STATE a egan.lune 9 Prateradul aoltittus et Wmkegan r ¶I~ICé mi nu,ê ches<golu'froa 11k>ru-por6,tfo e b04f thotuannutai Katuotlal day ex- ~ '11410 tii m ard , . mý1ft*bulnttelte lb. u!oae5u lpe a Wawkega Sqnda altter *rs f heMid.dssle e & U 7Besat 101 1 i iI jrfp and, i t uroetû tish i,e mI tIMMa.*AlI Bestilalsu UaiitNi ai tie Jtue meeng latt ui*itvs sbowing êver made isy qterpiy. àMn.. Rej= nlglt adu40ieelthsee duc&tio0flleai lceal ffmtwlsa oce? more Ideal ":squnable te th4e Part ~r plut ite city eeboels te h. mebuease ait 'êecaus e ofa eoelces- . r.. ethncouid net bave enake tev daya ago. , Thie repent.vilch val tie ,moit 1randhere vas notiing te mar a WVO*rs neyer sang Ini btter complete ever pre»érd shovs the. te. bis atiendance on thse part of mem- It igfug a duel viii Mirs. tela amcit jield out fer tacti acheel r bers caf' the dIfferent sacietles. *eh great applailse. . for prnnopale, teachers. apontail eeci.H- r1 f epewtnae h Suber of Waulceganihea at- pro, truajit offtcers, vlithlug nur e, sue- fpepe lnesd h a" Waukagaule 4NW ew - plite -or the speclni depaimenta, gn-utamiiifth etreet parade wiich i ste ti lia tise Stuglnt tuas, rý-' erali supplies and aii Items of er'pensega 2 oclock and mande ,Its way t0 cr oncern lu'Vauhgan.'It isl&lgÇm onne ld fer repairs te thie ceineten>'. County Jul te pr aigtoatthe concert hUlIltegataud tMOroemets t W rp-i -iO54 .4tQUêWD. mei44o -L. ersnswae maralsofe!the day- 54115? o et he Nd Croes, anu lelectlie mgtit, JanltOr uPpltoýs, etc. One of the pretîy featurèA of the p<t' je ilsstieni but vbhat thie h aise shows the. total number enrOl. uewa ie ea ment ot na'u-a1 Ubute dilng voul ho pack- ed Ileeciacheol and the. e4ucationali sainrcut ari Dm . u . e. iey taken Iu ceaI par pupil' lu each Scheel. saioecuts1nr g an Immiense [eW &tke ho lu um Inl.e Themc eaIpr pupi for eoac sisel, Atean flag bolveen them. i telovdrda pylas for tie exclusive of bouda redemed andmillu- Poiialng la tbe arden cf formation . eMin - éomtJy intalled ta toi-est on bonda, toliows: tfnrtise parade, thi names -of tie as- »4ra'lIed.'per Pppn. istat uarahala elng given vitit Central..... 427.05 eaci mdrcilng body: e DruMe <716...- - M ;Qth.... PA t -Pelle. inu ....... 4520-4 V ft . éýdg ",. b*W*keOel 05dm r;i;e ur pt upti la u ~~-n > ,~ -Uin 0~ th~< îe' s e, laexclusive of bndse m Çhét ll D,& auan te . -4111ntable rtnalr uai U v. - D"', -7-eun e meneWarmsaM v~estw~a mm.J. F. Uuuham. MR I,, W*ltur ra. e Pyttias0.4r. Mome m%. loba tiolemrve. as sgO& lo. tih thu a&'%Jotui thie vpi. Me.Zo ms ut. tos mmwtia ), M g vhteb lhe PB*0 tobiteW dÏ ste by A@ioelatl«io.i OUlqmuetont At O000 foý 88< ~'<kte ihougit titi mm, hoafq~boeteatr * bt*à*"d b 1tMb. sent hidi. ~pglbt' eAs 1* weuIldhe nfuged thé a 40546v CI lme siwmà e uti bhie coadliido Indkiéhea-t, theebances cf bts - cpig. voe fete. Mgarkvc c émted In Wauksgtn 9 numnber if yeàrs. A tc.w years aÏo ho diS8ppeared sflddenlv and for a long limne nothIug waq heard cf him, ID thse ieauttune his vit0eoltracted tub#«uclosts and w;as I'.'Ifovt the ti ber huobanhd <114 fot eall tose, ier caustd h.1t go insane sud It w<ts ueceîsary hO aend ber ta the. shate. hsapital>foi" tie insane te prevent her fvetatll( erseif or periapo ln- juniig scia.e «t4lbattendante aitishe county bAsptbas aash5 b aljmade severaBitllrâtt. WAh le lngane £syIum i. diI mot lft0,ing. A ahort .lilaten Waukegaan e- cmev e 'io)4thtM rakuclc bal been ýarretod ai 4**bngtonl, i). C. g. to the.'WWtte Hou andasbis Insistance tt h h« biepmItted te s e i.Pr-as- ne eli oeno ho lITaI là- Wile- 9Mand mmdl ~ io bought bth bore. hi au Ma aWi'ou l D105 ue sM e 1heuwtLiait vls UseS lat ou te Ipr4tetwu o*0habéftei. idiem stinent ap «eut »eso -AKR the lest kuol tarétâtar'l 0'l t u %r. 11041, hut ,Ow *sWkn ot" Ci.vL9ds ,ê4bi fatali IUPN. W!M e bl IDpressa Ia4 isdu t In. BY40 te th~4e neilatm M"eýW ai 74oejaste dé bu' èooltlft ioa4Wtat44 xmov wore. Th«e -a oe'. staté "U, w4 et the InaS rbo *11te y7lindhA.> lmg~g t Mtmudte -hoUInt fdage5'4" 'bla* b&4r hoal tee lea1te Me te br1 A> Co e Il 18~ton, Co, j atýeWbsu they applJed for a posi«sict$ -hbe - atwtu .q* . ib - 584 iaq t W4 ot cué _A4 ue bar A ce.n a. sud vqs unaI. à %h"w tit tîitettil lé d DU*1*0 >utoa»Wote *ow Athy ti UIbW u v or »et atletuAbb4 Thoi.etfthol, IiadU tlira, tripe t » s fW,,q.uCwfT itfe te iii.'bettE asldho 100k tl* e u tti> son s lassa. * 1,1U0 fil ronLkeouay ofel l1ev. lato cuutodY. insde hie 1lest trip Iaat frt4ay a«do tant emi 0 ltire. lletiC c«ii t ,. tryte t whlete o rglndl a ukegau. lme *t empl a *~t takermwld, Cal.. '* te sevema for a ipw minutes lU' soOfi lpel i1»bt .or Lf ake cou'ity vh!rb la eo,îdays ogo. The>', realized sbat they to a condition of coltin from wih M ~red an authcritY. Mr, PartiLdge would flot bebaît lakeralleJddnauneui he <Iid net agitn.rpvive. ruabie te e10 <e2w 3'Yê?5 5xo lu Cbtit of 5. en they went l*ere lia county f1 isear tise sit cf býls socn'Iuffemrtgg eart troubsle. enld wltb thse knowiedge tisa& dath Mrs. 1artnlige wS.s 09 years nid1 tieré ~ rextgterefi on inn.' 2. In- and4 leaves th to»o'js e nn: cilentla <'erteeniwon marfled thse -waL,,neyllam-hle iefathtr accepted4 - g4, t-M anb At -eis nu- jump *- thp,- p'e the. advice of tho aitendlj¶g pilysiclan 'X. end Kil. f 6*Io Waulceçji, whe. th0 have rPlin- and returned ta Uaukegan Bunday. l854 Biestss. eth ~n h est-; We0tbey left liakeld tii-y -.- ed the. message tbi(ay. he expected ho t i " Wh xendt fntePs.oe rrr taMnentartly ta leani. tisat dAatis haJ :2 OciOck vti tdjQ-*"addr«o and mall eean>t ti reiteved bis iou 0f eaute aulfenti. eter-. 'A»t i Il vtsm.Th.IltsIluIn Mir. Wite today saidti nt 1tii. W"ah-u Yi )j xbi* for the aantbeellstie . te for- tending physican assertel tit i the e MI Ister -id'lbe ettgcate et rvexhnmrti«u. Yoiug man imuet bave contr.eted thi e "Wlber homoe no 10un; scet*Mm ot M.1her mettàglg ain Waukga' for 'hiecould oi 1 'U7 Mr retro w oeu dteb*gaD ii h1 drem te fthe net *bave develoe thie dwffe .8 0 bée *rbMevU "e 12coaw*y Clark At Iek vmldlmigea. scon had ho 4een e xpeed lai DetrçiL! or 'tbiuefertoe.ovi Thons itavs boeha nmII 0505et t~ .~. ~ *~ b. noei-' bm vithiautmg 0"fe MeAwt at ihe. navalstauiIL. T»; ET laA. 'h,,ahaER v-* eoS it eum you mn. aeceadlag te hilsfather, S « AtvxeGIn Jq ows OOunder urvouflane. outil uhuv vas la the mco f asr erdrrlts muelàteu pwtn idusti.cra<bvu i, -g et the, tîme, seing te damses adLitaAiu. -roue the ardauce vwing il ég. w o*1or Places er amusment wu htheu . tY té 8Gtl *i ct Um à ama .ofWaa- 140, tbialshbes asmut aiIes *au- l a. i6s 10mati iÈ i M thoms tracte d "mlisatu tit»»M« flef tiidse-e~huer00%. mvWM ag te ii. eu. the shortS .»M, .ubono teh&bar*shhe a"ueDo iai et ncouily 'scapsetsigNur i byfsltrdadliuWlv fb - '$ y g "eWI . 11I0r5 t5im8 .i*ut am M& ~ . 'a OCL hi'Ii i .U0 UIt Doojilte lie d4banesturovmn Crs 'Krs. ~ o MaaafWlukeqauâ, vas Oerai b>-be~oq lselvice sMaadr -of the *tat. '%Wise Tis tais IPt erebll st lie oltcinneli Sud a8*oe lef thé. 49ufth 2 e voan lu the =*l listy $tfl oue peueipaof hB~ Oe ti 'vlue di. the ati 10 fr 'lat l14lebut foi- vitalt ie dma the duty eofltevoenofet t leotni' miste ses ualt the people FUOM eotli iaas mvoilas te flgt fo t iIalc muirsae i trstaxat sooreie él di~teus s t»,- *014 *V apOas&li mte dum etoaai ih0 am bMi Pm Immsn - wut blWaxied OL samala, ne Ha wi b at vsot È.swaaa k. A I d aoseegair1. .. n' - f, t! kt efl- r - ,Be s '0 - > sq 11 fqfl5g t toeoqpbK l~tme Mn u he viii b. the e408OSt u % kum aforer h.négI fçq$ wMamss e SPI 'w *ýé X"i . . . agirhUI *alon or aheaiIieplotj*hO 4b m sane tut 0#5ti 0hs ftEsier viii *ho uitm*stwtbwlïI*B. efter lu ee*a~ R, HO aoned lata hU"té -e4. eùuw Ianostetrest& 'ui s uhoê ai M4 hn the Unitedf attvoam«WY'« W 1h5, t tbmovhemmlui"nto*. ttI Dio eutr, e, . Xt -*menu* '- 40 leah f« b*à*1W d ! D.Brar , one* a *ksa 'étiuovn suygs&ti5. lie 'bol" a prac. praclich e er W ttiee le r Ô t rla si dutin 0 -'$' gvIII 14 *h auie fo. r a stl~im o.:i b 2e aya. î9I1 ' sen oahlm mince ltsh* metm4 ~tb'bt "Ii *0 a h acs MMwuML isithe, o s b*«nVY94 A"lithe ilde.14 or. et tj riý am4 the uýqMeu et 41'b- * i e1l1 letp the uattso umeV TXIrLMMî t-se »d th lb1$arMwq4 e r rmav -té the er hmt eluamuhe 0 tite pti t ibateiuie s a taa & paeBsecant Wlu lisce e1aI'i f« orthoidrlWera caie ulAt the t4re qv"vu i 1b iao. - tetivis ia ls ie i~a fualiuifi seeue n 'peh Irorei3 stplom, whse as - i-.o siyosaua et= *1 *l1~t. IK~ li 1 Te Tb@ SI» as Tis nom os. taui sbu vi bwb e Noir$ . h Cam. ferso foew 1 Omoi l