1to8&Me«d 7 ta8,p.leJ N s or 8 %0 13 n-l teo0P.M. Over Furet National Bank k Oate Phone 19 .ite. hone 157.J DR. I. H. SM[TH. FE OVuu LVZ OUXN1. AT0%AIý BAY&* u o -tc 2a. m.adlo 0P..ni, DAIL!. ubertvuw lêllinos MMCIA. N. STEPtIENS. M. 0.-:: t pRYSICIAI cisu GEON eialattenton griveto the dimses of the A Em Feur, No.. Thecest Our Kies ezaunçd for alum.. 2 DOMe lver Ont Co. Te]. leu Libeiluffle. Ot S. L fflWNS Opftwambl-dujOF"-is RVBRY WEDNE8DAY ONLY oMci OVESLOVL U flSTOU bM Nisi . m te 4MP. mD 1 luryvile. fIliois aHANbW . COLEY on Aitorey-a-LawH. à"nc at Boue. Cook Ave. Phono 1114 ticl LYELLIL MORRfer Libertyville - Illinos, lhe f.l ?MMJ MAC GUFFI. to ATWIAIZT L.T LAW. eui LlhealyvM*l, Illinois 88oxuj lot ARTIN IC.DCKEci] 807 Waahiugon Sièreet ti wAUU3BAN. - . ILLINOIS OmamcePhone 840 But. Phobie 1860-R P Ii~~~m eut Umea bolx S1¶liLON.ST OC GO. 1LL.o SAt.MMMRftN & DOLAN ZLONOITYat awm 1F&W au - c Sumai Go f, Nath Chcagoj FMls Uit in iroW tCourt w, WIFE'S PARENTS NAMED. Wauketan. Augut jS. n Semez $ 10,000 for the aleged*H-i si néation et lis ife's affection, San. tc aci' (bd of North Chicago an& late et Waukegan, filed a precipe la lhe Ri circuit court to4ay throuRgh biu attor- 00 se., M. C. Decher. Nather Czapler tic ot Chicago, the father of thé plist.- n Ma Vite, . eatnd the defendant ini cc 0be cuit. fIe smarital troUbIlez of Mir. and bc Unr. Oti have been aired Inl the in nom tu everal uimes during the pact fo tev yeare.t fincinfilthe noliceoen1rt bh oa" inter vben lirs. 0010 cousit a «Oetararon traber busband onthe it geomidaof oxtremne crueltyî linongSt tie ehargec made by Ers. GotO lanD, bes petition for divorce vas tie "lte. UMenthtit r hullband vouid tlrV b the nIiSb on tie floor if they 414 i Mt . «e b ic Palets ani vipe bic n %m&d on e lue certains vian ho ba i flaci b icl repeet 't IU Wproc111hngc voeelater roppai *vW e. atelulomrrreconcillton va. esicw but Ibis vas short.,lived cMd 014ien" lied a suit for divorce, Cbbr4 cruet,. The decree wu~ *#m14 by dotauît but asc reciitly rd#Pei ir Ytla vite vho laies bu b*apio gmousi venetor 0fMM. "<ývtlibpve Mnate 10warrant the de- efé l'g, 3. ~euin nov pending ln 'I ii$M bsvite's tailler and E xTRA AaI*flY Umber of Smai Lots in.W- kegan fhave Changed Hnds - .considéraionaS maI. EW IMPORTANT DEALS. i - ý Dans-During Week _4mounté1 to &9 444,530, Wh sI& -'O Bowthe. Average. Bueine a heUicrecordera office for ie veci ensiing Auguet il, 1917, by .K. Boves, auuiatant cecretsry Se- rity Title and Trust-compitny. imer et C4i 8B~ê, . Niumber cf = 7r.19 Total numnher of nstrumen4 Ilied, Total ainount of liane, $4t,610. 1I"ni à Ilu tt» quiet and ban. Ii.4noyis m are the more lm- >rùm deM' la Wiukegan-Nellie and Oscar bdrauiat bouglt tie Tkeo. H. Durat srly on South aide lielm bois ave. ne. Mtui rutof sundeîb, street, for rnest Uitie baeght Ivo lota i ont ai ide leu*cla avenue trom Io. 1HUéaey, for nominal considera. on. John Nlc'ielson and vite. bought lClton Potter bouse on t.tW aide *kaeéý avenue troin Tobinu Janacu, S nominal consideratian. Xarl and Iteti agleveai- bought le Lofbad property en veut aide of ladevorti avenue, juI South ot jIti street for $1,860. mIlen Duning loch ^#le under a recleaue pfocecdlnm in, a lot on ut aide of Souti Victory s81104 eU lh O len Rock, for $595.97. Jerry S. Huccqy bougbt a 48 fon1 * on wyot aidé offlenoee ctfmai iti end 0f the viReueIt rom Jaccrb ilerman L. Tordof bougit Ivo lotis uc suti aide Lucia avenue trotu-A. 'Beaubien for nominal conuidera- n [a Lake Forent-James M. Ilovic Ought lot 12 la Rose Tenrace trom, izabeth Barige. lu Higltvood-p. - N. Williams ought a lot ai corner of Prairie -av- ue and Pleacant place tront Wil- lu A. Beuson, for nominal consid- raion. IMalel Wright i4vell bought a lot ýsOuthmat' corner Pririte avenue nd SUrla pace, frôm AnleN. suphel. toi nominal consideration. lu Highland Park-C-onstant (Ç. lpitls bougit a lot on east Bide ýt ireat' avenue from i Edvin C. Day, or nominal couslderatlon. lu NJevPOrt Townahip-T. J. Stabi ulh a lot at WadBvorth,lu Section t. rout Rimer Cuirry,- for nomini onsideration. lu Grant. Tovnship-Bîermlnq p. reiueci boligit tva îotp inCaritadge LAllen,@ subdivision, on Long ILaie, rom Louhe A. Cartledge for nominal inaideratlon. lu Libertyvilte Townslip-Charlen Md Opal, Thiei bought 10 acres in lrtieaet' quarter nortbeast quarter 3ectiOn 9, trou Henry Harnhostet, ir nominal cOnsideratlonL. lun Fremont and Elc-James D. and uth A., Williams hougitthle Rer tou J. (o.k fanm o! 55 acres lu Sec- Lon 31. Fremfont, and Section 6, Ela, sua Laikeu Corners, for nominal consideration. lu Cuha-Henry C. BSff and vite bougit tie Havle faa of 186 acres in Section 23, troua Martin B Lauren fr nominal consideration, ànd Vive ack mortgage for $12.£00 lu Vernon-Frani Weidner hougit th Ieinier & Rockenback fuauil Sections 19 and 20, of 40 acres, for nominal conchderation. George ciid MYrtle Wehrenberg îough< a lot ai Prairie Viev, in Sec- tion, 16, tram, Herman H. Albrecit for nominali cOnsiderathon. BU=a L. latfrenta booght a lot lu Section 21, just sauth Of Prairie ttiew, tramx Bertha I. Herschberger, for 81»0. MjrPredertek Dealoy. formael! or Wauiqna, Mep -i ,viet îpi by Qofuee Mr ef BesaLa, t anit no. 11 o 3* #1 'k recen ccUuicbm e3%ib-h1lt (bess hanter.-We liaia& - 14Uoe Be -o « a4 M W. B. Wairath aktvt b 04. A. gulon. uivdWed one-ai f 4t 4& sWubdivision, Fx I*ke. w,, - W., B. Walrti aud vif.t- <>Nun» Hag, undivtded one-halt of lot 48, Siav'pasubdivision. Fox Lake. W. D. il. John Griffith and vif. te Aîtbur Tbayne. lot 5U& Rouc TersSaceciO- vision, Laie Forest. W. D Il0. T. K. Dfre Ivite jffle ad oscar Soderq it et i w oOi4. à, Durrscout h ie uhlm i.Waft. toe. W. D. M.0,. Bptetal1. Hercoberger to Berna L.Lafrantz. lot ai Prairie Viev. .W. D. 1i0. ILe Aibecitau vite to George Wehroubotg "id vite. l ot at Prairie Viev W. 1. $10. 'm. Il. RucS* aol vitet tBI ut tic,,lot 16 and venthalit of lot 15, * August 9. 1917. J. H. ied and vit C. R. Ellison. lot 15, lock . Buena Park. ln Sec- ,tion k6. Weut Antloch. W. D. $10. B. J. Cook a1.4 vite to J. D. and Bath A. Williamsc. tract of land In section £, Elà township, and in Sec- tion 31, Freoant township. W. D. $10. 1 î SH. W. 11*410; and vite 10 N. B. Lao- ren, 186 acres in Section S Cuba tovnship. W. D. $10. Loule A. Cartlidge to Hermine P. Welaeck, lot# & and 7, Càrtlldge & Aienua subvision et Long Lake. W D. $10. Annie N. Campbell to Mabel W,- Pmwell, lot 1 ressubdiviasi oo Higbvood. W. D, $10. Auguat 10, 1917. 'iauter In Chancery t0 Ellen Dun- ning. !ot 3. block 1, Grady & 11*11ev- Welt'5s sb¶lvion, Waukekan. Deed, Eimer jlurry ýo T. J. Stahl. lot in norhesit corner Sa*tlon 34, Wads- v ortis. W. D. $1. Elizabeth Burridge and huusband 10 J. M. Covie. lot 13. Roue Terrace eub- division. Lake Foreat. W. D. $1. Eirnât Bock to Herman Boci, lot 3, block 1, 8hntdy Nocr'- subdivision on Lake Mlarie. W. D. $1. F. N. 'TorUine3on to J. V. Morrissey. lots 32 and 33.'block 49,, North Chica- go. Q. C., $10. A. F. Beauhien ahi Ifie to J-. v MOrri"seY, lot 81. block 49, Nortk Chicago. Q. C. Il. Toblas Jensen and vite to John and Mary Nickeluon, lot 7. block q, Steele & Dougla' subdivision, Waukegan. W. D. $1.1 Auguet il, 1917. Jacoh Gldsehmldt and vite to J.. B. HluuseY, lot on vest aide of Gene- see street. just uoutb of bridge, Wau- kegan. *wD. I1. Jacob lfukatrgnd vife to$b'an and Frances jase, lot 1, block 11, Wauke. kan Highlands, North Chicago. W. D. $37n. A. F. Beot4ien sud vwite4Ioia. 1, Tordoif, lots 27 and 28, block 2, Or. vis' s-ubdivision, . "Waukegnn. W. D. $1. E. A. Cummings, and wite 10 Joseph SIaolak and ýrif e, lots 22, 23 and 24, 150i13, Waukegan Highlands, Noth C7hicago. W, . fâ. , JeE. Lot blad and fife to KLrl Kos- levcar 'et. aI., lot 5, blOck 14, Wasb- hurm Springs, Waukegan. W,ý D. lmk Tm G*kL; MAY REQUIREJ EVEN MORE. Waukegau, Auguat 10. Pl'iure ltuc«cure anyviere neai thie quota of 805 api ebut eft he han- dreds vho have, been essIhud up to this lime bas oaused tic local cx- : ption board tn propertean addition- aIliaI of 400 nic.vi~a1 u mailsi ont hnsnm=àt-y. ukI . tW of 1410 freou WIukegrian ioth- c orparle Of bila district vio Vili bave 1been calci vhthin fie sext 1*V ias'e . ihe emptle t boaui bcgte b$0 ahle *to cecsri t»0quota vithout calli out teis"âgae tc or s'Bos Lmen wo' gatsl~mtbl die grit.' bl* are prePare4'to taksiebts 1courbé i ec llu pacesear. , Tihe xtomca 1vasfor M 0mon, thii belnetoubic, thé number of the r.- quirel ýquota. il vW«, thom j oent. hlY liaI1no more, voull hayO le ho calloti. Il dliotetaie long, hovey- er ta pet thatthic U« 01 tld tailtae short cf lhe numbél% neOdedaid the boaad PraCeecded teIca»e&a eeod cali. Ihis time for 600 mon, u»ing t ,total ot 1210. The lest. 150 q thie second cMI rcceivod noties y da, 4lnalructlug theM ietoabi for eïam- inatieznenul wedneeiayf Y rncl-omtl rturncs Imiette tbat p01"17y Bot a f fii d'ti O el. 4 qWtred t. make lUp t1110 Itulquo 1-akve talled to sai exmeption. Thlt a *4e it Seeu advitbe to " ,e 0 tiffi-oel, tc.l ben Resud TWO MEX.u to Water WftIb e On-Vhi" esperatOiy 'A mai Who pie the name .1 lJohn- ~oo, sud vbo rcies si: Mayr cîreet ai= ~n avanue. Cicago, bai a re- flr zli ilse CRI] te deatih y1 irevlig-vià ,Wha suffered a trmmP vile trî#w th svtm aeros thclocal1 .br, SuOnay atternoon. Thot hm vas net dr9vud vas due 10 theès rotc von 0or Chie! Yeoman Amcble G 01chet UcBaval atation. ami an- etier Mnn»a"n Dillon. hoti et vinai "ut ïta is rescue. The Itact- d,l=mPuie but 3:30 o'clock. Jo1.e jel c4lteihave hep s*lmi- mina ucai lie batiing pler fi orne lime. Nae visictly decided ta lest ils proveop and ctartcd te svlm. te bie nohi piar. Ahout Midvay s4oes tic .01* votouued hlm te cuRer a crap a&Mho caieilfor belp. &-r« epv hlm tleunderlng helPleaslr tn,ti vat.- OIMf was en tie bathing pier at bhs bléwft*"out valting t0 reoe hie elotb« he evam loveard thc dr6wmaing mu. biniou bâdaisui oic. cmi vasjust i ing t. thc sa:- Mot via tie repcuei arrlved. it- le. avlel lthe encircllng arma of lie viilit. scelicinstle danger. aid viélibg bit chance deult J«àucona cISasias hloe n tie point 0f the chii. It bai lb. declrei oeffctfor Jbb éteaffl bis vil ti st uhg beonmL" Ump la tic vaber, filma ac*ailapDed by the&;1 Ïiat ha vu as flîrclothed sud [t vas oly' vti bic greateel dhttlculty he ispt Johneon afloat. Peeling bis utrengtb seing ha called for itélp sud Chiot Yeoman Gibean. vithoul vait- lns aven te ramove bis gloes. dore tamlthebiler snd svam vIw" lusiy sraies avard lie tva mon. . moment hetore hocreseied them Dilon vas obliged to relinquisi hie botd on Johnson te cave hic ovullte. Johnsou eani for the second lime. AI- most ulmultanieously Gibson dove andl &ame up wihh the drovning man lu hW~ gruep. , lu tie meantime tire *oats bcd started toi the acene. One<"rrived a tev moment. later ami dlivJohn- son and tie other #wo mon aboard. Johncon bail rwalloved conoldthrable vater and vas unceicclous. A piysl- clan wac cummonei sud soo suiv- cd sud tie vîcîlu vwas rcvived. A luigmotor bcd bee ammoned but Il vas ane nWd.'t.,The Conrai Wettel ambulance vas callai and' :Johanon vas removod. to-hichome on Poie aidu ee. -The4erole wvan of Gibson vas tic tali of lie beach'all atternooli. GSi- con itelghs 120 onde and Johnson veigia 180 pounds. « l'o thinkthtat lie Young man vas aile-to »Ve lha drovnlng victitu eauqaimnt un. keaî, yet ho did il. 'Me eued, te iknov lucI hov te haidie tvictlu nlE elp arivcd.- 4iIRL I3LOfE. ALL IS NOW Iftfl E Sgarch for Romtance Atone Causes Runaway I@th- 1 Couple ForgIWen.- Commniseiouoi of Public iniprave-ý monts Fritz B. Bau, et 'Hîgiieui Pari, vas celebatiuj. Ia ýort7-ftl bfrthday viti a @,6.clock dinner On' Buuday atternoon.Il Il vas a lonesorna Uttle dinner,.for Auna, his 20 year old laugiter, vas ai Bouton Harbore,.P Commteeloner Baliba Imj àkulck- ed mp lie caivin mite v henithe doorbell rang. W4 h.h nvs Anla tht-ew herftz loto ie arme. A blé man stooil 049 ber. "Congratulations, fathor," pho -1. b3ave bru'Mt yo' a blrtliday PrOet-a conlf.av; r1l ic My hueicnd, f illr S iiir laB." The cooumiculeef lulinie4 lie.eyed, anA tel lie ooupte bai* ,tO 'M They vere bath f90vb. Mise Bairot-etton ber vfition At gulet 2. There vacn't Opffl000.11 le tie mg5, .but iWu, a "teriale te sam of M.004fl4 Wlia~BwrdetOpe« , b4a jnct heci àoePteýr a kÏt< lieueconi Prt 411 dui1g o&e Pl r, hélowmureas WUbpvme. Illinois. .ma**1cd10Epree. WiI uen pbulk £*BRO%" di-contor 0" t re&II ouil stock In T. A. Repuolds. boq e««S, Are". Phono 275.l- lu. D. BOYD 'ho WucoSmin Land Mans. i$C.mulsFSWhI wiffi and Wltbpet StOck H.D., Boyd, ubeyde D.L is..53. »%j&0 ývvV RATai -erlio *C Iîë i "o i LerocIW thén à lirei, OSa flIrat t- o f M a n y Y e as 50tl@. RUq Wbo Stghted the 2 Bbàa--------- -if i rd In Ubithe 4la wir t waFOR SALE-Sumry lIngRod Oditon. , tie0bc#i1I, gl ré 1t - ie APPIX 176 VieAvf., Hlghlandi>sk o In the band Wi'ht phone . .10.-. 8p ANSWgaR-41,UAODd"FOR SALE-S 1ab grae Boltein eptie, Ratborr -binitsmlcalfont Il. but il c»v miliers and epringers.Phoneo ia thue. Be#Veflheimpe.Tic nom t91 7-2. Carl A. Schssck. -.062t 830a vaWso eM e Lai#4*;etnnu Pr' FOR SALE-Oug tcau and cigit aii bn ho IS aptre .a 0<bU sa e orsc, vagons a am mree. Of 6 OërtaiS siteoiib. Th* bian MMrhatDelivery, %'L aieFreet. I: gp.»b ooty--it lenDov up te corneA quellprIicg y outh t.ael busr Y ma. f TiSe l asJ i ng WMRSpRcer. l e thé h*ipi mm n ai wnuae " et the, United Mille z ii; Oriimm.- N. B. IA"& pieu.4, mueutfor a bair ~Pte~< .4etnle Pigeomc. Fr ryai.1111a1> FOR SALE-O roocbo.ba,iub az poeai"1h Ma tiillspeco f bWê oce au aid eleri. ligibe, lasgo basa, le celcmea tbreushout tie ccunuy, chie. boue.,fruit tree, 2 Iatge Ioa, X aul Meiallur la LaIýe 1ooun* vau bloek trom Postoffice, Arua li. Dargulu cutinot. Tii statement now lx made lorqoici salo. AppIso L.9. Licebi, OU vbat anoamira te b. goal! authority Waukegan, fl. xp tiat e aIfflt encpair of tiese plg- coi vert e - o4 Lakeceoutyaf9,ew l.. .;= 7 Thestatementvwas made by Harry ++ +* . .. . . . . Bradluv. hO livea JUM thOu f FOR RENTq-Room lin modern hou.,ý louenct aid baci et Mahlledy 8cm. Air. C Bays. Phono 164-R. 281f tic propcrt J. Oge rmu.FOR RII$T-6 room fa&$ on Orchami Bradley made tie atatemont ta.a icsetet. ood gardon lot. Phono 142-B,. ty et Wankcganpeeple Ibls weck liai 'aiw he- peeihvoly MaW a pair et Vii p'w- sang lut gunay..Tbey aw - pai- +. 4 4.4. . *. 4 4.4. . . . . ad i, u"4.o au àetrersl caci on the l+ R A.LE TX » Armoer »Le. - 1 1 8 3 + Bradleycsayu linlsnot pocsible liaiSA ha vas maistaken, for hc Mv mur ++++ Of the pigeons 7àyabie viahn lioy FOR SA4.F..Ws have a nnierof àa vere. sommesk. and reeelIsed ticu homesforuclsorient. Dyntond&AAutin, hnntlUr. Tiey sre .omcviat amal- Liber tyville 11f Ici aid of ai antircly iifférentcofor FOR SALE-1 58 acres one utilé and a lian bic ý*rdinary pigeon. hall 'sorti of Lake Zurich; raîlroed t-une 014 iceldenis etfLaits county s: Ibrougi preiies. ,Electrlc hgit sud ce4 flthat vli Pigeons once voie vair «".andl living wtr. tiricabie latIn colion laU tLMs vhchfty. At tlne Uey buildinlgs,. easy termtu thle riabt Dur- flcw l *h cblarge tlocks thai Uiche . ychat-r. Inquire Paui' MacOuffhin 26tl vas dar»anci viantheY Peacai.FOR SALE-Rloues ocSonti tPaik Ave, Tier VoeskWellai he ictioncani. wibb ail modern conveni.ucoc -Cali Ne oitbe v ba enable 10 figure Albany 8Sil SChicago'27t f eut WFthc apacice becane practlc. F09bALE-Chuk e rr-alce -.oti. ,n &Ury Oxtinc. One Ibeor la ual Uioy DEniAve. AIlitrr'n. vatt blovu ta a&cnd pc*bbed lu a àdr B. j. Qimsp. 17 ti be77 StorM.Thie sever bas been rOvted; bovever. Tic governuoent qq +~ :-- bus beon auxhous to revive the tpe- -- &SCELLÂNEOUS -1- olkefS$1,000 fora pa b iotebrf++++ &0 iey oeuld ho 0804 for- bieeiiug M»E i O~.W.elrthoi- - Purfoces, and I lu tu avaybecome quit-y oftfhi- edpuirlng 1W ilrrow Wom e common once more. on, Farm:,i -î.-r lImpi ovi-r laiCo 1l Itlai probable tiat many Laie coin. lîl ei, h- Frot \atiopal lant. ty recldeatpwvllt do their boit ta 5la- Z ____ ___--- - cale lte pairof pigeonswvilci voeeHOUSE WANTEO - ilromir,nue seen noir Ronlit for lie prix. 1q loy Sopt. lot; sent mnuet be -eonasble. 100 .bg b h ovcrloiei.Permaenent r-nvnt. Inquin-. Kires,, tadfeneid<t lici-. 32sf Electric Thc mail peuiai andl ecanosulcai way ho as- sure a plentîful and con- stant ier supply for e4- Home, Office. Dairy, Faim, Garden,, etc. Any Siz Power Pumfîs May be ope'raled by Electric Power Public Service Co INo Mistake liHerel The priceof aglau of beer aday wil pay for a PolIcy of inuuraoe on theii. f e.of one good natuired man of averagr size and age The purchase prîce of a cigar eaçh dil wiIl dp thp mme stunt. This how.ver, is a q*é matter of taste. The beer, if its good, may be *0. . if you cao get it, or a cigar now and then may * auisf for t,60tlm. Is.inget least but a nifty litti. Mi poùhcy whi. afi ne thing t. have around the' hous., je DO latqrealJoad tO pack. Youma"e néai«aake when .-;o vot tuavolu tf tx upon 'ni.. )U4, of AR, IJNOIS hnnA if~~2.R Repîtid 0 Phonte 296M.- o ;OUUUWUy Wonk of Every Deacription oCropoq . UpjlcfkteoI 1 mi ý . -- , - .