i _________________________________________________________ Voua, Own WsIght. nee.with vhlcht*éW oudsy" 0FB T devour tie lwead gvasldthéms' li ,mtwI1~pjITurIi their oppotents ofonlY an bourýa«g IfflAFUDi4 BY muade themn look mure 1ke beasss o! MAiprey than anythhng which forosed a Lm Cuff IM part of the hunian race. A short lime laler. atter lihey had been parlially restored, fbey. were jos. C. Haas of Waucon'da Re- conducled frlier 10 lie rear. and -laies More Details of Cap- lier, 1 found them the next day sud tmw of Hill 257. iuîerviewed nany o! hetu, There were men frosu nearly aIl lhe prov- ACCOUT ISGRAPIC NE lnes whlch comprise lie Gersuau ACCOUT -~APHI ~"" empire-Saxons, Bavariaus, Wurten- 9.rse. fl s lianlUel, i , Says German PrisonerS Were Famistied and Aie More Uke WiId Beasts. joseph C. Hans, of Wauconda, mbo relurned recently rom France.,viiere b, wap privileged îo viluessa ata- île froni lie -econd lUn, Ireuches. b»s vriileii for lhe Waulcegan Sun u.nd he Lberlyvile Indepeodeuil a second inslalliil 0t f hie Intensey Inlerestiflg account of lie Capth>Ce o!f Hill1227." 1n is lirta atile lie tld o!f11e valant charge made by tb, Frennb and outhle withering1-Ire liaI mowed domn smen like n scthe. Iu the. !ollowiflg article be preaenls the concluding details oftheic battie: Afler lie boys had carried lie first lIn. of treuches ufthle Germaus %ad partlally cleared themn.helie r of h. artIllerY iaving been leugth- ened beyond tie gecond lune of lhe testiy's Irenches, tse boys &gain vent'la tie sthack lu capture lie -bnagn-I ine. mmici magc oly .about * 160 yards fros efir t ure, sud thiey imde il vtX a W'f unequali- ed brflllncy, liai barrage fire belng sw tiollete tint none could_ couWè ta lte rescua nor rehuforce tie meii, holdIng them, Iheir number iaving ïlready been lessened r sud Ihel ranks tiinned out by the murderouis artillery lire o!fithe French 75, mioee dire vas well and effIciently direcled by lie numeroup airplanes sud ah- oepvatian isîbooslSuthe air ual far beitind tie French lin, o! allant. Up té Iis ime nothhng suoch coula Brandeuburgera. l'rupyians, etc. Most o! them expressed thesseives quit- f reely, and ail epoke of lhe hopeless- ness o! their cause-« pretended. fanatical cause, sud nu song o! 'Deutschland liber Alies" vas uow heard. Ail vas quiet aud sere-uenw mihlbem, except the memory of those cuinradea ef helrs, wbo, less forlunate ,had bast their liveW in Iis awful elaughter and hopelesas srug- &le. Shorles mere tbld of iow Iis une and tiaI one ver, bast tb hem aud questions asked of oue, souler ut what bename of so asnd su, sud flnai- ly lbe anme feeliug o! oppression, mlxed with liatIbhappythboughl of havlng atIElasI escaped f rom lie grcy furnace o! destruction, sud nursinz7 the gods of var, tbey setlled down tu avait ibal tie morning woud bring t, them, sud woudered what and miiere liey would next be found amid thefilelds ot a ivilizationu- til 00w unkuowo la moe o! thein, or lui aom.prlsun camp. (To b, contlnued.) *Waukegan.I Born, on July 2, tii EImer Bura, o! Gray daugiler. Mr Burge I lie Securlty TIlle an( pany bere. be observed o! lie aclual bavoc El. J. lleydecker 10< rani by tie sîlackers, everyone of letter trom llocktord thal ail lie attorneys lhe olokers havlng is eye fasten- have reacbed an agre ad1 ou lhe brave boys who vere giv- port Attorney R. K. SV l« Up hbeir livea la attalu lbe good lie, for circuit judge1 hIich bail been set for thesu. The vice lie laIe Judge F Coran risner bean o fow açkdoraement o! lhe bar Genan rhsner bean a !ov ackIt thug in apparent tl t. te rear troisgh lie comumunieat- Winnebago counly a lutg tranches, and miat s piif ni The bau on bonze du algiltlshey vere,,bal! stnrved frosu et ofth, war lust paiig least tva day»' privations, miien nuolbas causcd some spei 100d-or vater could reaci tissu, and as la ubetier or flot s Math litalantas a surprise t10 hem election yl be beld aud camae unexpectedly, no reserve lie comiug aprlng.N PrOvIsions ind been furulsbed them. athon o! beer saluons MsXnY of thein came on viti uni- ted suci business la1 fc4',iistorni ho shreils, iti llvid and a doubîful proposition bàkgtbrd faces. ManY of! hem îooked On a ndpuunl. provid more like maniaca tian human be- 1tgflot Iovered. Isige, but aIl semed glad la W nIt Mrs. Lieslak. of Foi ltsnrmoed froin lie Inferno Sn met witi a very a vici tiey had spent lhe lagIt ew Tbursday. Si, masà days before thir capture sud sur- outaide stairway at Il render. 'he 'rench eoidiers In lie store wien the rs(linî rear tedtheigave thein vint pro- aie fellIothle ground visions they hail snd many o! them about ten teel. One, dtprived theinselves tu sîleshate lhe lie ankleli vas braite: a! bof unger sud thirat mi suad back mere severe Were Plaiiuly visible ou lie faces o! - 'sas resuoved 10 the h lhie Gernuan soldiers. rie eager- kegan for Irealment. [,ocals* DMr. sud idra. lysiake. a baby la esuployed by id Trust comn- lay received s 1 whci slaled ae o! Rockford ernent 10 su>- WJelch as nomi. ln tuis district. Prost. Wihh en- o! Winuebago, tha1, 80oti..-as anoncel'ued. il lug the, period sd by cougres culatuon locally a "wel" or 'dry" Id Su Wauikegan Whule the, oper- l oafi hlpermit-' looked upon as )n foran a fînan. IdIng lhe 1icenge urteentb stri,71 serious accident going down tht the bsck o! their ig gave wny snd i, a distance of o! lie boues of en and ber hehd rly bruised. She hospital lu Wau- eInventory S. Reueibi~s ThrQushouf~ t r M OPECIAL REDUOTIONS IN COMPLETEC BEDEOX SUITE8-aJP ¶aY waMut, old, f t.wioold t*or'y sit.ncluds wood b.d, dresser, chiffomier anI1ri irr dressing table; worth $15000, at....................... 9 .Wlllow Rockers for the porch ...$275.. OodlIstpable Sulky, with hood ............ $6.5O Now Showing a Most Oomplete Line of Trimkls and Traveling Bags. Xefrigeyators to Meet the. Requirementa of Al- a a Sue, a Box for Everyone. ibu~ the, Pathephone-No Needles to Change-. -' Plays Ail Records. e cwartz U 'rnitureC es - », gonind tfUt the appelite Court mr.d lni redlcint the aMOunt 01 the mils. 11 '.O~ T T N ment. Itilethe cûnentlon of , the' E point la flot weli ta'Àen, but he de- 11k McÂNNUYC s ires lhe experlence and belp of the - two attortnsys who handled the pîrose- The William UIcCann.ey habeas cution orlglnafl1y. corpus bearlng whch va, te have been heard before Judge C. C. Bd. varda today, has been continued ta *II<>ftli ChicagO, July 20. States Attorney Welch bas,.- aaked former State's Attorney Dady luveryon aspeaks of lhe fin<« crowd snd Attorney W. F. Weiss to assist at lie par'c .ly 4. OrlY one drunlc hlm lu the prosecution and îbey have a on the. grounds, and he vas ired consented. ao:quick that few knew b, was tiuere Iu announced Iis tact lu circuit their money and had a good tIlDe. court today Mr. Welch said thatfil The Presbyterian cburch heid was Mr. Dady aeisted by MNr. Weiss, their communion service Sunday aft- for lhe Gond Government Leauge, ernoon at 4 o'ciock. Rev, Chideter wbo secured the convkltion o! Mn- of Waukegan carne dowu 10 ltake Cauoey un a charge of seiliuglquor charge o! lhe servic. 'i'ere was no lu auti-saloon terrilory. because lhey evening service. understaud ail the evidence 11151 wss The local police court had a busy introduned at that lime sud also are day yesterday. conversaut with al sug.tis of lhe A man at tlfi nuumentlal works prosecution, Mr. Welci feels tint on Ele venth street lad Leonard Mesura. Dady and Weiss wilii be able owu .rrested fur triking him, bol t0 render material assistance. -the trial disclosed liaI ft vasa done McCanney was fined $1.850 and cet iln self defense, su the case was dia- sud sentenced lu serve fifty days 1n missed. Steve and Agnes Drinku lie '-unty jail. The case vas ap- had Magdalene Drinks srrested for * uealed 10 th, appeilate court viiere diaorderly condrn t arnd Magdalenh the Judgment ufthlîower court vas Drinka iad Steve and Agnes ar- afflrmed se tar as the Jail sentence rested for lbhe sanie offens~e. The was connerued, but the fine was beld court found liere was uothing buta to be excessive. aud was cul te $925 back yard squabie su the cames vere sud costs. Mr. Welch as sînle;3 aI- dlsuîissed. toruey and Mr. Dady as an Iudividual George Petrieh wae fiued $300 sud each. fiie-d pGtitions for a re-bearnu astoes on a druuk charge.. u'ofthle malter. Tiese pelîtions vere Karl Karîson, of %Vaukegail. wu denied. iven lï.40 on thesanme charge. . Tien McCauneY,thiroqigh bis coun- , Mrs. J. T. Ciffurd, o! Autlin, vaE sel. Attoney eorg~eF ield, filed !a visitng oaitfriends iu North Chics petitoa for habeas corDus. anaing for go Monday. Special: Prices- That Will Make -You Want to Buy $5 Porch Swings, complete with chains ....... $3.90 $9 Couch Hammocks, 6 ft., tan color ......... 06.95 $7 Hammocks, ail colors, for camping ........ $3.93 $9 Lawn Swings, the best made, only........ 06.95 $6 Reed Rockers, very comfortable.......... 04.95 $4 Cane Arm Chairs, large and roomy ........ 01.95 $8 Rocker Settees, for porch ............... 05.45 $t.50 LawnBeneh for onty ................. 95C $ 1.50 Rcclining Chair, a treat only ........... 95C $2.50 Porch Shades, painted green, only....... $1.69 $5 Lawn Mowers, [16 inch] special .......... 03.85 $4 Ruabber Hose, 5 ply................... $2.95 $5 Grass Pcor.ch Rugs, attractive patterns ...... $3.85 We carry the largest stock of Wsgrdrobe and Steamer Trunks, Suit Cases and Handbags to be found in Lake County. A Real Good Refrigerator Would Be a Good Investment. If you have flot visited our 5 f loors, which we can trutl4fuliy state is Lake County's Largest, Oldest and Most Reliable Store, please consider tbiaaperonal invitation, where you wili always f nd courteoasâalezen to 'ait upon you. 4m± AL -AT- PUB~LIC SALE The Henry McCann Farm, oonsisting of 40 acres, 5 Miles West of Wauke- Z anon Belvidere Street. To be sold at the East door of the Court House MONDAI, JU 1~ Sale will -be made to settie the estate. This will be an oppor- tunity to get a fine farm' well located. t r e 0 y it Le a- ýa )r Le r- ie a re as a- Tt aun 1he crunhed atone Wi b. torm up and,&a aawewwil i be Wad tram Fourtenth #.regt to 1Bvanl teentb street. Tomn Killian ha& tIe contrant for tie aewer. Thls ptr p of rond la In bd shape and la Id ueed of repair. Whoe the Rosi Danger Lies. A Boston physicianuhas soundedl 11e wnruni h 1181 Ier, la anr, or lem, dan- ger la wearin.g clotit,,. d£bere may bW, butlli temoul daner les ln lbe path o! a insu ,v*ho attesupts to trip mer- rily tirough Iis flfe clad ln fillred ausulblfle sud a tira daye' groirti af tl ta -tbé i!Olnmô >fats of the, lada- ,let t.qt tie~.Wfiiatf beqmneILprey ta t11d ctIve. - cpSdi*on upon li etei'pal vigilance; vilich c<oditionl If be break, servitude la at once the. eanaequence of hus crimeansd lte pua. ihhaent of hua guut.-Jabn Pihpot important Olacoverl55. Cheapenedlu etallrigical processes wilU prolulubit'sakt,. avahlabie ns neW fqi4t~,a outubet aornietals nov lit- teinn kov.Magaiestuin.for Instance, la Ilkeil lu becorne one Of ilie coin- mon inetala vcery soon. Dr, Hiarvey 0. Beck eftiithe nS VOrS- ty of Maryland told the Lot Angelaà Caunty Medlcal association a simple way te culeulate what one oaight te welgh. 51?at b. said, 'put dowu 110, tiien subtgaot 5 fet t tm ane's beiglit and multlply the, number or lnchet iat tremain by 5%. Add4 thia product f0 the, original 110 and the m5m la eflei tdesl welgbt Wamwn Expert Sallors. Ther La no gàlnnaylng the tact 1118f the. Norwen and Vinas are nanti- est racet. even the wopen of 1115.5 na- tionallties belifgofteh expert m»lier$ and, lmddfollawlug the. set asu aiMU- tu& It's Rel atisf action ToKnow -that no matter what the trouble may be with. your Ford, from the tighteniug of a. nut to the complete overhaut of tAie-motof you can get efficient service at Wilson & Ohms. 9 Special Ford Machinery, trained Mechanics and genaine Ford parts only, make this possible. Bring Your Ford to Experts f or Expert Attention WIL$PeN Cdi OHMX 215-217-219 a. Gene.,. si. WrnuKt*gkf, Ili. ------------------------- ---- -- - Golden IJie Service OUR- POLLCY It does not necessarily mean givin&r the customer some- thing'for nothing-itdoes mean maintaining an efficient, up-;to-date, clean-cut organization, ready and willing to serve your needs intelligently, promptly and with good will. Equipment of, the best, designed to meet your special needs.-ONIE PRICE TO ALL.- A. compte stock,. o! tires, ofls, grébles,ý accessories and supplies. "AT YOUR SERVICE" U'4 hours a day Let This Be YOUR GARAGE SHOP: FLOOR MEN: A. GEHRIG, Forman Fred Colliha Chas. Peddicord Harold Gleason Fred Kelfer Hiram Eaton Chas. Tsasker ACCOUNT1NG: A..H. Smith John Hoganu Manager, L. J. HEWES, it. THE !e.w,-es Garige * eORIÊR LY'>Il--BEÀC L! L.-Hewes & Son, Props. Grand Avenue & Genesee Street. Phone-334 WAUKEGAN, ILL. P. S.- Let Us Wash Your Car At Night Daytime If You Pr1efer - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-- - - - 'I *-.. ..*~ fil J