CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jun 1917, p. 11

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duota bc ~i~ Mlre ne,'. lb .1th e ansd Pem#l alk dlrq(ly lu f rom f#ç laterlor et the theat*ç botel Iltla the hlgh. Ohmcao hMe entec ta te local howel J~4h i; éUc Ilon thaolto~W~.&a 14 çq4id a<'*j~ tI. enarotbuâs# W4 0 a naiven bupeInt. . VM"aVWMios ,tt.l fâm0 loto a osmed &g?4niý « th le overa and ce Vllbd ' . i# en . *ows 9VUtheIc U.A sMbosthstat-, Eyj%»ei g polte 4>tu ftk Uat ' te '66 Mob, Wanuhmm la te be pet b.k on the .11 95wte i lrù h ot ana' StI &a éelteitri townanuI 1 ai ,ti~ ewa roonlewtkh*a strjcy higl I&Mai botel a log and II.hetl ~ lbJ lIt need illI have beent suppîted. intire hml ,1. Se~uJ~ti.dnlit 4 . kBuowntht the Ôwners of the teOi anI f Mdwtu*l o àroin i 4'.Ieître anM> botel property have the ïbPtwlWIr eoà t, I naUttad but «bat was 1lt uIfflt< tl ikd 411. £mh e i pir pilts. "cesry r.Ie**Wê ed. WC1b ifanuors etten keep tu'e or ~ut lig $ blIf ba Iearoliaes gffta among'ther àme herds of tudtle b«* lët1W port et Ang- ae.Te *etradition that the ut..1 1 Te ime hstpresenre of gi d pl epa 1keep offt met. I heve f t 1, a &ne tdates the & ttel à$ e pele « irffl~ oaNdy te fr6. d"Mmac10la ome perle 0f.*ales 'apport a first clssa otâ and theatre the presence or a donkey la _belleved Mi *etla ta wb1 w1. Ifrloe to t. have the saine offert. A more dte thent. ~Cph en eson ln thati a ggat amongat .tfiy»oIl; W~l lieta shw ony It eu pél9vermin froua bréefdng on produotion ip .tlIe hîbeet oader "d kll t VIII 'ts.p the, kàî iIk m ftber then pW ta'infesteror ehiis1 ~ ut notfier Nuafor 1. sw8i hbfg ta.Wauugn th# lot ~IP".Pl. who detest gusslp caîl It con- Chsaaepxi-_ 0*. dstut1veionand khep rgît on 'wltla Il.- te p-ic *~a~ iopped4t1'.dance about *iIil* qbnk*~ as Ii.been ak- ~n'b~nIe ,ê.te wiéthèr thîe a virishI hi stop the nue ffel iVfee& froin a waffold - > a~raild lnieréed Ibock wbou'lie feif semaos I plank. He vilI ho lêà up fçr a feir du»~. 1 âû a the 1111019urnethe- accident hep. .. g(mhord, motbcr of At 4euy W ou, bu .t. a.eturned homme Imm Mie Iqoxth lla~>b01i t le ~ agowtere .1'.tas, béeR lu foI- ldwtàg thi operatlon sufe red 19 weeb Me.E .Niuheeor waè-put un- de atit» 0peýcç' boil4 by Justice LeOn tý'. Panrm.'pMeu4y. 51e was Ar"e en comipalini .ber aiter, th. Sale caUeà Mer ;vile nme& sud then t". up séie orc ber clathîng. Dloth sr& daugl of etChita Lofflig. iNotChc A. H. Poulkee f fldiseill pas "r-1 uchased the puioPgrt3r oýClayton ltreet edst or the y, M.. 0. A. ?inown as% the WtarQPI*rty. The deai was made-4te*1'Tb . 3. fliahl & (' Mi.Mrdn DeC1er. of North ('hi. co et uM4y nlght for Oregont on a vieil. J. D. Pope su# hie aiter have gon, to goutI (Ymà'lna. Mr. Pope ham hé trouble' ;hth hie throat lately ad he madoelb tp la hopes 'hp chante of ellinte #Ould belp hlm. Jnaie. 13lanchard bas plirchased th1e George Stewart Place on North Gen- efte. aireet and plana oocuPylng ilu the fall. movtig lu froin hie place on Oheehdan ro"d oulalde Waukegan. whlch lie recentIy sold to a Chicago- an. lira. M. C. Decker'and 1111e dangh- ter, Ruth, left yeterday for a monthas Wi>t tu Mre. Dcke'. aiter lu ore- TOtI~ WUtS~t UflaI TtsiMgbiboe 441U ~5. rn.nP L1ig,' l Mtd bý 10-. jo 1'je1lp le,, sby Apprentice 4eoauuen; Naval ~qO p ~u~- ~ 0~mst mud Fahlcy Divig by Appren- NÂVJ Of Plji ~IOfor- a f.f« f« rNaty. Wittl le..ft ~sr wap~5 'gpr 1~I~ be 1kcito4aiU.riI,!s S%1D*~mui ia #cet~ ie I n i ixi¶ (#£,CaoTt ?or additiot ri l M, t >se4$' JxpgiIs Our Most S&inn Expei AL L S,-U 0' a Tr.msnious Sush--Çrsat Tbroi,~ Iiog kr Store To Ifs Oapi~ -~ i 4 à 41- a willi and hluê'è bmnght t> .sale I)rlee Spring Suits; W as, doublea mnade; w-ell ±t1 bhase to sel 'price .. Aîuother lot I 1917' Spring M suits; hand taîli ,W001, in stripel tshrtans and SeotV -hoight to sell Éale - 1 -price .........4 -t On Bapmt 'of the bad weather- ce tO MId that lave prevailed, we 4id ousefres Wfth too tnuch stock. We are coipetr t load bef'ore the season ià fafrly u1àd Entire stock of Clothing,.Furmishin, and Hat< on sale. Nothing t<uiyrvp.. a1ffough th onuht seffic M t work of reducing th* tremendow.' ,t4 th unahated veiôàit -P1owtrful dyrf git forthtoù qb -goods out f rteeti - b- - t cx 'AND Ilaek- A t $14.85 0&e 1 the Phoice of a tf% 1, lâ models of-More different patterus 'Of Spr models i',$î t;j bought to be I4t ei~îç 'S tuiî stck effn 'lni h i'st ported and donte ;4 IhIbis ât Yr ue éd A1ù4céi of this 1li i'>'......... ~ ~>'fr're-are thoi~sand ~t~rf~ articles ~tuimnf me~ntî'uî l.n hd.Veu4lseriÎCxît. ~1 4yjýt Cverc "" Laf rd, gù!ai seK ayyqto bu' r P URNISMÉI-G GOOD. MNei's Blue ' lanbrav U-ork Shirtg, fuil, regUlar mfade; regulair jpriee 75c; priwe for this 'sale at . ..... Meni's ('ottuo4i-H o s e; ,worth 15c; sale pIrice, Per pair ... 9C Meni's Hose; ivorth 35e, sale price, Pcr. 9 Men 's Hauidkercluiefea; white anîd colors; regular 10e values; sale à in le Susp'euders;, regular priqee 50e;,Mi sale pîice MenP ti n e Wool Swecater ('tats; large col- lar; $7 0() valuej46 sale l>rie'C......,46 MIen 's Fine Sweaters; Ilie.........1,4 Re slaillemits anîd Slijîxls, i I tans ai hîmoNvis; plain anîd fary ha.I*.alli seamis seweà aîh.] ermnned, wortb $7.50 pl'e........... 39 BOYE' OLOTHING One lot Of Boys, Siuits in the timvesrt rnatertiaIs.' kuiekerlîtocker t rmiser.; ait sfixss reitîiaî 1 o*l Oîlot of, Boys' Silits in elegamît d(1rki.t-iater- J mis; wvj il l andt i ald tailoî'td ; lioiit to i l t >r $8.010; sale 5 5 pr.........5,4 Men'si 900, to dit abe TrouserIf;th rip kind, - in 1pJy 414d sties axx4=.pli à usz«ir-" aI;worth $3.00; for'ttm sale, per -Men's P ,f Wbreted ehedots anMd values up to $0 cially priced-« One lot o>f Mel sera, It2'1Pes à* "(7 1,75 Ofma m fs Wortçd Troumme MI t*1e iteft ,kylem .; the ff#ýètY 'ever sold the r , l thau *6.00. We lae tbent Oie Iof ut gh-grade fo......... -Our entire stock U son sale and it wil pe Yu ( eonie .50 mileçu to t»,d 131 Nor&1Ge-iéeeeStreet S#w Waukekî'. Cohil¶Sae 10 w ebOslB Oies AND5QYB' Me.1Vls 1ret3s Shoes and Oxfor-ds; regular $4.50, ivalUtfm ;' ale ....... 45 Meis regular $5Ji)ress Shoes- and Oxfords; ini bllttOn or lame; ali sész; MQn'S regular $5.5Iý *dMe L)r"SsShoe aie, 'Oeords; al Sizt.s A àe.s regu lar $6 Dres S3hàës and Oxfords; black otant; 1ngItsh or button;4 sale 1 , price.. ........497 Melî's fine Shohis and Oxfordës' worth $7-,but- ton or lace; blaek ir tân prie .......... * Yeutths' Shoes and Ox.- ford; -n backor tan- 'ý4e,'e.....264e, Gixe lot uti Boys, huits ini the latest desiguis; dark ni xtn res, jin wire %Woveii wvorstvil-,; thte uever-wear- ont; kiîîd-»urtflu 3. S le rie........... .l Boys' Norfolk .Suiits; heatvy'. (ark ftiateriai anud niftv pattertus for Stitday >veaxiregular $4.00, val- nes, sale firme, ........

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