CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Jun 1917, p. 3

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t& tsuaemutr. toas .) e__ ohere e141atraS aeoqt tom Sdw »iýt.tý ompitè. I b L ek eu am là Oaê Of nth la umad Iwho ilt u #M 04eopt carawler sbis >1md*e *»_dtéb S ts h t te coMpltoc héMk iempion eeWuBmi uk4 wkw *0 raui tam.inmsud ubpfia t. 0 tta arsviihfe dd4u. taediatl tat gove on Imi~ eubib reta trimUn af te r. tûodp thes f~ar e ,ikMy 10 hoMa rxetk8 (hUY e8* 0 ii. 4hae latIoel «h.MPrdtu.'Tidet elatooie whisR 914n sethr ea l mmng en ffa. econd tovIte rgsegem entertu 8;reê lturi it o vidsevie lrTh on fumnthvele idvs a h 'CMM ezrpùn. 71w. ee ndsenirelMai,? to, st e in s yth rasela 1 nto )JO eainuIua à work., etel came- i May >'b. declded to exempt «rOnt>'w vo ounprovo that thelr s ervice vil leave their relatives au *. chars»-outhe plate. la tiaseue « f armoya, ulsunder- standing la thoughb t be lia. re axon for th cdaims of man>'for exemption "' Ilvas Iointed ouit b>' oiSlalsthhat1 farmars are not .eltepted as a£ <is.u bu ciir as indviduels. 4, ts3aMyl vhieb lb. overnmeut ré $ard as extrema la regardi toe&~ ouptlon are guen b>' lie men ho Tellatoed rou the Ditrict or Co- lembis. Neari>'44 per cent of thme lisible to service lu t"a district daim ed thy b.> soo4 h. sicost. 50 par cent eofthat htue ivine deped« yelatlyçâ as lb rosses. 1 eopil.atuW uoScil rettras trom Ohio show thal 40 to 70 Der Cent of thoso rmoItered seek te avold ervice. Almot as blal a pereee.. *go la moted in lias reporte ftorou.s out patuads*b>'St tiwom>lmas ZLr2v i M-~h s at'ion è rest : oZ = .i-therspae"te 14 uiIw- bd .u -hou ldriviezg piti. u(h etllpS~a>.No c.srdta a clarp a bbgarrotee sud We 1~t shle 8vla ver>' oxpUcit vith loseta tise spesi hast May tue t- u ode sud treets bot lie- y -~ "olet lea Pt ho ta" Acin gmsued htbat there hano. Intention ou thecd *l a uotale teo dthe& dovu to t tic«MtaIt tter.of -lie -Iav. N« t80 l14l.the of lie »Va, estWu rad. A 1ev issu sue a-W Mli qr-ledas-to aoult-0f inluhe'ih- Wevel vltUah. van strv4Ek 'byý'Ab spee0de autod. Theo disg:di sot »top tb ascerain how bedi bis vic- lin vag oird but,, t"ffl eded W endi ma"Is als eec5oe Ithout ilî, -I ghai sei'telta irtu more spelnt on the aPprOaohoate the naval $tauion." Slalom Attee> Welch si. "I shall 0cOffle Ir" -* Ih sutOritles et 111% in'val tallpa su">se to Jeit s v*f 'Àoiaa S prosecuted te lhe fuit Sclo h ie! lvIshail deuand 'i »m ah>' In cases viore vo mcure' eu- Sviotias. 1, think hus Je taoO017 WPI w,,on«,c e ji peedero4Oaa # * noes. Aflor a i 0 $m ay -Iff-ledhegvly Is o 0 Affl Tbp ai Y 004l Pl f tbLbluliing ta udservice *#T mtyfoo the *bey hae orderI n. 4413 nopeîe it i. cor tijo wýset big 0,to ve" paTrdL oiau$ê ou tu6e mahi rqVI tice 10gb aandri et ser- tid wp th* Pésd x«t êla so mU Wrd --motor Ca. me aiansd wmsâoaePries to ail. ' iw Wl o 01h e *?0 thYOmlgmen Tbetr bçlSom" exporee..h"mben hghly sueosath In Chlcag..>it rosi- izlag tht a. tit w vis ft ot bm£ not yet be"$ale Wlgtt of- fer grenter oprportuaa4tloa, they have ('"et tif -ot ies th Wauke-g4n. areq belw' * -s.aay and expectte be. 'Coame nthhul4stlc boosters for thp Wilon-s a ou Foa man: il, Sbas lizd eXperlence ln.ever>' angj, ,)f tii business. As aue of thie 'rm nt WillOn Bros.. Ford ngnts, i., Chi- M80 be bha 8levOd an enviable rep' uttUOn for Intebgrîl> and ability snd Io Weill lcown among the éutomaibUp. fttonty ot Chlcago. Ohm la a for mer lmurnce uMan udville nev je lhe auto IrsO. hau had experlence lia abeinent. Thb@e YoungtInen are lPartie nUIry fortnat là havins - lfhhthein a'sh Sho aperlatendent LU J. Heves fortnerl>' vihiat4 Pearco motor Co.j Hewos 1, ise auniod l'Md mca. spe- ela'tisl tabth$ aueb*«lcsl@bd. Hie trJ9Anla de i. ord plant itself ta- gathar vlth hi*s àturag ablt>'entUles hilom 114b cafl99gI uepert lb svery qm letthé *vr. A laige staf« Mmes e a Bt au the nov 'Im hpression bas Umm*. abrasd that WMoa & Ohm bave boojlit ont -lb. P-ex otor Co., ywo tulaDot tii. OUIS. Th» 1ord Moeo.,co. cascelle tbM Peau jmoe xO.'. imtrat vqoe* &Ohmam aresseuraté and digilut @«ted b>'thse Pffl kO*0e-oo. ta smu pWrd caMs Md rouerwa rd peinetub le folowlng termit>>';Waokagau. orth Chicago, ZoM ttRY WlalbrOP H»Ut"i1481t4h lt*YViO IR..Qui...Wauton. Wada- Voila. R-00%, odcraa.Mihiu l- ad»isl;gcoty AS w, A0L 'FLYER! oss WajH#I4m Cham- Workten mu a dBg m a4hodsumr relues> lua p It ti pfO O m t te Pianego rp end va. mut te chatopalau ite b h- asbemsi tag detail vaSb **OkmavlaOtt XE JP~>' ih~?t.retod'la thé. ertt* hmuqdortkea. mys s *lxswie ma.t cxii. l440-imservlagegs tedé Os thel. aLants ici as lbopinýg *0e moov me~bdla te .1.4>' ( OitMebwalca lInos iich sppy g «ý ~ a& lu 'vrloas lusmlsh. e 50gW.. hosua. su avator hbumush te déb a~baIlta SX *0055. fi tmt ïz4 oflms* oetf i. r NMiiIr loo for*urte theb tepsrlurs 540065 (batail 'Lie ~~J~~44 a baialgu os iletu rt ivea for tisai 5bae, -Ih MslyFupiv hesaItLake >~ u~idw~l'tei *avelitved lu 544Lê M BUff ouI>'for 0"% laveee"ofmo hei matOr f sobu m uiverr ocaupto Mla sud lia >omogsrKr. Msnher. ai la ie fatia>,er-u àw1 -« Exami Fi, I)eo- HlAkeime u Otysd0 Zmon City'. Tausg IlsytheliActsmr- atS cccaions iu(.~un a bpreléctelbedbïý, aa slit Pbïnll defet. Ho' wêlw r4torli te lie pasltlou ho âga p tu Sader bast ho ulg uleilsI.t . flore te rema*<~gjS' MMt. recod vh$ j* oItoc 14 e5lewptla>'or lat OhiqIér laI as ~as a hO aii.. o eia o.lg laUed 14hmrted-4 - baga vaïejeemi- b*1a sud a h l o fe wé li wwft$at. va.dtQ 'ý« *î Idotme, te thn- aai nd su wýii RECLS-SUICM- bat Oe Çi&del fni kmybos. 'Wuati adtwoe tomvelb. MW* noseh.toa 1 w . t r Mth the, t asd fouthle arum. "th bhati resltd rùastanM u itloua&bd thie emrosior iar ve Strangulationude thé d469M. Hes ms b d 6 obs te Myar>' êo peareb d sfed à I i U C.Lia, ti doinpsu>'. oruseimr spob. eiitsi. bout lite ataý aeoispahe ort hlmrt- My> that MI kves"livina utstr It h,4> hem » sa ta N10 wn " Sien Ct he SJ ho Il q slq ra liaI ho gave bim 1f. 1Ss. te Churo ia;aft~s. lne vas.penti., alli te heur af de"th,"d is reor3 eot tA 4i o t an bull. s i Ooarm« IAlor. Mdt m«em o f tb. c ril aràJr>»mmlo'the rodm l Mt,. Talo tt* othilho veat dlti>'tthe altioMfcers snd de. m tde'liaI lie>' tairk e io"l iprtoImprove the sanîtary, poudi. tissabout the place. "The roinISu ith te aid nan dîied uvaslie 111>'a cndi1laaas Il Oaa pegîlUo lo h. luan ,&soi Taniidomamdinia thie rooinih. fumâlatod, sud.,Md@e à8mssu." ld the Coroner ln spe*"lu wlth a Sun umatoday. 77, IS ODR OfUL S. (Continuet Prom, Paue Oas.) date, mal, bho obtalaed train thebu- resu 0f.ceamui.. The. purpffe.o0fibis tolsirmn-Ml- to'lusojorate Irom Tueudar ou a 0l4oposggrepmlvs sud effective suforcemoat of the penal1 clause fet lie letve'dtstI service lawi againsl &Il. vho have b>' Ihelr tall. tire or re fasal te, restatr hroqgh<t thozselves under tliai. rolué. Th. Department of Justice lslaoi lng Ioda> slnilar atvicosf b Uoltgd Statm attorue>and sud mrshal vlth lnsittaos *ta, relemw ,os their ovu rec0asace. *Il Pursop, arremted b>' marMla M sd dtfflt>. marebals or b>' lsta, canal>' or u- ulcipsi police oUests ad toraa aver le lieu via. piaupU i>'roi ter stuierthIemof ai gral 40, ialtratlnsaresnhatkmo. Oen. Crovier bas aeti>' coaplut- od a draft of rogalation ta avr esxemptionmsuad exeu5ton hsei MWud « saat tla> Il before ecrotar>' of War. Baker in a tev. dsa. fera>- The general h.lleveg that ne OK4'8 soeW1 te exmptei s- such. b>ut llat' local -hords elsolldecide on the ci>'- oofatabocs la qaci laivdual caffe. -ne favors, me of smedevlco sucia as a jury vheel for lie iravias 1he mimées oftbose te hoie *mla.4 -1W1the ,emptn' boarde. The regulalous *ili hoe mado pqbPcin ludetait. aft*r bomuetar>' Baker and -Pregident Wilson approvea thou. t b #I~ MÀ 6»vi4,172 or May Net Be Drafted. le Tiauroadaiaght Shorig Elvia J. Grina vtredGoveruor Frak Lowden that: FSRaTii-6,147 mon betveen the so otil a- di 30 regltorolalu countyý;- .. . SeCOflD-à72 140 of vhota vs IegOPwes>voe either totqtlly dis- ahlod, hsd relatives dependlns On tlam fW support. or clslued es- emption troua var servie. THIIW-1,9N (31 of *#deu va aepueaî dld pSot elaia xmaptiWoui *esregietred My 1ueeday. BS -IAS8 ,alleemU sud alleu- eileeart' LiAte county 'réei- If the allens. lhe alleu eneutes. tiiose tolali>' dlsabled and tlices hav- Ing persoasdépendent upon lieu for atappQrt, are exempted ftmrài vft then that ieens thst Unele Sama Vilt bave Dut 1,969 men troin whieb te select Laits counlys quotia thelie nscrii, tion army o fthbeUtlted Statet. If, as mililar>' authorlties report. th li enB.I lptit g-eo-- sous- ty ta supplv 641 men, then onC out. of eve'>' thrée men vie rekibtereti on Tuesday snd -4id fot l Cai exemp- tion ývfll ho draftd. 3.4i1 men, rogléteret inla Wukeg towpshlp. Of lhat number 1,17af r1llng exemption. Thlsioeans titi Wsakegu vae more pettitllo (an. the, other cilles of, the cduntl' fo the ratio of moen, via. qalieilxempt toen lu wzkean la fot neari>' »4 laT»RWotse- .percesaç 61tisise vhs ilsliued exeniptlealatber clte.. Zimo lalmëesenptioit ,Tierm ve but 3400reaiatetikl intaI oit>. flat are disaialed or bave depondent rêlis tîvsor san 8118 5k>. The U4herll% adpcg*et Ou- r 1-N T4hOt ashsbewaý ontanstiMat #a t be caso' ae couuy,.lb eaeulu sniie l s ov ~ve>j ur ,uwbIM-.lUt *bl rdIivao pa vu.&W la e ee'of veke »5cllue4bo 6e sesrw ~thel reail rée >tri 15. 4laIeuslsd>uib hgumdeti baüthle rouslramoleIli 000. The eomy 1#weiiiolo the- tion ho have hua U3& be. g mentvas but tiare. di'opu 1 eiKlflate. Tii. ýgover10nstebb4q bigla. lepealu ~u. belng liaI 60,00fo0 b T S'l Io opti aen li 11*ýq talnthf Wholdihga m4 sa>' tfat neat ingad~1 yea VIIregstr. ei %4l I ia t ah.%* rOIh *' hi. i. r lia . IYi "PIWIIH 11 W Daring RId - 'xe'.scyerest.' ehdid lihe scoes f ît-e. la"tàke couiiy aI., IM *jPïouiats wer, blown dovu or upmeted b>' lie' $300"1 sC sý.nsé Titgas up 5Md'- lYOO e te îrriîic vîndstorin of srrWd wle .1 d FMm enSuits of bS seu *tetis. w**b isse eut parts of the counl'tlue been =M w fý ne* came lu tetlus 0 f lie daibAgo dooue #k Sic fo r lSthe 19 aigOt laI. mre section % f the o6" t* *l4 ' Tha nmbrs n pUcmface ile UISB-at ill nfsad shed,%are reported Sa iar4 That On DOlCe orcedo(egdilbs position. ¶,*Ir tOIv hen blovai dovn tu iatt od.tt4g,'e Iaol m aal yrôbMéià lu qte'cvi- vs.ago sud vîit Sa Irhugretuin-asert vas the Wortd al 0fviu dont tram Lie foot lIaI the Arut rab. ed ý't fln 0111. Ilie blt100 îlay ever szperlenced. bM t 1h hés oocured i u ZlonOCity' VI*.W hi'wiciahe prqoffed dte ppbad ln Waukegnau sbasé14 laugo lrjàg nlu y mmr yeu tbo ok ikanday - ln hsvtAg a gay lims hcarqbe On- vere uprotaeld oi hOuOs otfr alibI vsthe Lesier- Dept I. ti0~ -Hi«àfrlod *5é ted Rn as ver, pItipl ' gaO9Sb was îobbet. 1yfield vin baiele pwyu Oh1o This la acrilhjté a, QOt AtbaugbZIOXn Cit>'t h pe» alose. -pilaiby lMe bas 85 reolar aid»PpeW PO, "I »,ver Say 11500*, liâtnlae, '<, tthe "tUbe 1.v Ib Mw*S 0fo« i l* t w"ai é%' ., il - ~s-p4 0OîNgii~DlOFF~ I

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