CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Aug 1917, p. 1

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LIER'âî LAKEou C1NT TYVILLE IND DEE'IN ake 's lçBig Weekly EPEND-ENT SWAUKEGaN WEEKY SUNl VOL. -XXV.-NO. 32. TWECLVE PAGU LmE-RTYVUL,LA TO~YtJI IIUBSDlAY, AUGIJST 9,1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PEIR YELAR IN ADVÀ&NOI. -INSITS TIhT COMMunlom tot The Sun De- clamo Cwlsof Editorlal WELL, IRAYBE $0, BUT-, Sun'a Opmonla Unod Desphof.l"g Fluet etl.Sulpts Thea opmmiccllo ein-elo2la On- necîlon riti au editorial llueths. ol- tans e fer days a&V lu ltsrenUtl. ad hIle tlie communicant eyldently ia familiei- viit tbe Bibu.eadfeela IbtItlie wrd of Gel Jutilles narg- cul w n mr a se aIra washave been-i'at ne lo motchmange oauroe vlôouîy ixpreued boe!;liaI "t th preeenî vr,- th e ,;;;t aagiter among Cimiallab nations là lie ibig- haut travsty an CirltanltY liai cotlpocibli' ha pIctural: ne do mot change oui- belle! liai tie Mont lil' e! Hallee, Sttinig upon Ris throne aboya, la sbeddng teara 0i mrron over te awful carnage rilch -ils cbildren are cerrylng a on01 eartb.-EITOI. »U 6F nfâm oux TRINiN cmR TURSDAY Fort Sherldaa, Au&. 7.-Student of- fioars at rort Sheridan ulil know on Thursday how they have fered at the banda o theii War Dépertment. Most of the recommendations for commis- mdons were approved today by the de- partment ln Washington and plans muade for publlshlng them. A llst of 6,000 name was sent te the printer ln Washington lat nlght and othera were forwarded to ail the camps todnvy 'Tho Port Sheridan iélt *centaine about 2,5W0 ame,, lacludint those recommended for commaissions as ma- lors, captaius and lieutenants la tbe new national army and for provision- al ,econdIlieutenants i the.reglar army. LAKE cOJN TY TO SEN» BN DELEOA. TION TO MEETING Members of County Board and County Officiais Are Plan- ning to Be PResent. MEET AT NAVAL STATION. 24 OUT Of FIRST 25 EXAMIN3D SK TO BEEXERME Leo. Smith, One of First 25, ls OnIy Man Who Does Not Ask Exemption by Board. C IS GIVEN 'A RIGID TEST. Board to Announce Resuits lomnorrow-Additionai 150 Receive Notioe. Wmssan, ÂuSnt 6& ()ut of the nRut 26 pan examined [by the exemption board of District No. 2 this moruing. 24 claimned exemption. The only man who falad to CIaIM ex- emptIon was Laeo Smith, aged 29, re- siding at 418 Lake court. Weukegan. He is employed as an engineer for the HIgin, follet & Eaztern raliroad. Therp are no grounds on which 1 couid bave elained exemption, even had 1 been so inclined," Sumit said, afier competing bis examination. "I arn not niarrtad, bave no depenrients, and am able-bodied. A trip to France dopsunt sound haîf bad. although 1 do hope they wont put me tu digglng Itrricies rlght awaY," andi he mmiledil godnaturedly. 1 StetWor.k a.59OAAM. Rote Aa.2.1 17, AlAge ht hsI oe aers o! iee mptinm. oaU Edîton eofTe Sun: Time for Military Highwa comprlslng Dr. F.t'. Kaightt ut Weu-c Your edîlorlal ln ibis aterbonob e d i t o n h i c h b e g n i c a g " H v a it o B e D e c i d e d . k e g e n , c h a îr m a n : W . F . a d l W u - i aditon hlchbagn lacap Hav, ____- ' Ikegan, clark, and A. N. Tiffany of you aven stoppaI te lhlnk" dinpiays jWaukegand a ke county nil Antiocit, arnivei at exemption boarda vivily your ignorance et ,tie greut have a vary represé'ntative aboring haadquaters. 211 Miadison sireet,, book of ail book." The Bible. con aIe the naval1 station oR Angust 11, abotult 8e'ntuck titis murnalg. ThelS celaie by practIcally ail Chiiatna or- rien the proposai te construct a m11 foiiowlng pitysicians, atîpoialed by ganîztIons in lie t.he Inspirad nord ilsny blitrway ftramWauikegan te Chf- I tovarnor Lordan Ici assist l inte work tf Cod, dos; say. "tbon <hall net klt" cage te taie cane o!ftheavy traf- orut amlnasion, wreaen hand: Dra. It alan cai'ys. tus saut lite Lord 'lic of t, naval station and Fort Sitar- Fuis-y, Courts-y, Amirose 4nd Bon- Cud of lqrai: Put evs-ny man is, Idan 1, ttnangbt Up tonr icussion matin. -worîi upon lis ibigit; go and relut-n. ad possible settlement. Ailtrit,- Irlîminary arrangemnents front rats- îu gala Ihrougb te milstAn Invtation ha,! beau extenlel te ad lbeau completed whnite fitinat ap- or; vt' camp, and let avary man killth, membene of the LaLke caunnly I licants apppîarad at 9 o'ciock. The hie hrother and frlend and naigition, board of supervisor ns ulIl Je said rsI Oive men te ha examinad c-are: and tit.svans of Levi tid eccording te Ihat a maloriîy nIl attend, Iu addi- IitaY T. Helmkamp. Nantit Chicagto. the worde of Mages, and thera rare Ion other counly anI city efficce rb. I Max Stern, Natit Chicago. aa that lai' about tbreeanad tran- are Interested ln the matten of gond Charles Bananas, Nantht Ch! cage. îy ibousand men." .oads wnu attend. John A. Lystiunat, Waukegen. Thte Bible saya.'"Thou shalt Rt The pnabtam af tinancing tae coI Emon> L. Shbw,, Weukegan. kil,' but naad aIso Deuternamy,! arthélitehgwai rhich rîllicctit about Test la Regld. lwenttî, th chaplen.ritahre instructions $1.5()0,000 etaite least, and posaibly The test ta wbldb 1h. yonng men ad lacs reganding rer are dvIynely twice taI mucit. lapenling uponn hle are subecltied ùvery nIgld. Among records-I. Yeu wlIl finI thare lb-; nidtb, L. ana that nIllot ie esy te ntulhe.,g,. tey are nequlred ta hop law applylua te the boys te lie ai- 1aolve. and il la expeclad theat leti- abo'ut. OirsI on ona foot and theni te empe-no lackers are qualifled, nite linae!factiaon Il haiemappad out thar. run te lenigth etfte rrunIraw solliers. Notice partlculariy h. spa-1 at tis meeting. onrtres- tiotes, etc. The former la a, cifict- reatment la bc accorled lueIAlil Lake couuty officiais feel tint test for Octi feel-tit a tler le note ens-mys at ordet lu verses 10 t 1 ibtiis lealita propar limte tb lake Up titi heart action. inclusive Lest Yeu do Dol locale il and dispose e!flime malter, as thet- A very~ close exautinction iv ruadel readuly, bers- il la ais origlnaily trans-; have faIt fer a long lima that such i te u ssbepyialdfcs iated tramtlite Latin Vulgate: 1hlgbray le needed. il la realizal Eact Youung man is raigited sud i. If et eny lima thon comae 1a igit thaelte proposaIiinaproveman t i helght and citest expansion takan., against e cily,tou shaît Sept offer Sheridan roadl nIl net meet the ne- cbstitra ohr e ts eagsdetsright It pesce. If titey recel va il, ad op- quiremenîs of te govertnennt. Thea i hr rnthsýhaig n ih en lhe galas la Ihee, aIl lue People heavi' meon rtruck trafflc rhlci Wi, art normal.- litiaraeterein shail hae savel, and i, ase over tliaproposiedhigray exe adionldae I lit qus tion ha- ehail serve thea paying triutet. But ranl haten much fer an ordinay eetar Ibe amîathen uestconiae-i if tey nilnet maie Petce, al noati. It le hllevel that tae propel Soemathae exmption bcmeua a sithil bs-gin wr rageinet thee, thon highrey rîlI hae o! brick construc- lSpoinlaieraembs- cau t acu shalt besiagaIt. AndIrien thema Lrd 1tion., listIon la riticit us re occue. tity Ged shali dliver Ilt uit thyl Capt. W. A. Moffett. ot the naval o ltr eas t eiin culs band, ttansitit ssy lu balare ation, and Caplain Nicholson, of andtqIti otiters for tllegeti pis ýicaI ts-nin ofthlie maeasax rt ite age .Fatt Sheridan. hoth are enthusiaclic- defecti. ut the sword, axcepîlag roman and atiy In favor et tia prepoeed rosiadieRsit narw clildre. cIll ca oi ar anxouslitI n lUe h bu lu Ail this data was taes- dora and are la the li'. And, to hat dli- Putlag Itlnlaas lheY Point ontt hat' w111 ha gona aven very canefully hi' vida aIl te prai'1tte ermy, and tae deand for te hîgitrai'le becom- te mambera o!flte board toaIgitr. Il titan ahal eal lie spoilieo! titi'ean- Ing greatar cacit day. t--- liledi. h mies, chic thlitaLordthy God saol gîte theea? Thes Bible selsa: "Thou skiat net kilui" but eut aiso, "ITins aith thel Lord ot hos." i bava reckonel pi ailli htIAmalec bath lona ta leael, liow ha opposaI th6m lu the nai' rieteiti'cama up oui cf Egypt, Nen taerefona go and imite Amalac and uîîeriy taslroy ail that ie halbi uer hlm nul, non covt anytbing tirI bita: tut sai' botman andIroman, chilIald snciling, az anIdieep, ca-ý cas-Iand ans.' Thti Bible enys- "Thou shait Dol 14U'. but real elso: "Se Josus con- queM ail tae cauntry' o!flthe hila and etfte sanltandIOf tha plaIn, andi a! Asedali. rîli theur king; he le! t ualanY t-smalasehiereln, but ser ail that ireathel. as ths Lard, ta, GIo! ifslrael bitî coamnlel hlm. froru Cedesharne aven tau(aÎ." Tite Bibla paya. "Titau shahnot kll,'but lu itlelarecordaI as lime wrds o! Jeans Christ: "DO not itiiltai i cama le seulpeceupn earti; Y cama not tu sel dpeecbut te erord. For 1 came te est e Min atl varance againsi hie tather.ald tae daUgiter &agàînaiber motier, and Laie Foest l msidante ara exct-led I ven lte fatt lit ' case eoferaîlpox I evabopel thaere ibis monning. Mr%. MaIl Dewey, rite of a contractor. is 111 of ltae Ilseasaccortlng lunlte diagnesis of savet-al physicicue rita rare callet ln hi' Dr. Pet-meuler, lte 1heallt physIcIen. Thea Derey home bas been placeti antan quai-antIme andtie ite dl' therîtepana andeavon- Ing le devise rimera lte patient shall ha kept. Pravantativa measurels are beîng taien te pravent a elineal ot tha tiseasa. eThte wrrbas reaed lnl ltae aboli- ,lon of fraec lunches ln Milwaunkee. bYen u a sill gel a eb a lan rya, or rewr breat," but you wlu havi 10 pai' a nuckel ton It. ltae daughtîr-lu-law ageinal her me- D Ypt, verili'. Mr. Biortheu tsitomldel reat mare la the Book o! i AUboks, tien ' COU i ramlat t1mb' tmer Vinht e traegy lie Viole thlng iAnd (go cailel> Cirleln"ti' la on "Ivlation. À FJIRTU;G PAN. axampted. t' resut ll cii ts-given ouI tomnorow. ilt bacu'tlooai aiail pramling.' ans- m-miter utfte exemption board said atterthe litrsi 25 tad bs-en axaru- lns-d. *Tt doesn't toler, boweven, tat bs-cait, i-cl but ana o! ibese iOnt 25 have esket exemption tat ltai' l racelve Il. We VIII hablehi e l]a moeaabout fil riean e go mb lte nia as f eaccitcase." , tlslasaI ltae local huard wnul net exempt aili ritasak for exemption, for la caass iters- tiay ara laubiful tai' nil refuse -exemptIon and nili allor tae candidea ta olay te malter be- fore te district board ai Chicago If he Iasfres tta do se. Cal! Addltlanat 150. Notices callilng la for exeminaîlon an alîltienai 160 men, thesa lu addi- tion ta ltae 610 alneady summaned, rare sent out Suplai' andi rare re- cafved by te litaalbla men talai'. The meanana enottlSaI 10 ppean for ax- eminsîlon nazi ffiday. An atidîllonal IliaI ot160 menrll ha sent ont Iodai', making a total o! 910 called * for axamJntncîuup lu the present time. Ditrict No. 2'a quota (Cont.i 4M anPe thrs..) u ti ci )j c b t Rae as naîureîîzeî or Arelj report for mIlitary Iuly. If ltay fail Titis mens ltai na, o lenlub4 -bora cîtîZens, on laie tl itetrnif ent as dbesabt!slPablty for de fore iut itsry, tbe nation le eiyîng out ielg deportal.M eretoasIn rer tiers mealyo hardel upon ire individuel men andi roman By fanrlte big manlrty a! &lienu serinl a ie a eda wurkers lu tacet this colo.sal deanaI upun tbe world's sympctity and service. Waukegen are audeavorng tu eccapeWIE ND IE il ie bumcu nature tu ha more inlerested datb cualrnlag exemnption titrougi W EAN W in any enlerprise rimeRns enause.sltatlte tact bat thai' neyer have takea our twtim-itcountlsfor lte mont, Out naturalîzellon apepens-n tet IDUES TO jET Herelufuna Lake Connly'a otibu- bave ual aven daciarel thamri mien- tooadservi _-es in the Iles Croît wrni ion of acitizen. Theee have ail beaun redited tult@ Chcago aliens are flocking 10 the quartera of A SADJ MESSAGE Citaplan anti bava goes te sweilîltelte exemption hourd ln large num- grand total of han contributions. Of s-ns and are miing Il pilantitt Waukegen, Augusl 6. counne, tae muney do@@smet s muehtlhey do Dot Propocele 1b elp distendî1 t il bc ha sd nars that finally good, clearedti irougb Chicago, asilttIs country If theau an void f.i leaks baci ta ullu>ieta li taeil' 1tro bougitaige CoUrni butfor But wrItle ltaes. Allen eeakergla 1«tAlitonetBrysalcka. Witeu il getml paross u utaiiig gacerluaal WaîiegaaPPter tua redomlnata, liere-.nd Il i' hb a raai'moathli Iltest--uiorintlensive Valu-e Laie tera area anumber o! allen. Who ex. Ibefai-. It arrives-c Vite andal fîvlit- CeunI' Chtanter o1ltelied (Cros bas press a desilre baceme colliers in lie chîldi-en have hafutweiting word rscnll bea rgaîlii.lte greatnational arly. Timey sy front. hlm that 'heha batsaved up br he boa ltaItiiorracaertiuug Illiai'r net deaim eOxemptlin cal eneugit mouay la ratura la Item rne- arn litapout'ive er tplaniarnd wl haglaltia OJoîn lie &My. Some live land. Titay bave been racelvlngl anet b routiver ut ted r plns anti 0f ttaemen havesean serVice InRInoney tram hlm le beIp supporttem lrethe on eilfi n ie isenn Europead undermlend lte ri-Cameine ithese tronitlesone tîntes. And ha lu lte onganizalion ot Ibîs iJouety Hlre a book. Vas aven fatfui ta thera. Chapten. every turnebli> u inte etunîy, Thte greal nnmier Of Alons Wh But ritan the' mesbage slips acroes, rsl of telaie abore, bas heen rapre-' cuairu exemption undoubitiijy vIiithe Ocean: 'Antan Il edi" bar sitIaIon te Buard of Directore. Titese maie il necescary tu calu Out a &M. i-g l that rite andl Ove chiliîrsn eel? logether wlth tbe commte.Wo rIitIet- number o! Rames than IIl rOas t ryzicke, 40 year ouI, dled et Me- be chuse trot,,ail parts of the eouny- i irai Ibougit noulbe lie cUe, butAlister- itspilal, et 6 ociock Salurday. assurea ecounlty-wlds atgsnlsation...aut Iif ltae governomeni use.thre allen ollenlng a raek'e sic'neuss trou il je itupemt more dunsolîlated intereet draft accttis nul Ie teecen imb ccD-t pneumenla. His home rab on Uncoîn aud effort. sideration rien lie 8«od" drt ila street sud ha ras rail knwn la Banaler BB.tinifi bhm donated $25 maIe, Tii. allens ie d aim e«Omn,.North Chicago, ritane ha belongal te te aarilit rok aI M. mmd ilonn. tbaî grad VIIeo & etapeNorth Chicago Court Ban Hur lodie. Kennedy niiose ire sons bava anlistet taklag 1h4 phyldil eZaiition here Ilnerel ai 8*30 Tueaday1110-194g. <Cotinual en Page 4)> j ti rsk. - tram Holy Re.ary chnreh. tsiiiiitesunli IIlAIIIpiO ea"ne turns Show Many SMe ta Escape Service. Washinigton, D. C., Ana.5.Ion plaIe raturns tram celecive L boards titrougitout lie canniry»ès«, inicatedt hal a large number et qp- jsmnptlons ha el en imel, pos*W 7par cent o et Ua rtelwgme.% tefint alil avltg eniereee » pla on wbtch they expeot te » iiaged tram service in t4e uctlos armi'. Tite Bourda have b "~ able 11# [gel lmreugi the masseo!taffdavlh subralîtel la support o! tmeci c1sIMj and itlalepossible *in be auotiWV neai betene a dli ite calculu*lea O« lthe men te ha exemteoan be »Mdg Bi' lie end o! the presani t»~ draft officiel* hope te bave tie U. fidaIvita pmsed upon la aider liaiIl mai' tepossible taeeuiin* lito cantegae!ofthe. men cuhled vnia ül ha be-aady ta report tforv«iesà e 0 ner army cantanments 09 se$.oû ber i. il la net expeclal the enlie 0e, o! 687,000 men Wiinha buOOeêff ltat lima, but a part 0ftiseS aI fon service -vinIhe *i, camp on limai date. Nt se efhibubol *ad1, yen rre borue,~ ' E I fr IN TRENCES. ARE FAIMERS EXEIýý? LIBERTYVILL Amlrc»otien&lderwbthr LOR A N AT LIBER_ h 'ioy ao ao commlttea tioai àrm, oriseinventen Tf M ILLE ARRESTE» bas appeael te the Illinois defense IN ÀNÀUT " S th ntinl uid o eeni Faneconelfor support la btaling ex- O wu~ withthe n~eIlioary orcs,' ay mptIon ofail arltarin ande frem the ththe tafl letion ocs;If lu John Ritner Charged With Hit' first draft. The raquant îî as e Mrs. Frank J. Wright, Wife et rumpcve &AMe eablish votlng ma- ting Patron Over Head With plained, la mttedaini anticipation of aI Bank Cashier at Libetyviho chsery at là»eamps, said Povs a Heavy Club. bumper crop whlch nu lracauirea -ni l Hurt Internaly. )Ighe <lrnGMMi t ssoflabor ta hbuvast.1 uM atm Mu laews ln nomeCa- MAY f ILE A NEW CHARGE. rpon receipt or the request Chair- LSUFFERS FRACTURED LE.4 Mittig Ztft %merare a Police Found a Quantity of In> Lowdn suggeatlngt tht :o"ak te!Three Others in Car Hurt-- rIma away lilla home precînets. toxloatlng Uquor in the. Ritt- ]natter n i> rl the federal authori-1 Driver of Other Mac"in la ner Establishment. tléosuanlo nred Lieutenant Gloy-. Plaoed Under Arrest. arnor Oglesby in Washington, lait-1 WY 1 , E John Rttner, who candines a toft lng hlm toas&ertain lhe plans of the. Thrde Lbertyville women veto lU. drink emporium et UÀbertyvîlle, ras government in thia rgard. Jured more or less seTlonsly saturday ft~' bJI UUV Piaced Under arrest today on a war-t night rien another autaioolS CROZ À Ai WYUI rant sîgne.j by Martin Wakor T e fff2tcraahad lote thair machine, at 14 wratcarges assauit and battery. &@ Dlwc D MEN T avenue and Cburch atreet, BvnatMu LAKECO. CHAPTER w-D<--a:d - friend, accordn'ta EilW YD A T Those injured watt:î The sujeriMaf l i the msuiere in the entered Rlttner's store and surchas- Ms ereTav lui Crimeau ver lieu directeti the wrnds ed a package of cigarêttep and then MJS 11MlV l i rs . Franes Steale. humaner lmpuia. toward weasuree for as1ked for a lbch There.le said tao xIa~K RLE OUl5,11Ls 0,j Miss Taylor, who la a sinter of Dr. the systemalle car@ of te wouuded. have beau some, argument about th - J. L. Taylor, et Uiberlyville, ras le- Soon etter Iis.a Couferee wss caileti se a climax ta wricia Rittuer le sald Slackers Risk Death as DeSert- jnrad moat serloupiy. Ph. snh*m< et (Jeneva, i3iltzaland for the succor ta have reached under the cc-nter ers linder Reaulation Issued l a double fracture of the 1er born, à and relief of the rounded un batriefleido, and secured a heavy club nitit whlch by the PresMdent. fracture et the collar bond ad a *50 ritu muet ,.tburwlse die of expoanre and hae falled his customer.Cueothplvsbn.h w *: neglect twsntuti S2ta h Wakoiuý rent ta the Office of a NAMES ARE TO BE LISTED. ltctruIiIy. goverument of tihe United States natilled physician and liadis faurne. t-, ______Itrs. Wright. who la the rie t a. lte, Genoan convention of i1864 The tended. Ha then 8wore out a wrr Crowder Wires Order to Boards cahier of lte Laak County bant at work wassbegue ereli 1877 ande arried tant for Riter and the latter raZaBrNpilsDbge o iertyvlla, 0alb ras taie under saveral diffrent naujet4till 1905, removed wte thaBcr y 1.11 'Tha cee, serlosy h a uthIeU- rijen te- P-1esat eiliun -w- b. In- n be beard belore Justice Dt>el> Easo f evia ddition tafeinng AàftB.etpre of her' corponated by Act of Cungrese unden lte 1er. Aercneg thS re 'oflefI. leg. Mms Steele was luiWoq Ra efThAeianIeCrs. When tePolice Vent to mairetae War Baker at Washington, Tbursday! painftllly but flo seriouuiy. Xim Tueyth nmeceat ad udeci arneBt a luRatltY 0f Vhlskay Vas nlght, PrOvOlat Marhai Gne5i Irena Bain, a! Racie, nhe rv u ig able auffrlegg of titis wunil wer bas i tonnd et lte Rttuar estaitîhmaî Crordar sent the fellorlng toleirara iIn the Wright *auto, aito r.. InjureS. mcdvite rokumntiaterp ruÉes lte RuItner la eileged 1t aveîibed 1The eîective service î&r d<>s o tiMr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnao%. et- wgrda eve buanltend ethe Aprie qatelbeaeîy himaelt. 1requine dischargesi aIl caseaof'Morton Grava, togather riti 1Mr. -a"' braorit oeerown;te bd@ ite Ame fcu itlaseaid that a uer charge. gro- 1 Iteehalcel legai dependency. but ODly Mtrsa.Pul Meyers, Vais occufent& « braai utit. nV n te taue l og out of the tindlng of lte liquor, Ipermits discharges rhera. in vie-v of the ether car. Thay aU eseep, as lf out greteet business tmen; wlto araeIdapendancy a diecharga la advlsaismebeOdagitRltr.H sI oclboad a alh l hter. Wîesssr introducin thehondgofghsmig s m iess id ta have beau under surveillance merriage hasilîy ceebraî.ei recently, rwa ta blame for 1he cela LU '& arit for sone turne. and aspacieiiy oe contractei hy a, comrpiaint ras made ta lthe ,ailes &Mm Harvey DJ. (hbeon, îte- new Canerai persan afler ha bau beau caIil 10taha Vas placed ander srret on lie Manager. eaye: -0'Ou'la I. abbg tabit for Waukegan, Atigust 7, preoeat hîmeaif oi eaeinatian. te charge of assault. HU18air ý An Informationargngdetermin hbi fltnfes for militai-y mer-lkoteWrgtmcie w»ft big mcn." irobleme are. sprnmging uptgisl e urcarg heglale-;N'Ice, dots flot create a statue of de-,ioteWrgt ahne.blIV momentatiiy titat muet ha soived ima - leo iqri D atl-saan ter- 1 pendency la rhich It lea dyvsble tea. ellingai t Vit la al ta bave b" madiately and upou lte solution depeuds loyVsBe dcet cuttl ictrehm comparatlvelly high rate o! apeel. lte seiety and livaa f ltuuands -f ut r bs eltarnoon by Pltels Attornay Itlef expacted local boards nIll ai- T ha Libertyville perty rire rlà boys in te trenchs,. Our task ia a Walch. ln thi.ea«»or John Rittuer,. erclse Ibis full dîscrellon ln ciee1 i iadl fJ hTig.aUo~ tremendu une and re eatu carry it e! Libertyvilla. Rlltner ra> aa led re thay are cenviaced unscrupu- lrse oua persoashava thus vlolated thea1ville a rchenit. Mia.Wright'mii trougit uniy wititauuuîed peopie bebind MOnday On a charge of bsvlng beaten princîpla of the selacîlve service laV' lie. Steele are daugihter,.- n., and our rurk thorongily systerne- a customar. It rasâaanounced et the ln tue hope of eacalug a dnty rlghl- The party ras ru~b~et tized. Mediual supplies, hoepital aquip- Unie liai thaelai-I îles hbave ha fully theîrs and thereby paaalng thel Chicago whan the cardriven i7 JehW meute, doctors. nurses aul sanitary ,alaeitim unuderaurvefîlanca for tome tlme duty on te sema and, imouofaidete t gmarde muet be moved on a seule bers- as hae hed been snsPeted or ne Iling 11- Boh BeeMarha o eairaler an tnun r1hlhlelem ae i tuioe unno nin tla cnner." lnon.predcted today tbattt ietan ad sec-' Iheir machina, harilng fit 1* Tier bs e pecl tthe disposaI _______ and quotas of tie national army vii, telaphon. pae. la. ayloberas 0 of tae Red< Crossha1 1ýfi1 ime service o! Imf ho oI~WIVb abiedfromen l, rattnotwiti- tlng a& th.aida a! lie car rbt*kw,~ rany Rmen promînent lu svery line iAIi.Eof lA III taldig Ont lreports fri-Ou IIouect- 1cti-mck by taeJohmnson eut. UboS business; men chose servicese Do money -~.erw, eru cities chowing hlgh peswem ag adlir.Wrgtue u eýuld bay, Titesa maenare glving, Rot da a!ofPhyslcaliy utIand persons viiiaiah, MaOh etraewum IfliH~JlNt Ur 0 dependanta. 1 the. Evanalon hospital. Raeote ')$, nniy~~~~~~~ o!IertmeedMs«s u !tter"J '~ As.%non as the country districts Eviaston are ta lihe effect liat 0*i fortune a@swelii Bowee,. titis tramend- gbejs ~>I~ u~rhgin ta report It wnU bd a dlfferent' o a ba lce ne on@ work can Rave! be carrledon by U1a nl I< Isary, tia officIais daclared.Wenibd' i fewDo mtterhow roattbei abillytae l-ml men figurel on asfuileoo fo mal Te nomtu giBt denabilty____50 lier cent nbyalcally lit trom lie or mane 'Tte um t gul acu .'t... draft thay consldered lue Viole coun- bainbedir tecteprortin te l ut,,..'Hundreds Here Who a«Ex. E EM TINrLy plliteldy ietporied tuh Cfrasseptin lue Nt im tr. dn isnlse aspl-E E M NP E forgotten that the, lied Croa-hnga day ritici prevides tint persona rie BY7 ERC N I]r s0f tIna ti e aidu a tio n b." 12 ia Allana ln W eukegeu are kaanly l ain at or alar hund e r de a h- Y 7 UE T 0 ba-is but a vasi aggregtlon nt separAta tereselin 1h. proposai ai Waaiming, sîcaîîy fit and lhable for milltury ser-. E NI3R TC L peope fredby ue ommn prpoo; onla passa emeasura ricit nl vice.ME ONH T A iaburimig collectively ta aboilsithlie torce lhem ta gubmlî ta lt-aMtteu Sucit pereong wnu ha notifieaI 0r..,. . de diteeo uiti .1--- .- --.. . ,F:fmfqn n mdt a

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