CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 10

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State's Aftâmcy Rai Sought to HM e Iebo oys Sent to a State Insituion. ATTY. MILLER OBIECIS. Boy ltqO8 6giptWilliam Broher Wil emain Here Wlth Thoir Parents. Wauwtegan. July Si. Lelinquency charges againet five boys. vho are being hold as vitueses ageinst Williamt Brothers. arrested on a charge of .having committed a gerions statutory offense, vere dis- xu«lsu ucount>' court tiesmornin.g apcn Motion o! Assistant Siate's At- torney' John Welch. The xemes ofthlb.boys are: WilliamMiclight. George Petornal. Johi M akovec. rmak Trust *'l'hese boys orlglnally gave testi- mony vbich looked very favorable 10 the state'e case. Leater, however. lb.>' admritted to Attorney J. A. Mii- ler that their tiret confession vas ade under dures. and *as vithout truth. As a result of this action, theetâte's aliorue's office filed the dbliatuency petitions, seeklug 10 bava lie'yuunesters ourmtted to a alate institution. Cousi> Judge Persons tbis moruing indloeMths aI ille tbe boys un- do«bteil>' ver. delinqueuts that lu Ie opinionu Ihe> vers more siuned aainsLUthtat sinnlng. He lntlmated *Nti@ e oUlffcontinue the. ecandm vooli require the boys tW report to blu Zrua Urne bUrne. but la the Utelatime ho vould l alov thorn W s'ums.lmlu the- custody o! thir par' Sncb jSarr*aeent vasnet 10 the laiig outhetuSsistat ate's aI t«u«ie be asserteut that he voulit -atier' idtisis h cases thsu have -rmats a good Idea.- your honor." Àu±lor m'gMllr poleaI. "Wby ngt the court a -m -i c ,,s..1, As a resul of 4h15aetlsm t1la. a boys remain wMt their parents@ "tit, they are called as witeses against rother i*ÂTECITe jjk PSufyers a .ReIase TAKEN TO ELGIN TODAY. Grand Ave1ue- Animal Cern- petes With Rooster as the Suffered Frein the Hallucoina- Announour of Dawn. dion That Hâ-Was Locomo- -Wauk'egan. July 31 tive-Batilet Guards. An ultimatum tothelb effect that un- less John lieddlng of Grand avenue Plighting vith tb. ferocity of a pu te a Mexlm silencer on bis cow the wild beast, Gustave Polendri. aned ncigbbors Wil «'have tie law oix1dm.»," aradý fHgln ak a vas issued troni police headquarters ,areintoHibndar al thie morning. The reason la thie: t10 be restreinoil by brute strenglb, The Rodding bossy, vbether suffor, when he va. led into he court bouse Ing trMn an altack of notaigia when, square at Waukogan today. Ibur she récalla the gôod old days on the 1-*--- farm or whether she vishes te com- pete vith Uic time honoreil roler as officiai. annoancer of the davo. bursts forth lu song every morning regularly gt 4 o'clock. traie neigbbors vhose saubers haie beaun hIberude- 1>' dltturhed, vhiie admltting the ani- mal bas a vondenftlrange trom a deep basic 10 a Caruso benor, demand the police put an end 10 Isei matin White the malter vas under discus- sion at police boadquartars an expert on the babils of coves uggeste tblait tbe animala early moralng bellovlng vas due t0 the tact that she vsnted tebe b iukeil. Hereafter th. cuvs lu- vilation viii prohabi>' bu aoepted sbouid tbis prove au efficient cure. branwy section bainds !rom Highland Park ftusil> sabdued the mau and helit hlm on the grounit until b, vas plocedin luan automobile and laken 10 lhe. insane asylum at Elgin. He vas o"e o!thée-mont violent Patients ever lnled for bis.- sanity In Lake count>'. Polanilrl, vbo vas employed on the section at Highland Park, lost bis reason a fev ilsysa mmandt vas brougbt tb the county jail at Wauko- gan. vbere ho ricd 10 baller hie bralus out on the tron bars of bis cell. Tuesday aflernoon bis conditioni vas mach lmproved and be vas ai- Ref*emno..'.t.éSINwin Bibe. wit aorne of bis frieuda. The mme T bObo ok* e theBbC. evenlng bc becamne violent .agan sd tail cniy lv. mouie.. of! ov mea bishlarmal von Plmositlua aatraight- htiliug: il Semuel 23:20 anid iil&o- lac'set. Iu Ibis coufition ho vas cahees 18 M; balt the& uglutebrought ta, Waukegsn andl tabou into MOU are numonou*inah. poeical count>' court. books. At XJo'nslem maov often fas i Polandri evidentl>' BulfOiod froisi Wu lie dopth of a foot or more in Janu- ir7 a"i Febraary, but l seldomon.~ the hallucination, tiaI ho vwas a loco- At Nazareth it faits more froquenti>' Motive, for ho did.bis beat t10 hulule and deeper. the puffing o! an englue. Tho evi- donc. sboved that tho victlm buas Cookisa as HigiArt, vite and lwo Children lu suny 'Ibaiy. ODOkInle0 t a high art. A wi» E BC- It vas sbovn ihat ho bas vorricit a Une -ild. long ea: -ne d"-ne.of mroat desi about them- A fov taiste and I mklirani ed b>a aiton monthos go ho began 10 vorry over la the paeiaratlon et food mi>' h. re- smeeto Wa Try cuusld«erab. xtenl sme erious; supposeil luess. At pootoMto Its cutoe and refte- limes bis condition homame very vio. ivu- =e 'M bwÈ. lent. He le a peverful nmo n sd bis rW fellw ~ 'feil4rd m m lu, i'i Jui> sonk*t.U.tb? Asa rel. tw*o men are ail thita' reRutred lto take tie averame i>tsau patientt bBlgin. la the cese ai Po. ku*l t our <me& a uaddition ta the theriff. rna<Iethe trip, for It - vas kDOWii Ilat if ho became violent it wtcild tAbo' that msziy ta rettrain It la qald. tâtithe varm veather of tbe lust te* deys did mûch to ag- gravats Poadri's condition. Husband - as Wife Arreted for Alleged Cruelty to Her Step -Children. wauliegan, Jiily 31. Because 1kre. John B zakos dIs- criminatedj lu favor of ber children and allegediy abused those of ber buaband. the latter had bis vife bal- ed tutu police court late Tuesday atternoon on a charge of dlsorderly conduet. hoth John andi hie vite, had been previously married andl bad children by their previcus marriages and botb are now parents.o! other cbildren, so the case resolved leif itune onwhere "your eilIdren and our âiidren are figting my chil- ,dren." and Mrs. Szakos as reforee slded lu vith ber children. Magistrale Taylor, who vas called upon to sottie the family quarrel ýand soud the LthreEin-one" family avaY reJOiCing. advled John's daugh. ter,-wbo vas 1r, married, to leave hei fathe! as ber lires- ence and that ot *nd caused mrs. John consalu annoyanco. if tht, plan talle1 o' u poel the magistrale declared he vould be obliged to use barsher means 10 pre- vent mrs. lzos frein abusing ber other step-children. -oalolA J;ùl s i;*IMMOD p~ue gudssuaàkao; ol uu2aq uam pue £ai poudpoq ale uapluâ c41uaqm qpaua »lai îjs 01 551ppo aI03 4le JO1551 am4 Umm5 da 11wui O J UO m i vpuv ýpq .aq ,, Iii euq jo jSd usM peînssid-es ai l, lt OîSR!j0 5-p -po2aS - q paqi ~4Jpue '05Z in1 .qiup '--av £2oîompirn woj BI é 1 'IMPOf & S» PO N Rdeýons Throughout the Stôrew We â~ve 80ld 75 REFRIGERA- TORS t",issea- son. Atelegraph order seured 12 more which we seil up from Notice Show JeM slgned t4,T*s e~) No- 66 tit 0uto . Menahers of th. local draft boarl ln Lake counity have no sterngtv the>' are compelled ta serve on that Job the ame as any man vbo lisdraft.ý cd Inte the army to Ilhht. Dr. Kuigitr of Waukega bas recousit Ibis fürmeli letter tromn Gen. Crovder- et Waslt. Ington ln refereuce 10 tihe matter: "Ample lime sud opportunil>' hu nov been alloved tu pensons doaig. nated members of local boards 10 pr.'. sent any reasons tbey msay have for not serving as such. Il le Indi*pW.ý sableý that the personnel of thest boards b. permanent. By section six of the selective service lav, persous deslgnated tu pertorm Ibhis serviceare. a. cffectiveiy, dratted for Ibis dut>' as are the registrants vho are 10 bis se¶ected for milîtar>' service. lu the future, members of local boards viii b. excused from pcrforming this serv. 'te only for the most urgent resons, approvedl by the governor of their state. Tt le noquesteil tIat the gover. nov closelY ecrutinise each case lire- aented to hdm and that he recommongl th. excuse of members of local boards onlY lu cases of gÎeat biard. sblp. Unise the governor belleves that th. excuse prosented la valid, substantial and controlling, thse atten, tion of Uic pèrion should be directeil ta section six of the lav, and lu case of further refusai 10 serve, tb. case, shouid b. reported tu the norot rep; resentative of the federai deDartment ot Justice. These Instructions do ual aPPiy, o! course, 1 o mcera of boards vho are to b. rembieil under instruc. tions f rom the War Department." Substitut, for Fountain Pen. S3Prlng clips to he tastoeel 10 au or-, dinar>' pen, enabiiug il lu hold a cou- sldcrsble quantît>' of Ink and t par'- form tIse fucons of a fountaîn peu, bave been Invenleil. Triai. «rhls thlng o! being su mach ta love that you csu't eal" observeet lh. man Who kuo*s, "le Do nul neuenti eauseil b>'the bigh priecofciSavoes andl theftter tces"Wdw Buy Your Porch'Fuiniuie Now Lake Cou nty's Largesi, Oldest m anMot Rellable Store A 210-212-2140OouU O Street. 2 st 1 2 8 hic Co 2 ty 2: Fr il 21 24 2i kif 21 51 24 21 ter 1 UJ Dram ~I&0i tab~ i u m-& oitR V~Uk~jah, FMay, A~UgUSt 3 R- &ctrmshve IongWc4 M«ba o b.iugt emad1 te b~u M - dey 6y wii b rigî 'band"'in tscly. Op timtcla parade of Republîc Trucks will be held underthse auspices of thse Lux Auto iSale Co., thse fiin tisat sella Republic Trucks min s s erritory. Rcpmblic iternai guatdrive îrucI4. in service in 4«of business wili u yd<rt e"proceetina fine throuil the prin1cipal 4q&esýsuIr.os lwlie esavshsow- iio'f &tent ato whicls IsZhuling andi delivery service bas been niotorizeti by the largest motor truck factory in the worid. Àad he bandaîtishe iseati wili be lte amons RApub6 cBud, an orgwàuz" of o1emp4oyfa tisé truck plant at Aima, Michgan. It lis an -iîi.rcstiugistory. In 1915 a few employees l~t e epbiic Motor TruckCa Inc., got -togeliser and organized a littie baud. %ratttion cof thse members of the Company wu.as4an to thse undertakins of thse yowag musaçan ad tbey gave cordial encouragement md help.- A notable occasion waa thse appear- FaMuisOt4ânitaUon Broughèt e By Lux Auto Sales Co. At 2:30 P. Me A iwtd~ietpan* CfcêfýéëË-Xt ai 4f M . Concefts at Band 'Stand, Sheriç.àii k,, oa suce of the bardf as cscort tai the first Republic. DiPatc-deli' r>Irtc, wisen it began its trans- continental tnip laut faîl. lu Aima, -where every- body works for the Republic," crowds lineti the streets andi cheered both the band sud the truc k. Since that time the bzand bas grown amazingiy. Its rnepberslsip is tisree times tbat of its be - ginu. ise baudmnaster. F. J. ma-or, la natiomaIl known 1er bis leadership. He camse 6rM Columbia NMihtar Academy te give tise band both music a su ,uuitiary training. Tihe resgl4 call forth thse admiration of bantimasters Wberever tihe Repubiic bas appeared. The laud is superbly uniformed-traveIs in a special car and1 bas aýpareti in America's iead- in5 Ible. Itt-5, uiiuiial occasion 80 sec anti heaiCZ fihne fclJowobtiatcorne from the acycral departments of bigis kiliet work ii tihe truck factory, iu performances of the beat band rmusic. Waukegan people, tisrough the efforts of the Lux. Auto Sales Co. wilI bave ibis opportuniby Fniday afternoon andi evening Corne out and sce. Bning tise farniiy. Out of town people are specially inviteti. No chsarge whatever. ~5ndIncobtedtfletlIn intrumental cqulpment and com"ietegicis of iits re k.eluu6c -pb aynn.rfionIbn'j i io P s3P..Coneert at Band Stand I~I1 J J' ~ ~ c ~J~Wi~elr4lditUbgd do not lose, sight of the fatth t -Tru4 pvardç thr.,; bu»IT f/g /7Ru J -premntia tRo nck- ,etest of ail motor trucks. There is a -_ 5 WfÇGN.mdm n, eintWe wil be glad bu .1 vs be elif En vo a. col sai li frc tui of prt aIr ha' tei pr- oh frc roni We secured 60 Baby Carnlages by a lucky pur- chase. Ail fine reed, MI1 colors as low as

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