0 iutais.é et thegamWs"ppuUl., The A tc tha euta1omeb fete a-. 'WN-o MUST 5e81- uIo Persona(ellise. or. au"~( lom a- 1$. Rh, d"aof tw 1:. iww eims et th. regabis-le tàY. and marine owÎte; b> OOUWs f *e MslU041 surd avt~al -6t- IX)? OeLY WHILE à; 7 THé OI- VICID0For TNFID OTAim(c) oceru la the OM0 e m euv emp Mud enllted meA ta lthe UiMhuirM serve coepe-Et'P ONLY WIULU 11IN WHEN--.On Tusda>'. Jane 5. 1911, belween 7 a, M. andi P. ni. wi4g~-otQule place OnIeY-4we voting %hrecluct utftt O PrmOiPu'5 inant hbos.. How--Tvo va>'. ameprovideti. lot -b;' appeerine ta pe?ôn al;thetii. log place of home piet.c Bheàd -by mail, if simk or the, persax «- ot ta haabsent fgom home sM Joue Rh. la cUtr case go t. là- clerk of lte nt'or City' et o0- 80,000 viiro iu hbamW ta lme Bt MnW tinte beon reJane 8 and folow bis Instructions; ifle c sl ck. 10 dotliAs. pend a, «mpet~t' friend.The ce* oea> deputise hlm te Prefare YQur card. The.» carda moat b. maile b>' the persan cýnernéd La tIM9,90 reacb destination on or before Jus. SIh, if ite d40 et olkiiovhie home iprecluet it shouliha dêeoud ta tbe Siierif or Major sas se cm- Ma b. and lhe envelOa ieu e 1a-U ,17 nsekei Bt top Sel i has" cMer "egUtrautinCa-rd of-----------.. à*t andiNo.----------- P. 0. or Ile. DV. ............. If bisKNOWB bis home P20eelset Il aitouti le adiiBi"d t0---------. Th. Raglatra..........---Prolie Car. et Mie Of .........-osut>' P.,( .O---.-.....tate .......... or if 5 il>' cy f anar 30.000 t il ~Ulie la cal- te ii o. The Coant>' CIrk ellihave hl ag latrahlan Oazie lu lie pouae.eimm hr absentes& on a&U alter aieriM. 1917. Apprentice eaMen at Great LAies station, eilng tiadl>'ta le clIsi tu service, Voulti lise ta lie-adoptel - b>' girlsa vi are s>Od latterWrl5 and oOccaMoiiBlY nake tfda.. fol girl Who w1os mtas "~leutàa un ehi week lu th,-r r .1. cago, ou>' lie nean relatives, anti a ev >Nhould vile Ilé R. V. lafless>. Au- lied Cross t-,î --ýtationè bave Mentie wltnmsiu5 lts osaséon>'. )m dtrimru. Lt.M been oesabllii tlne ýInese placesof Floin Duranti piayedth e wedtilng mat-chdIbola ra ai.II J. B. Morse & f't a , 1 t inwaithy'.. Tise weddîng tuak pialu l em part- Tituas vlsbing " , -,s 1 i nalIbeemeut aI 1188 Pr-att Bevci. Tisebt-ie fr 4Vie M aonvententlmia-~, - Tic moue>' nu ofLlhert'vile'a bee$ kuova vwoue. ts fer- nnptiti sut"--- - nl alto be and bas always bes oled lablgiist. 401 uc.m 1 credbetias tt .t -î lt idraos e tsgroom le troue Chiego asd hoMe.a 1& ckea speclst -1it.le rât allti dlinen reupeuils.poaitoloa l. Ue de b. maveti. Il t - ' 'Uuable tn fit-st deporlff.l ofCarSà P4U$ssIsS.à 4. auL amp pasesTibiles.maS'Irbus a il» 000 1 - Tiiit ofciy rt' - a yls.w er. uniiy exlmnd toUssM boibh ilus ê»pMe- tlausti elS b iilr.rrirourqextlésue. congralsitioansd boU vibes - - f^. Boùd jq 7

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