A. lo ~A d"1IA lbroclit, Cor. itlls..Daereull ¶~B . tiirme.4Cal a Edan, bl. . WhueI wff <etARIA. t< berslIevlsiwdJobs -Orard end i'utwl Mb, ari Psric anIdlra. Janue tamilye mcliIKuebkes'.pecple. 'lib? <bu Do vers, C~ ashoppoe rirday. Orgard, Sr. ad tva sons moored ahous Mins Edlib Sloifmengave a choyer lu tva hundrmd umi"elta mail u Mr. and lr et butor or UmsRuith' l, WWdaeday l. Darder bavlugmaein luthéiIndepen- th h 1 eiqRs. #àbau nom ber ai frituds attend- dent thaï uhey veon riltlng thers. i aJug c4, saniebelma ant ni tovai gueits. lils ildred Avenu v as a gue6i af tbete ug Ur Mn mre Carl Rlni and son spnt Harding girl, s rnily. Our vii Ibm veek.uud viiilUr. end idre. Carl Bertha Wrts had the inlefrtune te d asit "dur. break br collai bouc lant veek but 4i tItisuddei IL P. dldii01aiColla:, WIi, vhi*ibs itpo6d ta bu gettina long ulcelyunuder ater a 19e as tbe RILSF. Rouie home TIturéday. th mrs0of Dr. Taylar. thie cause MiéI1daM licrait of Nev York itY.li UmiiBarries Braînerd of Wateruau, Ad& Pt h_ ta Wl C.à -(I.., la ndig ber vacation wth <the P&aliue, .*~bc n e re .d 'st the l b home Peuple i e mototd te Ti.. Missionlioore bavebhein entertaiii- 8v. year Lmcacv BnIy n# tko lady trieude. oab ais"RLitebomteld af Waukcn, NIdi- .Suby Kuebker epeni Ibmhe ekonI onlted lu iras mmirtaned for thc veek-end astte li a nüJeffl. ibm mort botées ai T. Nliide. lits. Urpia Rarding vag a Chcago $eutimith" busa Nonabel Gren euiertalned bier viilttr dmby. morint fsad, Harold Peteon ai Chcaga, n- lVire. Babueai of Wauconds, was thm bai epeni day.gosit ai br daughuer. lMr@. C. L. Doipb va a m( MInm Jeu Kennedy enteriaineti ber 114 la vm. e pr à 1st*vi, Mary and Roue, Mondai. lire. Boyard Beach and chldrea re- famly ir Mmte.I4tbtop . ova wnber cellar stairi tiued ta their home lu Chicgo iuuday lakeeBl> SalarIai, eirerey lojuring ber back. mii,', ependîna tva weiks vitb relatives lId"'a 'la Ber. Zab el te irtmlnlng bis tather bers - Mmr. «ra anmd ober tIam Kan@".r. mFannie Crae of Nortli Crystal PrîscillA, Min.. T. Darer ipent ModaY lu 4ke, le vlcing aitibheia. C. Payas one son home, oni grau MinestRbel lieBrîde reiurned home Fri- Mi eih uherwiaLoga aem dat miter èecnding ber Vocation lu lava. Orove calier P'aday atteron. Fnr liXr. and lin. Albert Rader moiored ta Rer. J. Sct Cari aud vile are spuad, E. choiel fli. uuday. D lg pari t ,trvctiion with tbeir N. Cri M"ilaUm aandl Emme Kniggle ipeni dailgbtens,'lims.Duonu Mt' Mmre.ewtan. remfaine guisnda, vîtIt their ster,lir. IBuiblng Tber motoreil ta Lake (Jeaera unday. lti h iLtaas Moliaudj'belng Wu&;-Wii'i itourtueenb . lie. LE.Payne vai a Chicago rietor bilthd8? ho.w*** traitdd ta a surprise exiendini "day. parti. Ths be a a fine ilme, a bounti- hureave< _____________futillunch won iMrred end ail bape ta belp _________________________ h m crtce alu la the future. I ~ ' ' . . -We wl Ivlu up, vuet tIt ber pardais Ur. mnd Aise fota Miaeudeurocir ailvii iàur pealUr> aMd XuAmbler mal on af Chicos- let kv meu la a m "rbI, WIe. go.quai 4turday and iinuday att Setrelyi bw8h. && peulc Lahor MU,1!o t»4i Imll b ,. ad M U iie anecacel ladée. : W. Iii Sulo Jba Rager apeut Sun- . Oea Wul Mdbcaw - fmiyet ad -'i ol tve un m ans1aiber ý gmuMmm it. eu*m. U~a~W. bu«"mhf boms. Mr.a»4 MmIr.L&. E.ullercwld on m bgt- ,ii maii rlamoula. ,1 *sUdnaS"binlevhlilng aIatirsml Mc. &W m lr.J. . Ummsoatiuefl le G.A..l Ilouîmat Waukegaa &Ad vW lIed l. DaMW &a - . oàw tm à"-amil niatasmiuitib *q . faipseta Umelsua **ïi;ood b* a »pWi it&t t»Ib bom ci.W. Saei Ba. . . i.shirbus mts lire.Joe. Albingbt m»d chilî'rca ai lilobIqasCii. ld , are apendlng tva matbaihme t Is !lre. Choas. Dalin. lit&e. W.&. Uauaortb speni iouday la Umukegmu. Mn av lln E.lammmr limîani rlaltors Tnmda. it. C. - Kent iraqueatul ltaine. ln WmbiegamM onday. Usséii Nlri Glyncam b o bas ben vlsliim t us houiof lMr. «J Mits-B 0. Kmsias eto iuunkm. SrWiY ta uille' la«i vtItber aiter, NUsc Hmlkuf,,:riuag ta ber borne ie li M WmUr . W ue mIdaugbier 01 %4UitrentI. «qua80$om sibm oul eauxs~dm~in opemi FPa& as ~~~agmM bumW ~ lai~tifOlaI Wou e L*0 mut~ cll Ipoms aied e aw, go, b4 ail~u , ç a q n »& o d I ani ny old friends and custores to corne and sSe tht 014 Duidnr again. 1 will fot handie groceries ut the preent, but will1 confine alrny urne and energy ta the handling of Meus 1 wiil be glad to cater to your wants in this line and wiIl give yau the best of attentionanmod service. Hoping to meet you ail aguin in in rny new store of business 1 arn waiting your patronage 1. I~ Wlemersslage tbe W~D~#" boom in CAAD Ollr THANKS. aIth ta extend ont aincore thameka bar smuid frisaI. for the kindnee us là aur rmimetberearciasmi. S the beautiful lover. J. M1. Poiler amd Vamily. L-AKEVil" lnu relatives bbe. éirma lits. lberKampple tcolorado, %met a le dais luit vask viii Mr. and~ lie. M. Kapple. lire. CanietLgaioCclrado, l6 riait. log att<bborne af ber broibsi, R. Douglas and aiber relatàve.. Mrm. Wald md daughters. Norma anad Li»and Ber tBa abara, lits. 0. Baru- stable, Mises Belle Richardsanmud Eva Roving spent lasi Pidai la 3hlcàgo parka. Edgar Kerr vwu boumfrani Springleld for ibe vsck-end., Mr., ail lire.Wm. Mitchell of Chica.go, @pen utsnleY vitI thte jonstos ai ibm Maipon hep Laie. Tia Xmsce <ampuolimtaimnida ameoofrisai. ai a .arsbsallov rom aletir bus e ou Im sorti@bore et Cod"a Lmi atunday«Vahs. «Mm esMmrul LSalPI"tal Ajtiocb, Vla*celu or f laWgvuod mMi" e ap cil of aviaiel ai James kv=* ,mw m* -vWeOMebF luwfi Mnmm ie e w wih tibeaterw tre.-W Mutila u.aimàiber daIe. igPltu l mwgmaTue>s ie el"MeWau.semsdbyDr Je~b. md PILmier veit<o tie A"i l tiwcekfr as11-Maicialauios 'Tou Bermetti va ilido Waekexan os huilassetralilait usek but la agmin ai bulu.is la ihe barber ebop. JlmlioKmaenid HBeuf Palier are amuffltioucallsi on tic draft and -1i1 wonu report tir iut.. lire. W.. Millr bashbada gueuii the pas% vee Shi" ouilnstram ttie cii3. *ad 8,aturday vitIt Waueg»an ad iranboe vlstirelw isa. D. . Manier bas* Hoyt and dugbiere ot Chicago, as guista tle paît veik. Litile Misa llelah Wick n ntertain'd a feur litilu girl@ at&ber homei lait week abauSo ai ts ubibthîmi. lira. Jo. Peter qpent laPt Fri4aY ln LbertyTlIlc. lir&. Mande Nlan ope Daymeni, vel knavn hure, but nov ofCbeago iepeud- litg a véei viii lie IN. 8.'Millet fainli. The S.S. yl hold is»smnnai picole .tbis vuek S'adai le Ptrni'a sTore on Petite LaRe. Auto« vill bu ont baud ai. 10 o'clock te carry ail ibm liUle on*, &ao he bmbigoes viao ea ga. Waman's trimad la a Large Trial Boul1e orSSamol Preuctlptiou. Fie for blaciltuada, amem and &aUlrougbakla and clear comupezo. àÀreg i a tontc. *Cet a 86o trial bottie at tbe drug store. adi' "Wel., stragr. 1 bavent g«ot iRe> aett gures, but iricicu S ceosa lie as champ bireas inyvicru la Ihe woridy-DetWut nPg in aibel fat a. exeottnait rne rbwS ~lool county court la un-IIoq à0 d the mmrnevau otd l b@WReelu Peck but the iug oommiti.. recentli, eleeted otaetbckboidurs-reprmiuted by %ormey R. C. Rerient ai Lake >bjecid ta furilier extension ta %i me -tbp did Datbelieve Ih -or IÙ Yo ,ofthe. Inventon suad go upWed the abjetions. OBITUARV ilie and community wasaeîho,.'~ nsday evening, Aug., l4tb by Io datb aoflMr%. J. 9. Fuller w day. Illnegs, apoplex! being * o ber deatb. aller. nee Gainer. was born at &filI., Sept. 10, l8ld7, and movcd parente ta Lake Zurich wbpu bn o a me. here sIte grew ta. oad aud aon Dec.'10, 188, vas n arrIbge ta J. M Fuiler wheu ed ta Kenotha. Wln, wli.re chu p Birut yetrs of »r married lire iot Waitcoitda lu 1893 vbere she ut remaluder of ber Ilile. 8h. ost aifectionste wife and mather amaMun t hodgbts being for ber nd by whous ber untimely death yfeît. SIte litres ta mours ber rving huebaud. iwo daughtere, ice Mafet of Chicagoanid M's N, who.iired wiih ber mothey and James, .wbo aIea lires ai home; Sdean, ber mother, Mir@. Gainer Zurich and ôve estere. t)l servîces aea Ieid tram the M hFriday at 130 p mý, Ror. C. ,i. afflclatlng alter wbich the v oe. uierred lu the tamiiy he Wauconda cemetery. )ln wih sheir hoat ai friende ln lo aur blet t ympat1ny ta the .i Ituband and famlly. NORTH CHICAO. Mir. Mmd lire. 1ev lavaM utai emton, are îrlcltlu "Bd@Isbuts. Tien yl bu no ,naruing mcimlai the Preibyterima obareh ma m gdmi or th. Bunday ioilovin. lit. Tfmj anye tseing a riis i om bIs paremiu 1amoomi. A largocrovî mseield ibm M.E ehunsi pluic bsld as Vres Parit e rà bonecina baby gIrl im bobiltalin. a" lits. W. S& Lerma. * Roèbert Lno aiw»w mvièh R laNorth Chcago les 0C. - irat ua,à AmUgt 19L tha LAiecomet*OMM urs «Diiot, reuniou vwu b*aaiFu Par*todaj. IL P. Prauy et Wsmeouma wusleet. ai preideni ami s. IV. Gyenlutof Wauiegavas ri.ueoied secrulary. The. preident viii appoint a- commâit- tee. Bahh alldovi dalvircil a itir. ring talé; ibisattmraoou. state o!f mincis, Li&e Cooti M. Ini the Circuit Court of Laie County, October Trm, A. D. 1917, lu Chaatcery. Nlckaias Globsvnai vs. Ella GIn- barai. Gen. No. 8739. Satlsa.ct>ry affidavit tt ihe de- teinlant on do. luquiry cannai ho cd upon ber and tiat upon diligent lnqulry hbu place o! ree)luuce ant be ascerined. b»nlng heeinilied vwiii tIte underalgeil. Notice la Tieretore lirehy Given, to ibe said fila Globaviiliitati ihe thove namcd omiPlta t ioretatore fled bis Dlii cd C=Dbnpln s u aid court on the Chmm7ir aide t birqof, and tati a sOutmois tbereuPOIè cued out of snid Cont aaiEMt the. ahane aimildafeedmilt, rirabia an thm )mt day ot,-to tir of the Circuit Court of 'Luis CoMt t. bbe él ai thei Court l-a«s la W*uuiegaa lun id, Laie Cout cm the I*nt Mglday, al Otabmr, A. p. 251?. u» Wab, lhv n- quirel anl viW" sut #lamill Pend- lut. ln" 0 . EEOCKWÂY. Clerk. Wauioia. lIol, Augot 17. A. D. 1917. Complaluatti ,Uclimto. *nge e P ôli. y ce.utj CoUWFP. r,6eBOt É. it a., &-a *4 to (2) o Borau8 ainmetid and JO& . fls Ibm Rfi i1isn tSofuitP.j ru. WlimA. iepplur. A-flt . i A*bé'dkW.l aiestheu mater of Roetpler. Veider W. fitai.U r. alWI&a tii atrtheus4 ftubber COrPnaY, A .opiA- f; iafsol. ty4vc &w(26) t jommW. marutre. Rp8lO ubu <WelP ti- the(4>U*orixse" Compaiy, a ocrpmoàl; 1Mcol4e atna (),fate i.tbr wai cal ltubbuir Compta, a CorPotàléa, mtýun;telu atm a"taI lrT.?Prime. lier O U nW u ho PiaetoSbigla- tChaucery, Osa. No. 8674 pa fi anem O aath*rli. 0 pgalie notice la horeby lin iloa. 1-Wtt Ocu stdng a li bu ri~ue f ancrIe ~4 ~ tuib'Ut ener of lot two ($),Iâ lard la the abore entiled Ocamv lb »j Ox (e1) Oet<he plimAi .4t tb*4m<fIt utcourtof Le". Coue, W- ;fiasl. a A ttti(5) - St e.- »à4 at the.SpecitiJu5m TirS1. A. 1). I<-MZ -1', 80 1Sotii ) y. tge>.D.imc t ee585iéi'M iaM,&dbreet Uneýý tie, the und*bwnlgue.Istit b ui'b*.*%W im u alt eee cerf s iii Ciruit Curt c I*u moi aaivite ta J. W. Breveter Mr r t* ircit out ' toe om t ateee u ne la'rmatflgorth, CoMY 104. -0 90U iii st li ai *M oM.,**e aBt .14.oS lot iv. vendueto hehUbst ndbut I#dder (0),ilu Wac* on* (1) aboruatil:tiac for cash on paturdar.i. - 8 12"4X. Othiy on "id lice ta the quarter of gepiembar, A. D. 1917. aIt the. b outWg M, i «ip<tm nr of ton O'ciocitla the. formnc of aisaI to> neh . tg tqtr (44> soti. dey ai ibheutfront boT of ith*reage te (9) %W.othe ibu ladPria- court Houle la te itmyluOf Wauktaff. CI rnrwa im ace veeq icrély I Coiy cf lake 8&"4 StteOf ilnOft- caïd eceiobia»to thé i.paeof b*-1 ii. gailoviLns thcribudrl rui utate sud imaag ,bea ic heimeprumisuecm-a prern« l~e lu id decre mmtt*ted veyed 1to mil Jaob W. gkwvsierby situattulnlutiemCOtnt? O a LaI ide"s recorded ln Vol. si et Dels, BitteOf lilinois, or go mnch ubeceaf pu" S261; VOL 3U of Dedi page Isà; ms shah bu sulcieut to sailfY the Vol. 51 oi Deuils. page 47. & aiutuaied1 lraelleu -eittlahed by stld ducrue. th ii Cunty of Lake la ibe tateu to-vit: 0f IlIà.ls Lois No. Two (2) and ibre(3)>tlu XCUP.riNa THr»mumom the iBloei oui (1) of the rirstAMI Âdh outang d«Sribed prari*es. to-vit: t', the village ni Waucauda. f lalila. Utun i(à)and thres (à) of J. Mm. P. -. Jew0kts, on.,,car Seat, ftrvel On. Hua- ti Umie iu or t i uern.rl Atia sf1011 , 0A0, iravldud aatuale &al #loma fo man? miles i n »oaoo- e ei lia iiaNosthwestm rin m Wuldgm?, m"d tien tated OuU c ratýtur n. coel? goarled.- t*îbe reiiritud te Mir.- Piilit D. Arwoon fII vbo ba loëat hem. lire. AnlOor leit Chicag o r ber ocutny hbIn ut Lakte Poresi Ou the 2 o'c" ck hal. SIte Placuil the box of luvelalibmtheseat beau. lu-e.-Ai LAbote ist là,e 1 e letraid. &lwo the. raleable.. Many miles fatibr Op the oad - Peter irFyeclt. v.turau por«r. -»w thebox antd addil h ta biu "fou" collection. Nuan Mlvaakee a tlegrtrn reamb- el ib tait ielllng of the loua, PreCb tuel laibe pacet a t M>lvataim, viier a tulegram tram lma.Amour aeqlueuflts taihe ct asiSm5i1iger Wo retuia t*ier. He dld. In rmply- ta bintaas ta the. aire Of te Tevard-be merelY amiled and de- tie, 0umeastatementi. IJOVItTO Fil also a uhrecêcorfrd PlecuO 01 B mlan s PIMrst A illition te ihe Tov n of D o e p a i n lylng betycen mId lot tlimeanad Uic*IWacoondt, &W oMmeuag a b O~agtu ai thent-f ana la pablic blgbvay runnaiugfrom Uic salI j uccfl egcruer or amil lot ubrea (s). so«Y tihe stfor ailkIldney and hlad village nortbieuerlî ta Uic lAie, tbmeuom long the Barthb lieiofsald der trouble. mai iverelIef li shtote.Andal soag.tii sircet o er ai-kg otxtended veasffly te Uic hlguwway 24 hauts trom ail backache autd mal. ruanlag along ihm aide oSfsl icý inomiU ase <bu betyvhlfe andi wa- der trouble. BanaiLàta aguaranteeti threg (à); aie_ a pieeSledr e oud a " Rosi (»«ffled. tbguc lu a remmdy. 36C apd $1.100 a hotle ati ne scnubed as tollova: CommmOin ai eat Itbrly llrccio*'alog ithene or dilig store. ibm aotbisiby aBt omret @Madl @sali iibvy teo U IalI« r=Wng mdv loi tire. in block on* (1) of te IM Fi&t ao thei. outierly *aideeInetmiin miloai nebno m Md I j s' Na adar.b~.7l the tait,efobi etý t go at é6tia. Dtilot »Wou. enumokrnot tsiyataatc th.v mfka, but se a i.mdid claci.fi.d& bit tisa ai.. $pot, ta'v MIL D rai Iuipored*ad Donte .. bsccoe-'4Wtdk tiOsa tcoeY. =n th*e blonà d mt b. copiid -at hfer at ut " 1 fSr .thià IdO6-m tis bju bey 'e f ,1', .~ 'liai If Sth. aen ith$k ia o uoe i 5*érge b lii lim ibWm& l *Mdra, ii ibuiof a Mai la qoeeuawmto US tlbt wisai, os ti id al Otleu. A& é 1br salW, aituetogullt iervi , ogusmai lieuu emibibsl bi aid s oem*aft:- SLab t» .(I Mmd tirmu (8) orf.. Ufli'oU IaiAddiJticu le Town 61 V4éoea4 et"l6o ummnmla athUi boniýes ~Q"fft jufl klori" (8). mou 114(mialm>.iaftla -a scglbery d4's0ilm Ma5sg ib, e cf nid buibvar W utbe miiegruabag &bu cet ti soobmy adOS s aikoi iv. (à) Mod tbruu (1), th"ac la a iombcuety r d to t"Ramthb- vgt*lYm -Ir mailloit Rime(3); mimcemeIbvete ie e urly u fl w litbrf (a) te tic poac or boglnnlaluLa"eCouuty. lii Dated et Wauiicga. iid Ibi iti day of Angust A. D. 21. PAUL MacGuPVI, mutaer la oeaaeri. A. IF. Beaubicu. soliolor for Comm plainnt. 1 -%Y à," 14 sa go S.Pt 6 ~mcu -ls SAMI ml"leu imsta prevail lu Chicago ad tiitougftout the couniry'vii le é Luoldul w-pou litWaukegaa uen Nb* d"y. B. OC. Patter. chairitan -Of thé M»il board af-ibm Cicmago Mili Pro. luemrs'Asomlaiion, vas sitiinued ta tbm meeting yesierday ii GeorgELfi U&aiaflor Chicago, chairman. and R. D). Cooper. utile Fala. N. Y, mecre- tary, ef 3004 Administrai«r Hooeer's natioalticommittee oru mili., )&r. Potier lssued an ultimnatum t Alderman Nance. chairnean oaitlb. du councll healti commitime lu Cblcago4 vbo said tt a fight voul bu mad" against 12 ai 13 cent mili. "-We wili ni produce miliiai a lois," Mr. Patter declarul. "If the food admnlststlou ald ie bm lig healti officia]& do not give us a rna- sonable profit ve vli iiad oua' ov tu the elaughter Rouai."*