CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Aug 1917, p. 3

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FUST 23, 1917. NEÂTII FRIT Cd beam snd the watch he hàd carried had sOPPed at exacti>' the trne of the accodit.4:45. 'Vobnny" andier,, as hwas kn.wa auDh i acquaintances, wu on0e o the mot popular local emploas pt the road. This tact was stested hy tuaMnmen, who havlng beard of thé tragedy, vsied ithé scene BUAday s"d wept wheu told ofthtei details. He ba4 been an .mploye of the North Western fer slght ryars snd ,tt0q te thon bad been employed ai th vire, Mil. He va. vldely knovn &long the North Western r»dadnsd tralnme& IrM Racine Mllukse and 011.> Ciles came 10 Waukegan Bunda>' 10 offer words of confort to the. bereer- I wui a sad group of tralnrnen whp Sathered aitheii North Western yar'ds Ofte>' the tragedy and plauned on the esalest manner of breaklng the sad XéVay le 30 years o e an d ha& boen making (2icag his bome fer several Fma". me»Mi!eemet eel the taed a eyaàh stl i r U Sharti>'betore noon iota>' iicVa>' DR CT R FFC T1O A M retaled Attorney' A. Mille>' au cotte- CoiSinued Fr-cm page One.) Mrs. Sct d Urges the sol and the later'l ' e-Up on Limberry's shoulder and heati Near'y ta 0t Send Farm eugod consent of Statcs Attorney andi thon aeemed te asid off. Friendq eptoltos ..cs1 bave MVar.s bond» re- rau te thse assistance of the lnlured dimeofo rm 026,00 te $lIiOO. The offîcer and Baethke mate no effrtroPEL O OENR vite0f tsa acumt moor-mn A- escape. Limiers>' vas hurriedte t the rivait tu the it> trm Highland Park Jane ticAlleter- hoepital as qulcIti> as Senator Swft Is Alarmed Over titis umrnfland lBa aistiiig At- thse leren & Holiand ambuhanc uio - sknSa L - torne>' Mille>' A securiagiigrndsmen. coult ieh. ummonet tram Waukega OtokW*kfsSasLb Attoney le>' sia bey- 1r. Taylor ot Uueryville andi Dr. ertyVIeWuOds Help. lu& Onsssied witb McVay a"nti s Poley of Wau'iegan vere cahoedteluai- Ilu basaioft er-sit andth ie farmn- wit th"ahohaouli probabiy have, tend hlm aud ube>' lmmedlately set ers of La»e oumty. Mrs. Scott Durant bis client but en bonté late tuis ta vork is or-ter toAe hi lit Ie. TtlAk If o âea pu arternoon. lIn themeantime ho le lu- vas reaIIsed tf-rnthe start that hie f t*ke mol bas r3e anc ary peso-i tervleving viluesses anti preparlug <ujries vere ver-y serions anut ual vbiah d, bsan.vl'cary oi- for the. insuet Monda>' m9rnlng et lie oul i>' ha aightlug chance" t0eroar: udm ~sbsac sft the. local police court. lire. T tefauwso:teétts hr _________________aetthse hospilal early Ibis tic>' have fiiabet heir harvosting. vo mornlng siowedti lat LlmberrY bi peifrhlp ene hml IIEYDL~~~KLK IS ~passet a more cssmortable nîr-bt thappa or1 .W.ne1 hml wss xpeoet ati tat h vas~ Lake cont>' su otiser parts of 1111- > IR ssus., holdingcte an thU ovu.. s llnoaselu heu uslmget il uturcraps. Un- Àuii~ DE jar holisegacideon hppne'bouttuk.les, we gel belp much of ithe crups Bore tcient atooiea btthelr- viiie hout. liof,!saechance ta show &6R in e AU JL fte uoobls âithi our- inerost in tise woîtare o h "B OW 3" SCI Ilgits burning whbe others badl t tate--melp ous." _________ P. rs.Drand »aId on tho mater: "I' Moiti Msny Jobs. ams unahie lu gelnsY cr00, lu. anti rAnnual Reunion Near Wads- Dennis iumberry Je one of Liber-ty.1t>'- r uded fohsl h worth Largely Attended and vllles best kuowu reideats. He hscty e r e uadrus tMr lu tise Proves Dellghtful. been village mar-sial a gret sanv on> iesnev>.M.Wtis __________yeurs and as marh.ailihe aisea is h ' thte ftrni atrisr.toitime Munda>' AGED COUPLES IN DANCE. ot coin- d:partm:nt. Heisas bs-en liThe netuee misoloner andi wiat-nat. In fact, Mr. "itou la critical ad 1 ieei thai the Their Total Age Was 500 Linsberry bais otten been give-î crt-dlt fermer-s 0ot ns&by states uho have Yerse bMtThey Danced as if for having held the masI afices of fnee hirvrksalt oebt TheyWerebut'KI<s.' an>' man lu ibis couni>'. Illnis ent.eIp "UsaeOaur croise. t___i__Tt vas unI>' e feu days ago tisai t nlv am> nilrsn * Tii. eizteenth annusal rounion ut the maroblal, when speaking ta a r-oc- toppeti ah my piace the other dey on- the rave ichool vas beld Siet heresentative oai tus paper. mate tise Iroute Euat ou an auto trip. 1 ried Scheel bouse on yetrtiy. August remerk tht tise vork et Lbertyvilil 1t0 gel them 1te stop and beip me get 16. About thre hundr-ed acholars uf », thse saeool ver. prepent. A vrer'» a becomlng leu, blg for one mae 10"I my grains. Tise>'vauldnnu do ac. l, oyable dey vas spont b>' ail. bandieo. Thai ls, the police uork. thse hovever-, as the.>'w5nted te aie their 1. TeuîY-dOrc clars uho liiendeti street vork, e. *But,"' he paidt i..Il l. te cohool prier- 10 1870 vere pres- am nul gulng ta kick about It because i May ApPéal ta Governor-. aIlgut. r- dtlgdlub 1 ieIamntry>'ng te do thse best Ien andi Whou Mrs.Durauti vandered uhel y I ginegee ls ingins.laningtheip keep dovu exlenses a much as vouit h ie bout means or geting It andi sto>'>' tlling by the older oune. posbe" There neyer- heu been e vord tetlb. trmer-sof love anti aise- ilThe. ffice>', lecte for tiheusu. more loyal ernploye of an>' municipal- vhere of tise dire neet of aid in flU- ying ya lare- I>lu y lntiicit>' thon Emberry bas 'nuis, Iltwvas sligg1estedti te e. ai C. T. Herdcker. presideut. ieen lu thsecase ut Libertyrîlie.Me 'Goveruor-Lovd u emake s formai Per-r-y U P1o555, vice presîtent.1 Edigar- Amen, P. G. Dletmeyer. Em- bas been au lutetatlgsble varker- aPpoal 10thée govrnors of nearby *ma A. Heytecker. executise conmm,' anti uotks praclicailly erer>' minute @sttes, lb.bellot helug tiat snch s - te. .hb i.not sleeping, sud peope otten 'Course wouId add more treurtis ta The pr-uram constet a iesr' vunter vheu hie gels, an>' reet ai l. 1the appee.Aecoor-dngi'aemary do taileb re isent natu re. 1sY 4 e has been seen on the treets et goa uring thse vues. a a o a nemin it atee. l A lI heure of th nigil -andti; anover jSenator R.E& Slftt ai Lihorl>'vill On mo dtetio l sdi treucngeli asent trame his dut>' turing the de>' expresseti a a ai ieovthe Othbo thse future lu the tour-lb Tbnrsday ln tise. Limierr>' bas livoti lu anti day vhen ho sait: "Trhe va>'tarni Auguat. se «% net lu conlilet vil0 th.' about LâibestyvllepratticaIl>' aillits belli labelug taken aae>' ram mia Uuiisg' eut SailoWs reunlan. aud lite anti la unsarrieti. outihe farmnersa1je 4 sasse.Ifli t h MM iCreoi ciurch pieui.Teeaemtau#aes hre rcieonIstp. I f sathea Mite> tbe business meeting ail t; hr rentmn aesweriPatiedfltWi.t.snso ay chlari; and tbe descendants of! hý meu are wuliing te do tieisais>' lnos dollars vurti of croaeWvIIliéhoTest1in d aciolars. jaise hauts anti formet .i ot vork uhîci Limber-rbas boen Lake couni>' Tise goveruniont sasoule ýr tr-cIe. consisting ut oves tw ui.-u folovlng in Libertyilile. Beaides 115 taise notice of lise situatlou before the dre. varyug la Mme. roinssereut>'- tut>'ais village marshal andtirei .chiefrar-upe have gons te vaste." soren lu, somo e lirn'" e aise bas liaid charge of thse treet_________ holt lu tise arme otl udr prentA, ant Il joined lu uIning - AmàerlIra" uork sud In Ibai lino Il hae been WIL andu "Mlest bliete Tt@ That Bltig." tut>' turing the visiter te shovel thed. The Three Oit Fittlers, John s-avfr-arnthe main crassingealaong Btrck BU>' Woetesl sedJose Diet- Milwaukee avenus and tih ii. Of NAVY U esee, ogohervit th whol r- er imetaeisseisthema lars>ftrm. g~ a n e crnet turilahed tise music mut. One vouit go aog a'be- f 1 îfor M» Coea ..L&ln yO T Ou. et theinatres vas a tanne lu fore lbe votlt i nt a"Y village r-r Wki. wiso1w .eupletoa gart. ileir-teo- @aieluoliser counitles vbo ovulst utoi s*cs .xaeedinive buirui jean-. hoevillng te de ibis sort uofvu>' . RwBtenSo.mvDn t' la. the OMM a., hl ubop.or lois and LagiRme tMay ic ervmmniHa"e LE~maas vauwtb drdie~t bn. ~ 1muWýf;IuW .e~i ~ ~ ~ JACKIES TO KTS 9- A"i Ou>' Iute go>'.rosit ges 1 1 fllw g.QW oe "Comiug Idel. ve sur-gy ir-vl. 4 1 lE EN 'Of t Penditg "Then vu sent a meepage clllng &Il -1-----%e DvsEprse f. 'e Who houtlis maulrn etur, iw To meet usaettb shhou"e ln Mis. Donald S. Boynton of w ltein in 'of uthe Navy s a r-udno eê a yar-;. ve, Highlan4Psr 1k lays Re- Ije In aunsd about Walkenle altme've Seomosilwe SuB rorm thse Or-et Laks Neaa B ut e hcasbe uide-O f1 l.e erNoro. Staion sa areault o e Lc ois"oers. But aitvhouncen assmbevii .be-cichbahs arisen bettinen tÈe lague ir- vil u -ea>'tr-s. Donald S Bo>'sson, lnuler r-t. &Y tence ln Hatorne lao,lighiani , anti Secretar>' of the ifar>' Daniei&' neAnti veIllspeai oftihe deps.51ti. otPar-k. lookedto the lb rrel ot e mag 1 ecretau>' Elniesle'ceutrovers>' viti ,k Asthte tees onu gensotl, reat. siue pishol aud deiteti a burglar eas-. national officers or tise eague.j 8 vd ell cap the hant of frieutsisip 1>'>'ertedy. tiser-eh>' ering several scentieti suildenly upon ChioagoeSuc. loir for- lhe ulti fr-ends are lie tient. tiosisant dollars lit jewels anticn-de>'. liai ed i upeaa con- M. Aiad viii. un earti veoiger-. UT11unr siterabie mon">. I Y'.i uplin h arD ravclsusti, Upon uhe burgaresdemfLud she re- eqecs Among them ver-e: trWe. viii at lorgel aur school mate, va%tise comblualion te Mr.. Boyn- Tiese boa ta 1,000 Jackties ai Greas r- Or tise àmacbou gbusOntie bil. tas mie, Mm-. tifynlon gave au ex. Laktes af()i uatn kitsa PrePered fte saunsbed eut ln ton uminutes ail bmd hisition of siseer uer-vo tuat ceuseditsn yarut ioesve> o e 1eR liehegroundjs, for- KenaIe, Ev.lie robler ta drap hie quest andto hmb nrh un oitywmn *w_ aston. Waulsegan aud elseviere. ail sticks ont lhe vlndow visence ho caa>' A sutiden andi serious breac ieb' rgoviog tise>' oult iehobecis the nex' la. As Il vas ho snatcbed $5OO , Iveen otticers or thse Training Station ey-ar mono>' anti a feu articles ot jewelr>' anti aristocratic nombrs ofthte Navy Ze The. folavwin>' isem Wis vyltten b) trainMrs. loynten'a bureau, but Ibir ShOP at Lae Forest. le Anule E. Hf. Williams..tor Ibis ocea- vas betoro Mrs. Bayatun avoue. The Passible withdraWal of scores is sion. andi vas r-est b>'Emma A. lisy- tirg. toynton was talans except foro dockser: lber- four maitis, ubo siepl ia another ai veelti'woun]n 'Laite For-est The Browe Schoot Reunlosi. partaiflise bouse. Mr-. Boyatan. ser- IWlnnetka, Highlandt Par-k anti Ken ti" M n>' imes la ululer, ln lie long, reary or Pickands. Brown & Ca., .122 Ilvorth f rom mnenbership. ne long ega. Michigan avenue. dealers in plg ran, Aà regard- b tta0 eg We wandered la ibis echool botioe, anti cake, anti couapicuaus lu nori erAtrnev ChP sar-so euguvc , Man>'thraugb tise deep, deep snow. shoare alfairs. vas la Washington,. ebrAtre lrneýiv lay ime3 lansîmmer, vien the Tise urglar tiashet an electrlr Weukegaja, who, willi Wil liantŽ,iatlisi ail graes vasa sti anti green. bsip lu Mss. Bo>'ton's face andt iis Lewis of Laite tFreet, belpeti launel bill Our- bar- etet brougl us iither, toi avakened iber-. Sic fount e Pai thlie local branci af the longue. (- It- tise aId familier »cene. i preaenle te la er- face. plaînoti himself as tahiaus: "I an lier-e vo love te linger, tris-utsand Bai"1 althlie relirnEtItioaloet U ue wisetler ibe>' viii bar u, scisool mtes ail, Il qulck l'Il ilow your- heat off." traoin tie station or ual, but 1 dot' «Id TillI Tme lise Oreat Magician, saisi I vun'itao t, aie sait. "YTe, lilaistise>'will. I belleve tIhe arde r1h v e ver-e to ait andt all; May' shoot If YOt PleÀage." 1 g9iron s>' Mr. iDentla , as spaken ho Tion ibrougi tise volt vo vuster-et Il vas.gravîng tayllghl. EvItenti>' baste tu repent ea, loîsure. 1 pienu i sd An but our- Ierle tam flylug bick lie burgler teer-et sons one migt Adou>' feeê hept longina. iouglna.appr. Anywa>' ho balet &aal ng te the statian tlus vek ois usi Station, il va tlcovereti Ilappliet oui>'tli tise Nar>' Leegue. sud pr-e- sumabl>' nut la lie Na"- Shop lu Laike Pareil. 51111 womnemmbors oet the latter organisation rofusodtiel go on vils ther plan ta delver lie camtor-t kts st tue station la tise atter-uou. Adington le Mopetul. Keene Adinglon. mayor- of Laite For-est. eud a proninenl member- ot tie war- finsrgeno>' Union, pretlclt lise kits vaulti ho deliver-eti, talie sailars tise same as or-or, despto Sec- roter>' Denlel' praibitar>' r-der- et- tecling tise Nar>' L.ague. "Tise Navy Sisap of Laite Foret. ubici mekes kils for- thoe sior- baye, la a differout organisation than tise Nar>' Leagiso." ie fit. "lt la fi- nanced orta> he monit part, b>' the Laite Forest Wer Ener-geucy Union, incor-por-ee. Work ta Be Continuist. *lif kils bae been prepared b>' vomeu or Lake For-stut here ln no re- nou wis> tie>' canssut be teiver-deta Gret LaIes. Thie War Emergency Union fiances erer>' vr activil>' lu the cl>' and gîresethe local 'RHm Ciose chapler- fInancilal ai. 'ber-e la is distinct ilifference betuéen its Nav'>'Sbop andthti Navy League, al- though ins le nome ai aur resI- touts ore roe er»s utbots orgaul- zations. I1iseere Deptalu Muffeil vil expialu uiings vien ho returus fr-an W5.hnah05L' SJSSCCESSL IN EVERY RESPET So the Veterans Deolare, De- épite Faot That Many of the 'Boys'; Wore MloSMng. PRAISE SONS OF VETERANS. Thoso Who made the PlOgrMM PoslWaïewudbasUn Cfti. Whiele het.e lsoer-solir r-oulus lJupi Bt tl~qIr1l North Chd, oudld ie but lsp t umasbah st thble rtr Aiqflo ~ Il-E FAM t' 15 g]NOM7 thv1u Xe8 *hom ieFb Soupanias. 'The father-, John Saud- ers voian emaplayeti&as a sardenor st Lais. Forest, ligited tram a treel car 'Cît Washngton sut Geuepee etreels late Saturta>' eflernoon. un- avare o! the fact thai hie sou a>' teat inl tie morgcue. P.troiman Booth approaciedth ie father-ofuthle test svilchman ant inlfruot uns bils sou hati been inureti. viereupon tic aged tather hesteneti home. Puner-al ai lheb EiscpiChurcb Ai 2 oclock Tuestaastr-on. Rerv. Hou- lr-d /anstcs' .fctating. DuriM la Oaisvood. - Ontise vi>' houa o ebety toIt tr. Sauter-s tisaI bis sou h"t been killet, but h@ tealar-o ho dltu't beleeilt mttlng tisaIhoed"oui>' becis Isuure. Ir-. Bader-s, the mother-. isu buen Ili tf>' pmeseime, a veais beart bar- ina trooblet ber cenulderabi>. Il vas beeue.of tear>' ts h. voulsi coulagme aumpleteby mtisa1)r. fPec vas caiodt u thsa bouse Saturda>' and *uod irest>' laattend ho>' lu case ais' requiret attention ubeis RcoaIL . 001581er- infur-meti ber- of the tra et>'. Howverr-.tue motier- ras byre anti ha bornue the ordeal bel. te>' lion va. expectat. Besdu lhe parents. lir-ef eluter-t And a& olier pyr-ire. Tise>'ar-e: Charles Saudata, a traveling tete- phono, exerth ves-ilg In New Yort; tir-s. Timas Attr-dg, Lake Par-est; lin. Harry Frencis andti Mss MIIY ~emer tWankeMiL. The décesises vas a Mason ant ien asaimomier ai lie Broîherboti ot Railly>'Train- Mon. FAMILY IS IN NEEI Wiuux . AI& . * "I vas runanuabouet 20 mles ai2 hour uhen I ippliot thisAI'brais. 1 auscidul boIdthtiseau%'.bit I re=ais et at uy PooL Us ater lihe ar-pl." deciaro Dapusesti A. IMcV.', mtaw mu teiu of et os>', h4 luILapiatemes mod e I.»The 0" a j. b. ety h11la peuug.ittVa>' denied hi ranitP bé, ry of' te car-jqhtt tý rare 4 aosà -4 deotilt ordre te ge oure b>' "0 r-aeeaatveorethtie eletrie lin. -j asunot s»Y vietheOthle brakis *orket or- mt, ad iami netam wbether tlise lel sd. Tes. I sau Voodutr- Macoini fiagme but I val Lau ejoota the local car- aI thil lime." Whon asise Il io b»auppled fi anotiser- car thc talivlu day Mas teniedti tis but teciar-ed he bat ga1] tu lise offices of lie camipan> ta aSI to. ho gir-eua papillon "ou tise r-e eud" lie toalaret lie ad ieou es ployet 1>' the cumpan>' about eih ve,-ke but batlaid previoni expo:] ene i runnisg inter-sinatars. 'Tiere us a great deel of tiffes-en betwoen runulug a ct' car- and a ils ited," be tiecler-et. "I ied beon conductor- but lok a change lu th iront s-at on accut oftIhe traubl tonductars baveta omeet vils isendllig tssengt'rEs." Tise accused miotorman delaeoil vasý runuing beiindt ime at teliseIl a! tise accident. i vas due et NorthsChicago jus lIon t 2:58," io deciareti,"but 1ihb oloueti douna t tise top of the hi usnr,-ochIng the Naval Training St ton.". Whîn aol'ed If h- îlvoigIlt e wOlf lie releaseti ou bonds. McVaY Bs ho vouit if he couil gel I2tucnci v lise right persa-. lie teciar-ot1 batl movet trom OChicago ho ItighIs Paris only tue veekp a sud tli 9&thetic story>'oetconditions saI borne. 1"1« bave au lurai t otsr-in-là ih&t i am îr->iug tu tais ecar e ho docar-o, &" thoth- el vite and at,eirlv- a"r-erai 1 ii wi eoul mu t ot 1er-ebeoom ïelu thé 11 âi.uthèrb>' e no wMS lu .11e boue, sut 1 dunt inw bc are p as nlgt. g.?mam'one ~Ih a tra.veler wlno znowu wiM he waits to gb#'but it advances no0 reaeon'to -"Ufi ence a mui onhis way to one town to go to anothr Some advertising 18 of the "Signpost-7 variety,. --it informs the people that the store is'in'bin but gives no reason why they should tracte ther*. The& test of, ukillful advertising iii added business. No man can"begrudge the cost if the advertiaing produces Sufficient lnoeus ed business to pay the expense and leave a profit. -ND-----ND T A.DS will -develpp 11GW buMâ, --not'Ôix:i»hold preseut buýsîne&S. onest 9rý. an ïaï ïi uk -0 e . -' a bero uthle Insagne barripg tbem trom the year preceedlng there wera a till i fiai sud lade for tbaEo goverument propert>', vould ho a mont larger number. shuvu Ibom bath 1 l1s Wàý Sooiish one and wnuld 1w the dispia - The reunton va, very succesaful." O 3Uad muutoa b.eullU ayremarked 8 F. Greenleaf. secrelary tihe hgnearypouileas hovi 1h l of a fit of temper more th3n anythlng of the Boldier' andi Salors' Associa- placing them in'tbe ieylew Wsla# celm, for aur members bave nothlng tion. »Of course there vere not so the station grounds. t0 do wth the election of aificers ut many of the 'boys present a~s in for. The complelt 0 f uttc«o0f the ail, and it la the ofTlcers with whoil mer years, but thie wee expecteti. We association for the ensuing lui,: Mir. Daniela has had hig had visitors from Calirornia. Daki- Presidet-t. iY. Prouty, Wbdefl. The itutio wa preipiate byta, Ind"aa and other samIes. and th " da. Tho itutionvaprecpltted B8ons of Veterans, who were iu charge Vie PreSident-Alvia Walt 'Weil. announcement of Secretary Daniel*,-! o the program. titi their part nobly."* kegan. ortier liat no member of the Navy Thé tact that fewer ofthti- "boy.q' Second Vice Presldent-lP. H. Do. League should be permitted on nav ere Preeent vas noted by vittD't remua. Libertyvilie, sudtiatno ona' s eli ai the veteran-. themselves. Thusti Vice Presiet-Âa&*4. proporty n ta o oe or su-IMah yens ta'ces a beav eltli tram th-, Whie, Graysiake. ~ plis ramli bauesholdreah e1 grzaleti rank.ubIle otisers have ho gecret.ry-Treanurer--S-. P,. GUe' crulteti sallaum tome incapacitatedl for travel becaule lest. Waukegan (re-electeti). HoId Up Comfort Kits. of ativancing yeers and are unabIe Executive Commitee-Jerome qs On the heels of thse announcement ta attend tihe reunions. rnucb as thev neti. Ântloch: P. G. Worth, Wauhoe came a audden decîsion b>' members 'udwstaoa. gais; John Balrarp. Ubertyvle; 0e. of the Làke lForent Wer Emergency ' Deeite Ibis thse Pro9MD crried W. Huntoon, Lake Forest: B. A. DWum out at Pos park wua amoq lenja>'. Wukegan. Union ta vogone indeftitel>' the de- ahle one a"d the veterans are leut livry of u 1,000 comfort kits to lhe Na- la their praises of ihe mercbers et .TOS si. val Tresing tation. Presentatian of thse organisation Who mate the re- the kitsxado b>' ulves and daugh- union possible, as uebl se tthe alliions The mania of mass>'plhyslciass te ut Weukegls vho aasisted Innmakiss ordeirng diseee teeth extr-aeted W tors ot Lake. For-est millionalres, batl the visit uf the veterass rom 011cr meeting wltb outspoken protest frq beesi suhoduleti for Bunda>'. parts an enjoyabie une. dentiste sud dodus,. Tiey' su'te@&' Later. vison Secrelar>' Danicit' or- The veterans, through P. L. Austin, aboulti be pulleti oui>' hen the, 5- der vas confirmet b>' noesthat It desire ta thack the n aval station et- scesu., et tiir rmoti ceanot *be$to&ê in.. etn Sat the Crossroads is uu" to

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