CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Sep 1917, p. 2

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nu Win DALMINMOTH ~ LMECCUNT4I1Iet'LTRUSTOe.Bwlt Reuktenoe of Th AI ~jjrqjj bStracts of Tt60. TW GIO« arateed. Hysôdyth& O SSEPT. 4ý 1917,.M TloTmoryeHoad WAS 9 9 ~~~John UD nad Vute ta HIl«"HotuwImfl ep 1 ots 15. and 16, block 3IenoI mii. W muk gi ept 11., jùq, 1k. reeriok A. BuslOy. vife of Wankessan $1.0LOI SxyElh onveyanae ' ~'&vuhT .Bas & mo.tatI (45 oeo ucag f boslital unit Mti~t .N u n îbvSve h'Uh .J tb a htId-Il la 1.Cha 0so Redok t J NCrnrdandunitdmEjlty- ve lstu roesceWilder, manager of the Wlder0 Cr =% O lree-fôrtho ermionut eVifs, part lot 3, originellbrtylel. m t ed ln Wu*k. Téznery, bas purcaad the. ThoUff ~.SSIs IIOUd h theGer.nals ~ *, ~ Q~~g~~ .~jftta.gelo Bnan~s ~ ilyne reeldence on North OheWRa ~. eclredtIn aI reeivd aGa1 ~ ~ ~Road and that he plans maktii Igt is uldmtram ber husband ypter- (yA K oeiiîiig" .rtailt oue Ts l te pa *.~~ ~iaa: so Mgbîandp North <bIc«O, (b$450.aaitait thnt Mr. Wlder ban occupied durlng ail w<»Bil etdmi veryt h »# i§ al<» the PSt ramnier and for a great lot 5 Mags euh on Foi lakoel $1. Niimbbr of! oove . ce...........m any va. lie aummer home of A. H. Benedct and vUte, 80 p. W. Number of bans................t H 19tulyo Ciao.1 a *¶ýja.xpecting another cablegram Ptevn, lot 13, 1>k 1. Slytlelds sub Totalnumber of tutrUments 1filed.97 theortne t Stte' ornbefflHyne o! t«~oeVC," nid Mms.BeeYe, a.s no Waukegai. $1.00. Total aifoult oa! 10.... $240,4.0te taSat AtonyH n f .loî he om Rment* ot i CnJuJlise,4A4. Cook cOuhtY spent bis boyhood dsys &Mte___ rwI ep eaved .J oe to J. G. Wainwright. Buiness bas been rather quiet and and bocamne Su veli knawn in VWauke. *o't ne . doct o O eefnmeit" edlot en nortaside dward street veet 1ban. quiet. as the. above amount in-g. as. iaet st POi Ufunt. Of Chestout street, Waukegali .0~.o.ludes an issue of $200,00 o! bor... Beaides the purchaae of this proper- IL. W. Gardner and vîfe, to Florence by the Bob 'o Ui Golf Club ati}ligh. ty, Mr. Wilder also purchased thée J(CemtM*u* Trou Page One.) I. Wood lot 4, blocli 38, North Chii- land Park. rankSolde] 20 acres jut north o! ________________________case, $100. The. folloving are the mont impar- the Hoie *place and the 20 acres P. B. OCoflnell and vife to 1. B. tant deala 0of th e e <>viied by John Fulton just north of DRILUNG r' lot 8 bitk 2 Ward & Divers Inl Waukeg95f-Heflrl' Hom ougbi the Seidel tract. The purchase aRW N ub North Chicago, 1300. tvo lots on saut McAlsfer avenue. us closed by Mr. Wilder given -Estate o Ssvab H. MoCanu deceas- DOrth Ot Mai treet fromu John Unger hlm ail that land on the esat aide of &DOLAN ed) to John Thomas, nv 40 acre or oia oadrtoi Sheridan rond forth of the Maciin ZIO CTYn. 1-4 sec. 34 Warren tovnship, 14. Frank BEtràane ouglt lt 32 foot lot Place witl the uarth boundar flueo $"Pb@" W 190. on vWet ->11tScUth Vit% q t .. orth of Meuley venu tr)mFran eKt Pier Rond. Laura A. Corlett aid husband t oe MKile Meur.>ml0a ilder at the saute tim7 that ~aa~~r~IA Ehel Filynn. part v 1-2 lot Il Beot- Wrght, nominal consldeation. he announeed the purchase of the f ~ ~~~~~leYta eu Higbvood, $1000. "am and Abe Gordon hought Nim- poet none evsgist owSEPT. 6,1917., kovsky property onnorth aide West Pma'ee tanalveemprovemeos onstue U uplaoU*zEN 0F IHerbet Haamond aid vif e ta W. Wa.shngtaoStreet, vest of Park ave- mlioy tn le endtha ler ta pnh G. Krots, Jr.; tract bit land lu se cor nue, nominal consideratlon. ta o e aea numbaterf ie homes - w m d GreSUite, of Hghland Purk, $Mot0. Jacob J. and SBuna Nauta bought ~seia odo h rltpr Max Gitt.lpohn sud vite ta Elsie on ehFredaH. Wintonrshe frertipon Muam*m~Wttmnabnn lot 2 aid puart lot 1. blkteFedH itespueryo f the "del.1and Pultan tracta. iHe 16, plat "D" Hghwood. $100. South aide Brookside avenue, nominal wîli reaerve thi.est portiou of these W. 0. irts, Jr., ta Herbert Ha,.- conideratlon. tva tracta for is own use aMi 1lai moud, tract o landinlu e COTo! Rtg- s' Wm. 1. Lyon filed a plat of hIgsdmte btM.Wle u olt CW»t«y Work of EV«3 land Park, $10. dte taMrWierwlgoIo O ooy W r etEe> j., M. Covie Wo John Covie, lot 13 property on South aide lotb r ee poutry and fine stock mreslng Rtose terrace euh 14k. Foreat. $10. Jut vOit o! Ele tric R..lroai show- the near future. RecItinIose G. Eellî ta F. M. Dovney, lot ing tventy-one lots. The abstracts on the proporty are 1-~~~~~ . CumunInk & Co.'s North avenue 'in North Chcao-Leo E. Galagierbln ouitdvtadtadar 1 IIc te o add W a kasan, $10. bought the R ichard 9 . O Connep pr p- en g o u t i d o t e date a r e T e MayBye a Shb1917. LosBrýty on west aide South Park avenue. sunouncement la of interest in Wau- Boyle et ai, 120 amies ln nv 1-4 sec. south of 17t1 street, for 88,000. kegan because it carrnes wth iltih 12, Grant township, $100. n Librtyvlllê-John W. Bernard announoenient froni Mr. Wilder (liat George VOlS tu H. 0. Stockeeth and aid vite bouglt 126 teet On Mlau- he plana man bis permanent rosi- - ite, 10 acTes lu sv 14, nv14., sec. kee avenue tronm Lulu Mattocia. nom~ dence ln Waukegan and vill not moi 1i. e:B I 4, enntonhpmll'. ial conalderation. hack to Evaiston as hae been report- Vernn tvnaip.81,00.g,~ tlgwoo-4EbelFlyn bougit a ed. Mr. Wllter also States that ie la 19te WLanU I d Mon.part lt 2. blk 6, Tiffany's )rd adi 50 fnýct lot on P'-afre avenue from 1< eapraet itr i(i *uiooow Famnéw" hand Waukcgan, $1ar0Aulet omnlcoadr Wilder Tannlng Co. plant despite thei *â u* 1àSEPT. 7, 1917. Wrrn iOnsip-L - %murepoae outthe contra"y.. Wluu ic.Luela IF. Rbve and baband ta H. Warretoth e rhlpH. -Jon thôarisf M.Wle oe eWuio n 14p*uil ~ J. Borg and vif., lot o outh ide oih h aai .MCn ama r. d er oved tplau ean atit IA"e <aterine, $1.00. 40 acres 'i lie 14 sec J4 for $4150. rnetteHm lc ml I 03 . Smiansd vif. ta Peter Ohins. n Avon «townaiaic-Peter Cbiniten- Yser. The generai feeling vas that Il N susi teAe, Stih 0 crs v -4 m-2 seni bouglt 79 acres lun8v 14 section he vas mely to lîve ber for the som- H a.Do .K.ntonnsuh7sacesa 124 froiniCharlee 0. Smthi for $6.600. mer. liveven, lire. Wilder lian takea MA-noasimkv$$A udvit. tHm In Vernon Tow.nship--Hjainua o. e pruminent part ln local Rei Cros I&fI7VIU. I&. Phono 3. andrriser circle sudndias becémeav and AIe Gordon, lot 6 block 24 aid tocteth and vite iought 20 acresad tecrisanhnbco wl lot north o! aid adJoling licKayie 2bd ln ne 1-4 sec 24 from George Volts for tu nonon ecmat .aeorvii b 1. L AYLS dd Wakem1000.» 1*. I.L. TP. ]EL 4 W nes and w'" ______J.__J.ommea permanent reident iniile S in r- Nuem a"adm F. a .&Mwint, es sudi tet o s. 3. ceived viti interest he. lira. Wlldez 011111-lt 3 ed oNapumlta6.baokd . vi fe.a 5t o s aik TIR1-V tu 1~ ithe dauthter o! James Patten o U0-1 80m Bro ady. p. . lo . bck hyIldPauraie. ' a54Evanston. freqjuently referred toaus * ~ * LA~WY~MFUL1 100AM0 IN DML. DL OLDNO I4Â S W N llY Eïv ÂIvAP'U'~E1 The deai ith Mr. Wilder r ar. * ~~~~ ~ BIf DEITS YK nii ATEDIII riod on by the T. J. Stahl ~opany BeaulSi0 il .n.t' t ô Pc real estate f irm and lit la o! Intern, Huegra S$01 sui 105 pamk ALLWIN, IjlihJUEf DuruJ N« knov (bat besldea putting (brougl '01 5hssFlo19. £"0 PISon.1574. -ths big propoeition ylth lir. Wildeî U1I597Yh. ihul. us.pie To Obeseve Supies bicb, 1'j a roported iflvolvez aboi ____________MM__ LO E ddcuy ReWSVO tions of C. L JUS. w,00,,Olu tie total. T. J. tahl & Co - - DLL L SIT. ordTht flllI?4pbçw *. dmî«a the past 30 dais lbas handIg kiChkà . cnserer.basbago «kd tohel làthe total $100,000 vorth o& rre consrves basbeenaske ta OlP eate doeis. The sale o! tb, Hoyne OVu. L*ZA OOUWTT CAVIOsAL 5.4NK~~ Cieffl store lie vluten -vegetables. Sle i utnpae oeb 111101. e ILmTintu be.rM.Waukegai, Sept. il. A t.iegrarn sent te Washington Bet- vitiiesead aothn rpi««stte a. a. be$r p. t8(e nepiev "-Barry urdai by sombers of the hildwest I te thragtsaeaa '~'> ~ S chloeanlrg.a ged 4, son of lMr. »d1 brandi of tIe WousiWs Nâtional N rmwich tbe campany bas made durlu OIAS.mmis.Ili Soqaun-, 0'! Chicag end Cordon Association la session et the Put 0 o! the r thi e..anet N.SEIINM.D a. traigici ta <etir e&rly (isthe»ArtIntttue, Chicago, requesteil sooM ofthea esttemake o19301 * 9 wuuof hemoinng hi a tay rubbW bailoon vth hl, 80 maie oficial proclamation "ad-' Spkngotimaerta. W W«rm.Ib bium- V" U45 a& il* ma ..M -- -t.o pureisse-.vege- Sek . -tematr a.U al aecsta t b oý 1 uewu raceivd bore (ils morang hi tabeîe n es, hi t»ee la a sur- 81*1 sala --If -er - dim > bOl e 00 eaC. Ts4,ula. Iaem'em. Mra. LoreU T. Eddy. of 8i9 Franlkllus zd 8rge m (o t provide storage bilat for Wukeg an ad Immedil Miat r.i. dd ta mater moecianpi ad >avlclnitY le right sov. In tIe putà Places eltuer on their ovn premses dais e have cioaed $10000 voli 9~ . E. GDINS et tha tannery. or ta communt contera among neigb- o! es a hr r ym 0$c.tlà m Oplda. Tii lite acciden hving tadvelbra-pending. 1 have novet sieeuthe situ OETW IS UlOt O NL ouluWueanY ln ae "Boy tadai sud store for tomor- o su thgeemotlobt EVER WEDESD--YNY m i sitSlir. vià ile parents vbo nov" sbooidndbthtbe vft(ciivord o! es- OMM ovm LOVHL U <)M S 'Wspant (loir umiers lbone. shouiwl beChecao d ire .t tan aetbhPrenant time. OM ea'Lt7WP Leyfaiyl hcgsl r.,h18 Bbco Ilag a a~~~ The ifttIe fellov. according (o the Durand, vbo.pi ed et the meiW~n8. t there ln no btter Mac. n lu information received by bsa sunt, bai stato (o Invest ue's moneî (han ni "We planted gardons as part of our er rlhdbnéWuea" ~t. . P 18'TTRFILD, hee givn atdîrubierbaioonaidservice for the nation, nov the cropa TumaR&RYemmoff. lkedlit o we li e toucIt t bdare gous t. vats. The People do not àmvEU.DJAIS UE.OEu&. leith se vela igtI t. t eeae aemvoyu.a. intihm ni uigehartthe Ho lmeeem (ou inov boy ta store f'oot vege- Ipnge. Potato., tai ie stoncé lu Lblk. unng(h ugh. o urt lebolon.tables." ope, Mn aid ebbp viiikee or l ________________________ThiIsmoruîug ho amused hult hi A Àcommuaity storubouse lu vbicihort lenehrtbo lif i ulig p. Q W. COM plâCing pieces o!f(lie rub1er lu bis resîioents o! Glenco. are storing (the base, should b. $0liid ist v ott a EJIANandN yk,& menjt le uuves l Itact, plicoo bond dowaws motbsuoselea t o (emunl root vegetabies thoy are "bbulng for mué (ban overed vih muid or d Aioc.ya.Lw bY torned ltte balcons. a sonir, nowvas descnubed by Miss The bstelacof gi vc t fl b 0 #A m s ou, Cook Av@. Pion. 1l"4.J One of (les. pleCep of rubbsr vas LAna&3M. McCUeiO. eheld be oe~& iiM MMt o LIIIIIERTYVILLE, - ILIO S oked loto hWc tiroat aid h. begen Recentiî thb. mlii Sun plt4~ or sund. 0fr(i gOU, lslSl or9 tuLLNIS strangle. The mother vau sumnmon- coniuin r* . U Abee, te&* s plt ognpaid lhoItr.VrI e. bhiaumlde14r brother but &ho vas adnavmrvolvdle.dnlg ib etollealvue garon dvior ho vedbat duingout any protection, aitkbo ;la bt LYEUIL H.MORRIS Unabis t.rentier aiy assistance sud thesummer. 2h.' article parentaic to 0dis la laefanB feW «Ilitrle avras.A-LA (e tle e!llOwov cloitu(odeatinlucalng of vegtabies and 18 vas rend Thce oné g" le 0" IbM t of! Illiois &Die "o be fmtie ffots.firet croup, tu (bat »quo" 0 .c1 Ime wu dh. lîliWls pite o ewrn. effodretell. e vtitb sucl iInternet hi lira. Dhrand moltitconditions, but-tainZ&tIUODa 1110-.àmnu . i- P "-iii mvhave . cdwihlren terl m e ta sbpe lAd -Pamphlets prntei con- calaitan of air, lau (l e IM re Ite US Se..lisM OSs ? (ey aveplayd vth uer allonetaintng I î t.ectol t Chta ilcago eeles'y, kohi-rbl. look. endiVe.Pl tn the same manner." Mg. iEddy sali, sud datrhbuted tbon, amoug thons e louad Oro" s proute. 0.ear>', c 'l" FAM LMAC GUFFIN. Thie fatal accident sbould serie as a~a be Bcdce. ivrsd e1i~~ trulhi - AITOBUT AH LW. varing ta Parents ta ho a Utile morp e d te .4 bthe Collar end hers, allo*ed euxeul n tis rgar." d te aricl wa on@of he ontfinish (loir grovth. Appli valter înerajvino, Ilnois M.anrdfullu til y re ard." go t valuable o! the klnd aho bai yet read. CalnarySaiieeded, taking cars e kg pi. n M. Edesan( g 0 For (le beugeâit o!(base vho nm yIt off t(lie e.andpteik. Plant _________________________Chicago tus a! erudon ta attend the bave forsotton vhat il (&ld, Stîs»glv- percley la tIe ilgitast pari of Graieuke.r. M..rdlg, Aa, Il .1 o 00 aui Ci Fidoix, As. 25. Klidli M a8$lifOO it ~tioffice &Bd FOR8A..-65~s, ali 400 la vel.. "WoIrepi 3( ~I~ 1600. oei 14 Scott Lob s au$, 7p - FOR______________agondcouds LOST-A gold cros betveen Fa,. Park FOR SLE-Gi stas (n god sud od Vl é op Lebor des. Blowe-l Cente Pur' unscaca Insertîm, 1e. ulotervaivîib. piven. es (anSmu. icfra I- FOR SALE-i tnprovei 60 aresloetie 36p4 sertin. l u r s ysiake. iY. M. Hardlug, mOST-Noeciplooo. darI mInk, between Arn, Iii. 87c1 ptaklslesad Wiiselng on uIlevakce -------- WANTEC- LamaQtOU600 ront pnlvbieAv#., Suudig, Sept. q. Itevond, Uns. Sparty on lmproved nser Long Loi. (heo. ebtait, 285 Ham ton Ave.. Elgin, " ' 'valued l$1500. AdreuQ. C. CIO lad$-1. $ 701 +Ô 8A E 4pendent, 4bortyvIlle. 801M FOR SALt-Hluligr bd@.Hobte0(ncatie, érRItgonRENT-46p0poeeur am to.ipn " , 99v mgber sud sPnlugea. Pion, enoed farner vltb stock. 247 or 165 tu637. .Carl k. fidreci. 828t aes, 4 mle. nonuli of Wmncudmb, 5 OaI or tarma. N. &. 1.44, pos 2 box s(et . ô homes, 2,000 bu. grmin- Lhber1jdlh.sad 60 toms o! bey. AIl blaceuhei, 75 - par sent pouv laid. Oeo! thé ms Thre more incubera vere flneé .' . . ++. 4+. +.+ .4productiv formécla Leke County. option beavlly lu (he oin City pOliCe court te * uparoaer of dése.- Appyte8ami, tus Mornîng. Merlin ltuoacb. a Miner, . . ...4. oue,Wauomdie, lu. affl aid a truquent offeuder againaKth11e FýR ENTRoo la oden bum.anti-tobacco ot'dlnance, vas fled FbRSET-Bomlu odru ous.FOR SALE-153 ocre and Oa160 for three Jlolatious o! Lie ordi, lire. C. goy$&. Il.iéew. 2880 bail oth fi 0<1*1. ehib, ruroed ro aceuiesoe n uut ito - broufflâ preimé, .Eléoaelhiai d nne eaoe.nAge 1to FOR RlkN-5 roula modern flot. lu- pas sud livng vuter. (levicmbbiJues 2 7tli treet, aito on August1181 s&d quit. as Ind.pendisut Offic. 86pa buldlings, Ol= terme 10 th@ rIgit par» 18h. Belug e fragrant violator and TO RNT-fiv roo loer aoeuer. Iuiqe ne Paufpi OGu. 261 avilir been hefore (the court severai 5.0.4 St-Areet. Inqie a! Ma W ... ..... . dutc«e. Justice Bishop vas deterMînci Aiîdége. . ï s+ K5p8 W Slt4dbfl*II 4'+ipose (lhe maximum flue, $»0 for . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .4. .. euch offense. Hamrniinisos limé (v + 1 019LWANTED-Fr goor l ieeacharges o! smoking agsat hlmin, both ý RIA Mn,& z + onk. (iod viellse iglit p»ron. on Auguet 13. Ho aiso vas fined $60 + 7019 SALE +4' ppii Springs Rastereus, LbebrtyvlIl,. for easciioffense. George Wllilsau. 4 . . . .. .. . . . 7c1 Jr. aise a miner, vas eiarged viii FORSSALE-Wu ea m ber0ofn..f+ + + + . . . . .+.. smoking In a crovdInlua public place bomaSior5. rient, DYIUtadAautin,+ ,,, US on Auguet lîti, l3th sud 22nd. The 11..1 ... .. + three charges ver. maie as one and Uberiv(I. 4' '~4' ~ ' evas flaod $Y,» vihb ml modetieouvaiieii. Cl Abani 88 Cblcso. 27d! FOR U§AtE-.CboloereelonS lom ono Ml'O ejAve. Au Improvemeuts. MI O"..Gimme. ___ 7( FOR SALE-SO acre, iouebiîImProv.d 2 tllas from OGagalke. Ir. W. Rmit., Ars l. 87c MONZ! TO LOAN. W. sollciS ahs lu Tiie ese against Dr. George Bill- qul ,otbs$a deslrinu t$0 orrov mooey meyer. 3233 Southi Sheridan rosi, for ou maroroiomIprovedlmkcCnty violatuz (bhe sam eordînauce. wa Rami Estate. tiret National Saak. iberiyvgWle. Imol& etr11.14 over t(i Itamorrav mornung a" O --- ---- --- w ben 1e iii hogiven a Jury tria. WANTR-At one. ir for puerai boumesvon. 2F. R. King, Drugdist The Ubcryvilsle ndcpendeut cou- Anlo.l. &&q taifl5the LATES? coUt ne". 20fe. Ps'I !l Lm

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