~ ~ , "VO ; pg~'mous problern now Bugfo-S _________ ________ _____Te l_ ___ "0 iI t ae. âéIiI &atifo:e.~tOPQ.Vr prear OV~~ for seice o~ I.'oWI~" aoeatWlc9 J»Ow that thefit drownlng ote_____________on" 9--th at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l -o saté83mrhbno r l Siaiè ea nte~ prepam 's to du their sab'q To er, oumnot hbe SuPelent. e iffi~~~% ~ "' "' aOc cf thre mopt eares lh 00rxcE m to s.wta~tu* ew e s, r aainr nide ttthe revokatIon95 i ~~( pBtd. ame eWU . dd1; Othe i st. AlWceP lle ' by a man i W ,I0 - Web&q bù* ifemontba (o tn i . eh. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 baintu CORobr.00 3WOlao!'and' the ~feiiow Who lIwo$ T~ ~ trag lng 'î,oplo lathecutry d~on!t bgv ,odopr fSfWdy'tân ~b. daa~thths thy hâ S t1h I~k. 0IUt~1' uthritat Fo rtn gthe mlltaî'beatab lifigof îll go Into l*ttle as xpldedb s uQy Jlm dtii gan," aait Fortplheridan 1no end éot but, 40 pef osai $fflélent. TiregÈI(ih continued Prom Page O0».) vjim I i wEisi prom- tr'ouble, and t la t thre roqenuct ofi ut Mary of theo young mon thBey senit litent ---"-"--"'rr..I...a.w av i. They hav..e ptn+ .uw u ono hol- iUi Iaires>ouo nto the trelnches the firut year of tlic DU8AVD'~ ~4"75 ""'~this occasion. The saloons ln tire or the entire berd would have becu t eZeÏt~h~ptlad r. IBecw. u aligned tltey locait' are interferring wett>(le war becainsetire boys were flot pre- burtd twstr 4he tb de apid~ e paper MId tretlrat. their'*Wildht tOrkIt iung carl'led' oh, by theire are __" lt#*w.'h rmhp n' r rePrdllated a terrifie longs o Mr. 5btuwL '. i,. anoji 4tky. Tire drauutoa n "44ear Fort, Sheridan te have founul Doblttle, th-ubiiitptins hd exlred50 ~ey ouid top t #O1Ithél loomrly acltldied l ied. Ihavé eet ltsUdsaluons, and 1wi WBflt ,;g»<th states tiat (lits paint Poln laé'o tuii hom." li cvu1ene (iai fren (le ~~<> ~ <t~ boe (5fl1>5that cea iconfront a herd. Thre white th uovsr'recolel iqumor at liait Day oR- taliy are hoi azp b My' camp. which la leaul poison usualiy goes ta the lirain Âttl ttoruey W lhsi th uevsr tb 0tepdë mentianed .Wc otla cWd cC 005 men-n 11w, andl there and f(t,(gVary fseldain tirt aftera or Tuesay, "Aninstittion whch is dan, Wh C M " Ol eeP tire -lifilor trom tire I"PO ulI homore' tô corne. Deapite aur cow gets agodmthl fttia dûrr Tesdy, An nsÊuton hic is'éla'n wie a Otthe boya ait Iue naval station. iviila&ne w. have aiready discoeieul'cai le zveul. Tiey acqutre an I pure anîd doingsuch finlework as this county hospital èUr- bave six IU. S. dePuty marshala ttr i eutsa ,,:icsaove r em loditicome nrthe rely (lid t hlot be wrecke;'i Nvill sui-vive the onAiauglits of the arci- 'the station now, and 1 peruonaily tilltvi l eut toesl1tebodbcmsetrl ildwt cause-tireerret 0f Bay» man.,lie le "Thce ii uf for solders WIil bring poison. enemies Who seek to tear it down. Tt is the history iDf ail a d4ansbOP- keePer or a bootlegger, yaunger ibOn-,t Port Sheridan- camp., R la furtirerniore Intcresting at ibisa *uch thiiags. Tt is no different ast ri>arls mîr own most who tIres or sella an drop, ot ligueor In ls wtjua dfeSi 'eling ln aîy hcart lime ta ;note that iately tire goverti-r y ~~te a palior. lh la tire bootleggers v'hufotieynerbsouraton ment blien sendlng out warninrla wonaerful institution. It cannot be narmed; -it ill live are askng the drrnkards ln thila - fta tannera.- doctbossofand tation aIntt on and its work w~il1 continue to expand and be a credit qalltY. BOYs i wh acter taatcd Il-(bat 1 amn a4dreslnz you. oves'tire counti'y urglng people ta o to the cu4tv.itgr are bchrg made Into drunkaids. "I am bof. 'b ask yooi as patriotlce creful and watltirohir pentures In y to~~h heout"WIry lauslegs tran two weeks ugo ctizens 01 thé TUnted Itates and &as order ta deiect- any passible nove- 4 ,that nc ofthtie boys at tire siation a mnt of a widespread nature ta pot-a ii Contractor Iroran living a w Î,to egin wo>rkmetdeauir by leing struck by en auto sons 0of111150fr ta dû ounrshare tu con' the bords of tusa country. Tiresei os e-Orànd avenue a'vitn weelof te WaeucX. The boy wsa drunït. or )ebuebip malle aur boys 100 Per cent effi' warnings bave buen issueul very re- r m IIMI ý" h4d Ieen drlnkung. Tiats tirai bonze tient. It là ln your power to"revoltc cently aneul i oes to show tirat tbu- OR May 21st and no attutbe P made t4 exp e w(ho llII do, for thre yongstcrs. 1 have thre dramaukop liienass ielu by gle lng9vernment tears timt thre anti-Arner- ovr8,000 bos*i te "'" - r aI tj "lIcan elemant4n t(iscoeuntr'y May seek b a U trted exce àu 1w. sa t other cities vhere ho aitl ae 001teebeo i' fif'asdIagityou t o rèvoks aiuiil aa <tsip'b î bas' -work are demé t il*?he rush their work, IA»,wintcr nets (n. 1 cnntend thatIliquor tli4bt eir as a tar limâ duty lng o'be irerdâ. T4=iseila luit1e donser t doe assiat In tire traln'ag <f men wbfch yoq owé your country. b askI appgre that La e county la anc 0ft the ut v the to fl y fe warand cotendthilt Ildon youto, emoy teptaton foas hbehe s seiesetctd = tmyt ta Ykmnm-- -W. -not belp ln (he wark o parin.te& tysw , 1 1 . b6Y for service on tire lu-Id urbattistrre . ,a , ,"Ai bitgMalori»' ut civiliair: thlràï Middle West en whiun we arc deinenul' fçnr et ciwner of cattio to caréfully bait W" I k la tntbranch 0f (lic govrmnt. I goto a tlgonadbrn bout tebls' pîkateul a QuantItY ut peint. 11'fmot. We men ofthtie arraj' and uf cloalig ni thi, lHalf Day dramairois, Dr. Smnithraay@ (iis plot ihas It n *té i o *-t e Cont henavi' tere ctvilians hefore senit but 1 assure y i 1 enee, that sucir yalty taste andl tierefare a cow once 118méet ii 1oCiay hetlai d M t Aniapoiis, Wet Point or pea or ý nt0gotting a little taste of Ilt ilt go m ru ng liraining. 1 bave Oriton thourbi that e cmy plan. 1 don't helieve uuch a long ways tus get more ut t, and em,'Au Ple#o hi4 'to"01«k 1i*bCe#- it toulà birea gond Plan for me (, tpt o l lIS allccessari'. ît ls iartiest then one- cnt gets a (ate naturally1 haJtin la astl~e ouni Vguat'bange n aigou t the entrance ofthe cfronMy tirougirta not. 1 assure youldraws tire renainder of the berd to jo'- l anothér . isfflbHn whîeli oulul i7ad, "Thlîz19 tirat yhutl nthsbsns ftiraiparticular spot. ~uOC maea - '4 useaY waaa0t ~youî- station,. fot umine.", Iun(rs uins t ln .a menace wleth us bard ta coin le i y à Mdê bY*oUd A M M- "« didn't camte out tismyear ln the training au*t boys for offîcers oftire[ bat hecause anybody tho le go cari- s. flgtto pae'u tire flve-mie dry zone 135w army, and 1 tact tris work dceip- temptibie coulul veny easiîy slipa «èf mott-Pn ae oamd b18wu measutru. 1 ir (Ie part ln this igirt ly, and Ialt»0 ou uclose tirez. dramn. buciiet ot paint (n any penture tirer' lEd S4~~S e81U14 lt«e, If thore 1té ey 'a few yeari bark, but I1fronnd (bat 1abope Bo je<4 protect yor boys and leverlire tus so inclinei during tire il»let onthewiong cind. 1 thlI stip uIn ybuy. 0I wotildntr have cames lo ih& rstop, getting booze. 1 have Waukcgan had my buart not been I&YO 80 bi"efas! nd hOe'-bsa uit ttihe reasan tire &mile lmiO t ay tat wlho dou't thlnk. Egvery- dry zoleb'il did't pans tas because l tis w."ramdii h ' WGykuvutht.___________Money tac useul. I amn triotil.-seat Supervîsor H. C. W. Meyer exIQ K lflM[ ig tire legisature. il a anIme IdasrpintÀ vI"""~ t' bglg'Blta tl df vrimnPlaineul that severai of th inshopF( il t'atbl? ea upervisors by aU JIIO.Bove iis countryato stop tire- sae ut keepers of iis townsirip haul astircd I I4IDIAJ V E «A& IL té e'»1btOIt lQuor. I amn tolul ai tire staion ibat hlm unie and Urne again tirait hiri v ui~~~ ~ board," th ie boys getmare liquor now in Wau places oa- buaunesastere not oena CA oN F I i ".m ' Icutyba ,9 h egin (iran they iid wiru-o tîneru- ere egro6ays, andl Ui'ftt(bey halnotosolul f IA INÙ"'KN ,»ibe rsonlfttntion of ail thati saloons Iq. Waukegan. rire state'. aii j m. A whis b. aeâ d &# toruey iras assured nseiirîu,,w» o-j" a sOldier or a salior a drink since tire omisir, tprosecute (hase wiro 2a3Il iquLi) .o Iboard gsaited tirem licenae "I lite Predict That Greek Soldiers t54the~~~~I1*~OMréW c f the. Oelminora. andl we willild.)o.l'Ini a-niacrose tire road tram one<rshiop, IIB Igtn ihSl bàrd dred re-eleot9011g9(ng t atunIn iyIÎ' <1gbta ku-p sud I cati assure you (bat tire place lit l.e Ph~~d~~R~ Rdfiot~~~ are at war. I dusn't tbmnk wnoepe ndbs lt en nSudl' ,.zesm î1 Î ( W t. b do because 1 know tinat -ir go-1 have yet te sec a soldier enter tire TientnfirtuioCntnie tud b to Clkan i d utthe.liospital ln'a coatr ea u atpae"slltr uutl-I. lking of tire Helienca resulted l n to teil yiu, gentlemen, that (his tar Supervuson Martin Ringulall tiren great rejoicing auiang tire Greolus uf d ô1n~o ily iIOUiOIIPlis jirat Segpn. Revorcte elicences. Wauubegsuand of N.ert iiao a ttesupeo xu. this »Aaa. 'w arn tley Mate tire boys fit tho are going an m oM hattire Mte~r fet rvoking r epos a tireCde ago.0fb g~gt<>'~'.'.....u C Ot cccammittoe. "I would k" ire satd. tain and ul lusa,. Conalantîr,, alidl- anddà 41 01 =gy a.ewy O P1ACTION IS lEFEveEy "(bat the members af tirelilcense coin- cated Tuesday in favur utfiis second tra evrycflr t ~6 o%û;ty. And thua tie ATONlitEER~ . teInvetigate existîng conditions Pr~bince Alexander. cfitn Waukugén. Jonc 1L mba1,% countrymen tillb i htn -fr~1 rpi~4tÔ bil iauilst8. If eVelr' DPO. Addreting his audiors snetirsfil. anid 'report bac to tire hrd." alongside tire soldiers of tbe staies "drýNoaso botel b o N"enexonerated of ér- of thne young meun on wironthe.Attorney Georgeiill aked pef tithmn six malitirs (liiescalituone - u~r~Is oi àidma -- tliat turne iriglt tjnIted States depshde to brng tire mission t0 addre5 tire boardand lire Orcek (n Waukegan, tho la a men- if y ord wrld-war (o a end," Col. Nicir- explaineul tiat ho bial heat employcd chant Yom," My iea' "yooir' Oeat ' Tirer'bal celebratlon over tiretaitI Sm hm iucha alondd èdormen L 'b&tMor c lson, wiie tas second in commafnd by two ofthtie dramzirop keepers to ot Couitantine 1, s'as ut Northr Chi- gavelm mli aspladldendo!emntk mor CO to vthre troope wicluGen. John Peu'eh- rePresent (hem fat thehRa irarin. "Icago. andl tas partîcîpateul la by îany a ,a dsre ng fatliste Mexico lun pursuit of the. double."lire muid. "if (tiliea ,itmi tire Greck em'plcyes of tire Chicago Hard- bansdit, Vîi, appeared befo,'. the POtér uft (iis hourd to.revoire tire Il- tare Foundry Co. Tire cUimax ln tire affaira ut Greere ~1 ÂYWE4LL 0r US.csuty board et supervimors tiîs aft. connes oithaut Juai causeBArd 1Isaiktas itrougini about urrough t(le *u'lson ansd petltioused theorad te you. gentlemen, teanar. .afair tInves- agaenci'uf M. Jonnart. tira hebl posta We âoýnot'dou6t that there is êonfidence in revoiethie dramahop ltenet hid tigatlii betore takido duiry mafto on i severalt rench cabints an~d tira the governînent, but it might be weil to consider a xnodj' b reeldents of, Malt DayUnIs is tier, It ihan bheen ug«eoee- arriveul ai Athil enny a day or noago fatof o!the scheme of part i governnaenit IiI4*o1t 'Help me. 1 be, tomalt ire eoft- an 1toulu Bay tbaltt (Mlt 4tiro ee clal: m.ss:0 n a nt n anti th datgsofacaiin W r ut ecens net' la trainlng 1 and tiré boys at hg-i potacui niite usa. t~ae advntages o a coaliion. We re quit ce r ai~titwîro tî compose tire conscription te Investigate anid tirca baie yoirr c Kn Cntsee ulbav ree Theodore Rooset'elt 's presence in the cabinet vold1 Ve s.imi'100 per cent efficient," pleaded l tox on their finding." iis teck for Swiizerlund. H4e tîlI i timulating Col. iOh bufo.b theiflotcecu' (irsorale.eytuko up quartera on board a Britishr Col.eNchoupn.n"thennnation'sth morale.y lik1 represcntinz tIhe ian-0-tan tonigirix "Mr. Wilson's cabinet lu not a war cabinet.. No one eftiM e i tir dmramabfops aetllxigtour salconkeepera lI Vernon Inautedi l n1ispresumeul (bat Prince Alexu- would say that it represents the best the country could 1IsII.or ta my men. I it l a patriotuc (ttirhe keepera bial Bot vialateul ani' ander tilI take up biis kingly duttues cotmxand for the conduet of tlhe,,war. 'When Mr. Wlsnduîywhyo~>~u s' tire nation ta lat, thai bhey ail have lîxiusted îirey tanuirh a b uen troc f roiofl'ânezt chsebs aint ebesthm a n hoQh nd -close tifese places." don'( even ;%ci sala drinks or any- pandlîastue. fe fo ni-ne chsebi cbie mmbrsthl*ws o hogh adseern u I- a ptota svote ansd tiing (o saldiers or lilors andl tirai He is a favorite outhtie Greeke, and inglY no Possibilty of w'ar. A' reonstruction of the eabx- utIosa isaihet!W dafét ttciion tire (bey would liko thsa board (0fUsinle a it 1s expected tiratlire tll sir Iis, net for war purposes with theip*rty sehleme disrega a r o iatter il ps' 4 mernlut at pectal comililuice te (nvestigate troape into, bailetiren requesteu te, would proinote efficieîîcy and it 'would do more. It7WW ýociock Twslve tthre membersi votait (bémndul ee ift tiny DO violats tire do vi iii tire entenite. help to nationalizé the war. Tt would -give a hi g er ù t . petelPOneMP01 tibtun' mad ine vead'to lat. Hoeupointit ouitirai. derlilte tire_______________ to the resolution and confidence of the peope ' ste . I#ii lin. itse thé 6040141 dsa irvngrbecogovel ese mpassans --Chicago Tribune. rééftalli te Ïtl Ie ttn >90W baCi ng esie t te lneltis nus n e ' o JAIS gatl ot eiltttlftg'coàdribot i tU 5* certain legul rights.. made. Mayor Add(ngton, LaIte Farnt, Sp' in <y5 anadeul to tire igliti grade graduates In asklng t"e thtie liquor licenses pcaled ta tire bosz<I. saYlng t cao oft(ha Hitbwood scirals, Tirete wW 1rvietedeàe ft ibs et e - , complote tire graduation exorcises foribcre rvolcul Col. ?ilitiorSa»Id: rvcetr dcilc i utiie. sI.fe <5tire acirools of tire eoutrUy outoide 6f"'l am non advacate or speaker-I a anu'd (ien ta w t patriotisin t 555 and saidoutitzs g patcoinsic duti' ta e WauThe rgam t JBlffuus t sldex l0,cmetaca, au an tnt coupel Ch!, NIc'nolsfin ta ~~ ~ ~ c n~igit folota: an lip ensande tir ntdci! tsman - M s'.go ielWasint be 4tatir a'dTpogunLk:nfueay£cznanir e'cisyne1gtowsugahqM eirHor"02M' o LaeBluff Sohool Qurcitg.ure nelote,.Q cot'ax'~"oe~ is ay~uai ttee; Vergoe 1rncved ta sottie PHONEOS: Offlca 204*, 3qP." 4 tF Iý ýoMni6colnent Pm'- Mugic, Seected-Deerfield Oches' athier offices cil th tjüitd titeé. 1Is .I1. (ns. el O e ta pp rcn Clark said thora îsn't a moral sas- ~rarn szaamam N~ht. AddresPf tJohun J.Haîeey. t1 tetaouble snf ored b enthe nuewaî n iaih at _______Sog,_Seof tire trd M o ubere.i h' cit!,etire board'a duti' ta Nêvû1te tM'blucetres - Sang, elccld-Raymnd Ma re. a u je teliquor. 1Immiat :a'a xoui. Pi-l J J Hae --afL --e--rs- lara1 o-Iron ,»Si,--- 14. ----bibitlonust. I tsfgirimstion.at î He mottlà t Case Wbere as Others 'Con- fessed,' Martin Kept Quiet .Untl CaJId to Accourit. *rto'.wel'efeo"lg ii: as (ovilat .ilmey sole tu the ceuni?. wl»'in't Y0u came actope like a man and tel us about4 t; why did yooi malte us drag t out ot youi?" 15i0uiry.> bY thre boargi showed that the farta werc, the uogpltat ne<'ded a waon. (bit tire'pl<sr*aà tg buy a net' one and NMr. MfarUIn suSgeoted: *fIintbujr miqeilbacc ne Ji -by hot letiihle? It *os§t. 4') 4 lEtýe cStuty Oa a I It tfor01 10, thlnking' mne wagon wofild o, t4i coMýt*W purcmaeul (t for $32 frtram r. 4f ltn. Wbcn ttiie hospital Tuesday i lu mrprvsor, n .sicstonof Mr. Wlilté, wefit and\bad a look at the -wgon-' ttc far ne ltno;'n t1ilu was th ii'(rat [Case ln thre c'ounty where ga sutperu Ivisor liad solul a sieconul-hanul artivle La h a. ,tv.,y-and It wamIA 1,.,fthe In the "heart to heart talk' wbt"h eupervlaar Who etarted (lhe "Invfltl-. nmâers of the $1u lt'0 hid on gatioli" of the Otbar intelbers. Tueeday whertln thpy "aV..d Subliequent deveiopriintluflt tnlie tu having soWd good», etc., o), the matter iowed illis tinlie the Wat: cOunfty. 4t v&l'l0ii tUnies ln iitiree, oftTht where éounty Institutions batd thelu celeral bu5inese. au fintèe,'iittn plirchalied Mod;% rom eupervidors. Incident took place. Thp nmatter ,,f (t warttirtllgh a cerise of PcOi1noIIY 10 tllestgtIng the supervisors' salt- tu the county and -not for profit to tii" the coontY was*ralsed Tuesday doit sulpervitort4;, n f,îvt (bey 'bave per- previously by Superviser E. Martin of mttted the bospltai and pooýr tarmn Milliburn. A number of eupervisoru management ta use their nai(n r admitted thcy had dfirectly and dind- purchasing things lit wholesalc, Titus, rertiy sold toinie couaty and Mdai (o as a whot.a thé hoard thought lth, aggurlig an aire of "(bat'. a tî'rrlbIe whole agitation ai; siartu d by a nim fhlinig to have dune," wii4i finally con,1 ber who actually liail soiti an o1.1 frouled by Eujervisor Whîite of Avon Eit:ond-hnnd wagon to the.' litIl who sald: was a case of "iniocl ado about n,tlî- "Isf't lt a tact that you 3'our'ý! n"f , soid a wagon 10 the rcoifty hoapi a; while serving on the 1hospital Com- .fd AlRgi nltte?" yrtle. who was Inta he fifth grade. Martin turned red and staomm.'r-d. saked ber younger oluter If she knew nasweriag: "lWeil. 1 dld meI an <o*'b. ldan wagont tue hosipTal -bot Il %wa..n (y" ha nse a" rectangle w4s lu. etin- mnuch-of a wagon." l, ieamee.*Arcagel "But, you muid (t tu the <ouinîr' Jul'mn utangle.1 up tij. *wreck."» the saine, dldn'l Yyî,u"' aslied Whi'" and thc other îîntisat 11P alid The. Firsu Fraots Itniipld. Indla ruliber was ufid t!. th litetrgt "Well. yes." sali! Martin. bt-sit. l' ea n-Me n17,v e iv ingly.tmea n sr o17.v eruey "Was Il a nea' wagon?"' aked uuun lnil pilece wms soit! for tb-ee mark$. other member. It waa. lîower. many yeurs laler lie- "Wel n,. t was one 1 had used rmc for twi ut Into genéral use. l'rior oeil-'uut flot miei," sald Martin. ' 10 tit. his tbe rumb uofturu-suwas liard -Wei,f when thue ru-st ut thee up'- for erauing Durpaeu. A Coafed Tougue? tosWhat (t tMeans Thelilver'seas ua guard riecaur weil-betag, ifting out the cindere and 1111111390, frellae erai eistuo. À blookade zn the intctioce piles a bcmvy burden ripou the liver. 1If th. intatnes are cboired or loge2 up, thé circulation of tic bloodbe corespoijoréd and tce tytem boeawbe load.d wltb toxic waste, and we snfler from nadache, yellow- coatel4oague, bail tante in mouth, nansea or gaassulul dyspepuie, Jan- * guor, debiwîy, yeiiow ekili or eyes. t omtc$bmm nes aboold take a pleasant laxaive. Sncb a one ls ms4e of May-asppie, lesves of aine ,~ ami~~storeïmdy-to-use forun by Dr. nea<~yfftyyears ago, ~ andsld byai rug s sDoctor * Wben run-dowru, wheu Ille indoors bas brought <bout a stagnant con- dition in the creniation-unoat ever- ona e ffl dwitb anic acid. Tins mlie acid inithc biood oftcn causes rhenugaim, lumbago, swelinç of À bB b~thbanda or let, or a bagflkc condition À ba brethcoated tongue bhi nd e -yoretce ac ache, frequent buate ilk thc mouth, ipnola dd ilt, rition-or" - kainsand stiffcas are nuall sina th e lcilver je onut of U c Z oints aa h hgh blood-preorc order. taOP. TIEUNETC1 aBys, "The are aise, o len noticed. 1 bave fouud liver la an organ secondary in impori' that Annrie, double or triple etrength ance only ta the heart." le an antidote for tbîm uric acid qbWe cautijnfactire poisons witbin posoand that it will rid thé body our own bodies wbicb are as de"dY an of urlo scid rancb n bot wter a naks'o venoun. disolves sgas'. Waukegan,JUNi 15:;t VE'RE COMING TO WAUKEGAN What? Champion Shows of, thé World When P Friday June 15.,-1917 Spécial added attraction "BOB" FITZSIMMONS 1 The graad old Roman ot Athlctics, appears twlce dail3with bis son, Bobby," demontrating the manly ait of ccl! dtfenes e~rm WhYJ Lr # il