CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Aug 1917, p. 3

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L AI 9@141Iys Men Start Etraining and Expet to Depart From Fort Tomow. EQUIPMENT 15 GONE. Waukegan Members eofHead- quarters Staff on Anxlou Se t ta atUnder Way. %5rt Ssrdn I.AS SRvhl tor men of Col. RiUIWs i 40UiArtliey meat toniglt tisa! they hmd Just ou ana l abalu hour. loft bfor. tho weer ta hegIn entralulng for. txobIllt* zatîin caur m owvere la tGo Unitedl Stles. Wn. apet tthstortoal 1n aleep. Màu vmts 10 uveuers viype>anal the toitet homo 15.1 they ver. on thir ay. . Tii. equlpanet 'vus loadd OMtO trains lte.tonigit. Tihe oruosviii b. put lto car the iraI thing ln the mornung Mudthie mon viii fOlov as »oon us possible probably not bc- fore noon. ic reglasent leaves for thie new camp t tuili var strengili of te recealy adopted French tandard. An effort hai been made t) recritý the organisatioan ta the nev trengthbp ~t orders te depart tounaithe xegiment, ftrt-five men short. To V1i1tiie quqta the. central iarmy duist.nt viii trè.nsfpr the requireal nosuber tram the Second anal Third Illinos Artiliery. Colonel iieUli's regimeut ha, been alaegated as headquarters of the Sxiyaeventls Brigade etftthe Forty- ninth iDirlcn. It yl i. thc dutY Of theIllnos men ta establah head- qiarters anal an .ncampment spot for the réel of thec "Rainbov divion." biteh viii consat of 18.000 soldiere. Relative@ of the artllery Men Came ta eamp darog th, night and valttal for theus ta entrain. fit va.neeasar! fSr Colonel ltelly to, pont an extra guard ta take cure cf thogee vho carne ta stay until the, regiment departeal. PREVENT ION 0F DISEE DUes "a.wilI 01v Yeu FpeueAdviu. 'l« Ths Vital Subjuot. eet i tuurance ba" grown te be MM ganalmo*re ruoguiaesa a avital tacter lu the. Welfers or a»T commu- w.ltY. ioumg mmpaigmlsg on the. pan r t oraata"sialmunicipal b Iu»l authots. haule o h tier of a gront dent ef unnucese àMhgdiseuset, but to e b.ralY succest, fMi us. o-opetion cf citizen la cmn- "Yeu have teaursal your snrchandise agls me"ey. a bulletin cf the viitel tates publie mheu -mi-sl.. 'Tus bave lauisiol yeur bouse sud barn toaulam e. u baehaie pep ran Wai o utau â imaa Poliey t- P.- vUe tie meoegs of 11f. for 70cr à la c uom II.But 7« pu Irn M .quston of Pmu OE s ueuilM GO lought a" a*% th" aau - tmt a mattur de- me INKOS Bétes pObli eaulnM. An mnete. miaré et Na lsi.uni cf- Md bu tuma Bsim- pas. 0" boi n Ooe cetun equest. Aufflu*MW are lboiedisi «yphomi ~Wie~eu t Xeam 1 "i.prevenc- **buliave," "Tubreul-itm ma u Ia ps'rndoa" Imifaatile Paraer- d e e Md uxe c Gor éEab7.» EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE. Wogthn thu Liv. Wecrawl &bout on tGo bttom Pf a aua of ar. Ouly ver! recotly bave w.e xneato minalt Wecau thé perrfonauce .Itiliml The *&mseou mxtiiE7 cospolng tht. ocan et iria.o iuidansd transpuat tâtiat v. ardly ruadi,. lie pruseuce. Doubtle. faieu liSe manner 5ant conseoas aof tisevater i vhleh ser But,tbu air in muclisdenser tuais ve imaule. A amit cbsllbiavs uP a ta! hefloon. I'robgbly the, air Inuie the nudateti ruisher bug la et a Preseureofo &0 mora tian tva atmaospiereg, yet tus belioas bas become, n ffet a sollal objecI. A cuble foot of six velçrba cen.tderably over an ounce. A dr*Y gods box three feet cube wiii cotalh tvoaund one-hat pouns atair. TisIl means, ot course, at sea levai. As one climba a mounlain or goesup iu a balloon the air becomes thianeý, lias ensity dlxuluisbing steadlly Unutl penbapa 10 or 200 nuflea frcm the aur- face of tue curtis tuer. t. vltully mane of It lft. It la reckoneal tuat oe liat f te entire buiS of the atme- pd.rela belav the tht.. mile level. The. sa of air t. a vwrm 8nscS. .otiag th eat deliveroti by the su» th. Me oerth- If t-veee-muImly Wkat Symmady MA NGA Eff«teMARKET A LbceDay Story a, BAIR HPS~R2ICHARD IARICLY i *'Pelaî7 aisiIU Qulntanra. ' : du tht. i heur about aa srilka cf the Qulnuard compnny'à employecu?" "I thinb, a trike viii 1*declarel.- "What in tise trouble btySen 'o* sud lb. meu? "lrh.y vaut an adrvanca or 10 pet Nov, bula.Quitat, dangiter etf Go preali ot fGoQutganaMausfactur- lau compter, leptet af penuhng boit mnmetluMMclI rqutremeuagave ftate the mpioeua cf tue ceru c f vieh hua fatuer ovnealàacontrolllug tale- netM Bi lteal ote , h elpai Go» women put tueir ebldrest lu prop.r ais usullsupplai ootful provlaous anti oGoervine mwnltftm ai h bur vaut.. WhIle tue father vas absoonbuainlupuy- log dividende the daughter vausms- patisi lss thhte wveres. *Wht dienda are Yuj an piluS. papa?',aakaiDora Tvsiv. pur cent. 'Wist la a fa&t Iterct on nionu!? Il"Tat depns. Tise govrumet en bortov on a. loy as 2 par cent Int«r.1 ast. A flood rairoai 5 par cent stock la ually Worths par. Manuftslnluj stocks abouti puy fron 6 pr cent ausa minimum Indefinlt.iy upvard." '".What t.atthe market price.of Qulu- tard stock?" "On.lsundrcd anal scient!." "Suppeslng yon hould adi 10 per cent te thse men' vais.. vhut dlvi- alenda couic yen pyr "T'roa 7 te 0 per cent. 1 Ihinie" "Ana) vbat vouid bu tise market Saine0f tise stockvhilb euen er. pay- n y S pe cent?' «TisaI vould vary lu diffrent m-nu- faeturlng concerne. la aux case, viiere v. baie a teady demabd for Our geais, a fir surplus andi much mou« Issiouteai lu the.plant.tGo stock iheulti isil et &bout 91»l.» «To.euy tuat a reiiroad te stokellu at par anal parlng S per coutlat a faix aveluofl. Ismt a manufactulag stock .elug et SM 0an"ipaylug a pur cent a boter ona?" -. "I'hat'Ba aquestoci for tGo inventer. t aboulai enidr thora about equael gooti. I. Soovina ail&bout thse sgain ef the Qultard comlsany. vanNai prufar te bolet ls stock a> $130 on au 8 per cot boaiste a glod rairast stock at par payisg 5 perrcent" "flout Yeu thInk. papa. that Yen coulaigrant thii increas oaf vagon anad stfilI gia tue capital Invecateai la Goe compsny aàfar dvdeotr2 "What aa m, a11e Pum!" sui Go ftier. arniraclug i duugâtar. "Whsy don't yen st up for a vaind atdew lte? Itou vouli aafliy prove te Goe operativen tuat they are beins treateal unfulrly. tiaIcapital It. getliugtue ton'ualsuare et tihesprofit accrougtram thdr laber. H*vlng prvailto Ummn tisaI they are entiai te la pur caet adiance. Yeu coula tien' provo tint thhy aboulai try for unotiser 10. anti se où. ti the bubile burut" "What do yen mean iy tuheubte burtng?'. "suppose. vages ver. te b. lucreauso aui oiy a fair divdunailt. oaxfota nodthin 10lad op for supplies; tGo Ma- chluer veau ont or nev mSheusi dévle muet be ilroalucoa te méeet a gedhme" eut or manufacture.Or ex pose a vaf iseauki et anti vuaaxIlsut se tro. out forinama*mts Wber jxe v01 Struntisi. Wiiere areO eperatIffl? ThioowntUpi MuPlY- muat.A" lyou b5.0Vvisât tat essas. Ilt. laarvatio&n" "Tes. pali. bul Y«u are puinS 12 vu cent ivieanis. 5Vev; 7u pouRI liai anal s« te jour qurplur 'AUl iniestuents am lable te t=a a e o cptl uvOeWe uspedallyuncorlain. Itia le dionist ilse capital for tue. or te bell U* vis you hbaaegttIL ,Te - halai cur capi i Goe Quittr e.n y ve 4-vbeus paylng eut ail Our nue oexings lanlv" demie. My plan h suet do bita I iconfidence la ucqUirul a4 souno* thinu more thon cur prenant divildenda ouruod. Thon t1vl! roue, tue dili- enals anti place tGo reductien sud tGo e adittional ausount earnai tg surplus acomst. When 1 have providel a aur. 1pinss unlicleut te koup tlie tckhoidere fromi boting and my mon employu au caseof a jear cf loue Insteati of proit LI litehit 10puy>Ilgiser Wace-thut te.. rif 1 e no more anff ah=a-. «Why dou't yen expIais tn ol e lIou ho hie empicyes asLSjou baie ex- plainai lt-le me?' "Sncb a course vould . e practica- bié for many 111- Thoia u Uicend 0ftue dialogu. buf 1h va. ot thse endl af Misa Quin- *tard's thougits on th. subloct. sae toriucd a plan '10 gie ta thse employees vhat tue president coulal fot do OUI- Scinfly-an lnking cf tise situatiou. Oho vent to the vomen vhom sise isd blped-thboee ah. coulal bout trust-anal c ave tuesu to understan atI'she Snev t ta bu tbe bet lterest of the opuatIvas tuaI hhey ahould lt vl euough ualonte fart tie prenant. trutlng 10 the preidet té n geuintesOf the Quintuati coopmynytota uch Com- -di" tiontt Se coul met tisi1.9t monde vitucetjji1W tues. or t t #oeuiolalcr.,Tbm ws. v o m té. tak e théGo ,muai aoïm .p - la Gte oulti erm'd Goé teadiit. !.il 1 i infiswd My detective story. Tiw OtagL400lIouse." Isut It 1i qvery publiaher vitbout succues1I hui ued up my fends ville vrlting It and. va confrontilth» aturvation. On, of the publiabsr. d uuga.tssthat 1I laient some metlsot of malng a mar- Set fur mi' verS.I 1diWnudiaratand vhat b. meant. andi h.o slaiedt tat I think op soute #tory abour t tisat voulai attractttGo attention eft hepub- nIe. 1 totid ut that I lad doue Ia-. ionting enucgh la vnltlug ths novel1 anti haino Ingeuti' lef t.1 1 put sa advetiumuont in a nevu- paper statlng that a mua 0f laffl ex- perlene seafl a position la a deta- te isueau. 1 reMelvelon repi. It vus tram a Mais vho Ml ivelty mile. *vway trom viiee 1 iod, Sald I vu obligeai te o mito ne hlm by triaini. 1 feareti ta i*AS ning hlm.buta"ne.1 I haît notlslng v$sv 1 concludcd1 to do sm. Throvlug s fav lituu lta o suit case I went ta Go stations und vA. s.aou Josg &l ong on a va! train forMy detinationu, vil My ban" baggag. la Go rack aboie my hoa. Tt vsnoti onS ieform a amais looking st me freux a sout on the appa.' site side of Goesate- I ftrsInoticeti that h. vis latent upon My suit case, the andi cf vhieh protrudeal from Goh rack. Wioen he loverai bis a yes ise asemel to take me lu for oame pur- pose. I samaed tint ho auspected me of beung nom, on .1.. and al uetrying ao muke up hie mindatit my identIty. Wl- t lie poison sitthng beeilde me ift tise train the mai vha bail becu observing me-ho vas a brutal looking1 felov-came anud et davn ieide m&e. "Hovdy. Mack," ha «MAintia kloy voe. 1 turneti ana lkdctai= hm Nov, a vrlter ef deteetive storLeu andi on. ambition cf amhlint esa ade- Isclve laDot Inlayl!toi hrov au Bd- venture oehie bi ouider. 1 hasardai a guem Gt Gohe misva. a croak anti hua mi6-ekn nu for soher crOOL Il vas not flatterlag te bu -mstken for a jautairal. but lu tue isape of Itoml- tus a saometihu I pet -y priaein la-y -oret. "Wben ailalyou aS otr I askrei. .1TvO veis goc. "Have joeu got on te anything sine.?' "Tes, but Goheps hl ave got metlied up vils IL I eaa'tVeaull.on It vitis- ot tuair spoliés me,- binmybue c ablpayoo Heoumade go repiy te tht. for avbtle. Il occuretite mu tbat h o vol4 uot reMla trumting me. A broue tue silence by asklng hlm vhst SUd et mvtag bu bai gt on te. H salai 1h vas alilier plate. Plate la hulky. andl I lad no doubt tuaI 1>. vouta inSd dlcu5y lu dtmlsing tôf IL *"IItai yen viai 11 do," h sazt atter eocum ble raie raection. 'il put a part cf it ilt yenr anda anal give pou a quarter IV you'1> tutu ItI; nta euh. If yo're mrigltabout thiat a" moceai ru gi-r. yen -ore more." "No cih riateS eot on blves." 1 1111à Su e kl ne hov 1proposei to do Gh ob1, ma 1 Ireposal itnht Iwould mut the tofut&Mdispos.of It sruas, mnterial. 1 made up a story qshout m-y 5Mitrta get a du te oonough for 1h. puSp ana&M 1 ed uctis for Ingots thi 1haiacquirl fer a ullai pur- «Hoe- mach ofet ila thmu" 1 asSai «W,& .teouthe Go tuih. léreuiel. 'Iberéla ot mach cf .er. but tàhWis m»jeweht ai belongel toia veusa W Go MulMl*b»ln lac bsobas. aa Me *"M a kS etl t "Tom vont t Mrdet that îej $ma." I1n*d. «M'do ae Goalver for yen. bocansemoflua l a i .1e alla me-t tousl ae 1 1 maie sa arrangement vith hlm t* eulut a demerti, aMlpMitad old bouiuutheGo sut ýsimingt . ,remore Go sanîoi or sncb part as hc va. wUillg te, trua me vtS as a ilrt test of My hoaot ud ma"effraitfroan hlm. Refor leai.g hlm 1 usked him vhat tuer. va" lu me t a ttract bis aattention. I suppo)seil It vw. the names MarOc! paintua en tise end of my sit cse, but ha aulib.houiti bai. kiiovo me by su> ovu "ugly mug." Ater leaving suy pal 1 iittatithse party wvohall.dadvartisedanal tt te- auircai but a few minutes te provo tint nether bcd use for Gheo her. Then 1 vont ta tise towu froS viich Loypal isalleid anal informai Goe police thnt i hai got on 10 onet"en goa. . Prom visat I told thoea hbey located tise roi- bcry and sald tuat the, penn a kascia vas vorlis $M,000. Tiere va. a e yard offered for It alone off lO.Oa. 1 eecsrcd a vritteu agreement villa them and the next nlght piloteal tjser Io tise adalvess>ht a bauigiveu me. Nearli' $100.000 vorth of prfperti' va. recoi-ered. tise rewards for vhIehi aggregnted $15.00. ail of vhieh vas palai me. 1lasked my victlm vb. t made hlm no certain I vas a former mosumate of bi t the. state prison. anal hosalai 1 9 w«a.tle Image cf *ibnIkeOoy, viies witnne vasla tise roque -alleal. ;I vont J» tue gauly. aMWGtbeukmwo meaôl tousi tthei. osigl M asW. M ir mes Née mthbwasmitWh bea>tsvtiieugb f a dtor*twà* ,'ý * feItha*so<Guvudw, Se IN U. Su OFFJCI3R ZMon City Man, Joe Rose, Sob- bingly Beau Forgiveness of .-,dgëela Cary, lnd. Wlien np for l1#5 bear!n7. Tfil ,". 58 yesrs cli, wvita eired. snthlugly begged forgivcnoiu for Imper *onatlrsg anoofncer t Gr a A'-,',rgo. "Oit, IvV e hel ddlcai-d to Cieliq- cor habit ever *face 1 (an remember. OucenWu lbemltiY.. 1'ive in Zinsi City. 1 votai agulaut tisasaloons, 50 1 vou.ldi't bu toputeel and wisen t came taoeUY 40 siSain v son [ tall. I1dua't 5.0vw what 1 vas dolngg' tearfli! tue aid man tlid his stor>. Il vaa learuai th-at hi., son had brought hlm tue.brtdrink. For this the gon, imaried andal vijx.- h$ween lohaxt and 0Ge7, vas reprlmanded by the commloii.5. Tise father was reaeec. coma PRRPAEED TO STAY. JDemi t uy tas.. fthis yeue's S1tat. Fair lu a »dey. Ih will be lmpuesIOe 00 & Il of It ln es tian et louaiGreday.s end nigitts. TIie fw- 1admission' 1la W saut, flhtU25 cents. C Dy OLIVER E. IWMEY, 8.cretary. 1 Mllvauk.e, Zui. 1O-With the greult Ameresu nation la a titanie var the 1917 Wnelssiu ButelFuir wiii do ail la It. power ta e e essistance te, cit-1 IsaofaiWlSCOUM Wvho arc backug1 the mmnli t tbq*Mt it th lntenuilledt production atihoué. Thisyeasu OIntt fuir vii iususé l'Ooou f objecttles- mm.Ssa sto .that yullbu Invauabl. tu fod gaoductian. It wl show thé veluwulmusefcfoo cd prod- uta of vhit&,és. viii b.a pletifula supply a" Wb$& céunhbunued i place1 of thouse of Wk *e. mina a carety. It vii pceWoat uumciwedarrar of machin" d~Goou vfAch the. farmer vii beo nabIi f»;nplae labor for the fai4.m. vlm omte. No WWomb -U@*M Fair h«, pre- soed aa " e lla GOeducational tea-1 ttu tlmt viii hausmm Md founal in-i vainable tht. yun Trustu *kg * mFomuu Tii. big tn*oUM vIU be a trator show andal imob*lm À *acSe vit lACO feue fxomutalaMitheconter of the fta> grouis v*0 i 4uoted otiui ta trats.B. Ny u lrraumet vls ,la" o wuuss. ptveen the.fair gromude andl CAihoqki. lva Mfedia- tant. and l aong tbii pttibneoctric Uine cf the C. and N. W. j,» 0are. of land bbuter. obtalned for demo.- strations. Ilpeciaieilectélp car@ vIii carryFuir crova ,te an PaMeof t" demenuatton ihtriet eoik$ êw Mivnl- utes imp to the noon heux. Pasu ont badges and uLldkets viii bu glvgi fair patrons to elable tbem te me the tractor d.inonstrultlonis; AU of the tracetor Ccmpl.tu rer.- lwenteal ln Wlsccnu nwlii ho edin lithe show addemoaàbgtiitIre. CRiNKING POUNTAINS FOR ALL. Aftetur . etthu eslow t systea.. in.taliud et à,e».t et taint. e e fer usemt.tatleas hao Wemaii.4 MW U RTILLERY teAil. 416 - - -- -4 -4 1g I.a giah 'lmlreet uéK a tlter show Il.a118. viii bu a*e et tuis shiovw a" dsmuU mtp htâ>s dloser nlA=l bes IiOCo empanles au b itMG udpumèr vho ba s or of tla WM pé for forum vort . improe.mefttsAdded This Your. Patrons viii Sd.a usV PGO bulilding for the POUlliY 40&eMtt~.t la ie viii wMbe 11,00 quaffeue ,f exhibita. eue cf the besCpentrj, omi' lu tue Unithedai tlse CiS.Yar. Thte departmunt t. under tGo duu.tloet George W. Eackett 0f Nortu Fýreee tic ustates bet knovn pouitnY expert. Nov vire fenelur viii bu fonu"on tue nortisern anal westeris bonniartue, completing nev fenclng ail the vuy arouna tise grounds. LacS cf vater anal severajM faclis- tesbus been a serlous draWbacS to tise State Fuir. A new.Wate nai1ev- erage systeni bas liern ls11ded t a cot of rM5000. Sec eral qsv Cosufort stations bnie Iýen provide&i and tiser. vlise an adequnte suPplj 0f driaking fountasins. SAUl ftishe fourteen the hors. dupartiniet huve been repeireti. gven hov roofs anal palateal colonial yellov. trimmeal vtth visite. Tu. stock judglug pavIlon also bus beu repatreai anal re6Jntol. A railrod conieting vlh tue Chsi- e, 'mulvankee anal St. Paisi àro&a- muluth te Pair ngrougl ani oe Si a filinu vit lo shiepeai tul S-Tb*e finu la uséin, MYaOtn hu;Cl.,sifflel çb440i&me 14Sw Tb"i e lmms Who MW t' t t W9 p c p ti ire . a traveler who 1 kuows wl lie wântÏ to go, but it advanoes no reaeon to lx ence a mau on his way to one town to go to anot Some advertising is of the "Sgupoot var. ...-it informs the people,.that the store is iu'bu4ý but gives no reason why they should trade t1o, MThe tust of k1Iu advertiain« là added buuinen. ~JNmaIoa [=, 'g.the oust if tile dvertiLnbg poue ~foiII ed b"n. to psy the oensem and bave si profit. INDIPJ~X>ET ÂDS wu'l develoi nebWvM --not mo1lr hold premeut. bumiuem M[Ue= , -Ïàd fa» esu t. t I.- Pick of thé Regiment ta Act as Headquarters Company, in New Asaignmont. Fart Shseridan, Auff. 23-Tse One Hundrrd anal Forty-nlntis United States Artiliery, fonucrly the ll' l- l linals, bas receiveal ordes ta Franc. Col. Rellly anal Col. A. J. Smltb ex- pect tousuave vîthin a veek. A changue bas heen nmode lu the rlaus ta haie tise artliiry go ta an Eastarnu camp for training. lta. thay viii romain there JuBit long enough la embark. Tise Illinois unit yul bu the munt tu go. A nov distinction vas given ta Col. Reiluy's artllery Wednesday vien lnatmeUmll u er. recelveal ta tortu the plek cf thc regtment loto a coin- pany in act as beatiquartera company et tise <Sxty-seventh iltiaMrtloy iii- nde of tie Forty-seconal tnfantry dlv- tlo. Thiusain.neof telis.hst hon- ore thut cari bu conterreal on a regi- ment. Brig. Gen. C. P. SommeraitleI henad of the braiga. anal I am confident tiiey vili make a - dsihow. TisaIlt wll he seen ttia t les one eçuttlngent ofthtie drafteal men viso viii appear ut tise gatherlng viii be tiiere in an offcel capaetlty, tisat la so fui as appearing In thse ioil of eolàmloa gi', for Mayer Addlugton wyil have 9omneiody promînent viso wili direct them sud Seep tisen to- getiier as an argaulaatlou for tise firat tîne gluce tise! have besn called luIto lhe army. Decidealefforts vill b. smade ta get each of tue 632 inca ta assembhle ut Faso ParS In order tint tise. who axe 10 remain behinti, at home mn) showv' hem d4efurupie. i dse tethey are golng avay ta, serve tueir coun- try. It t. the time -<lien ei.rysody aboula i in uMaSing tise celeisratlan one of hlstorliimportance buraime It viii go lova uIn5thlhstory in fu- ture yours as une of the big tiag Ilsat wus arranrel lu Lake couuty Sep a Poctra"t PreUNor Dcym of BNglai. ePeri meutlag vilsbubies, obtale ss ver luge n os, vieSwu& G t u shhsai chaungalcolons»sebeuutlfuly Gt h b seoivul Gtheamet uing thm au buagu for pboeaaral. Tii. lhugebuhbiu wvee lovn vîlt un ordiurj boiove. maGohePopuls science mautbwl. Tue aORp s0"00la vas Sautae aM alargomoutiai tný nul vas dippel Ite 11. Tb*se helovu1 eonnoeoal vilthGofunnol, vus thon workai 'os-y genty. Bublâies vilS « great a clxcunifrneeus lv. antià haif tetst. eessiiw oWcalssei ont theo frtla haIr e -avbm t tveni* mIaulehmlm-at Ma U$ vatme. 12.5,mm am0* v a ra me aMalsrve hhs le0."*w. u~ om la b~ a ibu a <W-se GI Os ati. uu almSul ot a ua WIN1E~D lsz'zzbd Wm r - vwhich the. factoej ' v vone10, wus Iocated. lu crier tu r A Yankee Boy's AcrojIae vtis uny preclio vu e - Experlence ln Belgiumn the e Sh o e hui4reê voulal bring us vitla 'muea tona that vouxal o hrUii. By GEORGE BRENNAN ai tisat vu t -sParaeus < drav Merf enoughtte teW0 liîm:îl:îîlîî:i:îIl serve the eetionoftiiofaetorY Wbentisebig uiveusI ax log at a iielgbt that wooZ boWont Wben he bg unierma war mt& Then ve verete 1 *V Mut la Europe. L a Harapa.ireboy turaing vheu night vus eti livng near the. Caalun border, csun paS. stralgh for a point )OC cluisd hbat i voulal 115*ta ses sonu <h. voti, dmp tii.bongoe and 0ft I Ls adiIstened from my bUhy- avuy under cmer c or ami~ boqal te mW grandfttherxs stoe m t ieutenant Me*eh onwwdkw tbewa v-e t*eece gmotldieu tiirlalp o. vbleh 1 b. ~ ~ t and theuca uGo~ teuedlt .7er the acethers, lad uxperiencud vile -serln au 5 iie 1 uoted thi ecoitionai ok Nov fisimpehiru regiment. i won - tory. As goou es t va.PIRlaly actly tii. are my grandfatiiex bornbase, allrefftl hic attbotion t ni taI ise, h litad ta fSbtba for G o buga hei.botter able teSO1 Union ad uni go. haminsil t Gm vlan tii. sue *usMmde. romance ot vut that Iommlnt km , Who* e i.Plan cortueS eut pi lie ftgit la Euarffe. 1 the pommuulty of a srrs.i 1 ha no piofoeresaeileror mer--&M adScape after the. boGi but the. tctbtat Icoulai eealy «Miel oppeal. But the. t cae en tiiat 0f théemles mesaicould mfot vm7pcoulidnet axpecitao Wét von set tu Gurma3y GeUsaime ta. ln the. ao vitheobehug obOOt?&UI i tformer. (Sming thé Oau iaa nWgitattà,* on & .purtkculai r i lim, 1 sougliithGo usrcesi .ecxuidug tiitou voeuimeuifuMi-0 station and, being lai excellent pkyi. abillty te otte Il lu thse d cul eondIltIon. va. .ccepted ns a re. her. wu e000 viaSpoint la lie cruit. Af 1er a gooti aeal crfrlug la TwMOgit tests longer aboie Guis bl Canada sud thon la EUUglantifouni loy. and thé .umy uWOMblVes& M usyseif ln BeWgum. ter vlev t or te sopiaues tikSa* By " t. ime It va. vunter, anallhe !«ontihe aeroisiuue oid Umet m tvo opposing armiea itia got tthetii.onemy. But thora lu a grot d trench des*itock. Nevertheletbet, eucesbelviien aeupiaïm.pud &a bé vere=ocsoal drives an bols aidsi, «ovcring a large .xem.' Thé hj" and 1I sonm v wail the fightli& e. [vould bu an erlanenaittarget. ~ rather, tii. lsuiltor. 1 vsnted. I bai aoeoplanes voulti ho a susil founal my srandfter'u dsscrippsond erione. The. advuutagmsslà cf battis@ quit. excitine These Ubte vu*tagés ou sucS aide vr- la BeIgium appuareal ratier the. oujia, isavifu w ta u marcing of men i saugiâter. vii itis * tishé olne uI' thé m tde it thi e " on vhlch MA«t ope aflur *0 . ttamu. m ien ver. luit va. tho victor. Wbm % 0»or't*o auhe aversxe " > 1a«v thi.eemj uadvam for manb agio ao*mglu s SgMaro. tack I: remlomidamenuor viieafafllng OWybut Gu' on fa butor. a movlag machine.-0 1r- sbj*PUm Net secing auj roma nluthis kn5mb * btg iML Hoftg of varfame.1Ithought 1 wculd 1Mm.te p.*iet of uk.tisày #»wam, «u4r tise corpu of aviators. Not bai- bu eut et siqb hng been aducti ta rua a flyng smm- 2 t that sem se t G. loi rbuie. coumla ol ilteer ta naV&. ontv. bert. a", vo i- vth on vho b.d as a lgiting méz Outif t* mous st« ea m é aor a bomb dropper. - 1 ucceefl la bol" wtise horou. *04i gettlag myseiftriled for th.s unls ih itt o trut*mo ana il vus tounai tis at hatise hUai ual ew ies w u toer IL. ot Piey poison iea ouste a oe vattemu tubs. » mâteaihlght vithout bcoi. 10 I mg ths of courseé oulirut _____Wu Iummrinabie for GOMepoos.»0sObe* n et une"s mregue buul d.Immhé imeie. iaviNe é. * esesia ditutb actumu cfM& Thée JPm oS atUo n Md anlxpocta ve . aa ltu.lm is GOrpuan id.lbut m >mfuw 0m MWo une m auth. e affl ai.b e Itufl lobeoumt4P 0, eu* Gbosa vbo ver.kuile Bo.1, bavtag upon lb. bom. Ver bal Lr a bomi droppée. i oMdt"te$pc >My t rt evas vils aha Bbnm bu uoe pué.&orne ceUMM set ropame. onuan expoitlsete u. Aoi mm. lu ma. luali 19- *lma. manatoaT 9 hw4 -lp M~osial u teri th5~ héoeuman Unù-. I»«,è Proêablyh.eoola«w uto& 18mrf eea oesiu p1 mafê l sI4ho*st _SobllLg 1kl bê» a Imél

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