TiaTIwVLLLE. LKE COUNTY. ILUiOS.TH-D.YS )JY 1917. Now is the time to put in YOUR WINTER SUPPLY CoaleasWood-ýCoIo OUR SUPPLY IS EQUAL It matten not wbat Sdalyo* USiý an einpty bin is boumd t. corne som The difference is that in using aur coal it does not corne so woon. That should appeal ta you when the other coal coste as xnuch as Ours Any coal need you may bave can Le met bere ta your saisfaction. W. F. FRANZEN. JR. Telephone 50.- Libertyvile IHayingTools Deeringand McCormuck Mowers. Side DeIivergj Rakes, Dump Rakes. Keyjstone. Dain and Deere Loaders. forks, Rope, Sections and Repairs. Largest Stock.' Priced Rigbt. Lbistyville. S abertqvi11e If You Nanow of News-of!' Local IfltOPIt Please Call i Telephone Number 1. A. C. Re va. a ClcaRo vlator Tue&. D. K. Thompoon wau a Chicago vAuit.1 or Btnrday. Fred Mordborel and fanîllh Sundayed1 at LAke Zurich.1 Mi" Eatil Sprlng vent tb Milwaukee Bondal reîuralng lMonday. George James of Wankagan. spent Sun-. day at the DaniLAe.borne.1 Fred Wood carne op ra, Cblcago ta apend Uidy vbith I.parte. M l.. tuflred Mack ve.tetu la La q Vaoresi Lda lghiaad Park nder.1 ,Tii. ma» vhalovs his e n.tourn l lunvusly owed by people tharmal. Chemisa Dtbbl. af Racla., Win..,'pont liendal asiUeo James Swan borne boe.. 8. J. Ddalsistot a tuerdap ouf*b put veek mad eoYed bmusl "aun. Gardon logbam of Milwauee, WUl., la vlelUng ast ii.Laagvorthy booeeIbore. Frak J. Wright and vil. and Min Marary Taylor lat Monday for Osàge loura. Jas& Delbaye and famlly of Highland Park, ver. Sonday guiese et tbe R. Nita home. film. Flora Trlpp returned home Tue@- day froua au esiîended viait et Downers Grove. S. uott lof t Saturday for Salemt Ill.,~ wbere lira. Ouyott and the chiidren are Visitlng. Mie. Ethel Wheeler a. eaarrtaiing the Milas Pearl and Bazei Perry of Aurora lu. tbis veet. W. 1. Coline aud family ift Sanday for a vit witij relative@ and friende ai Mustiatine,Ileva. Mdise Abbie Kauffung of We@b Baud, Wl., le vAitîng ai tbe borne cf 1ev. and lire. C. A. Montants.. IWhenever you eau eee the good pointe of yoar tovu lis@ a moral certeiluty thal otberseaucen eyour ovu. George Bulkiey and fenîl>'of Peunsyl- vanta arc visiug tLe lonuger'o parente Mir. sud lMrs. Rslph Buikie'. A loed of iieerfilld township Higb ecboui girls peaeed tbrougb towu bluji day ona telr va>'te the lakes. Misese iladys and Mary Chard of Austin, lit., visited therauni, Miss CarrA. Chard a fev day. the paat waek. l'oetnaater J. IL Aleman iuncltad 'euh the Hon. E. G. Dun o?1laason Piy. Iowa, as Elotai LsSalle.Cbhkage), last Frida>'. Morris P.enny s medîcal intructur ai the Glreat Lakes Naýval Training tatauu ial t Sunday hrt a gt;,tstif iDr. Taylor. tirs. Eluier ilasten fermeri>' trs Blane [<taris lie ene uSipokane, Washingtuon, hrt' ehe wll make lier lttin-e tems. You cuti t keep front danceing wtien you hear tmat e!braied jazz Bandutayia Bras. Pas-llen. ttiarnd Lake, Baturda>' nlght, Jal>' 21. del The regular u.cetîng niftaie W. C. T. U. weili b«hid aetheahi orateiii trsNettie Weiel.liAnt Ct on Tuesday, Juis 24. Leadt'r 1re.Emia taxbarn. The congregatAcu of the Luthersu church bave put a uew Abeor n the Assembiy roont and tLe Yoang Peoples socety have repaired tLe eall. tir. and tire. Henry' Lichtfeld enter- iaiaaed lire. Lielitfeldse cousins, Mir. aud Mrs. W. M. Mocnan and Mils lBerta Witirorh front Austin tAt a et 'eaek. Sidney Meker and wIfe entertained William Pester snd lamAi>' of Kenoeha. RaBy Browen sud fantily cf Lake Forest aand Wrn. Pester and w'eeeof rsysiaka. Sanda>'. IArtbur SIos. 'e.b as beau rkn eenih abtea ment f uenieeringt bee.td regaboufthcreulie An Corpq of tLe U. 8 Aran>' and, veut ta, lit CiaoTué-day ntarnIng, leavlug Iteri Mits . L.V. Lusk of!Velu vas dris-ing ber Car tina on Mlwaukee Avenuetan- day sud as Phi vaut te ittru weat me the fron of barmachine. Luckiiy th oui>' danago doue wau 10 the machines. Mi ssiVida .Iamisîîn f tIlllburn, 'eho ie a graduata of tLe Libertys-lile High scLool and 'eho baesa Kreat man>' friands amnag our yoang pe$le of this coin- mualty, vii inutaithae veing service Misa Jamison Ao s sololet ef markîdi abililt. Tuabercuio.fs has become the Most eertoue medicai ver uroblent faciag the. varrlng nations ai Europe. FrinJ'! nid ta bc elaggering under lhe barden o, a balh million of ber ctisend Incapaet. et d b, vounde ai batth. and anoiber h ili million tacpa.ttted by activ, tuber. coliodemid thie dise aspreadlug botbj aMOq the eoldlere and the. lvie popuWa Rio Sîsue Wide Editu diffrent setons of nîaiehî-lrlii i, s-suthiraîasi. the paper treatitg u thediflerent sec tien. of îLe stte. Th. certain ly eho ws tLe promperAt>' of that, aoutb'ectern sV ss:4 eumnton'eeaith TAie capr vaesent liv For Taxi Service, Phone li L. Habi-ard, wbo aitone tinte Cii>' Editor of the lIndependent, bat A. Oow in 202 the entpioy cf tLe aper named aboe.. ih rale re aiîr iiblNexi Wedneudny evenIng, Jul>' 25mb The Libertyville Garage the Aetiga s RedCaroavkiaaota, ,iltodau Lak. hulis fr the occasion 'elli ha taraished b>' tae Mlle-iiientbeierorrbes- tra. The speaker of the evening wiltue Mir. Josephb Base of Wauconda. Mir. Haam la salrenrbrîian snd le Aaeh freet the fildsetofFranceBei.ta antan 'eLe Las gained vide notoriety and you wil mies a ceI i reat i jou du ot netast it. 'Phare are ne chargee ut sny kind. Erary. bt-dy invite(]. Owingto <ha lait that bath oe!ouar Garages.reicsad'here the eldevtsiks an front.ra.n the Incline 'ehieh ueeraîs te sitractri ceaiethîe childran 'ehe wouid esat. it wonuId be veil for ai;1 parant-4 te ntiitt beir chludreti un thte g rava danger in citaisng ett ieme place. 1iay autos goi iransd oui of thee garag~e% and aumiine .oamtAug ruts a chance f e! eig rîn ous-ansd severely injurad. Itarnim Li.iberry, ourrouganial martihal Au dong ia îpart Au this matter Sudj hepes tha parents viii iend iliair help. ENGLANO TAKES GRAIN CROP. London, July 1118-The -minirY Of food wilI take over ooist@l of th.ecan- tire 1917 crop of POt&toe whest, bar- Iey, o t togre, afflrdlng te an. goîaseenttm&y. The eider wil for bld individuel Ïdenllitjandl whil can- Cel etl lAioltfnou * etat for thoee crope. _________-Saving On Curtain Materil SI We have just unpacked a big new lot of curtain goos which we will place on , sle THURSDAY, JULY 19. There are many kinds and qualities in the lot, goode to1 please ail tastes and ail purpo8es9 If you need curtains now or expect to buy cur. atains this f ail, do not fail to see these.. We have for your inspe4n-Muelins. Neto, Scrims and Voiles and the prices will range 12-1 5-20-25-304045cper y&~ W. W. CARROLL& SONS COMP»*Y mhoen9 121i0 12 ses n 171 r , 71 &1 7W1, 31 nui 21 750 0 us 00 66474 2t ai2M 93 86 25 291 30 av! < 210 4,5 i 49 5 be 22690O t5e 0e M 0 s 66<4 i210-2 45 ttet 3wiedet bis 17th ?uic.àl Dounty. SCHANCK HARDWARE Pho... 3. COMPANY Paul G. Ray Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Drco Automobile Hearse and Auto Car- riags Furneished When Desired. Store.Phone 9. Residence -PLone 12 Libertyvifie,Ifinois p. ,I I ti - ----------- ------------------------- va. a îya iel, ;' Mis FEET WERE Mir. and lire. .? Laugwortby vere su- Milwaukee viiitore tiendat Iý; AIIIIiLED9 01 HEi i mies Balaie Price.of ilinit r, levletlng' be tc,àr.W. 8. MiCliairi and tenî> MiI HVELJE Mrs. W. E. Dan. espent a few dayo the AslIce'Hv pat eek vîth lMre . a i.Jantîson ai nelfac rt, 65, Dîdnt Hv jilbuu.a Chance to Save His Lif e lire. t>esr Kaiser abd -itdren of in Làke Zurich. rayîorvilîe, III., are viitiag Sathîe C. E. Kaiser bhume. ACCIDENT IS A MYSTERY. Be mure todamcto tLe muserof theJanz No One Knows How 2 Compan- flonda aiL"a Pros. Paviliurî, DiîaruOad ions Met fleath While Spend- Lake, Baturdy algabt, July 2 JgAtrno .sig Mmra.l Mia ubbrd, who bas been igAtronFsig rstlag ev eosBd aud faaatll boe The double traedy laie Monday vtoraed to ar eM e at Hlarvard. Ifl., afiarnoon et laa Zurich, 'eherain Wdeday. tva men bast thair lves, tirred the Mir. and Mia. J. A. Masen of Prairie village ta lie depths. for bath ver. few, epeat Iotiay and Sunday weuh veli known ln the commnunlty. The Mre. Ba"ab M abr.s ad sttendellitie victime: chautacqué. ANSEL,.PACKERT, 55 years nid; UeMiqly 901à »ddHarold Wels madels 1kaiown votgran, who liveq* for a trip ta La eSm*ela.5s aturday nigbt yeem In t1111l894. ad on lime »rbUailp vere qut. badir CIIAfLES VUNELINT, aged 45,s [jem la mamimlma.' remilimtet fLake Zurich about Byeé t hn how, itbe iii ll ta"y elacer Y«M will com %*aosMbdistepute durins the The two men had gone 4qt -an car ttbeiveMdcommuniy lacho Lake Zurich ta epend the afternoon wli bu regrims i ilrepuiable alter theo *sblfgTheyIilved together n the cor, village. iierethbey "bacbed" t and Tbe, regWlarveu, baud concert vblcb vere boon ce5<n»azdons. ahould bave bon given W@ddDWY Wbat basiies nobody knowo but v.nlng wa. poliponed on accouttof ithe bellOt la10 h51perbaîle they the Chastauqa. bt viii b. given ita-gmuit ta change sea-. At any rate morow igi<li Wrioy, jaly 20. Coma. the ertes for belp froua iheir bont, snd lieo aullé. 'asfil vas s eUitau P, ttraeted où-e Mir. Jaoyh Blb. henoied Freubau fishermen near hy, and a cal for. uha bas r.coali reiuired froma rrance e h ait Cmade..Many huais rasheil will epe.k taI*alle d Cros meeting beid ta thç &Id ofthtAe victime but It vas by tb. Area 4191""ryai Ray orae..locilate. Pavillon. Dlamoad Lake, Wedn.eday, Tangîed ln Boai. laIy 25. No adasiaon iee. The dead body of Packert vas Litte Mge «tmoidos, he woyartound tangled n the boat-bis f eet nid daugbter 09 Mr. and bdre. Tony Mot >I h etadnt ns f led as the Jamie licAliisier bo@pital li a va>' ihat ha didn't have a chance Waukegao. Wdoeda evening ai 10:80. tu s'eu. Othervise h.. might bave fauerai viliib. held io-morrov (Frida>') svdheHe o i esi ob and hurlnai W bu as Lake Forest. simr That baneeaola vbich fludaitoeli vitL SBearch vas madie for his compani- i on and the body vas found n eighi oui a stock aifcanne, preeierved or drged etofwtr fruits and ve wbe beu vAnter coinsfe t etr 'elli have falled in t. duty te the nation, The two bodies w5re rushad <o the An vlev or Presoident Wison, of the 8share and a eaul made ta Waucanda leparmentot AgrIculture sud o Herbert for the Inngmotor. fitvas ruehed ta Hoover, w' eo tab.Au charge of food the scene sud bath men wera 'eorkad adminlisration for the Goverumant. uipon, bat ih vas ton laie. DAd you ever stop tu rensîder how Packert blidllAYd n the village muc th ou oftow ilercanti cn- moet of i life. Ha was a Civil ver trihate ta the tovuea preeperit>'. Be Vetaran and had kaut 'bach hall" doesnotpayremt; ie oesnupayfor yaars. Yunelint Lad ived In the wagea; lbe dos@ not pay taxes. Wheu vilage about five years. Hie former yua deal 'eu eho.ebone mrchant yeu residence le not known, Ini fart, it. halpthetov. Wea oublp L. oulie was inown about tLe man. you haipyour.eif. Read eut dvertisin The double tragedy causad morcd cdlu nnsd hep yaurself. exiternent n the village then any- Robert Dunham, Jr., son of a mil- thing that han happened In years, as lionaire ef L.ake Farcit, feil frorn is t s the tirRi double traged-. the otd paly itis rnornng and suffered pain- rssidents cao recali. fui ratzansd braises. He vas îickî l Mach ec -emnt-a c- sadabu up by A. B. Dick's chauffeur and was l-aeiaîa Pr at a rat nilabouht rushed te Alice Home hospi:al whi-,re Jerta are eut that a party cf auto- hae vas î' by Physirians 1 "st îa ein a lien watking about conditionentergarded as irit llîs1 tii. w,'oed, At eîicc 1the conclusion t.mong cîher Injuries lha sufert, i ss hiA asti inahe sesee gah Antht-heed liten terreiizing peuple- rîtar Monte- 80eighîY.î.su Y til 1'Ft[tiP celle. It developed Sunday. liowever. liii> efront t Aar.guand Naparvil.IIý.1I. îîI î li, . ii. io, 'a. , ilig d1g ws ieare enjovlug campIllfe at iiarioîîd ,l t , Tel jjgýo î i j ;î" itplavit Là1e 'l1ikd' itoieLibort.vvllle titînlaT The. conmmrt!fer additiiîn.îl iîraîks fornoon and aftier slatglng smrn izo s aiii .Great -lakes Naal Traning en the Ptt-eetc narc-hed ouit toihe lFair Sta teontu e ulhAt ai a cos îof $1,. gruua.i. toieattlî,ir lunich i.ù'-y iie!ejli.ui. ..i t ' Johnett returnad (dt. G. Gridley Lad caiied up~t iiit oiiîv nip Mr. Suydant and a moving picttrël __________ shbow Ws flot 0et firthtrspecial tai-iebotntu The tirsietoftAie week Ed Huhharî l iue inAybout Gifle.wtrrof recelve-a s epsivf ti ' Arizona ltapuiîiiraa aiing Ih lui 5511-i, ilt be-ornes putilisbes i ai :ai.Arizo:nîa Tii llieAdutîl (l -i eîlîiîigîîitirters'ail. '---e, .c)lans - pR-e --and.in- t - ISS., il I., itii ..t tii t.r- lin, Page Pive Many Candles »ade. Osveloping Setf-Centret. Thîîugh candies tir.eut su generally delf-cuîîtrol rnay lhe developed A.nt used as they w, r'- hefort, the~ days of precleely the saine manner as %ve ton. trilaîral I uiiiniti t ig i1iI . gas and Piec- uan a m eak jnusle-hy litie exercise trlelty, they istill cuatjîutê± un liiipor- diiy by daiy. Let us encli day do. au tanît article of imaxiifacitiîre. The can- niere exercises of discipline ln moral die s ait anclent furîiutfIlghting. 'lThe gymnastica. a few aets that are dis- wurd cornes fronîtthe Latin woird, agreenlîle te us, the doing of whlcb "candere." which nieuaits tto 111 ellilpus la instant action ln Our boLur of need.-W. G. Jordan. Could't Vnd w Hditwrtl. wt1m ias ln the third grade Always a .landfl. oif rural echool, was evidently 'absorb- . tiitIc2 ashow that triplet*'a&e Ing soute of thie seventh grade litema- mach rarer than twinl, as the latter ture alite, as £)W evening lie sald to ofteii repeat ln the same family. TbM hls brother.: -11,py do you remember merely uphoids Hoyle'g ott-qùotU*I where it ls ln 'Evangeline' thai Brutus statement that three of a kind beat iilis Caesar?" two pair. We own and, off er for investinent the unsold portion of $40,,00.00 Warren TovnhiprHigh School 5%' Bonds Dated 'Junel 2th, 1919 and due $4.000-00 annuelUy, 1918 to 1927 incIvWve. Theebonde are sme r(yDIlithe taxble Frogry n ae n TowneM& Lave -been le-g-lly aprove by W o kley, AIÎys. and bear aur unquahfiedrecmrenclations. Prices on Aplication. i iBU Tv LE' ILn I :::u ~~Zs-z -U s-----------lU OUT S T. A.Reynolds C1othîng Store of Clothing and other Merchandîse usually - kept in a First Casas Clothing Store. 1 have been in the mercantile business over 50 years and have decided to retire. 1 wiIl locate in Florida six or eight months of the year in the future. Everything in the store will be sold at reduced prices-will give a liberal discount to paruies that take the stock off my. banda,' or 1 will continue to close out the merchan- dise. Libertyville is one of the beat modern towns of ils size in Illinois. 1have been lowering the stock for two months and arn positvely going out of busi- ness as soon as possibble. No goods to be charged during this Ciosing Out Sale. LIBERTYVIÉLE, ILLINOIS, JULY I2th, 11917 T. . REYNOLDS, Prop.