CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Aug 1917, p. 5

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LAKI JOIWIY.TU1l08.THU SDÂY. AIUGUST 9,1917. 1T ~ me ,aÂwauChicagoaaurwty, cS asa cmhicagoON LAKIJ IftUIIA la1K III1l¶Y butNI'KAYboom Now is the time to. put i YOUR WNTRSUPPLY Coal-Wood--CÔke. OUR SUPPLY ISI3QUAL. To Ail Demands and Clean Our, Service The Best. beys w t".ould oopa at hse Ufmmans.m o Phone 47 E. A. Bidmo, UV. gu posuS sfil]: If you- Want to fll - vour ' bins With a Pure Carbon Comi, va us your order Don't wait nntil the Iast moment until the price goes up. Get it now, get it from us. We guarantee. you perf ect saisfaction W. . FRANZEN. JR. Telephone 50. Lîbertyvile HayngTools Deeriogand McCormick mtowers. Side Delivery - Rakes, Dump Rakese Keyjstone, Dain and Deere Loaders. forks, Rope, Sections and Repairs. Largest Stock. Priced Right. SCHANCK HARDWARE Ph.n 39. COMPA.NY Lirtvfa .Paul G. -Ray Licensed Embalmer and Funerai Director Automobile Hearse and Auto Car- riagt-Furneished When Deaired. StoreiPhone 9. R.>,dnc. Phone 12 il YOU Know o1 News of LoSi InturPeae Cal Tolophou. Number 1.: lake Coui V air Sapftebet 26 to29. Nias Hattle ehu vdlsunakegan Thursday. Miss Cors i'arklneon o Cblcago le vis- lliug UMs.Bonainter. L«. Wslrond vlltsd tIeonde la B1avenes. wood a iew a m8thlbpoilvsek. Mises S talla LagWortlhp aad Dorotbp Soldam wve.Wanksgau vistors Frldap,. Miss Vida Jaumon of Uilhurn ».st. th M. E . cburch bers last Sunday crin. __Hovard Fhsgcaeover troin Fort Obeidan tbspend Sundap vlth bis Mrt. andMr@. N. R. Ladd anletalnsd r4laNcesasd trime rou Joliet tant Tburedap.t Allr a sthort visit wltb bis paranits bues Wm. Nagel loft Priday tor bis bomne la Motana. Mr. s»d Mr@. Shidmore of Bavenswood, epat a loy daps the puot aet at lthet Daniel Loo boome.E Miss Florence (;Oldenburg retnrned Tuasday trom alew day. viit wltb friands in Waukegan. Mr. and Mise. B. Mason and @on Har- old ara apendlnit several dayo witb relu. tives la Cbicago and Austin. The Wornen's <ild of St. Lawrence'@ cburch ail meet Pltb Mn%. Ed McD)nnaid Tbnrsday, Aug. 0 st 2 o'elock. Gardon lngharn of Mllwaukee, bas returned born alater spendîng three weeks at the Langwortby borne. Ludwigz von Snebomllcb and ulster Eliz- abetb of Delevan. Wiscc.nsin arrived Tnesday for a viit wltb Mr@. LuluMat- tort. Mr. Kernp!, secretary for Senator J. a.à Lewis, callid on Pogitrnuter Aliernan Frlday white on bis way to Chicago from 1 lugieulde.,1 Mr. and Mr@. J. K. Klng ot Mendota,1 [Il.. vslted Mr. Kings s@luter, Mrs. F.t Llgbtbody tbe tinet o! tbe week white on1 their way to Boston. Tbe coudltionof MIr@,Anna Fote who bas been unconselo,îs for tbe paut two wetk e rnains about the asare. Ber re- covery seerneIrnprobable- The W. C. T. t., wili meet witk, lirs. Edltb Herrick on Tuedat alternoon, Aug. 14. Superintendento wyul please corne prepared tu five report of year'êq work. Mr. and MIrs. Henry Llcbtfeid enter- talned Mr@s Lietieldes cousin, Herman Wittrock and fnrnily and Mn. and Mirs. William Evert lrorn Austin the pust week. Mr@. H. F. Ebert and cilidnen of Eust Troy, Wis. and Mise Elizabeth lngbarn of Chicago, @pent a few days at the Langwortby snmrnrnhorna at Lake Ea. The Beuinners departrnent o! tbe M. E. cburcb was given a party on the cburcb lawu lait Thuraday. lcecrearnand cake W"s served 10 the tblrty-elgbb littie toté wbo acre present. Wben pou are toornuch absonbed lu your business to look alter your beallb, lb. lime ai corne Whe ou Dwil nDot to take care of eltber. Drink plcnty o! good, cool (not tee cold) water, eat motlerately and tbe bot wcatber won't burt YOu. Wednesday aitennoon At 4 o'ci-ck oc- cunred the maniage of Mises Mary Arn- *an daugbter o! Mn. and Uni. Lawrence Axusun ta Lionel Bull at tbe parochli reeldence o! Fatber Remke lu Waukesran. Thcp acre attended by Miss Adeline MillIer and Mn Oco. Lawrence. Thc newly marrled couple expecto rnake their borne lu Waukegau atter Sept. 1. The 89tb Aunual Reunlon ni the Sald- lerés and Salions 61-65 o! Late Connty vlii be bcld at Fos@ Part, North Chicago 111. Wcdneeday sud Tbursday, Auguil 15 and 16, 1917. A splendid programi ba@ been arrsiuged and Pienty o! gond cate wili be serrai by tbe-W. B. C. ladies at the park. Ball garne on Tbureday and dancing boti. daps. Everyhiady selcorne. 82C1 -The Locail Red Crose Auxiliary met at the toan bail Wednesday aiteruonju. Muet of the OIme au devoîcd to finish. lng allotmntso! work pneviansî.w be- gun. Quit. s niumber ai the syeatere have bec flolsed sud delivered and the firet quota ai fracture Plloas bave ail bacul flulebed. Compresors are beiug mnade lu tva elles, 4 by4 and 9 bp9. Miss Dal.p NOnse vas preiut and qs- sisted lire. Martin lu bsudligglb.e ont. À donation a!01 0wae reclvcd tramn 1ins. Martin. NOTICIL Please Ta"s No"loeTIsaI, mp afe barling lpMYb.d and board I ahil not i» reeponsbis tor gai, debte contraceff IiY r-- Chas. J. Hurmbbrg.t, 81i4 Prairie Via. Dl. .4 Ma« Kobair Wb Somday fora trip to Micigan poit. Mi Mr@ -ldÏoI d. ae a Highland Harqmjr le sulng bis vacation et F.odsra Dam, Id taso ta. MsIU dma KfoleMspendlng tbe waek wllh bMie an " Sohon 1* Chicago. Dr. L B. obinad W. E. Docker Wl Tu.sdavRit lulh Basin, Mon tana. Dr. DsrtiIe t -8901Y 01 Willrette, vers 8.558b uuleastb th . W. Escu. trot bomne. Thus lahlti'Mes rlstcd by a Dice ahoa.r Teda'W le bhmbeen quit. cool 011110.. bol" Cbrstlq Saimihralurned Sabur. day trou Doi» lb ara she took the U. a»d Uts. E.,v Planensteil are rmpcng ase aba~ irl abo arrived Ihirhoe p*a*rdap. Unsm C. M. Fajiffel ta wday. lu Chicgo Ibis vcek vlth ber daugbter, Mms L Z. Protisu *M tamllp. JohnugttM iffl o p befone Justice Doshiar Toe.d..y os a chargeoi aisanîl nad batterp. Tb@ fdue vas 10 sud cette. Ed Hubbued bas rclvedl notice o! the managme o!fbshie n. Mies Lucy W becl. wrlgbb aI Harrs4. IDI. MiessLucy ia lhe dangbtar of Mn.sued tIrs. F. B. Wbealrlgbt. The LA" Drait Boaàrd tonrDistrict No. t i fLae Oomnî bis bssn couduct. lng exauluatioa itil Ibis yack sud hope te finish Ibein von on thîs drait bp gaturdoy. Idrit. Pendy o! OmggaIolaa a sfter of Mies Facule Taylor abo aise badiy lu- jnred lnans auto sceleent last Saturday, annlved hoem 'uendal for a short stap w itb ber tathar Stapb.n TayIo r. Wrn. B. Allemau, son of F. J. Alernan of Taroat, Washington, arrived hone Fiday alternoon ior a iew day8 viil aitb bis oncle. J. la. Alleman and lamlly. Be lctI Tueeday lomsoou ion a visit at pointein la iconihu. Dr. W. N. 8peckmu bas been elected Pretident uof7New Lysneu lustitute as New Lynu, Atabil Co., Ohio. Tbis Institution vac ounded about forty jeans ago sud bas prominent atumni lu varions partet of tIe country. fit iseltu- ated iu a icb agnleultural distrie. Thc reprmeeuatlv« ftram the Egwortb L.eague o! Libertyvlhlo abo expf-ct to leave Mondap tae pend Ith e.ek as the lnoittne at Lake Oeesa, W iecousin arc the MitssesEvaWillitams, Fanuie Ligbr. body, Mabel Oreasley (oi Chicagoli sud Marlon Preebon and the Mestrs Ite. A. Young, Paul Morris, Banol.i Hagetty, Walter Ligbtbody andi Noel Young. Libertyville Township Convention The Llberlyuiiie Township guuday echool convention will be beid ln the Mý E. churci ber.- next sondsy alternoon, August l2that 2o'ciock. The toliowiug prognani liasbeci. arranged ton by tiie committe.-: 2:01) Song nSPîa~ ~nd -sEia Ring lpgrabam. 210 Devoional and Prayer-Led by 1ev. T. EBeain. 2:20 8olo-Miss Evelyn Bull. Arpa scbool. 2:25 Rapid-tire It.ports ai esch sebool by its Superintenderbt 2:40 'Method@ of Pnotnoting Teachen Traiung"-Iiuv. C. A. Montanus. 2:55 Reading-Mit,@ Florence Golden- berg, M. E. eChoof. 8:00 Offetory-M ce. Lulu Matbocta. 3.05 Report ofl Soniiating Committéwu 3:15 Cornet ijuet-Illes Mabel Mon-. tanne, Wiliou Oleudort, Preebyterian acbool. 8:20 Addree--TbeCornrunilp chu.rb, Wby, %'boensd liow"-J. E. Lewis, Late Co. 8. S. Worker. Boediction-liev. oiluntanus. TWO PHIONE 00RL BRAVE FLAMES AT H16UÀILND PKe SAT. Sînoke filled thie thîrd flurer ft the Highland Park State basi buiding at Hghland Park, Satundap nighl, an hour beforu mldnlght, Thu third flocr le occupleti by the «eaMaeof tIse Chicago Telephono oompesy. At.i tl&st hour of nigIsI Ivo operators, Miae Matia Booh sud Mise Theesa Poth are aithle ewltchboard. - Thte moitegrey dense; the hird floon iiuden the openators' fuel grea warm, lien bot. The vaînteer lire departmnulo! Highland Psr'c consists o! taantp- five Men. aci must be suSMmned from hie ýonse by telophoua. Miss Booth sud Miss Poth metiodlcauly rang UV each number. Flamba aueelapping lint tliecx. change room when the firemen srrlv. ed, but lie tva opunsboru lnilated ou remainIQ i attheir hourds. Mles su boues vater pumplng lb. building vas saved., Nt a telephon, conn@e lion bad bemn slghted. Tbs, ira started In luliaoffice of Georxa Pblllips. ont 0L gacond fkiorort the. building. TIU&w à yul amout te apprcamtep020 AUTO LAW BREAK' ERS, DiILAN PM Officiais of That City Have a New Plan to Keep Track of Infrâctions. KEEP RECORDS ON FILE. Parking of Automobiles Pro- hlblted Exoept on One Street -Watob Bathlng Beach. Ir the neatlp aooUted poiceman ta Highland Park approachess pou while pou are vlting la poir mto- mobile ad banda pou aà111h lets card, do ot mstateIl for an mvi- talion la oue of the. suburba social sutettainmments ot aven an Invitation tu patroulsa lha uca soda fouau ai Mrmoor. il1Jinearir MHmâjad p4rra Dow methol of aotffylng pou that you ire braalg on. or tbe towva' andtom*lLe rdlnaua. Aund If the ofUc. fliIls occasion la fin ont a second cati for pou. lhe card aHi h. attacbed ltu hepolice records of lhe lown. Csnd Recorde th. Offene. i ghland Park bs doled a nea mnethod of daallug wlth automobuils bath rsaldent and traitaient. Tiie fire offense àagalut one of the toan ordlnacas bringe a Camil, rou the Polie officer abo >av lhe viffiatims On thie cardlaI reglstered the auto. mobllet'Bune and addr'sa, ad tb. make and number of bis car, and si] otiier data on previaus condition of servitude vblch may cSeur te the cf. ficer. This card, filed l in hetoau's irebivs. hla awompauled merely bp s gentle reminder froin the policemn that Higbland Park bas a number ci ordinances ablch bave been made for thse purposee0f regulating auto. mobile trafflo. Dianegard Paringn Ordlnance. One cf the eblef causes of annop- suce to Highland Park authoritli la the disregard ot lie tavu's par, lng ordlnilce. 'he Parking district for thse tawn le on Central avenue be, tween Green Bay road and Sheridan road. Anotiier ardln-nce Is lu rela. lion to the use of the. parka sud tihe batblug beaclies. lie prlv-legas of abicb are sald to bave been ahused by plcnic parties tram Chicago. Sec. ond offenses againat any eftbese or* dînantes land tbe cfeuder in tb. hoosegow, the card systemt for firet offense readlly Provint abelier lie offense is the fIrst or second. 'SNEAKS IN' ON FARMERS IN NIGIIT; EXAMINES STABJLES9bç A numbur o! dalry fariner. lu Lake eounty are thraatened vith serions trouble by the Cbicago bealth depart- ment becaugBo o! conditions faund la their places lu an unexpected visit by Ifealth Commlsslouer Robertson, uf Chicago. A number of farinera acre natfied ioday tu "elean up," sud vere tald that If conditions ara. not rendereti better at ance tboT vonld fSud tbem- selves In danger of prasatution. Wltb the arrivai o! ertreme beat fleen luspectors for tbe beallh de- partment vere rushed out tu the dal- ry distnlctgL Each vas provIdeti viii au automobile aud traveled on an av- erage o! 160 miles par day. Makes Personsi inspection. TieY lnspected the dalry farm'. the barns, tie cattie, tie sheds, cool: lng houge$ snd aIl parts o!f te farma. Their repontp were sent lu ta Dr. Robertson. Dame o! tkum aroused the heatb commiseloner, and ou Satur- daY ho, deeldeff ta make a personal In- spection ta venlfy reports of the In- spectons.1 Dr. Robertson traveled more thian 200 miles sud conducleti bis Investi- gallon until early Bnnday marnlug. Sime farmera acre arolped tram thef r lumbers at mldnlght sud acre kept up nutil 3 ln thse mornlng. The healtb commiesioner compulled the dalrymel tao open thuir barnna. cattle shedis and dairy bouses, sud permit a thoroug Ilnvestilgation. The mlii as examluud andi ln many lu- stances founut to bu poon. 1 -- - - 1 1 lvxyjLwv ju IÀWIW&a At %rim 1 --- ---- - --- Woan's f riend li; a Large Trial LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEt4-Dap. ],,,, ano Pescipion rne orPie browu bors". welgbl about 1000; Bottiko! ano Pe scraan ito Fin fr tar.t-face8 white fret. wbite spotou blp, blackbceadscomeion: dA lrugh ekin aima email baud on rigbt Ide c om&erE and~~~~~~~ cIafoplxo.AruI5m~ Von bave lntormatlon reausdln sua tonte. Get a 35e trial bottie at the a umldre .hmeil.g* rlrug store. actenst, wackeffu. S ---------- - 00000eÇseu -- -- - - - -- - ghallies and £re 'w. n Lust January we plaèied our order for comforter challlius anticipat. ing tijat the price would be much higher and the goods more dift- etit to get this fail when we wanted them. These gocosbave jîst came in, a fine assortmerit of patterne, ail yard wide pieces. Vie have based the price of these chales ou what they çost us luat spîring, and aret going to give you the advantage of the saving on tlîitipîîrchase, regardless of the fact that we could not now buy tiiete goods ln the market for wbat we offer themn to you. We are (-Qîtetlt to take only the regular profit on them, knowing yon will appreclate the bargaili offered in this staple materlal and that the advertisemetlt of the L4ame will be a benifit. to us. Buy1 C them iwhile the assortinentit j good. Price per yard %5 AmoDg other things received' this week are a~Jrimber of new Cre- tonnes suitable for drapery, uphoIsterlng, sofa pillows or for the _ knitting bags which can be ma&e in everal difierent styles frfIU these pretty figured pieces and Price per yard............ W. CARROLL>& -SONS CoM# 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. MONEY TO LOAN ON,; LAKE COUNTYFARMS, ing up peur farmi orif pou bave Imsse fsug due ahicli Yeu visi to ta-finance v salb plessad te quoe s pu eurbhast terme saFeen Martege loess W. ama aise gisdte fua-i*h Faim Maesgmte invasteri. LuSERTvIl m - îWNrOs ANu WORKifiA01. DEN, SAYS ADVISOR Keep the Crops Growing if You ExPect a Large Yield, Is the Advice Given. PLENTY MOISTIJRE, SECRET. Garden Advisor Gives Advice on How to Baftle With De- struotiveInsects. f BT C. L ALBEE.) Keep on Pprayingsuad wcnklng jour garden. eepeclally Ifif Iol lu late cropa. lu lte case of late potatous. tbey May b. altaclied by the flea» beetle, for wbicb thare la no direct and Positive contrai, but whlch may b. repelled bY the sllraylug 0f Bar- deaux mixture for blight. For thse cabbage arasd catter- piller tbat vil1 attack cabbage snd otber lest «oop'haud pick or use Hellehore If t» e iade are farmlng, sud If not. use arsena. of lead or Paris grecsa. In the case ot plant ice, ane eau use a good atream of vater trom a hase wlth very satIsfactory ,ei«ulta. 0f the borne madie mixtures, keroséue emulsion la the. bsat. Il îhould b. put on lu lie avenlugs aber. Ibere la les. danger of llurnlng tbe les,., lhreugb the action of lie sun. Of the com- mercial mixtures, Black L.eaf 40 gives the best resulta. Keep the garden soi worked lu or- dér to holti the moisture In the soif. Plenty of moisture l8 the secret of garden succeas, and a check nov will on-an a decrease lu yleld. Keep the cropa groalug If yau ex- pwct a large yleld. Ralslng Cotton In Cardon. Cotton sued started lu the. boume sd the plants set ont ln a sunnp spot ln lie gardun vîll bloorn aud perfect ticir cotton halls durlng the autumun. Tie plants are hushy, fromtva otota lre feet lilgb. llowers, green pods sud Cotton balla appear on the planta at tbe sametMme. Set tbe plants Ivo te## sotadkeep watt culttvated. ablea long nasL a nunaoWork. Ut nature of things dooset c&»ma tbongbfi memnuaos1if mes.lIe a*M notblng but change. Tit tbe sçmare four la sixteen, sud poq ud ui UgtIs pour laver lunlpofftb eta oue'f welght, laIs utrna whe a r mu'a i. erable as wabal s bap*p; m"a Ni best of worklng le, i givie joine grlp-hold of things ouigde pontes» lot.-George Eliot Overoomlnq lVIi. Overcornlng cvii alti good la eê oulp wap ta overcome it at oë owu hearts and liras, sa"la tlin wmm sround us, the. only aptg 5e, à wbat la faultp t.Julaufti smatilng bette. . lnaed a riBl oOb,&;<3 TOO LATE TO CLAugWV FOR SALE--Snrrap lu good tediloa. Apply 176 Vine Ave., Higlaad Pau* or Phone No.10. m FOR 8ALE-Blah grade Halstela eatl, Dow ullkoça aud sprlngera. Phote 267-M-2. carl A. Sebreet. m2 FOR SALE-On. team and slght mis. gle hornes, wagons and hbunss& Maerchants Dellvery, Lake Foreet. l Wkly. M! FOR *ALE-P1lu aahffur Use auto.inlm isIcame oosjitieu, vii be sld cbap for cmi. WI I O oustrata. CaU phone 427, uhsgab. FOR 11ALE-9 room bouse, bath rues. gai and eleebrle lilhta. largeboa. fcbieken bouse. fruit trees, 2 large lots, blok ramPotollc, ras II.Bargein for quick sais. Applp 10 L. H. Liehtd, Wautegan, 111. 844 WANTED--Good grade$tesroor Balts. Tho. BaEsp. Ara. Phone 215-W.. HOUSE WANTEO-5 or 6 ro. ous bp Septlot; rouI inuet b. res.o.ail Permanent tenanthIDquire IPotres lt.depenslent office. 821ft WANTED To BUT-Tva good. lile cows an aarlp sprlngars. Gir.d* uw lion and prie. Addrese W. C. % Daty S1un, Waukegau, 111. 88-1

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