CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Aug 1917, p. 5

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O. 1917. *owiàthe time tb put in' YOUR WNE U~Y CoaI-WSood-Coke, OUR SUPPLY 13 EQUAL To Ail Deémiads and Clen OuIr Service. Thé Beit. Phone 47 L. A. ihop, Mer. The ie to buy coel wNO W, Don't wait uritil winter. W ÈTen whem winter corneos, conditions rn ay b. «uha to rnte it impoasie te supply you in the. wWyou018 doue, anti beadus-strnkes andi an incvmM lipuîce 5a» a posaibmlty. WE HAVE JUSrTHTE QUALITY TItAT WILL SUIT YOU W. F. FRANZIEN. JR. Manure Spreaders The Bwt sÉnayg Implement on the Frm misco Ailý Deere Good New Ide. Euwrson Core n uandi look them over. PuicdRight Liceuset i EbaIrne su F d ý,Automiobie ..ig.Furnt tel M f Si It~ Mm____________Ch____ 'as. a4w1*f$t-otlenlng hie inriougb at hie hOffl eVelý utsa Mar vraiatuseanont-ai icun it Chas~~~ieto, . ~Iseueab-e.tpt R<Ifll~ILlLGS Mr& John >lIf*e)llvisitet! riends aet r r o lMr ad lmsmA.Klrhy entprtlied rlai, thve b. rethe week. If ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r YoOnwo wS<1 trsd lire. J. L. Ierverd are enfer. il Ocs.1 o f e iv..of, t imbehi. moibath]*isweek. iso& n. Nntplme 1. econd Llaent«mt lo@eph lloyd ilets ------------ ee linUuoffl Sd bride returitedMon- de, eswaniongfroe beir weddiig trip. Itii. reportad lta&#lire. D. Laô la quite. nad Mlire Ii airdi etertained ek. friand. mros Chta.gthefifrst 0of'the Florano. Goidsuberg' la viatlug at eI Uwauka. lir. and Mmre.'.C. Gridley eterteiuad lian t«at. mage & trlp ta Ciega ie former's.bitbar irom Chcago over atunday. - r an udal. iD. IL Thompeoif ma&& tript van . MWDootyb = of iai lgin, visted en Sondai. ber parante, Eev. and lira T. E. Resu, mue Uare8. naca__n . uday. or. Rot spent Sun- d" iln Mis. Mary Bush lat atnrday for e feu dojo la Cisago. Mies0%Jesuete Mondes bas returneti itou ber vaction. Mn. end lins.-E B. Red of Lobke Bluff, uscain aOur low manhdai. Eata B. Wood 01 Silvaena, Obto, wcs a cahner la aulr Cty Sunday. Mir. llowen madé a trip ta Lbicago Iudy.rtnrnfnl io>ndcay. - lit a iyme Joyce ai Chicga, i. vialit- log st tb. borna aI lra. Paul G. Bey. Ailes Doye Of North Chicago, §pent the week-end etlthe of lira.MmOea. Root. J R. Mack hacouPleted th. bsftmeuit for i. neu bungalow ou Broadiway St. lira V. L, Gerreti.accompauhlei by ber daughLer are vislting at Arlingian. Win.. jame. Davis, Who ha. bçau sufferng wlLb e beosen leg. la lmpraviug qulte rapidly. Severel frorn ber.e ttendad the Pigeon shoot et Chicago the letter part ai1Ijet week. lins. R fi Cole sud @au Ralpb ara vioiting relativeuaet Madthon, Wit., cuti Oscar Kaiser, wbo bas been vLIting bis parente ha returnet tauihain oe lu Ta> lorvilie. Rabt.. Waod aud Eerl Kaisr bave returned iromin seir 'outing et Bauge Lake, Waucoutia. T'h. Wouan'a Guiltiai thetit. Lawrence cburch wu]l aea bakery 8seal t Ilai rond'a tar. Batnrdey. F. C. Goulti usa a trip ta Chicago Saturty, returning Lautay. Frank Risie aiflteedaburg. Wis... uB@a calier lu aur loun llundey. lire. J. A. Adam@s of LIcero. Who ha. been vislttflg ber odater, Mirs. W. C. Gurte. .etnrned tu ber home Snudey. Mise Fannie Llghtbody bas returueti ta ber position et f.nguor<hys »tore alter a vacation of sua wseks. Our baud lntructor, Chas. D. NichaIse anud uil. are entertataugn the tormeras moiher, lira. M. Sichola a1 Omaha. HRury Kaisr le asnug a smshai lgger. Wb"ci 1s»ealntmmd bli-at wark onthe mikwuanle a reroati a breabrean. Morris Wlicox, uho lires at A" mad bas beeau ha lnnepodoslor Lb. Pest year, reîurned ta Ibis neck o' the waade éun- dau. The B1gb 9ehool furniture wblch uas bougbltbrough P. . Bey la arrîima daity eud la belug Installed as. fàày as it or Geutry lime«. circus gave a .par- formances bar'idonday alternoon aud j= . lgprecadetiby e parade lu lb. Prof. Tbragueorton arrivai lua ur eity lest ridai sud la buaily engageti lu arraagUW plans for lta eoming 81gb achool yeer.-' B. W. Blthey ant iulla accompanied hy lisBchanck, raturnedt b. Brt of b. uuek iron m "vacastion ubIch use Ovant ln Wisconsin. MilseLoulssCaler, maslaanlprnlpal jst lte 21gb scitoal husteudaneti han regnation ta leb oard, lvice pon hsell se the reaeau. Cbu7.IWuo, HaunySmth sud Clyde Decikir have recelveil i ssion@ ta appea an lb. Foderai Grand Jury in Judgs bandit' ourst PL t. lira. Robe. Vlckerman,,St., ubo bati th lb.ilfortune la SaW doun a £1att ofi stie a fév eaya eXo la up sud eoui &gala and inledoinot alcali.i lMsr. Pred 9. Jacob, liany De snud Chae- O'Connehl. aonoinPealad i eome Chuago fnlude mode sau to trip t l taNavial eatlon Ogoday. KmraW. C. Gr. uanî la ChIae, Ogoday la vieIl ber hosbanti, ubo lu *j, - As i, gles aMd abooee ua lut*,, ,pý 4areiotw bva IeebIibna .Xi Mn. ant IMlra GeorgeCaaPPr are enter. tainig ltait graýd.daughter, le.. een Cooper. Um" eaKtht&àantiCelie Gauler. ai Mlwukee, ame vwltlng their aunt, M re. P. Mouere. ise Bevibs Pro#- ofaisprlng Grave, Ili, la vhaItlg b«iar*dmOtber, tMrm.M. A. Protit ffl BiWek. tiraRHouagd Manou ententaineti ber niac, Une. Wlnt îngrlab anti bnband froin ChIcgo~OoiaSuday. lira. Ris Woeard (AiPabstis, N. Y., and lira.N. DOolltIei fAre&, sPeut Tneeday wititlMre. G. M. Fuller. A cuuber CàouaLlbertville teatier are attaudijeg s*aTeaerera' jugUI.W wbicb la belmeg b gIVaukegcu.' tir. lasnTretl, formeriy c meuher 01 tb. Iui.çedoi fore, i. vitîting ber parente.lir. ss4ý lire. John Cale. tie.muaa 4eandi daugbter ftuth rturneti f~*rdiita cthree veeks viait uîtb frooon Detroit. Mih. T. A. Rayaldé leformnsna he le planning ou Ileefg itL.berty ville ln a feu weekm in, @Pendthe aimanter in laritia. Bernard Dalîhout bas severetilbts con- nections as lb. Slildochoal anti ha. entereti the Waub.gau Busine.. Coilege. liesrs.-Coma. Ilutin, Ernesit aud ER liDlonelti ret*rmeil Mlnday iroin e week'evacatI»nta northerit Wiëeonai. Bayerd Brova la tiow a member et the ofleiers treiolbg camp at Fi. Sheridan havlug tet forf tiscaIleticrst of the ueek. LittleeMlhdred PButer returned to ber haminl Kenasheý,. *1., Suutiay ater aî tua weeks visit et'il]MChasl. F. Suais bome. Iura. F. ticFarla5dUýddauben e. frou Adrian, Miich.. ar" vtng et the houe of tbe former% hisrtb.r, Fraunk Boeken. tirs. J. A. Grave. lb belret aifte ueek for tbeke. Wl.habre site wtll make ber honte wltb ber d»agter, lire. (;eo. Busan. Tbe Womens Guild of " St la.Lawrence cburch will lacet altb lire». F. 13. Martin an Tueodas, ýépl. 4, ina*lad o! Tbursday et 2 o'clock. 14r. andud lra UGeoa Wboberg have maveti their boucabot# ImtIuture ta Prairie Vew uhete tb*ylUUgd Io make their futur. born.. Quit. a number ai aur tavu People .ujoyedtbeuselvea ab l0 e ard party et the home of tir, anti lira. Lyla Smith lese Ssturti y ight. Mntr. Waler More, ra . and lra. Ueo. Bard, ntindchiltiren o lffnnepoliet endti Mira. lart of Floyd. loua, are visiting lin. and tirs. L. B. Moine.. About Oftfy neu book@ bave Ibeeni atidedt latLb.Public ttal7 tht. ve.k. 'be most af tbem are t e publication anti caver a ulie w s of tailuena A Conregstiona uaiia i lhlb. e lt at lte PreabYterian eýircà -5nt7:45 t-ngbl (Thuratiav 1lia Oleer la decide uhat ebeJl be dans f5 regardtaulte repe&rnug or remodllhg iffit e chumci building,.l'h. ]adises viii erverefrteb- muand a soial tinte v"SlheeJoye alter lb. buses m utine A movaumil la o o .bbtlleBor of Trustes ta provIde eU~1tepis sivlcs lan lb. village 91 L4tg~5vll&a meeting for tl b hpou ofa, providîg19 manue forj sncb service b"i ben caeM fan toloit (Tbnrstial.) lita boulse. Iehm, ilugist of r&.Bek B"buan.d plece oa ir& 4" leDetbtrna dletiWeduesday morp#i , ocfqsphalt lever a% lb. Jane moklleBarboplat Ur. Bobo bu ben alt W* boellil ib typhait aeu uswek beorahdaughter. ge la ou lb. gain. lire. C. Ml Fuller WlWodt t' attend the watiiuWof- bw gpandonu Jasas BUa»iilClark £AM -M" tlidb 9 ail n a Cbmgk, ntir~M, Clark fot»«Ienli veti boe .andA i yfiuned vie.e et.a beir hbe.,va amal Jlt.*dau"». lfer bfrholà. bo tb Elt. -hWsn~o., -X, - BorJa te 3.luet Uttie Ylrteqee it.Wsho baha eau spenditig sanie lime uiLh b-r grand- parents.;tMr.eMd liraGeorowe Cooper returnet! ta ber home I li o.t FSunde. A. C. Fm. and wifereturnod la-t Fridoty frou a tnip tua WI.eoueln pointe M ie. M larlon Fleber. who accaupaniedt! tem front ber. remelue t tber bomne et Jefferson. fBouerd Pl p..n t Sundty vAltbhil parents. Howiard 1- a member 0 V tbe 149 Pleld Artlllery and lait lPt irher<da for eaetern pointe where tboy will h. stationed for e short time pre- paratory ta going ta France. A,&tee Attorney J.,"e, G. Weicb and Attorney Wm. A. Dean af *sukegau, wera vltors ber. Teneday. They callet! ta me PoliceelMai rintrate Hf nry Doehifer. bedly ifeted foot. The blerty restaurant liscloset owlug la the.tact thst Itlai.imposîble tu get help T'h. place uiilopen Saturdave and, Sude,. tua acomatete . rade for a enupie cf etseke citeér uhieh it wiliih. iL ulli open ta acoîmmadate the fuir trades. Wil th. Gentry sho w us. ber. Mon- daty ae muet wbieh meoreti about four tees la isuglteceped andth le attendante storees usabl a e theb.reptile andi warts obliges] lu leasve tithont i. Hou. Qrthe*auci.SeseanTue.ay colied ap rock by lire. John Willcao lu ber yard andi eh@ summaneti Mr. llulkhey and Murial Ouydam, wbo suerpeedet! lu kfJing il. l'h. Leke Forest Review camne ta our deàktewekIbinvathu lb.bui telve page., printedtos.i. hook paper andi bcd a bandeau. was b) fuil of gooxd newm sr-f vieil patruizeti by advartlsserts ai l.6e Forest- as c-il as. surronnding towns IL vas gatten ont as Lb. frpt auuirereiary nuluber, andthte manager. D. F. Lînpevu anti Dri. Putunm have a terfee-t rlght ta laok et it ultb the paper bas a very plea*ng appeur- suce. tirauk. clieurd or smoeti. anti he waB 94 yeere aild yesterday. Fact. '*Thiere lsencough lu, lite as Cati prov ided t withont my callilng upon mati for aIle- er pleaânree,"' eaid Mr. BenedIct. lu camp ou the broati meadou e- biati George RIenehane .AvloauPark1 Hatel at Round Latet are flfty ruer-1 bers of the Si. Ambrose Cadets fram the churcb af the samé Rame et Fn- ty-Beventh street aud Elt s avenue, Chicago. MISS Elizabeth Caittili Oead MI@@ Elizabeth Caintell i. udt tuL reeldente boe anti Lake Bluff dieet ber home ber. lest Saturde.y. linneral ser- vices uer. helti at the the home'rue.tisy, tutermeut toot pWa et Wa'nkegqte, 1ev. L. E. Remus, afD<iatlug. OBITUARY Our tieceaeti iter in Christ, 'Ji@@, Eli- zabeth Coundeli, ues hbo n uShields Township, Lalke Cauty. 111. Augt 20, 1845, cuti passet! way et ber home. in Lilertyville-, Satnrtiay morninet, AuR. 25 1917, beiug 72 yro , 5daytt if fe Fred i. Protine of Obleego, spen~ Ban day with relative. ber.. Robt. Wright let the tire i Lb. the f fo.- e trip ta es tn Mir. and Mra C. S. Haag are entertain- lng relatives irom Cicago. W. 1, Colline, uie andI denghîer Viralia, drove tu Aurores gatrdeyv a- turilini $ndey. Mir. ai 13 Mrp,0l q. Bave. entertaloet tir. anm' i re Lemenriut liHliand Park. over Sunday. The Preshyterlati Ladie.' Aid will meet Thoure6ay. Sept. flth st the borneaif Mrs James Swan. There wihle. work ta doý Mir. and lMre.Frauk Sebuer oi Wauke- gen, @peut Saturday aud dSnnday at the home ai lMr. andi Mie,.il. A, Bayeoaet tbis place. invitaLion@ are ont annauuving a lare- ueii party li, bpî.r oaithLb bYe bP bave lima called ta Lb. National Army, by the Sheryl Club girls Chueter Docker, wbo bad a navy beau taean trum hi.eertleut week, wrbicb h. baid pleceti there binacil, esein, noue te warse for bis expérience. At a meeting of tb. commiseouere liondey n[Ubl a neu bridge was pienneti ou tbe Ralkies rond st th. place w br. the Ichkeown brldg> cou stand.. Walter A. Lysie aud famitt are -Tilng main M. . Mttock. bouse en Lb. corner of Milwaukee Ave, ta the bous. recently oceupleti by the I. J. Weber ',i. ti tu Pl Tbh. D**ofth LMSIO Of' ýL :huretawiH bnid apicleouai *a0, atteuding sili mut M6t bo'*P 7:00 p. m. Fort Sheidan. Ânt . for the second remrve 40ocw4 iug camp heman b arrive Knsas. Colorado MW an the camp wlll neot open tf 27, tbby are quareriig ont aide of the poit. A .bnard consisting of John president of the Frmate Fred Kirechnr Caunty Board; a T. AttI son. connty superintpndent t met on Anguat 25 and appO1844' four boys who wIll reP-eaet County et te State Fai, et8 fild, sterling Sepmentr 7. mil log eigbt days.. Tbee l uelý boys nomfnated for tb, butor. 'were: John P'roeUich of Lake Z-u Richard Schanck of LtbertyvIfle Rysu of the. touE of Bouton,'O Harland Harris of Prairie Vte«, T. A. eynolds aiains out fMar continue for 30 day. longer. Al de Watt JI4% ieew TOO LA"I TO LfflSI E FK. Ellworth bas recalveti word TO RENT-A fiv. rfou louer Biat c«ý ram biseaOu iuelsp, that . e ubeau Second Itlre. Inquira cf lir. W . ýrnufereti tu an esateru fort. Luclen Attridgs. abeen etbtiaue t Fort Reili, Kanme, FOR SALE-40 acre. 2% iklasfrot Lin everal moutho, havlng liit ber. gant Ares; good ati, varvicesbie buldW$n, May fer servielu tihe Ambulance eorps. $o<0 uilbaenditbedeal. F .RN He sent pietr.eoi hlie ceuipsuy luwhb Ar.s,. hîlinai. . ppear the te o Kennedy baya irom this lace. FOR SALE-On. a! îbe out8 il farnes in bak.. outi; heal o14ig0'W- muea;praduLîtti $6,000 uantb cd saq& TO CLOSE LABOR DAY tl sao;$2500 uilibac lâle 1e On Sept 8rd babor l)sy) th. biberty. 'Y M Dandinr. Arta.,101.015. ville mercheuts ettîl c.use aI 10:00 a. m-. FOR SAL-70 acres. 4 w~ite - auti re"àaluclu.ed fur tbe balancs of the lava: biai. .vai alI; PM11111e iey, inludtng th a hauteanti barber woriih*cf ubeattnote &Bdhula ihape. The Druit Store. eud Ie Cre:îa seas; $îoS wlbadalb e parlore bovever *Ji l i n upu but M sdng ia lliils-kw ai endeavor ta girethelr t-erks conte . . ..- ilpe off for reer.-atiaîî. LOST. StRAYED OR ST Hptstoin ma u BrIday,,Aleg5.. 1-1gb School Oedicaloti hava luformotlon 6% IbIs.4b The tiedication ni .ibertyvllle's rece inttabie rtward. y bil e b igit ehool building wiliLtalle W N T E De- i ev e* u eor o #w u tlscean Se'pt. ltb. menustansd appiecIlete &Ut A vary elpbrate progrin ha.beon 1pi1tilin. Fln. ap§mntaga Io ti1~ prepaneti, andi sevrcl mucb noted speat u eli o pca iieur ara are booketi for addtresses. interrnij)g- instllcttomia Write 5.1 ane.. led by music. re oUbertllt adepndmtl. litbool sqterts Sept. 10 wilh Prof T. N. AGENTSwAaf4r£tT >4 M Throguorton nassuperlnttienl. atiatd lin.. 100% prou IL R 5014 Wf y a 1sfaS tamils, tea of whouj survIve ber repart. Z. tire. Mir Joseph iiodpil, bQr brother. r. @ide@ jut Eldorado, gjeue5, and Mir@ * Martha Wayne, ber t§alter. reeidàeu at Lang Iuland, Kaumat %lis& Condeili @peut mogt.of ber time la 8hielda tawusbip, whore -pba was wel known ta Mans andi wb;re shp cci higbly e9teemed aiuang ber frionde fier ber iutegrity, and uprlgbtuese of ber cbriatebaracter. About a year ega she loft the tawn of ffhildià. whoe e be bad been reediDg near Lake Bluff, and camne ta LIbertyvIlIe, v bere Ob@ bas mines made ber baone Miss Coudei usa chriatiau woman of etmung faith ln God, and treaured the Boly Bible as tbe guide uf ber lit@. 8h -w.. a memher ai the M. E. cburcb h hem. at Lhe limpetaiber d@ath. 'When Qod reflet! for ber she s pre- ourtd and reedy tuang. Her ,end s beautiful, pesceful and cairn, and what martelsaiOlten rail desth, was eternailitf. for ber. AutumIn Needs For 'une JSt of"o ur l'ail etook w" bçug1à 3mm' 99. hin, goo& îtfr nom arrivtiiwg a offer may items'at :6" beliwpreSçut y list a f Gw saobethîmngn whioh we will pay Y01CLto ua". iCotton Batts BleachedMuslin Làai Curtain Materials' WooI Wmàn" M1 Chaliesand Cre- TowCIino, CwI f tones .Aprlon OIn$1aMs "" 1 lài di et Pl IN ti

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