CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 31 May 1917, p. 7

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The Melodograph $10 Oemr ten, aS Svet as the taie-Ue. u>'Neede sud Pias ny f a IDise Rec- oD, ui sea:>' pics-No E±sAttmchmentsa dd- Fuly equal la Tane QuaEt>' ta te mail expensive PhSoo graph sud viiido evrying Ihat a Taling Machine - e'o ...Tbe MELODOGELAM Igai Mate Mcbnefo 0*>:$o born relsiag et Arilglan -Heigite Fr1- deay. Mmre. E.Polie sud lim. 13. Millet et- leuded lie fanerai of a relative et Chica-1 go onay. Liliso urma toi prt la th.e pellini coutest aI Libertyville Barurde>'. Mir. adlireChas. Wehraccompanied PS Nagel mtoired ta Glenview Bndai.1 PauîtConsoer vn ePlaluee visitar dunaay. Neit Sanda>' evening gill h. regular Englieb service et St. liatieve Lthersu churci. Stadeat Walter Mevald of Concordia erninar>', Springfield, vili bav, charge of lie service. Wlarn E. Mason, tarwfer United States senatar .anS nov cangresaman et-large tram Illînols, - 18 criheai>' i11 atWashington. Hia son. LeWis E. )iun, lanedIeaving Chlcago Wed- »ady evenlng for his tatir's bcd- 514de. but laiter reclved vand not ta go0. TvontîY ear s aoaRPassenger la Pullman car stoppeS on Mr. Ma.- son' foct anS blod poison result*'d 'lha trouble reappeared a month *go and a telegmam tram Mr&. 3Magon Wednesda>' to elatîvem, saiS Mr. Ma- son baS suffered a serions relapse. la Washington, Parnuol Insull, of LUbrtyvIle anS Chicago, preident af the Ilinois tate council of dolons2- issue a a ternent Seclarlng liaI rCangrengabsould appropriaI. beteon tbree sud tour million tor olarge- netalofithelea t aomodation5,0 git: acIlie es t Leke tation,004 men. The serinas bUsiness et"w-a -s TUE EXÀ L S OREbrouiht doser-ta Chcago Friday 'The Store Tht Saves YOU Money (,et LAkos naval training station. DRUCE DRUG CO. Tb, vesel ig l ath e 0< 40 e héji (Jrayalaket; I anic Set ad M a'eir *ft le P4- cillec Beet. It là, a gauabot. Il vus _______________________ oueS for aom lon11501OMMlu, mu a a natof 1the Aistie fiét. lin Wwý .9.r'ajps/aMiss ie 1.Roeh, Ire. Leoable end ne liad«o .4me@ viied lu a bndkL ke dur- -d lMr. Spencer epent Sunay t bhaie m I £iitsdbyF.J.DRUCE Phono lIng Wauconds. o.rdsTan for Jobi Work. Riobert Lux, Alo. Swaey. Mdm Advertling ras on applicatio 1 Amn., Olive Ranahan sud Mr@. IM E Luxi atteflded the couty contet as Liberty- Mr..sindiMr@. John Mlberg sud familly'?file tui'dal. of Autluob caied on friands ber@ Mnda. Mr. and lira. Charles Ceuiore sud Ose quart eau ef Oi-O.Waz aud a map @Pont 8Banday at.fayiar Grave. F fe cely 60 cent@. You eant afford ta lir. sud Mli. F. L "aymient 'Saaday ba without on..Boy i& at the RaBlwli ihMU.-Raye braubera .at Gunae. I Siore-Druca [rug <Co.*,Ira. Thomas Carnahan and dengbtter Mfr. Oeo. Crockett sositanli&baite rturned Monda tram a week'q vicitlnl Muchante aud Former@a usai pentt. !,lu, lia. Week-end et is home ta Wentfleld, Wl.. SOHOOL.' NOTES Gea. Paddock the5 vilage hassa Tihe scoai claaed on Manday. l mksi @peut Sunday lth bisl fauiiy la Tbo- perfect la attendace for the Chicago. manth voes:Julie Boy, Margaret Lui. Use Oi.O.Wax on yoar automobile Mrti. Lahcy, Harriett "t.y, EvelYU f aad ksep t iookitist]i@ 00w. Sny l t tLindttsdt, Mludredd ke. Katherlue y the. Rezail Btore-Druce rai Ca. Caabmars, Agnon Cabmore, OBe "y, eli Mira. E. J. Biller was in l7icago on Adom hier, Iran Ray, Archie "sy. Tih. Priday. ,Per cont, ai atteodace for Pbe montb COuet Whtniora vas a week-end wa 4 viitai st blis gran3diothers, Mire. Elisa- Nesrly avery one la the upper grade bths Wbitmors. reelved a readu ini ci dipiarna with t tirs. Polli Gardlller bas beon on tii. @mi. f 40k/ims wliuh beumatiam. Rolovt Lui amid krchie Ray viii writea Cera Allen @pnt esteral days ofitest the final siamin]ation et (jra.. Thora.y wsek t Kenosha, wvus there h.lie ied day. i is fleor a 0. A. R. meeting. Tii. Somrd ba promieed us many i-a- Mr. &Bd lira.lBen Pterort et Round Provdrmaqte before echooi.opeas. Lake. ver. relier. bore Monday. Aréble Moore and lady frlend oi Chic&- go, &pent lluaday witli th. former. .&KEVILL.& patente. Ira. Oiasliarostahie *pont e fw dais Jolmu Me iaiwu$ a Clrleao Pa»cenger lest wesk et Gra.. wlîb the Chiltenden Mandai. famiy.c Mis. Lorette Wray Petertainedber Mrt. and Mre. Fra Hall or Cicago niotier af Chicago, the. tirt of reekpet orief day let veek. witii lre. S. P. . Batterehail reî.-tved a car load Si-erwood. of Mxwelle ttweek jM.liora.ce Kc-spn wet ke Tb@. St. Andrew's l3uild yl give thiir t Vh ef irsit-, ie ,.< tP~ fourth annuel Carnisaàl and Bailan a#reday aliernoan and evei>ing, Ju nOi. Il. st tii. rayaieke Opera Bonse. Tii. lre. Laure. King le recovering tramn hêseer ylhbe bld on Thurdai aller- ber reCeat ilînece. OMMsab a b"hie@ tisehra willi heo arpe. (JW. .Fbhuiibas îîUreiiase-< oWvllmuet Tii. ledie. gill brfave &iii rtui, wbere Cayli-ji Cratt bas lived dispai of fanci Soudesucd serve lighlt fo, -olîle lime, and ham taken poseion. retresbne dorii the atera<îoîî, lMr. Craf t and famiy haveenavpd ta theii Fines graaddanc.e of thi e, w a t E. llawklreterni sud lMr. and lire. Meusl Park Pavillonl, Hait Day, ëstur- baîrk,.*. gill lite on the Rager. place. dey. J Us. 9. 22. i Mr. Lobhmaa pions extensive limpove- monts, r ~ ferrY Pierra andltbrse frinds grran IL LI U,,J s&4 ct @peut thc e ead st the. M. MiM ouà Wad Oevimud temed romMilet home. IowoIa '. leh. s basabons U lng. Rush Ruseey la cofiandta biaXhome ilse BathiPollac, Mimersé .teuley vihi the mee".. ;Ph Oftbla VWB V t raduata itouIthe The BsdcwIRQtntainteusnnit sohohEtabwool Prideir. JaUsOlot grek as the.i&B gre tii. innev11" Dorathyii evistlns Mr@. Clarenco lb. ets B8.contant Somme.'aetPark Rdge. Mia Anna Beici ai Chicago a ieped- The tiruib sechoalcloses Tbursdoy ai ing trama tin» vithb ler brother John 5b* week. Nedr sud gil., js o "",ehbu5*iter ram Cicago vis ie ur ie lge n rn % ib"im ilewok. Mhr@.MlrodMhave ad eetsuFanlai pvn r tam "ivici.ity ottéidsd bues ewo ae a eiutw tli - la4§sat play aislthe011550 a on______________ WbuMe d i day evealag. Mie aby Stroug of Gaines calied aun funtenlais weSi. ___________________ Mise Ssiie Watson »peut several gressMr. and Idre. Lowies Merwin and Mira. wltii ber seies lire. Ch&s. lRichardse e M. E. Merwin niotored ta Bampehico Antlach. Ud. lisatricesHack, Ires. Kldd a&dMer- Mr ndai. Go.Dedn n b soret ir. adtlide. Ch@ow Dreedontend tae asLbvet Jaci M tii. eho ote ote'@ motiier, lira. Schumakr, visited aî Llerlyilislotadai.wtIi relatives end ftende as Weekesh The Ladies Aid saelety viii aieiet th pu oators. *P charcb h ireday, Jue 7. Sapper Roy. B. Belse loft for an exiended viit ailblis.erved. vitb fils father ln Baltliore, Md. ______________________ lr. sud lira. F. Clauslag ttendede $25,OOO DAMAGiES' hrîstian Jepson, Farmhand, ls Yoiq Méat Animais Sboulidh Wl Suing Weth Employer for Heavy Damages. F*IyDêvulOPOd. Si ELL FROM A HAY-MOW. ijury AffOted Spiie-Cared KiLt TOO MAIY YOU98 ONES HA for at Lake County Hospital for Several Weeks. 'This WIéni~ t Inîcarcity ThatlWill Car Regquise Sav$si Overcome, G Chistian Jepson,' aged about 22, Aordln eg s. 8orte Prom Chicago V4 seeklng $26,000 dayiaggs ofAI r- "Sto.kysrdqe"'iia Month or Two They' 0 m F. Hales, a wealthy Chlcagaan W i ob« oube Ith a summer home at Prairie IVew, W.l oMeViub. > injuries recelved a littie over t Fearmers oft te Uaited tlates, afI i Bar ago vien Jepson vas ln Hales mpiay. As a resaIt t othle îtfurles thago-W 0" ouifnareminaling tb. Meý Lpon complan>t liali e bas lwcome saub rntakO that agrleulturistea ofYar araiyzed and grill lie Incépacitated ($&iiiany dhl under goveroment cam- gos oranently. pulsion, et lts outbreak of the wla, tooc lepson vas Injured vbea tic plunged aad tii. United States as a resuît vii d sud tiraeta the floor qt a barn from lutter tram 1«0k Of lmets later an, lit 2e haiw a distance of several t pine vas lnjured il, such juat as Gaaerm asfeln .ac s- dre aextent ftlet It ia claimeS Ihal paraI cOilg aflatu ram the Chicago " ai bas -renulted. Wteàward& orf Jepson charges that the accident a lomAta" a h e ilaughter ofaI t tas througb no fault af his% own. He j~r utit 4tIe and Improperly 1.15 asorts that therp le a trap door ln ftee r»aatbd os b h oe iaî-mow whlch opens downward, ate being unhitasbe maoe.twlncb th eing hldiln place vith a catch.aeblgrse t h akt~ ithoul realizlng tbe danger lii-siep Breat numberepartlY 10 lake advaa. -1 ae n the trap-door which gave way, toge of the. prieSai bil Pnies. wiiich Wb eclpltating him fo the tloor. sev- tie average farmer thinks are too 1 mi feet below. fils head struck île good to t a nd partiy becauge ofa o îaor and lie vas rendered unconti ruinor vbhm5 spread tiîroaghout fia loue. the cauntry liat lhe government ls He' vas removed 10 the Lake g<)"- confemplsling ln the nair future fixing la bahspîtal at Waukegan on April maximum prl eaior food products. i 7,1916, re-ceiving treafouent there Every day thooeaflds of tîogs velgh- n intl June 2. 1916. On thai date- lng fi-arn175 te 2W0 pouna are pour- b -aies ralleS for thbe patient in lus iag mb t th yards ta ipe slaugbterod. 1 itomobile and removed hlm to a lîos By tée.ding tlten a rnonth or two marePa ) îaI ln Chicago so lie couldr(il- they mîglil b. smade ta veigli tram 250 ce' ' pecil course of trealmenf. ta 3W1 poons. The'. bs. of meat, by ehl Evidently the treatoien af aiwhhli this kind et murtitng is eîiarmous. sel ut avail for Jepson lias placed thf Wien the. var started th. German ME ucâs la the lbande of Attorney A. P. goverament, reaizlng fiaet the coulâtr ta Beuhien of Waukegan. wio lias wonto b. hlb ksed by the British arted tieig damage suit. The asti, bult iaWlmg 1the var woniS flot 1 raeclpe in the case waa iiled l in h e ao 0@, dorli e i m date d& -Icuit clerv'ka offie. Mai 22, 1917. àutt«o #ts pr ~ ootion of lis 63 he dotaiis of the case dld flot becorne food animale. The 1-sault; vas a tempo- ai iaawn until taday. rary pleut> buàt; breedlng stock gras mg encroacel UOpoU. aMias a result -as the. M vear>' yeurs vnt b> thon vwas an te MOoM W ve.' lscremslfog laity of meat foi MILLIO.SlaR STAg v mioseaa but breedlng stock an b eo gr a0t"a If the indlacriralaat, th Great Lakes Station Is to Be tre-'y ir. - w Made Largost o Any Smm- Te QU"Feéd Burosa. e -~~ etf<odprongl bursau g ta a a îlrPac nWorld. eui om we pp mtof mm» and vom Mmd Isie ad girls on b Washington, lMay' 25-Negotiations b <ton»et o. 0my viiib.opan- O are la progrese belvoon - Ileereiar- ed ln CWieaffe gb@ -00«0k out>'lu of thq Nav>' Ilnlels, representative Truck onua.omes4- Tarmien'assd a] itioen#or Chicago and Captaîn Mot- ation ithet .P"ane.boeeaadt" er - e- oItt, cf 1the naval station. North i - u <ftea efo 11usomfer alug caga. vhlch viilmake the naval train gO Ing station the largeof 1 any >i»ti belin"as zlet54 . lb. e ileral go- CI tutiang for a sirnilar purpose ln the -e rmmsetCo.o»t bed The project undor, conelderation beau devendent te a certain cirtent l avalves final appropriation by Con- upua labor ageacise to gel tarit blp," i greas ot $2,700,0WO. As the original said Mlr. Geveke, *bgt 11>5 cssa o station Coot about $2,500,000 -the, ap- iislq obtained frou tifila source, arIn propriation novsaked for shiovs tht cours», ba been thé oxpeat boip. Wbatb aiteit>' and facilltles are ta 'v. wS nord nov. At uqt crops are ta Officiais saiS Ioda>' an idea of vhat .nas. repoitacryii nuit ~ ~ ~ ~ e bdnecnbha trmtecrope tirougli tbe veeding sud bar- a tact fletaIfilai.certain befare lhe end efun Esn if the var lier., muet be accommo- "We vili b. abls to get enougb ex - dations al, Great ]Lakes for 11),000 ta port farm hbelp ta Plent lIe crope asa 15.000 persons. Tbe original capaei. one mon cou Plant aq moeiiAs tveaatY8 .y voa 2,00». mua eau harveet. M»t vo muet bav-eP Tiere are nov 7,000 recruits anS nome assurance lIat pro viii bave la- proiiably 5,000 of thbee are living in bar toe are for tinsbrffl &miter they e tenta. bave beuplanted."a Confort With Chicago Men. efrEorncglW krs Secretary Daniels bas heen la con- rfrEprefodWrem ference vith S. B. Insull. J. Ogden 1Mr, Gewe(ke said tIat tifs Cook coll»- Armaur, Fred 1Upham, John Hopkins t>' farmers vooli me*tllasobChicgoe ad allera of Chicago, vho came liere board or edueatian te help them, obtain la the intereat of the enlargement of boys sud girls traun thi.e cbols, w-ho tiie station. viii b. provided vill poarlsm. A par- One f5rapositlor under coneidera- ticular appeal viii b. muaeta the. Po- tion l tat athe goverament shallbuis- Bah andS Ilembfan SOctiof the or lease 900 acres. iyfrhpesTewasfoun MoWett Secs Palmer. cIl' for hi-Iper he vagd ofrunb The cornmltoe ot Chîcagoans saw ste amlb.,h ed ol i lSecretary l)anielg yesterday and Caf om $1 t10 $2 a day darlng the. veed- Moffet t lad a conforence ioday witl intessson anîd Probably se higli as $3 Itear AdmiraI Paumer. aid for per a day deriig the harveet seeson. ,onnei, Navy Department.1 Those w-ho bave lad soine tern ie- Mr. Insull la chairman of lie coun- periente wil b. givoli p-eto-eacee In cil of dîfense for the Shate of I111- employmeat.t nis. Ail concerneS are golng Int James A. Patten bas volunteored to the subJect villi the motive af having îeîp, boy tva carloada aofe@«d potaloes lie stations tlnIisestote enhanced nt pro.tîSad otiers wyul JOin varlh hln any porsanal sacrifice. the project. Tb@ city authorites bave andor con- Ls. eFarest le no place for hoboes. ,s4ataion a plan te place tii. vagranta Policeman Fred, Bergiiora arreýs*ed lit the cit>' and the tomaes et the w anderers Thoreday, viien he Sridewell and llier P" na titelutions Aw tliem at the Nortbvestern rail- Dot ohiiervîse employai on a tract oi lad ofmare than 1,000 ers tu ox- road station. Juat then a fast train tost near tiheliridevoli sud rais. there slaved ta a moderato rate of epeed as vegfetables anS other <arm producls. il passeS tie statian 'and hUe cap- Tii. plan lias ftbe sanctions ot the.cir- Perles prisoners "ffi1pped"' aboard and cuit Judgefs and aIliers tAterested. fadeS aw-ay. Berglioro vas so Srath- Tuant, "gardeniers" voff b. andor di- fui hec ommandeered an auto and ie" supervision ot gudrdsand corn taoic up the pursuit, but ft ler foi- pteiita w-ork, lavlng the hltivay neariy to Fort Sheridan a tire huret anS stopped 1 ASKS CHILOREN'S* AID. hlm.bureau'of Education Urgea Thom Su Take Up Gardenlng, m. - 1a exico vas bancheS ln the New rk nastiya=4 lie other day lie big. -- ilt sbip IntaheUniteS States na>'-M Qk ta lievtars. Tiere w-as a mark- 1dîlloreacetfis Urne trom rprevi*us nchings et lhe n&#ayard -Tie tadnought leuncied there was lhe rizona in Juns. 1915, vhen tiousaads Etivitations kîaed resulted bu a miii. tuSe of epectatari lielng on hanS. Thi- me the epectatara grere confeiltu10 se naval officiaIs and the. goveriîars ity tram Nev Mexico, numicrlat 1>' about 300 Inetead ofthIle 30,Z11 ?hoeav lthe Arizona slip from the The. Arizona 1la008 te-t long snd fphout 1,000 tans legs dlplacement àan tie Nev Mexico. The Ne 5ev i lihas the imarne armemeat, iowever, liber main b.ttery. tvelve tourfeen- h gong. Rer apecS la experted ta 1 ebetter tien t tv-ty-one kuols. 'I'er, lbas lisa n odispotion an tie art ai lie mvy departrnent ta con- ait tie <acte about lie »cw battle- hlp, officiaelannouncement iavtag beeu ant out glving tie principal measîire- aents of lie mblp anS parliculara as b ler complerna, etc. Btstimtice o et i.Warehip. The principal di-malana or lie nov eadnaugbt; are as <allowe: Lengtb. 24 fast; breedth, extreme, ta outaldo )farmor, 97 fest 4% tachees; diaplace- neut, 32,000 tons; mesai draft, 30 feél. Er armement contista of Ivolys tour- an Inch gens, tventy-tvo five-imel. tur tiras-pounideafour snti-aircrf t ans and Ive, larpedo tubea. OBie viii e msnned b>' 56 oflicermsud 1,141 mont The. Nev Mexico lea àe@iter 4Wipof the Misiselyi, recentl>' launched et the yards 0oflthe NeiWport Nev* Sblp. bilding and Drydock company, sud of the Idho, %MI os thi e a t the rorks of the New Yor-k Bhtpbulldng an y et C1aain N. J. Tii. ke.l or tb.r 116e Mrlo w-ualaid on Oct. 14. 19»,. Altiiongi h« construction bas sean malerial>' 4Iyed, du. ta diMf- tlt>' and delays lth obtainlnt materlal andih lseumcarffllya sklod bor, Iflàl zxpected tua infii eb b.' viithe thirty. Mx months allow-ed b>' the contF'aet. t l'ban launcbe afi. vas ahout 67 Per sont completed. The navy yard l5a a uy place tiese lais, vithbhetvoena6,000)sud 7,000 mon emploieS. A short limie aller the, launcbiug of the Nev Meico prepara- tor>' plans othle canstruction af tie îev superdreadnaugbt Tennessee vere açLun. Sh. v ibe still more poverlul ihn tiie Nev Mexico. The Nev Mexico wvi i mm oilexclu- siveiy aud grill ho tie firat bettleshlp bulit hi an>' nation eqoipped w-tI>the electrie drive. Thiss yelem of propul- sion lias bhenrt torougily trieS out ta service an lie coller Jupiter and has proved extremel>' satisfaclar>'. It bas beeu pointeSl out b>' naval mrilles liaI 1the main battery arme- mnat apparenîli la not as powerful as that of the Qaea Elizabeth and éther modern» Bghllng a sileOf lb. British ns e>. but thtatu Incli differ-, ence la lhe bisgKun caillier rauld nat bave an appreciable effecltatu %greuil ses figlt. Gune licol Fer Enough. il la admîtidthat lie fifleen inch gune or lie Quson Elizabeth have s greaIer range than the lourlen Inch riesothe --V Mexico b>' sonetilng legs Iban a salle. But accordting ta naval expiertshe Nev Mexlco's tour- boan inclirifi W!11 ishoot as tir as the spotter's ran&* Iintera tend lire çun. IraI officers caus e.sud _-lion-- -ade ehlp la engaged b>' lie euerny et ses. w-bal ig lie use of adltioaal range viien il th impossible ta spot lethesl a tic>'lait or record bits w-heu lie atm le rigit? Officens Bay' lie tourteen loch g... of lie Nov Mexico w-tIi tbrav alie as tar as lie result ai lie ahOta cao lie aoted. if lieis latrue, they eah. viat ts th. use Otftfomuch range iuring a nîaval engageent? The vos sel armeS titi tho boas-loi gons ould have ta corne tt range of the ans carrying guas wviel shoot as fsr as the spolIer cn se.. The New Mexico vili have a col. centrated bosv and stern ire o aitlor the. gîtas irougit 10 heur lu ber broad- aides. Whlen sho tires a broadsido lit viii '-nil aboutî $M-000. The estimated expense ofi lliug a faurîsea inch mille 18 $1.000. Theni i ai constructor lIn ehaçge of the bîilllang of tie Nov Mexico 1% Captaili (.. il. Rockt. He bas dons iie wark duilg one ofile 141119"J;peroda of tamerJeaitnaval constructo4 nsd tie New Nlexteo la regardeS as cie ofa lie besl cînimples af modern mariias architec-ture ever des-led. Itear Admirai Naliauil el. Unkis comimaadait ut the yard, maSdestelot police regulations lIconneotWâ W ftfr the- itnctÏlngand no ane w-ho cotcu .-.e sibov propO-er emenllmh 1"ý "-nov>'yardte. IIAIF DAY GROCERY and MARKrP J. il. WiunpslsgeProp. NowTHEWfRTSJ _____HOUSE, hlfgD Open forchicken dinners, knoWn' as theh Chicago sou thoteoI oi TEIPEPHÔNE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. AUSTMCTSOF Tl=I TITLES GUARANTEED dm Capital $125,000.00 WAUKEGAN -ILLINOIS ý I .5j THE-B.UYING of the readers of the LIBERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT is enormous. Are you placing your advertis- ing before the men mnd women with the BUYING POWYER? -t 1~ Ew Exio o e ~ TIIOPngneerig copafli 0<e IIOP AJJOR Harbor huis Just returned tram Jtock COMPANY T 60 Na lIland and affer a comu}latin w LIJM ANT TO O Ia IColonel King and Maor Hamsey, bias SO N ddd manufacture the caterpil- BEAIEU ARSHFlar tr-aetti.i olb a largp, scale. The ~ EA EST ARS IP O N W LNE OO tractra as they bave been found te lb imle ermonosGint Municipal Enineering Com- be of great service ln France, flgt panyStR*Manufacture only ln propelling the big "ta"ik5 panyto anuactue U S. but for bauling supplie& of vartous i nIgb s W s ououih d . a e pla Tractors. kidui. The c hNef obstacle that 14r. FiM rThe army mu le has got te go. Tii Beneon wii bave ta overcoie wWb.. AIO caterpillar tractor ila to lake ls place slieed. The ar7 chiots domanl AS IWELVEl 4INON GUIS'~ for bauling guns. Whpreas lhey uged, speed. The t ractore wll b. euve 24 mules to haut a 6-loch fie'!d guit,.te haut havy loade om four té si elght for the caisson, eight for th,. mileg an heur. an Fi,.. es Far as the. Human Eye tImber and eight for the gun, mat- an 8«., Aithough On. of Englande m tlag4l ail, they now find that onq Jamee Taurila s»Ia $ 25ffl .. Vesséa la Csrrying Fjftsen Inch caepla ratrwl o lcwr eâ of the Chicago & Narthwei.~ Cuns--Burna 011 ExciusivoIy and je sgeladwllg vrsegc a l n d ua suit IBled hi big Equipped With Electria Drive. egrampe, amoas buahpe, and ln facit. trneY. %Morse ives, of Chicago, Wbn h e lb.. n..dread.nought Ne anywbere that the mule could go. circuit court this alternoon. Med. a d a It . 1 For the benefit ofth < wor;hlin i t6ef~U store will remanock~ First Grand Dance Of The Seasonm at Hertel's Park Pavilion Haif Day - - - Effinoie Saturday Night June.9. Dance Tickcets 75 Cents EVERY ACCOMMODAIlON. Don't Mise The First One. A Good ralTimautnd.

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