i5~W ~n~ert Neit t s Lt * rrvv~L: t4DF1PI~~NDENT - - Kewnloch Parlk JuIy Fout INDEPENDENT 's Big Weekly «t Weeklim uin County Combind WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN' VOL. XXV.-NO. 26. TE ~PAUM LIUBERYILLAXE COUNTY, UjLN(ý , THFURSDA.Y, JUNE 28, 1917. ONE TO EIGHI. $1.50 PER YEAR IEIT ADVÂNOE. *WEILKNOWN ATi Report-Hu-ft That. Juorge-ns Was S$un aD itSos Farmes Ma utr I ors Hold Note& for$00 Mlesn AttoryTehlsWife ln :ýVahM Enipvor Pét~ L. Jqrgsmn ha, myterioui- . Y dlwppouji4 from W&Uiségan. He h bi ssimt090emlhimooitf fOm the" ho Savn "d f 0o1thés. *ho put 1h11ta Iihmbfae- TI4AT 80KPIE4 PAYPQOR LIVING mivOND MIS M SANS. Mon èfd w0mfn Whso Iput thewe trust ln but, *nd wbé ioaned hlm uuranging f rom $408t. $100 art thés thst ho ha$ fnt the courage 10 face. Peter Jorgensen lftI Waukegan when the bide of fortuné swept In- yard sud souuiAdbhla. Seibg a 'ool <sholw" bas Cent hlm some- thluiag1k $10,000. snd thé money whMlcb bad base put la hiband» for lavéstmbeit aras gUme. Me lait Waukéaaas a«bout 6:10 Tues-1 dé>' mésmag. luné 19. Thié nM thé ilept la the Palmner boumé, Chieéga. Théeuoei mornias has veut te théeUbur.mn boumé, Chi- eago, Mud peuffd tvo notés. Ou. vua adrepéél te lhm v1%; thé otth- er te tamntu MtOess Wulb. 8Mb uooll"Mver.the' voVaof à ffle lsasoegIBath ver. téér- la tke lette- ta bis vINe Jorgéea toldsor thé géavlag alaor sorov Wbifb gripm Idaboba"t &»à vblc madeéIli& *11 thé lésé vortb livIng becausé he aBoeosiud nelot uer tor is erm'rs. *'*tecrtéd myséf te sléep ln a vain attélupi te solve thé problem, 7vblcb miglt mean future asas Jorgensén lé quoîéd s "ttlip. ' In the lptiér te thé tates altaima> 17ýrezsep >taod that thé baud ot thle ",hé itob*d for a ftvwsnéo tisat héouughthé affordéd Urne te seek &là fre* ueo hçébail aldes la thl? liNebatties. Jilnléapparent that men wbom lorgenaen had befriendeol turned deaf ears tehSblé pl .for financlal ,as- -slsta,'e. Il ié apparent nov that j ogeB son muât take uv blé lite vork ln sonîp city vlslch do" eslt lnov af 'bis paut life. T1he' StN vanté te do everything it -cainto heip Peter L. Jorgensen, his vile and Ibéir bvo Promislng, chU-. .dren. Jorgensen bas beeabsent trom hit- office for a veei. Durlng hie misence blo créditors havé taken Up thse searcit forbJim. Toda>' t eb- -liés e they have 1iOfh butsin a -amali hamlét of Mchigan. Hé vas in Dtroit, Mich., on Sundsy. àdd t la belleved hé lé efer t>'distant frons (bat cty today. wbllé hé séékaslace among stran>'ers. hie' brave yo9ng vWINe spends sbépleg houre walklpg ltse floor of ber home. Sbe cannot éléépi PoÇbape lier 'iselpmale la fil. Helm Blok- ntheart. That mucit sie knows. He writea ber tisat hé llI retbifn. Others who kaow hi,. financia,gb-,~ izations tay hé caaxot smld will %et returtt. -d. e While others lgt» O- trenglîs i hrough leemt$rrJrggé i Angers ber itéltb 'Yr paO!is5thé bloor. She cantnot le sud the reason la tb- perbapsj Peter migltIUYÉ. If he .,didand he wQ not 4ir i$geor 10 U' h e Iras d ofthé hélp- ~~ bé a v --b"# ¶ fIqt At théeB.d OUmAualUry m.elp blE Mpdal até.aooothe committt. tachrgr. h bm»ti, bau godn lais Tbundly igus. rsported receipts 10 the aMonat ci $15. 8ev. hem vwupint sud read a letter frot BRrbért * Jover. regardlng sol ooumvatlou. A donation. of 010 froms &Va*ujLettelU. for local uée von prsuptod by X- i. e<as. TIé watm w othél jér>' ldutdriu.ly aul tbe simméom oa, mmtigrel>' tb sappis h léh a rs Sb* omoisurgéoti> MOWd 84 euL Thi vork of pro- Mv arti. Freddie Wilsof ni Hghwood Commanded CroW That Sent $ubmarlne to Bottm. WELL KNOWN IN THIS CITY. William AM tge, a Lake 1 ForstY~ft~As6laMem- ber of 9mo ew, An àmrq Port. lune If.-The apparent slukim of a Germa.s ..b. marins b> thé eux env 0of an aruéd Amérlean Ibér. roported yçterday. vus 0 MOWllY tct.d listabthe aM> depurtuatet twet asoo». rhe re- port vowu 1040 by O. 3. Galicksoss, lchie! bo"O*,ýA uswmae lua gs <o thé aval toutri vhib lacluâdel be At Âbout O:!e0 m'*Mdm tbs fervard &à. 01 ts "TosPéd" » Thiepibits 1M abaft ti ebéei gluod i Vent «rou"dthé stem 'and isak lusasuat4l>'aft a periscope vws aitor a« the statbbsd b«and m fir@ IFA>Mscmene.iltb the forvard gîte st about 300~Iis flemdToviéd 'U $«'W -'5ýh. phip vas Suéed towarct the perispe and a&H @bots vér&-Ialltug 0e~eoue ,W thé ,lsoopéw ,Sd- daya shot trou thse forvard guns bit mat in frout of the,' Pariscope. maklng the subinarins submergé snd a light bIne amoke cameé uv from the stère of the îubma&r1neý The baKe county merX 3fthse gun crew under Gullickio'a chargi vpre Preddle Wilson. Hlghtood.5 MI., ant&Wllliam A. Metzger, Labe FAest, WILUI L M lff i LEAVI08MI ATE rrbe $325.000esat Wlliaàm A. Birk, wfio died in ChicaèO. luné 'h.1 la divided betwéen fourt okters, two brothérs, and thér relativ.e. (n bis yul, filed yesterday b ,tise Probsate Court. . Two bequens. one Of $1 00 06 10thé Grmai bospital and one Of, $5,000 tO thé Aléxian Brothers' Hppltîj, are made. Mis. Rosalind Blrk, wbom thé de- ceaaéd divorced two years a8o, ta nfot mentioned. Mr. Birl( wae one o fthe owners of the Hotel hdmund. Waibeg*an, and tise property ln part of t.be astate 0 ich' UV" n. Whorie a :0 lIon car tué(ltray psm a but RETAIN lER HOME Jur RturnI Verdict a9 1lP. M., F ldn nFavor of =fednt, A M4EW TRIAL IS SOUGHT. Mrs.jMathis Refmaine n the couily Court 1111 10 P. M. and Then Retlrod.- tiré.Mary' W. Mathlé of Lake Pur- icb, bas won the tiret tép in ber legal batbéagaînst Attorney l-arry Webber of Chicago. A jury 1n cousty- -Court at Wsu- kégan at il oclock Tituraday nigisI réiurned a vérfiiet*of flot gssltY* lu thé forcîble enîr>' and detainer suit lsrvugil against Mrs. Matitis hy Poél- mastér G4orge W. Spunner, of Bar- rlngton. Thé verdict vas seabed and was not opened and read until thé moro- lng. Througls this verdict Mrs. Mathiâ isolp undispntéd possession Ovér lb.' $5.000 sumniér cottage on théebores cf Laie Zurich. Th cottage. accord- Ing (o tirs. Mathig val a pré-nuptial présent Itou Weber. 30 mmS testifed at thé héaring Thursisy that héobail Psrchaéed thé ppeft> of Weber last Match. Mis.. Mtiable producéi leltter vritten elglsI yenim&go b>' Weber lu vhich ho told hér t h baibuilttw loro a fise bMe et 1*e Zurich yhéra ah. cmii Ope« bar 0mmme âm. frbm th uoMiii am is st une~ 0*w' acameg te tiMs. atw -0 mlsiesa, ~évugie he5 a. demituethe propert>'. bat c. abmiséoe Or cou- mdresi tht. vas noéma-> beédu c! the perfect uuderstndlug that eéilt- éd belvosis her and Wébr. Attér acqllng ille lu thé prop- érty i, Match. Spouiser sét about lo us nahé tensut. Mrff. Maths té- tused tCo go. Thé forcible sntrY sMd d*Waner suit vas thse résuit. Mir. Mathîs eontends that Weber vas thé inatîgator of tise suit,. Ylng.tIsaI It vas a deeP-laid Plot t/ éjéct ber. Thé jury evidently took the sdule viev ai thé mnalter. Attorneys representing Spunner made a moîlQn for a név trial whIsO wilI bé argued befOce Judge Persono a veek froni toniOrroW. . eThe sU1R ln thé local court ýs a se- quel to lte $50.00 bréacit of promisé suit vhlch Mrs- ,athis started ln Chiçago agabust Weber ahout tvo véda sago. ASKS TuÂT IBUS. BANU BE ENJOINC El) Bi TUE13COURT WVere Marrned 31 Years Ago- ,Asks for Deoree on Grounds 1of Drunkenness. Citarglng habtituai drunkeulnes and the 111 treatmeut o! hii famnil>'. 'Mre. Anna Augustine of iilghland Park today fled a bil (n circuit cojst '&%king, for !a divorce from ber ituband; Magnus Augustine. -Tisé filin>' of thse bill is a tacit admîisgwet on thé part of tirs Augustine that afttr thlrty-one years of married Iffé bth, deeme aa légal séparation tise onI>' rémési>' 10 théir donstsic dlfficqIj Thé couple, accofflng 10 thé bi1, vieré marriési. Noveraber 10, 1888, ae Ulét logeher untIl June 23 ai Ibis bYar. It lé charged that Auguablue lepa lntcxlcated tréguentl>' and - itruats imail>'. é*é.értb thal ah, bélv h bbu ut eyt u a, a eotut of the eiçbratlon ln jChicago marklflg lis twPnty anniver- sary as head et t*é Commonwealth Elson comnffl, SMd its Predeùessors, Samiuel meuU gavé figures %londay, showlIng the écOPé of thp publie utîl- biles controlied b>'hLim and his asso- clate». Mr. InsaIt SAid the-3C comPaales ive a'grosacaPUIta of $441,000,000, with a grosa 4UIilAl Ifleome or $71.- 000,000. Thé>' Pg $,000,(J000 taxes, and serve 1,50.004ustomprs living in an area of b«tWeen 58,000 and 6000fl square M114$ Thpre are be- tween 20'0Sud h.'üo P mp]Oyes. Irhe grawth < *be business of the Commonwealth ibon company pince Mfr. Insguil too.c eérge of the Chica go Edisoncomiéfly in V192, whPrn the service etigyfWthrëe square miles untîl It o$qd over abmost 2001 square miles, wie descrihed. COURSE -KSTUDY FOR, -SFeYEAR TPe DIMISCIJOOL A New Dlv«*u of Studios To Memt6*è?rsent Day Thé ov Jbé~UhT wlu.ýp Hgh sohol aa ag~.foilowing courees of itud>' for thé éefug mebool year: Ffrst Year S.leétsd Y.ar Atgulssa PMU Ehometry ]Fydogrsgbv X jeplogy r. ___ sb- TM1119 flkWbgep@Wtbgs -- M Tjpevrlt l be 4és imia Phycilveati anling Po #bom- Thi tla acu P*ay n tW 400 te Aé thé e aers cous kbidAtééand ricis oraal arof sixtedié thouagraduâtesbé o b eooobSthéf tbd contrye ar &Iat L W Sal san éhlcilvé aid i ls.st 1 s. Ti lae pele ofunthé *Towhétsbae Ch onme rnadcpté.t uld l.uveii avau etlacupartot ofIshee vbo tan bulgraduate aitMm51 CMoo r teté nd Th>' rt oailie Ulmllt. théry ropecttiv fl te,éidé. yp Gpaéd noéensee in pvgrde g oDe &ot mté o niait tiniosu to-lIas bull inoé ba cia ébtod lu i at of th comr. Spécials tam 0** Sbas beof givn al ran li dmhe ytlngas(at ane théiing owablch insane mmci or thé isalthd cmfo lqrt f is.elterte. Gr aireaséltheightis gradmenviiut ad- tm taold dipon ias bt c. ae coqurse ofléesilb>' uontshool auý en that you vUI bavé pleut>' or limé *0 pan yonr Isaurmé atsld>' duriug Ihi sommer for thé cçusln"shooî 'ear. Wî Invite you 10 maàei.'u an'nquires conosralng thé uev Toleuthip HEWb iihiôdl phoneoor lett«. leurs for a succesééul ToGuhp ipRgb IIEVYPENATY FOR DRINKSRLTO SAILORS, SOLDIERS Copy of Federal Law Forbid- ding Sale of Liquor to U»il formed Men Reoeived. SALOON MEN GEl COPIES. Law Provides for a Maximum Fine of $31,000 andS Twelve Months Jail Sentence. Althougb tise federal iaw for bid- ding thé sale o! intoxioabbng liquorq 10 soldiers and sailors wbblé ln uni- forte ls hein>'striotb>' observed by the saloon *çeépers of Lake county, the government officiais have t4.ken ateps tae fflcbaiby varn hene that liseré must hé no violation o! thé aw. The çrosecution lor violations ýw ill be.puaitsd h9 the government, witit a fine of neot more titan $1.000 or lin- tsrieonment for not more titan -veb ve montho, or itotis. T'e saaloon keepers of te Vernson township district bave been isen copies of thé fédéral aw, sund the lav lé as follows: -Your attentian le bnvlted in the provisions of Section 12, of te act aPproved May' il, 1917, as publisiséd ln Bulletin No. 32, of thé var de. isartnent. vblcit for canvenléncé lg quoted belov: "'That thé presideni of the United State» as oouuander la chief of thé aru>', la authortied ta mbé ueh4 regiatioaé goverlu gthée'proMditiou1 of ilcohnllc Uqwira lu or nar magi-1 tar>' cmps, and tb the officérs and eaili*s&mmseft bq arm>' aiho M"> fin ýté Il-te -pqesqmsi!4W St«Mohft la. bis 5o t £bsl~éélLé atoMqjentjlu 1. r li ai su> miiitary station.cautoament, camp, fort, pont, offiers' or énliatéil nien's club, vhich la being used at thé limé for mitary purposé. undér his t, ac.but. the jeecretary o! var nia>' make régulations pérmitting the salé and use of intoiricants for mili- lai>' purposés. It shah hé nunlavf ni te oeil an>' lnIox1catlng liquors. In- cluding ber, ale or'vin% e,1"sY of-- ficér of mémQbetof thé militar>' for- ces vhile ln uniforni, éxcepl as herein provIded. - An>' pérson, corpo- ration or association violating tiI gel or tisé regulationésumade theré- under shahl. unlééis punisbed under the article of var, hé deemed guibtY 4 aI a mlidemeannr. and h.' punishedj hy a fine of flot more titan $1,000 or1 imp)risonmént for nul more than 12 monthe, or botb.' "Purtuant te instructbons from the commanding gênerai Centrai de-1 partnient U. S. arnsy, it le réqueaîesli 1that the necetear>' action be laken te require compliance with lte forégo- lng" WOODMEN TO PAY 20c À TIJOUSAND IN A PATRIOTIC FUN" Head Camp Votes to Take Care of Possible Demand by Loss During the War. ()ne of thé cbnslng acts of thé heid camp o! Modemn Woodmen of Amerira ln Chicago Plday nlght vas te vote a "patriotlc van !und," ta hé ralsesi b>' thé mémberahlp during théeIfAr.. - Thé plan adoptesi la to asesa oach mémhér of thé énlire country 20 cents Ver $1.000 per month durlng théevas-. Titis fnnd, ta hé inOnovU'as tl#e 'Pa tlotic fund." vill taie care of dý4th lassés resulting front thée W". Il vas learnési Ioda>' that Ibère are 200,000 Woodmén vho have régistéreil sud thousanda af membérs are alréady sesring thé coloré. Thé 20 colts er $1.000 vill rabse a to tal0f$2.000.008b> J«»" ar n sd wii<u vi M opht iéd>' - Mgd&- ché hbe u'vrWtali éban él, 59 lie, &"r pér .1 Taeeuty, REMrL AT UNTORII PtOUNCES SUCCeSS ¶b e Rcital gives hi the pupilisa otMrs Ells Iing tugealani s slted by, thé PU. pilé of Nonabélis Green andi Chau. Liod. ma>, mseinaIoftim Choral Club, ai thé UÀbértysille AuditoriumniTueida>' étée- Ing vas a grést uffl and alfain~ demton. étratad lb. tact lâiatwe havé abundance afi frat élimé tllnud alo o véS dam le- struetoré and diroctora., Tbé sixteén nubéré vers ili on u- dersd agi orthy of spél satlim, but the osnumbér vhlch seénisé 1 stand ont &aoue vau The.Gardsn"unu- der thé. direction ofSélire. Mary Just am the large numbér 9t participants showed éxtremé cars and attention ta e#U SEVERAPPLY TO ÇLERK FOR R1ki laS1RÀIOt{ uAR Local County ClK as Been Given No Extra Suppîy 0f t These Carda. GIVE OUJT CERTIFICATES. Each A=- Obliged S to Make Af1dvt TtwatHeHMas ReaIly Lost CariS. Got 10Foir s'é muaon carsi yét? You have? Wsil, b. caréful met te lomé t for Y00 VilS flt &a able to mécure a u»v eue ta* il yUl toqulre ooaaiderable ~ 40 aS >out pm t t ové tbaI"il fUt*shave réglsuré. tàmeby, m.1 wipivi plU thé d««i Ia. A aU*bos !01, êgh W4m4S 1 bivé e « uM rtwi éou- MUIa4epaldthés mte ,;'w a1111 mm e cafiatht' é tom a vhb lsu pa-oof that thel ocom~ éiviii tire lav. A nuusber of tises. youngmss h ave Spplled (o the odkeao orCout>' tWiq Lev Heudée ansi' have mélo tWer troubles kuovu. Thev lonU that thé local couat>-cléri vas poé'Véiléso (o furnlaib tbév vlth a muwSv ominashé vas flot givén a irlp *Vcuul>' lu thescases tisaI bavé isMea cail- ad ta bis attention thé on&> recouiru vas to suPPl> thse appllcaàts vitisa Cértlicabe ahovlng thé>' bave réglé- eered. .But before tht. va. doué tho récorde vére conaulto t dn vh-M er flot thé>'reail>' iII réotér.Thon a formai aMidavît vw« made oivisicà tet forth that thé re*itration card had beén losI. Tise applicant vas oh- l(ged t6 sirfi tiis aMfdavit whlci thon vas attached to thé originsl régis- trallon card on fiée In thse clerkm ef- lice. The appilcants vere amiéed ta hé more caréful about not losing thsé certificatés wblch vére glvea themi. TIIIICANDITE FIJR' JUNESII TECFR A thîrd candidate for thé offie of circuit judge of thlm district tu 81l the vacancy caused b>' the ts thof Judze Arthur H- Front. bas appéar- éd at Roclctord sud according to moune thé situation la becousing qulle cmn- pllcaled, County Judgé Reckhov and AtIy. F'leber, both. ai Rockford, vers the firsI candidates for the office. Por Borneréemon net qulte cléar thé tg- sue le belug made a vet and dry figbt. Judge Réckhow lé said tb have thé endorsemént o!flte drys. As a reeult of - th, situation,, Atorney' Welcis fo! Rci!ord in Seing éuggééted a coalition caidate os fi.la clalméd that both factIons ean unité on hlm. At tbq peanséUie itla éclalmnéd Ibat If Rockford cannot aittie upon on@é candidate tIsat Couit>' Judge DéWolf of Boone county. nia> hé a candi- date. Uikéviée Coqsnty Judgé D. T. Smiley and Attorney> C. P. Bannés. both of Méfléir>'comut>., TisaI othér canidilatés vili appear in casé Winnehago countenuot sa- lie upou on@ candidate lé thée plalum cf usaf y 0f thse L&I. e omty tomffly viso vézt to bellotS Weantood" te attend thé ue. t !3* ip. 1%tatthé poe o f lime, dote ivift hé nw DRUCE LAKETOXDE*' Property Owners Say I wuI if RosiS Co"msdqmprCuts DewOn ore Hidps. Man Wtso BQuOht BéIslm to - UN out -HýIsEBp Drsce lAbo. DueOlt1é mont poputat and fashionablé nommetr Méorts lu tisé eastern bal! of LàoMcut>'. la dé- signe-i to beconie thé habitaionl 0f «- convicts and négro« 11111088 thé noms. mistanér of Waitb towa$MhP 41011ét1 ln thé woprk of rasIng IaupQWý*W nu béantiful itédges ln thse v111 what ta géneral>' inovu as thé TI5,fU- ces Béldler home," accor4lng to état.. ments f0 propérty ovflr. Thé raad conimuimer eut dovi the hésigé vhlch std la uof !the property vhlch C. Holleuback. a eiSi cago méat market o*usér, pur4baéel from, DavuBid lir sud hé éléo ru- uoved thé EfllétIoN vib "OIMM 010Wy' lhâd wavéd ln thé bilée f0f uany rearé. As a result of tht. tr. HoUebéb tbreaténs te, open a hom rSmou vlets et bis DeuééZIâbé rqÇ@MbÏ l la "st. mis at-om i*W V NI Q. Harper. plané to Tnt là houé te nouros if thse t nloisercar" o ut 1t» t te dora thé eieOwhioh 0"auw bttot ofbu bul. The eGurmaoth u or bai ta» III& thée mhtnb e u, "W. puch'*éél itunes ceUmf Lake becomé e!et the .hrI'~b of thé placé.-". i. u If é wamt ï4vde, rums. é1.q-. Séi to a blagr W1114 iWé r..qb l saUàlaisivtb ls rus.touM bavéeflot ternIeS aMybon t ane -but 1 viii do noi9 the é oé ..*5- sloeier cartes out his thz*Vt - à&r. Hofléalmb la ug jorl m tract of 4laiinuPitabse Uiq.i'-u Lake, sud m suI ieastieldeai lothé and a modelai houée me l àU hé yull convert hie- Druoe twptW- erty lot a home for mxeémétolk Thé Holleubacs propert>'6- witb.. out quetion tise moot bevaM *il qi best képt property on Drffl Akes tg adjoins the Walkesgau moe churcb proper>' snd la but a fév hif- drei feet distant trons the old lmu- aide Club). Lant summer tMr. Harper pro"ir~ an lnjunoetism rous théemmer in obéi' ery of *kefctuty visteu~miif thé rond consléiér f»S m.Uiha down trées vbich itoodix2athé rt&i va>' néar ILkesldé cottage luavhuil he in interestéd. ThiI courtso i saisi ta have rotssi théeuaM1u~ sud ever simeé a distiot f"S bai ê isted bélvéen thé conmiscr .41 those vho badlyiup tMr. I Tl la istéd b>' Harféw saS çaaqs 'that théepréent étaté of, UflIÏ 00 4 fretalatian rather tam i- ua The oomisalou InMslt* h. léait bis riglis Tt la saIid the roasi cms- aiuL cut dovu thse uagpoîé tu fnuýit é4 Hol bei omb anS reimieW vaiug blé hoige ot Mqupina& iaing that on a B&mama hI0 érty owuérs VOUîId ésPulgu dl? icuit>' lau pncméiuhllbob courts l i ot#4g hi.emistos 15<15 ~l té at~