CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jun 1917, p. 15

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MAY PROMOTE CAMPAIGN. Probably WijI Be Similar f0 the Campaign f0 Save Sand Punes in iniana. Waukegant, June 13. icpresenfttlv saIfrom every Village and towrî of the, county have -beefl In- '.lted to attend a meeting et Chamber of Comimerce headqtiarterf, ' r!daY ai lernoon, lue 16. to dtaeuo thc plians fur the Lakte (ounty rïoresi l'rë@î'rve Compaign.1i Sirnilar meetIngi werP e be 4aMe tne ago. The tiret fur l.the oa.. nrgaîlelzng and $,be second t# a Liii octal campaign, creaitag I towarîl meeting thi e P»OII..fat licity *md edUCatiOna4 àaJpse W ad Ing ,, , the quebti9Ii opetb2raWià*. 1>' or>anizing a -*hv <'ouîîty Fort-st Preserve. Fondiq bave been collerîed In aev- Frai Ioraitiesanard reporte of furtiier assurances In (llî qrespect indientp that no trouble ail b encouotered thIx Important prolert. Thte 0m<,metk t ogtered by guel, î.porifr as W. Sit Koith. J. W. Biar- anîd C. Il. Klug, Of WaLUkegau: Jeas lefnse. ProPminpnt landtcave archt. tect, & Ib. Millard. Fayette S. Mun rue,.itirx.Jultum Ropeewald, 01f IX11l- J.ind Park; E. I. RYersnn Stanley irield and tlprA of 1Axe Forest white thers tr. other protnfmet repreftn* tatlveit from Norb Chicago. Lake Blu. zion City. Wauconda. PFOX bah.. lake.Zorlcb. Lake Villa,. bubertrville. Wadgworth. 110un101bake and Othe r places tu lhe rounty. W. Scot Kith in preseot and tr.a morer: jeCuîs J(nfn, vle.pregident: Paul Wilii. spcretary; E. b. Ryerson. chairm8n cof the Finante ('Ormittef; and Meoriq. E. 1,. Millsrd. Elam L rlark and Paul MacOluMu, .council it I.q probable thal a eampaign sticb as was mted in onnection wth th@. Inditana Dunes proponanda. will be ,,ndertatênYI ero. and the people of the roilniv made lbcrougbly, advised asi a resuut rr j*N0rtIjCicg The AuXiliary teodered lisS Wrd a delighiful ehower en Tuêgday av- enging, their regular meeting nlgit. ýIaný, teautiful and dainte gifl wêrp pregént*ed wiiîth th good wieez f the gils for the future happineus Of oe of Iheir hest meniberd. Mies Ward watt the tiret chairman of the. Auxilliary andi flUed tbe position nI$t years and bhast alwaya been R MOU! fathful member. The Womns CommittPe consisting of Iloýdimes Hale. Schumann, Wach- ter, Sullivan and DeYOe woee the hostesses of the e'.ening and servcd Ice creayp, cake rand frappe. Theta tb- les wer. beautifully decorated with plnk candîe.q and pink baskets fIlled wilb hoquets of bridai wreath while occupylng the renter of the, table was tbe pluik and whtite bride's cake. dec- orated wth a tinv bride and groom beeath the wedding belle. The wh*. e vening was deightful. Deforethie lresident called opon ibis commIttec for a report, be asked that a communication f rom the. sec- relary of the Wauciegan Chamaber nf c'omnmerce be rend. The letter Invited co-peration he- Iveen the two towns for a Fourtii of Juiy uelebration. Tbe elghtti grades ofthie North Chi cBsn and nome from the sur- rounding towns held their final ex- alninations Xionday et the Central mieool. Tii. gradualing exercises of the Southt and Central schoolx -viii b. held a! tbe Auditorium Tburoday evenIng of tbis week. GoId on Griss Roota. So ricb le a deposit et goid Ibat las been discovered in the MslIRY states that participes of the. preclous Metai coin. up wltb lime rOota when gruesIL' pulied. DEL DAVIO DENTIST Neth.antCorner Wnuhlngte mam Omoendossy-1O te il A. At. Mer You tan afford t îuy pkcaty of merchandisc now; it iii go- ing up evcry minute. Thi.s ill bc the greatest saving that lias e%,er takeni place in the state of Jllinolir. l5igh-class, nifty patterns, new 1917 models of fashion, ail go in.this sale at fhe greatest slaughtcr ever heard of in the state of Illi- nlois. $ue 0P OLOTHING, FtJ GgS 8H01AND> RATS to be sold at less than market prices. Ihtnng Saturday, Js ,the Entire 0"Stoko to be placed on sale at kegan, Illinois, beginning gaturday,*June l6th, in the morning. We find oîîrsclves wit i nîîossoko Spring and Sununer Clothiug; ini faet, th'fîi<t' 110' îi1leMitok<f l thîîîg for nwîi, young iMen aud bous cver Ibro.ughit to- gütiier by aîy tiim iu Waýikegan. *Wc are'eomipelled at this tinie to'reduce our stock be- fore the season is fairly underway. We must lise somne éfort to dispose of at least $10,000 wortb of mçrlchandise in thé next fifteeu days. In the past twenty years o! our busines«f career in Waukegau we have inover advertîsed an article that we ecould not produce, and evcry mnan is aware of the 1igh-grade merebandise that bas alwavs been .carried by E. P. Bidinger & C2o. You know it bas been the b est the market aff ords; no city in the United States eau boast o! a finer selection of lothing, furnîshings, shoes and bats than bas been carried by E. P. Bidiner & Co.,i and no'w, rightit luthe regular sellixîg season we will place on sale oui- entire stock, beginniing Saturdav,-lune l6th, ùu the rnorning, w-%heu wve will begin the most stupendous salé 0f>~eni's, Young 'Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fur'nishings, Sboes and Haits that bas ever been kflôwn iu tIbe histoî'V of Waukegan'. Begins at I!auetan, Illinis, Saturday 't ité' 16t.h, h, the M:oriing. Much o! our merebaudise we eould selI today at whole- sale at a liberal profit, but pre- fer to share this gaving With' tbe people of Waukegan and stllTounding country. W i th prices going bhiglier every»"I.. ute, we are going to 'have Ibe people o! this conimunty share in ou]r surplus et&-k. We must turu $10,O0(Vif, fift tén days, andi the prfces ivo have placed on Our stock wfU turzi it quicly. E. P. BEIfGIE à&-00.0 131 North am eeh-tft The e Sensation- of Lake County wlPositivelyBegm* Saturday, June 16,at 9 A. M., for 15 'Days Onlây. Twenty Years of Hon6rfb1e MerchandWsng Backs Every Statement Herem Ma4e&-- Anticlp tlng the unward rise ln th. markcet In, Clohhing, business at a atandàti1l. We find 00w sec have a 1argei stock than y* are juenlflbd'ln *T iI .ECAL>S E shoa and Furniings, we bon ght heavily;a is fiet we ronsde Weukegan and wes muet eut it down et I st 010,00 In flit».en a - fhpla suceeded In acrntha latet 1h.odelaoa urhona&*tlsea farepenie care*'t<1buswiassahe Westevry minute thla sale sell I b. àbillaaing to t th tsand'oftpeople lna naaafla h oea. ahinaasti arpemharh~t country. Ail aur MerchandIsw. beoùibt before the atisdy uprieing in thse aMrl7n~w -a.- W. sr éoc lgand aummer merchandis e for Mleft, Young mnen and boys .,~îigt teWau- this eaving wlth lte thouaiands of peOp ln l Waukegan anId aurrounding oW ty.ilw kegan. Weomploted nelltiations with noeaof the forniost antd leading manufactaSo lhgaeOctetavn nCahn.Fu ruhehlnise., adMt t6-aqee .bvinws ats suite and ove reoata for mnen and youn g mon in thi1a country. We bouglKt heavil1y, net* UIlgte Waukegan, a pria. paralyaing sale timaI wlli go down lm Waukegnnsmlestory as im gpemst "% m*a veather conditions Ihal have prevaiied, which, combined with allier conditions, haV mtlgaly put dise ettent wIlli begin BATURDAY, JUNE 1STH, ln the morning. Below We Quote Prices that Wil Prev4 During this Sale. Notliing Herein Priced WilI 6e.W Before Saturday, JUNE 16, at 'C1ock in the Morninýg. E. P. Bidinger & Co. SUITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. One lot of Meil's Suits regular sîzes, in blâek and blue; t t ly imade, bought to sdli fo r $12.6595 sale price, only .......69 Another lot of Men 's Spri g Suits, fine materials, double and single brcasted;. al sizes; uicely made, well tailored; bouglit to sell for $15.00; sale price..........8 Another lot of Men's 1917 Spring Modela iu Suits; baud tailorcd; ail- wool; in stripes, plaids, tartans and Scotch weaveg; bought to 124 sell for $20; sale price ..124 At $14.85 we offer you the choice of a nuniber o! models of more than 50 différent patterns of 1917 S pring Models in Suits; bought to be sold for $22.50-come and look for yourselves. They are worth a great deal more, but we will sell you your choice of this lot for.... .. We offer you one lot of hand-made Suits, the cream of our stock. They coine in the finest o! imported and domestic worsteds; made by Sehlos Bros. of Baltimore, also 'Society brand ineluded ini this lot. No store iu Chicago would selI themn under $30. No merchaut taior could' produce them for less than $35. We offer you your unrestrieteci choice of this lot while thcy last18 5 for ................... 89 We have'a1o Our store will be closed Fr!- [day, June lSth, i order to re- arrnge and remar, ou stock. fa.opens lune lth. BOYS' CLOTM»jr Tu our Boys' DepartmàM you will find a selection of Boys' lothing'foi' Spriug and Summer wPax sucli as bas neyer before beeu saWu for the little fellow in Watukega= W'e bave a large stock to seleet from.% Oue lot of Boys' Suits W' the latest designs, dark miurues, in wire wv en worsteds; the net-er wear-ouI kmin -worth $3.50; sale price ................Z4 Boys' Norfolk Suits;-, heavy, dark ma- terial and nifty patterg« $g#day wear; regttIar$ý400 v'dui*-* sale price ..eý-$ TROUSE«ORMim B Here you wliii flnà a Trouse partment a's complets as an>' stock in MWaak1'. pants In al the latest sltades snd.all mme, Belaw we quote a few of lhe msny bargal '-~b. b.d dur- Ing this sale and while the>, lait*" -' Mens good, strong, durable TrouSera; the, neyer- rip klnd, in mauy saîles, stripes and pl4an ma- ternaIs; vorti $3.00; for tuis sale, tex' g pair ..................%IJ9> Men's Pure Worsted Pants, alea fauey' Scotch cheviola and Cassimeres, values, p ta,~ f $2,00; apecial>' pricedl................. . .7 One lot of Men's Tromuprs. st ripes and tanay miz, tures; al autes; positîvilv mll boimiit for tble sea- sons bueIness; worth $4.00; salo.puee 1. only ........................... . I7 175 pair of Men'a Pure Wool Worated Trousers; aIl the latest styles. theme nwest niaterl&lo; no store In Waukegan or tlushere evef agi# them for ]est than $600. We have them nn aIl sites; sale price................... .95e One lot of high-gradm- Trmuers; all-wêôI; ve bonght them 10 seli for $7 OU; w114 b.eAO sold dmuing tbis salo for ....... Ys ýjld qit one p ç anad BOYS CLooTHING. One lot of 13oys' Suits in thdInewest materials; kniekerbockeï' trousers; ail sizes; regular $6.00 val- tie; sale prie .............4, Onîe lot of Boys' Sîîits; strictly hànd tailored; iiewest Norfolk designs, rich, drcss 'v anîd swagýer styles; alI- w-ool mat(rials in tweceds, stripes aud tartans; most 1eautiful suits for the littie man that wcre bouglit 3 to seil at $Î.00; sale price. .. One lot of Boys' Suits in elegant dark niaterials; w-cil liincd and bând tai- lored; bouglit to ssdI for . 5 45 $8.00; sale price.........5 MENS FURNISHING (WODDS. 'lens Undeiweir; regmlar 50c value, prre .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .3 9 C NI n's Blue Chammbri v Work Shirts; ful regular ruade; regular prire 75c; priced for t hua 'aIe ai .............................. 55C Mens Un ion Sfflîý, medium and ligimI weigbt; reg- ular pruce $1I.Gû; sale 85 prie ........ ........................~J M ent Two-rliece Blîriggan Underwear; .j49 regular 75c value; sale price ...........~Y Mens Fancy Dress Shirt8: regular $125A25 value;, iale prie ................... 49 Mene Cotton Hotte: woril 156c;msai. price, imr patr ....... ****«***................... c Mensflose, worth :5c; sale prie, A pe-r pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mienis llandkerchiefs; whiite and colora; 4 r-gmmfmr 10e %alimes: sale price ........... c Mlens fine Suajienders; regmlar prlce Mec39 suie lîrie...................... 39 ýI-ns Fine Wmol Sweater Conta; large collai :$7.01) salue; sale price---------. 6 19J Menmu Fine Sweaters; worth $300; A sait Irire ...........................14 It-slaimmcttand Slpons. lnbtasuand.browos; plain and fancy hacks; ail seams sewed and ceie.ned; worth $750; sale - prîce.................. ..............9 MENS AND BOY!' Sgop » Meîî's Dress Shoes and Oxfords; r uilar $4.50 values;,sale price .............. Men 's regular $5 Dres Shos â Oxfords; in button or lace,ta& ail sizes; sale price..... g4 Men 's regular $5.50 value Drï Shoes and Oifords; al j sizes; sale price .......44 Men 's regular $6 Dress Shoesaa Oxfords; blitek or tan, Eng- - -- lish or button; sale price'..49 Men 's fine Shoes and Oxfords; wii $7; button or lace, black 5* or tan; sale price......... Youtbs' Shoes and Oxfords; in blauk or tin; $3.50 values, sale >i price .............. Handsome iMen 's Patent Beaver and Kersey Overcoats, Chinchillas, Vien- ijas, Meltous, also n=ëerous other. weaves; coats that ought to sei l»fr $22.50; sale price, IIA OillV ... . . . . . . . . i There are thousanda of other arW- cles that îve cannot mention in this eircular. Our entire stock is on.s4e and At will pay you to corne from 50 miles to visit this, sale. Begins On Saturday,.June 16th, a t9, E. P. BIflINGIM à 00. G4nes;ee St. useça, DM. neyer exaggergted in our advgei,14sem O, !Iuoii ALE$O (r.,,r 4P A >ald 10 aIL P.~rêha.ora pI $0 *1 crUs- aune icing Ilege the noMa .He Moto iday. with nong tell gir. tiiat the fur- vill 'elgii-' of a tçr i thse ative i - 'l M.'l ý 4à; i-.

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