CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Aug 1917, p. 9

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f... Lakïxe rWeekly WÀUE sc emwM Prank Gallagh el, hare Wih. Thefl at 8 d hI r rse ihicago.ý NOW LODGED IN LOCAL JAIL. Was lndioted Shorily Ater AI- Ieged Crime-Others in the Crowd Out on Bonds. Ater n soarcb lastiug ovor a ycar i-'ab G(ali agiion. indiced on a charge b~ f aing partipatei lu a big rab- at Bloigett, ln Labo count>', has beçu spprehenied maid occuplesaa ccli lu bhe cunut>' il at Wanbefan. Gillaiher vat rrested lu Chicago. Tuesda>'.th bbc 0e o! thal Cil>' bav- lui boouin rquested la beep a loobout for hlm. Deput>' Sieiff Gieen vent to Chicago andi brought the yaung insu ta Wiubegan. Glilagher ta chariot vîit bavina been a uember af the zaug whicblel sali tu have heffl flotb> "Dennie the Wap," whlcb gnoup cf Young mon la chirgéd- wlhh iiavlng broben open a Ireiglut car- ilBloigtt cnd t tlon à quanlit>' af capper lugole valuai il &bout $4.000. This copper vas Ioaioi upan a matai' trucb and tabou mvi>' ive membeuw of teVie mged baud ver,' irnostcd ma nd lcîct. Ali o thoin are out ou bonis. Gallighei- alone succeici lu cvadiig lie police up ta, Visl ime. The case bas ira-ssci ang aver several toi-ms o! court and t ià ual knowu vhen it viii he caled for trial. 'WASAWL. EVEN W1INAÀBOY Col. A. V. Smnith Used tu Drill Playmates Wiih Broomstioks in Lieu cf OutiL COMES 0FFIGHTING STOCK.' 'Ancestors Pought in Ail Wars of America-Some Gave Lives 10 Country. In connectian vitii the impending departure for Fr&aSc.of Uout Col A. V. Smith of theIllii fel artler>', Wanbegnan sd Labe o anDI>'roideuta viii walch vith iutereat the accoon- llhseni# aof the artillery, becaus. the IVaukegan young mina li second lu coininani Colonel Smith l second in cm mand as a irsuit of personal appl- cation te hie job. iu lad. aince ho va, a tin>' lad he alvîys bai milltaryl 1 Kations. Av a lad ho vas always t bo seen trilling a bunch of bide wl'W ver, "arme' vith broomstickas or something of theo sort. He aiways va, the. commander, bo alwa>', exact- ai order o! the yaunnaters and obe- dicuce vas hie vatciiw'ad. Ho vouli diill thora for banna and viien ha bai na sodierg ivallabla he vaut b, tounnimarcbing arouni thei.eranot lu jVremont tovnship aIl alan., hie bois ai-cet, iestop fi. and s do- terimnation on his face vbicb mabos him tbe mltar>' man Ibat he is. Cornes Fi-cm Cood Stock. It developa hoveyer that the, yaung colonel viia stands ont conspicuouigly sa the one man lu Labe count>' vho fai-gei aheai thi-auglu his ovumeite,ý 'contes o! flgtlng or militar>' stock. 1Bcaume he desceuici frain men vho founght ln the Revolution, ho la a ~inbci- a!the Sons o! the. Revolu- fiaSù. Not oui>'- dii husantcestors Siht;Jnqt vii-for freedoin, but t-e wh> er, luinthe Mexican' war aut the var of 1812. The lino vas hio-. on, however, lu dia Clvii van, but bis ýÈ ", otuer, Mi-a. Sticitue>, hai twbv 7« thors biUe i lathat momnorable coaflict. Hia gi-Ot grand fatiien vas billed the tiMexican 'nar. Whcre Ncner lsDue. B onor theuaeblUMveiy good and <bin fla of, s aItila> bqemaîts inlu. Sixison of First Number CaiIed From Waukegan-27, Are Prom FW9u 150 CalIed. ANOTHER LIST TOMORROW. Ray T. Itemkamp, Local ire- man, Wal Firsi Man, Prom Hore 10 Be Drafted. Wiukegin, August 15. Twenty-eeven young Mion frein Waukègan and other parts et local district Na. 2, bave been certifled ta the district board at Chkicae as bal- lug been accepted by the local exeinu> tion boa.rd. Tho ames af these yoong men vere made avellable te- day. 0f the . total. number. certitied sixteen are fro. Wankegan. The lirat man ta beamcpted by tbe local bad was Ray' Helmkamp,1 a marman aithtei Central station. Mr., Helmkamp paaaed the physicil exain- Instion vlth flying coloreandb dii flot at exemption Thie exemption boa.rd, which iv hesdci b> Di-. F. C Knlgbt, a chair- man, la working at top speeed ta cer. lily the entire quota of 305 nomes te the district board Those certified taday vere frain the fi-at 150 men eximlned bei-e. An additional liyut of thase who bave been denied ex- emption or who bave not aslted it. lu other warda, those vho bave beeu accepted b>' tie local board, viii ho made public tamorrov. Additional liste viii b. made public Ul >'an, fast as tliey are certifbod. "At first It lbaba as If, wie-mgh, have ifficult>' lu securlng our quo- ta." Dr. KnIgbt smii, 'but the indi- cation> are much bs-lgbter nov. We expect te bave lever exemptions now tha duriug the firstew days o! the physical examination. There vere a number of &liens vira came lu yen- terday and surprise a&l ai us by net emanlng exemption hecause they were net Amérian citizeas. The>' expresse a villingness ta o tbeir part even If fi meaut ta go ta Europe' The records pbov Kt est a dozen af those Instances Tuesia>'. but the record Ioda>' vas nat no desirable. The majanit>' o! alloua oxminte t- di>' iouanoi exemption. An Iutenestiug littie event develop- ai toas>wvien Ivo aliens ne. aaMo- ha.0mo(an and the other an Armoni- an. ver, questianed about thc saute time. Tic Mobammuedîn. a Turit. claimet! exemption because ho Was ual a citizen. "Ar.>'au a Mohammedan, too?,, tie Armenian vas aitei la a joiug vY. A lobk cf supreme diagut Epreai aven tue'fellov's face and he acavlOt! at the Turb who stoodarir u. NNa, not even My dai," b e anappet!. Tii. Turb morol>' arugei hie1 siioniders. Althongii the local eoxamptIon boa-i bas acceptedtwteut>'-een meni it do,. net af neceasit>' mean thst ail a! thein viti ha acceptai, Ior saine of tinthave fledai alairston ex- emption. This tue>' must labo up vlth the district board lu Chicago. ThSe twenty-geven men vill b, Dtif . ai immediatal>' that Uic>' have be.n aCccetet b>' Vie local bod-theu thon viii bava ton days in vhli ta ta'le tueir ippeale tb thc appeal an district board. A total ai 1,570 men hava beau cslif.ita appear for examinatioui The usaJoIt>' af tiienihave ai-est>' appeaiai but thene- ve othens who wero summonci for Ioda>' and anth- or group vie vIii appear toiaorrov. t la believet! thora vl ba fia difi- cuit>' lu aecurng the, 305 mon ont of liat number- At the rate theMeintuhle final cal werea acepted thora vare tva Mn selactei out ai about ever>' doyenL examinai. Dr. A. P. Bavwa, coaty physician, onlotaluai about ttfricad8'aI a fiue chiucbe ilaner aI Ls, . Zurich, Tue0ia>', Tii. Men tullered at the il . Picke, .hoine ,mandsulila de. lishtfUl heur, aller' vblob tic> 14d -1 iunenaIa jpearýby IJ=.Tei , boh Below are the naines of t' calledl into the new axnry fron whic'h comprises the towns] Newport, Antiocli and WarrE district No. 2 is composed of:. chairnian; W. F. Wandel, W Antioch. .In district 2 the sixth ai wa8 accepted. Hus serial miii In the total to date 1,570 r examination out of the 3,300 but a few hundred of the onei It ig expected the La8t of thosq ined by-Thursday evening. In district 2, the allotmei (Unless otherwise statcc residents of Waukegan.) Riay T. Helmkamp. 1725 Lincoln street, North Chicago. Le« Smith, 418 Lake street. Robt. Chas. Ii. U Lbertyville. Ryland D. Miller, 326 WUlii&ma et. Oscar Ortquist. 1207 McAister av. Wn. Sandmeyer, 368 Franklin et. Andrew tJnger, 1019 ilcAliater av. Wm. A. Buchana, Mcftaa rand. John Elammer, 3105 Eachol avenue, Zion City. Emil K. Kanet. Y. M. C. A. John IMorun, 1321 Jackson street, North Chicago. Stewart Smith. Antlocb. Barkla D. Garabedian, 430 Oak et. Joseph Orenius. Orayalaka. James Tramatbam. Wtthrap Harbor. Quri U Crawford. Widsworth. Hlerbert Bruhuholz, 136 Cbestnu± nt. George Hilsn, 120 Browning av. "*6 114W>~. 1U62 Wadsvorth av. Victor Baikavis, 1236 S. Jackson et. Peter 3. Cook, 214 Vlctory et. Louis Racla, ZMon City. IHerbert J. McNeany, 447 Belvîdere the ifirst 27 in the lit of men n district No. 2, Lake county, rhips of Waukegum, Benton, en. The exemption- board in Dr. F. C. Knight, Waukegan, Taukegan, and k-i N. Tiffany, PUPILS 0F COUN. TY sa, mS lME KANE FNE RCOIm Co. 4 tht Sui 0 ohosSimpso n HasComteed iheWork of Preparing Report. SHOWS MAPdY DETAILS.; Presents the Names of Those Who Have Dons the Best Work in Ail the Sohools. Caunty Superlntendent of Scbools T. A. Blmpaan bas campletai data on tbe work don. by pupils ln the grade ichools of the count>' duriny; the last year. The task wîs Dot an easy aneaua thete vas an almatut onilesa mass of materiai. Out of ndi H-ie Milttry Tring. Ai à Lqd He Always Hald a Crowd of Boys Llned Up With Broomstco m5 Guannd Put Them Through Mille.. And Now Mss Lieuten- ant Colonel of the Firet Illinois Artillery. I Z Ai e ,n exafliîned, Rcay IiOIniRaMlp, ibis. bavever, Mr. Simpson, bas.&, _____________ aiber is 458. vorked a very comprehensîve report li That the state lutends ta iavesti- men have been siu 1' moned for sboving the naines of chili-en vha 'gate the, railro&d accident tate fu- registered in the district. Ail led In varions branches. i etetent ie evidit trom Utheoite- ýs called hav e been examined. The fallawing Information shtows,- menOlt made by Stat' Attoreaf lMa le called will have been exarn- the record of the pupils vba o idlaG.n ehthq giin. % j i 51 K-"i do flot know ail the. acts y«l nt o e dafedthe varfoux sciioladcl asses: ivbut I1lhtend to esglt ' "nli M ýnt to be drfted ié 305, Higbest tventy In' average In theqiii epsibe "« 1, the men isted below ai-e cot>' arrangeainii order of general, Deweky as 01 the éUtsitsb»0 averages. chage0f.te ptusieny5ser ' Myrtie itchle. Ipeerfield scbaol. caresfte the ietuain yeI ni Evelyn Miller, Madien school. firteacdniad1amM Jahn Heinrich. Lake Zurich school n ofeh mtuoîe LIQIJOR CASES Deerfleld school. PwI S olesiutin ih mdad e p U UGedln PrrLk'Buftrie ftoal &4f r ~~qpj ~Harold Redding , Southb-schoo Il a Crimnl iaction agln4 t hase TJtE~ i iTER i~oîb ivicgo.nvolvsd. Coeri-Taylor, viii Myrtle Jacobsen, inthrop Harbor ,MWcerne te wsuk c os uriag tubig DcddNtt y t Svri James Srack. Wintbrop Harbor c*nduct the Inquest,"1h h Byý Fox Lake Case, ai This achool. uho I1 .hold 4rnerlqtw. I wculd. et Term of County-Court. Ethel Higglns. Winthrop Harbor, want te, do an rsqustl.c btana"- school.boyad'hror oi*t Warren Sprague, I-li!Day schuol.o> nd tu-fs- Oi s GET MORE VIOLATORS. Theresa Klemp. Decrfield achoal pi-dWt, the criminelpecula - ~~~will 151<.place. Mwc I b Genevieve 1. Walsh, Ingleside A .Miin sEhutdWhHfacile J'1m ' s a scs1es.c Reporied Thai De*tives WilII 'oëui.. . .Miel.tonvlvel wc cr'lnlyvii Kee Cos W tç fr e- Frances 1. Carroll, Warrenton Att iptIfl bswüiAoross puh»Ii e tic lIait." mane f aahéscitol. IChannell Prom Pier. Movo>' «M .net ..u msts maindr o %lW'fEUf. Boee Ketchian. Hawthoarne. -- - auct TI .siv :cfi The Fpox Lk .- r-&ot f arm sebool. ADdicterati.>-' w heteis 49 LAO iqo c~batffti~ Merlin Hughes. Wauconda achool. A"ISD"17 ae kow, er wltii ather liquor cacas wiicb It John R . Miller, South achoal, HdHdNrowEopnu d .*fl e uu t de se. O fc»1tste wa& thought vauli be trliedaIett bs North Chicago. HNeake wsa sc e ow *d P n et de *Dé 115* term of the. county court, hwvc beau Myrtle Kuigbt, Wintiirop Harbor -Minutes Before Drowning but nome aarne & s-ecel % him, Put aven ta tue October tarmi, lb vas Everett . but TookL the Risk.- Evrt .Goldring, Deerfieli udi iagr ekla.a learned taday. Previons reports ver. ,TEPTD FTEFAE i tv One n ave rlunciusebkid, to the effeot that an extra penel of 'Wtîîîs NI. Rocs. Lake Bluff scool. EP D F^ -AT 14 towmn or ijueofad lurorn vauli ho called lu Lt thia terra Franklin Ni'«uley. Schultz echool. AVENGEO. fataily, Wednesday attèeno. wh1te ai court to try the cases. -IWaukegan. Auguat 15 two trains of the North Sh1ors cao Several o! theda cases ver. started Higbest aveagee ln townships: Msre la s tragcdy thterné af- trioc milvay crashadI mbe. cb tia a fev veoba &go as the ropuut et evi- 46-li---Myrtle Jacobaen, Wlnthrop ter- à young man had been roacu4 at the, Gi-at Lakes otatlon. Baer~ai dehce gathened by detectîvei voHr cial dfrmswaaygaeb'~ otr -psseuaers ver. brula '«dai were sent luto the labo ragion b>' I4611-Robert Lux, Waiavarth "skm of hie 'teeth;" a Ibo,->'of shabon miii. er, taïreu tte i hspé, State's Attorney James G. Wetch. achool. whars the. vlctlm, callnq for holp tlat the station.. The. majority o! Uic prosemitions! 4610-Bivîtn Dram, .Antlach vas given holp and saved--ANI> Officials oa! the railva>' mi t vere on a charge' of selling latéxicat- Scheeol. TI-sN, after havlng bad s half ooUitiaivasthe rasuIt ofai ilsbsl. ing liquion on Sunda>'. although ana 46-9-Derothy Daveli, Channel hour te ilgure out witts close o nce aofagitera by BDwdvaaiMoe., a or tvo of the prasecutions ver. for Lake. ocaupe ho ao'ualîy hal, went matorinan. an alleged violation o! the 1mwwvhlch 45-12 Effle Devoody, Progressive right back to "1try lt ever aguin" The. Oead. reQuirea those vho dispensaeliquar 1t0 school. and ses If ho had better- . (or Jacob Portuey. 2163 Linooha smncit, taba out a licanse. j4511-Frances Carrol.Warrentou worm.) Iuck; a stor>' whoe ho i, Chicago; bath lepg t 9offtthle bijis, A possible rosae for uat trylug achool. preferreil. taklng a second chaunce di6i et the atatiau 11<pital, the cases ait tu, lime la tuat the 45-10--Alna NI. Churchill, Grays- rasther' thon walklng s short dis- Elizabeth Whittaken. 5, dogbéerlet court bas been extnemely bus>' for labo school. tance, when ho M iIlT gave dis@. lira. Wbittaker;,,riht teag aats several monthe and noue o! bhe otti- 4-9---Genevieve Walsh,. Ingleside tance by Wlmvning (provided ho. andiInternai brulses, lied ]&t M t cers bave bai time te take a rnuch scbaol. madeohil destination). The li11inu.o u.edei vacation. . 41-12---Gwendolyn Parry. Lakte Mu-,. George Wbittakcr, SU Qrassý Stili amother reason le that a close Bluff achool. White attemptîng ta awîm icrots Bay' rad, lencae; bonés bshbea mai watchIi labaiug bept ou the bespers 44-11-Evelyn tMiller. Maiden thbc ciinnet btween the. aautli and probable Internati njuries -, iaylie- of reaort andi tboy vilI he opuaàed ou achoal. the. goverument piers, foot cf li- Mma. Julia Hersai. »33 SBlett Immediatel>' lu case there la* any et- 44-tO--Midred Uniei-wood. Aines son. street, aboutI>' befare 4 c'-clock, vn, hcg; ~eai nuis fort maie ta avade the liv -.Slà cisc scbool. Tuenday a!teruoon, A. G. Mlto14 maD' i thepe nev suite shouli be started it 44-9--Merlin Hughes. Wauconda apprentice seamau, latel>' Aoia& te, _knsella Haumesoer. Chicago, frac. wauld be better ta have ail of tueai sclîool. the, training siiip YanLtid, oma6 ,4114 it b. tried at the, ame tinie. 42-12-M,-rtie Schlie, Deertieli halitei after ho bait mpsý ts , DFras. 26 oBVas;n u- That detectives viii he bept in tha >ehoai. littho more than bal t t IbauýM~t ronBy i. e labe rogion a large part of Vie re- 43-11-Warren Sprague, Hait Day aui sanit botére aid cauid reaobh hua, sud eack sl>rainai. >maiulug veeka ai the. season la a r.- scooal. Tii. boi>'vas r.oovered îirty-mive Florence M. Hoyne, 3010 Oak ostl Part that, le current. lu tact il la 43-10-John Heinrich, Labe Zurich minutes liter sud the young mn's Omuaha, Neb.; sevoro cPMutulcg sait thet reorî epers vira votai sohool. - campanions aut Lita Quart Sunîqu'- Mra. avard Lynçb. 10$ rgBt hoe fnclined ta violate the lav are 43-9-Elst, Leonani. White school. lin a'oed aven hlm vith a inafflia- atreet, Milvaukee, Wls.; 0comt4oïà alcali af takuug a chance, ton for more than an boni-, but Vil- OM face. ______________Perlec! lu atteudauce for the, yemr: effarts voro unavailîag. - Hlen K-ar-t. 210. oskvoei stMrh&* . Goli Schooi-Marguerlte Hater, Milton vont In bathiig t the oeltiHighland Park, lcelm a c« ilX AIII~ Arthur Haler, seit af the' gaveraunut piar sai. m i. . - A À M RTownU Lne Scioc-Lorane Esther. turne belrrQ thie accident, aui mter Misa, Stnipe. Boolb sue Me Binnie.Joste Bitume, Clara havlng 'remaiuei clos, ta the plan fer Ba-y roai, 'Highland -Park, 5cl'u Doyle, Alcs Sweeney. cone tima. hegan to cross the cbanol contusions. Ai-ca chool-Mildred Portons, Car. te the south pier. Beloe on, , ai n.N doiaU> >'l v SUVErail Partons. sami the distance ho home ex. enue. Chicago. iacetloeis et ,réÉ%t illay FO ECGlynch Scho-Jiinas Doveli, Eli- banataiand viien vithin mbonbtetn - mer Norimoyer, Bei-ic. Gosiali, ts footheti long pior caiied ta a Bsah- Mary DOs>', 0437 Gncagview i Juise ilivarîs va. s uiuie Milton Daveli. ermon for belp. A liait pale va> ex. nue. Oic5ga; bIiijinlti absé, min' ts nonin avie Attra. Han.>' Labe Schoo-Alice Wiaui- tendei ta hlm and ha grasped lb, bat JuiiisDOUs,',i otbsr"bt*maa John Pope, et te leventh baun, ap.ocbe. tba pale broke lu bie bauds. bc Pa~ai elo, hm ad Lbaifor Vase School-June Milier. Iu tii. meantime b, bai vai-keit Mm. Hein"n, "00 Ww »itLts 8f,> cl~go ! enu l th Bae> brv- Watenbury School-Eva Lewin,is vay doser ta the pion ai-snd 1 .Cobls,- i I» ut uis*9,. zsrY farecîcsreue .. ari Lewin. braben Dole vas aguin axteedt&at âne. ChicaNa; botk h ab~ Lao Zurich School-Lawvneo agafned the, pier la aafefV.7 i lSuit ai Obock. acusLtion vwu consiiereit a r.tb- Fi-aui, Margaret init, Ainandu aran thon sit te have remMain on Ail tue fnjuned vmer g 'j r runusual une, because noO cadIs.ri, Rivant Erust, CrystalBSumone, the pion vith lb. min viio bai saved the ial>l osl. - ¶ e vas mate as taevii>'the>' diiDont tsod'lEvolyn Wuestenborg, ILa&ra Wels, hiselta, fon tome rime. andthebc lai- Su, Suttie Smé ." ,fJutia Piverts couli give a verdict Virginie, Hrrne , Cari raab, Gorageter adisot hlm Dot ta -mae Vt'aoa&. ThSe rece t tutb t- fsirly. Itowever, tii. court suintai Wolff., Larp>'Wnatonbong. tampt te svim.,bacb ta hie gststlsg thoumat ed eblas e ethe change ta Juige Donueijy' .e ai paulilg Scbool-Rovau-t Waldin, Point,' but ta valit aratunt set iiiilbia aWoodatock, sud the case cames up n h -.m.bato ties crnrrv.(Ocfu1- osPaue four) (Continai tt ageou> 0gtIsi% 1917. PO1JR PAGES THE F IRST 27 et. ifomer L. 8'aWcett, Zion City. .Walter P. itecktenwald, 1012 Belvi. der*etmi Leonard Hough, Zion City. Bongna Sarklsian, 428 Oak nt. FRANK TURPIN IS SENT TO TUE (ÎLEN. WOOD)_BOYS' 801ME Star Witriess in Francis' Case -is Commiàfted Over Objec- tions of Attorney Block. Frank Turpin, seven years of age, and the star wtgeas against William Brothers, vas committed to the "chaol for boys àt Glenwood, by Judge Persona in coh0ty court todaj'. The order waa gven over the strenu- ou- objection, aof Attorney Sidney Hi Block, who appeared for the boy's fa- tlper. The appeal. wbhich la ta be made le baing held In abeyanice at present, pending tii, arrivai of Clarence Dar- row tram the euat, who, aecording to Aton Turpin, the tather of the boy, vil assiat Attorney Block viien the case -la braught before the court of apeale. igince the arreat of Brothers and the o ther mem aer of his community 'the Turpin boy has, lien ia theeua- tady of Mise Ida Himmeireich, pro- bation afficer. Atteli habeas corpus Promedls, lnstltuted by Mr. Block. ha*l falled, a Jury ln thi acaunty court declaeed the boy dependent. The figbt for the custody of the boy haa been In the local courts ince Broth- ers and hie assistant were hounni0v- er ta the grand Jury, and as. the boy's ciao la the. outgrovth cof the proses- cutIon- of Francis, It bas Attracted conalderable attention. returned t6 the lawn , wbere> $peutt he aftçrnogn, and a number bathed ln the lake juat off the ICke borne.. The gnettaelncluded many ai bbcs board af su parvisars, county of. Silesutd persaal frienda of the doctor andibis vite. The. affair.vii a vcr>Y dellgbtiul oni. MEN. ýANý ý-YS(JN* 1 mjr,ý-4ýe [Yi

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