CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1917, p. 9

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gLLR INSPENENT, r Lake cànaé'a Bir ee um A nr ÉPw% eA %elu .sssw. Irv v Tal XArpO:30 s" M a Up &il titres bid deocnded frain the car. III B WITSu 4w jJtheb robbers emersed traim the boshei alongalde the roadi and ordored their vicima to "Stlc <'nul Up." AND vA country wide search ta beig maile loday for te bandits and the E Y iOB 3 ýS Police officiais Of praetically every town andl cfty ln the county have -beeon notified of the robbery. The Two Darlng HoI-Up Mon Stop victime af the hold-up were unable Car Near Haif Day and Se- to say i-bat direction the rohbera OUrS - bey bad a car. *rnî îrn ~carry Off Victim'a Hat. -OL O ACROSS ROAD). Wben the tbree mon arrived t h Millionaire Residents of North When Autoists Attempit t Re- ]y alter the robbery tbey had wlth4 Shore Reglter Complaints move Obstruobion, Bandits them the hat worn by one of the ban, With Review Board. Pointed Revolvers. dite. It la a black Stetqu, lise 6'7-8 and much the worse for wear. t GET MANY COMPLAINTS. While driving In an automobile 0 bdhlertaebt , h hetweell Hall Day and Highwoodjui one of the bandits to lcemm, wbo was Sflb t. Paul traeks, about drlving the car. lemm turneil over WiIl Continue to Reeuve Them eutorcioth e dnaa ngt Rf-his bat and toai the higbwayman'g to August 1 -Proof on Corn- et Lemm, Ray wylys aud fi'Iver m. in. erne.giglg eIobre Mlaints Taken Then. HIam. o f Haf Day, wîre hfldop Wewr intagt hebbr 1bp bighwaymen, robbed 0f 14d) la sbop, snd we hâvenî *,any money An a reauItftbe'of Il u - i- ufe i w ét!e h l- Mêw." reMaed oeet et ivictime as he Dm"« eà-- ÏÔÜi su twowitheu T--e hld-the bandits ordereil thom 10 move. Plainte wblcb hae bec» heUp teck Place when lbtheautoist.a de- Wlbryoae.sid neo La'<e county board of review, now i ceaded tram the machine ta remove el , bode, a m," h an d on diero BeaSiOn, face an extresnely buap ses. a l.WU whlch bcd boeen tretced semaa 0fth am en nts. e hedie sion, b.ginning vltb Auguait 1. vie» the road by te bandits. o h a 0cns the work of filing proofs hlasupport Aller baving relleveil Iheir vie. the aobbers ictie but tw !tbem.d of complaints made, la earteel. Bsse ima of the money and vluable to te bea wth buts s tand m.i Of Lake couatY'e veathist otiseU bhwayuien arde'ed. the titres men m' ac a tnadmk are among ttane who ame aakig the tn ro-enter the car.Wblan hel and iras immedlately appropriated.1 review board to lower their asle .h autoiste covereil with i revol,- The second man bad a $2 lngercoll,1 mente. e h te bllgyrle h o and thia the hlghwaymen alsa took. or iteothr oligngi roledtuelogWyllys carried a geld--Olleil watcb but Stanley lilel il, mlllonaire resident In te ide of the rocd. then cranked erxaingtsthrobshnd Up 1the machie, andl ordered the afreamnnIbsb.obeahn- iCa-.*tiuued on Bae ibre..) driver te go "andl keeP moving." The ed l back telils' owner. autlditis Red on wbile the robbers Laie Forest will put up te its people JU ÉiS I3LEC di-Pelipeii in the brueb along the its long waged fight with tue North JUM ESqW R Erom.Shore leclric ralîroad. Mayor Keenet Tbe victinis lmmeiiately notified Addngton bas anuci the city1 ION ÀARE NAME! the Police bere. Tbey describeil the council would baci ils Undemand that1 hold-up men as young, of medinni the road install $125,000 improve- BY . A. JMPON buiid', one of themt havîng about a, monts through Laie Forest hy popu. BY T À.Sl" N wee's rowt ofbear. Nnerere le.r vote. The council bas already - msced and tbey went about their threateneil la refuse the road a per- Members of Non-High Sohool business of rrîing their victime' Poc- petual franchise. DiSftH't Board to e eot- kete hi a leieurely maaucr. Le.u vIIrlieveil of $15 and a gIll watcht ed on Juiy 31. vaja.4 Att 125; the Hanse»niman gave ne Bullet Moles TIler. t up $10 t he lb. ghwaymen, while Tette oui of Soult CaraBe. 12 ELECTION__PRECINCTS. W71IYI doeated $10 andl an Ingersoil beam the lgure ofen ereet palosm e& watch. TislaIt fotram Flthe oule of lan » Judges and Clerks Are Given The autoiate tbld the Waukcgan]British bieatfrceoFt aout 8 e o Ju Their Instructions-Four policer hhypvert the ther wyfith eyvers behinil a primitive torifi- Men eek ositons. bc.ber bon i th li e h ol- ceatfon madlse ofpeimebto loge. The ru- Men eek ositons. up. As Ib vas stiU earhY, they were aistane o thia wood je mach hite that T. A. Simpson. county superintend- 1fDot the loaitsuspicion& vhen lIiey ofe o. Th@ wood doea net sput a foufil the log stretched seons the lte Perforation mode by a bullet elocu ent of ochoole, bas competed the ,r-A eiretly la their path. Whou~iln work of namIng judgems ad ciers0a_________or______ election, which ina hi h.heldi Lake I count>'. Tueeilay.Jli>'31, for thease- lectiozi of a nan-bIgh achool district board. There are four candidates seekinz the thnee available posi- tions. The houri ot electien, according 10 the notice sent aut Jty M. ingl- son, are from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. If Ibere are valid nasons vby any of the judges or clerne are unable ta serve they are autbanlxeil 10oselect nmie responaible prion ta laie thein place. The holding of the lection in by vitue of a neviy passeil state law, wbich provIdes for tbe establishment ofa non-igh schoal districts lhrougb- eut the etate In orlon that people ne- - iding wthln districts vhore thon. 8 are nto hlgh schools may cause thent te be erecteil, er vhene achool e redtora may recelvoistructions 10 pay lte tulion teoa of pupils' uha *are obUgoil ta attend igh school tn none other district. ' Followlag la a l tof the juilgo. end lerdofaIeloction In the varions districts, lb. finit Ivo naineil bing judges and thl sat being the donr It each case. Precincl One--Thomas licEven, James Ilacier andl . J. Tljurton. Procinct Tvo-John D. Murray', Alexander Stewart andl Allen DIxa». Precinct Tbree-'Riciard Raye, Charlea B. -Haml» an- B. B. Wil- liamts.' Pnecinct Four-A. D. Townaend, Fred Nouba» andl D. V. Wait. Precinct Five-Anthur Long, John Wicie and L. JLabiell. Precinct Six-William A. Shuinc, Andnev ShaKfer andl Charles A. Bla»- 'chard. Procidt Seve-H. C. W. Meyer, George Radie and lins, Auna Wrls. Precit Dlght-lt'red Klirachner, Andrev Gront andl P. L. Walerman. Precl»ct Nit-J. D. Fini, A. G, Scbvermanaid F. J. Berghorn. Preidct Ton-M. W. Kueller. G P. Mitahell and IL J. aise. S-.Prch~u lcve-ore zeitter, Mr$. Cbsrle M:EMMansd L. A. Be, lAECO. TEACII* ERS PAY $700 INTO TUE PENSION FUND Pensoners From This County Drew Out $2800 Durlng Saine Peridof rime. D)untng the lat sdImol peur teacbers la Laie couaty pail tb. suni of $700 Isle lb. sbate boeahra' penaion tond, sud during te saut eiofdîntie dnev out 82.80<» i pensions. This le accordlng la figures juel made avait- ahI. Ioda>' In the report af Couuly Buperintendent of Scbooli T. A. Simp- on 10 the satlodepartment at Spring- The report shows that titere are 103 teachers ln Laie county vha are con- tributing ta lb. saoe pension found for teachers. During the lait pear tbep paid the folouig ainounis: Ninely-three Dated$85ach. Tht-me poil $10 eaccl. Seven ps.d 130 salt. Thore are sevon ai. covnty teach- ers vbo are drawlig pensions et the, pressantlime, Among then are the toloig: Annis Haliowell, Waukegan Flot-ence Curtis, Wauiegan.. Lucoy Surkie, Wauiegaa. Nellie Courtney, Barringlon, Florence Permy Wauiegan. Co-noa arow. Hlghland Pari, The lecaber i Laie eounty lait( Ysear contrlbuted $578 le thé pensionà tuaid. This year the amouat la arger,9 sud aext yeux l prababl i>' II e et 1Iset8900.à Under'lbh a toucher1 Whto bas taugbl 35 pears la lgible lu recette a Pension ot $00 a peur, »ro- vlding the>' have paiel the i«M of $ hile the fond. For disalPttï a lt- er ina>'retire on a peesloei after $80 paIsbut lie aàwlttlla treraet thé lengi of suervice. lêeors ru jg811s eMr' W, *e 18aa M, a Ms. rai EXTA DIL. J. L. TAYLOR IIEADS FEDERAL EX- EMPTION DRAFT BD* Libertyville Man Given Honor ýbyEýî iNanedonBoard fl na Appais. HOW BOARD WILL WORK. To This Body AIIhen Who Dis- agree With Local Board's Rullngs WDI Appeal. Sprinlleld, .uly 26._(8pcciaL)- Announcement was made today of lte members of te federal appsal board for the exemption districts of the aclectivo draft for the Laie count>' district as foilows* Dr. J. U Taylor, lbertyville. John V. Farvoîl, aie Forent. Lyman'T. Hoy. Woodeloci. John Flzparick. Frank Hanilin (probably ineauing the mayor of La'me Villa). Ths federal exemption bocard la the hoard tho wblch the governinent or the drafled mn, e»tther hig dis- satiafied viàthelb.rullng of th.elW cal draft boardl,cmu taie an appui. In other words, enpposlng that yon appflit he local board for exemp- tionm oit bh oard helel you muet ho dmfted-youoeould appéai to ibis led- ual board above mmcte «~meff thc Covent wu. not, aatisffledthat lte local board. lad. exempted peu, the gevmernecould ba#l ho lte fadbr- MI board.' *e .. ~a,. uSe Mrs. JO Fort» a1 NO' HMP Mas Been Stroke-4. OMM ctw' WAUtsLE.AN WELLLT SUN~ lIAS TOMÂT ,CUT, NEARZ' LV 15 "AB.4 PLÀNED"I e te, Widow of Tlreasurer, in PCondition. lý"8cious Since *'Ide Is Par- Dell Dougla Has a Most lUn- UMsIa and Thriflnq Experi- once When BarbedWire, Strtchod Acros Lake For- est Road, Lifts Hlm by Neok Ira, lOba gW; bOt@, ageil 56, lies Dell Douglas, o!figuinhoîbani & lu a very cattiei condition at her Douglas, caps ho iuows bow It feels *o@,480 (ch>toet shot, Wau#egan, t10-go tbrougb the trenches;" iln as the remî u it .tmke o! apoplexy lact he sapa he %taws how it floch whtch bc aufe* abouIt 1I o'Clk obeho bng; hosapa ho mcvi bhow tIi Teua»salg Her entire il festsate, have hie Ibroat cut; ho rigbt aide lapspo l and she bas înowg how il rfecls 10 holilbcd ln the been unconeai ob ie lbe troke. airase If by a A11p1. Her conditioncia »" O 1 grOw more But laying ail joiing sle. Mri. scriously bouiy. i fna hopes are Douglas, on Tusa>'a Im aiut as entlertainel if Uning ber lire. lins. bunùgho act btbai h roat cut. Poole la th.e i et John 31. FOote, ho bidau aerlal sensation, and yet a former 0@it1»W femourer ofr a.ihoe seaped wlth cul* about the throat, couuty, WvhAP4 rIDlg bis tarse o fti and e, vhIei î'Mx ieî b . 0f olyfieo.,B 1-u fieabu i clous but vhich, itl a stateil. WU] tee» par ~ fot prove serions unlema hlood poison lirs. Foot. Jbpfled ta bceln i ,re t l i er. Ho and lins. Douglas usual healtb vlul thae netireil for the er îbngtrough L.aie Forest On night. About 1- 0 tlock ber roster- bis motorcycle and aide car. They daughter, Miss JLolah -Foute, waa ucre an Sheridan roai, about 10 PeuI awalteneil by lleeàâlr floues frntm ber i iosemar>' avenue, vIte» lr. .Douglaa loharounil lb. i0 lvestigated and saw a "saw-barse" on one aide of fo M h iei 1m T*rr caueed by ber te paving, but there aras noc, aiguta lmothere sulu reathing. She Indicate the atreet vas clame-I. e» he vas unconecica 4114 ail effortsata pulled off te, the rlght of the botte, amous Ve ri t vain. neyer for a minute thiniing that auy Dr. L H. ToMbaugb was caileil. boob bail nun a b arbeil vire front a He ounl tat M~'. Oete coditonnearby troc 10 the "«bors." The re- Was extrem.lyr'drlflCa. suIt vas moot aetonisbing. It la a pecuilog concidence thatu hotb or lirs. Pitile parents died as Lifteil Off Machine. a result of alio»jIlc strokea. and As the machine passed under the lirs. Foots ati.aps bas felt that ber vire, Mni. Douglas vas anatched off deatb voulil ocouir la the same mati- as If ho vas planning a cincuistauni, fier. In fad ab. b4s tbld ber daugb. ter flot ta o alacme If she found ber ln sucb a ocidition. For saine *». . .. . limte pasI lMr&. Y"t bas been troub- tooi tbeso, to be tltiertuner of the stroke. The latd ms. 3. S. Grld- . . . . . . le>' of LiberlyvIlle, vie ied about îwo ,pear a ago, vas a Master of lins. Thal the Peoria fbaseball teama re- Fote.. allze that la Bob O'arrel, of Wauke- Mra. Foote ie one of bb6 best inown gan tbey bave a roai "Ilnd," la idi reoidenîs af Wauiegan. Fer pears. cateil by the tact thaI an offtr o! ln tact oractically over sInice ehe 12,000 made by scoute for lbe De- tiret arnived la Waukegej front the trait teaxit bas bee» reluseil dcci- vicinity af Hal Day, Oi>Ot a score sivcly. of years ngo, she han benu a mem- Dr. and Mlra. Vincent Boyntan andl ber of te Wiuiegan t Pràtx COngre' famil>' of Denver, Colo., are visiting gationtal oburch. 'lier ma"> frienda Iriends and relatives bore for a feu are much coucorned, over ber criti- days. They formerl>' resided here. cal condition. The>' purcbased an automobile ln Racine yesterday sud Intend tb maie A soda tountàih Tueadap hecarne malte an extended tour aller wbicb the nineteentb haoeetthé lb.Uxnor ley Witt drive homo, via Wauiegan. Country Club. Laie Forest. The club A son vas boni tu Mn. and lin. bas gone dry. Members annoueed Russell Edwarde of Ridgeland arrived Ibat the change Iras a vwar meusure. Ibis morning. ORDEfROF DRAWING uj Bolow la prienled tihe flot of meon ln Lake coeanty district No. 2 whol worm drown in bth. %ralt8001 draft numbers Frhday. The. flet la comploe, t. u aas district No. 2 la concurneil, and the lion- eral belle! in Washingtons miiiChicago l taI1the final 2,000 noms@ dràWn wiii much more thon curf*,i lithe ral draft.d army. ln tact, l la reported trom Wa#hlngon that tise St-et 1,000ames probabiy Includes aIl viso would bu subjecl te a second draft 01 the aime sia. as the present one. DASTRICT TWO, LAKE COUI4TV Among the. Firel 100 Oma. 258 Ernealrani Hommeos, R, Vp. D. 1, Wauliegan. 2622 Ou>'UL.Milîmaro, 139 Notlbna. 468 Ray T. Hlmiantp, 1VU lincoln St., North Chicago. 1484 John Lindsay, Waaltgon nt. 2834 Leo SmIh. 418 Lai. av. U54 Jolin Zdcuevica, 1441 Victoria st., North Cilcalp. 1894 Robert C. MagE, Iibtictpl.. 1878 Omr KiIlo. 619 CN*b*ava. 8857 John Kulmal0, 702 BEe*Jobav. Mi 8Max S8ni,1024. peet u't., 1458U laul 'D. ilet-, M,: les Fusai Leroesc, flk i Pr..- 'ope *We.. Norh. CbiéOe. -' $88 oeiDobrcgolo, 198 VP- ming» a* 237 rm br . QUnin4 à Vus 1117 WIlliam K. Sa»dfitoyer, 349 Franklin et., 1672 Peter Matbev Grunwaldl, 212 leward et. 2752 Joc Haravar. 1432 Pari av. 1748 Lauri 1. Solomaa. 108 IL Moît. 2195 Joseph 'T. Stewart, 106 Sprig. Among th. Second 100 DaWn. 837 Frank Oblak, 782 Macrket et. 2036 Chias. G. Flîstead,. 308 Ravine av 337 Vinconao Botloant. 703 Miarket SI' 676 Thea. Ooorgopouloua, 729 EIIIO Island, Chicago. 275 Ge0. T. Ldintiton. R. F D 140. 509 Haroldl Blainatreni, 838 Ciii» inga Av. 1185 Benjamin A. Offner, eaie. 64 Samuel IL Sohvab,- .325 qmç. 2166 Mfiand Mirchl, 779 Maclaset. 945 Praci Zupeo, 1023 Wcavwost av., NorthlbChcgo. 1918 Abert Umita. 184 jeffiav a. os RImer R. Wtlmug lon 30m ur- founet. 8048'AitîlevVuger, 189 edlf ter, Ir 5 as u sud as ho left lb. motorcyclo, lUn. Douglas asailtting in tho sidecar. down the sîrecI. Caugisl by the Nock. The vire vas 1051 high en(ougb f ram the grounil 1e mIi.lMr. Douglas On lbe neci. Iu tact, t0lookai etbis bock iiov il appears as il somehody bad bail a breail mile, lte one vith lb. aaw odge, and bail tnled ta cul bis tbroal. . Mra. Douglas. suddeniy eeeing ber huabandIl lfteil roni the car asi ag» uuncen band bad stretchel down fr= ialove '*W&'g#Obed iio, *14 aG loue ber presence of'aI md, but she bmoughî the car to a stop. She btil'- rled baci ta lMr. -Douia, wbo uas piciing himseîf up, andl bleeding as If be bcd bec» bit by a Germa» field Disecs. . H. burieil ta a doctor, wba dreciod the voundir. -. Mr. Douglas Ihen calicil a Laie P'arost Policeman in the Icone to show bum there was no aign ' i-. dicate the street vas closeil andl thore vas notbing 10 Indicate -that a single barbeil vire bail boeu ebretceel gcross the spot vhore a peoWooulil turti out ta avoid the tir. Douglas lihely yull rebal» pet'. m&uently aie score on bis nec£ wbore the barbaejlercoil tbe ski». Ho ls mighty tbahkful thal soà lxz- Portant arten>' vas fiat tiasheilby the vire. Mfr. Douglas vas et hie place cf business today but bail lb. appear- anco about bhe beail and noci of a tian h vbadilpasseil tbrcugb the bat- île of Verdu». BOARb TFINOIJ Comiplaints Are Fibed That Borne Banks liake Er- roneous Deductions. PRACTICE IS TO BE STOPPED Boàrd Members Say Banks WiRf Be Required te Pay on Entîre Valuation. Banksci aILave counl>' uhicb have bes» mnaking erronoous deductions frOnt their capital stock sud lberebp reducîng the &Mount of taxes vhlcb muat ho pol to the countp .UI ho bit bp the drastlc stops vbicb -he Lake 0OunY ',board af rovlev -monibens pan te, lalte, -'Severaliicetancos of such s na- Lre bave been calleil te atm anteuL. Lô»," a mettber of' the reviev hoard aud, today, "andl ve Intend ta con. Ccl a mIt Ithot-ougi lnveaae,, Ifw. f id thelacis are as represeký ed v. vilI mai0e an cdjub.I-M ual the bank vili pcy an Ibid. gmsý per valuation. "~Here la the va>'lte malter la louie, accordlng to represenlations tbab bave been mcdo te us: SBuppfoe thal a bock ia capitshlaod for 850,000. That AMOUnt et capital stock bai beD etipullihibut lte heade or lb. institution deiluetrimni thia amount 820,000 for buildig, laud and ftures. On the face of il sucb su arrange- mont le petl> proper. But uben Vo 10ok-over the lista vo finil Ibal lte buIl41ng, ile anl fixtures are hOlng aSSesesd on a valuation of 811,006. in Ibis va>' the suni of 09.000 bai escapoi sud lte counly la flot COllecîig taxes on tho entre as- Members of the board of revlev Vil Dot maie. publiclte flamm@ cf A»>' & lte haku whlcb sre suppos 64 te have foUavwel tItis practice but bhey aset Ithat vhen Ihe>' gel lbraugh Uiey vili Cee te il that «Ch bacik'telaseso on the comiplete vatuatiton. lîtla lalmed Ibit la sanie ln=lcKeu the amoUÏ t tfproperty oit w tbatx la 0muiamua te mazip tholdeadae!tjoUir.. -tbla, oise- 'ouse .e b.ocet-ai thig theb b. oard ttsiato *zv*'Mgmu n w al Mb ab$*tbm 0u 'lu t, t Waukega, With Its Big For-. eg Poulation, 18 Af fected SWIarly to Chicago. NOT EXCLUDED IN DRAFT. %rtest Raised in Chicago Av- Plies Mere BecauseCondi- tiens Are Otite Singdar. Bocausee!ofte many protesta liV bavo bee» ralsed il aie ccutp ri sardig bhe aliottmnt lfor the drgft whereby U22 men have h..» ardered dravf freinLaie Cont>. The Delly ftu dispatchul s toleprain aboya b.- 10v 10 ÀiJ. De». Diukson aeing- Illd lua at efforbte delermine ut b»w te draft boule vas arrivai a i1oA» 0eouIty. Up le the prenent boui .f ropl>' ta lb. belegra»habeas e»re- OefveI but il probablp vfile ocue lober, PamI itinverp apparent the.ajtoat generai bas been floodel viti aiobr toregrama ýfrt'martus partsa e! ith Mts e hore itla lan a ljutto. is 40à onf ds In in heb.quotas. - h lt llegrain,10 t. (3e». Dicis "Lake oounty peeleie l u a dtlaslslenii n eP- q»«» e tomo e ithen lIgur eeuWtiee ,..sbldeme - tssny MWy*01 meu rois li it hfaPpq? Wilil peu toit uw boulaet cesstiptionmend e*noble ein'te PrO, errer or farim. in ~o' Tbe atorinof pro teste vblch svag Waukogan sud Lai. coualpTuemi *hon il became kmou» that 082 mei bail been ralteil frai» Laie cou<tp r6r lte nov Unitedl States i&My, tu. cama ver>' muchi ntonslfied Ygu Üigbt vitea fil bmc*e publili tat »0 oftkwaIapportionunut ce thle diset qusrIer, hi Wukegin and othserpot, bidus of Laie Contrmas Voieil oula qmhbgo, Vas mail. vitbont deulio for exemPleil cliena who migit ho living la the communlty. Becauso In Wauiega there are s eticpalmena, the aituatim àas;: le n iChicago la du>liccle4bora. In other varda, Wauistganlbe a. ver>' large foreign populasion, amii if lte aithoritllusbaving the malter hia charge 'bave flot deduocd tbe fcselgp Populdtlan lu arrlving at lie queia. fer diafb.d men, l la very agaresl lttaI cunreaacnable propotionani the real American citisoet fWanfte. gmt ba nec aliedla hi 163drel. Diqleatio. n nChîcago erptal- à.t a bl mass meeting of the p~ ellgbîy-ix local exemption la th Ie Holol LA Salle. At ~~ne il camns out Ihat h, tca- go titere la et ost on. mau hi everp tour registeroil bho aexempted ha. cause be la suaite..lanther vords. because he isn nt ai Amerk«,a Ci* geai * M that ratio existe la Qutegç. lter. la ne question 'about il but v i il exiosahiWauiega»or lita c'MW îiole- auveu grenier lima f»êt enos«. »ANY ALIV410 N K' G In the whoie eeunty tieseqi*u tion Of Jurte 11h %Inr«eassiieeha since> uhoe oi lie *wo: Grand Totl................. 107 Total allons... ............. S1ala... loft -,, ........ Prth ie baume, muet b. mcés tise M o eldiersae utenWd %»qa cobuanîpototal., .'. Altens' lo DouIet t1, E; 11. ., 0 AmeuieeuslaI. 00*01. 1 tow District 3, 8Mr>. 8 naipking ti. iatuation,~ district No. 2, vhlci. bedm va1rs pau, Ilvau louai tal 2MT musVert ýregistrelon lue7. 1? r«wt lter aioved t ce.lI~ deloed timelt aTitmeemlee.'Um »I if, .ýx,4 N ý

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