CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jul 1917, p. 12

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P3ark. W. D. $10. ' JI Bank to LouisBraollu at r ob 5 ..tpPpi X w I~u, a.fet of We~st 400 jt~ ~ ~ .~bfk ~ *~ue ~-*1y4.197 May JDuliintuW 1 T T Woof andi wifo 0ILRB. Arniold, J. W. Tlompson andi wife ta Nicb' 4t*.191t7 os t . W rer sesi 5o feet, lot 35, Wliiîewoods sub- 1tlas Sarck andti wfe,110 acres ln ~ l'wel'a ori Sie elidvison.disziron ou Long L.akt . %N. . $189. iorthwesî quarter section 22, Avon ~tkean. . fi $2.Trumnan Anisate FH. 'ý Amea, lots townchiti. W. D. $22000. 'W"ea., . $. 11 adwf l lr 0.21 aud 22. block 2, Slyfield's suli- F. P. l7ymond andi wife et ai.. teEd- J, Wiçitman. nortb balf lt li. bl)ck 1I(iis~iun. Waukegan. W. I. $2,000. 1wIn Austin andti wfe, il1 lots ln DY- ,G. L. Wronii'ti addition.. Htglîinnd1 Id, A. Molander tw Selms. L. B310ni- mond & Austin's First Addition ta par W'fi.$1 greil ots 36 and 37,.block 1, UuoYd's Ltbert yville. andi four lots ln Wrigt's Clara 1.. Wigiîtnan te H. E. Wighi advson lgî.~ot @t ddittIon iu Lîbertyville. andi landi ad- mian and wiffe. north haif lt 10. llock CA. Newcomi. )r.. te- Georgo Wutz- 1 joînint' . \N. . $10. L. G.t.Wrenn'cs ddtioit Higlani l ei andi wife, lots 45, 6 andnorti b lf' Austin anti wife et ai.. la F. Par.. fi $1 lot 44,.block 107, Nori li Chicage. Deedj Pai. W. 191. IVioiresîerunnI82.. Ilymantiand i wfs. 15 lots l in D-1 anti 7f1917ol Ce'isiia W'alilte. te H iuninnd & Austins addition and Wrlglt's andi wif olAfreSd Bensunadwfel Crsin W r rîdutellîler. d toeLlbertyvilis. W. Di. $10. lot 156 i except Wet '0 feeil. Ravinia. i> V -e'.pr e u ' eJin ~ .. W. Bsley andi wife te Waukegân W. P. $~5o. Wiîkrgar. P11ud $1. -W. . $450.1 «P:irlafDisrict, tract of land at soutit- Franes Orcu su infe o JaOli~lîrn ~Ber'y nti îiîibu ~Owpscecrner Belvidere street andi Me- Frances Browil andJ iiwife teiîJacsob,.part loi., 12 and 11.1 AlisIer aeuWuea.De 1 F'redcrick. lot f,block 3. Round Lake.lor 1.0. Fin addition te Nort idsîej vneWuegn1ee 1 W. E. $15Q0. Doean . fl$1. T1-otias Anderson te C. J. Jones. - MbelE. liai-Ian tce Annie N.Câýup- Jl i,11 *t tomo'anti lut eoi t iards treet, just sast c bell. part lot 8, block 52, Higland1 wife ite A. 0. Puy 1Lotge No. 676. A jIîîi s street, Waukegan. W. Di. $1. w.ffag ~kM lcf ý,b0 iw t hé~ O tspowre pro "qr lji&'W v ps o 61 T e uha Case along tu bis succès- I U TC O R -Tliree witnessep were put on. Rosie" was lte center of attrae- Their testimony wias most surprising. innJsic îare'cottts don in Justicr ther'Prcserttton WitnwésfortheProecuionNane of them testifîcti ta having înornîng. Now "Rosie" wbo Io neitlx. Failed to Five Any Incrimi- Pli Favella or bis wlfe ausyth.Ing In er a militant sufragiet nor a crimnt- natîng Testimony. the wa>' of drinks. Two saiti they a fay id i utac'a ,had been given drinks but the>' paldthenal o an>' camend. dld NortChoyi- It took a jury In tie countY court nthing for thora. Tbey adsnltted tcagowdu th oa cmeuro orthinlg this moraing but ten minutes tu ce- the>' could flot tell wbetbei the bey-caottblclcurtogilea erage eebe rna er possession of ber. She ls a year and turn a verdict a!rflot guilty In the othsweber ssptonearb>'euersAt- a haîf aId heifer anti remalned qui. caseo! Tador Pa~ellaSud lfrdte tife titattlie ~rng t beverage i il> ln ber pasture whie Louis Zorr, caeo Taoa ael adAfrdtI ldta h tonetbvr oîîgbt out bis cage against Eric anid Favella. chargea witb baving pald le ever Pùrcliaseti of elîber 0f Ut Wliahaenwohd leel Intoxlcating liquor witbout a license. 'F'avellas was milk. aoed"oi"a n !teron F'avella and bisi wife r'sidt' at 11gb kîecause te prosecution failedtiut despite Zor's objections. woad. The>' were repri-sented by utterîy make an>' sort of a case At- It appeare (bat a number of resi- Attorney' George Pbillipq, Of 1H1191- torne>' pbilips dId flot deem il use- d'unts af Northi Chicago pasture tbeir !andi Park. essar>' to put on eltber of the- de' cattis In the, sanie lot andi at the e'î' The prosecîtlon was oue (liat was fendants. Thte resuit sbowed Iliat ening roundup escli daims bis own. starteti by former States3 Attflrnel' be wss justifiet Inbtbe way be bati The Hansons poso'ess, a dog. whnse Dati>'.sliortly listai-e b went out o! summeti up the case. It touk thu Jury moral instinct ts apparentl>' dead. office. In tact it was une of hig at but a few minutes (o reach a decIsion. anti wbo draws no linse letween tic, at 'aWbsa lb."latter. failedtl t give up tl hI!.e, tbe legal battiS began. 1 - Zorc tes4ified ttîat be wsnt tc the Hanson sogie Wf.vbke blm objections te the Illeal actiiities o! the dog. andt Mrs Hansan drove hlm froni the bouse u4vthsa ax. The aid of a po- liceman won then eecured and the qîainte h w Itaose" from calfhuod brougbt. ber liack ta the Zorc barn. In tîhe meanttme legal action bati been taken by Zareln Justice Farni- cr's court in tlie belee'tkat the lian- sans woîsld claim Possession of thîe heifer et some future tîme. but when île case was calild. Tuestis> morn Ing, tbe defendants were not repre- senteti. Zorc then smore out a' war- rani againet the dtefendants for dia- eî'derly conduet andi maliclous inis- clîlef ant i wll make an effort lu put bbe two utid-r bauds tolu ee.p the lîcace,. xy C LE Starts TO-MORRÔW, SATURDAY, JULY 14, Waukegan's Greatest Money Saving Event Jul y Clearance orf- Our 1.50 Wash Skirts, at- 69C We lava an-uinuaRy gaad assar1m.> -of styIes and sizes in1 platiwhteand colorg that formnslyý sold pip te $1.50. Skirts of Wash and Wool Fabries to 3.50 Here arr- siylisb looking wamh *siirte ir scores of coirintr and tisyles le- rideé mluvery pretty wooie(n akirîs lu checks.,W cýti-inCa erges. etc At sizes aI.................. To man>' women anrd inîlses itis wll lie ans of aur most attractive bargaîns. and t'aboulti le. el"*"> are plain *hiea anti C sport patterns; aIlcul- great variet'. 9 Now the Taffeta Silir Skirts, te $5, at 3.96 Miost t'.i r>' tinjan ani yuîiny. soman wants or needs a silk sklrt. anti you wili %L î- finti a -1 y- or sais ai wich yoîî eau bu>' so stivantageously as bers, anti NOW. There aie taffeia.4 anti popiir., in plaît culot-s. sîripes. paids, cheeke. (-ie,. wtb pieateti airreti andî beied waistî Skirts for, Outings and Vacations. Here is a Great Display SILK SKIRTS, to 8.50, at-- SILK SLIRTS to 12.50, a t- A w.oudrfully attractive assorîmînt of Truly. this ia your greatem oppar - pretty sit s kiris la incleded t i ýInib o tunît>'. for bereare filîks of rae beau- 7 ai $5. There are witie. arrow and dus- ty anti excellence fashioneti a o Ithe fer stripes. cross-bar aifectz. plaids. pisat- moat styIish akirts anti n destI>' cd, chîecks, liauncleti anti wltiu beltet.... $ pricesi to clear at ...... joby tteirauice *Waists to .1.50, at 9 . Zwe'a- goodly nunber of decidedly prety waists in plain white and mblonwith the. wanted big collmr. Ail sizes. WAIM Bta $1.5- At tIis prié a vois'll A" anc or aur grestest aasortments. Waists of ex- celleant tylç anti qualit>'. Priceti toi clear a ... 'Lingerîe & Silks Prel!>'r lingerie antid . lecomingIv stylet i slk, waltts cf rare beaut>' anti wortb ui:-10 $350- Have .ll tse new style feaburesa t WAISTS TO $4-Titis assortinent lis made up of dozens of reaiy wonderful values ln lingeriet and silk crepe de IV chilnes ln plain colora and two-toned efiects wth prettily m . broldered collars. UIU Sik WaisUt t $5 $450 andi $5 walslai ai' georgetti cieps. s;ilk crepi.tir chine anti fan e> viles luntP. gi-sas variety of cii-v- ,w effloiigrf witiî inu>new ideas fi' PoIIan. t anesi buttas, i~lace trimniu sntc15 t .......... $8m0 si lere! and "Il Oil sui reniai 1llargaiî'îast Thi-re arc M7i lu watatii anti o muet delOat( logga. liautlfulil Corsets!! In a Great Sale DO3UBLE diiiuNricor.. ' f'i la- STAMPS fm-n 75c Brassieres 43c trmui- ;ti 01iI ' vvrý :-eial if 43. 11.25 BRASSIER ES i nîîiii asof! ilk i.h ici dfor thie JuUi (lai anc:'.'ùi 8 at . ........................ ....... kablt ('tearitig Sale is lot consi.l'i Of.. j ly elegauit criaillons blousaies 6 color- ly I rinme50 JulY Cle arance- H Ouse Dresses 49c WwVi',ii-i. lionnec drispes In values le 75e; gooti. futllizai' auti sontî-niueb wanteti stvles. Lgbt à.ii d:,rkr etoia 49C. %IM E UNGALOW APRONS AND HOUSE DZRESSES-Intrti>i), aat orings anti pat- ai! lza-s and a gooti r "'e o .1.,. . oi îîthe tiI5 Clearance c ... .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . IIGUSE DRE-GSES UP TO g25-W ay fi iai.air..ebu*,i uitparc. nian' aflernoon ta. îaa.I ir- 'a îum ng lb. ni in 4fYI.,., id pr. - d a ,t- - Suits up to 18.50, Spetiîal$ Probably at no other time of the year do we offer such sweeping reductions on fine e mrechandise as now. - There are nany "new" andi wantcnl styles ln the ttst colorsarq aîi fbrce; beutifully talord, at $10 1 $6.98 For Suits up to $14.50 ar a m 1ier of odti4 andti nds In gooti looking sityliý of wanl- ,I lIr ad a bil a il~iat wr- have groupral f.1 a laîi l-r nîîiiî i hi greal ii O t . Silk and Wool Suits Up to $0 at $22.50 Tînia styles, .culors. falirics. wîetiîer rîuit or WOol anidthie tAlurlng s o!fte bcdfi. Thercu are ail ites; sapre.lal at Silk and WooI Suits U p to $30 at$15 This la a griot opportianity foîr yüU' women anduiti Oig wofil-iai -lio ai t a handeenis suit at a iiid-rite prie- Bathing suit and Cap W o have cover 20() bathing caps for womnen and girls. AU color; ti t an>' bead; o ctara 25 50c and, 75c Caps 43c THIE SUITS- ini the grest Clearing Sale at 12M289 5.00 Tliere are styles of i-rer> description in thi'sù threc, speciali> priea-tilots tnclutilng file hantisome tnt pie-ci.wool jersey suita lu main>' pleasing anti ,trikinîg color com- binatIon'i Boys- 40 $IWashSuits: 59Ci Boys' wasb sults. In white anti colors, lu <lac Justl>' fametiStone Wal lrand. $1.50 NORFOLK SUITS Boys' Norfolk style w.m h su is lu plain wbito and fa honaie itripes. Al i-.s ait.... 7 ROMPIERS AND PLAY SUITS foi chlldren: ne t"I sires and mayn prétt y color t a a fecta; ver>' epecial ai-.... 59c BLOOMERS for chIlIdren. la saleen anti glnghanis lu white. plnl< ant illue, a ,9 specti a t ................ 39C DRAWERS for chiltren; 19 in ail sizes: gooti styles; well matie anti witb nies trimninngs; ver>' speclalý..... July Clearance of Women 's Woulnu fancy wlîtte liu';in unail qîzes' regular 19c v'inue. 12 5eSILI< HOSE fui, waki- .ii iii colora anti slze'î, alhîclaîl>' prie- cd "t .............49 $1.O0 SILK HOSE for WOni en: waniel olr itti blocs; relfr ý ed ui-la itlui tues. . 69 New SiLk Sweaters V.ry Special 4è98, ~ 7.02 Fer Coats to$1 Sîameof these coats are from oit? roîgîîlaî' stocks, manv otlîers<vaine ini special purchases in* whuî'h we saved vast suins. _July Cle-arance.Women' s Coa ts 69 T',cre are scores of good-inoklng, cnappy ttyles in wanted fabries and colorings as -,Il as most ail sIzes. H-ave belte, big col. la s, etc., t $.9 At eaeh of the following three priea are barg-ains galore --austhat wfil Pl-ove a senîsation. Trhe styles are îîew, inaterlals the tinest anid thetitisu tailoring leave& nOthiDg to be desired. Coats up to 7.50, at27 Coats up to 18.00, at i875 Coats up to 30.00, at 14.50 July Clearance- WAISTS Values to $1, lu waists of gouti styles anti fabrirs but have heur. silgt- ly solt'ti frout liantil Ing .............. 09 Children's Hats to $1.00. -at 43C Biats for hotu boys antigirls. seI 1 1 i lo Il dut i d lci- iriiiiii c llc Atsizes antiîolîîrs. Women's 85c Muslin Petticoats, including Extra Sizes 3 c EXTRA!- Middy Blouse Mititi> blouses In alilstyles up t 40; pliain whiife or witlt coloreti trimiing . -90 Womnen's 75 c Bungalow Aprons 33C 15c Jap Rose- Soap7c Nenaen's 15c Tac. Powder Meunen's reguhar .15c taicum po erlus- eai odor; ver>' speciai at---------------- July Clearance of- Women' s Muslin Underwear 75c GOWNS for wom- en; gotiti fult stylles special..7 85C GOWNS for tworm en; ln flesb or~g white; nursln<~ or drêpe .....ý $1.69 GOWNS for wum- -n --bandsonitg 'aivîc;a. tIIsize. 50c UNION 6UITS for styles extra < I qualiity .... 7 35c CORSET COVERS !tlu s pre i iii triprtt ' .i 7 tr mmmcd ... 75c CORSET COVERS -wiil itie Lacea atnd emtiroldery I rlînning 47 $1 CHEMISE; envei' fusin : $1 CHEMISE. envelupe anti liesai tIni- iiid .thb,,,..c 7 $250 CHEMISE; ène velopîî style" slighli>soil $3 CHEMISE o ik chne w es 1.98 $5 CHEMISE of siik $2 PETTICOATS foi, wonmcn -o!fluen whlte musuin al' q ite s..-97 $3 PETTICOATS foi women x ixe lty; ait sîtl' $2 CORSET COVER'I -silk creli tic china anti laite; 97Pc special ... 15c VESTS for, waîmo ail ises; extra WeilI mode; >mfl 19 dertîflV barghui.. Ju19 Clearance Women'a- Wash Dresses to 5.75, at 3.98J Tixere are many really handsome summer dresses in this assortment, in voiles, lawns, ginghams; ail sizes. $3.5o DRESSES ibat $&.SC DRESSES of waslî beautifully. In îawns. voiles, glugîtaîns strikiug new color et- fects; onc and twa- and rilk poplins. lu ail Plece styles ln a good colora andi a great roi- size range. Have new eto ofcamn collacs. belts. sashes. etof camn etc. Sîteciai in tho j uI> new styles. Ait stzes to sale- ehooffl front ai- $15 Street and Party Dresses landsome new creations com- prisr this speclal assortiment andi1 are shown in delicatu evening 75__ shades as well as the wapted col. ors; fnr street and aflernoon wear 8 f $18-50 DRESSES of silk taf. fetas, crepes and hlandsomo new voiler wlth embroidered asices.,2 7 coliarsanud hodices a t1l as ltfew shaped pockets. T~ia~ 1 ffil colora. Includlng green, navy grey, white, yellow and rose.... Outini 3,50 Trimmed Biats '& =Sasiors at j Tisse outing bt as are sbown in scores o! clever new stl'es in thesport colorîngs; matie up lnescaivas, ratine anti pongee and wilitîove1 rapidi>' ai Ibis pie. Then bbe tritit- nîsî sauhues anti wbite. ihian hats include somes won- tierful bargains, ut--------------------------------... JuIy Clearance- Children s $1Dresses $1 DRESSES for chidren t14; becoring 1sy -, in a1l tie ssked-for coloria m31c Drese. to1.50 a great cllecior of cute * styles Iru aur and îwo'pîece 1 * dresses of ailý description; 9 sims t ci 14 se 7 C DRESSES TO 12 for children of ail ages; tb*'rt are w.asii dreaseoý or the pretty wite eSrsÇrs willî rufflu, lace trimming'. and rib lon;..Many r, i 'nork-d .and ha " - Pm>-trl, c pont-l ocket.3',îîecîdl. 7 $3 DRESSES in eo!ored or white, ail %1ze up toi 14. The'ic te on"a are elabarate- ly trinmed wlLli a profusion of lace. tnsert- jar, mb-oiderles and riblions' Voo' aea aliown in aIl styles 1 ýl y ...... ........

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