CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jul 1917, p. 11

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UIBERT-YVTLJJE INDEPENDENT. TIWURSUAY ,TY 12, 1917. L~~t~le Itdëprndê LaWeiKfU/1M&pendent - Waukegan W#èékt Sun 'Roy, therl, Mr. Voliva, turn off the rain! 'Bnough now.1 It is a fine compliment to Waukegan te, have the ted- oral gevernment call two of its products, Wakegn lads, te the capitol and turgi ver te, them im~portantbranches et governlnext affairs. It inakes Waukegan as a. whole feelproud to se the recogntion givon Dr. Boely and Bd- arCaM=bers. Both have made ged sas a resuit et pos- asing ambition, determintionand ability. "Pull" play- ed ne part ini the attainrnents of either. That's why ev- erybedy feels ail the more prend et their achîevements. Uncle Sain, in a letter te the Lake ceimty beard of su - pervisera tell# the momibers that if Vernon township sa- loons aren't ,closed, inaide a reansable time the federal goverument wiil stop In and close thora itzeît. The board expressed itself at t he recent session that the opinion pre- vaîled that the proe~r course to tollow was te have the governinent, if it teit the saoons licensed under the state lai', were a menace to the ruservation, to-exert the auth- ority given by ngeu and make the town dry by ted- oral action. The board feit that te be the botte~r course than te revoke a righti t prevleualy had granted foilowing a vote etftthe people and later petitien asking for liouses. In other words, the supervisors as a whole declared they wouldn't feel a bit regretful if Uncle Sam DID order the faluhannoen.ry expias. ofiiwdhig. This practtce wu Iazgsay stoppod bogbuag Juiy 10Ô. .RetalLdepartmont stores have permltted the practice et returning geeds te develop till teday the. return of 15 te 20 per cent et ail goods sold is cenimon. Like the bakery 'r*urns, thiis. privilege hau sprung frem the desire et the stores te eut-de eue another in serving the public. The board lias recommeuded that the practice be severely cur- tailed-a welcoiue suggestion te the trade. The. retail delivery systom in Waukegan is 110w receiv- ing serieus study. Suggestions will som be mnade te avoid duplication et dolivery.service, and te reduce the number et, deliven, and an effort will b. made to- bring home te patrons t1Lt going hoe empty handed keeps men troim essential -empleyment anud that a packtage under the arm. is not in those turnes a thiug te be asham»cI ef, but rather a mark oetriot1eism. Que et he costliest et nen-essential services so far cen- sideroid by the board is offering exces vaxzety of style. In seme limes ot business the style could be reduced 25 te 50 per cent without incouvenience te cflstoniers. Joint cemmnittees in the garmeut and shoe trades are now at work reducing and simplitying the styles fer 1918. 1No time is te b. lest, In every Unpet business men must consider what activities or services uuay be dizpeus- ed with during the war. The Chamber et Commerce is, appointing cemmittees te censider aud act along the Uines suggested. The Obaniber et Commerce wants suggestions. What have yeu te suggest? saUlos uI, butlei ntee uu oiUL d. VI JIIVDb~ a nDL5 UIL a THE BOARD te assume a mlitary dictatorahipen a mat- EDW. CHIAMBERS ter which the goverumeut plainly, through its represeuta- tives, declared was a militaTy uecessity and which CAN HEADS NATIONAL be coutrolled by mllitary autiserities. SAVING LOBT MOTION. TRNSORATO The appeal made by lhe Ohamber of Commerce where- (Conîlnueuf Frow. Page O in Waukegan people are asked te help conserve energies, to 'xVacîîngiîî,îaltonce lu take u iis, delivery expeuso, etc., la tlmely, and Waulkegau wiU just uis have te buékle down sud be palriotic in this matter. AS Tliuî,. il l,; apparent, Mr. thambhers. Secretary Paul Willis et the association says: lrom today ou im the bigrest mn inl 'TI'roîîgli eo-operation iii te (otint-il of Nationîal De>theUit ed Stati-a n railroad ntes flii'e plaîîs to i r eleileiii alid îIixtei'h s for r l. In - tact I.,l e iiune îîman who lia., 4-.e vi be î c do ,iîe iii tilis i s lswet w il eriesîîîi iig ' v t usay in ail mnattera çictaiinîg lu diîe demiiîds iipoi impl o~rtiiit hiisiîess opertio'itls. transportationi. So extensive a ilIl be -' litii îaeti<'llV i'(wi-Y traitde JI'ave gî'oxx -Ii h . 111 l- lus power thatIti la predicted if the essiiitjil seI'v ices-soli Il. 41-f thein mine oîveîîieîces. 11, emergenry aro.. ite would iii-the une wiîo would say whoîlîer tbe rail- t 111e of piS'ii(' yi ti la% .hie t<1Isaîi Iitil1lil' îof r oads should lic aized for fedecal use tliie-x are a seriotis aste andî shoifd lie so1e.exciusiîeîy or flot. The baker's acceptauce et returus et bread trom re- Mc. Chabaetirs cas borni on the tailera is cited as sucli a service. Approximately four perl soith aIde and ivcd ber. 00111 be cent et the bread sold is returned. It is estimated that ý was a young man. Thon, on. day lie enouh tefee 200OW eopl ha bee lot, etirly aartld his mother b, was going tuChi-i eneuli e ted 20,00 peplehasbeenles, etirey aartcago to get a job. H. went down, got ____________________________________________________ a job on thcIlilinois C'entrai and froni SALE.- - - .~ then on, ail atone andl without "pull," . LE ' Jdlh. c imbed ta tbe top unili be l13 the blggest ralîrosul maji la lie county, FO THE KIDDIES: las a result off being selected foc til ~' FORImportant Position. Mc. Cbamlicrq cornes hack bo Wau- Clever Tub rFrociis in a 'iegan a couple o! limes eacb year 10 IMÉ vi~~* sit is sîters and h y fe u nl La.rge, New Se*'-"^- -i0 visit hlm in bis bore ne balifornia. ~He Ira' cIa in a apeclal car aîways, NO7eABLE 'V'A LUE HER E A T and even bas special traîne wben hle 55c-95c-1.48--1.95 wlabes tu make a certain point by a Tliev fnt- ig fferngsdiecertain lime. For years be bas been Tiies fou tsigoffeiîgotne of te big men o! the Santa Fe resitit <of a deal oi't. iiver roati, ani now comel the rec- iiî ade with a 1pîitit.%how' -on inheral off tbe governmeet. Aml. ii ewY îî,, liii' ni i d It t evelopa ibat Mc. Chambers a-as range f g'rgaw In aokegan over lie 4th of July. i5ilgîIIIxx lishi .iI~5wit is ssers. île bas been speed. alid I111ile t lis and S 111(1 1'g hs tlime le Chicago latlIy, living I'ïl ai thil(s e lackstone aed the South <îîflîîei in ealtifili p. I ndýhreCountry club. H-e bas two muchof he imenow tliaIlb. bas 7î4-k At 95c-values te $1.48 At $1.48-values te $2 At $l.M5-values te $2.50 Ný The 55t, groupl iz ies 2 ta 6 yeara. l'lie othetr ticeu groops iii sizes 6 ho 14 years. xve includ" in thile56fc gcaup te "daster and Irollr' ronîiper sud dcc.. garments lun natelîed tyles. A beautifül new ra1 of î~ etiiureinaùy wxvoin bav-e teariîkàgives thein that sainie distinctive look as blouses douhle their i.îîiee. (Jet a eoîîple fi it' veIy- day xvcai----eînroidrer tiîeî if -viti like, aîud ticy 'il equal liigi-vost moi del s. Newv 'stYles here every week. SURk Sweater Couts - in Many New Ideas -are practical and .smart looking The chic S11k Eweater bas gcown 10 hmît hio îost iopular sîîmmec-ime g:riileii. The fart is, it la indispen- sie tiiese chilly apeils. Dur selcc- iun . hie larguaI lenlîswn, and the valutes îreeiied are eally sorprialîîg. Many îîavelty weav-es ln color com. CALLS ELECTIONS IN THENNliÈl SCIIOOLDISTRICTS Ivatinned !rmlosie one.) Pcecinct Four-Ail o! Township 45-9 wtlîin L.ake coonty (the Town o! Grant). Palllng place--Town bal, Ingleelde. Precinct Five-Townsip 45-10. Pollng place-Village ltall--Graya- lake. UPrecinci Six-Township 44-12 ex. cPt that part lncluded in thte Deer- field-Shlelds Township IH. S. District. Polling piace-City Hiall, North Chf- cago. Precinct Seven-Townsblp 44-10- The Town o! Fremont. Poiling place Woodman Hall, Ivanhoe. Preclout Egt-That part of Town- ship 43-9 lylng In Lake coonty (Town oft Cuba, except that part included In tie Barrington School District. Polllng place-White Sehool House. Precinet Nine-Township 43-10 - 'The town off Ma, except liat part In- cludeti In the Barringlon Scbool Dis- trict. Poling place-Town Hall, Lakte Zurich. j Precincî Ten-Townsbip 43-i11 -The Town off Vernon. PoliIng place ---Town Hall, Haif Day. Thmecsnominti oarofcanduatsior f Thmenominte oardofcaniates.on fo the nonhigi achool district &hall h. * -madç> onîy uy petion. Ail petitiong »hallho fPied a ai ltfifleen daya RIE 13 BOSS 0F ALL CAMP CONSTRUCTIoe'N fST U~;LOCKED UP IN COUNTY JAIL George Kamiager of Barri ng- ton Is Placeci Under Arrest Tues$ay Evening. BROUGHT HERE BY SHERIFF Hearing Set for Today-Kam- lager.Asserts He WiII Show Two Sictes te the Case. That lie drov'e bis if lnlto the dcccl étajîd reffusd to peîrmittlber tu i-tete i lluiie, le16 te ecarge made agaîliat George Kaiîllagec, aile was4 1.1<0,1 loto cusîody lîy 111e authoritica of thai village, Tuiîila> îîlglî. Sler- 1f Grîffîn waîS siimnioned and lie broughi tiie Çeibow luoVaukegaîî, and.l lob.ed hlm up lu the county jail. lie la tu Le givPn Ia bearirîg solneoimge loday belore JIltaiee o larinee. The warranît unîer wllîlci lii wa arreslî-d clhrges llm wiilî dîsturti- lng thie peace. <ailager asserta titat wl,,n the evîdere la aircd ln court If wltl re veal te lac t liit t is case. h ke îîîol otiiers, lias taij ides. lii',;ayg he will be abile tu show tliat lis wlfe muade it aou upleasutiît frchlm Ihat t was lîupo6sîlle o lils eululer itie saule roof wlth bier, île says lie wul Le, abie g o ii" bat Whates ci he dld was juallried byylber coîîdiîî-l îw ard hlm. The people of liarrînglon arc con- eider-abIy wrougliî up over the afair New- Suiîier App>aî'el col. I. W. Litteli, of the, quarter- naster corps, war dep.rtment, is in ,charge off the constrection off the. cantonement campa for the. training off the aelective armY. Moat of tite iwork is being don. by contracture tinider the. direction t gogular arnsy ,before lhe date off the electIon withl the county superintendent off gciools. Tbey shaill besigned by at ieast llffîv legai voters of the district; and t1ui namnes shahl go on the ballot in he order in wlîîcl tbey ame filed. i ask he treaeorers and ,chool trustees 10 make k.nown no far as posfilble the provisions off the law. Il la off great interest ho maoy peo- ple and parents; It seemes to setule the difficulties that have been exp.- rienced during lh. padt twe or threo yeare regarding the »ayment of tui- tion. As the limie la *hort w. nmust immedlatelv sel out tb secure canîdi- dates for iniberp off the board or education. Womien inay vote at tbis eleclion and are elîcîbleo b old the office or niember off the board off education. T. A. SIMPSON, Coiuffly Superintendent. Proof Conlcluive. *'No liii elo(,raconunderslîinila wonan.l,'ciicii Mis. gSthkinq. "H1uit, you iisay Sa!" replled stub- kins, willî oeot. "Pbat lslethe li world di ,o lîtîioSOnikes et, ituina bachelorl" .lîîîlge. "Lerna Doone" Net NI Fancy. It was lonig coitended that the story of "Lorîuî Iloonie,' b)y Blackmore, bad no founîlutloaIun10faîct, but now It is de- clared titflihelilctnresque reglon off Exmuoor reaiily ciolained a famlly off Doones, ilhe originels In romance, if flot off îisgruce, off the people e- scribed lu tiie book. *mnmue muuoem JUNK! JU N Ü"*IJUNKI Nort Shore cron and Mtal CompanYý puYýs iiighc'.t priea for old Iron, Rags, Rubber, Metai AIl Kînda. Speciqi ,"tentioo ta OLD AUTOMOBILES Hlgb"st Prices- Peai 0,ALSI- USPbNÏ M?12 tVANS IS PICKE 1 FOR TURNER'S JOB, Dh~TE!U~ TOIIISivE1 IN A PARI CAR Iodle atlng the cxtreme iMplietty- off Coi, E_ il. Green, son of th. e Iletty Green, these jacts, surrOfiid Shis cornîng 10 Highland Park~, Toe. S day, 10 o brn arried: lie îidn't corne in a private or 0On t he Northwestern-he didn't even corneit a parlor cetr. He just rode %,~a,,... ai ui In the snioker on th etraindue St w> ~ . ea slow train. lie didn't drive away In an auto aUtr telii. ienony--lie 10.1 took fi. bride tu a slow train. wliich had no parlor car, and therefore the bridai Joe t aie..thebride', attendant on the.gray W156 Joe Evans, a young iitcdir the Chicago. Cleveland Indians hai.e led siue (Colonel (rG nmud ae.0 a hie left a Mississippi college severai few of iii. many autos at haàd had geasons ago isa et nIda lie so desired-but hie didn't want regular andeis replacingith eea yti g e bo t ,In f t e w s Teri y Turner at third. Evans was artI ~t i a scl'ooîed ltto years in the minors lthe least concerned of anybody at bfr >inI'ltthe lnliiins. lie 's flot the marriage. flespite the simpllcity the in ýt bi Ihi t %ouri g liirilsacker n thee zilme but lis wcrs u vey hiclî marked the arrivai and depar- dep)ar*m.uýt lae len satisfa,-tory. ture lhe and lits bride tbis evenlug - jei a their honeymoon in bis mlit- andl mai h lterest la being abown lu lion dollar yacht. the uniceone or the case. Sorne, it ul"rtbermore Colonel Gren was apîpears, tubesindes with the wlfe, flot *receiv!d' at the depot on -bis wlîlle others are inclînpd 1talîclieve arrivai, but n.ereiy was met by a- her actions were suffielt provoca- friend, wbo escorted bilm to the, tion for uflyiig the blisbaîîd may bouse wbere, withIin haIt an bour, bu bave done. was the Ieadlng figure. New -Modes in Stu-unier Shoes luly Clearance in ail Our Rea dy-to-Wea? Sections The July C'learance of Ready-to-Wear needs no lengthy introdue- fioîî, for the great inajority of Waukegan wvomen have Èroflted by it lieretot ore. It is a getlieral ele(araiiee event into which our entire stock >r B~dv tî- en iters. Not a garmeut is held ini reserve- The elear- alie is a.bsouite. the redlietions are extreine. All Suits and Coats in Five Big Clearance.Lotsà A suit or coat pu rchased at this Cleaïance Salq- w illpttî\e a spleudid future investment, as tIîe are styles that xiii be in good fashion next fali, aud pi à-es airenany tirnes less thaîî you xiii be comîpeiled to pay for garmeîîts of equal quai- I . itv latti OUl. Suits and Coats that sold to $45.00 $27-50 Suits and Coats that sold to $15.00 now at $7-9!; Suits and Coats that sold to $2 5.00 now at $16-50 Suits and Coats that fflld to $20.00 now at, 11£ Suits'and Coats that sold to $35.00 now at $22-50 The esuits iintiiese various lots are of fine serges, plullirie'ns, velours, poiret twills, dliii taffeta silkS. Stuîitiiiig styles of fth e eest design.i Thle coats arc al ('lever iîcxv iodels of ve- lois, îh illilîs, poiret twills esys oiis, tri- cotîlies anid gîîuîîliburl. Clearance of Girl's Coats $2.98. Values te $5.00 $4.98 1$6.98 Values te $8.00 Values te $10.00 T111 ee eleaiîauee lits of ehihlîtîî 's voats. Priees dras- li wtl ' v i'eteed; nlobbY styles of* serges, silk and wool pop- ins anîd velour s iii ait elosand(ii ail Si'zIs. Silk and Wool Dress Skirts Values te Values te Values te Values te $7.50 at $10.95 at $13.50 at $1.800at $385 $7.95 $9.95 1 $11.95 Thue Bed &Sore - OW thefforth ShoW 'AUKEGAN, ILL. t

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