TYVILL LAKE COUNTY Ne&ENDENT INDE PENDE NT Lake Coùnty-'s Big Weekly a=mÇosQa.*aodiir Weekie CunComblued WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-NO. U4 PU3 AGES L BRTYVILLB, LAK COUNTY, ILLIý<OIS, THEURSDA&Y, AUGUST 23, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA* CRUSIID AS aI DIItCTST##AFIC Libertyvite Marehal Run Down By Car -Oriven by W. H. Baethke of Glen Ellyn. : CHEST CRUSHED TERRIBLY One Lung Punoturd--Accdent le Climax to A Seles Which Marshal Has lied Waukega. Aus. 20. At 3 o'cock th#*afaterno on Super- intndent Hall1 of the Jans McNJItr hosptal aald., "Mr. LlmberrY ta egt- Utne losquiteatlfactorily and there ar@ good hop. for hlm." t ws feured ho might have a fract4red 9 akuti but thet .la netthe .cas. Mis injuries consist principelly of a cruah- d chesttand a punctured limng ai. though ha la badly brulaed &bout the. head and face. Desimberry, villa.ei-araMI Of LIbertyville. waa mot aerioUlY laJur- ed Sonday evenin; wben ho tepped in front of an automobile driven by W. A. Bethke, à Iuber dealer of Gien Ellyn, Ill. The accident. eem- ing unavoldable; wad due to the driv- ers. tellure to pee Mri. Lmberry aa b. backed aWey frointhtei.Conter Of th@- Street and tepped directly la front of hie car. 3Mr. Llmberry dld not notice the car. wbhieb ad been Sta.nding In front of L»Yell'a drug smore. and lu front of whlch lie wahk- ed after endeavorlag to hail a South- bound autOiat whO waa driving et a Mipd fait ulrougl the main Street. lÂnbeiry was hurrlied to te Jane McAliâter hoaPitat, Waukegan. wher#- it waa found he bad a very b.dy cruaiied cbeet 'ad that on lmos aaa punetured. H. waa .Uierertge InJur- ed &bout thebesd and body and lita condition at oce vw g*,iaed te Ib. vry Serions. Mt iiREPAIRED The acho6l building on Sebool Ptreet base beu ïboronsbly itou* over and la rScevieg sonaldierable repaire. Theentire ltstior of the bul'.dng boas een flot pafiklsd, *ndait woodwork bas been saland e.#aonlahed. The buft rolor ibal, vasseected giive a beautifui effeci and refleeta a efft lîght wblch will b. easy on the syesa ofthoe wbo vilii@pend a goondablin fthir tinte thpre durIng the oowlng montba. J. L. Cark, L. E. Rap and Lms Whitney vere tb. paintera and the" bave abown very good mtei and bav did s beautiful job lu the decoratlng of the various room@. lien WooMire, who boa been the earp-nter von loidoing coneide-ablel repalring and hemc hangs B&orne of the gtarvaja vhich moaus a great In- profeenet lu appenran" eami 'iafety to tb. pupli. 8ioie addition@ bave bpen tmide bInte plumbng Cillntmwbîcb cili i npirve sanitari conditions and i'. mtucb more convensent &ban blote Tbe portitionsoesparating te reeitis- lion roome ftrainl the bly mont bave been tarDa way throwing the entire moeod (loir of the empttilng into on large, bpautift roont Word bas beau recived tbat ProUfes- aur 0e,w "" lid carp0i Our "0hoo lut Ist, bus beau ca)lie 1 tb. colora by the drafit,.t ta Nanlonsl arnty, and 19 wiii b. nece.pary t procura omons tuII ffl th vacn. Nothlng 4tinte lu rgard ta bhicmai er enu lie toied. WAItPK«T'UN INDRURUNIO FMarnes Whh estoy Round Lake Hom eSWBrIni rSev- LOIS I0000 14AK COUNTY ROAD Appropriati ie' Inluded in 56,62,000Attoiment by Government and State RUSSELL IS.MUCH PLEASED County Must Contribute Part; to be Reimbursee When Big Bond Issue Carrnes COUNTY MUST PAV ONE-TMIîRD. Wankegan. Aug. M8 County Clerk Lew A. Mende. today rclved a Icter whlch exptained more detaita of 1he propoeed plan. In thia letter It won explained thal lb. fore Lake cOunly ton avait itsoîf of the Federal and Saie Aid lta ttis county muat shoulder' onothird of the toal of contrucllng the road lhrough lte counly. Il waa ttd furtiter tait the countles which are firt ta tome fow'ward and paid ihis amoun- will recalvt fral conalderaton in .-Qad-buildlng. The further saaement ia made that parta of roade wll 'not Os cenainacled. In thon worda, a cSiaitly fttual put up au.. dent funda ta pay Ofisihird o the entihe colt of bidlUg a rond through th. mmid 00unty befors lhe fsdseal and e. nid vilS le extsnded. Suggestion le made thet officiels of thes couniy hold a meeting and maki, plana bo fifinance, th. pan. HoameIo surged. Newva tibriella joy to antomobîl- laa tu Wankegan sudthruugiout . Il"& a mes f rom Sprinofeld vllh te aofonc.ment by the tat. de- partment of public vok. that $4.626.- 000 baa been made avaflable by te federal sMd mat. gogvsrnmenta for the. Improvemant of lte hlghvay lie- tween Ciege u telis.Wconain Thistilerriblo accident to te VIl- UDot" fioqIU7 , -s H g Zioà Cltyetc. Ince marchai Mare hie thIrd or MWJffl of t tgn Charles Ruzasil. ouamty auperinbeud- fourt experitace la boing hurt la W m Od ngSheuat of iinwaye _nLaeecouty. vas srvlng tlievilage tise mmnyrs IW UUIOS@ d daltai rihen i. Isaet of thé as bond of lic police andi lire depart- PI5. ment, T wa ouy a aw "" _m_ lle.,Wb" Si ppUMUe -tlysd in -G"lad 10 î..r itl,'ho. nid, -rie ta . hWa na a uly aulobis 1.1&a lasa isose et os, ,Iesbry- rndaibeveen Cicag and th. state bitai w» ms In it sum anetrc care Cm lu boum et aArmm & ACer neia, renalns tirougb lhe satire ai MW lOlirsubeavenus crqusiug. P olandI W"am"o Md re- 155511 e!fLj" O»utY, longbu a". eti le moial inute. et t 55310f «M« ta a 1m esteasi et $30,'aiPermanent lugoveamt. toerst otic loittimia h..t.. les iel tu. are aOffe good perlaof rond, buitiers lau " ap a lo tins". At liaI lime »Om tmieean ilier mInet be. utait sr. vSy , it inba" e i. m u rvve 0- &Ml e e« liorte & ha 1Smb mpatiq, th u m utse a,4o o «mm1 l o bdf.&cmb lari. niytla tend 1 ~tbat vinras - àtiroagi Itisél oetJ. Ze& Tbsas111811. wnm ar t er ho hma lpPs o e uni 0& ~frigimaie liohui ewr 1M pae taha lie mmant 1lard of su itagonohlle ato m M*0@b»e,î o hastmte a ine, b. vas ibeenva lMMt ovei. Dnu" ais eis asm fi~ tii. Mr nas lb rodeti a corner. George B. Rebitap& aTien prealdent lb. a t ebe eun. 1eare dirt n r e iit*-ugules e lt ± z e ,mour & Compauy and presi- s. th e st Penar " dmanY 01 lieu whchI»pitte in fr buta moflmàn f cr b11 md ni ein ge»Su mla Peinou.rciSl mpnaledr «Peak 1. Iug relluy uboer. Ma4y flulistalt Imedabely aller te accident o 0 w f sl0sea audlously avold lie Illinois rnde lie-1 Sanday erutug te driver of te car, . "linoleIr s u enmalle of them condtiUonsi cecrtain per.1 M. Ilsethite, vau laken baf«.e Jus- nanmtir enai sai."on meac arne Iode of lie y.ar.' ice Moris, iere ie vas heMld a Of ftm"Bs tu lid olb. aneprsne Tt bas uolbeen declded as yetwvitlt 15.OW hal Pendlng developrncnta lu ofSthea ulde e aeae thearts ld of perng materlal nl b. used.1 tite cage o!fMni unbertr. A fflend lgre»Preadnapldlythirongi te. strar Berne favot concrets. nulee tiera ta-1 in lbetyvliefuiimbti itebon d ii acbng.ver macadamn or aspitalt. Tt la .rb-1 aud Baethe v5t bhue very mucit Ti helaincovereti by insunance. al a at anynlug la deJeeotd andi deplorlng bic accidetnt. WcetimaI. lb. raine of the plant lie ithvay urougl titis county aital whlct, lie declares, vag absoîulY un- tgeit ati ,oothe TiccMet at $1!,- b. concrets a tiis la tbe type o! psy- aroldaitie. 000, tati 19 reflgerator car, wviîci log adopti by lte connty board in Baeolke vws drving norîli anti iati nere burnedt, et about 120.000.T'rite itlate aid voit. toppeti aIt ovola dtmg store, Oun te total toBs probably nîilapprazmmale WDiributli oofFund. east ide o! Mlwaukee avenue. IEn- 1$200000.,- 'rTe appropritilon, it wvs. nnounc- lerlng hic car. be clartedto bdrive "Ifthlitlire vas' starleti by all e ai theetcaIe capital, ruli e dis- avay, andi inorder' b gel onlo th- elOmimes lb vas HIiiadrîceti. eca use tribuled as follows right ide af the rosi. bail ho pull out th., asvi t nl nerfere lu ny a $1413000 10 lit. National Old Trail wo ffls a fen ohen automobiles lIittd: iti the ;%itpments of mnt. W I rond, begnulng at lb. IndiauastcaIe up aloug the curb. In the meantimnte elarb aI once bo proleclt the sale~ i Ue snd oobetdlng Marshall. Greeuup. a soutit-bounti car vas aproacblng tlite es vltba vooden ta,îrpau Ina 1 Efighmm, Vandalla, Greenville, Coi- spot. Maishal LtntbeMry sav that sud tran. W. vili bsve no trouble' lineville, ond Eet81ULouis. te driver wae going about 15 miles lu oblalnlug an sddtlonal snpply lun $1.020.000 to lbheLincoîn Higlivay, an itour. He. steped off te catitoou lb. marktet. connectlng Chicago, Wiieaton, (touera te pat ide o!fte.roadtho valk toi Larget toc plantiIn West. DeKalli, Rochele. Dixan. Sterlng the center ofthlie street ln order to; "The lee bouse vas bbc lîrgevt In Morrison anti Fultom. bail te driver anti order imnto t e- lb. West. anti perhapa lu the coun- $ 2,21,000 tu lie Ciicago.Spning- duc0e bis specti. rTe driver palti n tryia Tl bd a caffactly of 100.00 tans. 1 field rondi, connecllng Chicago. Joliet, attention tuo bibiaud te offIcer 4tejp- tvo.tiirda of! vich hati heen remov. Morris, Otawa, LaSalle. Peors. me,- ped back, apparently to get out af the ad pnovioutthle lira." son Cty, and Bpnlieid. way, as te cp.odlng auto came tisai- The blase vas iraI noticeti iy ne- $958000, ho thc Spinglield-fllat Bt. lng past. ln stePppd lak h. dld tot ortier@ pltorliy a! tan mldnlght. At- Lout. trond. conccling Spingield C4r- note titat Batikc baLd saftt4 bis car tempts ta check teiantes vere tu- litvilie, Blaunuon, Ednardaville. nt anti vas coMnsg Ot Obbo hoàItg e The lire vilii t ual umitscif out Buast B. Louis, car standing udt bt itecuit, lu fer suoliar day, Il la believeti. $614,000 ta lie Dizie Righiacn olier words, M. Untberry pleppetiVolugera FIght Plames. neotlns Chiîcago, Chicago Relgitis, Mo- dlrectly la front of te Baetke car te&k. renortela formetd a rolunteer mono., WaMeansd Ianvilîs. anti vas burlsd 10 bthe pavement a Tie -briMgde.and diteijr best 10 $400,000 t10 là erond front Chîcaao moment later. Bacthkflb bàbadlySM th»fumeo. mii lhecompany's t, he Uts W$coin line.,connectingChi- llt r"r aywhn e trckId- Maobei but Ttlmmow»aabeyond cagoa Wukeffan sd Ziou Cty. beMr, but ibeoe lie care.«cld ,. cotro, Ailolmente o Pund. Stopped the oekier bati been draied pnsU »enderson, supeinîtident oî Tie» allolimonts corntle aont 10 or 15 fuet.'. eatosmobie - the pl Buirl itelieves TtI « ovaso 10b. nsoived, uP te andi uc1.= n <COUMtluud on page tires) incendlary oligin, July 1, 1920 avallable as tolons: LUE COMft'S NÂVEL DÀY 15 SU- FOR SEPTEIDER 3 The. committee coniPosnic-d of th, Mayora aud pt*sldent. r,! the boards of te Clse sud village, or the U.kc* county together with t1b, -larman of the varions lRed <roKsaorganization.i Of the couilty -me etai hp Waukegan Cliamber of Commerce- rooms thes mornlng to perfect plans for a county celebratiocat at au'ic-an ani North Cbmcelo on LabSo Dav. SoAtonber 3d in Itonor of te nw national army and navy. The plan 00 oitlined is t. 1have each tovnahlp participate in a glant Darade to tart at Waukegan at 10 O'clock and itarcli to PosPark. North ChicagO, vierp a dinner wilI be served by lte Red Cross and lin.- drd organisationsto1 the men of Lako couty vrbo hav.e be',n accePted by te Nation' as otir eounty's con- trIbution to the iiPw National Army. as well as to the men who have vol. uxteered Inte army and navy. Cousnttteecw are now ai worî( ln each cily, tovu and village to make titis Labor Day a great patriotie tes- tivai t0ýOu tr county, and itlaede8ireil t1mb every fratSmual organization and soclety la the oounty part iclpate lu the' Parades Mud ln ctting aside tIis day for Paitribcobservane in ac- cdamie mw»iithe Preiden- 'a îug- flrders at Wgshington Shows Lake,s M"Soldiers WiIl TO RT ERE LONG Mencin t Reota ta tii. 8la Snilfor mvfedera &May m'li4» Uula« o#,lOs mev Rock- lord tygabg camp. lo Bn*ea are 1.1t Ms eM. a lie 0" are formai-4 lbsY ývU!a n e lai t0 e report1 la Dod, vbl ýqu,8. Illtemo dacfeq& rIE be et mis!Bris. et liS w lm tbe bUtet eNaUt e ast Camp ouest cifn. W. Bs'Dperl- Umm buasamomou Mes Imm comuls iesate null be dlatribuied, la' ewy R â ble b. twsem tbe couuffew As t Caimp BedmIg oBpmoine&.lam sd CMI ?ayislosdMvlle, hW. lu nemiiers, Casc*PMOrUt viigel lie lsrgmst Illnos regresetatlon- 81,714 hflnois men-ht lCera illb. tee enu ies rnsp1sMstters titan ln th@ otiter cantosunt e tonb inois lrocps niD ha0seul. iltioa men sont tea0Roemrd viii tnclude aIl the men beld for iltiary service by draft lua.Obicago, Aurons Rocbtord sud these couties: Boonne. C7arroll. Cook. De Kalb. Dlu Page. jo Davies. Kane. Lake. Lee, Mcllenry. Ogle. Stepberwon Wl3iiebaio. 'W'bteslde. 11,326,000 available July 1. 1917. 11,326.000 arallable July 1, 1918. 81,168,000 avallaitîs July 1, 1919. 8,80000 availaila 181Y 1, 1980. Il la outimaIti ltseamoumia allobleti viiipsy for tvo.hiiui*of the woet of is hmhprovemsnia os eeob roed. 'rie osuties Ibrougli vict lie roas papas viiib. szpected tho tu%"ael Use- 0mawuer of the cosl. Ifltse votera apfflve *». 60.000, 0«» bcndlue a et oN«tier, 1918, sMention. tiose ommiSe.esomtriiunag Lt itote ceo thè»lis.rSfte ill ho n- t 1110f.sa porli hiIan, te reint- buresmeol for money ocntrtbuted. 1 T- swITC1mwNcRusffI-COMPLETE LIST ED TO DEATII DE- NEATIIFRuIiaT CACALLED FROM lIERE) John Saunders Meets Tragic End White Aftempting to Couple Two Care in Yards T H 0 0 $ ý )EATH WAS INSTANT Complèe. List of Naine of those FormaBy> Certifi.d in*oe .ife~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h Wa xîè hnBd iNational Arm>' froin the. Libertyville Was Dragged From Beneatb District. Completes 2nd Cai Train by Train Crew I5~ Ptt . W. Dongtaq 2624 Alan D. FlIon, Highland ParI. Witil. attempting to couple two 216e Itomora, Ignacie 1095 Earl Richardson, Grayalake. freigit cars ln tbe North Weotern 1237 Zengner. Codrie dtanwrod 2889 Adamt Lukoszus. Round es K 'ardsa 'atClai'ton aireet. Waukegan, 107 Gotdenberg, Irving H. 337 Aurelle F. Roncero. Wauoit*- et 4:46 o'clock Saturday afternoou, 1546 liruandrett, Howard Wardell. 696 Enrico Placenua. HIlibIad imiPtu. rohn Bandera. 30 years of age. a 19586 'Philipe, Win. Alexander. 1267 £,ealle R. Behtrens. 1DeeffaId owlciiman. as lnatantly killed viten 2171 Waters, LeRoy B. 126 Rtaymond B. Krana, ROndout hic elioe became fastened between the. 1286 Wright, Robt. hiiuigpn 1679 Edward Navia. Lake Zurich- gurd rai] and the track sud lie vas 46 Eloyd,Cbae, lermnan 309 Ray Elmer Cook, Was5*conl,~ ,rushed by the brake beant of the car 1955 Cociri, Saute42 erCrcanIlsfed before lie could release hlmself. The 117 Jensen, Albterti9. A. 514 Herman H. Tract,. Arîagiouadms rain hsd moved but a distance of 75 Beatly. Lawredce 27 e.L ocad eaB. about elgitt fert but Bandera was dead 1549 Bnrridg,George 9-374 aoe.CtL.o, a-Isùfslke. a'hen remoyed frnt heneah the car 927 t.'iaoberlln, Roy Jante. 2766 Rolit. P. Gulllc. N"fUiClilcags ty fe10v ow érlkmen. 988 Guetafeon, HiIlling 16UCoinMalOria, Lae .. d Intmedlateiy atler lhe accident Con. 966 Bernard, Charit eILSM Gsi3 y . GRlolland, raaes rUd & Welzel's amblulance vwu cati- 1560 Rapt@, IrasertO. 26 orGàr.Imý ed anrd Bandera vas rnaiied 10 tthe 2124 Datilqulat, MarIse D<~<anr AoUE 11ePItl alhougl lter. vws practical- 2850 Wilson. floward LeBue s1i88 Frmak J., ovelIomid ly ne alun of 11f.. Dr. Ambroee. vito 2182 G'rabbe, Chenwu F. 12 mkJm*4N me ras aIt the Jane Mc.Allater bampital 982 Gold, flankîUn 2819 j»s. r. Lue .Norh b Cw0ap. al the tinte, pronounced the man dea 1284 «6l4o. Abe.r Veston 182 AtUtour J. 0rK*fta* I4ý-bu§*- and the body vas removed ta thte un- 121 endy, Frauit B. t m Oqu s ~ lb ué dertaklng parlons. 1205 Marrie, Win. Hovard 106wen5 O0000,k Tiie accident occurnerd viten Band. 2152 Lavrencee.eorge C. 222-WalterJ.MeUrA . ara. vito vas the foremn of the 2189 Rase, @"DO P I. 1818 BaM G.lIebfe. hm avttchtng crcw, gave Enatneer W. W. 2158 MghtbftO ORi. 14064 Ucyl W 1Beleu d" Xane the. signal to ltak ln ontier to 150 Lo,4mll(Xitu . ~78U HaM yN aulsipt4 An examination of ltse body reveal- l 61age aB", 11149 0.11 U1t105 cd lhe fact ltaI s.vee'al riba iiad been ro ieb icl B.f -280 £mu.,T20usUs~ broken vhs. the. body vas crusae 1998 Krom"~5. Andut P. 983 Eleldla u atia benealth the braie beaux andi thei, mail- t KalînSer, RoyiS. 6M Ch.anisaM er bed land lvwa mupposad i[taI on. of 2171 Thoron, Ulire lritan 888 HamryIL Kraf, Raiw t.e bro.kea riab. d peuetrated the 211 Ilaltai, Jeob 33 lecelOsé IR. -a, ésnt esatalg Instat deehli.Tii.lu- 1214 Peton, Frwm* Pouer 79 LJe" Udsar. ,Otf. - quaal will ho isld TmpMdy mornlng 49 266 Pfec, 1[*U" l'a" aIt CoO& Wi t.21U~,N~ Nol moretitan go Minutes belor, '15tri , egq1078eh.acB sgusAtZ's e tie odai ede« & b ai varm0fan- 21M9Côcles.Lawrencets284n34 <tV>* ohier vl8b~a. a ~ c ~ 1211 Pro~.mrMorris "bn 14. à l . ~ 1 18q, ov, toe ezercias more cmansd uot 1574 Poster, Harr3' Alfred au MesS. Lqkêâté te ltbeunneceary lsBa. g d 560 Dardes, HuWbsrCisles 1411 jean uns*l e ,ý i1 been condald e reof the "bérd 1956 cattalSU,.86"ie04a caever , luck" avltitasu o etse NorthW..t- 180 aUill . lboum13tu o*t wu bimsif sd b.d b.dsevenai è& lm8 lb obér clis, »but fslov'voeistA isglare 2108 Luirevg. 4845U luiîss ou lmpat.About a y~sNpeg hob 14 aum* Wh C à" Umm bNrS M ? 8107 1er, Ji aP«»» itefo hmtii.epiw thé »M i5 C. ?IM5PL d«- the nowo- -lolwagr » bab sud Bandera gave âheir, 9111- ll ooupig devic vers, not lantepr o>- <~pms, ,si ~ 6ir sr poulto* lia tepei belveas" the l. .Llpyi 00Br aie'm hà trucks t10 adinatthlert, sud ont ai.17lreu .lg»b a temptiug tb les,. ateppeti belveen Sie WlUlaom s .b UWW@tU W0 HIftemiort Ilos, U« tse rac and te guard rail, vbsre 14882'ra* IW. gBiiýken. Lab.Zurich. SM 8Waltar W11111UM4te hiesho ab became fantened.' 130 i liam PreilakFort Olianidan. 2182 Looe. G Uferiug.Whmkogqu4 la the. msantime lte train w55 la150 TBerg . er arisqa. bwea. Motion andi before Bviteiman Henry LI OUT6R11 4 ImrKCaugfl ,Hfbie ss* 1 Cote, vho vas vorblng vl Bandera, LAKE Ce.aassms,61183 Pr orer Paith, VIhl.ri conld give the. signal ho @top. Band- C*M SI~~MDI 104 Antk on BuIna, Graa1eVW*s, sic » timovubotren ue licbs. Word vas recelved besfront olesteSa,&316Wiliam Kelly, MN i Clu te vieela of lt.e car paslng ave is N. 15,, Monday evenlng that J. E. Roi- 3oWm l Jlnt , ilgj. left art and the braite liams crueli- contb for.intry of Ares, took'Éie Dovu M JonMudLot, Le" aio Vf, lng hic left, aide, causlng bis Instant lite b! stioablng. Financlal voiries ves1086 John J. lotaetilqa. * deatit. given asmltse reauon. 8443ClEs (J. taaLe %tset. As oonan otesawlit copauon Mr. Hotcomb was a voit knovn Lake 15 fall te-en <lie rail. h. slgrtalled 'County larmer andi for ntany yesr@ bas 16Jacobt DeGraft, Orayalake. 1Engilneer Kano ho stop, and the lat.lied ucar Arsa ebere hie îantîîy nov 923 Michl 0 . Dee. Blubleid pdg 1ter, after bringlng lthe train to a stop, live. event weat conte tinte ago andi 2532 Venoqi W. nbel.Jr., Labo »4j. ra to lte accu,. Thet, tv men drag- tbenocre of bis sutiden deatb vas a 1764 John -P. wbeien, Lq» y brae4 ged bte body front beneath t1he train ehoek tontanv. 353 feo. A. Brsver" <Iraysi5k and fongd that lite vac extinct. pumnat srvices andtIintcrmeni ver, 970 Ernest H. Bic". Llberyvhle tomary wheu a guard rail la placeti helti a Colegale. Tuesday ehoe he bac 1873 Wm. 0. Bll. Highland Parkt. iteside lte tra'e ho MI u inte space relatives. 295Oea. C. Kopp, Norh tCicega. between wibli a vooti or melal plece. ________ 704 Cari 1N. Hatigret, lilglvooi. but this vas lacklng at the place 1896 Vîclorte Marnacclld, uufïWeg. niiore Bandera met bis dealli.'ýt vas. MORE PIJFILS MâtE RECORD 128mRaliUtueller, iibenlyvilla foutd alt1er te becident that isi.__2_ 012 Wllli articl, Ares., iieavy worlcmen'a ahoe wvas no Wedg. We regret tbe omieon of bbenaames of508Jofflih BerlulIs, Lake Jorea*. cd ln belveen lhe tracks liaI lt bildthe pupIla fron thb.Evereti achool, Who 1817 JosphiScbeid. Round Xabe. 1 t be, prieti ont wt £lc f 3 esprfc aatoue o blib303 Albert M. Otilegiter Wauiile 1 Radthe parebeau flll.d la,t sc-achool year fiant tl sue of lantr:vee& 49MaiI.wie Ae te cident voulti never bave occurred. lb. nameefolo vs: MO 10Chtas. H. RedMlg, Northli O& ai odî la'lwa emBye. -rriet T Vlley, George YonsICHsa 444 BsvldHulchlnson, Highaw 1 - It rea at nal to t ts t t 2on- Tulley, N @Bebeddn, MaiildaZleman. 1657 Albtent MoIsI, Ubertflels tuait.e oitchosu iad »s«en'd ithe 108 Clifford Faqal Llientyl W. . ons of botlega Md arme5, butl hj ODO PKI.LOWS TOltMEET 1912 Artbur B. Candle Banh L, pnovd uuru8.as le 1s t anaoer n e d. offly O<d 1611cr.emocla-US56Glovenl Paaqual nilcii te nisa uaiP*«"s, ova. tlm. 8î MOSuia b e Weuooad ge181o . 9nol; aveu pevetied fbau liebody. on Auusfl SSIi5as ubicti il,aig 181"oýJ Krh arài Bandera flres M pnalcally sutgeuleusel ot deismats. lioéttvny 1 91Richard Broouhb.i boRe4 ___________________ ou esbelonug ht a m oolalo. je c ,t (cmftuueice-page tiras) piannsd. (Condinss ou ràp* -