CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jun 1917, p. 11

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OF AL L BOOTLr irn AT SWIERIAM~ Gel. Nicholson Aaserts He In- - ýI<$a to p iquor Traf fie ils a, AI Costs. ONE P4iAN' IS AIRESTED. CaçIttj m- Sprvdièra i Wnbgn. June 13. TbeolIcers al the Pont Sheridt M ~atetare aaIdlètW entq It> sl$0nate tie iliegalsa t tu tbe enliatid men. Thl .r igouItie botleggers Wo ply tileir game so cunnhtuly tht it Wim ty tcuit ho deteet lieusln vin- 'Cia- 'Sw Irnsma, a caloneti' janitor. wass arresteti Tuesday on a cbarge et bav- lllg-mlgUld Iquor mb to fffort for tl* silgetimn and ha "a" beets- plaoed blb.thepont guad bouse 10 swat trial. Col. Nicholson, commmasîd- sui.t.e .pont, la extremely Indig- naItnha itsasetedt Ia bho wll S4e 1 Ioba hs llb, ellow la prosecuteti le tb. full exent or the iaw. He téels liaI 1the aniy way the Il- legal liquer traillec can ho stamped out 10, Io m4lge an exemnple of a few of tbe vIolators ant Il la probable tbal. lte "olreti ma ili recolve the ex- t"m ie .aly in case il la praveti be siq aUily of lb.ebaipse preferreil agglat uin. TI% e eer waglons are anoglier evil 55*851 iwhich CoL Nichiolson ad lite atliero2crs am e ukibtpiaitînate. TItaee na are sait tseIl beer aI pints ner-thé1 frt and tiIs nakes Il easy of aS«a 10 tbe calWseti meh. A clope wgtcl la bslng kept and If any violator. are detacetd .b.y will be promauted vigoroiay. ColI. Nicholson la ii. ondeavar 10 clos.e1the saloons a aIllItDay bas .IIowR bis feelings cm1the liquor 0115%- tien no far as the. enllistotieamé r concerned. He fes lia'Ilicior de- moralIses tlie service and niduces th.e ff-ilney of lte enliseti men. lips- liaI eason he wlsbes tb remove tki tteppîation as tanas wsla TOI Ford wesaAPoptv 0f kterestT ýVaukegaTI's Largest Automobile Saksroom and' Service'Station E Twenty-Thousand Square Feet of F1obr Space 013K 1!QLIC LES:- yoiu can buy a qiilipped Shop to :ren$çr'reai service ~r~1 ~ Lr Ford work. owners ail te am ---To tabli-",sh record for courtesy and attent«qp. Tô lays~yreto evexyone Q~dy 8-iô IQON. e-e è-AgNy N~LY:-A GKIZE5. TYILE1I ENT, T1IIYRSDAYJtTNF 14 1917. CIT ITO uc arise the expense 0f aqnrIpirr CT N 0In respect te relief measures lt 1%M * ~ fkgf L cI King OonstantlitoTs a~k±d ~ ~ .T 1 TScnePlated tliat equipnient andm 4~ C qi I funiiisheadieanddthis whoil tadenom-d ma i"ti e; oî u ý.4 h =vnt4çord.rhd to do so by the COMse adti wl atefns alles, Who vioh with hie. pro..Oerfnhn sentiment*. H-e I1V I1 The ]IIh cost of living and lnd s TI ffla'fVrl' uni 4kUy 4 1ip.J*j<SitEslsId * j VJt trial conditions must aieli e ;net. I>VA44ITêEI& ýj lueslatox.,vu a nd educatlon lt incenýifntwa oeceved w il l aie funde. OYur allen remidenits Waukegan tbis mrngtt . One .Team WiII Be in Charge of ma s d~ Several Have Sean Taken Into rond fare on the Nrbatn Eaàh i»istrict - This Per.- and customs: the responsiblItuesi and- Custody butI .ýVW Proved bencned ocnfrawt mjtst1Tioroug9h Canvass. ivldgtes odierec. ig awe shce They We j e I ntertate ratesln ether words, and continuation sehoola muet be «as- 1 gintue Ortlstrndea HO.P A IG METIG.tablished and Il is wlll talle fonds. QUESTION THE SOCIALISTS. kn e en ornd buyîng tqjtt HOLP A BIG MEETING. Social (enters l mlst be establtshpd eandbygatiktt sanitation methotis introdureti and cago or vice versa wiiI pa:r i*j' gulgDy the social, moral and educationIal Uçe Your son or Your brotiier may be mile. Prior to thus lime là I1 Ila n tains for Home De- 1 Fenerally Improvei. This and more drafted for service abraad. * lhe rate has beau two cet los ge TagDavMake 1i, wlaî th, Hom- Defence ILeague Da you want your abr n give of mile. b other strd lite ~ ia f Waukegan ai North (Chicago bis lient In the fight to erusb mi.itary fr»n Waulcegan to Chicago la, ~pirFia Plans. stands for and wbyil iouid ne gei- 'LutocracY while ths. iMaggads andti a@ baeen 72c, but now lit erotisiy ant unanimously supportvil. siackers bide tram t1110 bakde of the be 86c. 10law? Of course you dgiWt. Arron Fuggette. aged -_13, tv cn une 13. Weil 1 Uncle Sam is askIng bou to awaY lasi nighit at the forne Alarge a"Id -i nlulastie meeting point )ut the siackers of Wak n .t.Uitr, :i11 South Cotintya ot îe iqai1.~tdlis or a~ RU There are smre. Thot ln adbutled. HIe came here from Cbicago a ofethe etilm raptailisor.Ta~g 1- ISherlf GrIfi ha ba een ord". to ptu reaide with is daughter.. rzte n ref WUk.azvýr o un Nortb ctîjalil tbe slackers. Fie cannot IârastoWý a member 0f the G. A. R. Jzat«ýljý aukýganandNort Ctýi-tltem until leknowe their nanti andti>s due ta aId aie.t ca g o w a s eli l a -t li gtît a t C. a m b e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r s lj r , s. Y ou k n h -n m l ,J e ue E . ('arr. H azel C la r e, 11 50o 9liec efqair -ofJonadslU*Ls-b aroi iiwOsn«n were lnb ttend-ance. MEMBSRS TO VISIT TH& CITY. ive the information you bold to th«Douglas and Niabel Morrow. 1g rrle ietmcapta 'n4 organizedti br ivaberiff. His eDhle me eIeW«kgfwr r ate wor aes te <-oîr the entire two Mayor Pearce this atternoon races You will find Sberlff GriMfn or Deputy yWe.s college Suuday. ttiOS 11a C ousre- house canvass ed a tei.gram anneuncing Xhat the Siherff Green ai 1856 at ail bolia of, net Sturday rnrniîig andti ag on steamer Theodors Roosevelt lil bring thie day andi of the nigit. A coloned jaultor wau arerotedto the bugiMnels i n the afternoon IPworth League members of Chicago TePootGnrlo h ar1rWMtn osl iurt ani 4eh*. Eaeiî captalb lîa o bave churches te Wankeêan June 23. The ie provosbasGeitel otth" Wr for at Forngto Sel iunt atealo e auqodrhr Roosèvolt will dock ln Wolukepen nt epaie ntla oftd at ia i N 1Fr heridan. Col. n ain'ôt en adis tnde he. e0very siacken seusly impairs @ l* Ôiàon*aabighly indignant. The lote es off the North Chicago 4.30->m. and lelsvp nt 7:30 P. m. burden asau.nitd hth11e mon wbo <*M dl t sdlvi.ling ItwIr aork so ThreO thousward Epworth 1.9aguers registerso aboirtiff Qrîifln la 4olng s>W ts*i Ilacedl in the pont t as té; tAk4 care of -very largein- an*e xpected, ad it la Planneld to have b i i wer 10 ses thât ju»fice .bo1"kand Wil be prosecuted- ?1ý dustry, M well akale a Iouse _thehi v sit the Naval Stati'ort, du utn eeUn fleds<»aiyfr eiglqo ot Wauksgan lias bheendii ied ionTAKE Up FGHT TO PREVNT Tiereisn'Caonrad manin Waocta asever 011e *-22 diatrieta w1li a team IiguedtIo1 C. N. a. & M. RAISINO RATES. kegan wba wouldn't do bis duty if RwzdCnaitasce work in eacb during tbe imorning. I & rVn todgy rsslv.d s Cern- caileti, but tbere are seVersI i-id i 1c~otdy In the aternoon the husinessese- nunication adviiWno that Wosuksgan iwho i-av.-"-' -slt b Attornel' A. P. Beaubien Wuss vli 1 ol o bbe Ibrown open and îach empioy lapai help to a&*Mi* 01 th* wani chitera 10do tis iigbtingï se i'. for ii Ciicagtoday. teau wili bave a reliresentative down fipht being waged by nortl ikhore fiime liaIt te slac sers .s>VYWa»kegsn Marle Saut*r. aif N. 11, 1OW-strs lown t0 tag ail ieestrians. municipalîttes te prevent the Chicage, were behin#.Ja*iib<. gradtnai-la tda Sa =1eu Hà Thle.- us-pose of the Tag Dy aNorth L r £Mi Iwauksoi Ulte The e4itffand bis aides a,. sÏearcb I AfoM i*ke E rest. tphoto 4Ws fr Darringon àhefrom raislng taspassns'ms.Thelgfrli lcTs Wiîs fr ei rnoSsMorton anti son wor<qhod lnWakHienNirîî Chcagoraiiroad has appiliedtothe pli0 t,,,- Ing asstiteC l ais Vrk go- i9ÈIs Park wene vs la~inw lies commisien t, rais-Ils g. Chicagoli"or Zvllaesa.Js ecbe ea e» TIp 01 ybur Nos. IehdI i ians HomeDéfense Lengue. Among lrtheiscsion Otg rai» # okeIan 9v ilge, z&T1h. ,q ern 'Lit e ke< n tE r . .Yoa a en If you fapi te ip ot yoor nome you Alice-"Want itswüeat of your bua.-= 1 cvin lîîg for funda are th ie n ad tfe commias WI n #Sb«te'3lj1M% 0 J emnbshi will findthtiatthere lasa tiny left there si I d fliyou a kiss by wir e aîas-y-andexpenses of t1e expet ag e0 ldlnip P= joli inors -sng tY Ili., 9esthe.ioi h :M1 People with negro blootiln their veial e- avent decideti yet-. Aigec uMidvisor who bas been frteboe ilp >Ut eeW»aWu_ Ay 1iMgoatlen. r' e are salti not to pomwu ts .,division. i 51plous fint thal telegraph opi-ator Iployedt tesupervise the garden and Pkgan h» caietha mt, , MayoPere %.. r GumIf c' MssOetelben Welle t t 'lrwli wss a woman" vacant lot cultivation. Pere:alda pea etngnlb 'jî <wgp,4pliIgbranI ss . ________________ _01_thecmmissionfor 7 o'cloak tomer- lis thb ýfq. Mtat. ils î. ea*. ec t evdr tet Tbe lime Dfefnse L.ragup stands. morrow nlght. prebeniidol aalM «'M àla .MisaMarie Tewes of Noetl MWU For lte C'u, B*utiful. Great RichO.. as Ili nlle Inupilea, for the defeuse _________grd. dan road ententained Tttgmya "My dit e i yot-l6V bi ais ful-I)Ok- These lire riches: A worîînn îroud i 1et0fhébhoe. Acting under Instruc- longaI "M0" lb bOnor o 4 ehf log trMampsdimer '011, merely as a catiiyon son; e-uîsn rouvi 1 cii yutions tron the Stale Defense Councîl 'utîng rit Ptlnîdy.ý Wv"isi gber from PI*ii. '-tl4a sSWi ,etributios towarde citY lm* broîlier; al girl proliiil o cail yoI lau- nd the National ('ouneil of Defentie, For. Il(- il known and tioufset, tbat raaiLJu~neu et sie JtM pfl.M Mevanteti il for carfare band;~ a chilti prod to cuit goil fiitîler; ,itla la inned b o ogantze a local pa- %Ve iliîrst <l succeeil or tail, survive or wil - -7 - .M4 le th ýa twnm"a tew cthers taeau yaîî ftîend. trlq ~qe efense Guarti. Ti pprisih. olthie fnrmer.-Ezcbàng&. iI

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