*Y. b 0, mi, tb t Md rta te t ab te mb Ert- 1la Sa,. the lot ilet W. [Wot iutb 11NA 1. le Bot. $m ne Farm 001"O. o WI4ERE 0F MIOST SEVICE? The tact that iver>' tarmer andi ever> f arma bsnd snd every mmc*ho ta doimg vîor vlilch hi belevés ho coualtently naît tam vonk. lue a lng ex emption bacoune *oflthe nature, ot hie vaoc&tion. in cuaniug the as- emption board of the Waiegam dIa rlt much anxket>'advorr>'. Chairman' Knlgt admits that Us la the bg peablean vlIIcble acuig ihe board: TO OSCIDI shther the man Who e luou as a faae r or W ho woi-ks on a faim or Whot dois suivila peiduclng foodetuf Zý ln needed mire et hr PO OUCI NC, or la Urne trenche abnoad FiONTlgr. Dr. Knight Oadilte that practic- alty ever> man vbo bu the "foamer excuse' ta offîr bas utifllaItiland therîfore that la the mont annoylmg Problem, befare ihebbaurd. ThtAlau of men ne- to expeet eeuiptbmt Potet>' on the streugth of the tact thai the>' are cannected vi tare>." "Itavever," aadd thm hesd etamln- or, At la not up ta us fianE>. ont hourd bore vîlI peuon the@* riemieta sud vhere vo teel ulat the smon net- ually Ila1>0.4,4 ai home toa amle the fatasna.the chances are vi viU recomlnend their exemption. DuT, I atit not hi frgotten-ot*e are net1 the taut resort:, We ma>' exempt a man because hi la a farmer ad vien aur ecommendattan gais b Utheaà- peal board they mypend word book ta thai uan tbho einle vsned in tbe army imad boit have ta go. do. you sm, ve are merel>' pruimtflryiex- &minera." 1i alto dovelaps thtthe bmoard ýt:tl nontify thi men vhoa re x- 7 emptsd th Im>'have hein exempt- %i. Neliher do tibm>telluthbmemn the. have hein ordered lto service, The>' are &It natilied lulir b>' latter ns ta what has bien doue lu ibelr re- spectilveCame. Mac>' Strange £xpertences- Naturally the examiner. are hav- tlggusan>' strange experiences. Tii.> are confronllng lu tbm long Iue of appltcalts il sortp et men, Ail sorts af dispositionA. 'or exampli ane man ta«ge Dr. Kulgisi about tovu ai dring the noon bour trylng ta farce blý a taisa up bis case ahead of others-hi. vms a case vhere he bati bien sent for examinatian b>' the South Cilmagc registrationi board. One rmgipired citizen cameà oe- emption on physîdal 'grounds, ai- serting ibat be muffered trou dan druf. Joseph Kosb, 1147 West Sevin- teeti street, Chicaga, tlid tii.ed aminina physiclan at district 24 ho ~waa&tone deat. Whlsper tests and , tthe jateiticIidole vrs inapplied 'vithaut reunit., sud the dactars de. clde& tg lexempt hlm. As Koph va deaoulng ,the stai rs au. aitheii pI' giclons thncv t5Pn- tiypebbles ta the fIleor. mSI vieloeti anot- fie vs calle t aok rqfiUlc4and pause' - .-A * r t.. r-. -e HUV S HOW THEY DO IT Vieva ! of 3Ie-of blb. ts ul.ch Wa*qga 1% lcau»MakI leis u T "»bXraDAtO That rPogmsath SO ~lRadq'rte- olb teto or e Aïev yod" s .leed la iraftitvl hysica>' iaulei --Une m vsute camilii.hever md hie yonq min ta Berv"lutm . r d iliberatian whkh 1ly-nM aprmne vt~lj>eon te't E rg.Even>' mas suected um the ddat viii b. e » dtt trtghsstf .0I exelsalca lii nimlpé 111 tat viii be applieti are' slovn ahane. EsL soler mu0 b.of the. pe sud hlt. R al i.hansd lung test; thme rgame t hi so" uL à.eseral =0.0tla d: st u"*m in . iifot h. rejected if amy dentista cm im;tkplU th oseuniM4i ouule ieiZ' su td w e vi ireje lIfthv à aa,_ vhlcb leased 620 acres oi landi ant iP LÀ M YPltned ht. ta pesa. The cr01> vas IS » -5SET M O ,E . , unusua it>' tino and the pateas vre on t IAS T j3 n]>' sbuckPd a be plant but grad- AS DATEONW U ed taccording t ae ndifferenî cans. The campan>' ba about 1,Os.00 c O r.s-luncomn whloh .wiltt eho rvested T L C J shorti>' and put inta cana. InIhtol- ln S»d tTime Aumwdan- fight- tel Ibm amount ai corn viii greally Governor Lowden &nonoe ln Abrui ,WIU 'îw ating ede.b5 f Date for -Holding J WWal Lake County Peas I eeoieta a> o b ae Election in DisrWt. - - ai pe esa bave bien sent direct ta ____ P'mne for use in Ibm armies a Iof plgfedAthe.4fiu 15,000 CASES SHIPPED. Alles aud aIma of the Unted Blates. .Springfiolda>' cale a eiels Thnft la peu tht min tram Lake odntaycleaapWee. Grayalake Cafnnun , Co. Has count>' vho go toa ibm tranchez may lIon for Tuestia>, October 30, la thi Sent Out 1 M0,000 Cans lu a short time ho eaiing peas Sevinih Judicial district,,te ili the grvown maSil ithin e stone's tiro vvacancy ceaseti b>'the. . d"5th of --Dur]* ason.u a i , etau r-hme n- Lake >s11>'- Jutige Arthur Frost, ofi R.Éà41iuTiie Te pea cauulug lactar>' et Grays- . district comprises Boomk,,tItsae lae durlng the presintseason JJl' Mcltmnry snd Lutte couiÀhpl. sal to b, ave ahtanedOut 7,00 c mitfil. t. r -.....* ýler l of peu. Bach case centaie Ivent>'. iouW cane, whlch mares a total <iL 1.800,00 Oamo 01 peau that hve hein put V>i And shtppe4 ava>' b>'the GyeIake egnulng factor>'. -Ail ofthonse peauhave beeu raiued on the, larmlands about. Graylake, and haule4 ta the 0rayalake iactory, whère. the>' have bien shelled and put inte t",na, ter gaoing through the plroirnerpromeus.. 1 ne .Caning tactor>' lo operated b>' the: IndyfflemuCanning cmay frpractical pUrffeaè Â'aMu. loUes elalmed exemptIon be0re di vision 31, C tcaO , Natiq owm-oed that 3ue va e a Pair u of.10 eùt aas Tw oges lwem hdo* ii-X a mot ot~-t~o ac>' Th W007m ' bxi ane candidate In tb&AgNj"tor the - ainatiou. Attorney'i.Ii-VIka rex Ilet l'1 ltPoclrord, Wlunebaso 'cauktyb 341r, iWsMgot, .C. Ap. S.& Tbc W&Isaemmato ahve uIe4 tÀ fied cintrai bill, ttithe mfflSw*@fDlugpou b>' constituents a5R ofe a nuseur.e vir leffilolated ttOe > tbaè= «e as e resulitt4b brmo of thm 1e,. dountr>.. suesfineIY 1W w 0Cauuiy bavJg ii00l proved by, te smeatht.s ftees h bi, oeldariluut. iAk% M'OOMM t.4*06 p. M.,.The ipAliur. ne w vii av mocdidate . -'yulW t& Preildaul Wilson for hie slgteati!m .Mc1iery. for esch .~..., Heiver hue comploted lite ast dteil. lDom ye wasexpectedti t ',on*filn pre$rslorY tO Puttlseg lte* flibOSiileJuge lie Wolf, but mtl n O~t tub efql.8con f scnt ar n »A comme oui about hia& OOVfe.Iut soattered ail'ovrer titibUntr WIt 1 Uiame, suMd the c au>lsl te eo0imleats, vilthe g tett.. 4m, otb. a mluddata:4tn - y,.savon senalors vit§le eghilt . ge y W&Sjh,4e.elmtogé 'e ow ail lte, but' Stty..ix votaI te bt dae Il einatse Imm"kaoely. mter. ________ su& id" thd l> e weren-cdr-part ~ nev on- tie ii stv WII, pravrdltig fo ery, th *of 'aeeM sïtý;d eao -wlsaeie> «. tbi'tiod uup- ueryutii. sUt a MayctRe R S'Y. -Tsue e4,~9A0 vwu @P. 4 .tnoti proprt*O e ewy onthe br..Domue>' % A comlete 011111 a!of 015s tibseur $W4lbfl ~S Vh*111. ipHiamchnety rlwm *0-* là* ,psset>' o9tht' A b d. A OERMW- DIFOMAT ISUMMIELDIM LAI ONTY JA Ex-Attache of Girman Con- sulate; About lu Leave for qerMany, Is Arrested. H ELD IN BONDS 0F $1 0,000.- Prisoîer IJt0leStOna iy t One of Most Important Ever HeId at Waukegan. Soreof Wa k nuWho ClatnWuekdm u for Rude Awakening. NEW RULE BY WARDEPT. Gommrmt Fi ews That kmy ji JotAre as Gooas Many Hekf by DrafedMmn Occupylng a cli lu the count>'juil Scors et Wau'egan mennWho eat, at Waukegan le Herman Neldllnger, bock comitacently, secure lu tbe be- Wha may prove te be one <of the most ler that hie>' ver. exempt riFîoWIOnLf Important federal prieonere ever l- draft la the nàtional armY tbraugb WBttw I, carceratod lu the cit>'. The tact t1iit their daimt that >fhe> have a vif. or WÎth Wdan SM& ha la being hetd ln boudsa of810»00 a wve snd cbfld duq*Ui»fl-1 * lndlratea the- importance of the cueiý tbm, for support, are due fer a s ~#J~ II~ Neldluger, together vlth RichardI KuDke, former attache of the German avakenis accordlmg ta déýIiiwOhé,.L consulate ln Chicago, ver. takten received bore tram Ia e et>ItÏla~ss~u int custody Wedneuday altermn= Ment at Waablingtoui. The, vedd1e - dU ' ~ ' b>' aperatîves of the fedoral depart-I ment of justice. The>' ver. arraign- on. vha bave bien basklng in t4e I' . ed hilare United States CJommission- 1beief tht becauxe if the depeudeb- Fn t.A . or Poote. vho held thons lu $10000 1ci' af their vives and chtldroi, t"Y' l-.h bonds ach. wvenu mt have ta gt Into the fltigtaboi4t4 V i tht.. The arreats ver. made Just au agaimut the, balser and his e bavi Kuike, and Noldlnger, Who are &lien b*ye tae atisy the gvrMltm tu eneu>les, vere pr*ep artu b ave for '*W poitstebelote hb«# là ýw.fr~ Nev York. Tvub U" exe eb>&usaie vire to sailifor Oveden. and from ýo0f the hundreda vho have ¶en ~ *b us .. thora the>' ver. gin8 te German>'. xamtned b>' the local boaid 1h15 b. *or* elfieU The men ver. srrested la conne- >iii, nimbera Of the boaid estUttO, 1 . W4 6f ZtUi Ê1 tienj vlth the indiciment of Gu»ta4j, that betbmen tventy' and tvent>'-Ove 6* 0k Th flau H. Jacobsen, vtslthy, Chicago real per cent are aaklng exemption be- as fell -& C msie dealer; Atbert Wehde. an ar- cause tb.>' are&liens. Of the r. M tîi; Baron Kuri von Rîlowîts, for- malang no mber Ilt. la&imied lmi t W.bàtIfUS» mer Gerluan consulinl Chicago, and fully elghty per cent dlam ieMb, a others atompting a revotution lu tien because tIybe> ave deendem , Ib44ITîs eiO .,ç4'ý. Indlan ta ovrthrov the Brtish gov- vives and cblidren. l a.~dla.Vn > ImIe'~a ulp4 erninent. practicalw ' ithaut exception ho0'ba i k anAM.84ouuiaSat y" e1e Greatsecrecy vas throvn about lu Waultegau snd the remsiug « tÇr ioda>.yM. a>'t>' aoypei5t h the arrest af Nediunger and Kuike,rta>InIsdItitv hevvs Om5t bIe but tram an outaide quarter it vua nd cblîdretà or Just viveât, have 5 <Ueefa l b learned the>' vauld lb. held as vît- laimed exemption tOu Ihat grOoni I te* nno efr the next gradJury, and Tue' "caeditlau. Ilapi.ar la te .inbot -se ' t that passibi>' a offlppracy charge Uniq4ue lu Wa*UkeiM. 8Mtaa s a ust t a sov.Ti' 1b0de ,woutd ta placed avaluet them. the war departinent bas betu giVIZ4ara.~1tubte Ce ~ Neldlinogor la veli dr.ssod and the malter conslderable thaugbt t'dr aleded om ,f.'Ia~ holds bimseif qulte a5100f ram Ithemg the laitt ev day.The resuit la bOg6t, 'w"1eb laàca"Me lave"I iother prlsouers near hlm. lHe declinuethattheb.decisionau bslienu eab110901161'1 itVl atr fl' ta diseuse his arreal. He eema ver>' that tIbm le, ne val4 aeOihi vhy ther"u uneepy sud sseema hochateue bis marred mou should hi exempted. Tvir* en mabr«ot ce lb Fs Incarceration. During the short tîme It li POitid Out tbat lbtlh e et man'vevlSb aeq hie bas beon locked up lho han dis- atm>'y RYS10 M a mnth. wth sal18t"db i ~r tteut !patched several tetograme and epe- clotl, subelete, médical treet- «1" vi-aOf dWreti WU bl cial delivery Imtera. evîdenil>' ln an iment and, bouslug pravldod'et thcelfaka l55ý BVaW t l effort ta secure.-ball. One letter vas gOeimmnts expes..Amr Part oI l.the "Mie-*eblbeu11i r dlrected tqthg. hI!. plie or tila »a maa y a>li allotted b>' a pot- gUi la the vater !beA the geet CChcago--aüather vas te hie tar 41 e . h il# faly s6d l08.PrOvest W" ie ney'. aribal . gifler. l i lbte. 4lfSB Abut the sapee lIme a »P 'W le Neldlilger le on the second floar Hat' thl i'iiiiimtsta ilMisi3tUgPOW: tI4apeU"et Pe.~bUe êI 1f ofthe 151. l4oar hlm are thrae or- Or Mt Peuit ofi man>' marri- lum tom, *lm 118M tour othm prisoners. A-ong th= _ lu. ase ai'deati lin ln 1 4*2ai00 - 't abw le t yth*erJCyprian,," vho vith WU. Plia miade clearthe ve9-- 01svMlMe IL=ha Brothers, IX beiug held Ou- a 8.54 te'a benteelol, or 1 il Ili 1 4IUïw, chage af havîne hadi moroPer rita.. dignated b>' the T.-azerve u bc . tiane vith sieral smail boys. MMiISTRATE ÀMN 0f MR VLe"MA Waukegan. Auguet 8L Because of Ibe condition 0f1mu lMeViet>', Wauconda famri. vMs la ta a Chicago boipétal. the. caeeor Pred ýLehman, charge' viii auait ta, commt melrder, vas otinue' ti Tuesday aiternoan, vincafele-b fore agistrate Tyo.tlaatipii lihman vai chsxgé viti=habi phot myVety,bhs, employ«r,%lusual-i tercatIon vhich t10* pisée- beveena tbe tva men -sevaral dma-ye Assean McVlotJ"s faim. Tii. rle" 4IMM vas removidtbi itiagoMad, I W"s haît bien coMQX tlii ieie, 44mtaee ebaI,olngo itb.req octslcb'e alterne>'. Lbueo la Mu te lave a tb1 e tIsboill ur0 «> Ins aiib 4ie. . wiben the a.la cailed rrlL Tba provopl muubal ginsial doe s thMI ctr l. et uIe a 'waat -the local esemc brda Mdut the obo$il.et 5Vfl tehO W . Pareded bs~~ Urqumis ehtuait>' dapedeocy. belut - 'i,,,iat4uw louves thi e uvwilal asea ota b tê~sm D tgve ieelree. bovivea', Itt bbth bourda bui.a Ip. . a - , tlAe t Sdb>'da sovlng ftut a *»,iiowdl, teiI mans out. solten »Y >'la as vwtnc smd Ue as*mx mu or bêlkc off, Ibsa he la ouna ip îyt(t~ oet. iumsa sd ta refuse euuptlm e aï4 B la Ue lb.e 'yjob tea 0,buter oQUA-. ed pi%. '0 4aotbie.telegrmi tram Wse tov >'êt. ss#ka OC tue pc usSee Mary, 3. Gror.vtdovohA4~ Graver, amvas o i 'ei4~uoiï;tl**e la ber &We4h-ttrd' y.r. on esat p 4 Ul lIA kThitraita>. 1 P.. 51 lie Wimell brepidence of -bler sce ou Mier Akmuir. Iutermect et UMiller. laite ,oUty. ~~t .gisoob**e o 1l -' . j 'Rare ai>'e .Prell il 1.1