adWAUK EGAN jTL.KV.=. q 1s -i by Great labos lit skt etu toDhiiOp hae Io u.sil4 iPoel- S office Inspeter» Eatbà*sMt lac*, sau. Oui of thii at, y. 1. TitmpO', of 0CavWego. N. Y, *via uslile lu0taé us'y Rsossix mouthiaago .tB 00oe- fteed gulît ta tie ausiliote.sud la nov beld for lthe grarnd lt. Lloyd Andrev Jouis, êuothii Jlwcde. la la titi Usaitbougie5.etti naval station sud aertIiy wSi h tunued ovr elulte ivil alsetie. * huit mu no a lt SiMaW irclhly h l plat iA But houa vDIllstie » t liv ouS ThSemsbtrue i ti Atourset ascii Uavy mi, Offr q: TitOSg sm ou, avonbad s BqbtlUg akOble a," Monai oriter. sud' teceivif thei Cash ai Wasiketllt A fflgt vu ia pdlisan at tis ityclie d d hlm la Ma i unhllubve oaI- absece lad emeqsd sa"vihi mourtuinM e thie afi o havs. s'éti< ort ie »a! aumohitle. Titi uavy orncos van abou ta lu et îia hlm is lte pwrt- fiee munspon rsaralvid Asu cau ofcouagesafarids civil au-1 titoitite omaitsarris t villl lit - udft"e, ofnaval uamvtuonsDgsea Sasut Or Mlies eacortedThodipms bto ti gais, vitere lise inspect ere oi puitng to rsb him Joue% Wvite as a Clarki atthe sta- 1lan pouto«t l a aseaitetrilflis lettes male t huitandsud aaig~ moud aordits vhicbh hatoubd. TIIATIM FIMEO Si*tPMrof Ani lt ffw Lises lai velu voold have bhoua sivîs. Au il s, the mas, a vittm et a driuken bravi, bas the vamat cul up face ana could vîtuese bn a iivlng pe- son. Mg iface, le iterally siashed to piccas viiih a it fdozen Or Imor. woimi lu il. The. vands vere tnflbted liy ane Joi Carson, voriman aa>clatid viit mcwflitamisat HtgisvodWltis Fat- mlck< James MoGuare, the moun gel lto a figIt and lihn he eevitiMbifol- havai. McWullams vae ail open by Carion vite had dravu raser id ha stid slaink righi and lafl. Thiar,% le didu',ýt ~lmcWilllns titroa aeers a erel h en the nature et bilsveund> are exaniiud. Ail lire. mep vera pliced lu sra et sud iter. lheY-vere- isilli fluet $25 fta ing pari ln s diienderîy ai- fait. lIai ail vent t10 l. Dr. Brown lias heinaltendin> Xo.- Wiliams and wiie bis vaiude vili net preo fatal, h lviib. laIeup, fur soas ine nud viii have parmanlti tAil tIrai Mien are abOUt fMtY YiOM nid-aild enoyhita mev bietter. Th"y declara tiser ,didmi purchasi lhtbs. boa?' bin lgliwood. Pbysbciue. healii.oecrs, attend.- ants. boesboldern, and parents, vIa bave hnovhidgaetfa khevu« au e- pected case eoftubeCuci00losisl ila arc reiiuIred ta report -the oaite le.- -cal hsaith authuite,aegacordl.Ug le ragusainas *11mb havé bien lasuei W" by the sttea deparbinent of hlti. Thé ne* ules lave bien drafieandstpu lie effeci, liamausaeofthtie Part tber- cologis l la pîyin Le;a aar Piotulu, mdiite»1 #imes ateoata viii bI lew ài parilles moka osw attend e reD sait grm nuil THU ZDÂY, 8EPTEMER 6,,1917. mir,, W#' 'en 0'ug w s»4 am demi, l *m psvesslouàrcus. Il viilbe, w.ek %a dve bolore tti sopbpl w it 4*OW gollie 4ssd. ,Iuotde toe*bfs -Obmpw tla t blr vot vI ai 0"UWpkimaspowni, vi bave sidoud ils volW yet tnihlou$,part t lpulie au oedm reyas, ttibe u le bsit IW .area dvhsid ly Nseibcii"a 4maievi lt w <lIligra sitbsAiys ama peuIsbte, uitapflamW ayu*i eotait, Ill Imt aud oaffl aler vouu W. sapat tbuse iltedigbte'or., iltelaigita p, modlum psy sud saturai br<hnIdfr ochssund vtlueS aidchli ne i y or kitobi.âae sll su titi "aour caleta.bine, bachi brovu, ete.. forr mufftang. We advise awguinai thaueoftcobsplcues Salera, pain, edl. pk, ste. JUteil an adequat. auvppi;oaigrsy nad bisAi la on baud, w wiili. lte literi, et 0"08le oausait budiv marneoaithe "sts of "r, vbetbé rtetaor w*001 W4mrpbls ta 0RU &Uiondin ilor n.iew, 9it0N. 7 Mud 8 kuiteg usodise Wb"e bavé 4buold bi ,usae eqisivlsilta lisNo. 3 mails. muliud lutA. B. C Vtfluoed bItatlariceW eheuld b paek.d sepsa?.ly, ou i n ID eapsekie, *a&slta,alhmeai.ns lagetbeui. ail msa tOgîli te.l AUloWlste kal.d articles shouta hi amu gao L"kiCounly Obapten. Libersy- ville, IR., carsofIMm. Reblt Scott. W.e las thalts esbortage 0 ai iticg matstlsis hm a lcd monuy aiflts Clapterw lusadificu tg pçsî:ion bus free l. la iabis. Dhioor, Cara ivIionlRed rnas. HermanFra* of sok e R - ou"s Wift AM lTVO ChU- AT 'SACRIED HURT. Ao.idpt 1MOnday Wn Dilv um uoof Two Trao.. id ils lt. Naadsy sgh te -asve tise nyma otrbis vlte>udt tv- lifin. lie did-i 4"e titiie aume boextai. 1kg seuv . lte ifluht e'ijuulre- lise*t 14e Fomqt ta lbir Racine homs et S éclooS. M e approacitai sared Resut cnô0gslof thleBImectie raliroed, thLiciian aatm>i bu to$o.Confusihy Tralne. Witnesaisoay thae igsualas'dl..' uigasd itU ise iaor car *55 on tIsetricha. Then FYnk s uddessiy stop- Ded thei auto, apparently lieilving lie warzulu vas ut a lista but ta pas an tise Norhivertmu as, iweuty fait lu aduanca.. d A WIued giectrie tsvept tiOvu uapn taied auto lir. andms. franS loti aav the danger aIt tie esme maucni. Tb. wataisuair gairs Fianhi starteui to tlirov itipssaîttrain tlie car, but Tii. nov Llbetyeigs ?lsTO blP Ria Sehooal 000ior *er&ant oidaiSopt 104 os&"à Sis. . i!Tbp cOUifliyboa boeeofi li aumostnoarn131t0 o I. ooft4semoeury, Ili vii e admqualey ugtipped la. mil ««I o ducaîlooal reqlbtomt made "Mait ,Ii.(aCuoty buas uehosentrnm titi W 'Coliu. suBd Ivw le p of île eouentry. Tiuy àa Ratpuelslitsluahui vssiuuaabieW -s- 04it 449pia a Miiadmîitshe sudenlta lbéadinfuspo suad Univ"inie1o *ià 000try. W. osle Sitilisa, Iypewrlting, poakhtepiug sud Btssl aHgis itil0a wl whiit iiitlp et lte mimaent for oùl"c vrort, Patmnalv meursen a re la inBoum lait! »aa Scenesu onuseitetrt. Rb hàcontme. ie offed ln Physaies. Chlbtry sud Bieogy lisas vii l tfor prmtic5t apicuture. Witislbobject lu vlw otmkiug iMe Two views of immense training campea Caunsy men wifl go juto training for MurphTosndMof Wamc NOTIFIES THE SHERIFF.1 Machin.eBetongs To J. W: Oser of Chiçggo; Thought ToIlave leen Stolen. Biarltt l. J. Orifmala hdolu; his bept te soies lie apparent mystery conuecfl*te ,vtitise t'lug o! a 'de- sertt eortuuetautomobil, near Grffsl sVi about 12 aoci ekWednas- day, algk hTie maibieva. dîscov, eret by Murpiy Iovnseud of Watske- lavuseait and a latin;manc cen- panin liait takin an autoblle trip te Fox Lake ai i a-vbulllqe.~y~ var returtibu;,'te W'stritgau Mta ilay Stfructure tem special aIlsullen latila;, Public Ijpsei. bue@. Il ltse world var la tu>. aMY condition. Ibm. vs wail vin have te , eip bring forth au boie wlio bave tost~ ilos are filled *111 be Mfty Iter to enter sudt met viiile niade te, >ure lits fullcredIt. Mn means borne prou- y sud girl wha les lu de home cormnnlty tue li9 ie gtad ta recel, *bnel office (rom 8 a. id go over your pro- Any iutott u nmey desairs about the conne **'Ingladly igîven by pione or lettes', LbqvIIe Towneblp Bt>b Sahool, lie#IW*>Ir t-aur boy or girl. By eider elW Soad of Eduatlan. lord, where Lake Sams Ansy HAVE MADE Wi sc. c get tan pnddenly soanedtaboreatze bite- vifste ey uwwyere e ovtuYrner er colv s eblidran vere not safa. Wlibu n , car Itas ing lu 1thedtei. oui frac&OPn etfa second ha aidait lits. Tilulàng tai'seoe igiti bave 5au Fau. nsuad te allers ta les» fion te lieut pued 'itter'lte machine Ole Ma Machie. 1 '1 1 Wukean Yountg min junp.d ont cete& TRAPPED IN HIS AUTO- thisitevtcar and succeadet lu riaIt: <Ot Tisae eletrlc. fisiet upon himbm1- tmg tisa ovirturned machine, it W0 s fana h u euhattend 10 lis ewn usaMy. puacttcaiiy nev. lthere.wvaneaone.ail Thi o ca~tr mr as erumpled, hurledl about aud aIt ispitley dld usai baavbd an4i tietrioS Of te ,Iectric for uitêv, wat ta do vus it.* CRI aty taitthon soaalercd bitta frag; Tlsye =mtned il car.tulty aud dis e- mentiM ' caverai tialvhilhe ia lndahilhdwu"at Mr. Fraukst sil vas couscbous wheu il& viteMaheisd la un. lie vis ablela s ,> akmiu d ter parte Of the 01, machinse vire damagid liaitishe en- Mi ta trans i vtpered vards cf gratj i- wssili origodr hytoi tudginsrvasesîthi&luavooriber aner.hI1tey lui fo tie slvalanat ar id it.crauhad lth. car and Tovuseni cl-ae &I cbid au ' hoour utterthte a'-ctueit. ttua sGras a LaSgaf-as., y: - '-pls bis arrivai lu Wauhagan hliai th- t amur sruegsua- *pOrtai tite malter tq tise suliaIM @MDMbt Y"uv" î= e' ugu ai bu* n d uias n tmtlon vall 9aul , p de y»e# ellrot tiint yo0 do, "Ne. It rou ' lle -liciuue numbet 1 vn id 1 kû#I Sutg as cpdlos MY clteUk s !leoeruea at lb. cbi vas ovud l , g» jWlrofRtsa"wPsuki tom I EvviFyting peicte tit tact thal se Lake cnunty bet*Ot rit-lev VIII ,eEbhe luta, oi lia»verk ou biedule liMe-itIýt IltI; It WITbe osibie ta adJoum ie pSstemr. 7, rn tic vork &H 15lu #IV uito abe ompleted. IlTt la tuti, .bavier, ilt tisaboard etf '»ofvIs a@ile la lta affaira lu is api ltIt an adleuun ontise idte peaeiet W. Tia preseut basfi4YbsîwaaV>"icsliy- ompleted ail the voi ttla beau .tiued and tieI$s".' 'aigbieen , extremaly busy sand PMtbI. ona. mny sassessmeuls aavwe"lge Chan- 4 . mi rsuit hein& thM i auto ti Ae county baait *W be ralsed umy tiousaud della»,~ "'We eillhalea a,1« mattera ta, be up -and dc *e 0 exv apecit t tava tiese ahi dispO mit t lai ve' nu adjauru hy SppSie!y." a mens- Sr e i board sa't.t4s Attar tle hourd cqrup le ia vwork he books vii le t: >edaiGu-t el iek of lte boirt et tbtey viii naie ai enîrIes Oiitî gUre out thc étaie. Tt ls believédt'ls>tthi> vork vill occupy amoisi- lvi> veitsor bu dl probabllty tle ripait of lte board III mai la ln taadins" aisaitbefore Oe lii o! 1h.enanti.k 'e-stbli, pI %ay bava Iii-!b à4a pXatedt V*ir JEnARFAnMSt' GuRNe., Wa Sbffeted Sevee Cuts To Scalp Cari Dgurruidlng at 1823 Bissei» otree t cag. sut fered paintu injur- ies lae 8atuday night viien Os buggy lu wiioli i vaSridIng At Gurne a vs sfu' yan automobile. Damner sud lei tva youug men companions veto burled violetly lute the, roai. the buggy buing vrecked. Thediver eoftthe automoblie, a Waukegan *youpg man. blanses the accident te tthe tact tisat there vere n aûeadMighti on the buggy as provid- ed by state law. iTbe accidet appen- ed at a point where thse road lans bain ouled and le veyy l te dlscern ob- jecta. Titi autotat says lie.did not ses the buggy until it wap tee late ta avold an Accident. Me Lqtapped hie machine Imm*diate-ý iy and drove back to thse «c0»eet lte accidenit. lRe assitel iresimon- te enter biis car and bfouglit tl#îm ta Waukegan. Dorter wavov eid to the Jane McAlter lie.pitat viseral Dr. Ç. B. Daniels vas csIled teAat- his earis s eily tomam en bp heaëd. Ha îuttered aiea sivere cuti about the scalp aud face. The ailier members of the party vire not Inhti- id as serteuaiy. Damner, it la sald. wiii b. able ite have the bospŽtal vithlu a fev dams lie I ainong the men vit. bava bien drawn futo thte natilonsal Ay I.nd vas ta have lit t for Roblard, tnorrow marnlng viti lthéftt îa-1> ciranlit ram Cica R.eidecIded se, Edward Nelson la Saved FromnV %anMont=A-roo HEAVY SEA WA$ RUNtING(. a Frank Nonse hm ~Wattr Ulvard Nolimsal e l> ada lse aple tou .1opuiIUla ishi Mich- Issu at 8:30 P. eL. Mondsy aflunocu viîn b. tfaiCa, ttie lnnoli utu il Port ilble lte gtudy 11111. ca*t wuvas about oaa "d a hall miles noitbesat of lith iekvatii. Nelbon oveS' bis C Miti it htue ussuiuan ti o t Ils isoh tby lIss igar, . orgtt Skai.x and tiefti tat aICAPt. rark MsS.2 *b via va»aoltUng Mr. Shentinuopir.0 atIng lte boat Ieaped Imb tise vater.1 tufyclotsed, and ieid the victins 9P 1 until tise launch vis braughl aiotig-X aide. This was noe eay tait becanud heavy ses was runnin. A eas kiliful i aktipper than Mr. Skene mîght bava falied.i Young Nelson ls a membir oethle1 phip's company et the Great LiSes Naval atation. For soine lime paýella bas aalted Harbor Master Nick Lar- Ctu .every Sunday In running hie bot livary. Mocday atternoon lie mode thie tnp on the Uitile l'prt, just for theake of the ride. Thère wre about tweive1 paspenger aboard. A beayy e vas1 rumnmn but thse Uttie Fort, whIcitla q one of the Ilturdieat, litlitlauncit un the Great Lakes; peetofIned be-~ tifuiiy under the exlpert lsandlIng <if li pilot. Noison and anae oflie psasoenge'g are saud to have started splashing, Va- ter on eacli otier. Bath were pltting lu ths tern of.tbe 5oai. The pagsan- ger toid Nelson piayfully liatIlif h .apiaebed more waier an hiin le wottd be sorry. "You'Il bave to catch me tfriv.. Nelso nies ud tb bave rebarked, sud ha eiarted to ru *oaraund the atter- deck. Thse fiat moment tle taIlling of the boat causod linx ta loe. bis bal- ance and lie flippedo buta the vate'. "Man overbaard." cried Nonce. Aimait Stmuitaneoluaiy Saihicýuep- Dped bis engine. resarved It miiitop cped taie progress of tie haunel *bttlin 1two boai-iangthî. He tien starled ta 1maneuver in tle ieavy seto bring e te boat as close lteltte strugglng vlc- irm »S Possible. Lite. resi"ere vere a-hwerad ln bis directIonbut lhe sp- peared t-,elples t e s-ee na. lie -was able te avin bult vo. or thra- 1 jtrakes. Par a, f ew xmuni le min- 1agaý te, hep liii hed4 lave water. ONE TO EMWT.: $1.501 To L14ts couuly peuple, uneas in end lie éother a #abunau are seekiag. uroqaudat desertidu. Datob. filud bis la te ciiuui ort Fept. I. B7 a Pe- euiiasr oo4uchdene easci i m a t Wloed AI tise ihëiseUo 105Place ln 1914, mms.Boue1.Modeof Wa*.pus PM A sets torth lu ber petition tisaIt ;e q BOtlg1 niai-ni ta Raipli Woode aISalea, DL, % Zuly 7, 1910 and ived t«Ogtier UnW CMIIT Odiditer 1, »14» vien sab* say*s ho de"" ebr vitlcut auy*prmooatb* snd aspersisted lan rtmaiuing awaiy MCi i l#Wt tram ber. Oue fch, a girl of'lx. vas 4Uh boanl te bAunion. Titi mother chargeas Bi thàt lte fatitur vouid ual be s fit guuiia for tie cbuid and- %ska *nt ie be avarded titi chid's euatody. Ii is FiNls 9. Nelson oft-Lake Forçaitlia# e>>d1 a ulmilar tale e of W"la.asdtoi, Ha sbye titat ou JuIy 3, 1900, at jM a M*'p Chicago, lha marrled CarolineaCamp- 27' iii SOu bell. They iYed taget3ier, li. sald. ho bien 'cafe1 strIviug te do tiIl lahie pover le maite lt ekê te bOuse happy. butin spite et ti. laWato fact i. saya hiei vite deserted hlm WU exsw Septeusbey 1. 1014, sand liapeunitead oetlhg ci iu tIis tff eiio.depte.efforts o.L ?Tli tgs PAX te get ber te riurtite h1m'. uS4> Start For e W WAÙKE'N- y -.,." Part Waye, mitentlies F=ace Nearer le au o pamp tovgSda vWh Rmudr« d Pud mu lary, la movIn. A Dniluais. lire 1i ýpstddurlug the apiius, etficra aX greeit gtisa l= Camp vwu itok der ausplicesthti as ausury a cai a rtveilli0 4:30 alun. Tuet %eM wir. pioweg tir 5yvleto* b *%e W tute ~~ col,. goes luth Pmldl rho=uribeti ky- nut ibu Mon are "u tte ti- ùm7 bav arcewthi a 11tihpZ rhiup, it ie voit flasiteit fro o lxuh 'b u Ç mu$ofl et he mmin f«lthoe'Rehus- tVt dib lt-i d i Irrt-nlntb *5 .l e 1 a Pst-t aiof i i-sltboa v llalnIt e ibis division tisaI lie.reginiat viii iSSi loi n u le'uit, thoratb tia tr4is. to i*ý parla for Fi-snce. ion il é44" 4 "AD amen," "à patent." riWie4 do itke O «JOM ltae tanks, «tlse rainld di vision, , i' as te1 W. toan llC cauytitw. Hleavy rsaîtiaildweit But ot' a W» O u - mlsbap occurod, lieon or stîsce. I WS5S. Along the o t lie.bave boup wmo demolaÏsriÎtiÎbs blii lv1duaîa. tt1w ii lisbm*it St B invemePt e .uner&Ideit and ta et-aditbuui~ locati« oneDrise&4by o«Fet unti l te c=»oitm vu oesia ampin»J$ teshei. u d VSdawqe . .... . . .. .. aglisable duad sU ib PLMI; SMO PýSO;' utA John titter et Liberby viiile 1%agalu s&ut 1&&s. M lu lia counly lai .m ."0Sy ITi's liere nder a fine or $150 im- tevî@.i fret luehed b, yJustlce Lyle Morris becausi tM nt accondIng ta bte justice, a Ballor t i e. lio Whto vaut bute île plaeRMnndty vas ,no teyC cal ouly ardeted oeut t iibui'éaust.Rt- ltls uer Io dechatedi oluve raid hoe"didul t vaut hlm luntth e u-,; t Ul lii.llum~ nom lie flaz elthiir.1" The saleor called a policean u4, . nc Riner vas arreatod -and flne&. il ineasha vil!l ava te. etai tu - li k fron"t for .1ngii~~v~nritpy. lu hr andl jihrm nt psii se I IlhotQlnd e J 4- -l Wei