ofl<,8.&0 PER VEAO a.tlRi0TLYil ..... ........ .. . . ...... ... ... .. ....... ....... ........ .......... ....... i I I cap pualp apu âat WMIW ds. ~ . t ll~ I ffl a ci pla4L h a 1 6 1 mistà ofl.xmptlýon bo«Mda veabout as bard >mmSaeln WbhWakegaii mewÎaÎof the. Y.IiUIDE1IEdugýl thelb IMud of the lu * ie.cto f tus m »IL tmaêy la an .sk1h.~ahiesbave aoopW. sud noue tSo -hbsyaoemto reliu.th"byre doigtheir kluo fotlb. ou b tr are 10do t&er lalmawm Mml4a~one moaer »eemdhnP > slorbXofg o! mreesito e bma&.up hy lbA axl l O suIbaco hslulaq to Lak euaV 9(aapt. Prom hms 5100 lb. gai*si UPpOiml be hippot!. o Ug r M. Johna 85t«4ut1 lb ebhmn01fMl leo Mnàes er llaplar, bcwas sm .sla ofau oSae pd diroclrs for mu @merdes5, tkuagut lih sli9P..m. la lb vlllehsh et Ubertgbf. Tb@ chulrse or nmm olhg aprmesf 09vcfaIl CpIlIMIe.or bramée vho Ir agmçàm whdte go Oblogc eimtara u dlea mu m st IbisMme"a. - lit Eu bu i dut b.c b.t v Th ffl OUI hil ffl Tha SamuelPaniameft In Letter to Sun~ Commadant' Edamis N~ot Biso Pay- of Fort Sheridan Pointa Out ~ )qg on Urge SuM. the Imporan Need.. PROU SiNG -i'CONDUCTED bno»çtvo -1 uikOaSdCbIcagOi. Exw te Unoover OthorLarce tsuprtto Ih le. rue o t ~vet" tî county 10 ppy lteecontenti! Inranl Wlf~fnoeM«,- sai tohebcnaveal galie sd me 0 mllsycamp et Tot Sheridan. l5a l 'ie tlCoertuîuor 1330M Wrh cf pointai Mt tul a lttar b TUa SUn frein ColonelNiniolmacrcFTot gBitea. asatot! *axabio personsi prOteInyl leuàAmeeting la te ho bal& Au- th ïb*Mh etaescone oman je oue of dath e sgt 11 at wvbime l.il la hooide- Ut oan MO ,MUatlt already aprung by theo Cate plans osa ho nais. LaVe Cowty Boar oo! Reviev vhlch Coloniel Nlcbcliacii'slotter foliome: E, iephe. u eesoaaI auegu por t.rdas11Lh. 1917 t! bu ea lasesie a Wak" f? medilr un a, Weuhen.h tbo.,Iat t&w machs. Th* i:testBeu- Dur Sir: Great 1Laica Mii soono »M#ModaInyipet! vhcu a probe dis- te targasI sud Mcst Important naval UE elsci l. tact tat th. laI. Stinuci trainng Mst'atl hlu da 'rod. h Ppl"taaa. slthy Highlandt! r rortSitandanm thIts t n-ale. ormslunhiainis for oit slgsOM Me. bld iitglected" 10 lu dth e e national "M77.u wt schoaEjo,$38006 vrth e! pesoualtbouerégments t e ausSand!natIn Be li e d beauai aying e isuaialguard »Mseon 1 hotatioai litot, aéslb# 'snùuao! but $m0. Th. dis- l«R't s es*O tmne bu bsth eu» «Maoutonas t. rosait o »0pemue sud1 crier. Mr.- ibmug t!ps#ih lu th"a SIo potesoiE soou houprards01A QaahOutV' court -ai Wxkegtt. 1Tite noemfatzr a mmltaifhie-t &X laiiiduttto f, uquitrecords br 57 belven Ihffle Pe5M» "aai c paie o£ eustataing mamgeuln bh oouetrovem brougt to lgt =sor- oaviuir loadad mdci oc ks nt d"ia g dlscrepaucy luthe amouuntof noving aIt git apeai muet ha &p- C, ppieeaiprcperty omet! by Mr. par- paenaI 10 eyor one. -Aiready tdis - ~eotsud i. auonl ouvhic a.ing tlghvayus aecrcvdet! beyon ci lkmnt u te mout o wichho hl.ilmita of com!ccl sud a.etY. sut!91 »& beau paYlng taxes. Wetter the aie vholly Inedetinats loitedia alu -bm .I bocviih conlent 10 a"Eoss lb. commodaticu cf dia hundrada of me- ti lilassent astate ou the $33,000 more- loi-trucks th"t..Io poseor. ov -ly for Ibis year. or vhethor tey wHJî tiirg. TIhe lacre'eet raquiremonts a 50 b-chSCicsi ear sut asoisfantheiImmediaa future, die propar ce bck oroal ear an asessforpropaeeos agalut.possible emer-m a longér peridof tlime bas not yt geccey, demanda die celrctlnof cm basei made. public. a nv ,ilitery ighvaY froi Gae The. oBate of M. Pariamen on - Lakes tla ChiceO. e lists eiâo of extnsive holdings of Theo co- opln o! ail Iterestad g MSk l theChicgo &Nort Wesern uthoriles aund pansons la Imperaive & stocklu di Chicgof&NorbbWesten r e ci<>tu 10ha uoeusta.j- Mad lb.(Chicago. Milvauho. & St. TitIa njdogie Unied statua go. Foui ralireada. Those have nul heen emmout, di atle of Illnois,thie mbdulei idi the asseasor Kt 11gb- counties or ILandsutoo0k. thet 1cm. bug Park aut! relatives o thte deceas- ahilps o! Maleus, N om e Trier, iz Northifeld mund Wbeling tu CookC eddoline b achedul, lb.. uov, on county, sud Shields, Euat Deerflit l'1c gm m dt lti diy are exempt fro nd ut Wemb Deerftisit, Venon and IAb- »Dbtg se hecauffi. therailroade are Mi.1- rtyvUle tu L*ke couiity, as U t i le pae m trporations. citiesasud 'villages locatet! la thons -bo board of revor are tablng the ton lcvitbips. t "-utts u viitlb.aIe alhnlte.Chateul s voare et this tlimet 4»««UV lth he tateautoritesidi tse repousillty or dieée Ivo f lidare aeehlngto determîno vbedion govoinint eptablilmimeute snd re&o- ofot MthtIo iocde are Illinois cor- ongauiulg di. neede of the case, Coin- 00iatims or vitetho; lb.?y are incor- -ader W. A. Mofetti commanding the h navdal tat station, aud mysoîf Perot! undai the lave fo soe, erack your assistance.1 elt.. If thte latter proves to bc the lt i proposei!ltat adiùâr»é M MM se i. lcai board of rever viii la die mees hall at Grost Laies onc vmoceda t once le assees a ax on Satui-day, Atut 1 1917, at 6 ociock litestock. p. nm, ea i whhthedio vtle piojaut Il bla ditil thâltithero are sevenai ahan b. discusseland eut! s pant! qlle asste vhch rt .ln loes- nsudevelopat! for. carrying the tbPeW aitIis 11.anduth. O'pnion Commande, Mofft vil arrange a pOMndhthdet te probe zmcy reveai apeclal incspartéda 1h51 afleSec UOMM abasiilar 10 thoe lante for tditeoccasion, Md 1I aoli pro IWaWmt ce ,vide a imIlir mammnoy etftort OSuai- ;-xmwtim aiwSioc Versmae Ireit- Arugmmh orthéis oneiice iàeatl* ite po"uiity et prison or e sare la the bamdsne the " scaino!fbNorthiShoye Mudenil. ffiateu »moday, te ChlcS»~Do, w he , r ho mii ulunie midi on lu wm re irnaad int no mure tas aiImli mnm olt he merai Vs1FUTlruly Tu Ut y ~ 0fW.1. MICUDOUM. Deeui ovhy,1oma0 1 .- theut o01th. monsy Ibero eIn la amail flock o! qhesp. Yarua Il orlb60 ceuts a pount! vholessld Ioday. Thare viIl b. leu WoL-0lu tht clalh usat year dieu evor before a ilmuet b. use oil a lIt wraiu socllugs. Cottona mli bale ité place unîtes Ihere le mare rool producot!. Oeta few eheep. 'l boy are a pabrlallc duty a@ relieas a profil. 1 .-B. Swift Tht &minîcan sel sMd wlre dom. pauy, vhtch bas dicusanis of tap-- mentatives aul over dia couintry, lu a cro ort st li e !declarea dial lu noitheinn ihnols dia potalu CM- mIl ho 26 Vrpent ulo«fdsut! lIepot&, lt. Wmli ha o tlune UalepsMmel. dla ison* et Oucmla tl."w of opîaying. À-d'inu te otIsaI-Pepbt polato l'ce (&Phus) are dimybh e. *ê a Sf lte.dan à, a"gbioka te simulai 1 the Mrci me MAY APPEAL TO THE STATL REL Thke Ubd tbe At'rn e bmfusa evesus Ipmvsuct bus hOn 5550. tinflm si astii foirlh 155 or w.Vs$ basreeuadieatMM s voS or ss'eoet -fer mmo onl UeIl iidbdo l0eth* bM eI W ul on 1hat emesor lias sireel W" la 10 h lteatovadbut fi 0ueao.lllete the tsldaaqd e &ver! rumh9ai ourse 87 auithonseWho suter or I0S* the etty b8 tâte Grand avnue roue nhe euaI 1h5 no uithat hia 8%ui " e tagmment lteheeceolU «lors " A" mreinsistat. Oc crse i catti la 5bOli di rectsdbau ueet coutreait .P. Merao, but amoetst ilteo 0180105vie baye écèmargecthe "e &M ma 04 voeh. for the -opiioWM OU1 15 if thos. officIals voie IngijOt ti th. vron vould hare prooo.d miâ More céeir. qL B . Besbnali, &tais division cd. gineer, vas lu Wauhcla Osves yaeks mg, sut IteContracter -Mo> u t tu* beceuse lbe work WUs irocoedlflg so ioviy. Il la nId 1551 et that tlb. the local conracte gave assurance ltaI lb. pourns of councto Would t! Iathlbe ie vert of July. Up t a day or twoam ît bat! net beau tartot!. Theolia4 counly board of super, 5visos et a roent meetug made su urgent appes-I 10the state officiai te cause tic moi-h 10 b. rushai but 9appamatiy Ibis bas not beaut prot!ue- tiva of any iuitz. Il la mid thalContractor Morsa bac very 11111e material on the job cao that ovau If he ver. te, tart; Pour ing concret@ Immi!tely h. moult b. boit! Up through a lach ot! mate. sriels. A deira 10, finish 9=te0ofthie otker contracta vhich h. bat ou his bauds la sud t10 b. th. reesonvbY Uic local contrctor bas net. heas ahi. te devote mach tUme te Grand iavenue. Thon, toc, it l e cismet a thora le a dlffleuity langcting suffi- cleut labor. The. n earlaeairesset! by mauy P&> dpie that te malter iil drag along until coidwvasther vould net ho pro- u duelS,, cr the . tared ro.utm. It Io * rocsiied tta apart eft tep dress- )fint ou lb. Lake Villa sMatealdaid ca lied te b. repiacat! becausa l vas 0laid la colt! veatitar. Reports have ilt ta amovemonI le 1ou foot 10 dram up a petiticu sud 3foraidt letthe sa officiaiswho i have charge of the claIe aid rosi )e monk. urglug them, t10tse that thora lu la o fuithen deia7 ltu th. vork. FINDJAILSIN IdSTATE ARE INDEC 0. ENT FOR. WOMEN it gite mlghly colt! elong lb mbole us ha"llefront udvhmrlb11110llansf r@ Cgba il gmte .1111 chder. suer sud su»dvint! sd 51cm 111cr rWtg muWbeb l«Mi»sr snuises arml bd lhsy hus or have 10 sley slterd. Ajoncg lb. settiounl f ove adblow a uld!tans IL' lloth lb .oldiers vamly aMd lhse urlag lbe ods eu lihauas Ibel MY bave no Ivarum blefl5aud 1st1Oel M& it onhy bas wbehémentllo.d tI.tlb %a mbo gase culof doors *en u bLoks ualy su rorîs for suy Wi.nglci hm ounlth arotduring the i. iter hÜaî amust bave wmuni tonhlagm sud 1Ubli Sti sudmiitend aitpfOtelsonfor hlm vaan su ok sud Ifacend Isu d .tou'l a cs' stndl long. A pair cf tubb.r hoote -or abos. vith a anr pair of socle asutofit aver socke FUI Ikeep thetettwarm lu les rater tor murs. *We nom luar hor to loep fai.. At Valley Forge ou; soldlimr vnt &bout midihhobl o ozng frMM rock@l Ibahir flot hal rouit! ot h".i. Nay moes us-as mach nomsbbongh eoy bad t ohg. The mua mithout poil test la auseleos th. borelfi. iut gond feaI. ltlIonp taun tes.. that lb. moMdiers >a B batisafronts ar eclothat!marailY. anas Bua dioy varmiy ciothed wmli mp soma German boy buav sud ou. les nt rboys vgib. o.od l on tit. CrIDg me. iIo infot lona toi aur bole th&at W,, .tr« J fA wt,,- 'muOt w'rk lu téitmi truaemark but for the boys ol bI he allies. it la as etupendous lob. vogry homoeu intis country must do l14 lirt. The old kuittlng neodies muet comle Dut. There la not eoungh kulttlus machines iu lb. morld te 811the t!amand [or mai. kuittet! clothiug. Factores cnl't 811 Ihe deand ou dieni for under. iotblng aud oeators, lot &joue stock. lge, wlstiea ansd miIeusut!d luit beýd enver. that pull over tiae hast! and dowm over th. lace sud neck. There muet lbe en amalenlug sud naunudersteudlug 01 he situation If lh. van continues long. lUises the wmmn ette landl gelt t wri luittlng* the LoyS miii b. colt! Evory pount! of yainltat cau ho PrM ducd mli b. neodot! enth. aid! voolas ockgan ut!uderclotiing .mwli have to hb unravelled sud 1h11 Jarn used agalu Ir, the loesof .tockinge sud vhore the Wmn la the tost. 1 eu me my mothar and granilmothe, sl mark mllh liha splnung wrh.i the kniting ne.t!ia anut! e childi e el hbogshelu b.u Il as .roundt! bIc I boasd unrav.Ilid the oIt! stock ing4IsIl T"ee oit! vays Lae .dleappeare! trmu imorica but not front Geimany anut! w. iront oui bayesut!d the boy. fihtite mur hstthe ta boIdt! isr pro, Il me an na earneat lu aur valuble talkr. mil shoy i lu getlug la mork ftheb.Re( Cos. Wherev,î Ihars la s maman rit knors boy 10 luit Itlei.hqr dt!uyt gatber tlb. men sut! girls of th, »ioghborhaod luto clasees aud tes] hbem the art. A stOcklD uncb as m: nother conit! kuIt rltb ite doubla b. atut! andut formed to fit the foot ton] s much elil and! art as It do.. ta pam aany p lctras. Thtest! Oras. nl gnarsutaeth& overy dollar gliran, ever day'a mor given, every pound of ysrui given1 accounltolansd reacbes tb. front. Th U. S. government bas hi statuts na-i tbe Rot! Crasesei@ taent lu inthis ,worà toma o! the blggsltmou la Ameiles0 in the wrnd aelaborWIg fi bitalie Croîs vithout pay sut! Ilte4up tu yau t la mg ta gel b mailk. As rou momt ou the faiml pollsh the oit! luittin needios tlk te the "mon tole@"abat, the damandt! thre tlaioryarne sud te lie ~ ~ 7 mitam hbokl E na voter ni vpMy fe~ twtslià etwonhame ibis, lui. mtéhaget the *rm Lake. ,sesslllae aWlea. RCtouWnmg Ofoër . ?awkv tuimel âd admiraid hIe bg k tellurb mie ugs- ppfil forela Se prov.d te o e lW Mdea.6 ma , m onselpmua, *vebu beu wwwalg for Babahmeu~ ?y. -le l nai so etsg.- Piiyea bave biaSsecond paper. Ho praçut ma ttpapore lal 0-but neyer Ï001 sete, proura the Sood papers, vbich are necesserybelote enliai mueut luilte navy. *"o 00 tUIo circuit eihe oufices once and lahe stop. te, mt heon, "at -mï1 Thachiho. And 194m startat! avay, declaring h. voulddt so, ms b. mautedt!1cemt bock 1tb h Oit! country te, Cght. Oermans kitrealtdParent&. Mgda u sbig mther sud Ivo bro thora lb vwhat v.. once Beigun Tit Je.,hothlnks ho bas. It la t y«eersmce ho. hasrd £tro u ta, bu at tiatliUme dth ert! he guImaij hlm biot! rua bot. He scys th.Gl mas at! nuliiet!the lmllIy prOPel ty sud causedt Itm aIl soit. 9f troul le. Porbapsa alne touthe! hay, béeu drlvu cuut or foicot! la vork fo ltae Oermazu>. Tiht tlaswhy Madou vsnta te, gt back sud hslp cloau Up the kaiser forces. RECOUNT IN Noual CMICÀ60 CONTfST iUdge Edwards Overrules De mutrmr of Mayor Christian- seon-Victoryfor Drury. 'CONTEST IS A BITTER ONE Court Holds That AUl Candi dates Do Not Have to Be ,,, Made Parties te Suit. Patrick J. Drsiry vho la conte@ Iig lte eleton of Mayor Pat, Chriattaugen. o! Nordi Citicago, wv an Important vidtory ln teitigatlc late monday atternoou, ritesCiret Juige Ciîre C. Edwrda, overrulg the demurror by tae counsel for tl mayor. Titis nuliiug ldicatea Ih lbe rocouublung of ttc ballots out, the lest municipal lecîlan viii ha, to docide lb. contant. 1rury mas a cloe contender i ltae honora of mayor. ln feot vit the votes vene douut! lb vwu d canci taI Mayor Chitilansen th beau lectet! y he lbnucror mari cf tre, votes. Thet havwas patisfl vii tte ieuit sud pouitively mou nLot contetvas dia statameut ma, h. Mr .. .rvshrIv a,. te, .t. he e AuniseHinricitsou, luspeclci for die b M-" mr aor ""' uerffi tate charîtios commissin ad rea aunoet. memiten of the commttea ou pi-oba Uju di. heat!vle of friends, hbar ien sud crimec!rltae Confarence c! erMn. Diury placet! the malter1 Chariles and! Corrections, bans mt dia banda of an attorney and! i mat!. ber report dealing mwidi cîty content of electIan ras stertat!. prisoneseat! cuuîty jéisbelug charget! bitIfiant! et.: A ease îs reportai cf a mnrs-pu.ltc lte counutlug of the votes..D olir lu a womau's oilbecnsa 'the matit!wvasmadtds-bdie voles bh0 mâas avYer tea afatinsu rbo do.. couat!d. not like bu lmb the *lire 10 die 'Atorney George Fild,. nepresen Mo's quartais.1 Iu suolter Intacelaf Mayor Chitslen. demurnet!1 3511 Officieis sud tdia trpstes' heidthedi.palitlca, settlng Up tlb. gicur keYe 0 te momene oeiiooms sdt! ltIMi. Drmry vas in ef-r, Ila mde use of theot. Muacitas hc ted usmet! ay ne d Mien Hinriebson lads die roman taensaI, Mayor Chirstiansen. il problem ln the jailiaa sez question.dalm beiug made that te losti hacase there araelunmnIs iii *candidates &aec uitouit! have bht joilis viere moral improveuiSu lal mat!e dafeudants. Impossible. 1't ra, tlas demurrer wvicb Jud Thit tht Lake couaty 3511 et W&n- Edrar4p ovennimiet MouLdal' a!tai-na kegsuIte ot ludluded thet. ofî Mi. Field! mas given a wmeuhilu vit ltes. miicit bave falaen undai the tcfilic an.ansmer, but Il lesaidth bou of Miqs InjlIchct, -.li tepre. die proheilities sa e exeoeding vailing bele! tejl'.,for Um iesinÈeicit.srong ltaI lieiccount o! votes.nt ou, tas InspDeflthedialocal Jani on milteks plana. sev-r'ioccaion,sut! aays bas 0nlmneg iiasOne :M lu thtestate Sped of oumiL 'thorlt.e caondIion v tlai-abore Somd t mra lu n « a op ta@ aIvaxge. At diRaiet limes ube AMsud it teseat5ureet aboUt bt O0mPU1btd tae loa <>l est pa secod, sudlucre oM MOe toiiat user l la LVU b hou o» .. fot for ««7 urr e.t!te ë"oaduclsM-L - - .cÉffl ~daprea. Ai tce I ipupeM la pIlé andt mcc lu Rh JCaumu msaul dwase lsettnm otel Ouf 1 ne. ut- ta las- de- the lng mon )on. lot bl lio or» km- tm15 os 'SOAP' [S SOAPj That is a truimm known to evelry person. But there le Soap A ND S OA P W. have the. kinde tat dean t without injuring the. ekin or the fabricà on which they are umed. Sieasonable Offerings ile d H am Veni Loal.Etc. -Phone lue yôur-er-,tOday EarlH. Corlett Miss Annie Hinriobsen, Inspec- ton for State Charities Com- mission, Makes Report. DOESN'T APPLY IIERE. No Jails Are Singled Out but Morale of Local Jail Nover Has Been Questloned. Declarlng Wlanos tiealmou of romen prison erslài un caes a volUon cf lb. iav cf t!acany, Miss .. 1: 1 -~~- s uste. pbl4 iP0eesu et. LaWpefloo Uisoffl. a" fire wllithis h b m SssHotus of Ub- a". . &White.,Ptae nisl.. itzlagu rae@o. fchoes.*sd Servim so viciÏI h ld h i o Bonell P oe é1U * POt! for violtion tber.. auto ffuthor BD161.. u-M Duung iasmonh o Auusitbr vii dwTion 1eI t it@dliud by tlcs P.- b. no servise at 7:0a. m., et so.jaw.Idont 4-Ad bld ofciTuoëel 01cftb.vil- resaoVs cburck. ThoNclis IDb a diW Imelof Uberlyville Tb Do peeon or maie, Mt 7:80 P. . nfud" émbool vin ores tal oNB. OVS M or oproetio b.u ld lla. m. Tb@ peleb viS b. W u odn r prt ub* chue. Of Rv.rnd J. B . Edward.o oitncltrvoels .or clbher comvovm f or latsFrest estrylflg patosugbr te sMd tro vilin 7 the corneraI, limits of tle Village nt UbortYXIMl, viticut iât obtaeiung a Prodbyterten. Ylue udo as geboelsrprovud.. 8uu.cvo.nuimdeicooI<~sm.Sscmcu IL 14w boum eetu. fer e UorxIlmg worsblp ut Il, o'lccb .Tb bus, huit, motur 'si" h*roler cavsy- Pastor viiipWecb lb. second 961101OUomm.. shahb a talowr , Moce .dravr Ib tiulac:"Tb@ Ooepalla IaIh,1a. ebi*o.uusix oS5VSM rslm $500l; eh 18. Speo-t lucby a quartes#. tbtielve psoeeqsr 800; Ivelve pas- bhri$tM* 1U.de.or cmeeting et 6.45. seaateor over 915.00. Moor drii,. Leader. Maodé 1Dutoled. veohsIx paiesugur or km $7.00. six. il *thél, warm vether continu«e. b.o îwelv. pomums12o0 lw.lv p. p e9401114 ..v-ili Il bld es lhe anmopge sor Ovi 18 00. go licence. sha seul .nilb.chuté asT o'0,"k. W ~iesue4for ie lm er p.ro f Il. bie-ak Prayameting IW.d dythea. >Wo Ysr, a"SUd . "Mmosu ha a soréuM .0. -Wtjs op portiu ion . thdOê dajr ef Aprlof em à 0 otj lý>e Çp4th telbo Vbr.u's." Evéry- Yser,-sles soole.r MVObi. > body velotas. S m l.Teca rtrspr C. A. Moussant.. Muer. " I. chgora..p elittut bc bwphrgsby fthownersoropv- oratorotudavl«d en ahbc seateoils: Mtho*l4féflOiBl. ronsmacteotSlalm t 1 l, Grouad services wmliib. bld sent Studay 5asIlIum cemis;trou hausll... hllst t $Wt»O ýg usuel t31801 e:Y legul tosneolai p s1.. Ib utua Um- r10 o'clcck. Pnscbteugservics et 1 t sil bdstemlsed se an weyCx- t M. end 780 P. M. AtIlo'lock serice .d à te ' M. IMtgm 149eproï fire b ey. T. I.L aItem iliipro" oncmthe topie: lmiteam .aredy provldsd by erdinac "ObvtitimâPseelng tbe 11100861119n02'oftibisevillfge. AliB vry tk don.,b la th.e .nI89- at 7:80 the sablent cf mach vehile. w bere there leecoei l là5ce t lb short sermon wmliib.: 'ýTOwsQn 01van.. or rebile la sot ocal)oei ail nos »Straugtb. " At the eveonlugservice, lbe cme undor the provision@ c 0 is1 i4t n nmusC milmollet C4 aa bor0esemrvice àt - le by choir sud copgrgtfon, auaiathe BSMMrON 1IV. Nu ilcen.eihlecusod Sby the choir asud a solo by lIrs. Cryste1 mal deiv.rod 10 spcb appllcent or sppli- Raton. A very co)rdial Invitation la canto.1tIheaore -untll snob appliioal or .xtended 10 ail. * i .applicante #.bal!bae.iledt!ltth he vil- Ccmardc. Naes Weaiiinâge' lork the dupict recuipt 0f thoe-l the subicct of the Epmaorth fl çut- ialte ?reasrer sbowing the tull p&> ment ro eWumyeeita 64.Dvdo! lb. Bflount required by thie ordin- IL~ Thompaou wiii il the meeting.~ nt Chir rebearee lii 11b. hld on Friday SoimV h iia lr .brb O senlg o ibs ~.k I 78fl A ou utborls.d to chai-g.the soplicaut or r- atrandane le deaireil. er- be Wmaný Hom bis4Iinaritocityappiiosat* tifor spe Iuces m foreseld s r- il el b Th oau'eRomaMisýluaryeoclaly tee ne on, doSahar orlmuna lbe ame. e Thureilsi alteînon. Aux. 16&luIo he1 sECTON vr. Any person, or porions, or chu, eh parfois. Every member of %hel I clay or corPootion wbo @bal' vio. sorietj iq urged to *ttenàd. lar, sny oftheb.provision@ cf Mhe ordin- t Nez% Sundaiy atonoon beglnsu aisc or any section thereof shail b. Oued s 2 o'c-iock thet ibierbyvllle Towu.b p Son, oto, ls tban tbrf. dallai. nor more than deyoechooi convention wiii be beid at th. t ne hundrd dollars foi eaeh oftu.. Llberty,-iflleiM. E. chnrch. A spleudld SCîaVISnell ilcence wheuled program hab»rou arranged and the @hall b.e gnpd by tba Village Cierk un- public is coriially iuvited to attend the dpr thp Village %eai sud shail anthorise meeting. theppeon, pron.. oir. compeuy or The Junior Epworîiî Leigue wli ii i'old orporatiou 10 mhorm mi,.. arn,. le iraut- 511 religionsi sud dsi,,i nletinge j fd t,,foiliow the puresuit therelu Ilac Suudav afRerno,.m, at 4 ý Tht numn.-Then the manne r for the b"s n r.ae v.yu,,mmreed mmesu t thte e8tmi frth lu lu thoÉ.e e-rs let. gala lieDensd the camne @bail isot b. rram,,,-rshe ê irn.o aih' aud shall uot Vctor Johnson Is Sent 1 i ý- ta tAlii eteri nmd From Kenosha-Lived There ;pon-ioN. Viii very pereon suted - OnIy Eight Moiths. a tb.,,. ,,riri,. ,ri achb. i e -. Clalming that ho had beeu de st .red t a %OIt jl t -ni'-nt4' rate lof edtroti, Keosha becauso hi@ rosi i. ,he~t a, h-u h aeo deuce lu that clty bidflot base. suti. lare.,nsr.- arot id-d in thieordin- oient ta m. lmeal a charge on the a('"e authorities of that comrnfitY. Vie- S,TI.>t IX Mil ,rdlnguc-. or parte toi Johnsou, Who claires 10 have ,îa. olitmgherewith &hall made. hi. hume le Waukeganu for six. teen yers, la tact Up 10 six or eight b@ aud thteams'eu are hertby repealed. teri mouth ago, when ho veunt tc the Sztroàe X. This nidinauce chall b. ,on Wisconsiu lova, auriveil unennou no wn o nue.Ordînance No. 290 and sheli [o sa at the Lae coanty gOueralhoe- b. lu taris sud effect f roansd sitar lb Pliai about 7 o'clock Thut!ay a0en- passage sud approilal sud ton daje ai t- eit Anealeto hvt!hmbb or ite publication as provlt!ed by law. th sufférIug vlth tuberculosls, &Mudet- J.,Il. Morne. VIllage Preedeult et sDite the tact filet ho bad a bottie cf Atteet: J. A. Treptar, Village Cll ai mhlskey in hie pocket, and! hISbreath Paseet!Aug. 8th. 1917 smoli as If bch at!Imbibed fracely, h. Approvet! Aug. (11h, 1917 Lve vas takeu lu, seignedt! 10the.tuber- PbibdAg t,11 ouiosip departateut and in réceîvlngPblhdAu.1h.91 for the best of cars. oun It vas aise ilscoyeret! todcy thet Ta boast the use of the Walukegafl de Jhso l e Vrglflg Ou delirium tra-'sud -"middlo" roadesly troche goiug admens, sud It mcy ha uecossry tu, ont teGetLie aa riigM cdhlm ln restreint tempcrarlly. If blis te ralkenaltra t- gin condition bacomes ton violeut. dou and lighten the trefileou Shor-' fed The couaty authorities arn Con- don road, a parade willi eholed Set- nid ductlng au Investigation touse. mhti* r u $!y. The parade wiii etart froin oi r or not Johnsoa nottit! bin ar the Art Inetîtute et 2 P. M., sud en îlt as a coly patient, route the Iinerary viii include Ev- Âccordiug tu his story ho appliid anslcu,Wilîmette, i<enivarth. Win- for aid 10 the cuthorittes cf Keoshe iv- but vas refusait sdmlosion 10 the cetka, Glencoo, Highland PaFrk. Fort lu tuherculois sauit.rlant bedause bis Sheridan, Lake F'orent sud the (treat the roslidence thora bat! noverai a petiot!Lakes station. The Parade viii t- lifutouhy a fev mouths. Johuson ton- heit! under the auspices of the Asso-. e riy vaes lunlthesaoon butineis l In la !NrhSor uiiell cd Wauhegan. itoofNrhSoeuicalt.