AUGIT8~ 2.1817. 14,mAUTOISTS ALlENRISIfS (Oceudn i Tr= ageFi0c».) i h go istO aarsI satitila Of lakre county wviii bae!chy0Unlmfr ta Aul Amer!- to taie effective action te put a *top onCtzn to thia sort of pructice. Thi a laitcnCii c Di-Rgbvod osi h n. iaIiiPOSITION DUPUICATED HERE traailli!very extenlveli b autoaw. buw ut mi bey a ribcy x.cts I t Waka , Wtf gel avay wvih titirepeated holdup ~ 64 .sed e bainacs along thsl route liimmre ' ;147 ,>qoChicao n tua MauIbs undontoci. utm'fCiao When the aewu came s"Out Uitheuegjuiy 28. secon holdup laitance tiene vwu GosiiJuitice iD tbe flgring af <ioi exCiteenu arouni Hat Day the Suit <quot fer the draft army b.- becauae the. people therabouta conà- euo f the tbousanda cf gitana re- cluici that tbeae mon wvte.Probabli sidiag lanaM&y districts vu issubici makbug their rendeavoua la t 10W hi County judge Thoas y. stully, calti. of Chcago. Wedueaday. Becuse bthe The Incident of SaturdaY eveduu"mrncondition ippliea ta waulcean tolowinno e loeiy the holdup 01ad Lbe CoutY, where 4lndlcatiaui Wôbniesday vierela turc. men vie are'ia the b large farelgn populallôn hk p#s"i rabbed, landlciteai OM vîli regulîa in nymore American #ll',~A. Ag* ite ia«ttàg bing drafted. Inho the armY han la IiXnicbuly. Tiol' neue, lov er.ti.average Cty, the luises remaria elp la S"*n Il the ftat timylppy viti equai Trce boe. vgald diue 10operate twice go acon -bin."cihei tiie»mmnbave toMeter, eandio10et At il. "me beunliving ber. for more tha hveji sPot. ty years." said tie luise,'aid tbey la tcnuectiou vîhth Ie atlempteil have not taben lie trouble ar lhe In- < oldgp lbit, _ retldth lInltheai-f1terceitaebecame citizen& of Iis cous- fir et W*Iueoda nit the rObberàtU 1, lu vîîcii bey bave enJOYed ail cdii a long «cro«ata. higbvay and tg beuefita. compelei tieatolas ta etop tbedli "Ths la ail viana. One trouble car or bave auacident.bInbe Bat- sa.i ups, ule e lal vii uduieveulng eeitla see011they ré. reguireil for fluetadI iLa.spaperu. Of lied ou "ru abllly ho genre thi au- couseIl wvi oct much-$S for tbe talisesud mii. tiai. stoP vliit lait papes-ut It seems ha me thâi ualng a long., Imagine vial 'WOuIi amy min vho cornes ta titis counhtry have baunen ai bitfe robb4m 10maie lItiepermanent boume ougit chaged theiPlan cf action and P-Io 0b. villing hoe peni $6 or 86 la b&- ed a log seronsuthe rond aftar the, corne a citizen. second car -dashel biroua ithe dan *,Theitlegal maebiuery sitanld b. geD zone." I mlpifld. 1tone.ottht l I b.eisy crretion-we aeeinformaid biat forthies. foreiguers la became curoll- Ilviu F'liob TuiiY. lniteaidcf CtnllYcd In aur ctizenablP - But Il la an wbo wau tae lnte»ied tictini Of lie intrage that vo bave ber. 75.822 ai- beaiditi. ieIn reldnts--nat ilion eneme- wia cao standl off la ane aide moi uat my.A.UU îlie called upon far any sacrtbCs, CITY rOW ÀN S wble the boys of every allier country u~ga~ uuuqp i n the alicilcanai bave th o ata lb. -ftenation. do net want la SOWN THIS SPRIÛ enh TeMasterson Farm Had Not ht tis country to furnish them vîit Changed Hands Since Home-.te respective lisa ofail iheir sub- steaded Many Years Ago. ethr lor.whnihdaf ag l b ytis gosîrfiment. ruebln NOW SITE 0F CAMP PERRY. 'et a"l îuîb mu-n who are DotI niugr. ____hie__t10exemption iminc-diatelyzoo Present Owner WiliIAUCtIoiý home t0 their native land and join the colors for the durai ion of the war. Stock and Farm Machinery I "Here lu Cicago the maie alien During Coming Week. population wiltin lic draft age la Ater ha'.lng heen in the posse- quai ta 6<0 per cent of the- entire bien o!f p ilsth ineaîî,mnc'number of Aserican citizpnlS vho %Iasts îue ro fegvrmll ient lavet- nocuglit exemptions thug far. many ycred ago lte 120 are im tThatIs adead vraug. Ether tiiese airen-. wito are the 1l2f)lght anil ca ndjoning North Chicago on tic southit n h r r' I ih n a sie.ha- .emporarily bei-ore the pro- * hlht oughit tlalle ouft11w-r irt 1it i pérly (of 'oc le Sam as. the Site- Of pers lmmedateiy andl a8k to hi- p-r- t'amp l'nrritt led ia go ta the front. or iii n- This plP(e eor propiry. rucently uhoiil'e ,itpeut bark to ttittîr r-- luaed 'y he îtseronent troumEd- >' ai ou l'leand forreni nta: ru léioe 4 th, 9 lit. r scar, ottIiý,'burden a art Msr. -,r-.o, itliprient 0ovuer, -witilt it-1P nelewnt rdal ;I -'t i, hstua . tu-ttc' %pn rite E .1i&kEaod wll ý7t,,!Fjý,(>,ily i,( bii1ntit8', rîiiiiitfnai l ii i'. irv i t- Ili.NW'fan. antoich" tse ne ltn- 7 ot - n deît .r 1'tînit în tire uaf n'! farr acinubtery an Isirf xi wr('k, snd utecon- AN AUTO 'RUN' tinufarmng. I,ý(goverint haî, >-curf1 ineroi 'am leasle on the- pro- itiret C 1tit * tc irilliegp f etreiewýIng WliICli DJDN'T PAN une tai-nr a'ibe ndlof the preseni war. nti.tcsailstairo OUT - 'AS USUAL' farm ii (buenunoter culivatuon fi fini tttny iarsanttd a large acreaire wae pjî,it.tlit iis npring. Afier Un- ,ie sim iad 6ectred the- luise. fieldi of growlflg grain hegan ia dsaippoar andl in fbelr sdemi arase bundruils of buildings ta houge a part of A-merl- cae fghing force. I-iundroili o! men are now il worb erecting build- ings and vilI continue until tite tran- illon is complte and a gooil simeil cty wili. aftur a fer montio, standl s-bure cmaps hmd ieen platel luis past epring. Apari front mnnouncig that ho vilI romain on ils propety untll the fuil Mr. Matersan bas ual state il bs future panls. NoO 0,0&010nfer Wo"ry -vmnafraîd," nild lie junior mou- * ber of the 1mw hum, "fliat ve are cana. ing Oui client utinecesarY trouble." -Oh, lts ma il rlgit," rejOinei lie : aloi membin; "ve'llchange ina for Il.' Wouid Neci Morooope. Tiiree-yeiu-old NellIiii jduil bei Sires a plece of breuil mni butterl b 4 quiet ber. Oie icebeil atitI Itentiy fer aî moment and lien umbel: "MIe.' me, dom 1)04 sec overythlug?" "«Tee, of corueiehoes«," vas lie repli. 'WOu," emtnU=edth li tle mie, "I ilOêt mini o«en Doil tond ose butter on zia breaut. Thie Uber4yvile hnepeadet Con- talas the l"'I1St cnti neya. Nobody Went, That Is, Not as' a Club--Poorest Roads Cho- sen for the Route. That vas "somu automobile ion"' wlilch tb, Wiukogan Môtai club helil Sunday to Lake Genova. Three' thîngi stood ouh as featuring i: : lI'rst-Only one car vent as repre- sentng thic club, vith banner, etc. Secod-The route to Lake Goera peced out for thc club'10 foflov vii the. pacreet af aIl Ihosè vlilcligo la Laie Geneva-any or ail of lhe oah- er routes are lai superlor as 10 the rosis. Thiild-If members of the club venl to thie labo lndiviuaily, and even tlaugh acatered about lb, laie dur- Ing the. iii, on. baili nev taI thc allier vus tiare. goa, taies ai a vhole, ta. "automo- bile run 10 La-kec Genevaý," vhlcla the bai beet advertWang foi a veeci, vi a perfetiy gandiule5., llustratutgelIinablty, seemlagily, ta gel Wauiegan autolata together an auci ln Occaionc. 'rie ali nov la of g.ttlag Up ian auto rus te Ouns ho amI f tiere are moti ln tova vie wcli in héi elubhtoveihical o th ué net et gel- ting together and going, ot tiare. - aie ite ep5OUUOS5 ]a propordtIo otsi '$la% Monic de icotier ccbtt FÂiUi~IO - - AVOID PREJUMWCE. sm Gott la as« 1%11 Tm'hln Tt WerpuJude. FRDY Even With HR e ef ot h su naitllout leude a mA D Yuni syad de vrong things; 11; jj vrps aur ihogm«ttand leudei b lu-1 conunue Prom&p* oa. PIIIPP justice, ukindneuan sd OVen c<relq.i~ f0ontinued Fr e li 0--) t pve the ayfor batred aMi mal-4 i,7rýn-t Lhmai.-Èécase Ie ify-lm i prporionas v. learnita clar1 le sai to 1w !n a more or less seri- A yoang wedl!h oblernan carne on oui mmndi cf prejudic e W become bel-1 ous coodltieonthe sheriff intends ta surrlvlng a et f.tea ti»leithout a tu,. ter men and vea; vi vin Mreude sui that the bail be made higb tune. Reévil beMesanbgis tâie. à a"dissuolve enmitie.; ve are more enongli 10 hald the alieged asiailant friand caiaemgolaW1!b c'0iee adteiene oil Itlla faund vhelher or Doltbthe drop bs e "Aiop S ere lie vould Ne one vants f0 b. JoOMd by faim 1 vcim aof the shootlng wlllrecover. b k50wiiuftili ýsiPaul JacobsoCO tendildi lt prejudice auto np.De.-i A bond of frai. $10,000 ho $25,00 vil viuti ils ftSMIo«te lii: vii. of jndglng others ln sncb amUgit.I .I'Wiyhe lèttr nIq am Prejudice crampe the mmd and the1 Ill anked. Paufl mouag wuvoeu n bao hm uft; le u$ln he tii vîîof igiffu Tii. phyuicin vhoatla couafur baà«U i g ý ndè.gravth of chacter. Il la vi» teW merci jour hurtad if yau à" r - MeViety ila a lisptal il Evanston, Tbuse ep, IIII 7sk vho voajdbeIIII&M tlb.. 1set aboutta root Il outi where bu vs arusbed aler, the shoot, gSidt* h* B St Of s fortune wiolly. lng, annoucces tbal there are .1111 fOIr & t "sud Do not ho sur, you of ail men are fitty ta silxty mal abat lai the ie. - ~d W sdIfI Meunprjusi. Tuat la the danger, for tisbody. flome ciau b. removed, ta& oy, l1S W O b vil prejugim ole gu~re by vanity. Sa"l but miny viii bave tW remain. If ro court mi mwêè b eyi 80b, u t i hugeai iwf oomplicatloni ein ttlte Iltthe 1 W cti" *l'WEet«iC~anit O la &Qiii laItios of Ut. We Um wl rcve n rm e dy "u7« 081*b w l0huband oly fr ieam b .- peuie te tvo veekt. .by lav. Veu:WMt lve'1thbr; V,, à wut tifM bouttais voe.- Tie siiaoting, iqnoding tW word 7" Basé MtDO ut. it Mitbreedi luutica aid un- from iWuconds, la suid tu ave b Oooufui O.r*wlbePaul adveoe. »nff..A.maue&ibhumInnoen Quto unprovoked. MeVlety la »mda pn t m a uld @ o nimi oeehpirMI to have cenwared bisa ired man ML Pr e . v is pul auk. SBdIL cann. he dld acf cet up efylag Yx« f Ii l m I. a pbgol rei on-______ when Lehman itarted dcviithei road, iDek W tat -IB*par couii SNOWI CAPME RRT ennouneiug bis Intention of going tuDhiEty Bflothf'lb' .remit, ii- town, McV'ety la id bII b ave re . 0Ult Ovd«ke ithe. Larde of the . "0w. monalrated, vhereupan leliian la H. mia.B~0. replies, one et the Sutaan d the Shah."é allcged a bae fied ta abli h bfrbb a ilitLBertha stuiir, Get Arsuaf,wvicli miculders lit alleged h bae fied wo aois i w homfatbeé enormau waî soae17,000test up tuttheAr- lmi froni a double barrelled ubotatin. fortune tui êî,1*4med luexchinge meuien sky adloks-dovu ou lb. Bath aboistu ok eect vbit voql bu êSjOOOln Anerican landa of the 'czir, fhe sultanad lthe U"dently belleving he bidkilleil money for 11.0 Pdrlme. af belng shah" ultlxough eu truiy the. ralying bis employer, Lelimin earted alaway Couts n WalKi *h.e epressed point, auit wSver fi. Armentan on a ra. iiappea 1ring la à elurnp berWof cont.W*tb tille and vil- people. le qulte uqkqgvn ta lb, native 0f voda Aniiidayseaclivaslingt t diapem i'WUiN the huabeni. Armenian 4Y titi name. of woda.An il dy sarchwasTbey vee maillai y prairy, the Tbe people Who actually iveil vth-i conducled for hlm vithont avili un- Wite'i oliclr f 41111tie mon.y at ln îlgbt of lia gpret MWo capped dome, ti he ivas lociteil early ln the or- the tim. cf &0ieMbIugny. vholbock out tuyau It or thlb.plain enlng. Tho. canaia.t eomirried long from Eriva, some thurty miles avay befare buoaiho pf le Cauntese Wen. otheliinSeflor f rOM the. frduler CASE CONTINUED TEN DAYS d"ln, a verYbt 'oman mlvin mountain japue avay ta lie othad'i Wakga.Jui30 la eno "' ofBwaahzor It :Y a vaialty ofDam*@. If tbeY are wadrga. ulsù Nri ___" het ck f Armenlanathey calIi;il"Miagi" ifl Tbecae f rei eijnn ixrgtae king for daiiscbi etw Turks, "Agi Dagi," snd If Persiana, Thecae f re Umà, ha c d on lhe pc ro a euinvibed "Koi-I-Nuh," or the. "Mountain of cd vithauiut vithinltent tae0011'- ta on. cf the e*.iltahpalace NohJb" mit murder, va conitnued ten days it Stokholm .Tb*enecnt prloked up Ther. smereuIly, cf course, Ivo lu Juilge Tiylar'i court Ibis mornIng. biseairs. Be a04S e halbil. but iouitinsi, or, i.liet tho,r.laCone vaut Lebuan entered a plea aofflt gulflty kept ot cf bld vltwe vay, seettng ber, miii ouf of vblcb clos Ivo pesa. and clilmed tW bave siclin aielfde. Yet, takig Ci""l @h5e id n fot au- "fi basaecoaflusI et a abeigit of tenue viien ie saboi:lhie employer, hlM BoIng VR7 iiudi truck wvi Mt es~80 at, tielilummila about seven ber, be vuote but a lutter PraPoslng mles ipaut.' Ired McViety, flair Wauconia, fr1- tait t y mI.luý br mhilage a reai liUIe Azausat, upc. viose sopes Il; la day morning. cannual unlon. Tii eplybe recelveil tait the, terrllaries of the tare. king- Lebmun gave lisi version of Ithe vii tht she bai marricil hlm for bis doms actually mueet, la some 4,000 84.1 eh in ffir viien aa Vieilbilai, tite and bail no Vuse for hlm persoally lover tban li bIg brother, but noue îhatln vbtever. tl. it vtIs 12,840 tact, It la 'non* He dlaims tuat ho overslept ldiy "ilm e*ilerpa fr hbat,"lad 80 lltte."-ArgoauL. mornIng, but viien b l effl pga Pn the mlklng ai usual. McVlety nul)- Nt long aller th. coliflisil bai '- New Engisnd'a Charme. rimandeil hlm, be sali, snd tien lurneil ta ber bomne a valet came ant 11 have anun-ereil tbe New Englunil- strucit hlm. He dpelares be fintnbeil evenlng la ber reeldence andl sud tait ensand vintered them; tbey wear," the miking and then vent ta the bis master, who lad been hunling la sais Rollia Lynde HirttinW the Ceu- hans mi li'lngbli iotes ml thlb.vllaty, bail bem Ilreil by a tlm..11I bave faugbt vîta tber n sd bouandstatildovuie lboabis tell roli@ihare.. oul the«>"nt-made il up. I bave lrbed Molana- st satention ai heivlng bith em are ubetertllfthe neuf ilayý Par, too-and l vwlltbng toreturfl i MeViety becam enerag.d at titi. wtl every considerallon. fie reeelv- know wbom lie vîli, iluvour heuna or be naid, snd falavweil lm ocrerai cd hlmlierself and sent for ber pliysi, epurn theum. dlg potahoos, clama or rode. Ai he appraacbed lulaa a]-~ - oaeond tabu ld. Greek rmots, and buc'-à man for ai tait' legeil thrcatenlng mainuer, Loha h es ~an In ai an lnvoeaildandurne t aon rlends somewbit slow to tube turoed ail wîrned hlm flot ho came enlistsI yrpathy. Tie countÀes Atbold, but incapable of lettlng go. As nearer or he vould be hoabt. Tbe once becanie mucb inlerested ln hlm. warrn hearted as the Montanlans. tbey employer dili fot heci lhe warnlng, sud rince buiddd ot scen well enongh are as liherai; IL moments I have corne to depart on tie fllowtng mornlng she 1 nuar sailng, 'The further cuit yen go adLehmao shoh once ln the air. tilsst,ed thît be uhould ual albompt ta the further West you get.' t love thie Tie farmer continued to approacli. do su. The counites.4 belng a wornan West. I love thue South. Accident. nol -the accusud man derlarcil. adA whc-o ivio couldl fot posn. l i,- mary ad the tholcu, brought mu to New Engiand. lie was Ml~out flftv fretf away lie agaîn ltiti nid heing an ntîractive Min, the ber own quatl phrase, 1I hue bre.' fired, ihI- tina.- lîrpr clivait eVletv. m a~tntural tbltg iithe wrld was ~ _________ The!aler honitrne an ra InVt st he shouid fttlIili, love wth bim. The ii fr thn iîrne andran sie rend ltu e iJr:fellow and tulk.N Sprstalm thi, bîi afit-r rv,.iii-il ii4i wfr n01-cl %tîh litaand i. tid"u ice things wliu ti ileJack came home funitan. fid th- n cri f and a ph'Ritlait, nduie tr owvn hatbandl ot- i .t t m. In r-ti r -n r. hlsi notheitat wlllvumi te îInjir, d Tnat rx.- r,-no cd tb a ftit- lie1il f-nd t,, \rîtevur rie sald l h -tl px. "But, gee, Mai.tlî,lie Chc z)to ptl "t a pl~ t a tte t.:a i a it n rh "wIj ti-S ' s nolitI1' . i 011 jv 1--i;i~i ina i h;way as far aq oIo ln iturl oeis,1p hcs1 l;rlv Lak Zrih ad hep avehlsflfIinlnresfioOitait a 'I-. i.ak Zurri ad ihre gi e imsef r,-iîweeks îniss n-t before the ln up la ihe aitîhoritline lcVlieyIs ru- ,idtiwatt able l to rnoved, and then prti in iprlieiing nf tlich oapiLai and le tihe- ,,uitt-,that lie miglit unies. nonîipIincxtos qt inil l h-better lhave bucn ki 'ni hy i. lufor ,îievcd li e %iii receler. lie Hhouid die of grief for love a ir lie ival but a poor ûrtîng Man -wth- out fortune, uid, o. course,nuIo aI1 iMRS. PRENTIC DIEIF~N WAIiKE-, itllier. n... *,ss)l. n,. .,. s...i" ynaritonîgi tiont by te i-agie dleni o r ii -it- 31n, Lu n H. Prenu lu'-, m ile of ihe irsdent of the L. H. Pren- lice Fletaing hC'ompany of Chicago,. pirfsî-d uwuy aI heu home. 308 Julian aMreef, ai 2:45 clelÔcibits àtîernoon. ilru, Prenlice's Ilness bugn.n about A year go lai Januamy, vitun see learnnd of the drownlng of lier son, Hamitteun Prentice, ln the Miissiîppi river t Menmphis, Tunn. Hie bodly vanover recovereil. Pite suffereil a sllghh strobe af paralysis ah Ihal tîrne and hait been under thie came af a pliy- silan since. Mm.- Prentice wil proably be heit remumabereil for her many claitulable ani phitlanthropie varia vlile a -rost- dent of Waukegan for the pash 34 years. Site fre4uenhly gave asistaance tq th poar of the clhy and vii a huberaI dontor tovaril chartable la- stihutians. Julia H. Prenhîce vas borniln Clii- cage ail carn e, a ukegau viti lier huibini lu 1984. She bail been a reshdeul afi hil clty slnd. tht tine. Sla h iraiveil by tva daugilers, Die. Loamis Johuaon of St. Louis, Mo., ald Ms. George Yeomun of ~. Irait, Mîci. The tuneral arrangements have not been mannnei. Tee Ceeus«. And *ale"ela-g ocom a ol tuer dean' eilgt. lIn-n hi-s ovenrf s-would it 1heep thoni -i r t. btushct ni tit ait she waa nrpady - married. Af tliii. eb emoan- cd iLq fate toit dellarti-iL- One day FaluttWottntienrecelveil a propositlin frata bis s'ile tf(raugli ber solicit or tf ay ia hlm ti adIhtlanal $50,- (K) îîrovIdetl l ivotini conseut ho a di- vorce. Hi, declincîl the oter. An ad- dilloal $50.0(0X)e-us offoreil. but tie daunit vas noatfentteil. The negotàu- dions werd broken off for a brief bnter- val- wben nother $50.000 vii ctered. When te Imaunt af the afer neaclici 880,000 the ceunt consente&l but sip- ulalei thaI lite roney shouib> pai blm persoually hy the coantens. - Ta Ibis bis vife conseuiei sud on an appolahed day the calnD Mt out for Norlanil. He vas ual iuetei ait thie porle-cocbere by lbe couto, ai lic lùunreil hunlaannbadibien vol- comeil, but va ea-wn Inta tr.19, o rom ntoa i&it ber coming WIM a si entered the room. wblrnmieuli lie seé Who aw on' bu h.zfan uaInrihil.1 . "Uzem eme," shc iaud, fiiving a icep breti. *1I cpeché et aI enbut -W ibuiW-"I "3e lu hr.' "Wlat do you tucaul" "I m arntou Wcnialen. I bave corne to eECiinge omdVre .for <cli. Tic lady vws not lanaConditio to mabe repli. n viola ion suggcslig tiaf v lire togefler » amn anil wttani yon re- plitait, hvlng mYtlle, »u baii no use'for me personilli. Tm. have ecoxeti to pay me for rnytouima to a divorce thut ya'may ma""- Tue connUe. aboved iW 11*-ecol- lapee, uni b«r huibeiteck b. ol anmS. - BCK TO THE SOIL of.' e ture te tii.CeourAsyan d Tciline ln theii.tes. Lite lu tuCU talecaming mor. and *Ore ta .0cm an unumînrai exile, par- tlcularly to lb. countq lied, at wbose beertatrlngs boriab mémorles aoftarm andi ercied. cf vood mani .trcarn, îugt appeilingli, maklng pîcturc ftathe I- ner eye, ai cfbot paradlaes as they sît imPrisosed inlatieiu palaces. slaves t10 the telephone laid hi. icker. Mmreund mon. sucb men arc plan- ning to escape. vavtng ho themielves liat ti.Y viiM et sullisfic i vbthta modeuecmpetfnce rather than tae big fortune, g e. tlley ean pul Out vblla tii stl lavee $moe ouli ]eft land b boys aa In utic aId countryiie, dii thc old sireami and go coan bunting la thie cli vooda. I buav many men wlta that ambition. A For a amn ho bai bain exlinal fiedelyfor a aumber of y.ars baring during tbf Unie bai ao more Intimate iequsb.uca 1tWU nature tien la ta ho enatchuti baig le ananalolidar i morne i m«ýw *0Wboibor mou. luxri- ena hot*'tmtwi.mouilaln-for suei s ent o c'<ltic beconlng et apring, da atthr day, ÎDa »Ù«et 0old wvociladi la ta comae au near tn fie recpurel yonthte i l pulla h-a, vendviio" due irmidleile epw la ta. lin*- capable dooa cf poviniold.-Rtcbirl 1* 0.11*0Whi lirprs Igaine FIRE ESCAPES FOR SCHOOLS, 7h... Slerve es s Play Sciieffe su Wall et a Pr~teien. ,,mom0ftac Cilliforala sebooleanu equlpped wvbL nord flure aicpea, vIci mae nef mIY a slfomnsribot afford fi. eiku «aimuei amuiemint ai a regulir playanouni .quipment One of thé» . Uresoapo. thTrepico, near Le. A-agile, couilmts Of seeril long sbcet metiq cbute, re-enforced tthlianglc liou nd »imeri thelicall of lie ARE 0NTIIY Chicago Health Dept Iuag aa WarnUIngto eot Sê i gin ete m6atlon Cold *eetber delayed the. letura a thé tir. but vitbla thI laitvee14 bai been coming ln force, resu f» gpmed diseai. Svwat the. fli! Health CommlsloiLer lRobinuon et Chicago gays It la altiftfcazit tat lun aDpperance of numerous caés of l> flattle piiials iiuliter tii7m1 thau lait, juil au the, appeahace the fir vas liter. HebUdaPtu thi bai somethIng ta do viti Iafa«t0 svrm thieflyt "PIe, arc comlng rapil sMid lite commisîea à. "Mai tici iiWin ur«" i Inclinsi te .1ev the tly ae a mn1t of Infantile Pati7yss." "K.ep the. ime trou your chtidne. sid the halfti omeer. "Kip tica avay fror your food. Ke.P t out of the. homei. Tiiey are danger livat 'em! CIIMt4i LAK FOREST M< ITI buildig. '1bey cutend frosa au Iran pltomon tfiaseocdaiIfooýhe, ioib' 6 IE ET leada fom- lie main corrkdor. Bepa.ILe rite chutes are prorici for lic boys Theteabeneuoms th u»ofC.'H. Haymer, Who DÎG MM the al" M M aiamu.neent to accue- Register, Tâken in Ch#p' ends hi aOshi0w paz i e toef.cicc by Liet. Walter W. the uceenlu cfr fi. deeceat.At lh. point viere tie eciUhimre h- th C. H. Haymer, a mno f H. U Bar- graunni a Pie af lac.. sini breaka thc mer, mu electrical contracteror f lae flii Yorest, wuai areulis un 8-4Y 81a " 'lu Venice, Cal, a apiai chut, la em. ileserter frcm the Wlust Ililola rs z- - ployed, vhlchi Il ncioeciln a clla-. ment of eanlners. He vla taiéw' diucal metai caing. Tbf. laentendi tram a pieu ru leadlng othe uic lop o custody by tepolice cf IA"- oaed ai an amuseément devico by the Walter H. Wood of tic*enalamm pupila. Â local bositul maie, ni. cf r Eymer wva rreted fournef m». ie of lie aime demigu. swcring tue mobillzatton cii. HO me. -- serte he o .flf to Sa ,dnn...*.n mi Indevimdent reiderY BEl ON£. i:*------------- IFor Taxi Service, Phone~ 202 The Libertyville Garage vi hll he voud av, ho iPPat and mainasltthhmeli for a tee dau& Upon rscelving tisi Informaion, ho lad, h hu ruci ta theomo f hla fîllier it 139 South Oukvood avenué., Lake Foresntviiere b. bai been sine$ staylug vtinoesiaifI iiiig. The. Indepenont eal na&IL. pi - ign FrOSt at the Croésroads is useful, to ______________ traveler who knows where lie wants to go, but it 94ve.nces no reason to influ- ence a mani'on lies way to one town to go to auot)ier.' Some advertising is of the "Signpost" variet y ---it informs the people that the store is i busiüess but gives no reaaon why they should trade there. The test of akilhfu advertaing is. added business No man can bogradgo the cost if the advertlaingProduces uflstWnce&>as ed business W py the expenze and lbave a profit. INDEUPIII.DEý T DS will develop new buia ...-not only- hiod present business. Honeet sez«ô*, and fair prices .willtaescure of t, >' bgro* you muâti ncoos your sales, The right advertling wqIUGo It