CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 2

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h 1b~aI a.k ~bo es rsuo.kplwrnr. eOd9.Pa DL aIL IamL OSa 8.W5 SmOHAM S SI .1. 0 .S. I P. 0" eat nom, cok Av@. Phomo 16-J LMRITYVILLE. ILLINDIS LYHL IL Nuo ASOSSY-AS-LÂW %me lb1 1 .1 AWO REUY A N.AW AU&AMMMN & VOL VAU, GA,:-VOX LL011M OU..PbP"ama Bi, 1$7 FOR MOUSE RIDES ~ibssdeeoMi o rli ee autmle ZbL non# 2WW-2 £iectric Power -uxi The umupridtkal. and ecanamnicl ay Io as- sure a plenlilul and con- stnt waler supply for Home, Office: Dary, Farm, Gai*Ien, etc. Aky Size rower PUMPS May be operated by Electric Power IPublicServiceCol H. D. BOYD Mm'h Wiucnin Land Man. Wisçisai Farna with and Ldmd STWms- IA" oe a . oe B ne. tue firot lw FO AJRs. qu ii od oe l Ur bibdbw**Swoe q» oas. Primo IL ., m 10.éoe------------o 3 t*i1bR~I JO or *Nom ~ W -4 + +S ~ W a *rOkh & aodL U.otst. 1m* dm FOR 8ALE--Hoi.eoFat*- SOUAv. Um I J. Grim.- 27W I ~OR8AL-45 moto faim. 1K mil. sorti. of kaki Vil918 2% a."a>uh of Aallocb »imm a"*.oot of Lom LobMets«IaLe Joua. &.TrWIONAMuoci, DL ISsi +r + +ELANO+ ++ liONS! TO LOAN. We oalot Ibsn- qulry oet9h..dusrbg taborrov moaey on FatUOlotRlmvd LkCoUly EMaiNtl. VU" Ragmoai flas. Llbsslyvmo. luisais.819 WANtITE O RENTl-Dvolln< hbo. with 6Oto 8 tooma. Louve luformation atllondool oResm. Ciooeg u MdI -at T.- A.. Reyuold'@ Clothlng alorest ai LberVtylIle, Ditlote. Evsrytblng at redneed pries..Wilfl eI ta a"y oc la bll ai a goal Ifacount or viii continue ta retailI untîl stock la cloood ont T. A. fsynolda. FO aOlNT + FOR fiENT-Zoom la sodoruboua.. Mm C. Baa.. Phono 164-K 2811 1- MNINDRAVYARE NÀTIONS ARY Arrivai of Master Usta Ends Chânce for Them to. Pick Service. agwtns tforhe owovnational army lad ibir1aI chbauco frlday to go loto lie sezrvice a volunisea The let or the mater IliaIs f drmv- A t . Wasbin leisthi Ithelocal1 exemption boards aud vire potal. Thi setthle provo mersbuba ruled, automaticaily putt UV tic bars te, Vltior esllstmont. Wqttithe recesp o e nis aisnii the proparation for ma"Ing notice te th. mon holding the senial tnumbrtu the machinery la nov lu ahape for the Opeutag of the physical examuaihon la u ailhie igityslx ditricts of (III- cage clatterpart of nont veek. A eonforeseoreaetlh. board$ cf the tourt, sorlieru distrlia bai bon called for usît T@Uedy mornlng la Chicago ai th.Hav L1A Sale. At ibis centeroe SM. ILIL Cbipperfleld. of C»oe..I.national isard, attacie o teoprovotmalr- aas' offie, yu exposid the lav sud tbe rugulatimonpmepar toteta- kng sp bu ddodesas Se ral >o@W adviser ta &Ul h local exempios 1boards ilntiii mection. The mont Importait deciion te ha reaciel by the appual boarda viiib. ta delermine luit boW mauy rno aa b. ipared tram cauh tndutry. 50 arn to prevent cripplng plants producing ncecesnary vrar supPlim am in*etChes. Rhlen vot1 hoes ttaltm bot nambOy beoOma. ~Te veromi» ~ htbabilu Dlb. yuar tarlook- t tIs aumiov- r aonfy. am aml zïbuel Hu le 31-ol~S Ppa(III bol lun 8uneê 1. IWâ&M an d UtIlo Test.W. 3). 11I*.* L4shPa a sa ro te lmmte BaPl Ràm. ot 8ock %'CM&IdUOX o Wauko..W., . $e.% . GofflStn h.reaVu t. .1il B sud*_Wlb vs, I 8U.OWlottd sbock Bleau et ark Pi. Toi Lk$7ï. . sia âà i lotg ot xE.aià addittcu toAiol.W. xD. s. r.N ono n ta ml vio attH. K BeprieMvie, jy ota al . 100 k 8, Ooulled Park W. l. 418 'go. .5.s adtond te lWHas 111 m111,a11 "t vOW 9mand1. Waàl & Park eW@ adiiontW. D. '1. W.D . . Louosad, vie tovuThoas IL M. ornce nd w. uot 10 uet5 Sat nio . lot10,bloc 10, Lad &er gerss addition t Wanken. W. D P. . Worntsrman~d ie toB 9 iutioandTeuou t 38socet ofaat j, oo Jlrkota sü h Ge- osa a llat akn. W. D. IP . V Lu ad viet Thmau m. C. NiHoutad vile a Gult2. Nouson audvisi, art lot17md W. D.caoHihi$1.W.0.8.10 & . 8 Zrst o caeld Goide n andWi t er , poalualot 10, >1hwk 10. ad & Oser- rV dtion ,EtAhtaonshipa . W. B Be.iha. Wblddntoadvite tanA. E T b- ddeidvie,loilt vilteet of lot ganoé. QW . D. $1. a . C. WUllsina id J.teMtoPaeanlo nete. icln adaand . ot J. M Pae, o'.lubdvlleof HlaodeW D. 10. I 17 ,r vite.Conra MhanlGd ten sudA.te,. à Beat 80 ars lotu7bveoddiYtionec tôion9 t Antide, ovnsip. *W1.l n M.Si.n o .H.T Beibans, .lo t a on uannd 0 e t o3 D.oc. , BocrdnDuta . M. Pa, oth Chicago. W. D. $1. Ira Smith and vife to A. L. Young, lot 7, Bruce Lake subdivision, W. D. 1300. No.ibUlmINTHE TIIES AÀREASON Unwrlten Law Is Ardu Must Be Fiee, s Mother Caffes tPe Packages. There ia muci baides glor lalu h- tng au ottleer's vite, mnce lie order1 came tram VWaiungton that off icers shall vear their unforme seve.n laya a veek, UiceBroklyn Hagîs observes. Wvivea -yb atscipatid peomenadlug proudly viii ibeir smiartly arra7ed buibands. thé tocus o! popular admi- ration, are tlnllng ibemsulvca tic largel for amnused glaucos Insteal aIli because o! tic regulatlln tiat an f- f Oâcer ln uniforna cannot carry ai,- ing lu bis bauds. When you a.. aanavy maui lu wite dnck or ai army offIcor ta live Irai sakIung along ovingiai baund.. and basie hm bis vifs leaedltil bunîles or holding theé IamlY UMirel- la over ber huba is ma, or stag- gering undor tU iamlly baby, do not think liaiticheMniila vlifullYnun- coula. H. prébably vanta ta belp, but stem "precedesrt cebldn* bina. Il la anusuvnitten lav. and tbreors la unrepeilaile, on. that hi' muai ,blookmllllary." rallier than olk bu- maie. "And a mai in unlform doesa ua look very mlltazy vllh a tvin an one armansd a package cf fiai dangllnge tram thé otiier.'" one ottîcer comment- I md ceeplsbly. "I loWit 1118 la go shopping wyul my iusaud sînce ho bu t0 eut bisl ulil!for," a recout arm! officesa bride *1 bave -tg carymal l. e "Mybrohbet boa te a»sieli it cary" ebaby. wvin bs p oral c aboiber Brcokln w*maa th"ost 1totiteoGl$ ID. fu onperim eu#"- or ~ ~ h0 bt b I'nr oiimioe Wipt altellr 1olq1oIe musthat lho 0% ilb. a0frkt ur ai .Uuou i olvi 'iai et the uarm &*am t patate. Atoue YMatauee lai' f out eilostha aboya .geut teitbu lya oa tbiug ten aiuntiey dNga4 The babas corpusheutiug hoNd on Wodaoodmy. At. that the boys ver. requlred 1to dý torlos la ieton1 ln retutation of th.e aaila Ationisy Melotthe aUltes ttogiAr Malbtalul laI iita b.are CUOi thor Cypelastheeevidoface had show*, ai 1««t that the "prie«t» bai tabou. unnatural Iliotties Wvlthe10yo bous.Ho uulnltained thal eider 6 liberal ltefhrttOn 0ft plsav vieàto the b.offeus lbt. t fauCMe r14 againht nuim that the' prernaut d umnalleged, vould 1W .iuto * Uwarde held thrnt vblle thé efldence. tdleaied the taking of Il>i ortiotraihor hanthe Oromse nov ch*rgod, liaIuder thé evii.noe b. vould net b.iSustiffed ln frnOlig Cv. priai aid h» therefare beld hlm for trial on lbe other charge. Attorney miller argued liai snob à ceura. diIInet gve bis client ai op- portuulty ta prepate a nov dfeuai. Nie malntahod uahshie client seIl b. dlamimred ad len have tbhesalage attomeflstari a ne mctonas saist him lu police court If be s0 dosirqi H. aise sked tie rigit ta have the lite's vituesrecalled no that kt could question themraai more lOnalb on the tacts contalned ID Uic nov charge. Thiis request vai dm101. Under the order efthie courthle tva priesîs vere ordered bacle tain the custodY of thceeriff Thc bail of Pather Frauda vai r.- duced today to $3.000.FaINter CYP- riaiia banl vas rcduced ta 82.000 Bath bad bleun beld in bonds af $5,000. FIVE*MLE 'DRY' ZONu OTAS DRAS Vt ,M - TJAEP~TD ksserted ThdI SU WI kPro- vent Wet mWd ry fflWn Here NuxSl Wr rWHAT EFFECT RENLLY 13. Nîlt Make Would-Be Violators More Char About Vilatlng the Liquor Law. Thai liec Ove mile drY ssem hlob Prosident Wilson bhu oataimbed about army camps Mad naval sdam tdona, doua flot have a a m 151 e b f leet as i rsi vas bolisvsd vould le the case, la the assertion of a large number of Waukogan, romidenta. -The sting le toben oui of the or, 1er,» " aMuuaa-ortod.-"but tb dlanse vilci a.y stVaI vowlu wblch are More thon hbot a mils frol such camps or stations ors net f15- eludod ln the eider. Il leok@ uteme es if tiers ie notihu aprovent t1h lova of Waufl&M touvotlng et tb. vet and dry ipsomo mort ims tie saine a ausi." "'la my opinion thlis oblt not ose man anel, '"M that 1h vlm abe vould-be viobgatOr lhomor* Sreful. Maap oflieu vIemisist, Dot besitate ta break the 1%V by W~ loga sales of liquor alibi boustma If tliey hnev Iat they vOUld fMI tuta the banda oet Wwoal officeru It ln reportai[lIa. st heiot1nauu Plans tea instituts a a mpalgpnlu»1 nest future lancloua19P conditions 'thit a liveaile radiu of Ibhéna- vaM station sd « ~ Sobridai. le la asl i f dot l WBsIDvlmakel raids on places yIWgf gil la belleol liguea .belug ddsporet otary, te 'a*' an i veytldgog auiblo viK ho don. ta pruet tlairVIOl5tlOU& Tva or three aifliiure raida have been1 sgtaged lriged. but under ih* aîtlcrity granted by ths order lis- ed hy lie prasidecttheb.raids vili ho made more thoron*b. Primitive .Dnsnoes 151 The mont primitive foin ct lapa noee aigu la th halv on la delil tb. article for »Y& . 1IsuP io IIRAP ioui a b»Mali MWblà»1111th sudlb t ahe r M ce Vs iti , G &11* ro« i c rl- *Plana, a J9 Jjoiewo9r$ , I.2end ~aAt. fit "àd 1%adbrei be MIN t amifl obab*w « é .00- !s, Tailly, 5050._14.4aiSalurie.~P, SEpt. 11. lu- .~smâuthat ~ - ueauuou - slip imopo h. WIoS~ * AciIug te Waviegsa Mes vho ~Ys~~bgxLkdurluusthe ,-*&*s »M MM OWY Umios bak te Mt lia porào-alo laotei.1w '- eWtoat arniowe bela ltbsr*.a' *09i Wu gou or wm Ou*rbok bae teave vUR "ou bond bore 9. Mvi f9et bat, là basaoer*1h Tho Libortyvl lndegosdoat - ou. o- - ~u IMM hmlesImm.ta 1, t sdmlston is to b Sri ca'ownaspemSoscm. H-ie znoney buyl ounuu niaoegsndrsi nmm-"i US-s aiko gt ùRya.fvm 1.' -9 'J w'tpr s ih sm ff5 Fbk Tima For Sale By AM Dealan TUE FIK RUBBER COPM4Y of N. Y. Ceaiai fflma:lop ulk, mara ine mrAs aMers lAM 125 C*hs * Moqly Cow va. Huaband (Reprluted By Requemi la a R.asoning Logical? Once upon a tirne a womnan said ta ber huaband, "John, there is so much lightning naw 1 wish yau would get *OId Brindie' insured, for she would be sucha loas if she was struch by lightning.' John agreed with her and at once hunted up an agent and secured the protection of apolicy on '.Brindle7s' life, and be acted wisely. His wif e found great 1.ault with the agent because he would flot grant $40 insurance on a $4o cow. The cow would make $75 yer year for the famnily and busi- ness policy demnandaci inaurance for tliem on the cow. Somnetimne afterwards John was holding the baby and watching a thunder starm. He waa feeling pretty well pleased with himaisef for get- ting Brindie mrnured when he waas tartlcd by a voice which seemed nght at hie car. "What if the lightning: would take a bat at you?" This led him ta think of Life Insurance and he got ta thinking. "*Here I've ineuredmy moely cloW againat fire. why not insure my life aginst death?" He called hia.w~.ife in and proposed that he take morne life in-' surance for ber protection but'she said "Na siree Bob'* and John did not insure hbu life.' lu other word. andinu plain English &ho îold poor old John ahe did not conade hims as important to hi& fanxily as a mooly cgw. THE TIME TO ACT IS NQW Any other Business can better afford ta wait. Write ta your Michigafi Mutual Life Agent toclay« Yv-(i ta ti hme th"n wl gmt bocai clade malt catit i h- spot. am car c srdaý toitil uning bave chanj ed a secoO aen: col It vu Who baud The Ch; S St Af bion man 1 djo s ie pi-rt. (-'am> TI w art f5il. tit' tint]l war T farr waý and bul met ingi City Wh( pas ren Mir. futi cil fSi .mi on Il 1 TUE- ISA 1

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