sure 10 ILa . Awol Son on Suoou'ù DseaEar1y W, kjp çnot aS SAC IFESRHIJRa SU DAY IN JA 4 ÂI11 1AOVER W ','INDAY A. M. WAS ILL OM.V &It-FW. PAYS. tONDITION IS CRITICAL. PL..ASED WITO CONDITIONS. vaseiw vo Turned on Wfm# N bIt elois Internes to Rq&nove Is-Atwious OfeA81 EI TO T WAR IWY MClESMO ~Upy *4Match. poom0 Nw kW mny C. W. Diver Deivers Ex-AlijrnmnWÎil Serve Thirty CounâtY Ttauý IsM1Owig Wi..n Jne22 un. ai. "Tbbla an>lW dead-cýail -thé un- Aid for thé ument- 'o0serve job Com Dus9s et Ovn t.b- Pla a .uI1~ 1eO _ Unir. Ly44 PIrn.ýwl:e. vfhco. would That Wauakegan fecog a fearfuIl_ p# ert#er,' said one o the nursesat sentencsa here'or VI are rqe sorsiku291uhave lcu84 y i Uaelv4~mo0 ~rbrla 4hgt~.4by ho.p&tal iu Racine on froixi tihe,4kê o00yW»,jl. Wga 'prou. mèneetit xeroises. ry yiiuS¶u*.until -Aumut 3, ,uccumbed Thurday witI a rftltant d.ath 1011 akI 'o e b dynat he nen placftd lad by Mine MayA.MCy rp StIC DIPOMAS WIL NOTAPP ~II CAS STATS NEARMST MN. nabta 1045 o'clock at the home of f"lfftut te jrediet el mnd r sen, of 422 Waabiînston reentftlve Of the CentrajlHowrd ......__...... beri tto . aqgis l)rnkwlne, corner.0f 0fpe arel'sis *lfIOWMOV U treet, Wau 4eun, on -thb~ operating Aonociatlon. 45 Motion buildingCi Sivos aies ouna dvio McCan lia NonMaple a* 4 Ci&pa avenues. Alai *iilnWs oIStm* ~d able. __ or Sof yMTon fýWw waa due1:6 a pioig Ls lk e.b P .0 : XotbY a d- aibh.I. m very ber annuel vieil on -Jue 23rd, and __ vin ECe- te'W vas Osisue by aaa carlY lad dU. 01filf N*IiifalgWiI4 thée dates muc ILlUve. My nane's Hlaa..Cali mlade a thqogffh lupedtlpO of 1qe ______ g. Be ?metit NuTear. g8id.toW Èanmg and died 'wtbout WIy ti4bIief*%g «W Wlfe ehildrcu b>,lenCouyjci,. «The corneraee10Nusinmua Iltgn, June 25. WaWhagSii, luns 21. bavzWi aWaiffl -onacloueneais4. etOOk. llwaps.Id dàthter et MrAnOd Waukegan."ý spoke up the man'wv i seBbcw a swn tbrough tbe lisU. Cracy l .a subordnation of the jtaté. Thomas H. 21c<%In, ezgldermgw, The dellquent tax sme t tie Court Hope o-r i ntg tli e ef tiec ed mmuRa UlhcW Mtndettel, 011V9S W d Iay on lh table.tu onb eifE.J ifl ad w« th tbe Individuel. lu Democratlc weit tejaîl at 6:45 Saturday nghtNlis la rorssIng rallier lowlY voMn«The boen deapalred o!Dr.IWsYlh '0 lu . s Un'ame thiinîachdUrtn eadvjbh odUo Aniria l. uveseleIru. ud b.b mrv atbltydaysetene ortis vasi bocause of the plan tiat tla Ucalir ai" tel ondo. AP If*",a 0lludlc chd"Dr atcalled two Sureobi nad lb o kof aile fouaind » e. he d&ured minci Àmerica tketeverse la rue. ade-thtte serve aliltv de ettencetfaval!..' dieT mi Êedede dCereirof the demi& Cerlàbrh- 0ý&te -bas beau aubordluated te the. selli*g liquot. ln anti-salopn ter. bbeig follawed of selling but.anc svde-p ii tuee u icWm aMai. ucbar iirnube f riWu Individuel. but lu order to Wn tis rltory. àcrlstion daIIr. Thisis l doue in Ortler-continait4 th. 1 0rweaker and wpelt Opinalilieningîts. The death toll lu kegan Ma'sheU vas besun. era. Utheaes of theyIU.eM's . tite ver ve muet voluutmrily subordinate licCan as convicte4 lu county tbitthose vbo have beld off as long es, and <bath %ad been expecteil tsj.Waukewlmi ii.summer vill be awful On Baturatay Hansen vent te Ra- nuuuber awalllng trial, viiether or net urevstt ta te and Iliose i* court n arl ayear as.He look anas possible may be iven a few days MosI bOin'Y f0r tlentla d i my unech dr'agîîc steps aretaken at idule tlu peud the day wvlhbfriend,4 uere vas a priratpaparîuent for lthe mor ountracv.sJalalew theuanearwyanmgo.aauone. P¶y-tlme la at band and the di- thority and v. muet show Ihît ve appeal t0 tic appellate-ecturt but b mreacrae uidev i.Mc oanbc me w ill spread througrbout the, clty uamed Jensen. lu lhe efternoon lbey wolnéti. wiclber or not tbeýe veba cau endure as muci iardsbip, malte aid unltriake a showiug thelte, Sn Arter Saturday of Ibis week no asphyziatle netua l<own. Mr. and wfth aiment ligitnlai-Ilîke rapidlty. %vent jute lhe south dlîie rt lat any meins Of reccîlton and vbeth- s~greal sacrifices, and put forth Ieevsbtoetlgfrim~ more\ýtme vll be exteuded as the lira. Jôsepli,,rinkwIne wefll toe eà- l uia ecndlalae tcly on a flshiug tinp. About 5: ?(aer lthe Piboners vere given employ- gatrefforts tIbm do those ho do-talle an appeal ta lhe supreme plan hlba t tart lhe sale wltb a rush dine estma. 8turday night. leavfiug sntr odtosl aie they starttcd for Jcnsen's home.. ment. Osrc, under the Iron rule o! the court. nexl Mouday moruing. 1fr. Drlnlawini's moîber ta cares formute inddwthtady'-l-tJsn rsdteNohete i&Meo agsoea àz 9101111er.11 ~ ~ A- The unaailocal lax buyers viii be tetwo im l hldreu- -la Th dla o'.%Iru.burlarailroafitradîs ln aqfety. but hie pnisceil liaI Ibere aren o religionss ai- onibond aud tierebeccousideraeleAt-dllra. Trinkelne rf ervrd homeo"t 1% The foregong words wre spoken n band anangereoM cov sudablcrndaMre.liestdangerrWarnkeanomrleudWawkegnnoliso or nutlgo vrtueteluvtiscilocal ocal instiution. ii. __ icfoegougvada ér s oknîrney Peter Jorgenson te do B50 . e dc1aîoua t ieheer alher *oale Anandmrln teIneli e.iami. eTasdetan tuchmsutheef lui!cdalndthlfoxnry e iii Clarence W. Diver lu bis addrcs u I a on Sal.urda elllo i er ithee. tliO Sua rnng dr aeii $pp r Ead. u om- ny-! , 1 PîvThm5-40trai twc biaies.anslaten ie f bs <d tbad ire ailsbr te thie gradutug cansao! lie Wauke- Ibere vaa but onething for 'lcCannu elciaônpett n h vasr e teicked he trng dehoygmembti.erstsl cm!aytf CtyPliaInafu50 wemany diet., Hnerentistoforse aln laitbtlonldbu Ma H1*gh SciaI et lie Commencement t d-alk le jail or have lie Part of* out of tovu tax bidders via soatin as b.>- Ofeed th- door. Thp i an J. C. uey. bas vîsîîed mwy aPlÎdubym besp ets g n ifrn oaittos Iteerclaca eld lu lhe auditorium of siieriff cons and get hm.soelme sipluauibd ietaesbally licvopa iedorea u vn-setinnosliof lynuthaseideciran re adand pacdbuasesomatde aRi eric. ho tnt i lse acbout Thursdai' niglt. Il vas H b t ~~~davu 50 1w thal liere la nt uaffi- davs adanedh geai vauinsout tbarough invr'stigmlon. He .as ve ,bautage car lie vaa uacouscioq. At PrUCtie.11>-oula mean the kaein oist. of lbe mont memorable tl1 pliees1. ftrea5n isdent inducement for local inyers. lu au lhe paoi.- .tv iidefiaauavorably l'îprssaed rlh oni- b1 Rcnedt.Ili M aai "W*0fra d ot>- a it jlld *.oMn" «V« beard lu the cil>-. s*poie sootrdynt Ale allug laisusnb an Instance lie person w v ise aildoccu overcamte. aise ver. lions as bc !aun.l hem, an amulanc &%d ttiu t ays ". aredig aslni o ýPratiç%Iy eery;sen in he uppn aurayngb e Wîei apropert>- goea te sale ia theiOneao acarrisd out blit te open air sud Dung the d<lv -Dr. Easlpaeti a vis'. hoopilaelUm.Cy ad a bro»l& lflg vas occupleai b>-relatives aid tie lail aid aurrendered bimmel! te profils becaupe It duesanot ceat lImý a phyicti vas ummoned. Wllb tic btelbeAlfred Bandus borne vier" lNe vas carrled 0te tbeauer.ling lioe uou 1 g 14 ebeis.lp*aiegan *bu"m ien te 71 grmluates. ela the 1sieriff. go muci ta e o.em. vWiou cmpe- ai a! the tuSgmator the chilidren a childlai IIof!Meiluglis. Tii. alatp room aidone of the nurses began 111381vbo 11109b ulairtunaste Obmog la tiair uycave andi gowis marci- jophtPolausek and George Ces- Ut n . a >Obîpool o ut Mais c- ashla vera reviveai tointhle aMd vicllms board a! bealîli man reports liaI lhe examlnne 'las ounda. te serve seubencea la Janl and bua- -Ula tWo long lises tram tibear n., Who vers. conifeil en ousimOun 1the price et 2E par cent, lb. maximum va. ton far ' 5Oii cuilaila rece4viug thebhast Pceaibld "Wliy Ibis man la e ait." »Id tlb nable te a.cuve- Pasittoma mteeva %>~t~~~~-dWtdLnot *o4osJanSalurday. amount ailovea b>- liv. - . Tie hello! lalisat Mrs. Dinkvlne canna. <of tr«tlmentlnsuhovsigus nurse as aie stand exmmlnng Han- an a reauI. l'r a &numben Of Yeans *0111a msbli- locale ,-Og «te OmntyTreasurer l uaA c D Od A flettIrouan th le slave vith nt- t. W!àuskcgn people haie henenmaig MW rffG cMXDaegh tiere la an InclinatIonlhe iitenttbti ô! halug Ilas taeleto!. Thil 111.Kuhdustoc'k gilwu va tbou "Net b>- a dissous algit. .'ui,ivry ' me VflptfOta eOur' asand~s ~t 1MI b a5AOA caaI hIbM the mie of doîbuquent prp my itiieck O1 nefemlb. 'biilatvs-Traa- .hiv muhaie. aîmyvemaici-veaebd ii>falfs t. eTeSabitory, b>- milsMargaret ecocat search toi lsecm. Tiey put e. thi. yar viii hép inetalyear'aà de-isibate i ber on- f ccl vrm. Itlà15 i a y- a phyielailsva flUMOMd aen." spaise unlHansen. omat.Ithrlabeigw àm and thé -Vo.ieLoryi b>- Mlasa .1,000boud for tileir apperanes tbo.« h~ 0t.abetled au lie gaz a id h ti4gt-Eait» £etUU uaiai- Tbe mura. ied trams tie aperaîing eu do 1e aid Waukegan men lu r.- MM-P& *&tb*. o n "aeb u.stand sa l!. va vt ieib t t*nbt7dolia '01tf q'o e-a vlboIç baivecoieclel monoeIliats the £>ý taWPi>li te match 00 mbsIee$& >- lSba9g eroomsud coulai mot lie anlîcei te alytu*. saisiedoil ~ reeachu a thel e tIb " atea db- tuaual. -Hec iésabeon Uenact hé A110w.' mute lameu-M'm.d X- «a esbud nie rUSS~ ertumea. tier auses af lb. bapital =sale b S emauy vw il> bsars t h.e unla' Joli e ta.i rate for WauMab b 1 pI ngLolid i ad alniucelie t..s.w. in.oe drt ess l 5ing "àbv i o-prto !mu ver. ureect u tie 1aleu n. --sà tist the. baud ho forftec,.dollar i' ler timetan laer.. The 0 <!li Hi albeutl i rcso av soa ~B~iaiacu'a voa. --t,. at~ .bv Usa* laI4a1v76 MOb*ber Niffana b.d lecideaitU"t b h Aemeunl o!the. m* lait yaar 4*à i a"so ou f -Y.' svera. heus vbliconiditilonlu leuli t ga sea eat, te bail"red Ms.,frnalau auffer la M framW U*ÇMigt@L re loakeai la cabance b7 - , @m- àwwi,ýa sme t theaI ii loeb. edro , ir. uaUte a b1' a ol-v ivounda on the lesai, andaIlinlafeared "e* o! m« etW.glve tbfl an la saputig le *Claa UI.' " ~ taSal -- 'A aumsber or people have camte li nemi.Canada. bat bal d ift, be hoe 1Tii.e4il m asUsâth hoib WiI ittiidie. tbè eciance 111e>- ai andl have »au l vpm t he -rlb gcha ul us m. tl~~> c~ni~ia iai a a uWiukegan for over 40 years. Herl but lad nl in A te .a6>- "M. lm sB<4bab fâ a ut Bl >-, lle-md. aoel-ibb.,e ill hino 0, lusMv een luried sover iusand. Peter Dnhnkvlae. lied about Hon ftheiong , emoi q j at,. M,:Aol icala»rfam il tc ac uom'ffl uooful .~ cl.a.. ~ eM B uili ll"M Uaim aIuinnocent or ani -lm b. the g hclaipj' ar.MVDoUuougb18 ueraega0. Slbe lesves six epua'andsu a i i linlope c.. Tb* 08al vas oiea mbga rele cs~ We, »,bals is at glai te co-p- #.t plan a! ioavbW ga.glft l inest asildoli. but as 1 bave beau the.ald, "bu-1 sillêl sa>- SuaI boy mIuci .h ill&Peterý John. Jos,.David IWd ti bis ajar the ce$ n.ationtte aent a»muaic> uelea cmill Sienil rlpai 1 ui Oueo shii i~ldcans ii. victui or circumals 1 a Iali make thii. yl - Assuant ta. i tini thce. ad t5tlt ail of W*I*legmn, Feftx vaspivaea hécaus. !1e t o aaluiH~fljlaaa lulraepc-ct o*W siixSaotite, sa Om te asla raeubend tir neMl atemnt aucnet lice. via PMt total vilI hé as large an langer limaaïs fKensociaand -Mre. Rase Erans. o! nature o! tie disese. Iltueuet look te *l- lial la intaI i>-t. Tc h e el i iet-.~ - sses. cclmalia ea, e ali, me iaiv.' salai M.Oann. i ise vaist y>-." . Wmubegani. .placeclnlu ie 10ev cernetenY. l.> -aliy epa lO u!t1iRad»iebiela facl ve viniwrite lettesm taid -.faïse.Te dltau glvea btced Pide lll. vvnl-tFuerai Saturday miuang etiil9 andI Iarned liaitic>hey ai ien giv- mon vbo bave about completei tbe mov.t tc $7 tiI oier-hihuia ar asl~a as bos o!o'eloac he Chanci ot the Immacu- en1aU&Wi utic vron« name. Tic police liait erving o! a sentence ad eUl Offer troactivemet the te Ca" othe' hl& badelareasslen Ra tlOe Ofbeen lookini for Arthur Hansen. il our assisance." vinlealdvoui beabusmal lupur- lie Mmiax hope'omculedi hm. rom cp.>w - as Carl Hansen via vas huit. fils obmii £11fo ii ia' saoî.i U DMuw, .u î IlI u ife aid iv. cildren secre lacaleai SIRP ISES IRER RL PrinciparW.sC.emeter ina. ua seil weli ]WpkinsY RELATIVES. PrItlus W. . Koel lu fee vli Hlen2irkiua5Ei I iLEL" " ~ " is thc Bishop home aithle canner o!f - Obften -varda. cammendeai lhe elaa Froerîck Fler $0 1dJ iÀtt ahnîa nIWa vn ohrÔ< q owe <~ 10v Il lecialoWashingtoiI and oWe-tfseessile.boci j wjvun wau «i n a'f tei& litabutl. geeraldearlel o! l unIreste, V elcinkt)8.5bd W VV ~~ a~awaaea Hansen la naw at ber iu"bnl's bel- PaUiiToS(.Gv the clam stiougilout lie >ear bamet Aseso l Bow ple aucuisauemioe ! i Her the Information. irih he eaty ppova o th e- L11%n osiosi ,-q M Finger I lw Off an and WlIaier Tanuîug <,<>.pasy. AsesrOm Increases Por-Wuleu.un . tir u a n.ýt>aprovallimees c MrgatGrlaDn :i nf~ ~SPlit and l.aoeratd as Fire- aAg.J'n2. beclisia latemaie tb. muet of tir Mrgrt ir> 1 ,,W 1cracker Explodos.i sn d'VITlsaeron uClcg le 6U80&thculand te iurgveaite mbete w itreuaHt GayMUo.h v5tast Yai'. - 1111 îvU-ataJUVLRarriage aof!%fiss IouiseBain or is:oSt achool prouai o! them, lu years la Dorolhy HissesamI..e aL IÈ MORE ~REVENUE. AjOtI Woma 'FlSflPobItiaShort Wu- aJune 21 ils.ÂCN acine, au adIchome Korber o! n~U WiLI. iiI IW Tir prenalure celebritian aifie aMJ8*e.ftMise Bain is lie elleal dou Ahov ml iungl hm t ~ Holicn aDisanc bt Sawe ler a.urth o! Jutlu inWaiegau laimel laugiler o! Mn. aidlire. John Sain L reuemer Useir alegiance lte lag Reglualai HuIse Much -BuildlnaDwring the Year' Hîp ln Striklo Fléor. îelrt vlctim Wedn.uday aftenan T otII '1m !Cayaeu ui elksl Th ?e prepentallan of diplama. W* George Hupe eabolu 4 fin iv îOvies Staveeyuela.d14- l lie cil> ~Ma"e y'forme MyOr nelW-.Bsci Clures Jackson Inrosew.o Value of the &k D Je25 abt4oeocwh Snlyte14 O MÀteCi. Prossiaiculof thc ichool board. lin. Dorotby Jackson -Rçal- Estate Hore. lins. Chase Webb. agel 73, suffencd yesn-old sou of Mn..maidlira. Tony ~' Tiat ber manriage Ioda? wsaa Si el-t itno Itboa eai 1 e *Lily Jensen The persnanl raperty valuation o fnfaclured un lest Silurla> nit, Mins bo! 14offianie stret.bad oe onbaeil-oi Tvt 5. iesstahev teSuionqparetsova Abl W ~at l aui cpaît-, Annun sîun wuu is $165000hilgier tian ilat aîabout 8 o'ciack. vien ab-o sappdllcrlTia uxpicelon -s> anW'haukegesnt efo-a rlyapitan lceatd.Th eplsin ber malien If il vas trop liai -e anime igautsult o- BçuisitKelti * va iaaîyer.te l ire valuastion bc.sud feli vile valking dovu stairs of apîlan.ire - uaselte n eatn Sédy 'Jüt $e t~ e b.t viii tic>- are camplting lhe Mrurt ul0o in ieralrcue i n fU>UVI. bal bren mairraitoa>. - IrotI laorliait step of! hein cansersa ieMauteKelly lug approxlmtely $700.000. These fg-t, e hehome o! iexý daugiler, Mr.. jury. Join Voetavîcibialt - bis vrisî "Dau'î kuae a thing abotit 1-. She liaI u reut>-lie> ancagaî b.-Kennedy . orues are s a bavubthle record- Sust AI. Brovn, of bis N ibCcl- No ane vas preaeut vien lie a"el- bîlken, audisFri teWvevu bClaoId>,btdd' comagr«mm n alagerschol Ranyl Laîinap miel b>' Asessor Byron A. treet, vicre aie bau bceu living for dent bappenul. Tii. youugstun vent I4maged lu lnite dam o!$100 e ah aa vordaielaeliatshe plaun.d --t"oMisselet tf. lie varucaithem Evrelh Lavion Dunu. lin. Dunu lunnel bisbooakesnome lIme pal lins. Webb vas oa nt b a brnu-iere hoIacovered a six- mîniugil Sunda>'. venIuitcraibeai iettlng marricai" sai lins. Bain. Ils-t tbaer 'M*Wd Slnd man>- obstacles Gailys Lichlfeld covrtlathbe. Caunt>- Treasurer Fnl- lie bottom stlp seen sie deli. @0 1hluch glatit ftrecraclentiatapparent-lt ievi arvlMJaei lr. Kober la empluyed b>- the Ra- ta' ovarcme.but sali tic>- voaîi îsaei ihIday aflernoon. vas bard fon relatives e m nal'0 e- by ad been left aven im lt alr.liolojantes left standing ah tie edge dine Pure Milk compan>', manufacî- 1W eaisier lbrougi lie fanaio knw Emma Linai Theérnaisla regandel as one a! the alie tuat tie inturY vaa au merlons. il vilsà a recracer vilch iebalualf !hlie cri viru il rau out o! gaso- unrer% o!fie cream. He larmenl> edgeapitired Malng deaformvmrsuhzlit îr<ynmade la thieti, anId lins. Webb ibai gone upetaîrs late «podolthrouli lb. igftibon o! lie Il, vas empioyeai b>-Dolan & Eroedler ap ~ , ~ ~ hi ou e r encu lM y shows liaI Mrn . Du lnu appleai htrnw ! f perfoïm a 11111e ernaSa sa id vas ou fuse , and le >- oftr I.c titési 1hlin et T irelg ie ou tic car stan dn g aI o f W ankeg aii. qnuaI lh vas w.j11c living %Dm> lape Oltumky playedth le LiHlieMlkskonen -te bis work very edacel'. Inaimuc rus ithe va>- lovu vhcuen aeccident havebduh e lcta #sne jIMaCI. «0 tlb.curb verenet ualmmi, aid tie bore thatis caartbiip vlIch ez'df icarcli for tic iraiaea to minci lun lMargueriteeMilerthier. w-,7rtfese large individl lu1- bappened. Sice vas iurrn-liaI lhe va. curlos ht a nd 001 the troubl. itue>-driver vas vîthin ten feol of ioda>' alarleai. Tiya>'ai ta e eie aiMd sa vie.utic>- maréiea out. ITeange Nelaon crenames.. ime. lpr nome, lime aie bai been no i.eocured a balciot ai clariteiu inh ii m itaçail-aie #~y favorable commienta er. Hlnhaa wInrsere lutcbothereai viti a wieakincaa ' lu n One io ioahIu er-al couli nal be avolded. He tunnel bie 'bocal ven lie splendid -aidresa de- Violet Nelson valueic i nem setite nc tie valuesina ue. Thii. lnec aemeaite crtukP.le ver, holding 2a n of h o!loriber machine aI a rlghl angle.,s-tiitihe A Question. Ilsrmihy lin. Diver. Iîî aIOsî> -iti Epther Ohlaon ver. fuxel b>-the quadrenial asseas- unaier ber andi sic', plngeai foara n hluils left baud. -mcietre vr uyn i O h srcce*"ugn t lis situation tiat confronta the NO, Oliver meut. Dcspille Ibis facIthie real en- tiking the !loon avili consliOrable The next Insatul ere wva aea!- mcletne vn utlgis Slilcna >nc ldigfo 'Caltad 8Iales in lie great wrv aria a. Louiac Oling tale valuation la cousiaienibi>' hgher force. e nfitg rosn ir ste firecracier exPlodul. occuante tundereie tro dc ad ti l.lnate home In li e oubooaino Thi oeevioreleicddiplomas vee: FrankPalbidkl tbiiyear as hhene bas teees cous* it emibena o! tie ramil>- vrr'ene Habad niad r. h out-tbe uenle wasadamitied. ll' bard te tell u>lelber la cuit lieu Soeios-glS197.Jennie Plmer erable building îurng the year. itfer limea g5geréd mlb te'bonse..Dr' nils avis 0-" i"kx.' lie faontsuai hu4trtei me icbu e. tea U-oie*vnsumiua le Toda>- Cleulovîci employeai Al- WA»cb*,AduuontTictelvuanoirai ailoVeil the bouse. tone>' Mimer V. Onvis to start suit Kahierune Feance $3,000 tb caver his o avu suad .took the. lad la lh. Jane MeAlIlO6rf. WmilIm Petnce lerk fbire. Of thîs aota. n>- ir». Web vas li!Ied upan a bel optlwhr i njre ee for'dainaies Tis police made au -Malet Person. .e but $2.000, hherci>- pbevlug a ad- vouaen. cmëLd.Dr d. Tic baytlin vas remua-el Investigation o! tie accident but noa,0 vey coomau amnistration of n ,woaÇ.er i iti -hm. uaalUnt srigle-' arremle vere made. lioloJanle# MANU PAOWrhupl 0F*I Phiiprooloumth lofice. 06 on of<h* enters to off he41vanta 1te settle vîti Volentovli for t Mn. Pem alu l the von of mai-. liaI tie ip hai e lce raJtrd hutlt10band, i a plilt aid l&0.ý&tl .go baillitem dollars. Rut RaIden lintieaseaamcuî tie final o! ret mc masre ic suigesttlaIan K-raY tst I îî v eu oear>- te labo ssesU -.aeber machine rau listethoectt UfaloratR«gnIda MAt alia was,possible ta toiensi ~ pidlune bo-tau. Tri s a.One lu sitches. Dr. JolIe>-ad»Milteied 44111111tU4 t n tlb. orner Of SelVile -~ ~ h abI eu ua-,estate. v. hépu i ak1b tPr.'- Kulgit's offce. Thse Ira- tMo «ess , ,pff@oput àePeMall&« cllëOe street unar midnlgl>l s =lit"te asuenatt n erionaî .0 erecarl>- liaI a brouI bai lta ai ile..ite ie och« t e T: #l10 ltk, teçMvlrrln unt' ~ *o vr - - ~ Ig4fa.nwia is laio!Ma. i.~m4. u ~ae. ir. ci vs emps saum. e ptai " a.tle polcips âiPBo4 0 1L U~~W 11*. vo»Wn la aiy.expellIogm a t* s pn. l ea . Web W 0-11114-et ---'geilai sitlea-c ljVetue b~wu g ig"f U*Mw ~-l 41se t a *ift*« nei i0e,, luvstlUhât- e.lig ti mamsaumOt l W' -.uuer trpae -. "k Xv.211 1 FOm m s mrs 1111l . l a# '1,----" 1 ~èVtb1t l 2 c,4àuv5' idcdt4W !. * imomu e I b' 4 1 W')p 1