r [ST'23,19é17.-~ -4- s Firs t Avia ori Hlenry Sutherlým Ji fiow ati Rockaway 0" Rw.N NeW York Ready te fIy. [N 30TH 'AERO SQUADRON. His Fathr Has Hatened t See Him Before H Qeprt for AmyWork Wad. Onaths ,tuprlnted fr *thie orst Urne the m4cure of tiec fret :in hi icou so acepted lto thle Dwev. rial > quedron of thie V. 8 n, Henry Sutherland. ace 22, eduit bion of contractor and.-Mrs. loba Sutier. land of idueland avenue. Young M. Sutherland l vie l ver>' veli nowa n Wsueff, b>' lis lime la an aeroplane laîta'ue$or et sorne Importance la ttii13 . Autol squadron. At lestlia il Astii'comi clusion WMbia parents albluisbe bAmo.ll hAien Dt aont lieu au> d* cite word as to luat vbat Aie la Adlag. le bas rot told thons ulitier Aio hian me may fllhkhlor Dot ; la tact hAiebas retraisned tffl toUmag thens dtais of bis prenant Goeffs. lion. Kt. fSutherlandl etsiiort Ume ne posed heogi ouliern lui", ét- S route fruen lie Wept to "Lut.ÀApo- ta ot r rcuved Irom' hlm bb ite fatier the other day ebsov4dI i0 be tien was et Port Trottai. gocia> Beach. Lang Ilamdi. Mr. Suuherland lasa medhOv«e liee Thifrtieti Aro equadruon f the U. 8. Arrny end b. enlilted aet Jeffers Mo., Ma>' lotiand Ou hls 1b vos wu set a mAntolo, 'Texas. 2fr bail had mre atuil>'en m&ria vorn d es a meulier of the 'Pirtlti auad-1 tont h. vas tait b>' obler Aitnuot ors the. art of fing and adsce thons Il la nndeutaod iho s eimade r au lnotrctor lmself. AI. ondu- be LE enroula te -the e Est oomtib sr the~ purwéeeVheing sent AuMneUtae- ]y ta rance. aitboqgih ho basnet taîd relatives' aucli la thie case, lmngdiately &fter rocetviasg a c*rd f rom Ii i siMvg liat Ad' uwe aI Port 'Proten, Mfr. Sluterland to1kk a train trosa Wtu*'<effand al hatoed EEat 10 see is son bufore re de. portailfor the. French Une tQ taie part lAn tise erial gituAnFrance and Beigbim. Mss Done.Much FIying. Th'Plt young Mr. Sutherlandl bas ~,made a succeas of the flynglas qut. eal>'couciuded althaugib hos been modest in retranlng train tel. ng hie paents anythlng about the detailleof ie preet, vom. 'Ph. pictuire presenteil ierevuth of Mr. S utherlandl sbovîng Waniepm'a nw- est ataor il on. of hWe lateut plot. ures. latnfoo.il wuc ien at Rock- ave>' Beachi-and Ment tu0ie parents lu Wauiekka. r .te, hrre.of eos o speelol Intereat tb Wmiean paople to lo ok upon §or the. firt tins.e-tiie liraI mn ta aen lato lieaosrial aquad. ron In connection wvuhth Iidevetic. mente o! the nev air figittars., Thore are two othur . ULae copul> men but not sa dlstludblveiy lu Laie coutl> who are in lAie aerial qusd- on, on. of them lai>' figlanjA France and th. otiier on.erpecleil to go hefare ver>' long. '~TArdi a Young Brldgeman of Laie Frest wio ban been dalng vondarfu) skurii fighting off tAie Gern aftaroqlanes.ý the otier u, lMr. Manl>'. pou oCfise head of thse MitnWy Motor Comp!jmy' vio operatea a pant la the terminal, 'Wauiegan. M. Mati>', of cocurse, la Dot no vel knorn lanWanki as ' bAr. fSutherland, bavîng lviti berea oult oanestIse factory wut . piaei ~ n l1s 9rnuuiy.. ikir.-UAiq inn îà ai b. ufta , !4 w t l~a ,m k L aie I s u t Oe o ri~s Ma'r a thelot. dut ploture 0f 4ey Suther. tend, the onet e jeoh n Su*Iwrifd Of Wibukgn. Ne le lot-th Thitith aoc. équadron o0<, the . IL.S.A. end la i" a on the ER IN' ,AU4LZe1 'CFine sPand E,XPECT 0% ATTENDANCE. Those ve Nt Attended Mu4 Intitute. Tba ~ gta f't4 ber's Institute for Uarra 7i illago te.acherg will lie lield An O-t»lCéatrai Achool, Wau- At lit the final obstacle wbicb baie held baect ti. going aliead with P" fs or tbe uew blldge tobeb.rscted acrous NIpperaink point at Fbx Lake lia. been rernoyed. Thie St. Paul Rairoad Company have gîven cver a deed for the. Proverty leading to thie point wbere the bridge lis to be con, structed an.d thus the promotersarae *Wle Dow to go ahead with their Pl"»a. it waa thie failunie to get th!s ded wlircti eld the Amprovement so long and Dow that the Company bas core 'hrougl i wth a clear titie to thie PrO9ertY needed, t la planned tg go ahead wltli the bridge tmprove. Wtiht LY te tM et blliK 0WhVlaTleR,(u Robert Dady, nPo ayse311 Oupfor Ar*ltie lndIlool at s etedt Uahe nus S apetacleatlCu t 41 muae , t SrIhForward t5ti kregan, ib>.gifllabg, 1Non .daY AuguAt 27' ment and thua bring a certain dis- -ernoon at the - eunty court boua WfffIUlJ~ff~ 31 nI15 mlles cloner together. J- la# orders ta go excellent octPl. -et Inatructors baa3 rdgbatab retda ro ruglitsang for the purpose eüil ben .ecured- bY thie county auPerin- ND.l~>a .eetdare lhab4. ~ a.headTAI TR SRT obr" Newu, t; .......- ... Nppersin pointand wiA contW iebiw cutr tendent M444 1>session prontlffes tanelghboriiood of $26000. oW-t lie was a o. r we01 t trainedet a"bt a pr~UOhb1 to the teachers the deed han beenSi gven by tie rail. Arilpgton bolt property and inalty MVrà. McVay"Weep as -111i Auofo eaWho attend...Th. pritmary work will rOad coMpaly the plan Is fora coin- bouglit At for $31.100.can. g ifjtg &alwa l%--eie fl ofgepMiss Eatber White ~Itsc uieamt ri . 1, 1It 'n'asonly aller moster Antu taBb&Votn I Hery Il aecounty ta aiapear 1ery NacGuMm a uggented ta Mr. strIècto Uc En and0 chol, îghandbefore the.Lake ccl4nty Brard of Su. PadY Aat: "Yeu better take anothe.' RyodA Iee oom Park sie *I~Iye wo perlode eacb PmA prioms la 8eptbar and nikt te drInk e watra. ~ r 14' RyddA Gamtr~ .In d..p:iIletu vi ae OsmtY board Io do l gai e'ctowar îjarn> u"Attut 1.0.thanthte Proir 'ChOiliS Of lb. Ilad tra in tinre. )&W ~ttla a lenceher or ex- brJinln haout tAis Improemnent.'1 ert> was declared sold ta hlm." erg .lied Aulto anoather eno aItba ýpeîence, -ms 'lines sIte la called The in oAef F'ox Lake and viol Tbere were but tva hlddern,. Mr Traiuning station lat. etdàq upon bta k. kbarg'e of the primary county ' viii share the expense and Oaéy tand John Conrad, h>e xop'!n'igew li nti ftr AnatuotlnI~Oe9smmer sessions vhen the Amprovement le filabed il law. These tisa men liad owned ýtlu 4.1 eiqAs fascr f la dAfer$0t*CmaJsehoo 0 a 2dsO e id tbat everybody n Lake count>' proPerî>' for n#3ny years-"C e sld coames PIÎWOO tofgtve out of lier wi Wî l "Ie vliat an AInportant tbln7, fit t>percent. TAie>'pald $8,000 loe; blie hld for' v--r.la U _____________________________________________ rilista i~eIlncs.Avs. At the present.tins.. a ppr- thi Pury AmpênIlail 1>7Cih Mr . <~pnofLockport, . @l- On 9o149 frOniPox Laie ta Bpring Differencea aras nd Mr. tialiv 4..rir erturaei a verdict mi n us 4* ~ ~ ff ci LIST0 Anls.A e r v teo of can.tr.c- Grave bian tago about 12 mli., a'ed tbe 'court for à partition p1 n o tuo> igt dlN tAO o i Ï. JefAet schools: lie Wbentle bridge la erected At wlUbe teretis and tbe sale wu q rdere@. the aqa4mt Vos due t16iitoe yull bireAv* ae4[1e per!od ecr day a distance of about 2 1-2 mlles. On Both vere tiere t0 bid.. aýnr"àmm î.tn.Ifcl.e>'" 0et lii.U ~(IIiRASEI $ ED 48MU N CÀLLED TO for tiaio w*, ý4WviA) onktotward -the. route front Chicago ta Lake Geu.- storted at 125.000. Dady isled, I'NUO1ah0Verdict rondin.: thie form*,i4: d course of study eva vith the bridge An use, t las sqjd undred andl tbey both kept S6a$sw ï W,. 'tii. t>Wo.iiut AT TEN TIOIJANI) ARMYJNDSTRJ~T?:~,for -telq* *-k 1. tbe village At vii gave Jmat 16 mie on tie entfre untîl At reaelied $30.000. TheilOn Wfi4 qI" i.ts - f 55.5w s. rur li triole y fp. lsg erad ' ralsed to $30.400. Usd7 vett oCf *Mph P~eae.US The leiyAAli blI) uug7it Plie saving o amach m f2tele 50, )£ouad jnmped tai $31.000an niâ 34so asdK. I Austran Wo Robo Rsi- elow more thie nomsof 48 mon wh, 3r. B. P. U.I bcDuClbliralanIportant thlng tai resîdents uf thes± the manler n ellencary. bO.king AIWU.on t~t 40"df densa at LakeFoeest Hi to hav. been drafted Imb h. army frons SehQol, he bue usntm~ n'hitlcliyvorv evnbtav l.Dady snid la lhe aged ro«hWeet t&T.9 blidm1bp Lale outyGra4 ur. this, thie second Lake ceunI>' district, change vifi iade n the. adoptsd .1 baci and forth trainithe- laies. whô vai clearly exhauseeil b>' te et. O .vi*bIiem I$Ited toi LieCul rdJr. which comprises Waukegan, Senton>, moai aA ed lW the oouaty The ie Aprvpment bhabeen .held np fort of beng. hiere. "Baetuta e u-09. 1w .'iSImm> te t» 1>ff, ), WON'T N N~ ACCO PUCES.Newport, Antioch and Warren tpwn. achat$ but succeétul expert. tii. long for the simple reoson tbat otier drink ofinvter aMrle I~S l$e he ' -' I Tie prulou liI e ~ Oinajl.K>theg W arIt,' tu talmtby An là ibéiu.Aed - &:lie. goverlaent lit. iooke edrini; snd bai.d81Oo ltadH*udHlmOW~p~ a i îfe i.lfriauowe ii isaMpie' 4r Ibo Untoln the e doral gýveiinent'a permsion fwlI t utuf à < Pil.7&h1IK w a t H If Mt -~-. ths lit lof 44 has been. TerlrurveuMhon orevI t mt .poubl 0 iuI 1ee V&igeall,ý,ii sa*l tiê i4p ii the iru 48moncaiid lt. h. uiv gepr>'s thie andl Miss twldgg - 'hbat perissiaon bi alou bhg crow'd hukdd, je. ti.ëval>'se. in- çon p~ thi oa.te17y01 s.Ie flrodstrionet w. tow:t(h* ere Kti cilÉi«City 8Xil>te sandnovr with Oie, raerl ~Kclarpd vltb iypoi . .tic.jIuj tnK045 ià 'm 11108 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~seol wmtti li oll at en on smnios,1. o r piyu anid comtpan>'ovlng given a deed ta tic I 'hypo lia. cous f theIi. >A faimg bic o'adba.d trm45ese.l 1ae8 pti le etw a 'P ea, 1725 mencoitar ltele A 00'sdvlae .dn xetn ohv i.boc itb'Oene A.i UMMi »l OGO flobert 3. .Thorn. home vise laie wareeld*rta *1 Waukogais) Ai crs , 13 frd. o- vllgePene noting t baete ua ar.dTu, tf iM. nue, oinWUB attempting la hurglaris .e osi - - aNOo olq Who have U$4e4 dsnm- of snpearlàors and tihe village aie. Saturdai. ner the eonrt wor.- 41li 8.N A dunutva bldti le w.idjuy ii264 e. ormtic 1 as. mr cOoafo a $ tI eeka tAie thie necesear>'tepe ta Onané. tAie bav a.laturn. ut*, court Sl5b6uS sad, (iYrILX".I"*a. P,000wa bd tbaute enany il242 obemthC g,8Lertie. mr -col oiesai ar.i 4ourdt iootln Peimrvmn u padto.$,00rpuebu f.JH ZLN attend. - open up much territor>' West -of thei. ed« hure of rent duinigr te* AMMUSOSl1K& et Lake Poreet. Hovever, alter i.l 1456 Ryland D. Miler, 325 Williamns si. ie UiA i.ps o o enps eea r. ie' l6e ver« .ct Adiî« tiserd of tAie extent af the.- robber'a 783 Fai Leronavîca. l4th ond I'ies« avallable and vbich 'hu ot been I uiàd tiib te acceS MOies - rbu n fhe onîtodib] ctt et., Northiicao.veydîea tl-or formlng or'resof! -liu the. graisiici>, usb neorial ud f ls one~ton '~~'3082 Oca rtqulst. 1207 McAlster avve>eraeUa oNV>'a $l * 'ObrlmSat'sAtone'1117 Wm. K.L Sandm.yer, 368 FrankUn pur1a.es Welcb toda>' osked Vierman ta 174g Lauri 1. Solumaa. 108 Malt avAL S 0 Od' vi.ba ItN raise Ihs bond b $10.000"and il va, 2195 Jopepli T. Stewart. 105Sprlng et.sa url~ tNi ~ei$c.Wu.Ml> 60 oelred. Pl. Th, b-et tAins . j337 Vlncenzo Batloant. 703 Marktet a. WJSB 4M IIA uUlÀbo "oihil O ao-boi y i bfiWi t iecun> luwhr le676 Tbeeo.Georgoplous. 729 Blue 1,- Mtran, t a10robe etfWaîné M. AReEh TOnyJoiwhr h O ?a10 ai a an"b e lamA i'.. hîcag. "'~vuv~ le IU.F DVlié b. eôiare.i tiot àa8iteo'seï $ vii li iiid enlnggrad Jry "'3067 Andrew Unger. 1019 MeAlister av Lio.16 atrSau,12 k.. et.,mdi de itis, dcks & 110: $ lbhi ~i5b1e ne~r l big 27 aîe Ssna ~Jcko aMurdor Chag - and iOOf IyE TO f« _I(S ebs ,in. arder tïým-o v plis te geatime a epV' le, i, 25Northi Chicago. r. Wmn H uyPhinip martba of Fox .ak... lu inLaeFot oand Ntps2O .S.te Attore> Wlc aociateo. the mien vWhodlrected bhle 648 JhnZ ain.146 awrth av. on Statti ,i XPeced .They Will Leave Fortheomet" iftIng lii. lnane I lis crAme pebi but hs Wi>b't reveal 126 Leo)poid Kueler. 1031 MeAlter 'r hrdan on Saturday Next - e '. romd their daes av'. Narthi Chicago. WAIVES AN AION. Sen for Minoola. MVa b mnedist,1,y .«tu t» Il&, li ta Mr. WeIilItWvhi 1679 Alfred F. Cranlianli, 1719 S. Vic- - IVE JIJST AN HOUR. Jayraldta t*iii ou& t quismed hlm Mouds>':.'My friond torla nt., North Chicago. * BnsAeF C h PotSedaI.Ag21-illiclsofuirsieuja, lilsu e u ! Are rforotir616 Bryan Husted, 2300 EAu av., cgo Feinds tmeto preparatAons ta go ta the fiing Une Phullip sMaroti. 12 yesreoid, acon« Vu>' îmouately vont, ta hie bue sciape' and 1 vont double croass ZIon City. awrmoeb Co.AV.Sih P'PMn apma«ChÇf lkd.u coW e. 1676 Anton Paini. 100JJ Sheridan rd., eceo,. . r ae b Cl0A . m tors' fAillt ah.a 2roiloet Cilà*" W o - ~ ~ ~ ~ filId artiliiery regiment lods>'. Or'-a w,111aot81fullo ie4dar oosle W h io bai .uuualned ati bs He gave bis addressauo 541 North North Chilcago. 'Pie mtrder cAar8M*èjhht Doroti>' den, ver. recelved Indcatîng the mien at MO I' is 'dmng the bering Clark treet, Chcago and ay Ae3188 ErfIII K. Kuei, Y. M. C. A. Bisque Carukin wva o 'et wuAl at4v:idl3vefoàMnelaBaurk3. aAedimurueuil carne front New York Ahigust Sti, 3159 Jehn itiammuer, 3105 3schol av., ernoon b>' lhe stab*,-'mi a atngDolnnte orders are expecleil tomor- deth about n al&ma"clchvusQ iai-lng lust worked n a prÈ»ling pbo p zilo.citir'prillnr>'h ninep1 4ptobisylit.Taylorbua" hbi euu$ e liere..He adniltied ta Weeh tha' 15,39 Ilongus Sirkiochan, 428 Oak il. fens. tAie young v.avorêeoaed 'Coi. Reilly i>'rected artilerynien 10a il nu ts -W Caru aie Ntevol soeeody aIse vos Involved i h AeI507 Chorion Q. Berg, 815 H4eimboiz 5av. on $500 bond furab>' byCbkm&bisay ail fireweiis In tvo daye. 'Pe or>' nut tre. wbelam«A cone sau e h.ta&oýbyt LOi. Porest roilbery but vguWn't tell 437 Allen Palmer', 307 Oak et. frienda. Siîmu M l~tfor ber régiment 1. the Oret guard tabv ,lant his liold 0and1railtà the Sieii1d. MP>'sicla adtbf bovins Who Il vas. 12967 John Moron. P21, Jackson et., home In ChAcago. ciosen for Immediata val dut>' andl Hics oine. va broien anid I *W ~ et.ttiee v Had Valuahi. Nookiacu. NortIl Chlcg. .M.Caui s qp .r v poai'yl i i.lru nt.g once redliasl lat bu couIddnot ia -!* < on. hee o - a lb devehopeil Aat one et the aec'- 604 Stevart Smiti, Attioci. veelis n the cut'iIfeialglin.long.- lu% deati, tioeufore. vos amt,0i .A8TE laces vic aodes laid on is psersanI 43 Clifford Pearc.. IL. P. D. No. 1. been hid on a chiur e*mrdrlnexloat..vc id li., alerbln liarindd 'osvlud1548 John Plukac. 812 Oak et. ronnection vîth tM Ad-flmit> Crne C roflilM a A-latin« lie .uffrfuN cf « at 81Q,000. 'Pila shovws ttlie fat- 1066 Francia A. MotighMen, 300 Billia-Schmidt, LaSaile Ibotei d*tvsr, .vWho UU'JA*À IEL1 q*iqTuesia>'miorulng. and thie ver- Wltir loir vas no "pier" btwnt tr betit av., ZMon City. vus illled vlen lie alitolisIle draitbtute'oy ismtsaurt, caria at'mi»VO. * ral n. btvet 924 Wllhert W. HU"In. 908 Belviduru. en b>' lis. Caruklgi ' lttAé ite îcAi lx iAEeJ A- dol a thlbt o a mta r i' i.NV.. Per ieSodeen kut 1 O M .AN D À 1 "qW 'cAentai deoi. i.v.wàm a~ >'er isSonsmn. 420 Kue .Oson, 91S Lenou av. near iPound Lake., ý,'Pie MrcklainAI' lbuos osmmier ons sousbeum 'asdhew The state fearei tisaI, as Ae Aad ad- 117c josephr Grenuls. Graralie. - eanponeled later, *buleý4into rer- PlOTe AT TB T ome on' vhal la kicas sthe BShavw "nittead'he bail been iseveral echer 514 janies Trmtbat4 i, n. IHarbor,, nd he i b ie v o > sli t s ubdivitson snd have beaun sendtug Cr.tXW robbaecu. flot oda, mlgit fbae 433'ar i. Cravfofil, Wadm*vrk9a rn u>' eIl0t r vrit-tietr sumniers aI Pox Laie* for the AI'UwsC.crethh lleaed 100otu ncorne Pace, viere ie 29456iHerbert BJuryhz, 15 (3lest. laI tAerdioo~ ~,0 ct b>' Hihland Pak .Mad lser ToIdferPOblrIvmlears. 1 riendi coulil getl t> seil Iansd then nul et, Mus., CarukuAn a Wi so. otlnto A , ________ ste le UTOId v tlo4 '*Wus Ida. euhibond And enabie lm nta 3300 10e Sveto, Wcukegsii. 1 Tvo otier me 4he p.rty VIRttonCorps..- el., ",ost ai. u'bai sodffu. Thotla vAi>' tis bond vwu 1031 Ueo. Aison. 120 ÉBro S vuai. eufred l inor In oWqtb6,,Im eand He Say& -lBi 8n. Attorney' George Pilisof 4- WC"bâ rOUa *uc Ou.-'487 Max Mller. 1858WALdcoùrtlIlo% C '( onu, h ua "ma ol able aMi ot *m1283 Vctor Eeuoitun 1836 JOSO qiào ssptl.-bauds Dr. LloydN. BergiiLet tb.1 4t e ge u mcuet lanb&M«it ethlie Paille cr- u«. 1tsaiertua 8e 110* apeteL .14 art D o, u4l a k Oê te. Pl arI be Mry on a counl>' board vWho uexalutW t.mme e.Comfien>'andth le »Ilcenma daglte . J4~: nd1i~Qeeu lSe 38 1$ tufJ. co*iý 14 Vicom> , " .et theiedrit aI et>'lio iiud nd 'Door Compêa. re*qulA*41« 0 v ea Àé Çarpenter 0fobcio$gn. 4fib5tW-'iIIs150N*ùmib moàtt. 4i, the n a iaili.conu al i diration 0of dîc lii.court tb* vinil qu bise ast,, OC ie t, 1q4a>' it thiA home et 8 f 1msg .Vo4oIkT sJt lr f eneaiel.HgiiO4 Mi1aoibiirtU Pie>' Ooduclor e 0 flr" Kog* 11em- «Yon're 100 per demI .14>'." he 1i%#rMuent lt.Mod deon*f0sirouldavrelad o.alr B , uiaia. CF'Pe ' -»t r4tý J. 1 Nftey, "71'ý y repMrked. 'Wgb »Ïyq-uk r »yU liaIlb.te pos>' ho ceoA i «»4409otai imboa taW lioui J*Ils tie the V..8*4-s1 .ite1ol$UW aeefao li li Prebf*ol, 1144ýtV fk" -*bs i appoipissoi'Oet reaàgcandi iso kmUItf WghÎà W .4 a igete U1pocfa*ut f t-r.r hi2