CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jul 1917, p. 2

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zL 1t L TAMLOR ta m t<aie.eImme.k Diim 5SU tote80 end 7 t 8 . nm. Uulmc 3OmadiMa. appeau. Part UàbeoeYvl4ihoinril. DL GODING DEIMUT son8 to12 &M.-l to Over Ibai National Bau QOW cPhono194î ie. Pono 157-.. RATES 6 conts per lino esen insertionu. Loes thon 5 linos, 26c firat ln- station. î9IL eûIt MTIMtSI PFuunshod by -AKE COUNTY TITLE &STRUST Cri btraoior Titi.. TitI.. Guaranteed. 4 ooaqTemple Uldg, Waukegsn. and wtt. te &ntonisà SOwaskl, lot XU blockt 9, Wa4ieauW Park, ad lot U8 Murpby's addition to back 9, Wash- hurm Park, Nortb Chicago. W. . Lber"b.*I=lbR » Atonina Suwaléeki to Peter Jaatra- DL IL IL SMITH, emska, same property above describ- DENTIST. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .ed. W. D.$10. OVNI Là" O raT SAloMAL SAUR. + FOI BATE + Olivç B. Pierce to P. W. Petersen, noi-a tc 12 . uM. a"d1tob P. a .. ..... .....lot 34, byon'a subdivision af the Pair DAMIY. Grounds, Waukegan. W. D. $10. Ubêfyvils. lliîSec ondE8band .bougtandexchanBed Jerome Buresb et al. to C. J. Vopic- CUM. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. Cash or terme. N. R. Ladd, phono 4, tonorth West19 ett, addition kgn *wy>UC1ax 6stacIGoN LibertyvIlle. lu1eedthWet, 811.Wakean Seceill UUMM Olvto the dhe»eee of the _________________11.___ -F4% E-1 Nose. Thygt FOR SALE-Team of berses,.oeabig R. B. Hoeth to W. H. Jacobus, lot UbeM u eC, el f6. l ranglag 6 year old mare;-, ie junk 42, Shaw's subdivision ln section 18, evr uaOc Tl.10 1brtyvueblack mare 5 years aid; drive asingeý Aveu township. W. D. $126. DR, . L. GRODINS Or double. Phone 945 Y 3, Wauke- Jennie D. Phillps and athers t gan. 147 3f W. I. Drury, lot 6 (except euet 100 O"ptiomcv -gPci Oot)., bioýk . cKay'. second addi- *IWY%~NI8DÂY. OI4LY FOR SALE-Srombome Odem and tion, Waukegan. Deeds, $1. ~~~ ~~DEUG STORE mxta lot. Sa. Park Ave. F ~ Cii iky n iet .G ut'S.~P bWt.2gc2 Stafford, lot 13, block 67, North Chf- MR.0,.P TRPU , FOR SALE-Slaading Grame, 14 acres <c5Eo. Q. C. si. ~ illet West of the telegraph road, 1 mile R. W. Hawkdnson and wife to C. @Outil of Everett. Deerield postoffico. A. and C. C. Ptanstichl, east part lot £mnmA.u e'avuvmaNAuÀs. Mr@. Anale Ltanne Kelly, R. F. D. Tels. 3,. Hawkins subdivispon of lots 5 and LibortyrlUe. Illinois. Lake h'oreet 691-Y-2. à7el 6, block 34, Highland Park W. D, $50. HMANNW. COLBY '. . .. .. . . + . .. . Afhony Gonyo and wie o Jacob Attorney-at-Law + RA ESTÂTE . - Shinabarger, lots 2 and 7. bloc-i * Home, Cook Av@. Phono 163-J ' O S lE +12. CoOn & Uindeays addition, Wau- LISERYV~LE. . LLINIS n. M. L. $2.500. LSIBR"V q LE, LLINIS . .. .. . . . .. . J. G. Blrown and wite tu C. p. 1)i- __________________________FOR SALE-Biackomlth &hop aioboue* dryndwflti i1auo Fx LEL .MORS and barn with, j acre land. Oood la- _v and . 4, o nlag f. LbnYvLL O-llifdi don. Apply LDavd Young, .Milburn, B.Hake k ndwWf tDJ..Ga Libetyvlle Illnoi . 2ps, owaY, lots6 ad74,. block 5,Der. Lune BuDdina. FOR 8ALE-oiood 80 acre farm 134 mies field Park. W. D. $4,3u00. B"c. fh ax. 0. fc Phone lb tram Wadsworth. Apply David Young, W. W. Carroll and wife to Eliabetil Wadewortb. Ill. 92p.5 I-Och , lots 31 and 4, Grimea isuhdivi,1 PAUL MAC GUEJFP Ioaln LUertyville. w. D. $3,()00. Ar»OSBT A? î LAW. FOR 8ALE-We bave a number of Oine Mary 'w. Shaw and huaband Io C.1 ~~ ~ hornerHeal.rmut Pd&utu Wenftzel, lat 116, Shaws third sub- P»» U 'p M- _____________ division on Fox LýaXe W. D. $10. FOR SAL.E-New 6 roma Boume and a RP.,otW . Brown'ssdbdivsion orart àùm E NC.DOCKH 50 foot lot, corner 511i and Park Avp e. d o ,Bonasbiiino làtlm»ràqlLAWAdd--- .Fred RH 1uniai. i.tit), p.i Hgho l . n . $ 8OWrILm *uc . V. D. 2. :îc4 'William liamlet and wife ta Lake1 ILLMKBG -00000.0.0-- Conty Sinte banJo, lota 3 and 4, BOÏ ?O» 86-R FOR SALE-158 aoeoasie leMai a blok7, Oaklland eubdiviaion Wamgke- "0 2u * 01 -ké Urcj, , b d a s . Q. C. D. $1. Q- P» U<> tIh»ongh In - M -.UatMeic 1.18 Mdi anfold Bock snd wlfe tw William go. oui vlag waler. wieielam Met, J6 Iota in Chicago lHigblands. Q bWndIii08 t* em» O t b. rghi pr- C. D. $1. ..-.-.-. lamr. ------ aulM---O- . - 8 Mary G. lMorrill and busband ta 1WSLI ýu~oM* tbPark -Ave.,Mry, T' Plialm ad bubai, lot5, ~ molegaoovusrom. ffl b" 31ià&1E i ubdîvi4taeiFo MOUE TO LWIN. va.*Mt 1" te . ~.~ tioiy >¶I tlry aiof m *IugtribomwovmomqIm f ï uv m Eia n memt 15INAN;TAO~N Tq ELEiIN_1, YLU1 FEAR iý0fà HIÏStSAFETY. Bolevd That Treatment WiII '1Iil f6und Insanle. George lHorberger, wbo e couple O! weeks ago souht te commit suicide by siasbing hie throat with a raser, was given a hearing ln County caurt hefore a iunnay commission tisis mcmn lng, vas adJudged insane ani vas ordered comusltted to the asyliim far the Insane staiElgin. Up te a tev iays ago there appear- ed te ho a m-ried Impravement ln HerbergerF's condition and certain of bis relatives vere of tbe opinion that bis mntiality badl returned as a re- suit ef thae experienre througb vhlch ho hadCpasfed. Ho suttoreit a replase, bovever. and according f0 the Iteail mnony given lncourt this morning by bis son-ln-law, Mr. Wplrh. the patient's condition la far front being as gaod as it bas been. Totiay was the. rsi finie hbc ett he hospifal following hi4 ursulccpsa;ful aI- tempt ta take bis ifeý The wound on bis throat vas lieabd over and hie phvuical condition appist be great ly Improved. Hiq nilnd was a rom, Pletu> blank, howryûr. td he o flonly did not reatîze Ihat 1w was ini court but titi not lnow thai lie bat :Pen at the hospýtaI. During aIl of the fine lie was et the hospîtal t as neressary ta vateli hlm constantly to niake sure that ho did flot attempt te Injure himselît On one occasion If vas necessary ta place hlm In a atralgbt jacket as ha refused f0 romain ln boit. Relatives tear thai if hc vas allow- kd to raturn home that hoe mlgbt maie another attemnpt on bis lifo, as they realle that If; vouid ho Impoesible te vatcbhlm alithe tume. Fer thaf reason tbey bave become reconcii te bis heing removed to an asyluan where ha cam ho watcbed and vier. kia condition may improve. Relatives areu freetot express the opinion that Herberger's mental con- dition reffulteit tram the death et bie vite lait tfui, ai bis oiSndtlteni, upt fiat tUme vasnormal. SMaethon boba- brooied mucb ovor his Iom snd gad«ny ll t bis roaien. Girl lé Commltted. Mim aajue Gertrude Dawson, 34 iera old, reaidiug ai Defflold, vai funit Insane ater a booring ini Coin. ty court tua mornng and vas tales te the ayinmat 1991n toiay. Hem Montai condition date@ ae.d11lyears andt reinfijoare *ç Use iniM tfha the deefi 09 ber Méties skia U atr ln ee 1 arl h e4i h m--o pecialifa eture0tths e ~tisaI Ihanwatl BtUnW r«abmion Washiiuo" stj.eèt, 0 lier ay morulas at 12.30 a. mu, viso le ire bs"~et~ ffl'T. A. Unoldm. t 1to A «,,gdeteiM vMm Y&4011Ue ----- Wu m, L ------teet ia YanOWOut N~a~ a&s ig g ad . . . ..++ mwal ý'tise fire d'epartent with. + o i*ins.nao a o ~ Rokford Un » aos (ne Candi- d m d e o o k e + + + 4 1 + +l iW t e d p aLe n r r lv e d s i t e d a t e f o r Ai 1aa IS u e 0", muais on FOR RENT-TS room modem houne-; iurrisitouitista tise street andt M Fos fart e.. h.a u, lrha;etra lot lto nff the farmnntri vomI witb as edLtgFos. An EIectr' Grill <in . Wrlgh Canuri"e Broedvay, little commoition as posaible. Net aJUG De OF MA RU AnElec Ub~~~ltyville, In. Apply a. A. Stolnunma 1ft e b botel vwu avare thâtat JQEDW LEM YRN 6M6 Oakdal Av., Chicogo or E. L.lire exsffl sintil tise iepartrnaî ad .&tforuey R. X. WOIC1I ef Rockiord or a lcr Bllop, LihrtyvUW .208leftf. ontua beauen eciee ai Winuebago 'e9 u -t 'iik.> h lr boeou n h mt bottuts - 1as frte 1 geb ,p w LN.,n the basement vere the several to titi the v&cany caumoi by tht fflA9 ç ~pr~i L L1LIJIf~elecirie vires franch out throUgh deaf th e le]aie ,iuuugeu .rtisur EL' dwthe, houes. TYri o! tho vlres are Frot This vog thse word refflyed UAKIu ~supposod te bave beomea crometeitiuRociford sdyey.dopled vitis suditht* rmuiber tuumltiot va, anedIR 1,1 it Orent IliaiCountiytudge 0*mbY i a largo section. Theo baterma ~i; %ebow e ý ~, i výto vE c > U~ a& atfa etnse noe tbMmadîe P«WgeMibeýfýtWOO OW7ccupants 0fis ."ergeNiého. t. ette. M.Welcb vouli roc.fv. 4kg nua. & tjjfl6g mouienc11 lu Green Bao, m1,Lke Ih va. the odor oai ihseo eavy m<5 rapPOrt Of 4*o,siar »tIOIaLuui U'oeemi, ere drive>. trous tisuir eds fumes tisat mode their vay through Thsi ricdltlo ii . dmuiteooois- a19 UlàRUM w doesqOf vben Ightnig trn'otise houaaeearly the partitions tbaî sacened Mrs. lry lu rg ti Mu tht racefmonIbr Bauday mohiing. Theolire viicis ampblicky> ted iovefier tite dan- «I tire. cndi a uthé 'jeu ~~ Le.t. afarteit la the roof vas. Snfined t eae ebtLt rOW Rociord tisere vas au n adic&t thse UPPer Part of theosa , wth 'h .r hier Iodatel the source nth hemsW b Yco- Eetrical Appiances umal damaea. Tise Place vai form. o!f the trouble vithout ditficnlty ant ionlctei' t. if bIoualitt osaiis 00iY Ovued b>'E. 'd. Bo wm nn f Lake wtth Insobatefi nippera et off sec- ioftea Ithe 0.34 ik*f aito putfend c u - umu IL. hat deVelop.d P'Oregt, but vas ecetly Oudrchaset lon"tese irilnwbchthuled ctoM t oe nis 1 1 Y Dr Frak Biling, wh Preentd tins o thewirig, wich «uled a ago e uagro andiato.Tha vima t i * ddand i bs drFanghBlilîngu, wbeoresNtediln the houe helag pluagei Int n County Judge ]»We ).of Bomhe 18nede I a s awedugiter r. GoreN darkness. it la certain tisaf a penic ut a eacandidate anyvay ais as Ofeddin gittt.wouldlhav e accurred h*d thsegueste ta thse report hectO tOdOF. Seturday MSisea Loretteaand Alice awakenet auidfouni tier Nonis tul The vafitdraval itfColonel -iaboer 1> Lii "S( o Burke, Mies Agnes Simpson and 0f aIriçke andth-e electric ilghte shut and< Judge Reclboyr ta A534 te hava Miss Mary Burle let Wau'oegsis for off. resulted fromth ie fMatIt mauy an extendedtrinp wept. Tbey are ta About an boum later the lire de. vers Malng a&vo Md dryigmhotu ot apend somns rime ln Estes Pari near partaient was cabied to Marlon street ofthtie campal ud iIt Wv affeali Denver and thon vwiii tea i p ~b>'an alarm turnedIn ls rous box No. tisai It vould fao dttoilt tO S lt:t tirongisthse Yelowstone parI. Miesa 38. If Provedto te a taeaise -aluns upporitfor ouelfe' aqfidaie. Frege *r Simptan vil! leave the remader e or SOM allegeit practici Joker on bitise vory tirst the Ume, of *t tir ~tise yarty lister and viligo te settie Uýl home having tum"edla te Weîch vas montimedSati Iactro If te itatpi~ tir-'rst-fa ee iefrte epnt ra aifa na tt.,.tpbU -am ose h ieenrsoi,. d a$M ranmba WI. Jly.-Lance Bew- mans, weill nown amateur boxer, bic wtf 4. Mary, sa" Watoe-ieaeeu et Ko- n6s1bâ. were droewEhd Ilu Aýêé i~ a"* bore this aftènoon. Bowman and bis wlfe, expert swim- mers, bcd gone batbtng. Wben severai buDdred ftest rom sore fbey were caubht ln an undertow and hotu went down. Jullus Nielzen, with tham, 'was reacUed. Jensen lat hieIlite ln a e rotce fort to save Mrs. Bowman. eInsen's vite and relîttie cblldren, on tbf9 beachbrsaw"hlffi periab. A pathetlc figure was Jensens dag, whlcb swam out into the ale ire- quently as If lu searcb of hie master. Many exempt Prom Vaccianaton. It bas been stated thai eue-bal the cht1dren bhem lunftbeBritish IcI.. ar» nover vaeccnated, the greater nuanher being exompted by a deciaratlon 6f conasclouoa' objection made hy tht Parents. MA$Ttik IN CHAN CE"VSALE i State of Iligole. Onountyof Lake,e. In the Circi Court of mald Cuty. Anle L. Bar% va. Mary Mormoan, Della StateeeY, Bilaen Bonuden, ELI*teieI Elliait, Micbael Maran, Frank Moral, Edgar Hart, F. P. IglotiaJeme.owden., Josephb *tafesley; John Atklnom, * unkuovu haire cM dieààaetJohb Atkinson, decesed, Jamnes Bradley, tb. Sik4ows bairesor dahW'lep.e Jamm ~4y.eceoàed, "hiba iowb hOýer or boîtiere of note deted ýovember 511, 1858, anmd secured by ftrusi deed of saule date, recordeti lu Bock R of Mortitagee on pagle 166 lu the Recorder'. Offce of Lake Conuty, Illinols" and 'tbeunknown owner or owuen of the north hait of the south latrit f te .outhweat quarter o9 section fourteen ln township foa'ly-tonm nortb range eleveu enat of the third ~prleIp&l uneridian lnu]Lake County, Illinale. exeepcing the riahi of Way or the Chicago.Miwaukee & St. Peul Rail. way Company. lu Chancery, Generai No. 7716. Publie notice la hereby giveus that ln Ijursuance of a decro. made and entered lu the above enîitied cause lu tbe Circuit Court ot Lake Count.7,fillino le, at the Speci Jane Terni, A. Ù. 1917, on the lltb day of Joue, A. D). 1917, the under- laned. Mener lu Cbancery of tba ircit Court ot Lake County, Illinois, nulîl eil at publig atclion to th. higbet ad bout hIdder for muh on TuW&dy the 1711 day ot Jniy, A. D. 1917. et the hour o!frine uae]ocS lu the. atternoon of eald day et .he aao main satrance ofthte Court Qome.ln Waukenani, Lake Countv, liii- aoh,4proYid'td the bld or bide upon meci pieue or Uercel ol thepremiceu bereinalter 4oOiribed *aIqbq equsi to at leait twî,-g& thirds of the yvaluation put upon th. lame au hovu t'y thbe report of the caaimlelouegm heret,,ture appolnfed by Vhs C9ort 56 Umab pa>rtitIon thereat or the othe r plece. @bail at the came Urne »eli for enougb to>mate the totalauîlount of said sale. equal to two thirds of said valuation, all!and sîngolar the. followlng doeribu.d preunleeèsued real ectate, lu oalti deurea aentioued, aitu&la tluhbe Couuty ,,tLake and Siat. oi Illinois. to-Wll: The nomtb bal of the outb baif of the soutbwest quarter of section fourtepu. (14), towntblp torty-fuur (44) sortb range eleven (11) Reet of the third principal ineridian, la Lake Couaty, lî1linole. ezeeptiL.gthp iergbt o! wsy of the Chicago, Mlwaukee & St. Paul all- waY Company. Dated ai Waalaegan, fIlinolà, this 1.'lib day of Jone, A. 1). 1917. Paul Marouffin, Master lu Cbancery. A. V. Smith, Solicîtor for Co)mplaauît. ae1417ue «Wlaen oupop more "im Fbkprtceayoupeiyjorso,,e- dai Ma " naosc g> eat Who Woulcln't Smile! rTHI man bas learned that tire satisfaction is to be meaaured by the extent of the manufacturers interegt in the car owne?'s personal ex- perience. Hia mnoney bu*s unusual mileage - and reni non -skid poeton plus the basic Fiak rol t'o e that desiers and u.ersalikoetefuflvaue frm rz ~j5 w- - t pdSîm 10s* d faW Fd~TirasPor &&l.Do AU ivl a THE FISc lUSENCOW~N 1 Lk Y . &"'à, e4 kMm 71m le ~ÇIIB ort the ln Talg asc TI et but turc us. th us assim Ti tom beer rece i . gatE Sati bout Miel. lnc de-r Nu! tht into a, it e'- The-Wioe Tin to ÇDo isto Prep e Por many yearm the tarmne1M buàn"e§aýd profesa jouai mien Of CçntreJ Làke O uY9 have bQen partial to "Odlan a = zsr-9 ance. Many of those who insurid' t*iîùty and more' years o have shli% gjijjood-bye to nitured policies andibay Il « ?ýiqpL Wr oimuto anc1the monieâýi- ed in mffl aner liasa been the -tppig atones to thescesfi careerainiwia meylefmione to t -h do pe.pé n u e ir or pure fir wte -».jC0414, Iey mgi~t gnW'r icl4, they, nnjht live 144g, t4gy imifht inveet their money to betteradvan- tage. But there are grave 'd6"ubtàout thëse things. Bo the wise ýthug to do is to prepare. John Hodge, Digtrict Manager The'OId Michlgai Mcaual Life lusunance Co. Pidnea-Offl.cé 162-Rt. Reuidence 296-M-1. ing H Wa Il sud st il <air befi hua .1or an> dea i vil anc bar foc t bat Lý , , 7m'w

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