i_______________ DAY -&Y3&1 .________ Qa»4DISSURIUSE Jeff KrkPatrlck Cuits 'Town-J shipW Reently Eleted toOffice. U. S. MARSAL ON TRÀIL. When Ar.s*dHo Wil Be Tried for Ctitne Carryfng a 16 Year Prison Sentence. Bd. 1a. Mth Lo. Z.. ae Gr. 15, and. lod sin, sat Al- ar.. ii Ia ssmd #n il bcegau. lu@ff vas a goad man. t rannot un- drtini certain oftbthtcharge. maie kagIathlm, but t do mot betlieve (liai le IrIStI returo 10 Waukegao. "Dan'i you thin th lat lie vitt came hkIeDiuna- 1ev menthes or a- fev year?"' a-s'ed the scribe o! thie aiate's attariiY- --I dont beieve (bat lie vîtI ever returum- id thic tate's attorney. "-Do iou bhda- warrant for hie arresîf" -NO 1 do mot.'" "DIld men of Wauhcegan complaîn about is ae ville hli va ncegi pun itultlir sons?" "..,tghbu teft Waukega-u ami there a am doulit in my mimd but vhat he bas lefI for good," said Mn. Welch. K4nkpatiek caine te 'Waulueaan ascural years a-go a-nd accepîci a PO- sillon at a Genesce street barber ehli WllliIn a fev onuls b. vas Junior member of a- firm whîcli opsrated s ehnp on Narth Genesee str4et. With- in a few yegrs le vas part avner of a- lea-s on. ibe Plectric Park tract. HOt " ha-i<bre cf dancing et <bt ptace foi ma-ny years ani durImig that lIme mad ie ushomne in rooqs at (lie rean of tlie dance pt-fomm. Theiu nmse of (lie men vbo lodgci aeompialntg vili .1 ie ma-de public ahà bscause o! theur desire ta keep- thuîr sau nma suntaunted (ho Par- ents arc mt caummna- a warma-ni 1 tie lueai tom Kbtpalnick's ar-t. 'AUbly Wàt lefor klnipa-tnilu siae isplut c Wuie fom off hie, ~ , .ç BI3ROER -ISOL MJOATIN(i SWLZ Jury in County Court Returns a Verdict of Guilt After De- liberation of 3 1Rours. Louts fe ea Nortl i Clii"I..,t ( liant, was !ound futty b" Rjrti î <0001>' colit t Ftriday niglit of hlaviitît, sold liquor in volation of tile aut 'i local option iaw. Ater à deltberaîion tasting tliree hours the jury ai 8 o'cloci returned a verdict 0f guitty on thlee coUMnt. 'Ite case vas trieà mc eenuy$ but et <bat trne resulîed I a disagreement. Berger made an Ineffectuai effort ta, lUnpeacl the testtmony of Jcw. Kîî'. ski, citdet witness for the state. Oritnaly Berger *as cliar,4ed wli but on" violt"o but viien tbe zis'. first was trisi iliere vas evIdénce of iliree sales. This caussi the .tates aftOse.' te file a nev Infermation cliarglng addiltional sales. Jas Kupsigi of North Chicago, tes. tifiei fer' the tate tat u obadmel lu lIéthetO>' cf foriner chief of roie. Edward Lux of North Chilcago. LÙix. ho sai, instructe<t hzni to mate pur- clhoses of vhlukey of Berge. This Ite did viii the resulti <ai fierg'r colirt sM ie. lcupshl testtfied ta having botiahi whIskey twlee during the mntotl f Joue, 1916. The feUowing month hle purchassi a gall11ofn et *ey, sc- cording ta i tsullaony. Mrs. Kupkit bore eut the evidencm o! her hushei ut the cItent of les- ti'ing that Bamer bat!calic ai lier home Witleie vas ibere a&toue 'i- demaned Pay for the wbtska»y. Lea Rupdlit a son.-testi*ed thât tif bai poli Baffer. $2176 ter the whiskpy Ida fther bai purchassi. Berger put on %svera 1 charaicter wtpe iiituau effoutIn0 abow'that Kupeki'. repuWim anfor veracitY in hie nei4iborliood vas mot goci. Ths effort wali vtbt Vua-asstowm by th jury's verdict. Wsuk&gàan, May 2i. Uitd 8Saes marchait are todsy *erchlng Wisconsin feo' Jeff Kiefs. pétrIck. Whun arrect.d, extradition papeiwili bc demended o e t>,. ornor Of Wiscosuin, and ho wiii bc hrought lb Chicago te stand trial on a charuge Wh"ics«Mile, spris.net. <nce o e t16>ars te Illth..*mamvitei Wauicegan mer 'etcomplslned t KirUt#94ldtasolst, wiil bu fevsod to presan the *videne whlch csused the tewis officer tb 0ive Up hie rosi- dense lns Wauwgan. Je«! Klripelick liAs given up bis '. r enoce inWautiegau, vhicli licrp *fesçmasau a-n auiuiaamt upervisai-. YI<i*atnick lias *yst,-rlualy dis. apean.d tran Waukegan, but the cause uf hie dinappeârance is no long- ez a-myster. Tisa mcli la novo: JE" YKIRKPATRICI( MAIS GONE At*WIU. P»UT mis FREEDOU ATSTiKE IF ME RETIJNNS._ Kbk§*atrick va. net alome yben h. lied Woiaegan. WtIk hlm vas a gro- ceey q*lr y hyle na-me oif Harry J« and hlm frianld HMrryreisnet eplrlU4 sus> frem thoir heses, te W*611M Mm They wore ot lured out 1'w "Ioegm The>' have net met Ti«!ieft wiauiegan afler the falh- ers-M Ueveral ea-Il boys bai la-d lu- formaUco vith Siates Atorney Welch ani other autboittes oltich mlgbt. Ilproveil. seoi hlm te Uie -j bave mothing to my on the mat- ter. 1 de t Iseieve that le«, Kirk. poela"Obulrer. lae Waasbgm. a-rn- leslhg fMr hlm." said sU,1'a Altocw ma 0s . Welcb. 74r. Welcb kt inactive in litesmat- ter aitihe, uggeston ofthe parents if te lesu-Il boys vii. bld toies t- %thetr parents wicb vers unca-nny. -Wru)gar andi iura-iing. . It derlopi Iliat Kir'patrlck Ieft 'Wauliegan under a Ilireat of arreet. Il if; sai lie v-s given ta unierstand lie wvouli lhe jailcdIif lii-continued 10 niake Waukegan bis home. le w-mm alse given tau udentand (lia-thîe ha-ni of the la-w vould nat fait on hi.- elouider if lie gave up bis reBidefll'ft in Illinois. Krkpatnick nasrer -nil m-icted as assista-m superviser He iefoptid Rtobert J. Erskine for île otice, atter the latten ha-d given hlm Permission toa sviob tremi the race for justice of thie M -,ceani te ma-ke a- iglit for the officeoetasasistent supervoOr. Kirkpa-Iridli ma-de bis home in the damce hall ai Eletric Park, for (lie meat part. Ho liq a barber bytrade, but bu speni a great portion o! lite lime in promoting dances al th,, park vlildh h@ bai belr under lease. Hec liashundreds o! trlends in Wou- kegan vii vili be sliocked ta learn ef his sudico depgrlure trom Wou- NOT UNDER ARREST AS Y'. J Thal Jeff Kirkpatrtck, assista-it supervsor o ltetl Waukegan ef ter one niait i'a i ibrca-ened ta kili h on sîgit. vus ln Racine Wednom. day niabt 1in(lie report huard in the etreet loiay. FPron a relia-bIc source The Suni lcarnm Iliat Kirtipaticti acceptei a Position at the Palace barber eliop In Racine lasi Pr-day soi thal he vork- ed in thiat sliop until Wi'dueeday njglit Sîcuths got tract cf Fltzpatmicki ibrougli a Waukegan frieni wbo liai bpes o dmlsionedIntaBondiKirkpa-t- rickthel, Waukegan nevepaWprs hI la underteai (bat Krkpatrlck is liv- Ing under an aoumned niaineanditif l0 aseRaid ithâlehoin planning o10 takre uP resiience ln Canada. 9 lu lie mea-ntime Politicla-so f Wa-u-4 kqlan are lnying ta figure out hcw1 KirkjMtrlc"'m successar as assidta-nt1 sa-eehsr viiiliehona-m'd. Nany bl. - lier (bat it lies vithin tbe pover of the board (o elect a superviser. vhile othero tilnk ilinl Robert .J. Esilos i emtitled te the job. No action výil lie taken on thie ma-lier untlil the June meeting, ItLe s ali. Wauliegan acquaîntan"criof Kirk- Patrick daim thatlie la-e lef t Wau kega-m for goad, a-nd one man vlio ie fineis Kirkpa-inIck b Ithe citent of over $300 ssys "Jet ila gane and vili sean lie forgolten." . State' Ateorne>' Welch nists that ho doe not liold a- warrant for the aselsia-ot supervisor, but It le eaud J.tathle goverument lime ta-ken a biand lu tb. case. an that t( lemîuiis ef the nation arc nov conductlng a systematic searcli et Wisconsin. iCikpatrick bolde a lease an (lie Electric Park praperi>'. but IL la un- derstaod, Iliat thie owner vtli forfeil Ibis lease and wilI enter lona- nev rantract vttli a-Wa-ulegau ina-n vhc lias been alfter the. tract for park purposes fo aniany years. Il ls underuleod (ha-t Harry Raines la vibli Kircpatiucka-nd tlia-lbobli Maen lefI Ilacine oa Thura-y. 18t1enths on thuir trai, reached Racine but a fev lionre alter t(bla maip thels' getavay. .- TeeUi~cilhlu6!sele hmo TULLs 0f ' M'M. TIONS 0F YE41Q#EN Detective Aokerman of Bank- 1 ers' Assn. Describes Work of Safeblowers. BLOW 17 SAPES IN A YEAR.! As Soon as Detectives Are Laid Off Craocemen Become Bold and CommifitBuriarles. A. G. Aerwman. chiot ef deteettvee of the Bankers' Association of Amne"- Jca, liassent ifare seutha lotothe Area district tlu rua dovu ctuea uhicli may lead th detectives ta the rende- vous cf the yeggmen vho. biew the, .aoie 1n the Ctizen'e banta on Monda-yt morutng. "Sprngfield bas etwa-ys been chef bangout of the safe.htovers f tilinots, but nov ikat the Seal<,r t have. beeon driven out of the, 51te capital, hILuli ard lo say vhcrc the yoggrnen have their bang-eut. Pas- sibI>' ln on@ or two ofthle large Mtt1e« belveen Chitcago and 1. touts." he adisi. Chief A'kuina-ii las picked op tva clues Wvidi May termainate ln the arrest of the menWho' gt $2300 lu k>ot by blovtng th1e bank a-ve. "1'bese mate blevrers are dangeraca mm. Thei are feaujesasand they vota iun gu. but no tvo mien o! the gang vor together very long. 1 miglit ay tha-t 1 lmow ho btev tic huai at Area. but <ba-i voutd Doct ie proving tii. attemit go se *bave ta Kspepat vo& imutil vu colieci thet evideni vhieh vlI guamfte a edh- viction in out. bu adi. ue daimsa that le banc notes ha' e been boin tA tssince latt Ang- oal.. Chief Acbr.an left lie biti. ers qppoy u lu uy. nd hMBWIsdtelî &fter bu tookamP Otier VOn the 7yegg- moen became Mme dartng-dnth<bu numben oCd<bell' theffa- ioveased rap. tdlg. H.e flrehissi "ài4e0,0s4 lmmstdhlthe l 1u5a vM i ito retreat. Be kbasthm e n wveru in the vilr of Am éa" «bisNUm b Ackerman ciaLi55tao» f» Yefl, mien vIho are mot hebinti 90*00'Ville~ et lhists le andi lailums that tisse men couli a&l bu fontinit l dUsb- tweenCu hicago amd i-t.Louis. Aciermanta oneuo efmn elasx perienced "cr0ok hunterrof M tin- ('1e. and he la a malt whlIo efoArel by the yega'Men of the nation. Ile« lias a record for plnclies.,and h@e 'cres vliere otlierg ftsar latread. ClII3FBE(1(1R (iOIN(i AMTR ÀLL LOW luNECK DRES Chef Potice Becker Of Zian City in tlie current Issue of Vliva's pub- licattan, -'hie Theocral," carriez a tong statemeni, ln vhicb lhe gives an outline of the poicy lie intende fol- toving as lisad of the deparinlent. To tlie fîrat place lie states lie vll carry eut thé ardinance vhlch rails1 for the arrest of vamen vliot Fl R&T-Wear tow-neck dresses; SECOND-Wlba vear short skIrts. And tha hejieyl cause the arreet1 af men whb drive automobiles or mo-t tarcyces tliraugh ýhe tovn Fl RST-At a fasti speed; SECOND-Witt open cut-Outs an ILli le tted that. to enforce the lti- ar. e rordinance, thie ptan is ta purchase a motarcycle and maîntai a "sPeedt top." It te said thie firat "raids on1 autos- viti taire place Sunday. As, la the akîrtz ani loch ne0tc dresses: The tnferençe given la ihat arreste yl tari ai once iD cases o! violation oftils feature of lie iYs1 lave.t It la not recalied just licv loy or lusi liow higli the Ilinos r dresses vîlI lie observed, but Cqf Becker sa-ys the authoities vIl ailiers strict- ly to the ordinance. Napents vililibe caltai ta the clty patioe station tO deterinine- wliether a dreus Da3' bu termisi "o, eweut" or flot; and s tb vheller ILlba e too higlilu fie skirt." FORU.S. DEMS PIUSN Sfi1 S t Continued Prom Page On. null lt ebopped and the prosecution Just launclied vilIliring a a laitwith- out delay. Siates Attorney Wetcli of iic caunty, lias announced thai he wi I co-perate wtth thie government to the lirntt. Etaes Attorney Hayne's aid alo ilIl be eiqIsted. FMXI 1 EiSTER WITCw1~YaCERK E. J. & E. rèman, laimn Gary, lndk,' s HîHoiC m, Registers'in'Waukegan. Waukegan, Ma-y 26. William 0. Gibson. a fireinan lu thî- (mrîioy (,ltle lKiglua. .toti,-t& fla.r iaiiroad. vag the firsL iOn resident of Wa-uhegan 10 1ègstpr wittt Couti- ty ClrI LevHeadee under ilie pro- Visions of the national act whicli pro- vides that ovey Cilta-en o! the coun- try between lte ages of 21 and 30, Inclusive, shah fegister. Rosidents of a community are te regisier on u»1ne6 a-th(le regular Pollilg placéti but uunresldenta etfa- city or tovm vbo vilil be a-bsent froin their home ciiy on regîstration day muai regster Ilahe leyii'or tovu wliere they happf e $0 leta-t tirtIs. lu tie'*iaa-e et ultieo!f3?0,000 pop- ulation or over lths mayor acte ai; the regisrar-in Clua-ler cittice the sheriff or eoountlcoel, prefcma6ly the latter,'adI. sas be registrar. -. 1 F'alieviug g if rt111«affiosp wlîa ba-d registened vitia Coîjnty Clerk Hendee up teon tala>': WILLIAM O. tlIBON--aged 2. Ruent of Guy, lIn. Emplcyed M ruaf*lE . J. & tE. RT. L. 9. SIO14 30. Remudent of W*bdiif, u18 kta-ver wvlaI vislÙà tiag 9f- Oty ai tlils lime. CLIOff IL- PERKINS-.aged 25. DUMeSt of Carenint, N. 'B. ropi4- a- a latructor at Lake ~orest. A*ademy. CifAIIEUM A.S4At T CK aged 21. Besidlt t 1 Cvelaud, 0hio. ih.plave '4& IIiu1e operator for Te1%0 l~pm I hae la4 perat peop e a-pply te me for -ear&. ~ dte their sous Who amreW:la- Parts of lie mstry." Mr. UWksali. "Amoiig 81e. are Mm l. W*ttln vhose aon FPran la 1,pla>'insg ahorgan in a thea- ,er in Ohica"i Neyer Kubeblgky vhosee son-, alsW'a ingluvaud- eville lunTedoeRot have ip 5cD ~ a for tiel areUI, siinthét f.ly vheru 1t» a-tthe tune. .A_ 10*u' thi msrulng and vanti aiougli ho Offd he o w'-Pw7 of a. Hl' $(Wm' <nu*P et Wdite liovever and vent hom. v~ip lie date in To Supervise and, t m Al War Activities,- lJnkutakiag in Lake Prut. i .u HAS A BROAD SCOPE. Has Three Directors-Charterl Has Been Taken Out Under the State Law. Thc War Emergency Union of Lake Pori-at 1% the naine of a nev argan- Ization vhidli bas bast been Incorpor- aipd unien the lave cf the Claie of Illitnois. Tlie Incorporationas papors were fled for record ln thb. uUie%f thie county recorder ai Wa-ukegan ta- day. Keene H. Addington. mayor et Lake l<'rest, la one o! thé tires dîner- torp. The other twa -are John T. Pirie and Robert J. 'l'lirne, The abject ofthtle orgaisation as staled lài the Incorpora-tho papers, la te cc-ordinale i a-sindae oraniza-. lien al van aetivitte tiaicitivth i lbe coiniunit'of Lake 3'orest and ta supervise and fina-Usa th ane aise ta co-rdina-ie vith amy tte on niattonal orgemIimaon ar organisa-hans nov forime@ onhersa-fle fii bufoimei te, carry on the folowing Itit lur, buses. Tu Increase and conserve food sup- pliep. Te a-moIsi as requirei. tht ooimmiii ants of oFri Olierîdan a-ai, the 01maI Lae@s.naval training stt-ion. To proche for the ncéesîles o! dependenteaof iliosu lu th&, âtvlce of- uder country. 'Ê Ire aId. if needel, te returuci soldiera-irallonsIÔ. Te exten thbIe vark of ail isar ac- ivîbles appforei by lbe union. To creaiu by donation a fond te finance the purposes of (hlm araan- ization. .* I 'l' obtaln voluntéers for ever>' f,,i or ueetui wvan vithîn thé scope o! the unlqu, ani. 'P'o Êimulate and dîreri eamnnîunt-y and patriotlc sentiOtti loto .tr-tlcal A bltI pasuci liv te 1n. and AT L<A SCON- SJDEftEDBY U. S. Those in Position to Know Say That Plan la More Than a Mers Possibility. LAND OPTIONS ARE TAKEN? Reported That Options Have Been Secred on Muoh Land M1ideent to camp., That thie Uited States Goverument la cousiderIng very seriousiy the ad- visabltY of lotating one of its large training ca-mpm for the proposed draft army ai Camp ogan la mare than an Ile rumor Ir one la ta lelleve the Persistent ireportA that crnme tram tbe lle r ange. lit Io sserted thai the goveroment1 lias liad urveyars op the gronind forq several daYs and Il te further report- ai that options have béen ta-ten on large tracts of tarin land Iminediae>' adjacet t. the Camp Logan range. The Ooverninent stipulales that each of tics. training camps muet contga 2,500.acre. This wouid makr It neceuay in acquire large iradis or land for thenOrange »Mdo"s mot con- tain an>rvb.re mar liaI flumber of acme. "The Camp Logan mite le favored not anti because or, lits exoellat b- catoD." onu lilali sted. "but lF eiuae houtalass I mle .rsnge vhlcb IA ac of the primae aliotes for t% tMItatifg Cale. liere le, no botter rfrange iu lie middtj veut. Tl ba tosiued ftoi h ptnposufor a nutflher o! yeard. "'iere are tev Amerioe.ns vho are net able Io shoot a &»m, but <bey can perfect, tir asamutqahlp ly prow- tice Ta cumstrucl a si4e rugne tshes comleable tiaie-"osubWh .Mùu*ble lime could bu s.ve& itthe Camp Lag ate sx as be put lito use ai "Thon lon <bure are a number o! bUildingO S the1b rge <bat couli h. iltitzed lnsiut*b "ait viU bb a- Ssl'yW lu et MsaY buildings an eadh of the trabntng dom*psit«s.» Oxs impolIb« iasilthMat asyndicate ban a plan on foot of purcbisng ma-tch o!f theCmi ma-cent d the Ca-mp Loea range and presonting Il to the Oconment. Whetlier or flot tbta report la correct h«e t as yet been determineit. but Waukegan men a-gre thint If possible stopeshabuld be tatten to Induce tlie Goverisuent to e iuesite. The Requirerments. List of requirements specited by IArmy Boa-rd for proposed cantoometit camp sites: 2,6001 acres. Accomodatlng ait easi 28,000 met) and at leasi 12,0001 animale. No crovding of sotiiers. Adequate vater for men and animais. Wa-ter eupply for liathing. drinking, meni and anImale-e-t lea-at 1,500,00o gallons per day. Sufficient railroad facilities for coni- msnd. Near training cleared ares. Leamealile for one or two yesrs with option ta lease for about fise years, froin year ta year. lumune te itoadà. Selle sa-ndy boai. CGaod drainage. Surroundinge lica-lilful. Bathlng facilties for men a-nd liorees sea, lake or river. An "A" and "B" range convî-nient. "A" range 'for target practîci'. ".B" range for field ma-nouvea aloot Ing. A"- artiitcrv rnge coîmeenient. Freedom tram Insect peas. Rlonde gaod. or potentlally good. Infrequent Interruptions ta training by Inclement veather. Grazing for animaIs witlin conveil len t distance. Absence 0f Insect peste. Geai «ira-tegicat location. Location central with respect to training ore. Ma-tonal for temporary shelier locaiiy obtainable ila sufficient quantitieu a-i ruaaable prices. Meclianical. skllled and common la- bar laca-lly obtainalle et reanonable vagem..1 Sites and training a-mca donaied or offered a-t 1ev rentat. y Cond markcets ai reasonable prices. 1Adequate local contrôI et social evit and the liquor traffic. Adequate local reguiattsns of monop- t ies and prie@ discriminaton. TO FLUE1 EZI; iT MESSMIES by WME Lewd Women Given 24 Hours in Which to Ôepart Prom ZMon City. Litte ttîg ilighitotng flasbes from the sky came the varnIngg la the un- chasmie ani lewi vomen of ZMon Ciy to take vinas aand fi>' an Saturda-y. The messages ycre lu ma-nyfor'me. Somi' vere vhispered aver tuleplione hueps, smie vere conveyedIn vrlt- Ina and AMIilothers vers gîven by yard o! moulh. In ail cases It, vas maie ptain ihal the Theocra-teetfZMon have tirai o! ihe presene of ertain vonien. and (ha-t <bey WW ve il mpniaoi if <bey cou- ttnue te make "the ciy of the vhte dace" it er fmatent residence. Il became knevn today ItheZion City', unier its aev polIce regime, han begun ta "dlean b*uWe'"and that th* order et "houmé 010~ la th he oa laid dovo b>' the.hunier of tua-t city, thie laie Dr. Alexander Ijovie. T'hc ight on tobacse use s aboa reneved ani authoriies decta-re aime (lia-t tliey viti arrest and prosecute vomen vho display btrm amiles snd beautltul tbroes.- ,Me. "liocrite ta-netrgi tôlurewuil ltte M $tbuminiwget. Dli rive,1- TOO4m It vms lea-reel la-tlb. Ion police cave osevop p 24 hours la vbkà totateavît tir hle 1f tt i'<at. 'TIoýtW'- ol wo*s ýIÛ.am ig m qrmp ltirbisma6 1w -My. iito . làt% ilmti wvmea-». alléi théUS the manager hlmself If io iii not dis cari a "butt" vilcih ang bolveun Isa lips. - Thé Independeutts o 0# p ,. IIlia tue 'rlsâoia m i-* *go**, w'ýl that boodabui yull f oovattimpts of Vohira and ils connem ole imh o City w1 u t tabkm. Ota 'ih iai alta tho arebatci. but. tihé b!asmita m auiMt. 3i 40""tmph.i It 4*qM dobee or exqu npe*aqqaailn Local Registration Board Has A WARNINQ, 1$ ISSUED. riéd Ien vil bt la poscicon of- thé regie tr-atipa ca-r d &-i ahiler data- Cntd blafka- neoeuma-y t. bhld athe osel regWMIR on saune S lu a mannen te donferm yl(lie regWiatiigbelaid duvu b>' lh.govocunent. shariff Ortffi. Coulty Clenta Rendiseal in, M.11 Risyari v-o cola-rim e hragle- trattan bosMilu lAit County have been hepî bii y aIli ta veek, gettinag &Il (lis bla-nks a-nidfarom&luaapef to seni out te the registrars who ha-i been appoluted. Tonîglit they have thie satisfaction o! knovving that st part of their wark bas been caûmplet- ei on scedule lime. It nov becoines (hein duty tb mee thai (lie registralmon lm carried oui aocerimg l goverDment provisions -that cvery prectnet 1in apen on tlme and that the reglotrars do net beave their pouta- contra-ny 10 the pr-ovisions of tbe met. Eadb of 1the regîstrars liambeen furntshed vit a book outiiDing ail the rulest (lai muaitlie ebeetI'vA. Il vîlI require conauderabîs stud>' ta master atI ihese moguntions &.,f ses tbat (here la no devia-ilon froin tite plan laid dovn bli he isgoverniuenî A@somon as returne are reeivei froin (le different precinols the local registration boarni muat forvward thein to higl o2cfais vba WÇll ses that tbey are campuitei sni forw --ed j te Waehington. This viii maie It posplile ta fini jumi liow ma-ny mnen in the country' are subjectl b dratft. Foan the liciiefit off the men beimecen thie ages of 21 and 30, Inclusive, It ta pobntei out iliat the fact tblat ilici May' le iparrîidioes not rolea-se thein froni the necessît>' o!regliteniig. lit tiaey are 10 lie exemitedi tlr on thia acceunt it vîtli e up le the au <bri d1 te." Waat, Fer $Sale ee 111%hpaN Highland Park Drugg.ist 0 h Pleaded GuiIty [bi*peasid County JaH Senten.*, EXPECTEO A- FINIE ONLY. His Attorney, GeogePil"% Says He WiII Take Case U on a Writ of Errai. Mlviii Sweetlani, the Highland Park drîtagisi vba vas lineu $100> and casts and senmtenced ta serve 301 days in the caunty jail. when be ap- peared before Judge Sîniley In county court at Waukegan tt'iday aflernoon and pleaded guiitY ta ha-ring soti tiquor vithatta llrpn'", does not In- tend to accept the latter part or bh âmtuaOb-tIat in, mot if h..fta Pr@- vent It. ianoately atteranieuse bu beau lumosd b.e served nelice= a- he *ouId tale aau aI totthe ltf Oum di * vrtt of reem i- &W p tentîan belna- that lte juigmeût W emeesv& e * s ve6 -M 1Z vitl" t. prevare bie bill st".x<pe lion. jbee aa-d bMekly-imfl'etUad. 1hlbe $m op, condiict a dru a( tom &IL 34**llo ofsr lo tb.ngru. IO W hi th Decmbergran jer onh tbt-ie.. vasi .#d h. before Justice 9"tb eî Park'to a Charge of aelim ng At ibis stage of the ra Sweettand entered the eourt tsddW m:ntered a pies of "guilty." Awsstaint Stato', Attorney John Wecu feltthat leî bai mot bue Ale ta malie Ont a came egainfit tbo'tSer S.eetland. Bc lu oon9ideriftttOt e tat that the son bailPleqdeâý lie muked periniisloa of tht 0oýt dkienti the cae s&mtit tkb ta~. ftley wsam ougt st* ta t t regWm tas the prossoitotfr «i tmg hi mBoue *nu«. tt 4acot4.t grare big oem"- tmlu @«IL aDMOVe- The aassistant state's altof6Y th ashe tthal -u=gosni bunt (mm count lot>Me4v» Wuo"tiow case and tia$ the qther sou4> conltinueli tu next Octèe#. 7- Cu 8*mite pi t.d <thesqumt tbi*dp- poea the maflm PODt~OUY en cojant. qw@ebw4 fuels %bat ta lie pteaded gulltr Xe ls etti« 40 ctsmeiicy. - Lewis Lees 5usd suit for divette front bis vife, Wleda Le-, charT841 uasrtlun. The bilw» as Oed bi, 4t- torme ~George iField. Le.e 1101 that bu and bis wite vert mmsrw in Waukegan. Avril Il. ;1911. Ë sayX site ttved vitbhlhm but ilire. auiyfd . uiawIo Â~,I~cricGrill' or, anEhtc Dise Stove or an, E" Chafing mW=zmm de". ofarei £6ecbk Ugh a sEec&- kegan ai midmigbi Saturday and Ma. though bis utay was brief, he romin. ed horse long énoilgh to burt a defy la the face ofthtoef wbo Sccused bML. of oel. KirtaP&trick daima that hola 15 , novent 01 any wront-dotug. He maya that he neyer 'me connected wlii the "tacker-club" eanducted ly Franik Cioggin» and Webster Scott ait'he rear Of the btarber tthop on Wasbint. ton street and lic also claima that the ipeu vho spread vulgar and Inde. cenDt stOries &bout his 'club ronisý at Electric. park wiii "e;weat*' for thoir utterances. Kirkpatrlck camp' to Wau kegan fram Racine. Ile arrived ln Wauke. fan ai mldnlght and stopped at me' or h Ibe lt!'outolde of the Ibusti-ss district. ie cdaims that lie will tîro"c'cute mIier who were Instrumentai ln Iodg- ing complaInte, and that hie wiii con- tinue bits ight ln the courts untit lio bans regs.lned thie good graces of the Peopte uho elected hlm assistant suit- ervipor but a few veetàasgo. Nir'cpaÎriek ia working ai bis traie tneR*ace and he dentes that hbcle living under an aasumed nlante. »d ta veaue