CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Aug 1917, p. 7

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I Overasksn frUCJo W 9r1.1 lilmas lrPrye of Mlton Jonction, la spendlng aftew daya witb ber lister, lire. C. À. Miler. Mionta Fox -of Round Lake, 'iitedl felsude ber. MonDdH3. Mmra. adie lMeade andldaughter Muit haie ftturnad tram their ve*teru tnIp. Irvlig BJandstetter andl parenft.voee Waubegan visituns Bunday evenlng. C. M. Clveland anud M. . Ruacofa Round Lake, voe caltera boe. Mondai. lias Midrsd Daliy af Dovuore rna., la spendlnx th. v.ek vlth reltives anud ti"ledebors. Jobn Waehburnsudnalé Ils ut.ral thul, nopbew, thes Timmie brothure vléb otiier frIme a. rom Chimugo over Sondi. Via" fronthbre wltaead tbebéli r as i mme lm. boue. Saarai niShi )gr.&" %Mliracd Dolt M I& e 0 DaUdetae ttsal tbefuseraIof a os of ilire. D"oltulà luaiChiasso Ba to I . sud au. Jouis le, Isun-1 dal m.oaisg, Ans. i9,B a by girl. Tb@. Bei Crom. met vih Ui. Martba Dswub ible veek vlba lare atte0aano.. Tb@ mnext umetig viliib. vîtilira. ~dCreulm, Tmsday. Ang. 211h. Waeily Sears le stopping for a fev veehe ai ths Seasouabmer home ab OagasLake.e lire. Ch&s. Fenlon la enionttann ber eleler froin Dundee.1 Mfr. aud lMr*. John Bullard @peut a lev day. ai Barvard this wsak. Mmra.Budbun of Cbitsgo, vho for mni ymers ovnod asnhlmerffltags on Druce.1 Lako e a tupping at thbe ah. for a couple o veet, OSITUARY1 rOn 1'a'Uay mornlng #4 5 ocloeck, Aug. Mm 11 . ir. Mry ADU ha- low vef ut trick C. Sullivan, died ai ber laie ome 208 North Larousse Ave.. Chirsgo. lira.duilvan, forimerly bMari 4,80 Powvn, vubora in Watetown, Wla., ~: July 7, 1854. She va. narrled 0o% sept. 7, 1887 ta Patrick C. Sullivan 0f Watsr. bova, Wi. Sh. vas the fond aothar of lire. Rd MOi of Hanevill, Iaistbov of Brooklyn. S. Y., and Vronca ofc Ulcago. Tedemed sl ived ila <raielake fori about flfteen sjoars hore living tn Cteaoal D.esed eho bad beau lu pou.r1 #asJth the pat four years allea of dropey. DOrlal book plcs hunda.y, Aug. 19th irou ot. Thomaa Aquin&'s chuneh io~ Mont Carue. lir*. Pbillps sud Mb.e Jean PaIgIse of Docatut. dilcilgan. are vlstlng at the homme of John Catalan. lire. Ray Lord of Chlcago, ea thea guet o ber parente,.lir. andl lira. C. W.1 Pett is et e. Um.Belon vas lia gnet of bei counl, lira. Rd Clapper. TuMsav. l iiîred SUppple va. mte ganet af Mb. Hln Fiddalar ofiChlcag, lut weet. %lu.FAiora.liersr vw» th wuk- eni guset of ber ca*nl,lIdaa Bebrua lim. Gutaveon pad soi alph of Chlcago, are vllung aithe houeof Ber Baston alwovsk. Charte. P&.ozhli8unda.y for a Motor trip go Bageruon. Idaho. lira John BbeehWr of Chicago, wvas * mii gnt of lirmBugne Ender, Frldy. * Deert Mu7er la vlalilg at the summer Runy liElbomo iUlica. N. Y.. lira. Frank 8Sader of Boiholu, le., Mr. aMW ira.Pter Blaineýil of Oak Park an" Mi" sManie Bimeh a lcag , ver. 4WeekEnd Cancly Specials At The Rexall Store We have adopted a plan featuring Week End Spec- tlk in Candy ni., Sat., éndSua. of each week, and i vii offer a ib.Box of Iligh Grade Chocolates For 29e On Monday, Tueday Wd- ~nesday and Thurgday ")U qan get thee Chocolatefi 111E -RlÀLL STORE DRUCE DRUG*CO, 9uiake, I flL u guste aoflia. end liraBd BW lel utas vask. houe at Oakvood of Dr.J. T. Ozaule 01 Oahkoah. linr. anal lin Ray Reeds ara tbe proual parente 0f a fon, born Angusi Plat. Mia.e seanor Myer vas lie guetst a Iuncbon given hy i"b. ladys GordOS ni Chicago, Frlday. Frauda Fanni3g otendvicb. Ilii., vas the ganst of Mise Ora@scblie lt ue. Mdien. eaenFmddlarUailAgne. Relu. reek of (hiec.0o, are the ganta of Mi-s Wlaifred Suppla bie veali. m'ro. Ileorgo odmad anal dangiatere, l'irmt. .81(1 Antme vre tihe galts 01 lins. w oie of sb.tmervllle, Thursiay. lir. and MmnaWm. Anieo!1lghblad Park, vern the gStte ai the John C. Eader home tundai. WIllIM @SeblIe 0f Novood Park, le vietug bé scsd, William "el. ia ldlih flnidabl of "Bgilana Park, <b. W te h.and gesat 0f lilasSosie Bubon. Thb. C. BL o! lbe . . R.cureb vîli bave a biMh pary st filgiluaPark Wed- Msé flndje Gooduan @peut a fev 4aye of ltyack ai Lahe Kegona, Wis.1 Blokbard kreas la vWiing Davial Sci- mi" Mamie Earch ia visltlng ber lister. lir. Fraut Ssaman of csePlaine,1 Wl'. Page L North of Ilatton, Ili., vustW. gunet of Alvin Ieyser ibis vnk, "w-Il 'Tbr wu & Yry oetensoaus cinrcb inuday asi Tins Lodis Ai ai lira,.lire. J. D. Mur- rayie vuswccliattenalea. Conldetabla Pe" Cross work vas done. M. anal.lira.Frank Faulkner, aisa bit. anal lra. J. R Corda are the pronal parente of à baby boyinhoeach home. lir@. K. 0. Muris vas takan $latW. Jane MeIlilter hospîtal lent yack, Mouday, anal ah. undervent an opera- tion Tateday morulng. The la gsttihag &long ntcely anal ber triend aail hope for as sp.dy nscoverj-. gir,.Chaee sppnt rhureda, wiib lins. Corria, ln the evenbng ohe aceompantoal ber ite, M lin. Will. ta ber home lai lET- antan. The linla efamlly anal Unr. Crde anal Mma Widll lealcalleal on the John Don- ner fan.ily. A numben from bens attendeal the so- ciable st Rmncrans Satura aigbt. mnet iver ta entertselig ber cousine. the Wekb girie, af Waukega. Lauora Corrna apent thé vsek anal viti ber dater, lima.Kocsa, lu Wbitevaten. Ui. Clarful Bonnet and dauxhter 1Joan of Chîcago. apent the pasi veel vigh ber stater, lira. A. K. Bain. . 1 Robi. Bonnet having avent a ivo wach vacation vlth b.hainoe foIk@ retutusi to Lhlcso Sanday. lir. and lira. Lybura Stevart anal daughtere andl lra. Galbraith, Rosm Stewart anal daughter of Chlawo, avent the week-end wlth A.B, Stewart. lilas <raceBeaumont of 1Rqcheeter. Wl.., va@s tvs usioflMre. Gordon Butnner the Pm$ veek. Umse RcuisWhte lit Tnesday 10 attend tbe vsddlag of ber brother, Prof. R. A. Wliteasi Rocheter, N. Y. lire Umrm EnglebarIandl son havlng .nt bivowvue awlth ber motber, lira. L. HuIMas roaurue, o cago Sondai. fflu Strmnh, daugiter 91 M. anal lr@. W.. 8baag of Waukean, li' andlag "bi wéek witi ber grandaliîer, Peter Slraag. J. c Deoman and faniliy af Wanbegan, apsI; Suuda t C. R. Deuan'a. Mm a u"ahDoduea returnealtgO Chicago Banda.y. lirm.jwas4amieaon 1sf t Satnrday for Pargo,.Dooia. ta vîsît ber daughter, Kmr. GeS, Dop»n. lira, Uhbic Paddgtt and daughter, BeBi sud las Jasai Jarnieson havlng sps no 915me vih their mother snd biotinar have left foi their futurs bound ln liontan&. Mir. sud Mli re, itat White sud son Thalu bave rtaraed to iboir home la liontana. Umb.Vivien Bonner avent TuW&dy la Chilco. lira. L. S. Donner andl dangbter Goral. dic. loft Tweadar for inrO..(ak@, Mlch. to *Po"i a lkv eeke vlih ber parets, lir. ýaa lira J. P. D&Woon. Tbre.blnq la W.e aider o! the dei. A commuai t treehigomtft ovnaal hi svaufarmer. le aoiug good vark trîia ther »Wev Ibr et a Iatar. Wben ion habve tW. bactache the liver ornkidWnere n t. bont of gear Tri Sanol h alome vonders for lithIver, kibduiuys au4 bladalr. A tria 85e botte la! anal viSeanvlscsyau. Gtit at W. druget 3rs. Adv The vax of lie candelitti plant ia usel làa rnlganqliie Phonotravli recorda, wv09 anal leatier pollbes, foSr vax, certan varnlbe%, linoleumc, aubier copuas ndmobiulciMdd nlIt aIe.îb inglîb s apueayea la the nmaklag f electrical lnsulia T"a ealilelIla Psnt grvmeou lie looreat qvulit fl, aa14 hetA vwa tomlai 1bave a commmeil value Ct lie « cct"led it va. csu. a Peut. Thitsefeonibore get commil m n na the MWv National Am1Y, Ont Boy Scoute are dolbt ione reia aoouiln. lheciare ptaparingto go into oamp nit wa ek. Tbe W. C.T. U. wal old a meeting %is veeh Tb'uremiy et the boule <.1 lira Stewat. Thore wilbclectionotofficers andalail re requeeted to attend. unr polie. department no w boasi of a Ford ranabout. the car yull ha ue for poil- epurpoae. Prof. anal lr@. Hataey lefi lat Thon- daly for Bateau, N. C., toaipenil tWar vacation aMeng tbe Pente ut the Blue Rlalgo mounialas. The Counttue lnobto, fotmetly lils tala Id. Swift, le vlatlns bar parente, Mn. and lira. L. P. Swift, À very simple veddlng took place ai tbe ehurcia of the Boy Nam* lut Thurs- day vinec Miss Eliabeth Toltia vu unilsal lu ma.niaga to Laurance A.l Bagleeton o! Minneapoits. The *Hermîl" or KQble s r ivli patroseal. Tueiai' th e v. Rosier, Boy. Tiete ai Barrluton, Bey. il.Iricb aO PrutBaq -an. hinàr Issal..bda basket #Mr& o n KotPs lavu.Th Southalde Ladia' Club cama for q# kv MY*s etai thèe. Mr. anal lra. Bull Franc andl tvo chilodas, Carl andl Marte vans tChicago viatton lat Fmida. lira. John Kohl anal tamily au, vlaîtlng a favrebae wh blu parente, litr. anal lire. Bechu. Bal ard Brs% ratunnea lSanday tram a vuk'à villh tbrlatvuaiBarnington. D1 ich e *ni ibnos laafalvisitea short lime ber. necnly. Bey. Relnrlch andl son John ver. la Volo Sunday vbers Bev. Belnrich officl-1 ated at a chtistenlng.1 A daugher vas bora ta lit. andl lis.1 Barman Bnealng lust vuk.1 Saibi Eczema Prlecipiion 1la a f.mona oid remedy for ail forme o!f Etma anal akba dieeaaa. Sanol le a guarnnteed remedi. (loi a 35e large trial botte &t tihe drug *tore. Adv RUVN DOWN iY TAXI*DR1VIR 15 II3D IN BONDS is Coronor's -lin! ecides AI F. Schmid=t toHis From JURY OUT FEW MINUTES. Dwlare Msq. 9ukin Drove Machine hIn~kIess Man- ner, R in Death. lwbIlUn.Auguet 16. Mie. Dorothy Wloue, Mla. Mn$. Derothy Cardis,15 nOW lbcbg helal In jao l tusb. efarges, those of murder &ad adui7,and wcli h.glv. en à PMellmnaiy holartng on the for mer charge IWfrc.w tiagiatrate Taylor ealaestime "hua k. A coroner'* jury empeniboWheiy Coroner Taylor ahI. morulusi@ OUWtisaI Albert F. Schmidt, ohaufasO' mployed by the Motel La4 Blý% e0nie to hie de îth gut Fridasyau thefMoult of an auto. m»obile a %t0s R fi mchine havbng boepi drivea by MuMCarukîn in a Begig nt m r 'sd at a recklesa ,ste ef @pet&. The jury w»e li consultation but Ufteeuminute* ubeai they announced thoir verdIct. lir1. Cerukin, or Mine Bloque, reai lia ,Sf'ul0t of the jury fn a mottIer oftac* essamer, anda mîl- Ingly pleuntly feu plice court on the atm n o her eanseel, J. A. Miller. MMra.Carmikn. *" Iiin a bMU tei- lored l i,rnal1'-rWak.hblack ibat, and white abshac, Wfted at the police court. accompaaffei 17 Deputy Sherlif Grena borly botwu 10 o'ctock StIll lluplng pafnfuliy twiou the Injuries sufferealetathe. aeeMiei~, he ascendeal MI ialie to lia police court, andl tooh a seat basie bas attarney, J A. Miller. The attawgt of a phatograph. er repreaentlng a.<3ttcao paper, ta secure a plture ai lime accuped vom- an vas frustratei viien lit,. Caru- kiln accureal a bqsvy black velanud lied tt over ber' tara befote the ln- 'luest hegan. Preaent lu the court roam vwere the widow andl mollie.' ofAI Schmidt, the dea.d chauffeur.,asud Attoruey Burres. of Chicago, vho va. Preaent ta tep- rest tii, Intareata of the widaw. Rectale. State'a Atturn. Wetch andl J. A. Miller, chilfet aucil for the se- Accden Saurdy Eenig ~l1cust voman, Attornai S. H. Bok Accient aturay venig . n asisting Mr. Miller» Willim A.1 Highland Park May Prove Deane. repreaentlng 'C. c. laInIer, Serlous to Aged Man andl Attarney i'Vnneekt of Chicaga, la hehalf af the Motel-la Salle ver. Clyde Hall, taxi driver Ia Highland present. Park, va. arresteal Saiurdny nlght Coroner Taylor assisteal hy Deputi' Bai helal mica $2.000 bouda on a Coroner Conrad openeil the inqnèst Charge o a gaiult vitb a deadtî at 10:15 'ciocit. andathelievtaeses veapon" vhen ine ian aova George vere svora. The coroner t1me4ruleal schumafl, ageal 61, Iu turning n cor- that ail the vltnesses szcepting the Der. ane teetl!ylng b. removoal ft-om thse The victIm hal, a collat ban. bru- tons, anal lis. Carukin vas inlacua- ken anal recelveal Internai Injuries. . d, over the strenuouB objections or Chales T. BoYatx)n anal J.B.- Prhce. Attorney Mluler anal Burrea. among tine wealthieat cof Highland. Charles W. Bainhula, of Chicago, Park reatalenla. 1plgnea bisbonds. anal on. ai the occupants of the car _______________ et the tîmu of the accidenut tolal the uwg~,,ystory ai his meeting lireCarabin. CUJKIAM !IS TMChauffeur Schmnidt anal C.. Rainier lIN '1 IM>WN ON de.He aeclared liat vithithe: 'I 0f the auto party ver.e aober at tbe OLD LK RO Itme of tho accident. Au far as h. OLI) ILK Tknov lira. Carukin haît bai but one - hbottie 0ftieer on th. day the tragealy (Chiairnn Soen to Get Lacteal 1 occurreat and. he declared there wvu FTuid- in BottiesOny SaysRobertson Laits Geneva, Wia., Aur. 18.-Tii. olal.fashionel morntng mlk train tint for many yearahan chugge li a y trou the aalrdistrict ta Chicaga, stopplag at everyi' tatian anal every atiier crosarosal tu pick up cana of mllk eit on a platianu iy farinera la iloome&l Ultimate pasteuriation ofai aitlk, In the country anal its eipaient to Chi- cago In hottIqs, la refrlgerator cars. vau predicteil ber. îent"dy hi Ilealth Coumiioner Robertson of Chicago atler a tva day.' toar of liew milk proiluclng country af norther Mintois anal southeaWisconsin. Roti Dr. Robertagu anal membera of the alderunlocoumitte. decitala ia Pasteurisation et the miik lu lie coun- try abortly aiter Itlat.deliveruil y he h farmers ta tise plan whlcb yul alti- mately be the cominon practice of al dealers selllg mula I Chicaga. Slgty per cent of Chlcago'a mllk aupply la pnsteunlsed Mad boWedm la thc country nt present. Thse percenhage, goee p em&ch yenr. The distrtct froan vhlch Chicago a1- talus Ite milit .upply yul eventuatly be extendel far beyond lie present h oundarles hecame appgrýeat ta the 1 i officiais ai tboy traveleal. Thea 6diatrict vhich auppfles Cicago vlth tlit at présent t1s'150 mifles la radius. TlM ba Now thse Tamrbcwna Thé tImbrai of lie Bible vwauia lé atmument kaqv Iodai' asthe, lamlno- #ne ita usmein la erty Vtaeohy tic' Siuo f Padan-arain thai rrymakingap eei 12> no Uiqua, la the machine «ah he lime of the vreck. He snid lira. Crukin vas at, tie'vbeet aIt the lime th. ac- cident occurreil, and that ber driviag bail been beyond reproach vile she waa at thie heel. He ;stated ai bis belief that the car vaua,'w c od's au. eut dcvii the speel a Illiu inhulaon belng agsla brouiht go thse stand. declareal ho did ut i'emember havIng made Ouch a vequest li. Nelîe Johnson, proprietor or tii. IÀPPlncott hotel, Inglteade, was neat ceal ansu testlfled thet Rainier and Mira. Caru'in had regf6tered at ber hotel under the naines of Mr. andl lira.Ratio." The testlmony wa. giv. en over the objection of Att orneys Deane aiid Miller, vho caniended ainch evidence had no bearîng on the laquent. , Adjouruient vas taken un. tii 1:30 octock. Deputy Coroner Conrad vas in charge of the iuquest when t he jurarna anal wttnessee agaîn aseembleal at 1:30 o'clock. John Hart, his vufe analMne. Mary Rasmussen, thelr housekegp_çr. testifiedasa to having taken the injut- SUROUNDDIY LOTUS BEDSPUEA IMpressive and Unusual Ceré- mony at Grass Lake Sun- day Afternoon Aug. 19 ASKS A STATE LAW Col. Vivard and Others Instru- mental in Asking Law to Preserve Big Fîowers A yerY unusual event took place on Sund., afiernan ln the midst ai the big Ictus heals u In s Lakte. Tiers, surroundbng a bg scow on ed 'members or the party inta mnew hc a ln nlBreo h home alterthie accident. Neitherof wîealng averepaoandig ceofhra en the ibre. dectareal they had observeal ver. 75 mater hante, rov honts, etc.,1 that any of tU Injureal pensons ver. vlich had gathereal fton the lake reg- intoxlcated, anal lra. Rasasusen de- ion for the. purpose of holding a cet . clwped-M-r. Caruklw -"innked on ho. mani' vlcti-It la felt, vIl] eveatual-1 lng braugbt ta the houa. that 'Goa lîy réuit in législation designeal ta has been verY good ta uls.' prtect the. valual, anal nsat beau- lir. Carukin vai calledas aithe lait. tîful lotus bedl> ln thse varlal. vbîcb vltnese. but on aalvlc, of Attorney are lacateal at Grss Lake. Miler lkavantage aoflier conetI- Cal. Vilvyara, a Civil van veteran, isitional riglila anal refuiesita teattty. vbo ba» been much Interestea lnluthe itovever, Attorney Miller declareal le lotus beals, waa the prime anover la vus vllling that hiacitent shoutl tes- the big célébration, vbicb viii b. tif>' as tu everythlng that bappeneal epoch-makfng la the malter of the mast priai 10 lie accident, anal the lotus bcd. af Lakte canntY. Col. Vid- - examInation af the. voman vas begun yard, standIng.on the platforin af the hy Deputi Coroner Conrad. When big ecov. gave a short addreaa tn ailtealber 'naine,lira. Carukin re vhlchbehoreiskeal the bistory ai thé pleal: lotus beda, as ta boy tbey camne to -My name le Miss Dorotby Blsque, lobe counti'. viere other beals are but 1 bave aima gone under the name te b. fouuua, nal the necessîty of pro- ai lira. Dorothi' Carukin." tecting tbeebédélsrein deatrction tnterrognted by State'a Attorney' b> people eha coin. trai the big cf t- Welch the woman tolal th. story af les anal tear un teIleanste hi' the the tragedy reaulttng la the. death of rouis, vltb no thosight of preserving Chauffeur Schmidt anal declaredat hstleu for lie future. thse latter had been drInklng heavili' Presidlent Nagie af P'ox Lake vil- that day anal that ome drove the car laue alco pave a dhort talkt anal an- la the bellef that Schmidt vas unable i th.r important feature vaa the ctng- ta bandIt the car. Ing of the son, "When tie Loti* Ara "Were you ever iatozîcated?" Mrt, lia Rloom, vaitton hi' Min a Lurs 13. Welc ao - R uchanan oai-Long Laibe. It lIoa avery "Neyer," Mrs. Carukîn ansvered. "I never drink vhisky and rarely beer. Occasionnîlly 1 take a creme des menthe." When ankeal If Ratnier vas dral, ahé replieal: "Oh, yes, 1 shoulal "aY %o. Hie lrnnk a vbole, grent btg bot- île oi whisky that day."* She declareal that the lent as e' membereal priar ta the accident vas that Schmidlt had for saine reason placet! hie banda on ths teerlng wheel. She atatoal thoy vere b.eginning ta aicendal n illat the tins, anal vers goiag et n raie ai about 26 mlles an bour. 'Why did vau tell Mr@. Rasmussen that Goal hnd been vety garni ta yau?" the prasecutor nekeal. "Because 1 beileve la prayer." the woman repleal, "Winy abouldn't V?" At tihe conclusion ai Mrs. Caruklna testimoni' the case went 10 tthe jury et 2:35 'ctock. SPrior ta thse callng ai Mrs. Caru- kmn su tic stand Edward A. Brava. ai Round Lake, testified as« to havlngý aBsisteal thse ljureal parties, but de- etareal he did not observe that anai af them hnd heen dinklag. Hernian Kaplng. Inglestale'hotet keeper. was aiea caileal ta the vltxfhss stand, but hlp evideac a bilver>' hItt h earluri on vhat occurrealthe day af the ira- geai'. Ferdinandl C. Schidt, the falisen of the dead chauffeur, prosenteal evî- dence tint went ta shov that bis son vas a capable chauffeur and alhd heen follavlng that line of vont several years priar ta his belng employed by the Hotel La Salle.. 5RAvu dPmt r>aiop va. travelling nt a rate orf mteon u V lU I l miles an haur at the tisse 0f the, ac- cdent, whlchoccurred &bout a miles A I IY 0 u fromRoud Lke. ru tathe road UD Y TI cause) ~ h~a vagon track vWU cited hy t i~ a as tise cause of tiee Occi- iIi.t.iiO A Ra 'ava the first tw regain con- Springftll, Ili., Aug. 17.-Thor, vwu actouanes aiter thse accident *cdl lied ln the Supreme court tadai an vont to tie assistance o! 1he O«bers. appeal under vbich viilb. testeil the Tié lnJured ver., hien moisi *0 lte valilti' of the tovnahip .high sblà- Sort farm bouse and Dr. Shaffer et sct passd lai the laBt session ai the Gaviatake van calleil. leglslature., Or. Ohffer, the neit vltneise callIoi.Tihis net undsrtook ta valldate the bhW ei b biattendea thin nureal township hlgh echoal adistricts, crsat- mameh.,of the Part>' ai Use Hart ed under the ttv ai 1911, vblhite harm house. on the day of tie acmi- Buprome court had aleclareal to bu dent. He gave It as bis opinion that uncontîtutlonal. The aPPeAI comu WIÉ 6 lieexceptIon ai Chauffeur irons Kanhekee anal le fled b>'Jamais Sohidt vere more or le»s intomîcat. Neelan. vbo assalleal the vallalllî cf ed at the Urne andalta Raminer vas lthe curative lav la a suit Illeal nvolv. "More nrunk tisan hurt." He alectareal îng a bigh schoat ln that counli. Th* Béhidt vas la a dytng condition tover court uphel the act. Wien he. arriveald a dea about thîr- Neelan appeals on the constitution- tY Mlittes, Iter, ai grounal that the legialation i laretro- lirm..arukin vas tounal lying on a active; also that l violats. t6i. idez- bed bat seemeal but ver>' littie per- ai constitution b>' levylng* taxalloa turbeal y hi'icoccrrence., Ne eU "vî*wthout due lirace of lav." ed ta bave detecteal tise Bainqol iquorî 04 ben breath, but on-.beig cross Butll!ul. examined bhi'Attorney Mhiler declar- Our idea of a clulifadi dsugtwer oys e4 he vas not eble ta stata boy math. talllzd mb doMat. f«-u Y*stad&7 or bov l1111e the vomàuR bad aul<. vhen ve sav a hioomfpg it'ongma- lMe »iiHM bula c9ntemeac< h t~ran of this negibohfti sw»Lhi' Hart home, tiat the>' bad Ieea travei- vlth an air of <Ulel roaljnlmt aio exemple» Patience vblle bermol* 11n- a st »à acesive rt of speetl, ual usdoubtoalii ktndly ltlndel lug anad liaI ambula had ashàdthe go hie m>su-CollUnbxw (0.)Jo01naL. siigicant littUe verse anal descriha, the bheanty of the. lotus la an lImPres- slys manner. It vag the first tMme any meeting of tbis kctnalbai ever been hela lnl thé middlle ai a laite la Laite counti' andl the inundreala af people wvia galh- ereal about the ecov f cel tboy par- ticipaloal In an event vhicb In future ima, aiter legl>tatlon has beau en- actel, wvllbeh pointoal to au the on. taken tu preserve the lotus bede of lake couaty. A bilt ha.s arend ndi ha n and wU he preenlod ta the legialature Sa aider ta get a aw v hicb ylmalte the penalty ta aettay. the valuable heda lu Grass Lako. CIIANEi IN STATE LAIW ISTO HÂVE À IEECT IJMR Judgment Sales Give Tite te, Accord- ing te a New, Law. WHAT THIE CHANGES ARE. Under the New Law Man With Judgment AgalnstýProey Hias Chance ta Redeem. On. oi the changes made bi theo test Illinoisla legatuae la t"ic te relatmg ta judmhente h of cousu. aoable importaàce.UniS, thc ou )a- $o long la force Ihat it seau. au If Il were a fundaznental princlple. a Place et property sala lander a judg- ment &alunt tbeovr aeujt toa a edemption by Itme OrigIna ova "nY Urne vîthin elghtecn montha. If he coulal raesine emnsrsy t t afdy the judament vliàâ lai st m ly agait hlM. The reeuli bs beentli.t Me« WU' ver. uniortunate financialty bave l vhat manuia a"Ove., the -migîment inltht b. ln the propertY. beconna. v.hea the property vas »oW by lie court it vas uaualy bouglit lu iny ae jualginnt holder anal uaegy et4tem thsa It Mas vortiabeeos tiauft» 0*- certalnty -& titis. The orilW owve atilt led tht rlght ta redeemn tborffl estate anal the titie ot tihuborée frM the court vas therefors nn101éb one for the eigbteen menthe afd'-d for rodouption. The alnaost univereal ral that the balder of tiihe dgt hought la the property andal uul! for lets than It virasreally vorti. B15 Instance, ln a jtIhmmntÏ of Il"50 againat an ownor of ruaeal naI., itua reÈasante vWU vortn*205 am t" Judgment,waa f 1.600. 1thuo e &Moant of!giont en li bayer only han t tIi tbe«t il* ulemlition any lime vîitin e tea Under the nev lav the ho14ler et the. daim for $1,M00 w O t hiJuig ment, I it vibch.recordeal againatmla property anal a certifictsa vibdi. t ouedl vbkh states that thme bobier cf tiec certiIat. hma anlin . eo &a~alcthe lproperty. TisI.corlft<,s$ te negallable, mur he refqm frou banal to banal juat an oagg mi bu colt snd If itlate otlen by the *vni.'of the trnusi, ____ vick the. emlfIata Ilauei ln Urttasamoulins, len u at t se the. propertY mai be sotl sud vies aclal ia vithout tigit of redempiè. TU@ e lu lu ocied *POUan bendlfi to batha bayer anal seller, but prtis. ul)arbr oetbueftt tw thc ovuaragalust vhorn tic juihmual flp , b1---u property aald vith a eier titI. viii brIng morethandosna soub»Ceote dodue bin of redeuptkau Under lth evwlav lthe Iuhment 1» lu tie forts of a cartlfleme 50, l- tenu mouitha, The - cerdl[le* gq4a. oythatth"rneauIf uta* SU *0i proyerty eaui ton bu .011 uni s tiMl vitb no rlght af redeun SIWVea saider the. eale. Darios lic fiflen montina the Property m0"lie sol i I. ovnesubjfectu b i eealifleaIe, vhicbMb ile laiton up dit aurUnle iuring tiat parli. cmINL UE ta the recordee'so cetat Wauem the National SlambSeCOpy Irsue- fema tit.eCorn Product Reffnlng oompauy aul thair holding. ai Whike- tan. WhUete ieosoferatios ailt bave beau veli over $10i.000 it la given m. noitu. WhIle tie traemeutin atIraIveu SPPM là beh.of cclmderaita isui geance, It lamalal talauraallty At doeoi ne mean very muat bag mute- IY aut effort on thse part cf the tans couccan to give tic latter concagu a cleat andl unallputeil tiUto utie Wsu- began proporty. The. National tarch oompany ne-, Quireal tit o landl anmdl but a ilant ln Wnuhegau about tventy-fIe se agoa. Tien, bave been aeverai changea la t4e osme ciftW. omaes slice tiat Urne but aplurecihi'lyt. National Starci omiMn bua.ralain- 04 Mtte ta thc property nID tgo 4 sort UmneaNo. The property la 1coaverailta two diesoue mail,' onttwIo lams- amid the other about a yen es. Thsa deeda, -havever, had pol beeu ImbWd. ed upttli.vae'k 1 Thceum Proilucla Heflalgc. O PMah al oýhave disposai c lhe MiDai qOuPa1nY of Wautkegsamand *9 des mai' e0ôr 'ï t tbta Urne ln eder tliat tiare mutthoanu eloua on the tilla eh*amas.Other Trasablea The ron vii savoMER vlti cdto e» fou callIeae el u ea sdi=e~ la beeause &ha iamt U tiso Wau Cas. D. trt I Writes ail dds of Ina iraace Pieie, Aecidet and Health, 'Auto- mobile, PlâtwG~ and WorkmWen'& Compena J»"»~. SeehmeforeplacinyourInm OffioeovoeD.ckeg' ugS , PHONE 154IL UDEITYVILLE gI

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