CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Aug 1917, p. 4

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tvývitle Independen, q4endent -Wauhegan WeS Q*ClalPublication for Tfe.Vllage Of Ubrtwvllie. *Diolfo r Lake Couray Sourd idet SuprvlOrS'Preedi nourday. Advcrtilug Bate. mado KBovu on app"lton. lOtOp PRCE, 55.50PER VEAR STRIOTI.Y iN ADVANCE ........................................ -».......... manager .......1........................... ......... ccident Manager aIt-draft boarNo. 1 atLtb*t>MIeWslàuee35 d ot.fu, draft board at Vý.>whapathé tuai Ibro nre 00 m liuiàaàdfelperin m.At a aIte, to attN. a =uouod 291 ýu a"i NO. 2 bau givm Mtuibut . Thel.'. Ib m~t~p2Wsho~bao th. mupenfe m long bonavrwl11 ourer m. draft.d mbthe.. am fpuoraï= ' ibtalplmmt t talw 1a but &0 me 'Z8 W v8 tan omsgon m gr*..t thmnhm bar otag o 0 r o biforth rm.ItW 1tuewi a.,de O=sêo te a to show 00 .mm &dW« ai wIent theni% Ihat tb.y wa' Vutohmob M'doWi1Id te proporly polici go U5n to«7,M Ww88e e nmarwoL 'a1vilmet linj wbiocs prob"byWII msala 0*ffis dossieu ui jolis *Ih B usp.oaotei a là&st-tabIn mmm bai at xamnlnlng tu9»,b~r *l:if tli. Tibune*4 us .d.vo$g a of wga1nist wWd M0l*ug toBY1 ur t* kof udt c0ut5 otbmuiot85'tba pqsai ii6 of bîýngn o cutiona uqlcb neouslts& 1 Oftb b.examlg boar. It m»y b.& 1155 wold zatUraly appeal b uy sMONut we loobbang for a way tb get I1hnW.1VU"=-I x ~~ ~to)utbat .my~swo~~1 army woild rohibt fro v« w«tact vu shovu Iiy thée Triou u an abi iy ~ ~ ~ ~ haO "d in wud . sjobd 4u» , a "sg Cous ------------- -- - g Tour local newspaper 1 ii no sense a sp6cial cld of arity. it eans every dollar it receiveu and lasecSond »o enterprise in eontributixtg to the uphuiding snd bet- iiient o! the town and conimunity. %t patrons reap r mmr benefits roui its pages than its publiaher sud ini for the support of the community, it asks no more >t a t in ail fairness belongs to it. Patronize your m .paper as you would any other enterprise, as a inat- 4>f business, because At directly or indirectly helps you, »sas a matter o! charity.-C. B. MMer in Apachç th. domond15tu of one berae fly ived.froi ,,leSepteifbu 10-tbey would nmber .uqeeoumaulleud tThbow lit Antonbl LmmU, Hlgivood. 8 Dbc ia ernes, oh, Uiea'irle. 1841 Otto A. ball lglcsld 2m5 Bon IL. nsatho,14laiBluff 373U HAMyW. giteoan. «H1gIIsad Pi 1043 Job*s TcPP. haloeli 100 Dva Giaierfl . WSaeOada lm530 G wàetts. laie Iaus 318 luOlt& ettm ,Lde "UlIê 100 o ia A. NSAI, . V iLe nu51nobuet P. VoUitWÉabee sv.- 138Sm3 M anry.Dei.. W*ufu46. 18u0 Wb.e. E ILey, Uertbatma 604 Pmiik Poppe, Aniltms Rigits 15U D1)0114 R. TiOUPssi, tAhOPlI lue BOvin I.J. l. burgg. 1k. ih. 3773 Jo.uph Loueom, nortiChicae. lui1 Wm. A. Basf, VuCondi. 1172 Geo. W. OoItkor, 1)04eid. MM 8Vieont lAtu0& g.. 8U Car licN MNsmIe, iX. Pari. mis5 ouestJellImglaie Ftet. .1819Wm J. Ilion, Suain.. u58~s Weý Les pkYU [2 - Mr - WY ln* tCain ro 'eu pu" One.) j 1057 Rarmo «m a rlC, &"Wu"aie Ir0l73 Horace 1U KaPpe, OsymIake. V us WulutatilBo4.Praire Vlev. 2451 James je"-n. Lake Forest- E us John scafplw.Hiil Eghvio. 408 John j. Caro&Lan.DeetiId. or 2502 Ray A. $teeo, Laie Fouet. ar 619 Walter j. Woldmer, Prairie Vtev. 1160 Louis Imaci, Pramre VIev. '»051 red B4Do, fl'o' - > 1957 Goan ConDnReadoat. lui Pietro AllorS, 1&lghood. 1808 Olareflde E. 0.11v. B"Tihgtu 194S VInOant AtitaOUtI lodot. 3941 5Mb IOBattbs", llbo 133 ýChas . F. Klinet. lbci'tYni. SU1 WU. C. Coeman, feerlad. 163l is P. 37ezaetPramre Vis«. 11liesMo ESoo ihlaind Fait. - 24 340 orel Tboupso.mRoundLaie. S811 orvilleSaci, Spoid Pari. 100n Wb-ier ai Io, laie ViDa. 1698James NuCofloci. 1»]MVorcet eX Walter C. pFime, HiSWmnOPari 10on James B. iIeKalo. lai, viUa. * 31, otlh J. Coin.IIHiglgand Pari. 347$ James KcGratl ai.Foreat 814 George 1U Den. Fox aie. 1175 VFraik L fKbitS, Prairie View. 1070 John ». KtmM rey.Gr.rlake. Ot 1781Join Richardson. Laie Forest g,983 Arhbur U4 Saady, laie Forest o 821williamlJ. Bilet, ingIesde. 104 BveMtt % HBnc, Grayaale. 1205 wS,.IH. Morris, Llbertylille. M2SUS3e0. .C., Lavreuco, Libetynille. 1091-Danlel -parnGrafliake. 1567 Edgar W. McBride LOie Vorest- Cà I6 Lyle Broughton, Wauoada. et90 George Dodemioff, RoOOOt 2204 Henry D. Siidmore, Higbvood, Lr 244i BOyard A. -Barker, Laie 'ormst te 1187 Robert Augustlt@.Hgiland PiL Mq Ta8 Carl B. Kallber iNfigiasO ParIL W. 2158 Orua H. Muilie, Libueylle bd Cl armaceIL.LoveIdLbetvlflm. 1930 HaMrySaga, bLatyrie. 148 Richard B. TOpig. Uhertydili s;1932. Stefano SMio, Barrfnton.L m2585 Aiidrnvle.ieming. Highland PI Ld ' -' - r.'VpytIne, North Cbicsg fi 1 88 OscLnr Zio Auguatinei, Highland Pi 176 Fred Abigrinti, LA»e Zurch. S00 Chares WIldiagma, BantOtgtm ad2177 Oliver H. Tioren. Libertyvlll. id162 oton Waalbouia. Waaoda. ,et 911 Hury Zimmer, Highland Pari &0 1517 George Opraone. Lake Forest- * - us B. cari lvy, Highland Pari.- Id 1924 Lewis J1. Miller.BearrtgtOa. 124PakP. Potpa, ldbertyvle. ýry à3oFrank osdeutcbet, Round laic "-. 1952 John U4 Brovder, Wauiegsli. Md sis Berteil Pederuen.Barrlngton. .1857 tDaniel DeGraff,.ý Grayalake. I486Oswald EB. Oberthiller, L.Pores li1s; Sage Eaaitrup. Dold. 14M0 Albert W. Prein, aieO Zurich. 667 John paples, IHighland Pari. ad- 362 wm. o. Kiepper, Prairie Viev. 1438 Pietro Casolarl, Hlgh*Ood. s.21438 Ilimar Juin. Lokei. ormat. fat COaIMOto V0rt9el, Higivool ý2 409 310v. M.,.Rouad L 811 usolA. Campbell, Klgbnd P 311444 Fredelck A. Chante-, 1k Fore s=r M11 ar dy A.l G 11., U botty ilie . Usi 33VletoIr . Johason. Vole, ota 140 Cutacasarlog, U.iom me.3877 vrbIdem HOlji m Aie re&I us. 018Hael . ledit, Li. viln. i tao 30Chu. E. GreenLaie villa. Mid "ab9 J'a&. pblli e, 'AieV" st son3 WOsn. SeaU, LieForetI Wo1448 Robt. Sole. Rigivool L0 701 esAiea- Jon., Biha Opart »U 50 Feerlci BaUlas.Ubertyv 1407 JO"n Dalio, Hlgtvoo. soi George Miler. Are&. tue8 John Jilk, Grayalek lot Albert J. 11UILbertyvil. ý 1 Mcc p Migtuai#Ye * ii*eWi: ~ & ', ru Tmmelu Dot' lineý t. sem xt"âi, b mcUo e afe tee lj gorcO a auit r rgation- tru i hivieSUffl bere.. ii rivera ut the. Nmeeol4 1gbave gmMerai» adan cobor, i0*1« ltict tact 0"mtmoor <thoin, at iomepoint t la blrcoure, 00ow tire 9-ipet siauhor cwboM, vbicli lmpa1rt & du*i hqo ta tbi. atn. TOO LATL rg O LAMSIoY il"3 35 W08 raic Ve*. 48 tse"ffI, LawES&ent lice rpe _u Ouipell. 1k. Fouet. W 331 uer Iloo. iNorth Cileege, 3320 X~33~ ja3insn, NortJiO 'W 354w tà f e eb* ,Lake &bruOt tt 1471 Jomcs U0&14 (RieFret.*' "à0 WIg. AXuomg, Loi. VillBa lieu Leo4y 'im uer, Grayalais. (k tu7 ndwaw4 IL Bouden, Fez L%*. M 1115 W&Uaeq . Ichaeim, IB. Pari. t us; .Tuea. brond. LAie Zuridi. 350 Theu* I.Peternon, LU . lVt. Y l'lu lm p 5br. ',&k rlalt 1785 UOmo*J. u*ensn. Lai e iro 3(14 Whe. A. F(aasy.iie Mlu. 11i$ et« . WikentaL r«diae. lm 4Anfelu Pralopa Brtn 1051 Gorge iriae. GraY's 1a'O 311 l odFpo.Bariegton. 1734 V* uai 531kash PeOUt un 3qJep&sutbtaier, i*eriivmle. SM 8 Tcu bi»M&. orti Shaoe b SM 5.1%Î&s W. * éaé Nr*C 1lm0"Woplà Uranstoter, rayahie. lm 4Vs. dPrano. Ilgivoal. ni# -lae, Omo&.rLake M&la 12 jeMsILVol. CaryS' 1tM. 3132 oIM Uiese. Round lIe.M ni pà oeU@ *a, Ubetyvlljê un *bat OÉ- tae ow« dmy à. le. Deetiel.à 14 Xécry ban..Lake Zurich.. ait Ailie& oyers. lAie Voect- SM OIt. uf iii. (i.VMfl. M Ulmi.b@. W&utIDs, Hgives. m7 ocdmA. VanRipe. I. Par. 747 WS. E& IMats. Highiand ParIkt. 2497 Morris Eeidy, laie FOrest.1 2M806 NOy abéiul.Laie PoretI. lm5cularlC.J. Ursqulat, . k Point 2&73 Auton j. Andrpon H. Pari.1 Llà" Erceiafflo avibo, M. Pari. n341 ba F. Gapermon. aie Vot. 3703 predol* W. Jo»aiOON. Chi 14M7 OttoO. Sivarta. liesZurich.. 83U Imil ]W. Notlaen. fPoZLIeM. 1 3593 George Klrby. Higiland Pari. k3440Noia J. urbleLae pniorat Ni.Ci41ence iU Aliig.Laie Vla.ý 14o0EHenry Nelmeyer, Libertyvilie 1108 BOvin Shoidon, raY$lIsO. 2628 MIner 11Ichael Ludow, B. Park. 2055 Wlur C. tjapmau. B. Pari. 1565 outt Inn, Ares.- 1783 Jno.ligene Roqurat, L. lrset 222 Leonard Heury Lenzen, rayelais 1846 James A. ThOxnpSOn, t.. Pemet 4818 utu eo e. Pisage. Deerfieid. e. Some Express Shipmant We are lnforxned by the WeUes Fargo Express agent bore tint th*. compau'. business ha. been rnahug dnrlog the. t. paat ev daye, as shlpmente amountlna ta &bout twenty.five tons have been billidfroze tht. offlce. C/zurc evie Tus B. ld.ol.leld wp, Hlgiieloo ..llopmou.Modilinetemnier 1oth.ý pur thé msoont ~the faeuty raicla au,00 lità, but Ulies ROîllè 1be. frpsm tWPextoat Hîi Sebool VIII rs>Iaéce 1r. lowan, rholgoue tu O.maa4 Lad Bils *de. & Beser, a gradua*e of lthe J;olumblo Toanhers' oIoga, vi itai" touchers doms very'bighlY reommee.ded. Misa Marguerite Tnckcer reterDs fromi a year 0 igradutte voit et Teacber's collets, NiesCaroi Maorton, vho boa bien taking Umsa ntie '. vothe. peut fmr it ii go as dieticima to. Laie Forelé Doieqe. During the enuamer, decorationa and repaira have heéti gdng ou aPuce; and tieoool viiprment a fine appearanc et tie openins. The gonrnment et Washilngton tirough the. dcpart<nent ofI abr bas bon urglng tie iieoeesity ai ieeptflg roufs People bolovhhe drait feg a Sm bgi ehoot la ordar that rie country Mai Dt olbio lrabseid men aad voM o lSaie uP th' ý.robliams ond rmepomaublit$aaol inuta aad lisneilp made mon ressioen bW tih. grcat var, Governor Lovdc Ia a"m cailagattention tota i dnty. ia vIev of the countri'c noead, the. achoal miiould open on Septemiber lUth viti lb. largeet enroliment la Jue bletor. it tua mistake to renard gaod road, nusmugeor lm oala luxuryand to dis Couraea onk on lien. on the grount that It obauld ou dlverted ta aphereo greator unpmcey. Tb# condition a01lth ronds ha. a clO oue anetlaul .rlthart cultural production, and greater depand snce, muet be piaced oun the hlghvay formetritransportation vhici cet miaie up Sm part for the lnadequarc ratiroad facitle. to the prfsent ..oI >moue demande. Every mils o!f ne, pondu enabliesthe. fermer tao xteDd hi operatione sud to Malte greater prolils A certanin amount of rood bulidînI ohouid tburefore corne belon ilarm ver lte.The PrIcea of guaterl. hbave ries sud the labor situation preseuts dMitil problema, but los ead o! the construetin 01 good roade being auspended, It sheul tbu purtued conutstentir th:oughout ti: perlod ai adjnstmeut ta var condition POWte m vuenir Y«n nM as m or a Bind %Concertt. PMU-tem fer W.dmada Evunhug Aug. 2kh Mîrch-Rc.......r..........e. Wala-mssmDa .......... ange olag...........limr Pueopu -016lc s.... ...........Lieg Moa--MeFlral Par& Mda.H...uDl INTÉRUIS8ION Descrptive-À HuntIngum -s - 804WOs W a t s- L a P a a .. . .. . . . . . . . . K..... . . . . . . .K O M a r c h - T b e O it l oo k . .... . . . . . . . J e... 5 n m d e- 4 3 &a t a R om . . . . . . . .. . . . . K i sOr P ic i e r Bo ue - V i o e t B lo o m . . . ..K i "fe m a r c - 4 o l d e n P l u m e . . . . . . . . . . . .......................,......àu Everyone- Invited. : 19500 FEET 0F JIIN O- lZBE SEEN AFTHE $TATE FAIR 1.200Ars WIII'Be Used For Morning Demon- ~'strations, Electrlc Trains Carryini Crowds on to Them Prom the Fair Grounds - Aids d_ Farmer In Solvlng Labor Problem. Milvanice, Jlj 80-Vam laor bas every make of tracter. 0f viichetire WmLd W. Wnnits. chairmen of ex- boe,&Bdla»Mcs, a»d the Wisconsin amre fifty, sold Inhi lan,n and omptinboard No. 1 et Jibertyvllie, fariner Ume thon«« 10 l toeeted la perbape mma ainuMM ot ot omls lAk* county, bas vritten te the Trl- m thllt7tat taiesth* Place Of t ath I IS tate. iunn to correct the Impiression that huit b"id, who lmat te be fond.. Slmply ehovlng a tractor domnemt eandidatqs for tihe national armny arE ElgUItl lbOWU th ponecy te help "asm no Ois" Of thu State Fir foceil la 'urcbase exemption affldav .bl e UIcMOldit thé &Mt vWUila- have obtelned 1,200Revus of Wa" west its ,Vrnted by the. board. Owing io tiimm po ytOIUCOst ioms, the wWl- et the Pair grounda for d.momtrationa cooa We rpt air tiiyeul viipre- Ourn aIM f0< AIr veek, ite oxiaution of te suplly of bhukî mosUt a Mamioth tracter show an" Sept. 10 la lM nelusve. the bord*arranged wlth a printer. Thi lad Son alMusthe latarurban )7FrmnkH. Juat ocf UbertyvIlle) to 1'lrailway. andOelectilotrains viiilhave print the biaki. The- agreement, t Y"" ' RUATEUT AUTO the main tatas of tie State Voir avery Mr. Wllitta soye, wau that the printeri hait bOur up la f»on carryiag people (Jug) tll he lans a 1.te 0 cntste the demonstratons. Pais ot but- (Juons weil be gbiac se the"ta 10dcents aplece. He bas been clarglng 25 The Auto show et the. wiseen- te louveitheeFir gn atdeho tre m cents because ho raya iec hll shad tea inlato P air wvIibu he l.arme abv h atgonafrtcd a roseti. eidIn107.n ntrtione au retors t oon. kiep hie type stanlding. Mr. WiliItte 01. 1ti h. .d4s 1o . 1917. In The demonstratlon ]and& lis between vanta It understood that the board o ecw naMntJicse will t» 50»00 Wegt Alia& and Calicun. Oive miles basi mothing te do witb the. sale of *quare fétet f.e.ondi.iid cars. sport. Tractors for demonatratlon bimk. Apucots cn mae tpir! Yhoecars. visb. h.wni. 0, purpoaca eau e iladed etther t bisaips. o n t s can itf the ird . an M faut long Oand 10 0 fe Cal oun or W est A i a. ovocopesou ,tporltr I tey c' wlde and bueight f ai Kusa No other State Pair ln the United not cr te buy a blan'i.-Cific8.o City e.p.imlly fer the. Wisconsin baten Tribune. SMaté Fair., tates bare n n g tt. or daw .- The. Frl.nd; demonitlOit at sheful %r monby Wtsilnc Fab cadau amar trivtng *it l la nthetire of trouble, wviii.eveq fermer la tic Bagn te. eci yul ar oma»e tbc ts ae ir eoe la vbam wvoialhave lookÇd for -,Tic show 0- ofttrviii occuW a stronger lnOutWkly s vil as along consolation and tacquratment regard. «MM alu tietenter of tleVait groud giolual lnm ad ca" é , mhew lmaii oidmeas, mand otieri. perb*lh'.viiia frontage et! 1, ti, nOemonstration l i ma esta f ti tt ini vii iofity, tiat tec w.rnti apsotg lu expécesd wvin ashowa poiiq. et te tderlndly boar. and the support .-. .- -- _____ orth tiWrendi bond, acquire Inereaid _______ vaine. sud' demad addtIoual grati- * AN01T' ER SIEAT MOUNTAIN Dining Room Furniture UANGEC fY of Lasting Worth i The. mlgbty iellieu, the Boit and the BItjter Roate lhave hoved their beade A&TURALLY you belon tbe on ward protreve oai »ma-id I~ don'tbuy a diD. tih@ vorld'a commerce and travel more nigro tal uunlnluit$atble mcre their rogged INevr year of jour lite. ginpeetmportedby the forces et ticee yo by n montone themselven. Moint iettde eat te stro f jyone ,lcmotives. whoss oniy fuel la the lisait. a h tr fyu des power generated Imm mountainmarried lite and thon m caaracte, liuit t. great ail-etel trains maylie another ten btoth Ilfa pml ae t Palu jears afterword. Bo a: eal (lontineutal Divide as if grades dld you seIt pays to bny e Dot .zti.: carfaliy ln the firet 8, -À" nov another great noantaopae » W a hi n t o n l ab e lm g m od e ta y We d St e.O r D n i n o m S t""e of eot gry seoserve lb. u h ig o m S t noeeof MM.on. tobito tem locomotive wtiiib. stililed thora, are worth -yorir notice. We, respectfàIiy cali joar es for the wvan of eietrlfilng lhe 211 miles cf main lino through thio rangeie attention to the fact that ail our furniture iii worth W eilnder Way. Tien th'@ s-tin la jour notice. compleWsdthe *"Mlovankee'1 viii haveIfyuaecn mp tigb ig ytn n 6.61 gantus of Ils main trinéconlinnIta)I o r otiilaig byn ntigi 0lime anglet eltnMleal opotlon. the lime of furbilture be mure to pay nis a visit. 'y N lein travei la given a nlov chari Yon viii get good, honest funniture, the kind I.-no imudge pf spoke pointe te dirr lino. idoenow.claëilvsts-araveî la that is up to date ad su e l made It Wil make e sy. smoatb, *suet and cieas, jour hornfe brighter and happier. Our prices are i- Whan mont you journey tethePaciie veryatgt'e uta trciea u ueue 18Nartk Coast taie eltiier af thame fument y~t~tie uta ttatv sou uziue a.' trains, "The. Olympina" or "The. Coluni- *blen," over dis tr&ns.maunit&siemoo hIgivay 1fthbmCicago, Mlwaukee et POW lilivai. jnlteotluq Iraval iitcatnre and gi .t lm tpmmattQuh Implemente, boy a"4 grain at 1h .Paim on Telegrpi romd, 4 il. entb of BeivIdeSt., Wedmeday, Aug. 29 et 110 o'cioci. m. oMd a. !pma, Prop. -jraot 1n.Uioerai St. Lawrence Epiecopal. 1ev. B. B. Whte, Servl i ii b. e bdlathe Village Bail until farthot notIce. Durlng 'the. monti 0f AugusI <bora viii be no service t 7:30 9a .,i.M St. Lav. neW& chureti. Thora viii b. addiloe service at 7:80 p. m. Sndsohool vi h heid at Il ia.m. TPlie par1h yulbe charge of RLverLd .B.-idwarde o, Laie Foet, l,ý IL : 1 gundar Servîtes: soudey sehool I0.Mn mornion vorshlp .1.11 o'ciaci. Cbtistian Endeavor meeting st 6:45. Larn, Mis Mojoris Prie@. Evenlng service aI 7:80. The pastor di promch bth moraing anCi.6-109. lu lie morulas tie sermon vii hoen -The Perlscé Peace." 13 *$heoulusgtle sermon vWi b. ou "Tmu.PrmpiFdiW." ipwcal mue byv choir la tbe moraing. iiid.v.i Pimyqi meeting Wed-e evening aI 7M8. C. A. Miontanna. MSnlter. Pn"ahtng,mrvlcbel onBut gSfiq O7b, ues" lIme: Reguion901d". chol o, 100,"ksbc. lic in»otigtl lolm Bcv. T. E.R BsaciWU ' ea" 0OD0tpe M %-Puo! of Our DlsdOlpeblp." la Oi evsnlng ah 7:80 Rmr. A. E. Sandei secret$"i of Tic DeseonesaFederWlo viii roccithe srmou, 'rs nviib l spocli mmdc aIboli asivici. ADlaM eordlir invited- ..Boomuotng for ena.mer Institts vîlho the aubiecl of thce pvort1à Loug meetingbigmont3ud«u evrmîne ai6D45 Lmider. Hroid lagerty.,A cordi a vitation ta ail. *pmaer.mgetinge arei d ai lie M. E churci emoh Wedasoda y evUet a I7:8 Choir rehearsdai viib hId cnFrida, eoveaina' o! thia veek et 7:380. Ail mnz bers are urged attend. The monthiy soclolle q, the. Bpsorl League viii ho held ment 1tdY evlr*InI Anguiat e. it ja opectud ta hold tl sociable on sumo lavu ont of door Lot aji Leaguers look for furtbernsi Dégommnt it evik. ea~ t flise s tt ch e.u40 ah., H. Zwis, Evrett, viti famliy, bavinag ood experlec. a. Laser. 1808 Basting. Chlcsoo. Iii 84p8 FOR SALE OR WILI. TRAD-For a Ford Tourino Car. A eonud 6-year aid O)ray Bora.; weght about 1150 lb. A lady iandrive hlm phonl9firsysli, 111. M.lrorenberger. 34c1

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