iL1* ~Owof Sm @I r ~'Wibst I. Tha PoIiy AnmeGirl.viii mous atthe Z . Gynumu Frldsy *veda. Boyaerd s807e.ofi Kmugbs eet Soný lwibe vitb hie motber lira. C. Et. AâberI MDeruou sud "*uomDa W*d md ouday aetibthIeer Novera E -t thae sýtaInacow mte . w" ic in u i. m e 10 igncome GoodCoalof irst QUslty % mishty O<ccttls g10have nq isebous ILe uis m»sMddmtie fosw #, wwo p T6bacWmteqie W*dbýý4y lu" UTYO~ f r,-- Cam il5 âtleàst: whit we Woaho .atoçk d'~ to a Ptt Uco 1WUUme Wl fer Port Royal, #00a 0ssOs8me, su"",y ta jobt be Ni.A. Oli.ollaie. ofl* boi Ielos8B.IL&S.whitesatachi vemOs Bnd. "a h, w co~m u .lle enataafmue- bat bt boM s1MW& Lr. .Klrbyis iiwb0uio .tiio4i ib.~ i WbIima eser i Pourth 0 the f broug iss ud à- p levie Clova, asr~v bin VIdm ta vait iii brotber. W. 9. pavie, vho M quie ML A &paris moeau of tihea. ises Myrtis $à"al. SsUm at. e 110marlo" Piston Pisuel. asi »d vils MloftBundez for nlvitI Mr. Stvis' roi- atî».. leaMev orkat. ( Tb* Lak. Couay Road-Offi4s Au. viii bold lbirquarterly muetinaet L"ho Zuri, Tue"da, 1dm.19. .1 »oba W. Cra.q by ieUudaylao a bail. mu -riglon@ MideAraiLI& DoWet forgit %hoBamd Cotkai every WdatM ism emealbum on the mett et1 Ubotgvhils. Tber à» sil trbe T* lonale court aetbis park vfwý bii eil ol a"t om of lla boy@ WhCII va blgbuiî oday .*-Wb&g se. The TTouag hPis'.Socles f 0 b- *divine hMNy Ju 8 ile verry miers vili boli ilair&a- nuelaw.tfugla the Co"iailBoom s us Vgile bail Pnida June lith aI 7:45 pm. Ait smenibut. rs e rged ho b. U R bmiét. dt wo e': « ist lu sra bone belors. Ma" u! fôrtbsr. tan ube t.etlle aeihe res td a ti. t i at"rn.»St tboîi, Oumld nu itW dmohinakbnpo.ile sla itampe.. 9*Aç, s»d oto lattsad01ai" re oe. 1» *Mvi*eot a coniderable sevlng lai t 0o! praductlol. ransportobtion sud lieS Vriaya vsaing thé Dot. candyý emiseimooa.Glna oth an éMilveake *rmolu bie Fard md wbea b. r«ecie MIe Tovaime mraad bo mete a &sbaker ffldrives by Boy S8tuderofrai uu.. Wff W uionebeadllgbl borng FJ, j, nû %berq wva b"a4 collison. The. ( Blêudebaker va. .01 mach d*mp.tibat thes Fard mssded conelderable, rp.ring. Xe oans va. biur.0 AlbrtLy4on vemgMabl mrprised Iib gWd st !d ev.mlng vWbm h be d unue asl.. rsfva. aloet r ombl '~brotber, 4,048 A. Lon sylsgj o ul U ? »!r.eev Aloftadf* N iî beaid the 0awI modfi Opul. &W et b Mrs.9snl ios Ibhp9en air lle't.,w soafttoojositsadsdtaae lroad tdososur amibe luau, lame10%hh lalog lhé forts., diblUfttatofy 0< Msa. Mar ilà*'a t ' e ei T loii &Mblon *bkà ceie etn nthimo sg !ayPels1 . irIed ou thé. 3" . p snd sttthe pak m beteau aplrt la %ru SWedneu*Y eyenln"OR 'otwltbibtanding tho prevalld. Dont forgel WnIng Mmd eypry Wed. l8 %010. N aabaffe. -O a1 th. Alpza-cï%b edey June 27th le. "bt the boneô.Id a side Pnd ebildron of bi'Ited. Metir *111, ,»ad Napper vwi iho a LIBERTY BOND tui banik OWa ecePt your eubserlp. !et the two banta t Area haie a total ,800. "Do l Nov." Wconnecled vitb, gls Wloek Parx on jaly Md et minimum jet mse»ded ta cary l> Mitte of young ladies id ta cenva. the l. Wbtary contributione. hslp the cao.. alo.. uaion clty, 10*04 pet bit be. m t 00 show Wii b. tb. Oll K.DIOk Park, the batr &R. B.Swift Bas viii a"iea .on rme ébould néMbe is V lpmaïestaiasru ~o.Wa"e for fer. ai bai g'ou e bamowse vllb Ieb 04&ndeabrg vWh h mal. ~ t trou lo ukedjfor laul lb. àA "M Fonce ce,'..pluti elzewberi e' lane Om.eti pretsy J Une iýMd. Mr. d Ana, lorm.uly ai ibis Wa. marrl e aJas. W. Matid' ' hIis village. Ti. = oremomy aa t St. Jampb's .brhJ 0 Oa'lok. A wed. aI lime b lira. Jo.. Kenamdy, Tb@ bridai oai rsç de cbiu triumed uIê poitsle, ab 'baursl lover.. *ttsad. by ataer il? groom se The, novly mrrg ' utP4l. vii pend their hüneymoon &Ï,4;bome or the bride', parents la Whedhiuo. Congrat. b. the u il tit meetings 4+ier beld t't ïïprmtokeni oftb ré,Commmaàj S,.Aia Wdmeeting vnlegu. bsapoe impai c4<tewa.Rsd1as1 1 n.orUk dellvee.ê the p ' andtet MW » ' 1 Wa a pmair- bie aubere ýOR 14lwaut ver. a bjpMrlie]Mco oqilla ~ bIgQenA W ' eoby theOd :play ,ani MrW» HAlRl. ,MIor.: ret hanbb., ' are iroticSo, lis 8. L. Irîpp rusd4a paper and thon0.iioýioued table léill ~M. flaidlig sndlie. Irukg P&SfneGard« no<mm !~~dCros Êm4Iwrd y l.t e il" <ailg Scet.:&H eUeè lire ta s ; é A d rolA %W 4% he.l ' dt ra,. eet xi M4a g bl, oMmlttu .bail~ si atra -d-d lb ili oon. t ý-W.*albas wMbo,,ouaiid iornâO84liodm .mter-, 9 , 1» the Commerial 111mb sdý the 'IMe ueni lnvitatIoUe offerinathoir ggoptcr the une 0ai *8 )sd-WCroie. A VW*!I.Ot 5bnhe wa@ e ** $0 btj eiee 'Orsaetion& for tei, "Vd,olIcr. gow.rrthe TovnRaB"flsîoiIM 1be a 'r es" tééil. pmplac,f sweiger an "M IOag.e~j Mlsç for Týhe Uborlvuf e Ld Cro" vises b sanom i se bu.« .ahlrt veýt"ll Zlt ho ls t iq i~,4difrlnm, Pna mIgt<umâ~t1~lIeProm ttoo b. a W*asS mdeeryone Who l tbon to belp la Red Crame ork vili bave au The oornmitbula charp are making Olabre pama or*Iisfmtgoâ. ltw 9doma aS 4~gfedte a l ue Wmt wortJrS.fo1 h a"oim - cago Oaîlmy"d Va.soD u.nben aoflb. «» golal éarias. Ml m mil hel lino sud b m s.ep.l t oabe Mmess rtu i a athepe. Ybu caaot BLot eMd daorkàe I o Tr l Ifarlala Y« Qh. Mêdvau arlémm i s ilb m w 0*4~1wa iserr.. Tii. I«d fo te boitwbuem a baMs bDandras tore&ugé WATE bell, a l -euai U anve rnwne ir TMqwe do foi out Domg Any. Met Wetaltieaglus Rullg à 8rm Gs *ààiIn . ta aIway~ soqn~d~y~~ mascoime wbq~guatd anâ rip. youi' inteimat in every putçJ*8 The~ mascoin typify thass~ vantége. o* bouse tisdiaq. ~ 8uI~Ue huuif~ inel. P.,me~vJ.p*., wlIb de.r esds,~ Oued. ~és~usalle W est a. rugsue.sssd Caserner. - hieswsie by lrs~ Lbsm.ue~~ r. il you valuethe jrivi1eemyou have etiowa an Ai-, ic"nl ttze-if you want tb i rls c ýuthatyoui chIId. tee anid future senersiin. i# sjo i.mmm -you ruft ê yéw~,shart tow"dse nigthe 4id o oppiession which thieatepu our ,smio. Every citizen ehould mate sacrifices in order b maure tise JMMZP1A17E SUCCESS of dt4 "Liberty 4Sn >of 1917." Plae in th& liendeof ow Cv. 'î t ce t he meane of hutrying thè day of Viciopy u*sd Pesce. Our Coverument iotesing à à '41 eum-3 nIRST TNL NK r LAKE Lie r'» ITIZEIO8A clý If yllwantLàbrty ond" e yourb" q re*i' i ,~$ i in atl Popul-Wmterna. MOt i e<oau ins pe ÎL 71 se vayfiai vc1s. ae 35.Uness mt at 2'5ç. * Ae~nen Middy Bommeait $4' sudàIm'ý ube lac, 4 c M .. - 'î ' - I