CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Sep 1917, p. 5

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IJETYVflJELAIE COUNTY I1ELLNOIS, THIJRSDAY, P Fv b -- School Books A fulllliue of Sohool Bôook and School Supplies L.AIGWORTHY'S :-~~ems put--p~~- Now is the time t ptin YOUR WINTER SUPPLY Coal-Wood--Cqke- OUR SUPPLY IS EQUAL To Ail Demands and Clean Our Service The Best. 1Pho>ne 47 E. A. Biahop, Mgr. %4t'bertqville Il You Kuow of Nouis of Local Intormt Pleaus Osl ToIophone Numnber 1.: Loule Larson bas enlsted ln the Nsvy. Lional Bull of Waukegan. vas lu town tbis veek. W. e. Carrol vas an out-of-towu vie. itor Tuesday. lira. C. 8prIng le viitingz relatives ln Michigan thie week. Loo Dturry la aaelatlug st the lisson barber @hop eveninge. . lir. h.eru sud fauiily lef t ibis week fur a trp lu Wisconsin. Bou. Taylor Ir apendlug a ew daye ou bis farr n lM innesota. 111W. Crosby le bsck from a business trip t0 Eisatelu NwYork. VI licDomiaid la nov tbe driver on the Weil@ Fargo Eupressa wagon. Mr@. P. W. Baudon çf Chicago. vloited et th bomea of E. Aueln.Buuday. It la reported tihat Denunle Lirnherry viii returb 10 Lberty illa this veek. lira. Byron Colby la etsrtalnlng Mfr. Lester Colby sund lire. Miancie Clark thla veek. Mine Bertha Schneider of Highland Pard, vlied at the Lgbbody bhrne 8uuday. Mils Florence Cols, Wbo has a position lu Chicago, vltled at ber home ber@ gnndsy. Chas. blasou vaa home Saturday f roui Chcago vbere ho la nervlug on the Fedîral jury. Dr. and lira E. A. Crâne, aecorpanleel by Helen Carrobli made a trip 10 Oak Park Buuday. Henry Dobler MI I he firet of tbe veel for Chicago vbere he vill nudergo au - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - operatlon for abeea __________________________________________ Ur ad d lra. P. (6 Dayton framie ==mrHerringion, Kaneae, are viltiug vîtI Mr. aud lMra.Fraucie Trlpp. IJohn T. Chaprnan, from lincoupla couùty, bismcpted s position se fore- man lu tb. Independeut office. ]diae Elizabeth Haekley and MiseEather S Allen viii board wltb M. and Mmn Francie Tripp thia ool t trm. Nliflton Hlunier of Craneton, Iove, vjited aI the borne o! hi.couns, Meaurs. W. 1. aud E. H. CollneSnunday, Wmài Is Té Be Gained By Delaying Your Coal Orders? U~OTHMN-but mucli to b. lost; coal prume may go ky.rocketing one of thee days. Sen<jus your orders today whille prkmesore iow. Incidemnfy, there'. nobette Sai than w. smayou- les jý&t AUL COAL, THAT's ALL. W. F. FRANZEN. JR. Telephone te Lubestyvmfe IManure Spreaders The Beet Payiug Implement on the] "'rm Nisco AUl D lere m Ncw Idea E.nerson Ones Corne in and look themn over. Priced Right J. W. Butler sud daugbie r bave re turned froan ihein vielvlîb lin. Butler'@ daugbter. lira. N. Hart lu Canada. Bob Wood, Irviug Goideuberg. Joe Miioy, Harry Holand sud Chas. Saller vioited 1h. usv High mecool Tneeday. Misses Vida Thompeon sud M. Gthai- be o! -aeiu. en -udY v-th Mi. Thompeous brother, David Tbompeon sud Mr. sud Mlire n. Foliet. B., H. Miler att.nded tbe fairneI Wood- Wm. B. GeHinge left Thurîdlay for'd. ,o icryil.d.. ehehm atock lent vesk. MII yankeof vbere h. expecteu to ho@nhoie Mica Aima Churchil, of Gra Mise vsla eerlendad se l he ta in âTuesdavmorniug. Funersi service vii j9lae, as ady orind nd ake n te fir. b, hîld fron, the home Suudsy at 12:15. lu <ur city Frldasy. Mnr. J. B. Msefflu le fo viit ilg lun1ev Ren, aileouduct thecservices. The w e k t p i g i l .M . a d M r , F e a l n a e r . H m o i h t e F r ieJu d g î B ; H . M ui l e r l e î p e n d f u g C i m e o u t h e r u M i c h i g a n . r o a i z W i h l a i d t u r e st l u t h ie F o n d L Chares Keiser rends a huine. trip to turued to iheir home lu Michigan, alter Odd Feliove of vbiecbcorder hi vas s Cblfao Wedneasy. au ex tended vîct here.1 member. l9d Austin ospent a l6v daym thin wiek Louis 3cbnlts, an old re«Ideut o! Paie- 1 T RevnoIdý will continue hie closiug at tWIloorsankee fair. tUndied et hie home Wdueday, of P- 1 1 _iof ai m.rvh in baud, et1i Mr. and lira. A. C. Res are enfertafnlung ralysis. ducdprices, nutil o-tuber lit.Lberty- compauy fhem Waconsin. Mises Ada Belter @peuit the tiret o! the ville, [IlI, SeptemUe-r Uitb. l1917. ,Attorey Peul MiseOufffin mnade a trip wiek et Prairie vew, returuiug Wed. CARD 0F THANKS. to -Woodaioek lent Tbe'sday. uesday. i vieh ta exteed my heartfeit hant. John Zltrtng, of1Voo, le0%,boing enter. Little "Buddy" Seller. vboee wrleta tu> the frieude aud ueighbors for their talusd aItlb.eR"y Smih h4umî. vere fraetnred Tueeday evéuiug, vas on gympaîb.v, tindneciansd the înauy floral Beveai ron Lloetylil iatenled the estreeté Wedneedsy rnornlnu andtokeus Ilu îoy receut bereavoinent iu tbe. fir et Woodetock lent veek. vbeu aeked vbeu hi vouid be golug to ît fryhiad MmFedJehsMtrnace bs.achooil sgain, replied: 1'i1sm golng tbf . lMre.Erneet Hapke. liraFredJo~bhlm taueaced hai.tterfinon If i cau; 1ca't oee iiy bande Umein lu hcago Wednosday. but 1 eau eîudy just the es*me." The Libertyviile ludependent bas Severai treizebore atlsnded the W! e the iggest circulation lu Lake county. .Bily, ithe four-year-ofd dengbton o conslu etats fairaut llulsneuthle eet- tr.a --ir. -iiFulton of Norh Kenuîtb Bock leavie. 11teelçth for tbi Cblcsglo, died Satunday mrnlg o! heari governeut eautonmeet at Battle Creek, troube. Sbe vas a pretty ehilid ith Mlcb. eweet disposition and made manv fniende. lise Kate C'arroll vas a memober o! nu The fuserai vas held 8uuday afternoou auto party %bat dm1. btaiOak Park etthIe borne vithbhurilIeaiWankestau io u r C h guud*y. The parents bave thîeynslaby of their MinesElizabeth Schank fle nov ceen at mon! frieudi ln Ibeir ead berearprnt. m o the Loveil drux itoru, lu the echool b<ole lire. Fultou le a ulece of lire. C. Mi. a n d th e 5. departmint. Fufller o! Ibis Place. Mir. and lira. Gorg Oprlng viiited the The front whicb vislted Lake coun- Sprnug@eeter@e t the Sprlug restaurant ty Mouds yrigbt vas the firsi of thu U R childa voc last veek.- first of the ecason sud It was raîher. controledt by his or William 8tolamnnan d John Hiovei. serlous according ta reipors frein va- Lthern go to achool ro komp departed Tueuda for pointeslundous parts. necessary equiprnent. I North Dakota. The emains of the Chicagoan who irnited enough withouît)h vas drowned lu bay asat Eruest Brown, accorpaufed by hie Week venu recovered Thursday aud au ehveaF frind, lat oday for lauakee, taenejoy Iuquesî vas heid tu the afternoon.W.h ea a day nt the fal. The man drovued vblle rowing acrests WilamLgah ,wh Ibrcntyte bay after sipenullung the eveniug AACH A.i WlIyeatngeraha, u reentouer ttthesloous in Fox Lake. oAresdy Plarm nt Laee Forest han. oGrayons, Painta, PE smoy..ta ec.r' rgsor envPut ln quite an 'extensive upto-date Paper, CoMposiic 1ev. liontaana s Alu atteudauce a canuery. Tbey viileau corn. tomsatoes.,lDvwn a a the Septeauber 1 taoellg of Chicago pcas sand other vegetabies. Tbey »fart- ao4D witP t oPresbytery on 1là iondes. ed canlng corn Thursday and expeel Loose Lea.f Forma. Ies Helen Whlgbt Soit for Chcago ta put up about 3,000 cane. 2Teecdsy ta rnome ber studio@ at the Iuquirîes have bien made If GeorgeC a geh aPreebyterlan Tralaing achool. Hutchlnson leit s bg estate. teliiCh ngii The Woms'a GuMi of St. Lawrence flef belug that hi was weaitby. The There bas b-een sornei à cblureb viHii u ntat h. borneo01 -ns. îact ishoh!had uothiug, lu faàt, it lea -~sadw r tp kLevw Flang neitTbnidy. flot certain vbeiher hi loft euough ta btoksee tad eaed, an Ths phyricai examînation given the take.cane of funerai expeusez. t ettedmua, kpupîle lu the pabhon ebq«)l ou opeufug îiansbalDenni Limabenny of Liber- -4e1 lA lo a 'de.s reutedtua verY farable .report. îyvilie w v as lnJured recently wivoeue aiA lo a Mn. sud lir@. .Io. Guerin sud John he vas run nier by au automobile ie t .Rgri a linirin atteudad tb. fanerai o! Mir.- Wim.- .îbertyvif le coutinues ta improve i eeagetrths i Sabastiau <of Chicago, Weduesay. Micileten bosplita. Hoo, ! able ta wall< neelag o tof Tbe junior Epvortiu Legue aruouoe about the institution a lutile sud i 1, ternn as meet4ng, conblnlng hnsesud pliaio- eald yUl hi able ta leave for homc l'y ure, to b. beld next Tusadaeveuluei. next Saturdsv or Suuday. Mir. and lire. Roy Wrght sud itle iirafted men "tlh preious îulitary F.B " O E ?r Belsu Esther cîturued un lant Saturday expeileuce are 10 be s"nt Irst ta tfh- 8 front a vesk'e visit at Fgarton. Wle.. robiization camps wherever possi J. A. tlelloy hasves toanorov for Dii- ble, the van depanement at Wsshfug - - hi Le. North Daota. viiere hoinl- ton bas mled. This ruliug vas made . tends ta @pend a couple of veskte flshlcg inu ponsp to boueands of requests aud t.utiug. i ou dratf id min ask ug ta be aiiowed le rving tioldbeng tlite Tuesday for Chicn. t10PF 010 amps in the carîtuat e go, vhera ho i i iviilfriands Ion a lev groups.- day.sud bld tbem gcod bye belon going )o taCamp Grant. or A fsrm traclon sldl."rn ue'a 3 4 aud made by the Joliet Où Traettoit.e- rOO LATE TO CLAbS!Fy . oany paased dowu lilîvankes avenue ________________ m )n LouIs Wambeng, vho hmbahesu em. ployad s ogisSeen o the SI. Paul rail. road bai eulisted lu the Nsvy as an engfinser. =Joasph Beiiger le bulding a cottage on Division cirait. vblcb. vhen comn- plèed, promies 10 hi oua o! the ulcet houmsla out eliy. A crev of ton mou are iugaged lu thia vlinti lu th. reoutructlou o! the Poi- tai Telerpb conepauy's fiues belves Cbieago andI Mlwaukee. lin, sud lira. H. A. Boyeoienertalnîp tb. l~iter'i parants front Highland Park duada,, the. suIve part, maklug s trip tu Ivanbos lu the atatennoon. fr. iot ,vhlch vlatid this mocilon Monday nîgat la rq»ponW t10 bave dld conaldenable damaile lu oseaWoallîla., vine lu othen placemlInmued 10 b. yeny s l un oy, B. . F. White vili go Ilo Atluch aller lb.e rly serviesu d ai * wýjplàcopài cburst 11ai il ock the service viiibe Wa by A. D. Kolksbeck. Tropte, 'ielgPrayer." Mr. and lMra.Peter Bocklmsu, Mr. éd lire. FMe Bo.kski an sd Auna Miler villid Louis Boclelman sud Chai-le Bsrnard aibflockibrd Suansd report thi oui boyse » gethm gon lino. Lait venirvs Senilonod tbat Fred Jacob aitteded a Erwm nBarber. pila. Il ahould bave read ,ornepmsuBarbera piculo. Freètjumàped on us vitb bolh let a"lr tIk*ýàper vasont asudvbu ho vas anu4,nsrkc&U irougb and ve did't blazue hlma lifk. 8. J. Deoinl la addsd t10 hie sonth Maigstre a met 1*market. Bs bus l. @Wiled a perfection collng ront, vhich Is lu evei WYvan sd affenda Ueciitlssfor th. eepismuansd groom aËi! lu gond -ondtion. Itlàb a bl«g Isprovimomttu hie "ore "stroll as Imssug on nermase lhie baslass me &at pol ommodailoato lhonai vho Iv o h "th aideMr. Doinwsn bas *W #" Md la vwondorti« flg a Mondai eveung, distlnetly cattiug lte mouogram lu the surface o!fiii. sireet lu le yak..1ý The young people af lb. Epvàrth League viii cerve a Military "uPpW next Tburoday eeeuluî, Sept. le inluthe itymnaalum oI the M. EL nluunch. A epleudid supper. Adulte 85c,cbldrsn 25c. 0Owlng to the fat that the band vaut tocheer the cîxteen boys vho dopati-l Wednesdaày eveulng oflmbIsoe ak Ion Camp Grant aI llockfordé the regniar couceari due 10 b given tbatovenlug a. postponed untîl Saturday evsalng. The Lberty Iheatre bas aa pecla4hov hooked for toulght. Somte extra bood films have bien procured for Ibis attrac- tion and lovera o? the movvfll uI o douhi appreclate the effort of tt hastre management lu aeunlng tii extra gond bill. Sunday brought s very niiesable change lu the. trefile onMulvankes avenue. A gr.a& t!b0lkerssoria closed atter Labon day huilasse The vesthen turusd no ecold bailavventured oui sud lb, result vas ihait aie trallic jll on aisauimeenlj'-llveperceui cern parei vlth a l6v veekc mgoô. OBITUARV Wiliam Alfred Milen,wviii kaovn lu tbis commnniy asnoteolid settles 01 Lake coualy. vasb@ein la Mlxio, Owego county, New York, Jmaay 15, 1826. sud paaeed saalaibibb omealu làbsnl.yvlle on Sept. 5. 1917, blng lu hie 92e4 peau at lb. lima nofbis dsmlss. lin.Miller vas unlted la maras. to lila Seman Graham Dac. 80, 1847, sud tuon hoin home vira bora ali f wun survive bisdepatur-l vo dauansd onecou.aile.son, Wlliia . lihiiand on. dauiter. lila Clana S. MWer reelde la LUbsrizvlle sud hie <osut danghtsu, lire. Eboda J. Yager. rssldés la Wanke. g8". 1 la-1855 lin. Milîlaer elteLake ooanaiw sud lved st du!siai plinl 188 libueehild oun ia msS ofe UAbenlyviie vere hé ivod.aflot snn oan. AbOni four ymars mgO h.,moved 1 tuL%fl wlle hre ha âlivongl e mdad*e.- ~*&WnhS. v plied wih the new one@ id 'will give a ice for OId Books 3of Condition adopted for thbe comlng ëB »rug -I Ceel FOR SALE-I have Ivo houfes aud lot@ '( ~ .. ~ ' ou tbe corner otf inIt St. aud Newberry Avi. for sale very rea@ouabie. -Henry .:; Doebler, Phone 221-R. P. U Box 482. Libertyclille.3e FOR SALE-10 4.P.Stover Hopper Coied Eugmue; 12 f.P. FaIrban lisKero. h ee Englue; both prsctfcally uew. ceep. Sehanck Hardvare Co0. 17el FOR SALE-Houehnfd furniture. Par-. 4. on @et, Diuiug room @et, eeverai bed raom, set@ and ail that goee to furuicb a bomne. H. Brundrett, Phone 89, Liberty- ville. 3p WANTEO-To rnl or buy a tarin of 80 acre., vlih or witiioni etock sud Implementa. Addrese 0. J. S. Indepeu. 0dent. 37el ORIVING MORSE-Auy ou@ vlsblnirto purchase a drivlug hos,one e hat a vornan eau drive, genUle lu evenyvay; sound lu evîry neepeot. Aiso harnaim eand buggy. Phoue Libertyviile 291-Ml! mai e. n e. m:mCO0RSE T S e -- * e. hgb ir pnicad in tii. noar future. We bave j"at toswd our Fali stock of Thmnson Glove-Fltting Corsets, wii we will»Ult the old pricea while theY lm&t.Wlohave one numbor in thesè which w. have priced apecmw at 80 cents. Tia germent i. equal to many n.wfo**d dt $0.Othoer Thoumn modula at $1»00, $1.50%$2 and $3.00. A lot of new Brasaieres also. Fi,. diforea styles, aul at 50 cents. W. .W. CARftOLL SCHANCKJj~ s~ s .~ - rbe r.Igoer meeting 0 o~P6m,» Md Teacher8' aaeoclatlon vifi ha boit la #do 0vsemh),y room of! theiLib.etyvIlb tovu- ihip bi ool building on FMa'5 - D utweoou, September 14, atfiSOo'eloot lire lugrabam. inetrnet pvof o!deuas the grammar eChool, viii tsk on*» Vallie of Mutdc ln the ljradme." W. là. Kuruner. priPcipal o! tbe grtfmt ehoei. sud J. N. Tbrogmoston, peinai. pal Wf the towrghip hiigh ehool, viii 4. dremie the meeting. Followlug Ibe pro. grani a reeeptiou viii b. tenuild b lias - teachers of ifi Gramna ud~ i mchoole. Ailxi'gTery e. .741,42 1t r uied to attend. ...- IlT. A. Rteynoldi cloaing out asie ui 9 entinue for 30 dalm longer. Ail gooda aI redured puce.i The hndapmamst lu" SMU Usne IndependeýtW&utsd». Th.yPSy .ildren;RJ échool :cation in futUre Mie is her education. Dont let .ot fully supplied with the Their leaxning power are te hardahip of a handicap. Full Line of SUPPLIES bmncia, Ps, Tablet ion BookEs, Spdmgs er, etc Tihe Univer- 1Text Books

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