CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jul 1917, p. 12

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lit Idepèndê ût' £wMay Independent -'Woukegan Weekl On a charge at h&vlng sto0left a pcwiae ibook containing $55 tram a tel- Satels Attorney Welch TODAY filed informations 1wCrny. 1'a 0 oreday atemoea e, x ae aoonkeepers for tipping the Bunday ei l" m.2,amryepoe jhat's wh at hoe told the=n some time ago he'd do.-He 1, tinoufdver la the grand jury bY Mag- 'ethom ample warning, hie explained matters to theM i'trate Taylor tiis morning, under ~ gave tem a c nl the meantime, it now is cVi- I on . )o ot. Litsa vas arrested ~t, ie ac eenworiugquietly, gathering evidenceWcuaayat'folhyCae hel houi ready forkaiuy' cg sdrâticin. And, j uat 1tii-ers, speciai agent for U .t .1J.& ~t titis time thjose who are unwiUling t1 iv frJelh~ im Perechitoif. foremnan of the ,édt for bis efficient administration, corne along and be- gang. acteci as Interpreber for liane à to shout: "Pinchi tse Fox Lake saloonkeepers." luIn crf. ihe compiaining vitouse. He ber wrdalikey thy'herd tat le WA invstig tsated ihat Tuesday atterneait when mi henthe' tiedto op ffth e Wcr ned stifor t m* 9 I hllsep prflfiaand tite aceusd cop ff he cedi forM M Ginn fur water for bis meh, Litaa OX tOD 8 b efo imd dis'closed lis plans. look the pacckethook ftram hie coni- ________________________________ -sporkel. The -latter vamplain- c' o rceriiîs s lte asal~. redite the toreman but lile tie ten- mi ie ofr Wcil i r e <hpc 6t; ii-nuit 55' I o i hm al that lime. lin I rf a i rest eri y n nlpîti ruesday atternoon Utea di flot re- cl, .11nhi- hore ard nie or -lti porl tor %work. eaying tat he vas 111, IT IAIoif,;h i Îl ac riacor tIH;mu't lit i- in lathe day Jis aaddto bave loft Ie bunyc car and vas b incheact day. ~f noriîaking tit "gel away" when ho Mir Wech ,sent ...ti-.. te the oi was alopped neariy a mile front the Io .iOI. * - - 1 <" ' -N o ',,I f\ll i ( 'tîc ii n P te r ( .' h is ý ta n - >1 rs.Aple Scbrberae but L*o estar-a Keene- Addiîîgton. Io. an lniate or th, coullty famm a;i n Sme lýÊi. .ihrtyviUfe. vandcreci awaY lr010Il l'ii- liighiand- Park Myes.îmitiate aatIlîjjtîna Wednesday about nlintti. 1erhtitie-J. H.Morse. Md ahbougb a diligenti sar-ii tvat made for ber about the grouilcs uit' Sud 'mot lie locaîie. A'but 4 4i ONE MAY HAVE DROWNED. Ï7i1ocnlathe eveniit rIte ttic ne il aitOr.yslake, avtng watked the en. ~WaukiŽgan, - Jîly lIK L* diusace, bct venu six and ses cil tTii, polie vers catteci lqçon isdir i asiaht In tadinit tvo luaoRva sie nu te frfroni M.on Cty, soditfie isher rait ýAt Gryslakc helqiird for<iigtlanit Partk, tho ha'. e hoQa rils- e,'*Mr. Latis." and vas direcici t ing ronitheir hliîwe' Le hoame of B. J. totie. It îele 'oti- Fcar for t17c saf-y At Paît) 'i-. ibowever, tbat she dii nt know ens. il, of ZonCa ity.,iW iîcng fPIt hy the lads ptre'îls. the, îsslie(t im, but ai vanted lu see his ta- 1h akpnple oa hoil LWe. who ai beca deuad a nîîmber Lient. Sitial of tiie Zian Cty pîolce. pl year. Mr. oftis queiîoned the -'lh.'e vlsid toaluhave camne tn vemnn adi becme coavlnccd Ihat aui-t-n. 'Piîes(laY morîirg, an là ib" vas9 irrtional. He natiidSu-, lshing t rit'. Atpapan today. hi- lia not rctunnîd ta bis parent%' hoine. prviscn A. T. WbiLe and be aiviaci I Off'cer Sunderlin of the itte guard "at the, voman bx- brougbt ta- th" clati-i be saw a boy who an, wered 0aiuty l ai a sukegan. This vas, the descrititino t tte pler Tu( $me nd itespet th niht her.1afttemnoop. Hlià .adeacibu'd as !bcrg tantaad he peuttitentgt Itre.4 f et 6 hilctes tait. bondte hair. Ion-. _1rhs mou-inag the sherlf made aniîtark ey-eaqb.. 1-e tare s gray 4vetlgation and fourni that tlhe uit. high bhi.ek stioe't and n leanliai WMaiaabai vandrti avay f rani tbe lran'ifloîker. 1;', la reportedIo patai. Site tee takea back taqhave tcf t is homte at lilgilani Park tbe nstiutio tofy.ast Fiday ai bas nat :uturttod tut stituIon tday.i silice that date. Hi- vas ast soen ~MMs. eiibor (aid a vilti tory. vearing gray' tratsena. <ank bro"i PS. ai site bbat! aa nrtichîl- j coaland cati and tan abitus. He ta $su*si. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a bu btalc iesvr ei fmediumi heighi and aeigiî's stout drè. bt hatai ofthm, er ded.1 40 panade. ie t% the son o NSm. élit salit as, that vitea sit e h-contead Mi. Fred Blket. o»x biadred yemalid site inteadod tii ge marriei -gain, Shee ulli ha be$aned et tht' pon tarin for a turne 0 IMAL L T OF REIL to-ste If ber menality improvea. 111 ESTATE TRANSFERS. ,ci there le ne impravement she titi 5*given a hearng lu couaty couîrt " ~ F .~b ta bave ber saaily passi en hy a 5aa'y commission..,KE00.'flLE AND RUST MO The agtd om oan fi qultc veskabgb»» ay@§& liM Q»?uitee tissum th long waik but Ilaistbaught t nbp* TuoSsM& PbeS 4. ahe viii sufer ne permnecit il e-f july 14, 1t11. jeanne H. Sayler and husband tb A curuw a. ev.quirint that ail AmbroseeRunyard. uîîndry Xii ln giîrls ufden the site of 19 year.q shal ahînPrNrti(hcii.W -heof althe itreete hy t oelowk unli,-i accampanled hy a relatia '. ani pro- Eî ni-sit-S. C'ai] and wfe, tu Pran;c v1lng:that tbe police shahi take îîltr, 1in'tlotîn :and ville. lut 146 in subdl- CMtody any girl lereakizng the rut-. is vision of lot 147, South Highland ad- Urge in thIe teter -m ý iou t toda Io ition. ilifanci Park. W. D. $0. the mayarr of Wauk-gen (athriO' Iip. srt, to Charles :O0tb siore municlpalitlera by States radicka, lot 1; biock 20, North Chli AtOMiey James G. Wetch. la an Pt- ago. W. D. $1. . t O.seeure a solution 01 the prob Denala Unhberry 1h54.) lu Elîza ,"IM tiat lo Preeenting taetîfthro ,lt-J. Attridite. lI). 4 end4aý. bgei 3,. ot the country, but pailculariy In Woolrldgeý's oubdivtioi. Ibe)rtyvilîr'. Wa4«se4as aaresult or i.l, aI*geW. 1).$5. SATTENTION Table Buyers As a speCial inducement we wilI qive abso, Iutcly EE a table mait with every table. ;IUNTS jabljlMts - celularl'Guaraned Over 50 LQJDRO'lTUO 'tables lu ail finis hes Ail SizCS. t<> fit your room; up fro 11.95. :'UÙY Your Porch Furniture 4o W and Save 25 per cent. àke County's Largest, Oldest, Mlost Reliable Store L EUm'esie t~euemep Bt tr ti grov suspIclaus soidlai toi- tati-il Itutti. e tari-alrean dociareci Ibat as 5000 .1e iia otsers-ti he vas biving toi- boved hci- hrev the emply pockethîsok hua luhe tigb grass at the ai' aorttîî' 1 oiîil andl began te rettîr o't camp. T'he-toreman then askei hlm If ie tii t i - noncy and he denieti Il. A si-ar-hcI is peruon fetiaveil and -lwWX 'I -ltýtb crnimp he , fa0rematntîl IWedneedaY. wben be was talion ta Bandant, where lte prisoner. the tareman and the coin. plaining wtneîl e ve .jolned ly Spe- cial Agent Moyen. and ail four came on ta Waukegan. Litsa. wvillee oÂmtîtt that the money lenfRot hie, stoutly denlOedmIn police court that bu had tolen II, Inslsllng that he fourni the Poc'ct- book noar the. buait car. Ili refusd ta nake any turtbor talernt and was takon toü the caunty jail. *-NaýthChicago. The nin of Wednesday Ptapped the work on the Stato street eere. re 4ter &Il oxpgae.wi ~d tii. *Ota ;pofi Ai014t*4t. $ #30,.72. ThIe la Iluthe. 0it. 0f 41eDUO,1o* f the heat. etuts over given by the club. An effort wiilb. ,made to enlilt the factory tai business mon in the Purchme.-tlitre .trUtk for the. lty. Clarence Baker. our ftire chiot,livye Jusl acrOSAs the Street froin the stà- tien and this wouid. eomble hlm ta got ta a tire in mucb QuiIcker acier thtan under the present systein. Frank 5)ierwta. son 0orlMT. and lire. John Sherwln, la now iacatedI et Fart Leavenworih, Kano. He ni- ceivrd hîs commilssion Juiy 4 of u(cc and lieutenant ln tihe enginecra corpa. He exPects ta bc one of those who holp drill the firet 50o,o00 of the draft. The e-orm of Friday n.Ight was oni- of the vost hall etorme ever known ia North Chicago. Gardenz wcre beatun flat antf many vegelahies are ruind. There seeme tobeb not go ers, on thet vutt aide. arrested for Imoi-h damage te polsioea. and at'l(i sbntlng up is caw. He ateo cims roat vegetabies. The hall vas nsi the coov as btten hy t heir doe.'PTie lnea aîusa1 ibriyev Hanson 'boys cdaitn the cay..was min rdthe graund, Flûter gardens Iheir garden. Tht que-st ion viliib ho re svre left to the * police magistrat6 ta <de. Miss Ethel (larliey teft liunday1 eue.evening for a moth's vieit ln Orei-1 Tun officers are rooming nd 1 gai daho and 'other weaterîn hoarding an t ethe rb "'fa1it.ans. F'lvo Points asoutie tte city ibm- 1 George Nelsion. Ir., thi, bas been ls. They are tram the naval station' ln Virginia for thse past two tecks, and drive back aid forth to the gta- lbas relurncd ta North (Chicago ani tbon ln autot. tlkeîî a position In ttc touîîdry. An eithasiastic meeting of th., The union choIra oà the Methadist Progre»s club vas held Tbursday Ct'- t anti Prsbyteriaiî eburchpa heu a eaing and reparte vere giveli of thie practice at tbe home of P. W. Cook, 4tb of July celebration. The oda ru-rpaaor oth i fresitment stand rua by the Progree .oîyngt reaaoyt t i ening. IThup Red' or*# socely WvOl meut The naval station bas addud. a'iTh alr lrge amount t o v o, tathoe.a10%9rrWosm eetingetorh fregtandexres buines.W.- 'P- "bftei"ianéhirclispoke of boy Breca. the agent, bas recently pur. mach they appreciated the-e, thinge chbsedi a large auto te take cars 0f turnished toa hem hby the ladies of the large amount at exitresa hutàeiO the Rod Crois.- coming troam the station. Four extra girls are empinyed In the frelghtt of- flIe to handie the work there. The tuaihcr gotig juta the station nov S3C11111RTI1 A The narth shool board of edues- MAD>E BI( EVENT' lion met for their j1iîiy meeting on Tuesday eveaIng. The water mill came up agama tfor discussion. antd secerai membere thaugbl Item exces- Harold C. Folle. Jr., ceicbratd ies sîve. (laly a emal maunt of Watler second birtbdCy analvensary Ttîpa. la scii nov et the nid building, but day, atternona. July 17, 1917. Pif- the fulli valer rates are chariled. îtteen eh Ildrea vere seated arouai the waevoIi t pu lamutra n bIttable, la the ceator ofthte table buildings and then pay for whnt (bey wsslrebrhiyckaît- Ume. trlmmcd la rei, white and bine caoý Evertbig l no rody or tc ileani Onu white smolne ni-i cao- hi enythming s onigb. fothe l le. At each eud of the table wai ibiglen metin% tnigt. he entan Ameirican frial; floatinit from a viii i-eIPutl p toigy and the program t inialilmatt. At tact place' wasa alit- wili hegin at 7:45 p. m., wlth a sang lic ji and witeu palier i-hp sit a siervice, led by P. W. Cook. Mr. Cook 1emaîl Amnican f tiialtlaeli-d le Il, vîli have unaer bis chargete coin- aidfilici svlth mcd. wa-tle and bine blned chaIrs of the ltod3t and, canilce. -The Ice cri-sm tas roi Pre.iyterian churche. Ru- Payne wvitte and blue, and eaeh si ,wan and Boîndy are botb wo'klng liarîl for ilecaracd vilb tva amati i-antiiiu' the succesea oriiemectingis. one red and anc white. 'lTîe favori The Royal Neigbbors heu (thein ve'etroi. vhiteanId<lui' baeniers, regular meuetng Taesiey night. Af- Durli lte atternoon te ebhildrî'n ter the reguier businoe a social es- pîsyed nmany gamet; Wl bty Misse-t fion vas uaJoyed, lit whicb hunco lipita Bautweil and MarY liî'v. vas pisyei. Refreshments were aiea The foiioviag cblîdren vie r served. Misses Mary Hanta, Etlatii th lIre.w Mise. Hannah lliaglîer vas a Chi.- cicr, Margaret Coltina. drnî ( "It cago visitor Tiîee;day. - lins. Mary Adeite ('ohlti tii Daty. Myrtie Joisaston gave a Party ln Dorolhy HIemoîoh. Namiiy .<tîaî La few ofaiber Young frieni.'rîiîsday ietty Janp .Johnson.î Iiiv' Morrnît- ui l'osa parki. Margaret Wçtadel: tIssu-r4 îlerrr<i( A nîîmber of Young peopte tilt Brewster, Kcnnutb Iles tIetatti litet s OUR SPLENDID STOCKS, INCLUDING OVER 1000 NEW EXQUISITE W ýGO AT 60c ON TH13/; DOLLAIR,1 Lt's here-and we've arranged for this season'is great Clearantce Sale of Wash Dresse& am we have neyer before planned. A great choosing et bright, crisp ud smart tub frooks at prices avcraginmg 60c on the doliar-and our reguMar prices in most instances represent best value-givinï ecause of 'purchases made especially attractive through the fortunate lot&3 Our buyer secured when recently in New York for that purpose. Every dress we o«fer was incomparable at its original price, that you know. New yen make yeu selections antd save at least a quarter te a third. A The selection, is . immense for 'styles, clons and materials Every style theine that is popular in fashion centre, js inchij.ed ini ucimeonly cleverdeaigningi W*: eau only hint of the great variety that will be dis- closed te the mny who will choese tomorrow and 'this week-end. This wil be the great Wash Dress Selling for which- YOU have waited And you'Il do well to vieit our store opening heur to-morrow morning to Makre the cheicest selection. The best will be selected early and eagerly. Just twelve New Yor k manufacturers are represented. Daily, Arrive i11. Smartest- NEW FALL DRESSES Brilliant examples of the ehoicest modes from, leading New York ruakers eome - -yes, and are> going- -almost every day. 8pIendid range of~ models iu serge, s3atin, geojrgette, taffeta, etc. $9.98 UR to $35 and we might say a great deýaI about the spien- did values, as well. Târough com prisen you will determine this tôt yourself. W.'il expeet jYeu to view these new fro<*s to-morrow. (second lploor) 'k\ ~. t-. Se. Our Window Ùsplay A big assortmnent of wonderfuUly at- tractive tub frocks for women and misses. At this low price there isn't a garment in the entire group of over 400 that could be made At homne aud elual - led. Sce these!- they'11 go quickly, too, at 4.98 320 NEW WASH O'll e S French Voiles Gl Ginghams Tn LawnsLaecr LnensWht Organdies Gen Dresses ot the unusual sort with Plenty ef style character in their entire make- np. The majority lu t}ie lot represent in pricesabout hall what we wonld have to »Ili tham for if bought lu the reg- ular way. Misses' sud wômen 'asiszes il et ti e FbrcaColoretc Frenc Voies iec. CeniinaonsCombinations Organdhes Gea Gainghems Lawns Linens Fashion'g extremely chic sud unpom - mon dainty tub frocks are bwrougjt down to a price within reacli of'al,.- A rock- bottorn repricing most tiuioly and, im - portant te you. The big style range a fashion exhibit in itailf , eý ;ýz, ý 1 Colora r-Wd Tans Lavender White Greens Combinations

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