CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jun 1917, p. 16

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Itir the drau-$hOpe onu eu l. orWT s-4,'l ltlËn b lasa Keene Adinatol, -~y* ýf Laklt std up -fer biens émGo TSQTVoient, advlsèd the Sgilwvor. that y-ou &Ill Tt vas wholy withia tbelr powe.r toa At that point In- the hearlug Sup- IN PDOduEreve ethe ilcenses. »/ orvisor ,Batratow lnformed ail prOs li~IRVFL'Supervisor Vprcoe MPade el fcr >eut that ha too, had a boylo ba4 ho the. revocetton cf the licenses In but recenty returned frontl CulVer. 1 thi folovfug few *ords, -am nent sttcklng* up for linor bItl sOntCm eta Suosfioe Justce "I aezo bol vho 14 01gongtu take 'rlgbt la rlght' in mii thingi, aÏd 1Ilb. S in fs of Patiotisnfr upamaIl bis country. !He la believe evea7 man 1shauld b. given the g Uit by BryS. gong to tii trou'. 1 rcalize thai ý rigbts whleh tihe constitution allOns 1may nover see hiuiastr he departs hlme. 1 tavor a completsIleansd OFFIERS S WITNESSES. from these shores. You cuI iawfualyIy f ll proven that Bd Kelly or any and logaliy revoke theze Ilcênss, and-.à*thor dram-aboli keeper sold tiquer tro Capi Mo fet an Co. Nî~ti-1Ithifik iltaI your duty as ettiena If, a soldier or a seller. 1 pledge yon Cat.Mfft ad o. iho-net as ftesofby0howl f 1tat 1 i viihobthe. frette lump to unf Wii Be ASI(ed te Pro- fer to sacrifice thel r livffl in the ceuse my feet andi move tbat bis licenso b. L duôe Thèir Witnesses. of treedom. I vaut to 50se@ this revoketi. board close the dram-shoMi. -î dont Statp's Attornaey Weloh adviaed the Not caring t0 sacrifice justice InI want It to beulome nscessary for the Board to procesd lu the mtter as tihe fresof patio(ism bult by mer- IL. S. marabale ta close the places,.tlo: cinei of the drys of Vernoit town- Samuel Hagtings. mnvaYO of Hf gh- i "in ordor to revoke the liconses la- shlP. Ithe Bupervisore uofiLake coiiI[Y land Park, vlitot Inl Washiugton and the, town of eVrnon, the Board must &te today demaldinit of j wiile there hl vas tld&-by merabers make an Investigation or evîdetice COL. NICHOLSON. lu charge of a the Pr"Ident's cabinet to "go barit muat be ttroduc.d before them wiich the. o0fcerl',Ü*'li3a camp a? to the mididle vest andi ma'te Yo¶t 'untifies the bélief on the0 part 0! the Port Sherdan, aud Ij-tans accordiug ta dtts faO?ý." w#as th-. co1nty floard tllat the person If CAPT. W1I.lJ.tM' MOFTT, on' ativîce gI son Hasting% and imemitere ceua t i hs Yolated nmre provisloti nmdànt at thé. Great Lake a 1-ofethie party. o ep lodryo l-gove rn- valtLtainir«g îtation, and "EvPry miant of Vyot uilit tto thi'cctd boita.or place of reaort. for itle KEENE ADDINGTON. inayor Of for hilm-selr Ili hts malter. Tt miy -arlidasolute persona, or shoews any Lake Fa-est, sud corne ta pais, (lad tcrl:fd, that 'c-v- auy Itiegal ggmlng lu bis draxu-shoP THIOMAS QUAYLE, sêerptary Of boy or millitary age now wlli ,),, in -)r place adjacent thri'" La aud Orter Leàgue,. andi the trenches and that te youuCsitpr; Thie hearing 0on Saturday wlll be othera of the land now kiddles lu the qchoota *941 attended. Amoug thome pres- That tliey apprar befaît- the Board, nay bevon2e <annon totider befprc' cnt Wednesday were T4ios. Quayle. Sate 10 o'ciockt Saturday norniitg pre- iearêoetarthi le resttýred. We are 'KWalph J. Dady anti the Rev.. Funsthti. pstd ta put men on the stand who duty boundti t sep this var throtagh w iliiu ndcr oath, tell of the ilagrant -1no matter what the sacrifices tay c> T a f tii. lawwvblcb they iuy bel e w .1 hedu4aoiéc âosof Men of thhettnvn hIi ,osa rd ta a)-a. bti~~ t.'b er, wltrusted vlth dru-shog hn htîtf if Oi fa ttne tihwl n ia;ta i Th5ois. tCu ty io r put 'ur boys' tises' ate ndi f "stlti- tulne<i hy poiasW g a ili nDt. - sohs Lake te B otofSuperl- ing liquor'- 1- 1 wul sor uft to furtiior the, nteresUto0f1"Onit of* My wn rce ol oCut freedamanti justice. btiiey <la0 w it'adly psy tlffsse iram-shdp kn0pI)e"sI o ou vant»a ho beuied into un action Whio Winii03 orelneyIf vo revook nlufuture yeurs men vIýIi*nt n w-ls vhfc ould stain the, "Justice tOthoîrlcne Isadfr'I '0 ., h(.il, 100 >-Ors aid ta wed. salesÎsu Oas nd Al" bnne vhlii te el udIlees si hi s ho fforvIdgs'iist.Andt ten girls of about Ose nd IT"'baner wfühthe îret an 1 sk tat his attr hanoi',titt ii, bc tisair cholce. vo Pr* qutWiety of thi eole of Lake rouel- putoff. If If was put te a 'Vote "c ey bisteti folioiug a recent edec-i vhsn Coi. Nicholsoni cosed hie Sp- tIUft. reailTant Tuesday Tt evlud have asaHa1v AbidîagFaith. 42i&tisst bave beait ftroduced Pedi y a i g maionfty. The llqnej' en 'There arealso tiiose Who, when they wbicb tel cf meu bplug seen lu th ii. vii ork ait night to put ovar tboir belleve unythlug. dont cire wbetber Harglm t ,'I)iy fD "stPPOaed". thlng. Tiiey bave done no In t fl 1thi'y knowa ntitg about Tt or netl 4d*,eWmt conditions. Not on4e man i matter before. They snatcbed a mi.- At<-Ili<iti Globe. gyvp an d said! -Ca Bldier or a Saflor of the BlUtes iurch.sod lquor ln ~4gau'~haps rq~ron tovîtihip." men KailWio» honesty . t. questiiand ~ day "I eo.laltfs camng trom l'ýfiy-Iaadtunkaticonditionp.", i'p.'âétt.,ssys: 'My bols are ~sII~c#i lq~r b. icboot-ieggs. *iVNulciUb. . 1I arn toiti that more ffliçr fp bengohItilu .-N'ukesan to- , thw>4st via oldvWien Wau iegau -lui touyz's issue of the Ccmgo0lir th#. "ilot -w -it ére of di-tinkenee.i - italibasa caflod tontuy attention at tbe trainin camp lunlFort Sherin,." or, vor", tu tht effect. - The. day beTor.- Col. NichIot-on ioliti aiuperWs os f Lake -counity that -t 141,11, lu training at the stattitin ktd M.soisis tvo automwa'lles anti gone ta Hat D&y for lltîuor. 'Whit tht Suprvisors want le !)r I-e ti.dry. tu lay specltic chargeï; o: tie oJÇ of the rtirim-sap keApe-r -ab ihiu ta tep iiWard -.)i prav., heu carges. Th TI. olovfug affidavit lh ;. simtple- ~$ba 4~ee uardmem t erday by Véecé., l arriidLtsi of Yemuî" vii' iày lisa e tier of!th i" dry%. o f thAt township. t.John ýleiLaughlin, icing duly *ara accordlngto iaw, depoal'3 andI agi I1 ;met a car with Ise sottiuîrs kSoffla8 trm Haif Day drisiug lit a 'Very re*eiasmauner sud io the hect cf my ýellef îhey were uinder the, lii- fiunne (f liçuor. Ato on Saturday nuiht es 7:10 o'clc-k I saw a hti, ce auto vitit 8 or 9 saidiers lunl, wtt, ftoppet i a a place about 100 yards fron Edward Kelly'.. saloon. One of i'tba men vho fliet up hiii eoat anti -rap--bth ,iawk. entere theii saloon - ef gdvard Kelly.-Hesremaineti lu th l aioa about 15 minutes andi came wý oui vlhh a lage suit case vhlcbhoe .ý- cmn'fed vlth grent effort. I heard sboWtes rattie. TIsa car starteti Lu tA s,41rectiou ci Fort Sherîian. I in.t another auto vlth drunken soi- 1- m on MoadRy." (111uodi) JOHN lclAIGHLLIN Swpru to before Mautie A. Knoll, ,»~ua7 public. 3- wdvrd Kelly, befora members of Umh Suierisors bu Wednesday 't- gita*ed tii. homte»ty, the ltegrlty andi » obrjttp 0f1ths man. * agg e**op" of ' upervisor eVr- mi trlip eufa eaMdaeswa .ý,by mI-a a id Kelly. - ~foitbs e*tered fto thse word 4*tt, bmm tiisdram, hopl e«u su»wc et a bspoint, * ws van4 bath tIluir emanka loitthe ~~ vii *mbithe tiwnhà 0fYoa)g con- 4 try ,àud ecurs a placens the nainlroll of honor. eauy En-S 1 lot 8of AilWhe M E RIDAY BOS RC~SL1BND. Blondi11n. the great rapt vaîker, as BoysSge, SELLBOND. -taundèsi thet vOrld'lu the early 601.4 -~ ' by iwwilng e tght roi,. acroqsithe' Ast.$unse xrse chaam baby ENiagara Falls. At thgt t luts MII Be, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""Ietolheir Pamt. spurrsd o ~~ reqitot recâived from goshlqrtUi 0the Treaoty -- . Madc the Boy Scouta of Waukegan have set out -to g eil as many Liber ty bauds as p"ospbie. Atlpha GriMnu se sattnt sm<utt I*qter is vent -enthu- stistice heirosta -1 doWý'm - In W uat w e vilii be. able ti dt." ha nid. "but w0e golng* ta 4o0W iaiet.» Wo are g<t- f ug ta "' Î s horough a cuas as possIle. 'Vpvii efldeav t. a carry te avjoryboe the message, that they siiould boy 94teast ane liberty bond." ltOIlOWhiig la t'ae message the lor'al scouts l sve recelcei f rout Setretart MeAdÔq. "Uilvry, boy-scout can help his4 country wîn thie, war -by carrying lt em*llbff.tte nîessage thaf *xefBlA1t~! omenaiouit oi ~ J*~y ~--+arnestly urge tliat yoa 1 gtber lu te applIca- lon% for tlie liberty lban &as promp»IY as 06ble. Your coun- tri ueds ttW* an,.andi eacl scout cau perffrm a great -er- VtO Q p ntofsiy arryln g an ibi vrk. _ onare el Jte .l a a _itl _. r for liberty 'L Ic o f yqur an^e.t.r. gave tlietr lives. andi aîdiug the, brave mati)Yho are going upon thi btleileldtu continue tuis fight 'Tiih~enIelof the nation viii be #lad te gel y our message Sale ofWtlzô ea' < i Fr Followirir Areng o of tlwi Great Bargains That Will GiveI Almost tunheievale-buft eorne in and se for voirself. LoosW-fitting coats in f asti- jonahie belted styles.- Al sizes; good eloloi:. Handsofle Ne .w Coats Valuoa to PO J Values t4 44,4.50 $522 C$a 7:2! lu this asaortmeut arc many nov styles vlth lauge collea, pockets, pleateti anti ielted mai- olsIli sthe most vanteti colortuge. ets hard ta teli iyou amat hua' goodti hesc, coets reafly are. TISaI'.are tané. -golda, flavl green, -mixtures, rose anti ma- gentan.- FrCoats to '$18.50 Vaines uxfaaokshtry7-narigls of al hindi lni long, loooo-flttiflg Ioats wtth ahlrred waiâtI5, p".aed effects, beîtianad pleateji modela with large polfted coulrs i n sau= or contratlnit Coats! Coat;s!! Coats!& Valus io $25 j valu* to $29.50 Coats mes ~ ~ àu ~~thing tW do pfemn 9mper oii- the vire witht the 194a,é tdta ouly tWo inches rIm' ~OI1FIOt a*rM I& i vi b. lath -wutn&But tbf.sau other alors Waukegan. FridaY. Jue IL . asaild*t fste oni a hfuii ire are# Wbeu Bjbnn Mmde bi fainouseb»d'» play tu tits great vire walk- walli acrosu lb. e easm he .carrfed 4 er. long balaaitiig pole. H. ngotîtted A trick performed wftb compara' the distazke aucceaafully., Y)t 11BWi1 tics sags, yet la startlng tu th@ reallzed that the baItncfug polo wonld Ao0fl be a thlug obsolete te wîre aobseriver, ta standing qrect 0on the walkers. wire and turiig a bac-iward baud Robert ileesuoi es not.ting but'it .prlng. Te show perfect mactery of sense of equîlfbrium lu accompllsh% h rt0 ie ak% Hnet log stunt that the school boy would igatowre ali Hbra tind diffleuli f ho .tood on1 terra Beemon stands on hi# hsad bigh above firma. *the mgdience, / il/z TheJueride istLh. gLa bI?. 210212-214 3. Gceee St Open Lvenings Be vnre t<, inspéet Lake (otnt>s Largest. Oldemt and Mont 14Reliable Store wlien A-ou arrange to turyiish yotir home. We Pnow iular e a great saviug to -yon. ered in tapestry. velour andi leather. The Dining Room eau be furnished ini golden oak, mahogany, ftumed,ý waxed and Jaeobean oak. Bedroom Suites iii Ainericaîî walnuat, fuîme<l 4oak, nîahogany and oI<1 ivory tlîat has:c stve anid îîateh ini every detail. The Alcazar, donbination ('tial and .Gaq Stové, shoîîld I)e in every htiiie. 4 We Velver to Any I)istanee. Special Pripes Thn> v Mionth. Stainps Green stamps WAUKBGAN Il4L With Heaping Stocks of New Summer Merchandise We Announce the June Whiýte Sl A 7 Days' Event, Beginning Saturday These days of June Ywith their sunshine, roses and bloom* ature, are days to Which we now respoùd with merchaniige vents of timely importmice Moit ngtible of al:i ile !"ht, wt lgodeflas~ of ânowy white merchandise, its extensive Mat' tive White AppareI, and'its billowy mounide ofavt'n qbon Fatbrics. Conspicuouis, indeed, are the savingu widi this Jurne Eyent offers. Remarkable Savings on the Foliowii#gLines: -Dress Fabrics -Undermuslins -Bloises -White Dresses -Whlte HatÈ r'. t -.- - - Vois a Mýk < hat to Expect r thsSale. --Table Linens -Domesties --Curtain Qoods .-White Hosiëry -J4nit Underwear

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