CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Sep 1917, p. 10

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cracy~ ~Lrnci~ ~ YhilêYou're ~I~J p i~ .1 bd mefa adcty'. Futier more, tii, imOsatla thatthie Plan i-etae ect W M maebine abop at the. Wanksgan obi Xt ahie irmadite fture. 13P te uh e eut Orne tiiere bsm e aaicblue sheptino. nie retrt et Mr. (raber atfier li2 ymrs servii &a ameor fdeep smmcce ommoug tanie" eaoe e . cbMMas basba o»neof tie Wfniufi mu »comuetd vti thie pant aid la recoalusIas euocf the.mot efil- effmeueolatendouàtnu tbe Utaui i»Mima.It laà Userld hanh" U wîi.DE$sËL L i- STrOCI 's c.! Ceu*eJLeatwo e - ndPrima- Ma#rit. asier. for id Y"casoua, -nesl vithh he '018dmTaaning Cous.- p nd %r mnn y 7cmxuPEýrlnten-_ dent of the Pait, basnrestgned big ia- sfiù&ta.ny, lIn. Grahes, for lma ixtea years lano alanger cia- todted viti the local tannlng indua- >1>. Gnatberevreoignati.ian ton- derl ?mead&awwncmdug to reporta tl'Omitue taanory aid 1h vanuadrntted laseleu a ratier sacden manier. I% retiremet tof Mr. Graber mnarks the end of a genisa of chianges inde la fila Plant sunce the Centrail Ii«ter TAhnlng ComApmny' teck over h~Itr est tf hie Wlider Tanuing Cona4 laist.conaiection theientea'aatig report corne. frth that the Wilders »A I tage cn a fcet'a worth of stock lai the bg tannlry whlch the. Wider CenpnnY erecttd on the. flots durnn WJW,ldr- isunderotood, stili romins et the. plant And supposeo te lie thie aeUijfnaiier. However, aitheugh ne miapêamaint bas been made, It tn ab&uu5ttopd thâ1 thc big man ln thie 0"piil t4da>' le Thoms Kiermau cf bitý "huwo a a reproentaîîve of »W "bw oWaiers of the p4,Êt WbIe one Urne'ago te announce- MOU Wis Umade of thic Central Leali- ose a"other Comnpany had acquireil a Wt-bâterst ln lue Wlder rannlng 009611Ylit vas not known et tht thMOtisItiiMe'Wldrs wve. Ilaunlin! tole êWe eutirely. Ifovever, duri», 4e ~s* .o f Weeip, n egtiationa bt-boa icarled on vua-reby tie ý,VM*ls.M X. Graber aid ttier4 wî.i sUalrif.014oat completeit> tsr b' bm lévu a tue. locaf t=tery. -, 1'>us 1h le underetood Aid admîttei I AWrsmce Wfidet' la merel>' ther. m'on employa of tii. Plant ratier tb Aci stuai' humA as r->rcstcd IMli part Movuo a 'Iundustry. -~ - e*abAtât tii. mevovu- 'edar - k: OATO SASON OE. ddette Plana for the. futura but lu- toms W. ta%, . go"d long vacatin. Harbo Master NiCk Larsen IS U. Graber belon.te th sale et lie PuttÎng Mi Boats Away ou4 Plant -to the, nev Wilder oempSiy For The Season. la sal te hagg efbA oU oM-ltAIC_ __ M* itk hlCtain coepmt.1h' e ý Wakega. Sptâmbcr 5. vW*b otimers aod hmbis UIOok ionC»Tiiemunicipal bathing beach ba& adogervanperteefed nom. tinte ",bwelsdfrth ewtusato Rbl mien>'friendi r eencleedfo ti. easntueacio letvbhe i.tnnery aid 1h la the. ho"e taiting place today. The, seai on tii. th" ha. wtlcontinouebs resideice viiole, han been a moat unaattantory Lelc cade. due te the preraillng coolies. of Ibhbereport !a that iavrnce Wilder the veatier. vil ioi contirue aai active part m TIhere were few days duriîg tiie t»* operation cf the. plant at Wanie- ame hntewtrwzsfi uap vory muci lon«ge ong tba ila omrvr icvtrvssi ot.bui »d hi* fitheri intereste havo dontly wvsm for bating aid for that tubi gala tW. thie coriaay uho rece.!- reaici the bath bouse va nocipatrou- Ir ok. Ovi* tie O atrL .- ln,.sd'as langely Mas 1hotherwciem oulai $t la uddenstood th&t the. Lira Plant have beea. Thc patmonae this year la,,o nàmkins very match, leather ecX- did' net egif ta compare viti tint cepting, for avmy nue and that tund w#* for the, Dodge trcthers automob4rlu f at Tear. t"s Tii. -Canerai product of Isath3r Harbor Master Nit Larsen aisa la &a toninerty made by the VWiler cern. g ing bis boat livry atUic basai fflt yian nt belng m-nufacture.d Ê in aPr*cttcallp ciaseai for béatii&ý Hin stated am ressit cf a laci of de-nd Ibusiness ba$ nat auffereai se mucii foi it a4 that etfthe bathung 'beacl for peo- Ue*Of et Olu ke Dmei. Meme et Oo*. Latlna «dmatte. s4e a le 4eaiciont lwW b. s»tre toe a s4ttne khome or** u as li inAtlafor itim t. ov abMvW; sit us*,0 i mtam. me. tlhapea 'tib 'o oe nelaltta te man rMm ..lawu 4pyj, poetry id ia1ao S= la>'9M.iyi i oetututcie cçuiknneto Md emituve eduimil Ple couac go out rowing vîi nay couid Mo go svlmrning. At that, iov- ever, Mr. Lanaen's busies up fat- ean fW behind the, record of lait Tom. For thie insttvaor tiiree veeka ths atteidance at the beach ba been fall- 'Ing off steadily and it las beliercd tht tule., tuer, la arm veati- ert Iis fall. hhat tic crovdi vlU b&- coeelmr eauh day. yard Ft7wo ued the.tty fer blé denth o nori Sheridan r hdvi. bvne mue aasfter hi. îutrnohle » . ctolidsd viti an obstructiotheii ~ R 1 utreet. Ti. Cof t iseue hmibeeu y conalder *M as 10or $300, lierais. the Cane van nDppaled tylce =anthtii. CtY wax béat maCh hlme. Then tiiere la a iudgmnt 0f about $700 agaiiet thieWeeM ri IChc oBu crunied atome Company and sev erai e Mrw lChcg Bu minor ludginents amountng te a few Failed Tc Get Content of budr d d e nflech. Maiy cf tiieee Giji's Motber. are for rnate;Wa. etc Another Item is the aniaunt învolv- BRIDE IS GIRL 0F SIXTEEN. md lni the variais court conta 'wici. have exlsted aast the City for a Ms oaGvsCnetT long Urne. BMornf thern Cveî dahia M Roa g es Ch onset P lac pro othe commissioni form of gov a rrar-bc o lc er-n.T#ees ota vOre i Csa HeTuesday Nlght. viere auites ere aiuamaed to the. cir- cuit court but viiergr tii. ver. not » the OutCOMOrn f an elOPernent tOý carried on any fartiier. These conta, Chicago on Labor Day a vedding vas of couse, have boez ciiargcd Up -olernnl.d i Wiukegan Tuendav agalant the City, aid thie bond Issue Jn~ ivuhWlimMah i vi l ais car. cf theu mm.l hc WI& urh n L.*m C06 Tflwfilw&w C Aa AlUC 4 ,1». Mngdalena Stempel elt e oCaroline M. Osier et a, v 40 acioe of e 80 acres of ne 1-tamc.21, Ela tavnsip, E. A. Cummaingsanad vif.- te. Prai tapkun Ad vf e, lot 4 blctk 13, Wau- a Elghlasad, Otiiim U5 P. C. Brevi p9A vile W 18agaret M. lagter, Iotp 3àaid ,4, Brov»n vent aide mciilWau&.gm 4, 83.0 IThoum aAndamuýO C. 1. joies, South trous lot Mo avrt airset volt cf Cinut t etWahgm..00. A.ndre, Kielko ho ImmcMeyer, lot 17 blocki 13,DreyersubiiNortà Chicago, AUQUT 81s, 1;17. Chilcago Titi. d& Trust Co., té e loln M. Fai et ai, s 10 ft lot 2 aid an 100 ft lot 3 Cciii & Karnl',e uhbok Illoept,$10. Sieon Oulvr tW A. <C. Atw6ll, au la d t siss emsda.-tUe Teuilas I'41 VD tract cf l ian A w v1-2, sec, S. Lake _________ 141U vIg~L~ Villa hovuuhtip, "L. . . U*î5 ~ a. A. Rogers et AI tàJ. IL.Iveday, Ard**WSMALI4Iwi IrE. lots 2 Rogers Snb VFox Laie, 11,050. A mont iiportant areiia.oiogca dIs. S u If r - Mar G. Mii,,- rlaidhuabana - te cMMenwvasmade reoentl>' in (bitai, -C. X. B. & Mtois plole4 user the. Temple hi Thesaaly. a.«Maa DmM P m mi ft of v go it a 1-2 lot à0 ti36, High. Thc ànciamooglal soiety unsartited land Park, 81.00,. vin't h lalnl a Rsanctitr>'ta lin E0d- tuas ai Wauiegai neyer looked bnlaht- C. A. Lambrect nd vif., te P. B. dm Artemin, and anorng the articles or thon nov. i.eradvfIle4 ursn . foeid an 4e mspot re Msoi» f te hie RBRCE NiPIG e 26, abn Itehi4$,0 sn .4 tacotreffarkabiue tio afonngs « yotINIlufa. sc 6 Ao oaMp 1.0 aiaevrd iti isaj tresari. P altrai8hoko aiC . B. Wheeler îA F ife tJ. S. ____________t'on wvihthe us ccosOf tii, bonid (lid!,>', se '40 ase .1-4 tc 26, Issue tuat the clîy off icais vill bitAvon tovnabip, 0».0, Wet th;. part ;itit virni vater, Permitted under the. btdinane, te sEPT'. 1, 1017. double a pace of bravi peper Ove, lue bonds or oeil bonds only îp ta W. T. Wodjy asurvIle te P. J. or Mteim res, scakIit aid lay It on the. the lime tht tbýy have POvened thi, Chalfour, iots 1 te 9, 15 ho 24. Wood- place; iipty on that a hot flatrai 1111 amount of ludgmente existitig agxlist l«y mùb, Highland Pavk, $10.00.. the auciture la evuapanated, If hieth lyInohi o& fete a' .&Brk brulsSoncitie furnihire are net gongdhave ai du ar d aiter 4mnt n ltiey111. . S o*M Y W .eraaiub repent thie procema. Ater tvaoOr tirh avm a<ncn faltcJaget i ultn,~onyceieb applications -te dent or bruis. viiituat stand hI hie court agalint tii. .ànttocui,-.0.oo b. raiseil evel vltui lie surface, cty, tien they viii have ho stop oi1l- Anna Werner aid ihend "t) A. F1. ing bonds. Itîin estated tht tie to- Bpacien; part lotea il,-25 and 24, hU Pa or d UcOI. tal i iiprobaiiy nuit eniy about $9-11, Waîiegaî ýHighlia N?r4iChi- A thrcbhig, peulat bond VII 000 insteait of $40.000. cage, $LODI cft~test im rlleved onuh. apliction Teliet oftaiail necal of cour.e_______ et a wu icommaesa. A font bath. tic, a thie ndgment vilci vnp secùred viii aI&. 5 kt dramre tle111100d My hylhe Phblie ifervice'aatat tiie euîy lTae WIée lq4sihifutL bep-t~ babA Il millienothe totalv eiip v~i, ryap otmOam wti ittlabouitt32,0 *fbre a 1ap*0t'f.Asf liA is burninW l'e 5 ' q~ duaIto~iti1tt~ e~ Mdlt a"11. Anoher lidmnt le tht i ut ttt.ig $0 8,000 In favor of thé widow of A Ums.Glidys irons Rosa ver0 un.lted ln marriage. Tii. marriage licons. rec- orda aboya that tiie couple, both of viain remîde ln Waukogan, gave thelr ages an foliova: William Mutrtha, aged 34. Gladys Ireno Roua, aned le. MnL IMildr.d Rsa, ernployiid au cOoeat theArUington hotel, la mother cfr the. ginl.Sie slgned her conent'tt the. marriage. 8h. asserta that her daughtey Wis 18 yoars aid August 31, 1917, laut veek Priday. Murtba anid the Rosa girl eloped to -Cicago an Laber Day aid ver, tinltedi marriage. TLey cailed Mr%. Rosa up on .th êteeenge TU004dq mornhi iappri àd«fUr orthef.ta& Ohm feared that b.causber dangbter wan but 14d ad not pecured te tthe conent tht*tiie marniais mighi not be legal. For that reason she vent t h« cnoTuesday mnuit, brinin. ber diuzhter aid Kurtha bau lu Waikegmn. Tiie couple applied for a anarriate liceàse, tiie matiier S(vinu ber written consent. Tii. marriage vi, perforrned for the, second tinte aid the hippy cuple 1sf t W i'esuiil their inItrrupted hoîeyrnoon.. Murtha la ernployed àt the Dow ml ad la a iillsd recbanic. H@ là voll ll'ed ad papular. The elopemeit of~ th ecouple vas a purprise to friends. "Tii.Won=ancdIMyahery" vho wu taken firorn a Nartivesten train ah Wiukegan laanaiuc<tsii ad- dlon a fewv nigas&go and viic vi, rrnncved fizwt h tue aise MoAIbter hcipittl aid tbci ho lie <lonfty -' pilai, vws dschanged from ,tbt lai. stitution tcday aid acatonwanied Aà, ,lstant CbIf« 0f Police Tiornaa T>'-, r-eII te Chicago viiere ehle sud aie' van ho a#~pln hetidiore action she a n inglgagaluot her huobaad. It va st irat longht thie vo, sbail taenm nie liAcfpoisone ti. ai but devloPmeiteS siowed iifahe e Iwo the reflît ef ber pbyieal cûtt. lioz. elie climed te remide et L4ke Bluff. A Information van filed lni ccunhy iaig lrs. Sopiua Wallnù, etàirws ý»mn au is.I»Iu aiiwalIf, .it pailig litiçil tin unlt ute- w nuumae, mont amhd. lira. Wellns establishmnent ai Norh Chicago vai raidied tvo nights &ga. (Mms.Willim dwards and family o f North Jackson atroot entertaineî ber brother, Dr. Gea. Blatherwick over, tie veek end. He arrlved Frlday tramn Morue. Arts, on a montii* lbave frOrn a'copper rning camp viiere he le one. of fle doctai-, vilb are hlred l>y thie. onmaY. Hls practice lailU dons a on rehack, the eievat!« eiho Iii no hizb rev cars cau b, ua.d. H. contiued ie sJounneY te Wasblng- ton, D. C., to visit a byouager brother, eloua adoctor, vha viii ncoornpany lhm te, Nov York City befare b. retirns tu Auizcna. Tiie John J. Page iomestead on Wîest street near Grand aveinue, han 0been sold to Mr. W. J. Maoney, cfi & Minneapolis. The neo ovur vill o- vprove the premises aid occupy iltas, a private realdene.. Mnr. Mooney Ma àa aieter ov Mns. R.*J. Ersiie of ti City. Frauk Eahling wvb upbeen very, 111 At the. home cf bis son, Dr. Looa rRahlng ln Chia la not lmproving very miaci. Arthur b1ardiner, former Renoasan, limer car plung.d lito If.Gardiner at thie vheei, vas burled uimier tic di- bris of bis vrecked car. Tiie gasolîne ta" bruite aid the. gnoliîe caught fire. The burninag gnoine drlpppd dvwn on Gardiner and b. van terrlbly buried on the hidi. Gardiner had bis left arîp brokeu ai the. eblow. tire. ribe brolten, is face terniily brulooid aid ie back burnei. Murray bad a broke» right elbov. hhree roba broken aid vsjqterribly eut and bruisedl, Frini Bende vilo said bis homec vas in Wifcoiii, vas mrrested ait te vire wattks todoa>' vu e oalip!led M-r A position. He adrnitted ual et a id not have à registration card aîhhougli be vax 24 yeasaCIO. The. felIcw vas locked up lIn the caînty liii. Suierff Griffiu telepianed to tbe department cf justice et Chicago for lnst-utitoug and wan tcld ho &ire the fellow an. opisontunity to -rgtster aid -hem, file a dlaim for exemtion on tha groundls tbht'ho Je an allen. fBoude ,ad b. la an Austrtiai. Wh.a Watsh Rm.mffl.d en Apple. Altbougli mne aI b*arly vatelusi vere very s««U Inhi lrcumisreuc.,thIPe vethli and-the front aid bnck fnl,- i V but&" tbaw .. I t" Whola el knwn n auk - - h.Dvia go h*itue L . Mre4hé Wba a vil iov h îukgan &md abpeci a âWe fiai iacokie, vhich hi. brotber-In-law, Peter Murray. wero û« yrelyrurmemble today. The. va- both toMrbly InjurMdtu- a motor ami ;erlJke wateh Ila'an lnveuiôaiof vert dent on Park Ridgp boblevard, Chii- refont tirnes aidtii. procoms of tti- ciago, and both are nov ilà St Aîue'a nIng it la avec no* gotng on. The. cb- hospital ln Chicago. That eltiier ee vions aivantage of the tii vteh ln' caped death appears to b. rnlraculous. tit It cati b.plaeed In the boit or pccket vithout rnakint a bulge. If Gardiner and Murray vere riding a B .t e oa ba d aysbeen ver» round goýod rat. of mped anda mater truck tbe uclis they migit sttWb. iphorical turned acros. t'h i anAd the Gard- awtiar thon &diaukeA # bM&~ Ovin,@0 f Fard cas areadvlaéd ho bevare o! 'couniterfeit parts." If your car needu adjust- ment bnig 1lhoirs viere you ylIid reliuble oert'ice WItih te completsapecianical equlp- ment ta, glve tie ibgimat quality of Fcrd service abtainable. Ail the nFrd parts us.d *re sup- pleA ,y thi. Ford Motr Company. Xci mai net expect your Pord car ho gtiv thie service and endurance you deminl lu Ford methda. Ruai- about $845, Tountng Car $Seo. sean _$645, CouPelet $56, lovA Car $5&-sl f. o. b. Detroit. Pu*y and for saie by WILSON & OHM -WAJKIOAN. Ask About Our lima Paymmnt Plan. e i v L~ Si msm7-~, .t !be lin. M bu au tii' vlc cli mir si dc rlle, P 1

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